7 Handbook 2020 Diplima in Marketing Programme
7 Handbook 2020 Diplima in Marketing Programme
7 Handbook 2020 Diplima in Marketing Programme
Diploma in Marketing
Department of Marketing
University of Colombo Sri Lanka
Diploma in Marketing 2020-2021
Table of Content
Message from the Dean...........................................................................................................3
5. By – Laws...................................................................................................................... 15
As a new entrant to the Diploma in Marketing Programme, you will have the opportunity to
study for a Diploma Programme for one year. The curriculum that you will follow is
designed to inculcate you with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to widen your
career prospects. All teaching, learning and assessment activities will be conducted in
English medium and many programmes are in place to help make you familiar with the
contemporary marketing trends.
During your stay at the Faculty of Management and Finance, I hope you will utilize all the
opportunities available to you and cooperate with the academic and non-academic staff
members of the faculty who are dedicated to assist you.
I urge you to read and be familiar with the contents in this handbook which will help you to
uphold the rules and values of the faculty and the university.
I wish you all the very best and hope you will have a productive and a memorable period at
the Faculty of Management and Finance.
As the Head of Department, with great pleasure and pride, I take this
opportunity to welcome you all to the third batch of the Diploma in
Marketing Programme (2020/21) conducted by Department of Marketing,
Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
This is a twelve (12) years old department having been served by four
Heads of Departments and comprising of around 200 students (3rd and 04th
year) and fourteen (14) permanent teaching faculty with two programmes
specialized in Marketing (MKT) and Hospitality and Leisure Management
There is no doubt that you are so privileged to be entered into this prestigious state University
and its well-equipped Faculty of Management and Finance, with local and international repute.
We have been waiting for a long time to have a programme of this nature which gives an
opportunity to a segment of the society who missed the university entrance right after their
Advanced Level. Still we received number of applications from graduates specialized in other
fields who wanted to study power of marketing under this state-owned number one University and
For your further information, this programme is designed in a way where it produces diploma
holders with necessary marketing skills coupled with theoretical and practical exposure blend
with balanced mixture of ingredients. We are here to delight you by fulfilling your needs beyond
your expectations. This Faculty is like an educational products mall where you can have number of
other programmes which will take you through from Diploma to PhD with your tireless endeavors.
The number of students who have successfully enrolled in this 3rd batch, which is higher than our
two preceding intakes in itself proves the name we have carved in providing top notch quality
education for aspiring marketers. It is also pertinent to note that this unprecedented numbers was
despite of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Rest assured that Faculty and the University has
in place well formulated safety and precautionary measures having your wellbeing at heart as we
gradually resume lectures. In the interim, we have been able to efficiently grapple with online
learning platform which has proven effective during these testing time, whilst it was pleasing to
see both faculty members and students embraced it as an opportunity to learn.
We strongly believe that at the end of this programme we would be able to produce full-fledged
marketing professionals who can handle any marketing issues in this dynamic and contemporary
business world with ease.
With all these, I earnestly request you to exploit all the opportunities available at this leading
Business Faculty and its University for the betterment of your career advancement. Though all
the pedagogies related to this programme are conducted in English our facilitators are always
there to assist you in each and every contact point. Don't forget to refer to this hand book as a
solution pack to clear any doubts related to rules, regulations and values of this Diploma in
Marketing Programme.
I wish you all the very success in your future endeavors and go away with very pleasant memories.
I assure you that I will always be there to meet and beat your queries and worries with prompt action.
The history of higher education in Sri Lanka is closely linked to the history of the
University of Colombo. In 1870 the Ceylon Medical College, from which the present
Medical Faculty has developed was established. University College was established for
higher education in Arts and Science in 1921. It was then a liated to the University of
London, and was housed in College House, which is the central administrative building of
the University today. The University of Colombo became an autonomous university in
1978. The university is a legacy of higher education in Sri Lanka, which makes all those
who enter it proud.
