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Effects of Propellant Type On Low Power Arcjet Thruster Performance

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Effects of Propellant Type on Low Power Arcjet Thruster Performance

Xin-Ai Zhang1, Hai-Bin Tang1, Yu Liu1, Hai-Xing Wang1, Xi Chen2

School of Astronautics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100191, China
Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084
(Corresponding author. E-mail: whx@buaa.edu.cn)

Abstract: An experimental investigation was conducted to reveal the effects of propellant

type on low power arcjet thruster performance. Three kinds of gases, i.e. argon, nitrogen and
nitrogen/ammonia mixtures simulating decomposed hydrazine, were used as the propellants.
Important performance data, such as the thrust, the specific impulse, etc, were measured for
various arc currents and mass flow rates. When arc current was fixed to be 10 A, typical spe-
cific impulse values obtained in the experimental were 150 s, 240 s and 500 s for argon, ni-
trogen and nitrogen/ammonia used as the propellants, respectively. It was shown that the
thruster performance for the case using the nitrogen/ammonia mixture simulating hydrazine as
propellant was much better than that for the case using nitrogen or argon as the propellant.

Keywords: Arcjet performance; propellant type; experimental study

1. Introduction of efficiency, argon was the best and nitrogen was the
Arcjet thrusters use electric arc to heat the gaseous worst. The efficiency of nitrogen was extremely low,
propellant instead of a combustion reaction. Due to its about 3-5 percent, compared with other two propellants.
high specific impulse and moderate thrust levels, the arc- This low efficiency was caused by the dissociation of the
jet thruster is playing an increasing role in satellite pro- gas molecules occurring in the thruster and the large radi-
pulsion. Low power hydrazine arcjets are now used for ation loss from the thruster wall. As a result, nitrogen was
north-south position-keeping of many satellites, while not appropriate for the propellant of the arcjet thruster.
higher power or lower power designs are in development Although a large amount of studies concerning low power
for spacecraft orbit transfer or mini/nano-satellite applica- arcjet operation on nitrogen, hydrogen, ammonia, argon
tions. For those applications, the arcjet thruster could pro- and hydrogen/nitrogen /ammonia mixtures have been
vide significant propellant savings in comparison with the reported as mentioned above, the effects of propellant
monopropellant hydrazine engine or the resistojet thruster type on the performance of arcjet have not been com-
due to its higher specific impulse. Although the arcjet pletely understood. Therefore, a systematic study has
thruster has been a relatively mutual technology in the been conducted by us to investigate the effects of different
United States, many other countries are also engaged in propellants on the arcjet operation.
developing their own arcjet technology in order to employ The 1 kW arcjet thruster used in this investigation was
the arcjet thruster in their own satellites. Work is also un- designed and developed by BUAA in the recent years.
derway to extend the mission applicability of the arcjet Different dimensions and structures of arcjet thruster were
thruster by expanding the power range and by investigat- designed and used in the experimental studies. Work was
ing the possibility of using other propellants. also performed on using various materials, such as ce-
Low power arcjet operation on hydrogen/nitrogen rium-tungsten or thoriated tungsten, as the arcjet cathodes
/ammonia mixtures was reported previously. The arcjet Anodes were also fabricated from four different materials,
had a typical performance of 450 s specific impulse at 1 i.e. cerium-tungsten, thoriated tungsten, pure tungsten or
kW with hydrogen/nitrogen mixtures[1,2] as the propel- molybdenum-tungsten, and were tested in a modular
lant. It was found that the amount of ammonia present in arcjet thruster at the 1 kW power level in different expe-
the gaseous propellant had significant effect on the arcjet riments. This paper describes some recent experimental
voltage-ampere characters. Also, hydrogen/nitrogen mix- results aimed at studying the effects of propellant type on
tures simulating ammonia gave approximately the same the low-power DC arcjet thruster performance. In the
arc characteristics as those of pure ammonia. The influ- present study, arc voltage, thrust and other important pa-
ence of propellant compositions on the performance cha- rameters of arcjet thruster are measured for various mass
racteristics of a low power arcjet thruster was experimen- flow rates of argon, nitrogen, nitrogen/ammonia mixtures
tally investigated by Tanaka et al [3]. Three kinds of gases, simulating hydrazine, while the arc current of the arcjet
i.e. argon, helium and nitrogen, were used as the propel- thruster is fixed constant (i.e. I=10 A), so that the effects
lant in their studies. It was found that the specific impulse of different propellants and mass flow rates can be re-
of helium was the highest among the three gases. In terms vealed.
2. Experimental apparatus and facilities Thrust Stand

