Industrializing High-Volume 3D Weaving, RTM: LEAP Engine Fan Blades
Industrializing High-Volume 3D Weaving, RTM: LEAP Engine Fan Blades
Industrializing High-Volume 3D Weaving, RTM: LEAP Engine Fan Blades
Composite opportunities in
eVTOLs / 16
Metal AM advances in
composite tooling, Part 2 / 30
Novel composite technology
replaces welded joints in
tubular structures / 52
A property of Gardner Business Media VOL 9 No 2
Better with Braid
Braided Solutions Enabling High Rate, Low Cost Manufacture
The Fiber Continuity of Braided Sleevings
Provides Increased Performance, Ease of Layup,
Conformability & Repeatability
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4595 East Tech Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45245 • 513-688-3200 • •
4 From the Editor 30 Metal AM advances
Will CW editor-in-chief Jeff Sloan soon be in composite tooling,
replaced by ChatGPT?
Part 2
6 Design & Testing Toolmakers and molders continue to
Strip-type shape sensor method claims realize the benefits of additive versus
real-time measurement of ply-wise conventional/subtractive manufac-
deformation. turing of molds and mold components.
By Peggy Malnati
10 The Troubleshooter
Performing regular maintenance of the
layup tool for successful sealing and
38 Plant tour: Albany
release is required to reduce the risk of Engineered
part adherence. Composites,
Rochester, N.H., U.S.
12 Predicting Failure 30
Efficient, high-quality, well-controlled
9T Labs used Additive Fusion Technology composites manufacturing at volume is
to iterate CFRTP designs, fully exploit the mantra for this 3D weaving
continuous fiber printing and outperform specialist.
stainless steel and black metal designs in
failure load and weight. By Jeff Sloan
22 Trends
48 New Products
50 Applications
51 Marketplace
51 Showcase
56 Post Cure
CompositesWorld (ISSN 2376-5232) is published Valley Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45244-3029. accurate. In applying recommendations, however, you should exercise care and normal MEMBERSHIPS:
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» My kids came home in mid-December for the holidays. I That was pretty good as well. I wondered, then, how ChatGPT
mentioned, one morning, that I had a CW article to finish writing would respond to a prompt that references information that might
before the end of the day. One of my sons said, tongue in cheek, be more difficult to access. I thought about CW’s tour of Albany
“Why don’t you have ChatGPT write it?” Engineered Composites (p. ), which had not yet been posted on
ChatGPT, if you are not familiar, is an AI-driven platform our site, and came up with this: Describe the composites manu-
that responds to user-entered questions and requests and then facturing technologies employed at Albany Engineered Compos-
generates a narrative response ites in Rochester, New Hampshire. The response:
culled from public information I couldn’t find any specific information about the manufac-
Should I worry and data. turing technologies currently used by Albany Engineered Compos-
about losing my My son, of course, was not ites in Rochester, New Hampshire. Albany Engineered Compos-
job to ChatGPT? serious, but his question got me ites is a company that specializes in the design and manufacture
to wondering: Has AI evolved such of advanced composite structures for aerospace and industrial
that the kind of content generated applications. They offer a wide range of services, including mate-
by CW’s editors might be replaced by automation? And, more rials and process development, prototyping and low-to-high-
to the point, should I worry about losing my job to a ChatGPT volume production. They are known for their expertise in advanced
editor-in-chief? composite materials, such as carbon fiber and glass fiber-reinforced
To find out, I put a few (more than a few, actually) compos- thermoplastics, and their use of various manufacturing techniques
ites-specific queries into ChatGPT. My first was this: Summarize such as autoclave cure, resin transfer molding, vacuum-assisted
the trends in fiber-reinforced composites manufacturing? The resin transfer molding and compression molding.
response, which took ChatGPT about seconds to write, What I found is that ChatGPT, when asked to produce compos-
was this: ites manufacturing information that is publicly and readily avail-
The fiber-reinforced composites manufacturing industry has seen able, does an admirable job — and quickly. Responses are gener-
a trend towards increased automation and use of advanced manu- ally relatively short and for the most part accurately reflect the
facturing techniques, such as D printing and high-pressure resin state of the technology and industry.
injection. Additionally, there has been a growing demand for light- But can ChatGPT do what we editors at CW do? Obviously
weight, high-strength composite materials in various industries, not. There is a level of detail and immediacy conveyed by CW’s
such as aerospace, automotive and wind energy. In addition, the reporting that can’t (yet) be replicated by ChatGPT. For example,
use of sustainable and bio-based materials in composites manufac- until we publish the Albany plant tour, ChatGPT can’t write about
turing is also becoming more prevalent. it. So my job is safe for now.
