Health and Safety File Guidance

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Purpose and Scope .................................................................................................................. 3

1 Brief Description of the Works ......................................................................................... 4
2 Residual Hazards .............................................................................................................. 4
3 Design Criteria ................................................................................................................... 4
4 Special Arrangements for Decommissioning / Demolition ............................................ 5
5 Special Arrangement/Equipment for Cleaning and Maintenance .................................. 5
6 Location of Utilities and Services .................................................................................... 5
7 As Built Drawings.............................................................................................................. 6

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Purpose and Scope
The purpose of the Health & Safety File is to assist anyone at a future date (e.g. clients,
principle contractors, maintainers, CDM-Coordinators, etc) that may be required to use,
maintain (including cleaning), rebuild, refurbish, demolish, or dismantle the structure.
The guidance provided in this document is intended to ensure a consistent approach is applied
by those required to provide Health and Safety Information.
This guidance document outlines the content of a Health and Safety File for notifiable projects
as prescribed within the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 & its
Approved Code of Practice.

! Note: The key aim of the Health & Safety File is to highlight and/or sign
post important health & safety information that may not be immediately
apparent to interested parties

The file does not need to include things that will be of no help when planning future construction
work, for example:

 the pre-construction information, or construction phase plan;

 construction phase risk assessments, written systems of work and COSHH
 details about the normal operation of the completed structure;
 construction phase accident statistics;
 details of all the contractors and designers involved in the project
 contractual documents;
 information about structures, or parts of structures, that have been demolished - unless
there are any implications for remaining or future structures, for example voids;
 information contained in other documents, but relevant cross-references
should be included.

Each section is mandatory. If there is no relevant information for a section then it must be
marked ‘Not Applicable’.

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1 Brief Description of the Works
This section shall include:

 The project or works title and purpose of the works. The description should be sufficient
for someone not involved in the works to have an understanding of the type of work and
the extent of the works.
 An overview of the project and highlight key construction methodologies and constraints.
 Details of Principal Contractor and CDM Co-ordinator.

2 Residual Hazards

This section shall include:

 Details of materials which may introduce unusual or significant risk to both ‘people and
process’ (This should be also shown on the ‘as built’ drawings).
 Residual risks/hazards identified through both the design and construction phases which
affect operation, maintenance, cleaning and decommissioning of the structure should be
included. Examples include:
-.Details of hazardous or flammable substances, lead paint, fungicidal paints,
special coatings which should not be burnt off. Substances containing
-Residual Environment hazards and relevant surveys.
 Providing a list/log of any residual risks pertinent to the operation and/or maintenance of
the building or structure.
 Any concessions to standards that may create residual risks.

3 Design Criteria

This section shall include:

 Details of design concept, loadings considered in the design. Examples include:

-Safe working loads for roofs, platforms and walkways, and floors particularly
where these may preclude placing scaffolding or heavy machinery.
 Any other load criteria which would affect maintenance and access arrangements.
 A summary of the key structural limitations placed upon the structure and any sources of
substantial stored energy.

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4 Special Arrangements for Decommissioning / Demolition

This section shall include:

 How the structure and equipment can be safely removed or decommissioned.

 Limitations on dismantling or demolishing structures – e.g. specific sequence/order for
dismantling to ensure structural stability.
 Items designed to facilitate the removal or dismantling of installed plant and equipment,
e.g. ‘knock out’ panels for equipment removal, lifting beams.
 If removal of an element causes instability of remaining assets, e.g. any elements that
provide propping to walls.
 Methods, sequences, plant, or techniques necessary to safely demolish or dismantle the
structure should be highlighted. Much of this can be extracted from the method
statements; it should be noted however, unedited method statements; i.e., full method
statements are not required.

5 Special Arrangement/Equipment for Cleaning and Maintenance

This section shall include:

 List plant and equipment/machinery specifically designed for the location or reference to
O&M manual if provided.
 Specialist safety equipment that was included in the design shall be identified (e.g.
harness fixing points for window cleaning access with load and testing details).

 Special/unusual access arrangements should be identified in this section even if

included in O&M Manuals, such as; access for maintenance equipment in lifts, access
requiring 3rd party permits/road closures.
 Special maintenance procedures should be included if not identified within the O & M
 Assets that require arrangements with other rail operators (e.g. possession of adjacent
track) or statutory authority.

6 Location of Utilities and Services

This section shall include:

 Sufficient details to allow for future location, identification and isolation of services
supplying the structure and in the vicinity of the structure. This includes statutory
undertakings and other service providers.
 Significant services crossing the sites or adjacent to the works should be identified in this
Section, e.g. large diameter gas mains, overhead power lines (rail or utility), large
diameter sewers.
 Source(s) of information should also be included.
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! Note: Information provided within this section must be verified on site prior
to the undertaking of future works.

7 As Built Drawings

This section shall include:

 All ‘As Built’ drawings should be identified highlighting their exact storage location.
 Identify a small number of General Arrangements Plans (GA’s) that provide an
appreciation of the asset described in the H&S File, e.g. plans of individual levels and
cross-sections, its plant and equipment (for example, the means of safe access to and
from service voids, fire doors and compartmentalisation etc).

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