Over the last several decades, the University of Colombo has expanded substantially in
terms of academic programmes, student enrolment and facilities. It is one of the largest
Universities in the country with nine faculties and several a liated institutes and centres of
Owing to its location in the metropolitan centre, the University of Colombo has the
advantage of being at the hub of cultural, economic and socio-political activities of the
country. It o ers library facilities, research centres, professional associations, theatres, art
galleries, cinema halls etc., which can be used by the students for their own academic and
personal enrichment.
1.2 Vision
1.3 Mission
Academic Freedom
Learner Centeredness & Lifelong Learning
Critical Thinking
Creativity, Innovation & Exploration
Integrity & Ethical Behaviour
Good Governance, Accountability & Responsibility
Diversity, Inclusiveness, Equality & Mutual Respect
Professionalism, Commitment & Competence
Environmental Responsibility
In line with the increasing student population and the rapidly growing needs of the Sri
Lankan business community, the necessity for establishing a new faculty for this particular
field of study began to be felt in the late1980s. The issue was discussed and debated
among university authorities, teachers, students and other stakeholders of the University
of Colombo for several years. As an initial step of expediting the process of establishing
the new faculty, two academic departments, namely the Department of Commerce and
the Department of Management Studies, were formed in 1993 under the purview of the
Faculty of Arts. Finally, the long-lived dream of all interested parties materialized in May
1994 with the inauguration of the Faculty of Management and Finance. Since then the
undergraduate and postgraduate population of the faculty has rapidly grown.
In its historical evolution, the Faculty of Management and Finance reached yet another
juncture in May 2007. Putting the re-structuring plan into practice, the two academic
departments which were in existence for many years were abolished and currently, the
Faculty operates seven academic departments.
i) Department of Accounting
ii) Department of Business Economics
iii) Department of Finance
iv) Department of Human Resources Management
v) Department of International Business
vi) Department of Management and Organization Studies
vii) Department of Marketing.
This intra-faculty institutional development has provided its undergraduates with the
opportunity and resources for specialising in different fields of study including Accounting,
Business Economics, Finance, Human Resources Management, Marketing, Hospitality
and Leisure, International Business, Management and Organizational Studies.
2.2 Mission
To be the most prominent and leading faculty in Sri Lanka for high quality academic and
executive programs, research and consultancy in management and business studies
within a creative and collaborative environment towards developing managerial
competencies for betterment of the society.
Ms. Thilini H Alahakoon [MBA (PIM, USJP), BBA (UOC), CIMA (Passed Finalist),
CTHE (UOC), SEDA (UK), Reading for PhD (Queensland University of Technology,
Senior Lecturer (Transitional) (on study leave)
TI: Business Communication, e-Business, Destination Marketing, Hospitality and Tourism Marketing
RI: Branding, Destination Marketing, Tourism
E-mail: thiliniha@gmail.com; thiliniha@mkt.cmb.ac.lk
This course exposes students to the basic concepts used in the field of marketing
and is the foundation course for many other courses of the programme. Basic
concepts such as defining marketing and the process, marketing mix elements,
competition in the market, developing and implementing marketing plans will be
covered within this course.
The main outcome of this course is to equip students with knowledge on basic
management concepts and its applications in the modern business world. With the
completion of this course students will able to identify main areas to focus on to be a
competent manager. Areas such as defining management, managerial functions and
managerial levels and the managerial roles in the organizational context, managerial
decision making, employee motivation, team work and managerial ethics and social
responsibility will be covered within thecourse.
The marketing environment represents a mix between internal and external forces
that impact the marketing function of a business. As it is important for students to be
aware of these impacts when developing effective marketing strategies; this
course covers areas such as definition and elements of the marketing environment,
importance and impact of identified elements of the environment and different
consumer behaviors within the environment.
Customer is the heart of every business and is a main determinant of its strategies.
This course is an in-depth coverage of different sales skills commonly used in
business organizations and various strategies used to handle customers to increase
their loyalty. While following this course students will gain up-to-date knowledge on
areas like the importance of sales skills, techniques of handling customers and new
technologies used in both areas.