This is a pretty good, if a little generic. But my prompt was In the meantime, you should test ChatGPT yourself. And if you
generic. So, I decided to try another more specific prompt: What want to have some composites fun, try this prompt: Write a story
are the challenges associated with recycling of carbon fiber-rein- about a little boy who visits a carbon fiber manufacturing facility.
forced composites? The answer given by ChatGPT, simplified
below, included:
• Separation of materials
• Fiber degradation
• Cost of recycling
• Limited end-of-life options
• Quality of recycled material
• Lack of standardization JEFF SLOAN — Editor-In- Chief
Such measurement can be started from the layup process. The sensor captures
various important phenomena that affect the part quality, such as ply waviness
during layup, wrinkle formation during pressurization, and fiber movement and
resin flow during heating. The capability of the sensor is determined by the perfor-
mance of the strain measurement device. The ODiSI A- has a spatial resolution
of less than millimeter, a deformation resolution on the order of micrometers and
a sensor length of up to meters. The measurement speed is hertz or more,
which enables the sensor to capture high-speed deformation phenomena. Further
advances in measurement devices will enable users to capture faster deformations
in smaller areas. 7
Note, this is simply a comparison of the sensor response and The information provided by the sensors is expected to have
the specimen cross-sectional shape after cure. The shape sensor a wide range of applications such as material characterization,
can capture the consolidation phenomena leading up to this process optimization, product quality assurance, validation of
final deformation state. In fact, the concave shape in the gap simulation models and construction of digital twins. As reported
section did not monotonically deepen during the curing process, in CW, the development of sensing technology for composite
but instead — once deepened by autoclave pressurization and materials has been remarkable in recent years. Within composite
heating — it then relaxed by the flow of the resin and splaying of parts being produced today, as yet unknown deformation
the fiber at the gap edges to reach its final shape. Check reference phenomena may be waiting to be measured by these advanced
for more details. sensor technologies.
Based on the deformation history measured using this
embedded strip sensor method, the manufacturing process can REFERENCES
Minakuchi, S. (2015). “In situ characterization of direction-dependent cure-induced shrinkage
be optimized to obtain the desired shape after cure. For example, in thermoset composite laminates with fiber-optic sensors embedded in through-thickness and
the strength of compaction during lamination or the timing to in-plane directions.” Journal of Composite Materials, 49(9), 1021-1034.
Minakuchi, S., Niwa, S., & Takeda, N. (2022). “Strip-Type Embeddable Shape Sensor Based on
increase autoclave pressure can be adjusted to suppress fiber Fiber Optics for In Situ Composite Consolidation Monitoring.” Sensors, 22 (17), 6604.
waviness. Temperature hold time or the rate of temperature 3
Tamagawa, T., Minakuchi, S., Niwa, S. & Takeda, N. (2023). “Consolidation deformation of
composite corner depending on compression force during layup: In situ monitoring using fiber-
increase also can be modified to facilitate the relaxation of unde- optic-based embeddable shape sensor.” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing,
sired deformations. 165, 107371,
From the highly complex to the everyday, we provide custom solutions that provide
consistency, dependability, and value, from aerospace applications to automotive,
construction, marine, sporting goods, wind energy, and more. And we do so in a safe,
sustainable fashion with a broad range of advanced water-based products. Whether
it’s a cleaner, primer, sealer, release agent, or an entire system, we can deliver a
solution fit for your specific application.
FIG. 4 Masking off the tool surface FIG. 5 Release wipes FIG. 6 Sealer vs. release coat
Mask off all areas that are not to be treated with mold Some manufacturers can supply release- A clear difference between the mold sealer and the release
release — especially areas where bag sealant tape is to be coated wipes to avoid excessive release agent coat is visible in this photo. The sealer (at edges) is lighter in
applied (bag sealant tape does not stick well to a released from being deployed. This prevents puddling color like the glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) tool itself,
surface). in the corners or in low spots in the tool. and the mold release appears slightly darker and glossier.
Even if operators are diligent and follow strict protocols to prevent . Fully cure the release coating as prescribed by the manufac-
sticking, too much buildup of good layers over bad increases the turer prior to molding. An elevated temperature cure is highly
chance of the underlying coats flaking off the surface and exiting recommended.
with the part. For this reason (and the fact that buildup changes the . Remove the tape from the tool periphery. Look for a contrast
surface dimensions), regular maintenance is required to reduce this between the release coat and the sealer. The release coat surface
risk by stripping the built-up layers back to the tool or tool sealer and should be slightly glossier (Fig ).
starting again with fresh sealer and/or release coats. Typically, end . The tool is now ready for use in production.
users will specify tool maintenance intervals based upon production Reapplication of mold release in production:
rate (number of cycles) or time in production (number of weeks/ . Carefully remove all debris from the mold surface, especially
months). where resin flash remains or where wedging has occurred. Use
Following is a generic list of steps to follow to achieve a successful soft scrapers and approved wipes (do not use solvents).
seal and release system, starting from a pristine tool surface to . Using a cross-coat pattern, apply a very light coat of release agent
reapplication of SP release agents in production. and allow to dry - minutes prior to applying the next coat.
Initial preparation with tool sealer: . Apply a second coat in the same manner and cure as prescribed,
. Clean the tool surface using an approved mold cleaner and wipes. before returning the tool to production.