Fig. 3 Arcjet thruster mounted on the thrust stand in

RZM-1800 vacuum facility
Fig. 1 Schematic of an arcjet experimental system The thrust is measured by a thrust stand developed spe-
The test is conducted on the arcjet experimental system cially for low power arcjet thruster in BUAA, which has
developed in BUAA, shown as in Fig 1. This system in- three thrust ranges, i.e. 0~200 mN, 0~400 mN and
cludes propellant feed system, vacuum system, data ac- 0~1000 mN, and with accuracy of 1%. The thrust stand
quisition system, power control unit and thrust stand. consists of the frame assembly, flexural pivot assembly,
movable beam assembly, reactive circuit and feedback
Thruster force system, capacitor displacement sensor system, elec-
trical wires and flexible propellant feed tube. The arcjet
thruster is mounted on the movable beam assembly in
thrust-measuring test as shown in Fig 3. The propellant is
supplied to the arcjet through flexible propellant feed tube.
In thruster-measuring tests, the capacitance displacement
sensor system measures the displacement caused by the
Fig. 2 Schematic of test arcjet thruster thrust generated by the arcjet thruster and then transmits
the signal to the reactive circuit and forces electric coil
The arcjet thruster used through the test is of the con-
system to resist the motion of the movable beam assembly.
ventional, constricted-arc, vortex-stabilized design. A
The thrust stand is calibrated before each test run using a
schematic of test arcjet has been shown in Fig. 2. The
set of known free weights that are suspended from the
anode, which is also the nozzle of the thruster, is made of
thruster mount. The thrust stands of the same design have
tungsten. The converging side of the nozzle is conical and
been extensively in previous studies.
has a half angle of 30°, while the diverging or the down-
stream side of the nozzle is also conical and has a 20°
Propellant Feed System
half angle. The constrictor is 0.7 mm in diameter and 0.5
In the propellant feed system, argon, nitrogen and am-
mm in length. The cathode is made from 2 percent tho-
monia are stored and metered separately. Propellant mass
riated tungsten rod of 4 mm diameter. The arc gap in this
flow measurements and controlling are performed by
test is set to be 0.4 mm.
Model D07-7A mass flow controllers. The system can
supply the propellant to the arcjet in single gas mode or
Vacuum Facility
mixed gas mode separately according to requirements. A
All the tests are conducted in the RZM-1800 vacuum
gasket made from insulated material is used in the pro-
facility in BUAA. This vacuum facility has a 1.8 m di-
pellant feed system to insulate the propellant feed tubes
ameter and 3.2 m long vacuum chamber with four me-
from the thruster.
chanical pumps, two roughing pumps, two oil diffusion
pumps and other accessories. Each oil diffusion pump has
Power Control Unit
a rated capacity of 26000 liters/s at a pressure range of
The ground power control unit of arcjet thruster was
1.3×10-3 Pa to 6.7×10-2 Pa. The ultimate vacuum degree of
developed using the technology of inversion power with
this facility was 1.0×10-5 Pa. The chamber pressure can
insulating grid bipolarity transistor (IGBT) module. The
maintained at approximately 5 Pa when the vacuum facil-
power control unit used in this test consists of main cir-
ity is operated only with mechanical pumps and roughing
cuit, safety circuit and ignition circuit. The breakdown
voltage is around 3000 V. The output voltage ranges from
80 to 120 V, while the output current ranges from 8 to 14 The arc voltages for the case with the nitrogen/ammonia
A. The efficiency of the PCU is approximately 90%. mixture simulating hydrazine as the propellant is much
Coaxial-cables are used to link the power control unit and higher than those for the cases with nitrogen or argon as
the thruster. the propellant at small flow rates. The gas flow rates also
have an effect on the arc voltage. As the flow rate in-
Data Acquisition System creases, the arc voltage also increases. Increasing the flow
The experimental data measured through the tests in- rate increases the gas pressure and the collision frequency
clude arc voltage, arc current, thrust, mass flow rate and of gas particles in the flow. This leads to the increase of
propellant feed pressure. Arc voltage and arc current are the energy loss from the arc column. At the same time, the
measured by Hall effect sensors. Thrust is measured by arc root moves toward the downstream of the nozzle due
thrust stand with accuracy of ±1% as mentioned above. to the effect of aerodynamic force. Thus, a higher voltage
Propellant mass flow rate is measured by mass flow con- is required to sustain the arc at higher mass flow rates.
trollers with accuracy of ±2%. The measuring methods Correspondingly, the input power increases with the in-
and uncertainties of data measured in this test are listed in crease of the mass flow rates for the case that the arc cur-
Table 1. The signals of corresponding sensors are record- rent is kept constant. The input power levels of the test
ed by a thirty-two channels data acquisition system with a arcjet operating with nitrogen/ammonia mixture as the
frequency response capability of 1 kHz. Isolation amplifi- propellant increase from 1.05 to 1.19 kW when the mass
er modules and shielded cables are used to avoid the sig- flow rate increases from 19.19 to 31.29 mg/s.
nal interference. The volt-ampere characteristics of the arcjet tested in
Table 1 Data measurements uncertainty these studies are given in Fig. 6 for various arc currents
Parameter method Accuracy and propellant types. The curves in the figure illustrate
Arc Voltage Hall Effect sensor ±1%
Arc Current Hall Effect sensor ±1%
Thrust Thrust Stand ±1%
mass flow Thermal Conductivity-type
rates Mass Flow Controllers
Propellant Diaphragm-type Pressure
feed pressure Sensor