The project report is a platform for students to demonstrate their learning from the
programme. Here, students should apply subject areas learnt to a selected
marketing problem or context of an organization. Skills such as analytical skills,
creativity, theoretical knowledge, practical application will be tested within the
assessment of this project.
By-Laws made by the Council of the University of Colombo under section 135 of the
Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 and its subsequent amendments.
1. These By-Laws shall be cited as the Diploma in Marketing By-Laws No 23 of 2013 of
the Faculty of Management and Finance.
Award of Diploma
(c) satisfied the Examiners at the prescribed Written Examinations, Class Room
Tests, Practical Assignments, Term Papers and any other assignments and
Project report on a subject approved by the Faculty Board,
(d) paidsuch registration, tuition, supervision and examinationfees and other dues
as may be payable by her/him to the University; and
(e) fulfilled all other requirements prescribed by these By-Laws and any other
Regulations and Rules of the University.
4. No person shall be considered for admission to the course leading to the Dip. in
Mkt., unless s/he has satisfied the following requirements:
(c) Any diploma from a recognized institution or any other equivalent qualification
6. (a) On acceptance of the candidature by the Faculty a person shall register for
the Dip. in Mkt. of the University upon payment of the prescribed registration and
other fees subject to approval of the Senate.
(b) The minimum period of registration for the Dip. in Mkt. programme shall be one
year and maximum period shall not exceed three years. The period of registration
shall be counted from the date of commencement of the course.
7. The registration for Dip. in Mkt. shall be deemed to have lapsed at the expiry of its
period of validity. A candidate whose registration has so lapsed may renew his/her
registration for a further period, provided that s/he is considered as eligible for
such registration by the Faculty. However, no registration shall be renewed after
the expiry of two academic years from the end of the first year of registration. Any
such candidate shall be required to seek registration in the Dip. in Mkt.
Programme afresh if s/he failed to obtain the Diploma even after the expiry of the
third period of registration, in competition with new applicants, under the rules in
force at the time of seeking such fresh registration.
8. Notwithstanding anything stated to the contrary, the Senate shall have the right to
cancel at any time the registration of a candidate for a cause shown.
9. No student shall be allowed to keep away from classes or to leave the island, or to
withdraw from examinations or a classroom test without prior approval from the
11. The Dip. in Mkt. programme shall be deemed to be a one year programme with
eight course modules including the Project report.
12. The Programme shall comprise the course work consisting of the Theory and
Practical components, a Project report as applicable to the student as specified in
Regulations and/or Rules on it, and all examinations prescribed by these By-
Laws and/or Regulations and/or Rules relevant to this Programme.
13. The course work relevant to the Programme shall consist of lectures, seminars,
teamwork, tutorials, field/industry visits, practical classes and other assignments on
course modules as shall be prescribed by the Senate on the recommendation of the
Faculty. The list of course modules, the syllabi and the number of question papers in
each course module of the Programme shall be those set out under Regulations
passed by the Senate from time to time.
semester during which period each candidate shall be working under the
supervision of one of the Facultymembers.
15. The titles of course modules taught shall be as those set out in the schedule and
the Senate shall have power, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of the
Faculty of Management and Finance to amend the list of course modules, the
syllabus and the number of question papers thereof.
16. Performance of a candidate at the Dip. in Mkt. Programme shall, if otherwise not
stated in these By-Laws and Regulations, be evaluated through a combined
system of continuous assessment, End-of-Course Examinations and the Project
17. In each of the taught course modules, 40 percent of the maximum mark shall be
allocated through a system of continuous assessment based on the performance
at take-home assignments, term papers, presentations and/or classroom tests.
The balance 60 percent shall be awarded on the performance at the written
examination held after completion of prescribed period of teaching.
18. A candidate’s performance in the course modules and the Project report shall be
graded according to the following scheme and the calculation of Grade Point
Average (GPA) is carried out considering the grade point for each course module
and credits allocated.
