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The Open University of Sri Lanka .............................................................................. 3

The Faculty of Management Studies ........................................................................... 4
Academic Departments ............................................................................................... 4
The Open and Distance Learning System ................................................................... 5
MSc in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management Programme ................. 5
Admission Requirements ............................................................................................ 6
Application Fee ........................................................................................................... 6
Course Fee ................................................................................................................... 6
Application Procedure ................................................................................................. 6
Programme Structure ................................................................................................... 7
Programme Duration ................................................................................................... 8
MSc in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management Programme - Structure
and Course List ............................................................................................................ 9
Registration................................................................................................................ 10
Inauguration Ceremony ............................................................................................. 10
Delivery, Assessments, and Examinations ................................................................ 11
Evaluation of Credit Courses .................................................................................... 11
Evaluation of the Dissertation ................................................................................... 11
Exemptions ................................................................................................................ 12
Post Graduate Diploma in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management ..... 12
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Programme - Structure and Course List .................................................................... 13

1. The Open University of Sri Lanka

The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) was established in 1980 under the University Act
No. 16 of 1978 and the OUSL Ordinance No 01 of 1990. Therefore, it has the same legal and
academic status as any other national university in Sri Lanka. The OUSL is the only national
university in Sri Lanka, where one can pursue higher education solely by distance education
techniques in keeping with the philosophy of OPEN & DISTANCE LEARNING (ODL). The
OUSL is an attractive choice of study, especially for those employed. The current student
population is around 35,000. The OUSL offers courses/programmes from the Foundation and
Certificate level through Bachelor’s to Masters and PhD degrees. The structure of study
programmes provides opportunities for those who complete one programme to progress up the
ladder and further improve their educational qualifications. Education at OUSL is thus a life-
long experience. The OUSL functions through a network of centres spread throughout the
island. The Central Campus and the Colombo Regional Centre of the Open University are
located in Nawala-Colombo and are easily accessible by road and railway. The academic
departments of the University are grouped into six Faculties: Education, Engineering
Technology, Health Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and
Management Studies.

2. The Faculty of Management Studies

The Faculty of Management Studies, as the 6th Faculty of the OUSL, formally commenced its
operations on 08th May 2019. It consists of the four Academic Departments: Accounting &
Finance, Human Resources Management, and Marketing Management & Organizational

3. Academic Departments

➢ Department of Marketing Management

The Department of Marketing Management aims to create responsible citizens who strive to
achieve and sustain the satisfaction of customers and the organization, whereby understanding
the needs of customers, creating innovative offerings, and delivering the needs to sustain
value for organization. The Department of Marketing Management is the responsible
department which coordinates the MSc in Public Procurement and Supply Chain
Management Programme with the support from the other academic departments. They are:

➢ Department of Accounting & Finance

The Department of Accounting & Finance at the OUSL strives to be the prime academic unit
in disseminate knowledge and explore insights to bridge the knowledge gaps in the field of
accounting and finance. This is with the purpose to equip our leaners with the required
knowledge base and skill set to excel in their chosen careers.

➢ Department of Human Resources Management

The Department of Human Resources Management strives to be the center for higher education
relating to management of human resources. The department aim to create ethical and
empathetic human resource professionals and great business partners, who are sensitive and
proactive in handling the issues relating to human resource management and development.
Thus, the department facilitates the knowledge propagation and creation, relating to the field
of human resource management, to provide awareness on the theories, strategies and practices
to create best workplace.

➢ Department of Organizational Studies

The Department of organizational studies undertake efforts to create awareness in relation to

management discipline and inculcate appropriate skills and attitudes to create excellent
productive business leaders. In today’s business world, high performing business leaders or
management professionals are in demand. Thus, the department is contributing to cater the felt
need of productive and proactive business management leaders. In this endeavor, the
department strongly emphasis on theory driven empirical research and teaching rooted in the
social, cultural, legal, environmental, and economic and behavioral sciences.

4. The Open and Distance Learning System

The study system of the OUSL is based on Open and distance learning approach which offers
open and flexible access to learning opportunities to anyone, anywhere at any time. It is
different to the traditional study system employed by the national universities in Sri Lanka,
which is most of you are familiar with. Regular attendance at the University is not required
and is therefore well suited for those of you who are employed or engaged with other
commitments. Student learning is facilitated through carefully prepared course materials
suitable for self-learning. The course material is digitally available and they are supplemented with
audio visual and other online learning materials. Student progress in courses is evaluated at
different time intervals using a variety of assessment methods such as continuous
assessments, assignment tests and final examinations. Students should be registered online
for final examinations.

