Gr-7 Apititude Test Paper 2022-23 (Hindi)

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Grade: VII Marks: 45

Math: 10 Eng: 10 Soc/Sci: 15 Hindi: 10
Name of the student: _______________

Subject: Math 10 Marks

1. The greatest 4 digit number is _______________ and the smallest 5 digit number is _____________

2. Write the numerals and place the commas correctly

Nine crore five lakhs forty one ______________________

3. Round off 3985 to nearest hundred _________________

4. Roman numeral for 199 is _________________

5. Write the

divisibility rule for 6: _______________________________________________________________


6. Convert

6kg 8g into kg ________________

7. Prime numbers less than 20 are _________________________

8. L.C.M of 12 and 18 is ________________________________

9. Perimeter of the figure is ______________________________ 1 cm 1 cm

3 cm 3 cm

4 cm 4 cm

5 cm

10. A cube has _______________ vertices, ________________edges, _____________ faces.

SIIS/2022-23/ G-7/Aptitude Test/QP/1

Subject: English 10 Marks

I Identify the voice (Active / Passive) of the given sentences: 2M

1. Prem received the trophy. __________________________

2. The mouse was chased by the cat. ____________________

II Rewrite the given sentence in indirect speech: 1M

She said, “I have written the letter.”


III Word Building: 2M

With the help of prefixes given in the box, form the antonyms of the words given.

ir, un, il, ab

1. literate ______________________

2. fortunate ______________________

3. normal ______________________

4. relevant ______________________

IV Fill in the blanks with most appropriate modals to complete the sentences: 2M

1. Ramesh ______________ certainly call. He said so. (should / will)

2. _______________ I use your phone please? (could / would)

V Writing: 3M

1. Write about yourself in a paragraph of 30-40 words.

(include your name, place you stay, your hobbies, your ambition)






SIIS/2022-23/ G-7/Aptitude Test/QP/2

Subject: Social 05 Marks

1. Muhammad Ghazni attacked the temples of India to [ ]

a. Replace it with mosques b. destroy Hinduism
c. take away the wealth d. punish the priests
2. Mid-Day scheme of the Government for children can help in providing [ ]
a. atleast one meal per day b. nutritional benefits
c. education d. All of the above
3. Name the layer of the earth on which we live [ ]
a. crust b. Mantle c. core d. outer core
4. If you are interested in numismatics, you will be study in [ ]
a. ancient art b. paintings c. coins d. statues
5. Prashasti’s were written to [ ]
a. issue orders b. praise the king c. threaten the opponents d. make war plans

Subject: Science 10-Marks

I Fill in the blanks. 5M

1. Autotrophs make their own food by using simple substances from their surroundings, through


2. The soaking of jute stalks to separate the fibres is known as …………..…………….

3. The area where an organism naturally lives is called as its …………………………..

4. The device used for measuring blood pressure of human being is …………………………. .

5. One complete movement of a pendulum is called an …………………………….

II Multiple choice questions: 2M

1. Choose the incorrect statement. ( )

a) Cream is separated from milk using filtration method

b) Sand and water separated using sedimentation, decantation and filtration

c) Pebbles and shells are separated from sand using hand picking and sieving.

d) Sugar is separated from solution using distillation.

SIIS/2022-23/ G-7/Aptitude Test/QP/3

2. In which of the following cases, the evaporation of water will be slowest? ( )

a) A tray of water kept in sunlight.

b) A kettle of water kept on a burner.

c) A glass of water kept in a room.

d) A bucket of water kept on a rooftop.

III Give reason for the following: 1M

The arrangement of all the components of an electric circuit are properly arranged as shown in the figure
given below. But Rohan observed the bulb was not glowing. Why?


IV Answer the following questions looking at the figure given below: 2M


a) A and B together are called the male parts of a flower, Name the male part ...................………..

b) What is the other name of the colourful part of the flower ...................………..

c) ‘C’ is the female part of the flower present in the ovary. Identifiy ‘C’ is ...................………..

d) ...................……….. present on the anther, help in the pollination.

SIIS/2022-23/ G-7/Aptitude Test/QP/4

Subject: HINDI 10 Marks

1. निम्िलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्िों के उत्तर दीजिए- 1x4M=4M

एक जंगल में परिजात का एक पेड़ था। परिजात का कोई मुकाबला नह ं था। उसकी सुंदिता बेजोड़ थी।
उसका िं ग-रूप ननिाला था। परिजात को भी अपने गुणों का पूिा-पूिा पता था। नीले आसमान में ससि उठाए
इस शान से खड़ा िहता, मानों पेड़ों का सिताज हो। जब बहाि के ददन आते तो परिजात अनगगनत नन्हें -
नन्हें फूलों से लद जाता, लगता मानों ककसी ने आकाश से सािे तािे तोड़कि परिजात की शाखाओं पि टााँक
ददए हो। नन्हें फूलों से झिलसमलाता परिजात जब सुगंध भि पिाग जंगल में बबखेिता तो जंगल नंदन बन
जाता। चुंबक की तिह परिजात सबको अपनी तिफ़ खींचता, जजसे दे खो, वह परिजात की तिफ़ भागता ।
सतिं गी शालें ओढे चटकील नततसलयााँ सहे सलयों के साथ िुंड का िुंड बनाकि परिजात का श्ंग
र ाि दे खने आतीं
तथा जाते-जाते फूलों को खींचकि ढे िों पिाग अपने साथ ले जाती।

क) जंगल में ककसका पेड़ था?

(i) नीम (ii) परिजात (iii) पीपल (iv) आम

(ि) परिजात अपने आप को स्वयं क्या समिता था?

(i) पेड़ों का सिताज (ii) पेड़ों का दास (iii) ईश्वि (iv) इनमें से कोई नह ं

(ग) वह अनगगनत फूलों से कब लद जाता था?

(i) बहाि में (ii) पतिड़ में (iii) वर्ाा में (iv) सिद में

(घ) नततसलयााँ क्या किती थीं?

(i) उसके फूलों का पिाग ले जाती थीं (ii) फूल ले जाती थीं

(iii) डालों पि गाना गाती थीं (iv) कुछ नह ं किती थीं

प्रश्न-2: - व्याकरण: - 1x2M=2M

(i) दिए गए वाक्य में दवशेषण रे खाांदित िीदिए: -

हिमालय सबसे ऊंचा पर्वत िै ।

(ii) दिए गए वाक्य में सांज्ञा िो रे खाांदित िीदिए: -

हिमालय भारत का गौरर् िै ।

SIIS/2022-23/ G-7/Aptitude Test/QP/5

प्रश्न-3: - हिम्नहलखित हर्षय ं में से हकसी एक हर्षय पर 50-60 शब्दो में अिुच्छेद हलखिए: - 4x1M=4M

i. “मेरे सपनोां िा दवद्यालय”

ii. “मेरे दिय अध्यापि / अध्यादपिा”



























SIIS/2022-23/ G-7/Aptitude Test/QP/6

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