∑ Credits
19. A person shall not be permitted to sit for the examination unless:
(i) S/he has followed at least 80 percent of the classes conducted;
(ii) The Coordinator has certified that s/he has completed the course of study leading
to the examination by attending the required proportion of lectures, tutorial
classes and other forms of instructions of each course module;
20. (a) Where a student does not apply for and/or take the Examination on the first
occasion she shall be deemed, unless the Senate determines otherwise on
the recommendation of the Faculty, to have taken the Examination on that
occasion which shall be taken into account in computing the total number of
occasions on which an Examination may be taken by a student.
(c)A student who has not completed all the required continuous
assessments prescribed in the course outline of course modules offered in
the particular semester shall not proceed to the next semester. The
minimum marks required for continuous Assessment is 20 Marks. However,
if a student has not completed End-of-Module Examination only, then she
shall proceed to the next semester.
(d) All rules relating to the Examination Procedure, Offences and Punishment
Regulation No. 1 of 1986 shall mutatis mutandis apply to the Dip. in Mkt.
examination as well.
(e) Without prejudice to the generality of the Regulation No. 1 of 1986, rules
relating to Class Room Tests shall be formulated and implemented by the
Coordinator and any matters relating to such tests shall be decided by the
Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Coordinator and the Head of
the Department.
f) Rules relating to Assignments and the Project report shall be announced,
from time to time, by the Coordinator in consultation with the facilitators and
such rules shall not be changed or revoked unless otherwise decided by the
Faculty Board.
21. The examination scripts at the final examination and the Project Report shall be
assessed by two independent examiners per examination paper and per
Project report, appointed by the University Senate, on the recommendation of
the Faculty Board.
22. A candidate should obtain a minimum grade point of 2.3 or more (50% or more of
the maximum marks of 100%) to pass in that course module including the Project
23. A candidate shall be deemed to have been successful at the examination leading
to the award of the Diploma if s/he obtains,
(a) 30 credits from all the course modules and the Project Report, and
(b) a minimum GP of 2.3 or above in each of the course module and the Project
24. A candidate who has been successful at the examination leading to the award of
the Diploma may be awarded a distinction pass at the examination if he/she
obtains an overall Grade Point Average (viz. an average of 3.85 for all the
course modules and the Project Report) of at least 3.85 in the first period of
25. A candidate who has been successful at the examination leading to the award of
the Diploma may be awarded a merit pass at the examination if he/she obtains an
overall average (viz, an average GPA of 3.3 for all the course modules and the
Project Report) GPA of 3.3 in the first period of registration.
(a) A candidate shall be deemed to have an incomplete result in one or more course
modules of the Diploma if he/she obtained a GP of less than 2.3.
(b) A candidate who has an incomplete result having obtained a GP of less than 2.3
in each of the course modules during a two semester shall repeat the course
modules at the next available occasion. Such candidates shall be given the
option of carrying forward the continuous assessment marks if it is above 20.
(c) A candidate who repeats one or more course modules shall be deemed to have
passed the course module if s/he obtained a GP of 2.3 or above
(e) A candidate who re-submits the Project report under 26 (c) above shall be
deemed to have passed in the Project report if s/he receives GP 2.3 for it. A
candidate who obtains more than GP 2.3 for the Project Report at the
resubmission shall be given a maximum GP of 2.3.
(f) Candidates who have failed to submit the Project report as laid down in 14 shall
not be permitted to submit that again unless permission has been granted by the
27.A candidate who fails to satisfy the conditions in 22, 23, or 26 shall be deemed to
have failed the examination.
28.A candidate with incomplete results shall be eligible for two further attempts
provided s/he has a valid registration.
29. The University shall announce through public notification the names of candidates
who have passed the Dip. in Mkt. examination and those who have incomplete
results in the Dip. in Mkt. after completing the whole examination. All candidates
shall be informed individually of the results of their examinations and in case of
incomplete result, they shall be informed of course modules in which they received
less than GP 2.3.
31. Any question regarding the interpretation of these By-Laws shall be referred to
the University of Colombo Council whose decision thereon shall be final.