. Lightly energize the entire tool surface with ultra-fine abrasives. A common theme for achieving best results — use multiple and
Repeat the cleaning operation (Fig ). very thin coats of release agent while providing full coverage of
. Apply a light coat of tool sealer and allow to dry for - minutes the tool surface — is the key to success. Promote a “less is more”
prior to applying the next coat (Fig. ). philosophy with the coatings and never compromise the time
. Apply remaining coats (up to six total) in the same manner as between coats or the final cure. This approach to using SP systems
above. will result in better release at demolding and less risk of any parts
. Fully cure the tool sealer as prescribed by the manufacturer sticking in the future.
before proceeding with release application.
Initial mold release application:
. Mask off the tool surface outside of part area if vacuum bag
sealant will be used (Fig ).
Louis Dorworth is the direct services manager at Abaris Training
. Apply a very light coat of release agent and allow to dry - Resources Inc. (Reno, Nev., U.S.). Lou has been involved in the
minutes prior to applying the next coat. Pre-coated release wipes composites industry since 1978 and has experience in material
can help this effort (Fig. ). and process (M&P) engineering, research and development
(R&D), tooling, manufacturing engineering, teaching and
. Repeat the preceding step until the recommended number of troubleshooting. Lou is a coauthor of the textbook titled “Essentials of Advanced
coats are applied. Composite Fabrication and Damage Repair,” second edition. 11
Optimizing a
door hinge
» 9T Labs (Zürich, Switzerland) has developed a 3-step manu- FIG. 1 CFRTP hinge
facturing workflow called Additive Fusion Technology (AFT) to FHNW in Switzerland collaborated to optimize this carbon fiber/PEKK bracket
produce composite parts using a cost-competitive and automated made using 9T Lab’s Additive Fusion Technology.
process. This workflow begins with designing and analyzing a part Source (all images) | 9T Labs
using 9T Labs’ Fibrify design software. Continuous fiber-reinforced
preforms are then created by deposition of a unidirectional tape
filament in 9T Labs’ Build Module. These preforms are then placed 3D-fabricated designs incorporated metal bushings in the four bolt
in 9T Labs’ Fusion Module and compression molded. This final holes and in the main bearing hole for the hinge pin. The process
consolidation step merges the preforms, eliminates voids and began by using 9T Labs’ cloud-based Fibrify software suite, which
outputs lightweight, high-strength, net-shape parts. interfaces with common structural analysis packages via plugins.
This integrated process chain enables serial production of parts The Fibrify design suite is an extension to the SpaceClaim D
with >% fiber-volume fraction and <-% voids with minimal modeling tool within the Ansys (Canonsburg, Pa., U.S.) CAE/multi-
waste and at lower cost than metals. Depending on part size, a physics simulation environment. For the helicopter door hinge,
single Build Module and Fusion Module set — both have a build the first black metal design (Fig. a) was imported from an existing
envelope of × × millimeters — can produce up to , CAD file into SpaceClaim. This design used the same internal and
preforms and , parts per year, respectively. AFT also enables external geometry as the benchmark. Fiber paths were laid out
complex, fine-scale details and very accurate control of fiber using Fibrify options (e.g., band generator, line or contour reference
orientation to tailor designs for optimized load-carrying capability, for infill, vertical distribution tool, etc.) to provide a typical quasi-
weight, manufacturing speed and cost. isotropic (°, °, ±°) laminate with no optimization to exploit
T Labs collaborated with the University of Applied Sciences anisotropic composite properties — for example, there was no fiber
Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW, Windisch) to study the use of orientation per specific geometries or load paths. The black metal
AFT to produce a structural carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic part comprised layers in the bottom horizontal plate and layers
(CFRTP) hinge for a helicopter door (Fig. ). The benchmark was in the vertical plate with each layer measuring . millimeter thick.
a CNC-machined stainless steel hinge used on an Airbus Helicop- Dimensions for the next two designs — first fiber layup and
ters (formerly Eurocopter) EC door. This hinge was attached to second fiber layup (Fig. c) — were modified slightly (see table in
the rotorcraft’s carbon fiber/epoxy door with four M-sized bolts Fig. ., p. ) to speed up printing; fiber orientations also were opti-
and designed to withstand a maximum static load of almost . mized to take full advantage of anisotropic composite properties.
kilonewtons of force perpendicular to the bearing load with the First fiber layup. Optimization began by exporting the black metal
door open (Fig. ). design into Ansys to run finite element analysis (FEA) simulations.
Previously, a team in France had benchmarked the same part The design was exported as an HDFC file into Ansys Composite
using hand-laminated and compression-molded chopped carbon PrepPost (ACP) for isotropic optimization. The hinge boundary
fiber (CF)/polyetheretherketone (PEEK) tapes. The goal of the T conditions and loads were entered and simulation results were used
Labs/FHNW study was to outperform the benchmark, which had to improve the CF/PEKK hinge design (Fig. b).
a yield point of kilonewtons, as well as the French design, which This resulting first fiber layup (Fig. c) improved failure load
failed at . kilonewtons. by % compared to the black metal design in FEA simulations.
