Chemistry 673: Symmetry and Group Theory in Chemistry
Chemistry 673: Symmetry and Group Theory in Chemistry
Chemistry 673: Symmetry and Group Theory in Chemistry
Tim Hughbanks
! B.S.
in Chemistry, U. of Washington, 1977 ! Ph.D., Cornell, 1983 ! Faculty member at TAMU since 1987 ! Office: Chemistry Building, Room 330 ! Office phone: 845-0215 ! Office Hrs: Tues. 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Other times are OK too!
! e-mail:
! This
course is for 3 credits. ! Lecture: 2 ! 75 min/week; TTh 12:45 - 2:00, Room 2121
! Grades
will be based on the homework (roughly 50%), midterm and final exams ! Class web site: rgroup/hughbanks/courses/673/ chem673.html
text is well written, right level but is becoming dated (some students dislike the style) we follow the text most closely in the first half of the course and deviate from it considerably in the 2nd half
text is informally written, supplies physical background missing in Cotton (goes further than I will, but used for Chem 634 anyway). Dover edition is cheap!
! Group
! Undergraduate
chemistry courses, especially inorganic and physical chemistry ! Usual math courses for scientists, especially linear algebra. ! If you have not had linear algebra, then familiarity with vectors and matrices acquired elsewhere may suffice dont wait to review these topics, do so this week! - Minimum background: Appendix in Cottons text.
! Please
try to keep ahead in reading ! This will allow me to avoid much mathematical detail in class. This is desirable because theorems and proofs become tedious and sometimes get screwed up - even when obvious! ! Start with the first 3 chapters now! ! Download and read the material on Determinants and Matrices from the web.
The first two problem sets, #1a and #1b, are posted on the class web site. Problem Set 1a is math. I wont spend much time on it, but Im willing to reserve a room for Thursday night to help out people who are feeling lost. The grading weights on the problem sets are anticipated to be: 1a: 5%, 1b 5: 9% each, 50% total.
recent branch of mathematics. Early principles were developed by variste Galois (killed in a duel in 1832 at age 21), and Niels Abel (died in 1829 at age 26 of TB). ! First formal definition of a group was given by Cayley in 1854. Cayley, Hamilton, and Sylvester laid out fundamentals of matrices matrix groups. ! Fedorov pioneered the application of group theory to crystallography.
1873, Marius Sophus Lie began research into the theory of Lie groups (not touched upon in this course).
At that time, mathematicians felt that they had finally invented something of no possible use to natural scientists. However... Robert Gilmore, Lie Groups Lie Algebras and Some of Their Applications
! Group
Properties of Groups
! Closure:
product of any two group elements (operations) is a group element (operation), including squares ! One element, the identity, commutes with all others ! Associative property holds (commutative property does not necessarily hold) ! Every element (operation) has an inverse which is also a group element (operation)
Simple Examples
! The
integers, under the operation of addition? ! The integers, under the operation of multiplication? ! Relevant Example: A simple symmetry group, C2v
forms an continuous, infinite-order group, where the product is assumed to be defined by the usual definition of matrix multiplication. ! Proof ? Geometric Interpretation? ! The group is called SO(2), the Special Orthogonal Group of order 2
the members of a group are called elements ! In symmetry groups these elements are called operations - the term element is reserved for something else: ! The term symmetry element refers to a geometrical entity (a point, a line or axis, or a plane) about which the operation is defined.
(in a plane) ! Inversion (through a point) ! Rotation (about a proper axis) - through an angle 2#/n ! Improper Rotation (about an improper axis) ! Identity (do nothing)
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Defining Properties
! The
product of any two elements in the group and the square of each element must be an element in the group. ! One element in the group must commute with all others and leave them unchanged. ! The associative law of multiplication must hold
element must have a reciprocal, which is also an element of the group. ! The reciprocal of a product of two or more elements is equal to the product of the reciprocals, in reverse order.
row and each column in the group multiplication table lists each of the group elements once and only once. (Why must this be true?) From this, it follows that no two rows may be identical. Thus each row and each column is a rearranged list of the group elements.
! A subgroup
is a group within another group- a subset of group elements. A supergroup is a group obtained by adding new elements to a group (to give a larger group). ! The order of any subgroup g of a group of order h must be a divisor of h:
h g = k where k is an integer
is said to be conjugate with B, if there exists any element of the group, X, such that
A = X !1BX (i) Every element is conjugate with itself. (ii) If A is conjugate with B, then B is conjugate with A. (iii) If A is conjugate with B and C, then B and C are conjugate with each other.
Classes, cont.
! A complete
set of elements that are conjugate to one another within a group is called a class of the group. The number of elements in a class is called its order. orders of all classes must be integral factors of the order of the group.
! The