II. Information Systems in the Enterprise: Different systems in an organization and their functional
perspectives. Types of Management Information System. Components and activities of
information system. The impact of IT on Decision Making .Ethical
III. E Commerce: Electronic business, categories of E-Business. E payment systems. Intranet support for E
V. Organizational and Management Support Systems for the Digital Firms: Enterprise applications and
business process integration. Enhancing decision making for E Business.
1. Management Information Systems, Managing the Digital Firm, Kenneth C. Laudon and
Jane P. Laudon, Twelfth Edition
Course Description:
This course is an Introduction to information systems and information technology for today’s business students,
who will be tomorrow’s mangers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals. The goal of this course is to help
business students learn how to use and manage information technology to revitalize business processes, improve
managerial decision making, and gain competitive advantages. Thus, it places major emphasis on the role of the
Internet, intranets, extranets, and other information technologies in providing a technology platform for electronic
commerce and collaboration within and among internetworked enterprises and global markets.
Course Objective:
Understanding the effects of information systems on business and their relationship to globalization.
Describing key factors shaping today’s economic environment.
Explaining how enterprise applications, collaboration and communication systems, and intranets
improve organizational performance.
Identifying and describe the stages and technology drivers of IT infrastructure evolution.
Describing the main telecommunications transmission media and types of networks, and standards for
wireless networking, communication, and Internet access in Pakistan.
Identifying the various types of e-commerce and explain how e-commerce has changed consumer
retailing and business-to-business transactions nationally and internationally.
Describe different types of decisions and the decision-making process.
Evaluating the most important tools and technologies for safeguarding information resources.
Course Outcome:
Teaching Strategy:
The teaching methodology will include lectures; skill building exercises, quizzes and discussion
questions, all geared to sharpen the students’ analytical and conceptual skills on the preceding lecture.
Case studies & discussion sessions will be part of this program.
1. Each group will be given 7-9 minutes to present their topic and everybody in the group has to participate
2. Everybody in the class should be present, students (groups) will be randomly chosen to present.
3. Submit a detailed research work and email it to lsewebdesign@gamil.com and the
TA. Strictly follow online email instructions.
4. You may make a small pamphlet about your topic with pointers written on it for the class so that
everybody knows what you are presenting. (This will be distributed among all)
5. Each group member will be marked individually so make sure everybody in the group
has Worked.
6. No PPT slides required, explain using visual, demo videos or the board.
7. Groups will be graded on their own original research; copied content will be not marked.
8. Your research should focus on Pakistani Market.
1- SAP in Pakistan
PSEB site
http://www.pseb.org.pk/page.php?sid=99 SAP
implementation and training in Pakistan
Visit Accountant General Pakistan Revenues site
SAP in Pakistan
Sap Education
Visit Imperial soft website: http://www.imperialsoft.com.pk/index.php?
2- www.sales force.com
3- Cloud Computing & MIS
4- Overview of e-commerce in Pakistan
6- OPINION15 Pakistani Startups Thundering The World Of Artificial Intelligence in Asia And Beyond
Brand Ambassadors CP Sessions
Be a Brand Ambassador; study your Brand Information Systems and technology
for class discussions and examples.
Know how IT has helped transform/improve the business quality and structure.
This will help in CP sessions during lectures as well as quoting examples in both
quizzes and exams.
Make a visual representation of your brand (e.g. logo, symbol, card) so that
everyone can recognize you by your brand.