5. MSc in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management Programme

Today managing procurement, logistics and supply chains sustainably are globally recognized trends
and becoming most demanded professional fields around the world. Those areas have become utmost
important strategic requirements of implementing sustainable, transparent and accountable practices
with good governance to minimize the unethical fraudulent practices in an any origination, which
needs to sustain in this digitized world.

In order to cater such demand MSc in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management is designed
by the Faculty of Management Studies, The Open University of Sri Lanka with sector-leading experts
and well-established industry connections to enrich you with cutting-edge knowledge on Public
Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management. The public sector is the largest purchaser,

and stakeholder of many business firms.

MSc in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management is specifically caters to

o To Public sector officers

o To Private sector professionals
o Professionals working abroad
o Professionals seek future career prospects in procurement, logistics and supply chains

➢ Admission Requirements
A person seeking admission to the programme of study leading to the award of the Degree of Master
of Science in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management shall be required to have,

▪ A Bachelor’s degree with at least ninety (90) credits from a recognized university, with
executive/ managerial experience of a minimum of one (01) year, OR

▪ A professional qualification equivalent to SLQF Level 5 or above with executive/

managerial experience of a minimum of two (02) years, OR

▪ An equivalent or higher academic or professional qualification acceptable to the Senate

with executive/ managerial experience of a minimum of two (02) years.

➢ Application Fee

Initially, Candidate should register for the course by paying Rs.1500/= as an application fee.

➢ Course Fee
Candidates must settle the course fee in two (02) installments.

First Installment Rs. 257,100/=

Second Installment Rs. 195,950/=

➢ Application Procedure
APPLICATIONS for Programme must be submitted online. First you need to create an

online login account. Then only you can proceed to submit your application online.
1. In the internet browser type: https://reginfo.ou.ac.lk/applyonline/

2. Register once by creating a new account. To do this, click on create new account as per the
instructions given in the page.

Note: You need to provide information considered as MANDATORY including an email

address and a mobile number, both of which may be your own or of a family
member/friend. The university may use them to communicate with you, to acknowledge
receipt of your applications and to provide you additional information as and when
3. Once your account has been created you can proceed to submit your application online.
For this you need to go to “Online Application” and proceed by entering your username
and password and then fill the online application form. Once you have filled all sections,
submit the form (Please remember your username and password, since it is required for you
to login to your account later).
Select the payment method and proceed further by following the instructions given.
Application fee is Rs. 1500/=. You can pay this amount by credit/debit card or eZ cash.
Applicants who do not have a Credit/Debit card or eZ cash facility can make the
respective payment by cash to any Regional or Study Centre of the OUSL.

4. Download the “Admission Form for the Selection Test” which will be generated for you
after successful completion of the application process. Make a printout of the “Admission
Form” as it is essential to produce it at the selection test.

Those who need assistance with the online application process can call over at any one of the
Regional or Study Centers with the following information: Full name of applicant with address,
National identity card number, E-mail address, Mobile phone number, educational

➢ Programme Structure

The Degree of Master of Science in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management is structured
to include the following components:

• Core Courses
• Continuing Education Courses
• Dissertation

➢ Programme Duration
The duration to complete The Degree of Master of Science in Public Procurement and Supply
Chain Management will be Two (2) years.

MSc in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management Programme - Structure

and Course List


Course codesCourse Title Credits Total Pre-requisites


Continuing Education Courses

AFE3201 Micro and Macro Economics 2

2×3= Fulfilment of
AFE3202 Fundamentals of Accounting 2
one of
OSE3203 Principles of Management 2 admission

SLQL 9 Core Courses

Year 1

OSP9361 Principles and Practices of Public 3


OSP9362 Procurement Planning 3

OSP9363 Procurement Decision Making 3

MMP9364 Logistics and Transportation 3 Fulfilment of

one of
3x10 =
MMP9365 Sourcing in Supply Chain Management 3 the
30 admission
OSP9366 Contract Management 3 criteria

AFP9367 Managing Inventories 3

MMP9368 Networks and Coordination 3

MMP9369 Supply Chain Operations and Sustainability 3

HRP9370 Managing the Selection and Employment 3

of consultants

SLQL 10 Core
- Courses Credits Total Pre-requisites

Year 2 Credits

AFPA361 Project Management 3 OCAM ≥ 40

3x3+2x1 or pass grades
AFPA362 Public Accounting and Finance 3
=11 for at least one
MMPA395 Research Methods 3 SLQF Level 09
MMPA262 Project - Industrial Training Report 2

Elective Courses (*two courses should be selected)

MMPA263 Public Private Partnerships 2 OCAM ≥ 40

or pass grades
HRPA264 Human Resource Management 2
for at least one
HRPA265 Globalization and Change Management 2 2x2 SLQF Level 09
=4 Course
OSPA266 Construction Procurement 2

OSPA267 Sustainable Public Procurement 2

OSPA268 Strategic Management 2


MMPAF96 Dissertation 15 15 OCAM ≥ 40

or pass grades
for at least one
SLQF Level 09
Course and

➢ Registration
After conducting the selection test and or interviews, the selected candidates will be informed
about the registration, procedure and the payments by post and emails.