Failure occurred away from the hinge pin toward the “back” of the
Iterating AFT designs, increased failure load part where the vertical plate meets the horizontal plate.
Three AFT designs were developed and printed using readily avail- Second fiber layup. To further increase the strength of the part, a
able CF/polyetherketoneketone (PEKK) tapes — pre-slit to the second optimization was then performed, adding fiber to reinforce
equivalent of 1-2K tows — and neat polymer filaments. All three the initial failure area. This second fiber layup increased failure load
by another % and shifted failure to the hinge pin area in the
(a) Black metal design.
vertical plate. Thus, the failure was now in the area of a design-
restricted geometry, so that no further optimization was possible
without changing geometry and/or thickness of the part beyond
what was allowed in this project.
Validated results
The first and second fiber layup designs were produced using a
multi-body strategy, splitting the part into four subparts (Fig. 3d).
This approach allows fibers in all spatial directions to fully exploit
the anisotropic features of continuous fiber printing, aligning the
fibers to the loads. The four subparts were printed using 9T Labs’
(b) Load conditions and topology optimization (TO) applied to black metal design
Red Series Build Module and then fused together by compression to better exploit the AFT process.
molding in the 9T Labs’ Fusion Module using a machined steel
matched tool set. Note that only 6 kilowatt-hours of power were
used for compression molding at 350°C with 45 kilonewtons of
press force for a cycle time of 20 minutes. This power consump-
tion could be further reduced by further optimizing process First Fiber Layup CF/PEKK Second Fiber Layup CF/PEKK
The printed and compression-molded AFT hinges were then
mechanically tested by FHNW. The bottom horizontal plate of the
hinge was bolted to a fixed metal plate in a load cell and vertical (c) TO resulted in first layup (left), further optimized via added local reinforce-
force was then applied to a hinge pin installed in the main bearing ment in a second layup (right).
hole of the vertical plate. Each hinge was tested to failure. 13
6 +45%
+130% +65%
kN 4
3 +200%
Steel Laminated Black Metal First Fiber Layup Second Fiber Layup
and published in the December paper, “Experimental and numerical analysis
of the consolidation process for additive manufactured continuous carbon fiber-
reinforced polyamide composites.” A design of the hinge was again printed and
consolidated using CF/polyamide (PA) materials, this time to demonstrate a
simulation model for the consolidation/forming process in the Red Series Fusion
Module. This model predicts the process-induced deformations of the consolidated
part including the effects of temperature, crystallization and porosity. It can predict
a final part’s composition, residual stresses and porosity with high accuracy as well
as the trend for warpage. It also enables rapid simulation of the Fusion Module
process, reduces the number of prototyping iterations and achieves an important
step toward “first time right” composite production.
T Labs continues to advance design and process optimization as it expands
the use of AFT to series produce larger and more complex parts and increases the
replacement of metal parts with stronger and more affordable composites.
in eVTOLs
» Electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL)
aircraft do not represent the first opportunity
for composites to be applied in the mobility
industry. The success of composites in the aero-
space, automotive and marine end markets is no
secret. But what makes the eVTOL industry as
good as gold for the composites industry is the
degree of penetration.
For instance, the Boeing , which acted as a
torchbearer for the use of composites in aircraft, Source | Getty Images
has ~% of its structure made from composite
materials. For the automotive industry, the
numbers are significantly lower, with composite materials applications like beams, seating structures, etc., accounting for
accounting for -% of the vehicle’s weight in light vehicles. another -%. Battery systems, avionics and other small applica-
However, for eVTOLs, that same figure shoots up to an average of tions will, combined, account for the remaining -%.
~% of the material mix, regardless of the maker. More than % of the composites used in eVTOLs will be carbon
Since most eVTOLs will be battery-powered, lightweighting is fiber. About % of composites will use fiberglass reinforcement in
necessary in more than one way — i.e., making lighter compo- the form of protective films.
nents and also choosing designs that require fewer components.
On top of that, eVTOLs impose strict structural requirements. Aerospace quality at semi-automotive volumes
Because of this, composites are an obvious solution for eVTOL The choice of material and the fabrication process for any
manufacturers. composite part usually depends on factors like performance
From primary exterior structures like wings and fuselages to requirements, part size, complexity and production volume. In
small secondary components like clips and brackets, compos- the case of eVTOLs however, there’s one additional parameter for
ites will find applications in every cubic meter of an eVTOL. The choosing the material: ease of certification.
image below highlights some major applications of composites in The top priority for OEMs is to get their aircraft certified as
this aircraft type. quickly as possible, and they are doing this by picking tried-and-
According to Stratview Research, around -% of the tested materials instead of focusing on innovation. Since ther-
composite materials used in any eVTOL program will find use in mosets have, until now, been the most used resin type in the
structural components and the propulsion system, with interior aerospace industry, and because regulatory authorities are most
Composite Material Demand & eVTOL Production Volumes: OEM Partner Product/Service
30,000 12,500
Joby Toray Composite materials
Composite Material Demand ('000 lbs) Toyota Manufacturing and sharing of
No. of eVTOL Units Produced (Right Axis)
Lilium Toray Composite materials
Aciturri Wings, fuselage and other
7,400 structures
(eVTOL units)
('000 lbs) 17
The eVTOL industry will not only create opportunities for the as production scales up and program volumes approach ,
composites industry, but for several other players across the aircraft annually, it will be difficult to meet volume requirements
value chain. Listed in Table on p. are some key manufac- without the integration of automation.