3. Results and Discussions

The purpose of this investigation is to obtain a prelimi-
nary assessment of arcjet operating characteristics and
performance with different gases, i.e. argon, nitrogen and
nitrogen/ammonia mixture, as the propellant. In all the
tests performed, the mass flow rates of argon, nitrogen,
and nitrogen/ammonia mixture are set to be 70~110 mg/s,
40~80 mg/s, and 19.19~31.29 mg/s respectively.
Fig. 4 shows the arcjet plume in the vacuum chamber Fig. 4 Arcjet operating with different propellants in va-
operating with argon, nitrogen and nitrogen/ammonia
mixture as the propellants for the case that the arc current cuum chamber (arc current I =10 A)
is fixed to be 10 A. With the argon as the propellant, the 120
arcjet plume is red and constricted. The plume of the arc- Nitrogen and Ammonia
jet with the nitrogen as propellant is weak and diffuse. 100 Argon
When nitrogen/ammonia is used as propellant, the plume

of arcjet is brighter and the nozzle becomes red. 80

In the present study, voltage and thrust measurements
are taken as the function of the flow rate of argon, nitro- 60

gen or nitrogen/ammonia mixture simulating hydrazine.

Variations of measured voltage with flow rate for different
propellants are shown in Fig. 5 for the case with the arc 20
current of 10 A. It is shown that the arcjet thruster oper- 20 40 60 80 100
Mass Flow Rate(mg/s)
ates on different voltage or power ranges when different
working gases are used as the propellant for a constant arc Fig. 5 Variation of the thrust with the mass flow rates
current. For each kind of the propellant, the arc voltage of
arcjet thrust increases with the increase of mass flow rate. for different propellants (arc current I =10 A)
typical arcjet behavior throughout the tests on all the pro- different propellants. When argon is used as the propellant,
pellants. In all tests, the voltage level was seen to decrease the thrust of arcjet thruster is much smaller than that for
with increasing current levels. In other word, low current the case using nitrogen, especially using nitrogen
operation required high operating voltages. /ammonia mixture as the propellant. Correspondingly, the
nitrogen/ammonia mixture gives a specific impulse level
approximately 250 s higher than the nitrogen and 350 s
100 Nitrogen and Ammonia
higher than argon. For the case using nitrogen/ammonia
Nitrogen as propellant, a maximum specific impulse of 528 s is

80 achieved with the mass flow rate of 23.75 mg/s. The
arcjet thruster assumes high thrust level even at low mass
flow rates for the case using nitrogen/ammonia mixture as
the propellant. It means that using the nitrogen/ammonia
mixture can give appreciably higher specific impulse than
20 using nitrogen or argon.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Current(A) 60
Nitrogen and Ammonia

Specific Power(MJ/kg)
50 Nitrogen
Fig. 6 Voltage-Ampere characteristics with different Argon
gases as propellants 40

Nitrogen and Ammonia
180 Nitrogen

140 20 40 60 80 100
Mass Flow Rate(mg/s)
Fig. 9 Variation of the specific power with the mass flow
100 rates for different propellants (arc current I=10 A)
20 40 60 80 100 4. Conclusions
Mass Flow Rate(mg/s)
In this study, tests are conducted to reveal the effects
Fig. 7 Variation of the thrust with the mass flow rates for of propellant types on low power DC arcjet thruster per-
formance. Some important performance data, such as the
different propellant (arc current I=10 A) thrust, arc voltage, specific impulse and specific power of
arcjet thrust are measured in the tests with argon, nitrogen
Nitrogen and Ammonia and nitrogen/ammonia mixture simulating hydrazine as
the propellants. Over the arc current range tested, arc vol-
Specific Impulse(s)

400 tage decreases with increasing arc current. For the range
of mass flow rates tested for different propellants, in-
crease in mass flow rate leads to the increase of the arc
voltage. The experimental results show that the arcjet
thruster operating with nitrogen/ammonia mixture can
give better performance than that with nitrogen or argon
as the propellant.
20 40 60 80 100
Mass Flow Rate(mg/s)
Fig. 8 Variation of the specific impulse with the mass This study was supported by the National Natural
flow rates for different propellants (arc current I=10 A) Science Foundation of China (No. 50836007)

Typical performance data of arcjet thruster, such as References

thrust, specific impulse and specific power of the arcjet [1] G. Cruciani, W. D. Deininger, AIAA Paper, 93-1900.
thruster with different propellants in the tests are shown in [2] T. L. Hardy, F. M. Curran, AIAA Paper, 87-1948.
Fig. 7, Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, respectively. Fig. 7 shows that all [3] K. I. Tanaka, A. Fukatsu, International Syposium on
the curves display the same general trends, i.e. the thrust Space Technology and Science, 1990, p. 395-400
of arcjet increases with increasing mass flow rates for

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