Gr-7 Apititude Test Paper 2022-23 (Hindi)
Gr-7 Apititude Test Paper 2022-23 (Hindi)
Gr-7 Apititude Test Paper 2022-23 (Hindi)
1. The greatest 4 digit number is _______________ and the smallest 5 digit number is _____________
5. Write the
6. Convert
3 cm 3 cm
4 cm 4 cm
5 cm
With the help of prefixes given in the box, form the antonyms of the words given.
1. literate ______________________
2. fortunate ______________________
3. normal ______________________
4. relevant ______________________
IV Fill in the blanks with most appropriate modals to complete the sentences: 2M
V Writing: 3M
1. Autotrophs make their own food by using simple substances from their surroundings, through
4. The device used for measuring blood pressure of human being is …………………………. .
c) Pebbles and shells are separated from sand using hand picking and sieving.
a) A and B together are called the male parts of a flower, Name the male part ...................………..
b) What is the other name of the colourful part of the flower ...................………..
c) ‘C’ is the female part of the flower present in the ovary. Identifiy ‘C’ is ...................………..
(i) पेड़ों का सिताज (ii) पेड़ों का दास (iii) ईश्वि (iv) इनमें से कोई नह ं
(i) बहाि में (ii) पतिड़ में (iii) वर्ाा में (iv) सिद में
(i) उसके फूलों का पिाग ले जाती थीं (ii) फूल ले जाती थीं