turing and supply partnerships in the eVTOL industry. One consequence could be raw materials — specifically, carbon
The eVTOL industry is not expected to face — at least not fiber — supply constraint. AAM represents a new, high-growth,
initially — any production capacity limits. Many experts high-volume vertical market that depends greatly on composite
told Stratview Research that initial eVTOL program produc- materials to meet basic and critical vehicle weight targets. Couple
tion volumes of <, aircraft annually can be achieved effi- this with existing and new applications of composites in commer-
ciently with the existing technology and capacity. However, cial aerospace and automotive programs and it’s not difficult to
recognize the potential for supply tight-
ening during the initial years of commer-
cialization of eVTOLs.
How clear is the sky ahead? The oppor-
tunity in the eVTOL industry is significant
and real, but the “revolution” is facing
some headwinds: Certification, manufac-
turing bandwidth, pilot supply shortage,
availability of AAM infrastructure and
customer acceptance. This last challenge
— customer acceptance — is a significant
one. The safer and more comfortable an
individual feels while flying in an eVTOL,
the quicker will be the adoption.
The prospect of safe, affordable, conve-
nient, inter- and intracity air mobility is
not far off and likely will be a very attrac-
tive option for travelers looking to escape
ground traffic. That said, market excite-
ment and anticipation are nothing if
expectations are not met. The next few
years will be the most crucial for AAM’s
stakeholders, given how close they are to
delivering on what they’ve been prom-
ising. The world could witness a new
era of mobility in the next few years and
let’s hope that eVTOLs will turn out to be
worth more than the excitement.
For additional questions or to download
the full report, please contact the author.
The Details
Using a Thermwood LSAM 1020, the tool
was printed from ABS (20% Carbon Fiber
Filled) in 16 hours. The final part weighing
1,190 lbs was machined in 32 hours.
GBI: Composites Fabricating — New Orders, Backlog and Exports Slowed demand
(three-month moving average) New orders, backlog and export activity
contracted at faster rates in December
New Orders (3-MMA) Backlog (3-MMA) Exports (3-MMA) compared to previous months.
• Demonstrated impact and For decades, our highly toughened prepreg system has been the
fatigue resistance material of choice for aerospace and defense companies seeking
to manufacture lighter and stronger structures.
• Available with public
allowable design Our prepreg materials are designed to meet primary structure
databases performance requirements, withstand demanding operating
conditions, and enable consistent part production. The robust
• Flexible cure profiles performance of our materials, coupled with publicly available
for efficient production design data and digital design tools, helps customers achieve
systems streamlined development, cost advantages, and optimum
structural performance.
• In stock and ready
to ship Material solutions for today and tomorrow.
CW launches 2023 Top Shops; Bizente project partners look to biodegradation
technologies to recover thermoset materials; critical digital tools and services
accelerate composite racing yacht construction; Velocity Composites expands
into international markets with a new GKN agreement; and more.
CompositesWorld, in cooperation with parent company respondents assess strengths and weaknesses and deter-
Gardner Business Media (GBM, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.), a mine where improvements could be made.
leading media company for manufacturing, and Gardner How are Top Shops determined?
Intelligence, is kicking off 2023 by launching its annual CW Select questions are scored and summed to determine
Top Shops survey, a benchmarking and recognition program which are designated Top Shops. Top Shops typically repre-
designed to help composites fabricators understand, sent the top 20% of scores.
measure and assess how their business compares to other What are the benefits of completing the benchmarking
fabricators. The program is the only source of benchmarking survey?
data collected via online surveys to cover four main business Participants receive:
pillars including operations, technology, business strategy •A custom benchmarking report: Using the report, a
and human resources. facility can assess the effectiveness and efficiency of its
Any composites fabricator, regardless of size, industries manufacturing operations, identify optimal manufactur-
served or location, is qualified and encouraged to partici- ing practices and gain insight to apply in its strategic
pate. The survey, which opened on Jan. 1, 2023, can be planning processes.
completed by qualified, interested parties until April 30. •Top Shops status: One of the most coveted and promi-
Three of GBM’s brands are participating this year in nent accolades in the industry today, being a Top Shop
addition to CW, including Modern Machine Shop, Products recognizes those that perform the best and have busi-
Finishing (with two versions, Plating and Anodizing; and ness practices to be emulated.
Liquid, Powder and Electrocoating) and Plastics Technology. •Consideration to be selected to receive special recogni-
How does Top Shops work? How could it benefit your tion: Up to four Top Shops will be selected to be honored
company? Learn more about the program below: for survey responses that set them apart.