➢ Inauguration Ceremony
The inauguration ceremony will be tentatively scheduled to conduct on 13th July 2023 as an
evening function and venue will be informed with the registration.

➢ Delivery, Assessments, and Examinations

Delivery of courses will be online with few physical interactive sessions based on the course
content which will be informed with the day school (lecture) schedule. A course will be completed
by 8 weeks and all continuous assessments of a given course should be completed during the 8
The tentative date of commencing the programme is 05th August 2023.

o Continuing Education Courses

These courses need to be completed for the award of both degree and post graduate diploma,
however, do not considered for GPA calculation.
The assessment of these courses will be conducted by evaluating mini projects.

o Evaluation of Credit Courses

• Candidates will be evaluated both by continuous assessments and final comprehensive
written examinations.
• The continuous assessments may include individual assignments, group assignments, case
analysis, critical incident analysis, term papers, mid-term examinations, quizzes, practical,
oral presentations etc. The continuous assessments are limited to a maximum of 40% of the
total marks and the final paper is evaluated from 60% of the total marks.
• After the completion of lectures, there will be a three-hour final written examination for
each course.
• The pass mark for each credit course is 50% of the total marks.
• A candidate who repeats a course will be evaluated only on the final exam and will be
given a maximum of 50 marks for the repeat course.

o Evaluation of the Dissertation

• The evaluation of the dissertation will be made by two independent examiners.

• A viva-voce examination will be conducted for dissertation, provided that the mark of the
dissertation is not less than 50%. A total of 100 marks are allocated to the viva-voce
• The final mark will be the average of the marks awarded by the two examiners and the viva-
voce examination.

• A minimum of two (02) examiners shall be appointed by the Senate, on the recommendation
of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Management Studies for the assessment of the
dissertation and the oral examination. One examiner shall be from within the University and
the other from outside The Open University of Sri Lanka.
• The grading system of the dissertation the viva-voce examination is similar to a credit

o Exemptions
• Exemptions can be requested at the registration will be decided by considering the credit
weight and course content.
• The exemptions may be granted with the approval of the Faculty Board and the Senate.
• Any prior qualification shall be considered for exemption only up to a period of 5 years from
the date of obtaining the qualification and exemptions are entitled only up to 50% of the total
credit weights of credit courses.

6. Post Graduate Diploma in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management is leading to an exit
qualification of Master of Science in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management those who
have difficulties in completing our two year programme, however, there is an opportunity to person
who wish to obtain This shall be awarded if he/she has successfully completed a minimum of 33-
course credits (27 credits from core courses at level 09 and 06 credits from continuing education
A candidate shall acquire the 33-course credit requirements (27 credits from core courses and 06
credits from continuing education courses) within a minimum period of one (01) academic year and a
maximum period of six (06) consecutive academic years from the date of his/her first registration
considered for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma in Public Procurement and Supply Chain

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Programme - Structure and Course List


Course codes Course Title Credits Pre-requisites

Continuing Education Courses

AFE3201 Micro and Macro Economics 2

AFE3202 Fundamentals of Accounting 2 2×3= of one of the
OSE3203 Principles of Management 2 criteria

Core Courses
Year 1

Principles and Practices of Public

OSP9361 3

OSP9362 Procurement Planning 3

OSP9363 Procurement Decision Making 3

MMP9364 Logistics and Transportation 3

MMP9365 Sourcing in Supply Chain Management 3

OSP9366 Contract Management 3 Fulfilment of one

AFP9367 Managing Inventories 3 the
3x10 =
MMP9368 Networks and Coordination 3 30 criteria

MMP9369 Supply Chain Operations and Sustainability 3

Managing the Selection and Employment of

HRP9370 3

Note: Information provided in section 5 (MSc in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Programme, entry requirements, application procedure, payment fee) are applied to the applicants of the
qualification on Post Graduate Diploma in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management.

Contact Details:

MSc in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management Programme

Department of Marketing Management
Faculty of Management Studies
The Open University of Sri Lanka.
Nugegoda, Western 11222
Sri Lanka.

Email: ppscm@ousl.lk
Web: https://ou.ac.lk/mscppscmgt

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