32. The Vice-Chancellor shall have authority, in consultation with the Dean of the
Faculty, to take such action or give such direction, not inconsistent with the principles
underlying the provisions of these By-Laws, as appears to him to be necessary or
expedient for the purpose of removing any difficulties that may arise in the
interpretation of these provisions or for which there is no provision in these By-laws.
Regulations made by the Senate of the University of Colombo under Section 136 of
the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978.
Part I - The Structure and Course modules of the Dip. in Mkt. Programme
The Dip. in Mkt. is a Two-semester Programme which shall be completed
within a one-year period.
2. (a) The titles and course codes of the four (04) compulsory course modules that
shall be offered in the First semester of the Dip. in Mkt. Programme are as
Total 16
(b) The number of hours allotted for lectures, seminars, and workshops
etc. in each of the above course modules shall be about 60 hours.
3. (a) The titles and course codes of the three (03) compulsory course modules &
the Project Report that shall be offered in the Second semester of the Dip. in
Mkt. Programme are as follows:
(b) The number of hours allotted for lectures, seminars, and workshops
etc in each of the above course modules shall be about 60 hours, for
the Project Report, 30 hours.
4. Title and course code of the project report that shall be offered in the second
semester of the Dip. in Mkt. Programme shall be as follows. DM 128 Project
5. (a) Students reading for DM 128 shall submit the DM 128- Project report at the
end of the second semester.
(a) For each course module, there shall be a written, open or closed book
end-of-course Examination of 3 hours duration, consisting of
compulsory and/or selective questions as specified in the question
paper. The question paper will carry a maximum score of 100 marks
(b) Each course module of the first semester shall carry a value of four
credits each and other course modules (except DM 128 - Project
Report) offered in the second semester shall also carry a value of four
credits each. DM 128 - Project Report course module shall carry a
value of two credits.
(d) For the final grading of the course module, unless otherwise stated in
these By-Laws and Regulations, the End-of-module examination and
the Continuous assessment are evaluated as follows:
7. With regard to the examination on the DM 128 - Project Report, the following
shall be applicable:
(a) The date for the submission of the Project Report shall be announced
by the Coordinator with the approval of the Faculty Board at the
beginning of the second semester and shall not exceed more than one
month after the final paper of the second semester examination.
(b) The students shall submit, with the recommendation of the appointed
Supervisor, two copies of the Project Report in spiral binding on or
before the stipulated date for submission.
(c) The Project Report shall not exceed 5,000 words excluding tables,
appendices, and figures etc and shall be submitted in accordance with
the format given in the Schedule.
(d) The Project Report shall carry a maximum mark of 100 and a
weightage of 2 Credits.
9.The Vice-Chancellor shall have authority, in consultation with the Dean of the
Faculty, to take such action or give such direction, not inconsistent with the
principles underlying the provisions of these Regulations, as appears to him/her to
be necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing any difficulties that may
arise in the interpretation of these provisions or for which there is no provision in
these Regulations.
The format of the final version of the Project report to be submitted in partial
fulfilment of the Dip. in Mkt. Programme of the Faculty of Management and
Finance, unless otherwise required by the Faculty, shall be in A4 (8.27”11.69”)
size papers and printed on one side of the paper only, double spaced and with
margins of at least 1 1/2” on the left side and 1” on the right side and 1” at the top
and bottom of each page.
The two copies to be submitted to the Assistant Registrar in charge of the subject
of Examinations. The Project Report shall be incorporated in the following order;
(a) a title page giving the title of the Project Report, the diploma for which
it is submitted, with the names of the Department and Faculty, the full
name of the author and the date of submission for the diploma;
(e) an abstract;
Wherever possible, tables shall be inserted in the proper place in the text,
but comprehensive tables shall appear as appendices.
The Project Report shall be sewn, trimmed, bound and covered with dark
cloth, leather or rexene, preferably brown.
On the spine of the Report there shall be given in lettering of suitable size,
the surname of the candidate and the title of the Project Report, abbreviated
if necessary. If the lettering will not fit across the spine it shall run along the
spine reading from top to bottom.