What data does the survey collect? •Industry recognition in CompositesWorld: CW editors
The in-depth survey measures a variety of manufactur- celebrate its Top Shops honorees with prominent cover-
ing metrics for the facility reported, including scrap rate, age in a designated print issue, online and in its e-news-
order lead time, capacity utilization, on-time delivery rate, letters, reaching thousands of composites fabricators
product quality, capital spending, customer retention, every day. We spread the word, far and wide, to share the
sales per employee, sales growth, profit margin, inven- successes of our honorees with the whole community!
tory, machine uptime, wages, labor turnover, supply chain “Top Shops recognizes the staying power of that all-
practices, marketing practices, certifications and more. The important ‘relative performance’ aspect of human nature,
survey also asks, among other things, profile questions such offering a one-of-a-kind solution that delivers it for manu-
as industries served, as well as materials, processes, tooling facturing,” Jan Schafer, director of market research for
types and inspection technology used. Gardner Intelligence, says. “We hear at industry events,
What does a company receive from its participation in association meetings and shop visits that Top Shops data
Top Shops? make for a key tool that is regularly considered in the devel-
Each facility that sufficiently participates (i.e., compre- opment of shop strategies and action plans. An inherent
hensively completes the survey) will receive a custom- bonus is that any shop participating in Top Shops may be
ized report showing how their responses compare to designated a Top Shop or selected for special recognition.
other participating facilities, showing where they stand on That is because questions are designed to create a level
multiple measures compared to the overall CW Top Shops playing field so any shop can stand out on performance.”
benchmarking group and other facilities. This will help Take the survey here: 23
Untitled-2.25 x 9.125 CW Specs.indd 4 9/7/2021 9:35:08 AM
Siemens Digital Industries Software (Waltham, Mass., U.S.) Manufactured with carbon fiber composites, the manu-
has announced that the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli America’s facturing process for the racing yacht prototype required
Cup team is using the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio of nearly 10 months and more than 30,000 work hours of over
software and services to design, simulate and optimize 25 people and 40 members of the design team. For the
its racing yacht for the upcoming 37th America’s Cup construction of the hull and composite components, 5,000
challenge. square meters of carbon fiber were used in the different
materials that make up the structural
core. The prototype was conceived,
designed and built at the Luna Rossa
Prada Pirelli base.
The hull, foils, rudder and sails
were designed and analyzed virtually
using Simcenter STAR CCM+ software
to understand how sails, hull and
the complex hydrodynamics of the
INDUSTRIAL CUTTING SOLUTIONS hydrofoil respond to the changes in
the project parameters. Simcenter
Customers like Hubbell Inc. depend on our solutions to
Amesim software was used to simu-
cut composite material to reinforce its polymer concrete
late all on-board hydraulic lines and
and polymer composite products. At Eastman Machine,
optimize performance, an essential
we take that trust seriously and continue to push our
aspect given that on-board hydraulic
products to the edge of greatness.
power for the aerial parts of the boat
is generated by four team members
E A ST MA N C U TS . CO M | + 1 - 7 1 6 -8 56-2200 called cyclors using pedal power.
Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli is also
taking advantage of Xcelerator
Share, the cloud-based collabora-
tion capability in Siemens Xcelerator
as a Service, to effectively manage
increased design complexity, improve
manufacturing repeatability across
the growing number of parts under-
going thousands of engineering
changes per year, in and out of racing
season. Moreover, Siemens Xcelerator
as a Service enables a high degree
of automation, so the team can fully
leverage the power of modern high-
performance computing (HPC) clus-
ters, running thousands of simulations
per day to quickly explore the char-
acteristics of new designs in different
environmental conditions.
“The Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli team’s
We not only cut selection of Siemens Xcelerator as a
faster, but we can Service is another proof point that
organizations at the bleeding edge
cut three layers at a time. of innovation are using our solutions
to bring their ideas to life and find
Keith Chudley, Hubbell Lenoir City
new areas for true innovation,” Franco
Megali, vice president and CEO Italy,
| HALL 6, STAND D59 Israel and Greece, Siemens Digital
Industries Software, says.
Untitled-2.25 x 9.125 CW Specs.indd 5 9/7/2021 9:35:09 AM
related tools for LCA range from specific gate business risk,” Ffion Martin, engineer-
4.0 ing capability lead for sustainability at the
software with comprehensive life cycle
inventory databases, to solutions specific NCC, says.
