ICT581 Assignment 1 2023 Yassir
ICT581 Assignment 1 2023 Yassir
ICT581 Assignment 1 2023 Yassir
Assignment 1
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The assignment involves several exercises of some systems analysis activities based on the
material covered in Topics 3-6. It requires you to carry out early systems design activities for
the Weddings Parties Everything system described here. Read the case study on the next
page and answer the questions following.
QuestionTask Marks
1 Trigger & Benefit 10
2 Stakeholders 10
3 Assumptions 10
4 (a) Functional requirements 10
(b) Non-functional requirements 10
5 (a) User Goal technique 10
(b) Event Decomposition technique 10
6 Domain model class diagram 20
GENERAL Report writing including layout, formatting, table of contents, 10
references and proofreading.
The case study: Weddings, Parties, Everything Catering Services System
Just about every event these days is expected to have a professionally catered menu to
accompany it. Weddings, conferences, corporate events, birthdays, anniversaries,
graduations and parties are just some of the different types of events where people want to
have that special food and drink experience.
WPE has been partly manual for the first few months of their operation, but now needs a
new system to automate their business of putting together the right customer with the right
caterer. They intend to roll the system out nationally, from their original base in WA. Edison
Guacamole, the owner/manager of WPE, has contacted you for help.
The two sides to the system are, of course, the caterers and the customers. Caterers register
on the WPE system by providing their business name, description, types of services they
provide (selected from a list), their location (city and postcode), link to their own website,
and contact email. ‘Verified’ caterers are those that have provided their ABN, business
name, logo, and proof of current Public Liability or Professional Indemnity insurance to the
system. Using a verified caterer provides additional confidence to customers that they are
using a legitimate business.
Caterers pay to use the WPE system: this is done through purchasing a number of ‘credits’
when they register. Payment for credits is done through PayPal outside of the WPE system,
although WPE also keeps a record of the transactions. Credits are used for preparing quotes
for customers, with every quote costing the same number of credits. Credits expire after
three months, and the system will notify the caterer that they need to purchase more
credits in order to be able to quote. The system also notifies the caterer if they have run out
of credit.
Customers do not need to pay in order to use the WPE system. When a customer requires a
quote for a catering job, they submit their requirements through an online form. They
supply their postcode location and a list of requirements, including type of event (buffet,
dinner party, food truck, cocktail party, etc); broad type of cuisine (Australian, French,
Chinese, Mexican, Indian, etc); number of people to be catered for; budget per person;
service required (delivery only, wait staff, bar staff, etc), date of event, and any further
instructions. They also supply an email address they can be contacted through. This email
address also provides them with access to their account where they can see the status of all
their job requests. The account is created when they submit their first job request.
Once the customer request for a catering job has been submitted, the WPE system matches
the request with the catering services that are registered with it, and determines the three
caterers that could best meet the customer’s requirements. These caterers are then notified
via email that there is an open request for quotation.
The caterers then respond to the customer with a detailed quote. The quote includes the
cost estimate, a flag indicating whether further information is required for a complete
quote, and any comments. This information is provided in an online form that the caterer
completes and the system sends to the customer.
The customer receives an email including the same information that the caterer has
provided in the quote form. The caterer and the customer may then discuss the job directly
(outside the WPE system) in order to arrive at a final decision. To help make up their mind,
the customer may also read more about the caterer in the profile they have provided to
WPE, the caterer’s own website, and in the reviews that have been posted to WPE.
Once the customer has decided on a caterer, they return to their account on the WPE site
and choose the ‘hired’ option against the relevant caterer’s quote for the job request. When
this has been done, the other caterers who quoted are automatically notified that their
quote was unsuccessful. If none of the quotes suits the customer, they may choose to enter
‘unsuccessful’ directly against the quotes.
Obviously, the success of WPE depends on its ability to provide the best caterers for a
customer so that they can be confident in using it. Various summary reports are provided
each month so that Edison can monitor the health of the business. These include the
percentage of quotes that were successful in obtaining a booking for a catering job; and the
average satisfaction rating of completed catering jobs. The revenue to WPE in terms of
payments for credit is also reported, broken down for each capital city.
• You may need to make assumptions where information in the case is incomplete.: state
any assumptions clearly.
• Include related cases for the proposed features and assumption in the model and
diagram and explain how it relates to other cases.
• Your diagrams should be drawn using Visio (or a suitable alternative that creates UML
diagrams). Use the appropriate template for each diagram type. Make sure your
diagrams are clear and readable.
• Your diagrams must follow correct UML notation and naming conventions, and each
diagram should include a title and legend.
• Your models, diagrams and discussions should be consistent with one another
throughout your analysis and design.
• Ensure your work is clearly and professionally presented, proofread for spelling and
grammar, with a title page and table of contents. Start each main question on a new
• Note that identical answers without sufficient description and explanation may be
considered plagiarism and result in penalties. Please read the case carefully and provide
the best solution of your own in your own words.
Q1. Describe the trigger of the Weddings Parties Everything system (WPE) and explain
the benefit WPE would bring. Write in your own words and explain the reasons for
Q2. List the main stakeholders for the Weddings Parties Everything system (WPE). For
each stakeholder, describe their interest in the system and what aspects of it are of
particular relevance to them (You do not need to categorize the stakeholders. Don’t
include the systems development team).
Q3. Make assumptions about where information in the case is incomplete and where
WPE can be improved around a given case. Discuss the proposed assumptions.
Q4. (a) List and briefly describe the main functional requirements for the WPE.
(b) List and briefly describe the main nonfunctional requirements for the WPE.
Q5. (a) Use the User Goal technique to develop a list of use cases for the WPE.
Present your list in a table that includes the participating actors, use case name
and brief use case description.
(b) Use the Event Decomposition technique to identify any additional use cases
for the WPE. These will probably be temporal and state event types. Present
your list in a table that includes the event, type of event, use case name, and
brief use case description. You do not need to repeat the use cases you
identified in (a) here.
Q6. Create a domain model class diagram for the WPE, including all classes, attributes,
associations, and multiplicity. Show association classes and generalisation
hierarchies where appropriate. Include related cases for the proposed assumptions
in the diagram and explain how it relates to other cases.