Produce and Evaluate A Creative Text-Based Presentation (Statement T-Shirt) Using Design Principle and Elements (MIL11/12TIM
Produce and Evaluate A Creative Text-Based Presentation (Statement T-Shirt) Using Design Principle and Elements (MIL11/12TIM
Produce and Evaluate A Creative Text-Based Presentation (Statement T-Shirt) Using Design Principle and Elements (MIL11/12TIM
C. Learning 1. Cites studies showing proofs 1. Describes the different 1. Describes the different 1. produce and evaluate a
Competencies/ of positive and negative effects dimensions of text information dimensions of text information and
creative text-based
Objectives of media ,information on and media (MIL11/12TIM-IVb- media (MIL11/12TIM-IVb-3);
3); 2. comprehend how text information presentation (statement t-
individual and society. 2. comprehend how text and media is/are formally and shirt) using design principle
2. describes the different information and media is/are informally produced, organized, and elements (MIL11/12TIM-
dimensions of people media formally and informally and disseminated (MIL11/12TIM-
produced, organized, and IVb-4)
3. Categorizes different disseminated (MIL11/12TIM- 3. Evaluate the reliability and
examples of people and state IVb-4) validity of text information and
reasons for such categorization 3. Evaluate the reliability and media and its/ their sources using
MIL11/12PM-IVa-2 validity of text information and selection criteria (MIL11/12TIM-
media and its/ their sources IVb-5)
using selection criteria
D. Unpacking of a. Cites studies showing a. Describes the different a. Describes the different a. design a statement t-shirt
Competencies proofs of positive and dimensions of text information dimensions of text information and applying design principles and
negative effects of and media. media. elements in text (SSHS);
media ,information on 2. comprehend how text 2. comprehend how text information
information and media is/are and media is/are formally and
individual and society. formally and informally informally produced, organized,
b. describes the different produced, organized, and and disseminated.
dimensions of people disseminated. 3. Evaluate the reliability and
media 3. Evaluate the reliability and validity of text information and
c. Categorizes different validity of text information and media and its/ their sources using
examples of people and state media and its/ their sources selection criteria.
reasons for such categorization using selection criteria. a.
II. CONTENT People Media Text Information And Media Text Information And Media Text Information And Media
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials Powerpoint Powerpoint Powerpoint Internet
from Learning Resources Presentation/iNTERNET Presentation/iNTERNET Presentation/iNTERNET
B. Other Learning Photo Editing Software
A. Reviewing Review and Continuation of the New Lesson Continuation of the lesson Continuation of the lesson
previous lesson or past lesson/
presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose Activate Objectives for the day Activate Objectives for the day Activate Objectives for the day Activate Objectives for the day
the lesson Activation of LC
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skill #2
(if needed)
F. Developing Mastery Group Activity: Case Study Group Activity Group Activity
(Leads to Formative Discuss text design principles and Create a design for applying the
Assessment 3) Analysis thru: elements applied in the following Design Principle and Elements
Quiz, Q&A, IA/ Seatwork, media.
GA, TPS/Worksheet
H. Making generalizations
& abstractions about the
lesson Abstraction/
I. Evaluating Learning
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
Take Home/Advance
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for reme-diation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover w/c I wish to
share w/ other teachers?