to the construction sector or other appli- 2.0 The NCC, together with the researchers
cations that use composite materials. at the University of Bath (U.K.) through the
In the study undertaken by the NCC, 0.0 Innovation Centre for Applied Sustainable
LCA tool 1 LCA tool 2
it was found that the carbon footprint Technologies (ICAST), are establishing and
Source | National Composites Centre
of a glass fiber composite output from applying methods for data quality assess-
one LCA software tool could be almost double for the same ment and presentation of uncertainty as part of the ICAST
assessment used in another software tool. The result is that Core Research Programme that focuses on using sustainable
when applied in a decision-making process in early design materials engineering to inform design and product develop-
stages, these diverse values can force a different outcome ment for decarbonization. The ICAST project will continue
depending on the software solution that is used. the LCA assessment work undertaken by NCC and further
For example, when comparing a glass fiber-reinforced develop LCA data for construction and infrastructure (C&I),
plastic (GFRP) composite component to galvanized steel with a focus on biomaterials and other sustainable advanced
with a requirement to select the design with the lowest material options (e.g., glass, basalt fibers). 27
Untitled-2.25 x 9.125 CW Specs.indd 6 9/7/2021 9:35:14 AM
JS: Can you tell us a little bit about the programs that your role? And what is the role of the manufacturer? You
you’re working on that you’re most involved with right now? mentioned Boeing and SpaceX? Obviously, you must
SC: I mainly support the Commercial Crew Program and work with them and communicate with them. Tell us a
we are working with SpaceX and Boeing on certifying their little bit about what that looks like.
spacecraft and launch vehicles in order for them to take SC: Like you said, SpaceX and Boeing are the two part-
astronauts to the space station. Again, that was one of ners in the Commercial Crew Program. We have to certify
the shuttle’s [2004-2011 space shuttle orbiter’s] main jobs their spacecraft on their launch vehicles. And, you know,
once [the] Space Station got built … taking astronauts up for SpaceX, that means we’re looking at the Crew Dragon
there. So, when that ended, this commercial crew was the and the Falcon 9 launch vehicle. On the Boeing side,
follow-on to that. My role is to review and assess all of their they’re building the CST 100. And then they’ve actually
composite structures, making sure that they’re meeting their contracted out to ULA, to use the Atlas V launch vehicle …
requirements and that their vehicles are certified to fly. My role is to do the review and the assessment of all of
JS: Let’s talk about the certification process. Can you just those composite structures. And so where this starts is
walk me through what that looks like? You know, what is that we have our NASA standards, and these provide the
requirements that have to be met for the program, part
of the original contract.
There are three main ones that I have to deal with
that have requirements relevant to composite structures.
One of those is the materials and processes standard,
which has requirements for every kind of material that
that you could use and addresses everything from
allowables to materials compatibility to requirements
for special processes like composites fabrication and
bonding and welding. The second one that I have to
look at is the structural requirements … you really have
to understand your ply layup, your fabrication process,
bagging, you know, what your cure cycle is, you have to
understand the design features and how that’s affect-
ing the loading going through the part. Then the third
one is the fracture control requirements, which deals
with how you are assessing defects and damage, how
you’re handling damage tolerance, looking at flaws and
flaw growth. Again, you know, these documents cover
materials across the board ... metallics and nonmetallics …
So, really what this comes down to is, it requires a lot of
testing. You start at that coupon level to get your basic
design values, but then you’re also going up to that next
level with making sure you’re accounting for the different
features, and for any defects that you need to account for
within your part.
JS: I can imagine, given the variability of composite
materials and processes, combined with the variability
of the structures that you’re working with each project,
[that] your work must be unique, and [I’m] wondering if
that’s true and what are the challenges associated with
SC: I think one of the main challenges is just all the course, we want to see development of new technologies
options in the composite material systems for all the and composites or resins that can handle higher tempera-
possible combinations of different resin systems, differ- tures or material systems that are more damage tolerant
ent carbon fiber systems, types of weave, so even just at — we need to be making progress in those areas. But as
the basic raw material level, each of these variables can someone who is certifying or working towards the certifi-
change the properties of your material and of your final cation of things, you want something that’s kind of estab-
component. So, it’s even beyond you having different lished at that time, just to make sure that you understand
layups in different fabrication processes, but if there are your materials and your final product.
any changes within the material system itself, then that can JS: Does that mean that your partners are only using
cause you to do more testing to ensure that you under- qualified materials? Or is it possible for them to introduce
stand how that change has affected your material and an unqualified material into a program like this?
your material properties. And working with these different SC: Any material that they are going to use, there has to
companies means having to know about different material be qualification of that data out there. So they can bring
systems. something that maybe we haven’t, you know, whether I
We’ve been going through this initial development and personally may have not been familiar with in the past, but
certification phase. We have to kind of do a little bit of it’s doing that research and under-
our own research into these material systems, you know, standing what that material is, and
understanding what information is out there, and getting understanding the vendor process
additional information from the partners for that. And then and how the partner is using that
each of these partners has to do their own testing. And material, and looking at getting help
so [we] then have to review all of that data. Being on the from other experts across the agency
application side of things with aerospace, and something to see if somebody else has some
that is so critical, it is really important to understand your experience with that material.
material and to have all those controls in place so that
you’re getting a consistent product every time. And of
»As reported in the December 2022 issue of CW (see Learn enable further functionality to be added to tooling or tool compo-
More), hard tooling is an important, potentially costly and often nents, such as the use of conformal heating or cooling channels,
rate-limiting step in the process of bringing composite parts to which can shorten molding cycles and reduce part warpage.
market. However, advances in metal additive manufacturing (AM) In this report, we’ll continue our coverage of metal AM and
over the past 15 years have given toolmakers, molders and OEMs other digital technologies and, as before, indicate which additional
many useful options for producing intricate mold components. metal AM processes are production-proven — already used on
And, with the advent of large-format AM (LFAM) technologies, it is tools producing commercial parts, often in high volumes — and
now possible to print entire tools — albeit often single-sided only which are close to or just beginning to be used on commercial
with necessarily simpler geometry. programs.
