Assessment in Invasion Games II Planning For Assessment
Assessment in Invasion Games II Planning For Assessment
Assessment in Invasion Games II Planning For Assessment
This is the second part of the Assessment in Invasion Games blog post series. If you have not yet
read part one, start there before continuing to read here.
In part one of the Assessment in Invasion Games series we looked at how team sports make up a large
part of most physical education programs worldwide, yet the assessment of student learning in these
games in inauthentic and is often largely based upon assumptions.
As I approached my invasion games unit this year, I began to think about how I could not only teach the
unit, but how I could authentically assess student performance and learning throughout the unit. I
wanted to be sure that the learning opportunities that I was planning and presenting to the students
were enabling them to develop not only their skills within these invasion games but also their tactical
understanding and decision making skills. 1/7
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In Dr Stephen Harvey‘s paper on Using a Generic Invasion Game for Assessment where he suggests
“starting a games curriculum with a generic invasion-game unit, in which students are introduced to
tactics in a non specific manner, may facilitate the teaching of basic game concepts before progressing
to specific invasion games.”
Too often as physical educators we fall into the trap of wanting our students to play the “full version” of
a sport like basketball, soccer or hockey without considering if this is the most appropriate way to
introduce them to game concepts, strategies and decision making. By using a generic invasion game you
may be able to create an environment where students are able to develop the transferable skills and
understanding needed in order to play the “full version” later on.
Planning a Generic Invasion Game: Benchball
The central idea that was the focus of our invasion games unit was “By keeping control of an object &
moving as a team to advance into the other team’s zone we can score points.” When deciding on the
generic invasion game for which I would use to assess the students I looked at the levels of tactical
complexity within invasion games (*Note: The idea of designing games with tactical complexity in mind is
another blog post that will be coming soon!) . At its most basic level of tactical complexity, invasion 2/7
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games are about maintaining possession of an object. If your team can keep control of the ball by
passing and moving you are going to have a higher chance of scoring and therefore winning the game.
Potential tactical solutions to the idea of maintaining possession include short, fast passes to open
players, communication skills and supporting the ball carrier.
The basic 4v4 game of benchball that you see above was the perfect generic invasion game for me to
use with my Grade 3-5 students as it enabled them to demonstrate their ability to pass, move into open
space and make appropriate decisions with and without the ball. In this version of the game students
were aiming to maintain possession of the ball by passing to their teammates and ultimately score by
passing the ball to the player on the bench at the end of the court. The player with the ball could not
move, only pivot when in possession of the ball.
Choosing the Assessment Tools
As I mentioned in part one of this blog series, the nature of Invasion Games is such that participants are
engaged in a constantly changing environment, continually requiring planning and effective problem
solving. Assessment of student learning and performance needs to take place in a way which will allow
you to identify key indicators of success within this chaotic environment. The assessment tool needs to
take account of both the technical and tactical aspects of game play during game play in order to
provide valid and reliable assessment.
At it’s most basic I want to know if students know what they should do with and without the ball and if
they can execute the skills necessary to be successful. I want to be able to assess their decision making
ability as well as their skill execution.
The Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) (Oslin, Mitchell, & Griffin, 1998) was developed
to measure “game performance behaviors that demonstrate tactical understanding, as well as the
player’s ability to solve tactical problems by selecting and applying appropriate skills.” The GPAI
contains seven basic components and can be adapted to assess students in a variety of games. Sounds
like exactly what I was looking for right?
Another assessment tool that I knew about was the Team Sports Assessment Procedure (TSAP) which
was developed by Grehaigne, Godbout and Bouthier in 1997. The TSAP provides information that
quantifies an individuals overall offensive performance in an invasion game. It reflects both tactical and
technical aspects of game play, allowing assessment of both how a player gains possession of the ball
as well as disposes the ball once they have it. Through my research into the TSAP, it seemed like
another tool with which I could assess my students decision making as well as skill execution. 3/7
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Click here to read part three of the Assessment in Invasion Games blog series.
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Nathan Horne is a Physical Educator based in Singapore and founder of Be sure to never
miss out on any of’s future posts by connecting with us via Twitter, Facebook or subscribing
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Nathan can be contacted on Twitter @PENathan or via email at 4/7