Metal AM tools or tool components can cut weeks or even
months off lead times without sacrificing accuracy or durability, Production proven: Hybrid extrusion/CNC machining
and they often do so at lower cost than similar components Although just starting to ship commercial printers to initial
produced via conventional manufacturing. Many processes also customers, the hybrid metal AM system designed specifically for
Refining metal AM
Above is half of an as-printed and
sintered H13 insert with integral
conformal cooling channels used by
Hypertherm Associates to injection
mold glass fiber-reinforced PEEK
consumables used in a plasma cutter. To
the left is the complete insert (circled)
seated in the single-cavity injection
mold that, in turn, is mounted in an
injection press.
Source | Hypertherm Associates/Mantle Inc.
toolmakers by Mantle Inc. (San Francisco, Calif., U.S.) has already carrier, leaving a green body with the consistency of stiff foam.
been proven with key beta customers. These early adopters Next, a quick pass from the integral high-speed mill increases
are all toolmakers, some of whom also mold, and have put the the accuracy and flatness of each layer. Typically, every layers,
technology through its paces for the past few years to verify that the part is also contour milled to improve surface finish and
printed and sintered mold components machine, EDM and weld refine features on the evolving part. Green body parts move from
just like conventional tool steels and are just as printers to Mantle’s furnace where they
durable. At least one beta customer has used undergo an integrated debinding and
two inserts produced on Mantle printers There are many printing sintering process to achieve final part
to injection mold more than 2.8 million density and geometry.
systems on the market
commercial parts for the personal care The company claims that its technology
— some print metals, experiences the lowest shrink rate (-%)
Mantle’s patented TrueShape polymers or composites. of any sinter-based metal AM process — as
process combines custom software much as an order of magnitude less than other
plus an extrusion-based printer, which systems. Parts exit the furnace with excel-
uses flowable metal pastes. It is also equipped with an integral lent hardness, greater than % density and are ready to use after
high-speed CNC mill, which shapes and refines part geometry minimal CNC machining to help seat components in the tool’s
throughout the printing process. An important benefit is that master unit die (MUD). And unlike laser-based systems, sintered
operators needn’t know how to program additive or subtractive parts are said to have very low internal stresses, which helps the
tool paths to use it. system hold very tight tolerances (±.-. millimeters across a
The system takes imported CAD models, slices the geometry -millimeter part) and produce very high surface finishes (Ra
into layers and automatically generates additive and subtrac- ~- microns).
tive tool paths in G-code, which the printer then uses to produce Currently, two paste formulations are available in widely used
a part. The extrudable pastes consist of metal particles of tool steels: H, which offers the same metallurgy and perfor-
different types and sizes in a thixotropic liquid carrier whose mance as H hardened steel, and PX, which provides the perfor-
viscosity can be tuned. The printer extrudes paste one layer at mance of P steel with slightly different metallurgy. The company
a time, followed by a short drying cycle to remove the liquid says its material form factor eliminates the handling and storage 31
issue of bare powders, and the high printing pressures and cutting-systems supplier, Hypertherm Associates (Hanover, N.H.,
defects seen with filaments. Mantle’s pastes can also print thick- U.S.) used in a study to compare injection molded part quality
section parts unlike ink-based systems. With a build volume of and wear for an insert produced conventionally versus one
× × millimeters, the TrueShape process is said to be printed using Mantle’s system. Inserts were then used to injec-
ideal for producing small- to medium-size mold components. tion mold % fiberglass-reinforced polyetheretherketone (PEEK)
A good example of the types of mold components produced cap shields, which form a consumable torch stack-up used in a
with Mantle’s system is a slide nose detail insert that industrial plasma cutter. H was specified for printed and conventionally
produced inserts owing to that alloy’s high hardness (to resist reduced by %. The printed insert required minimal grinding
fiberglass abrasion) and resistance to temperature cycling (PEEK and wire EDM work to adjust the taper prior to seating it in the
is injected at °C into a tool kept at °C). The printed insert slide carrier. Hypertherm reports that molded part quality was the
was designed to incorporate integral cooling channels to improve same with both insert types and no observable wear was identi-
part quality and reduce cycle time. fied after shots.
Lead time to produce the printed insert was reduced - “Compared with traditional manufacturing, Mantle’s technology
weeks versus the conventionally produced insert, and costs were is dramatically lower cost, it’s significantly faster and it enables 33
Hollow-section parts
This printed and sintered slide produced
in 8620 steel is an example of the type
of tooling component being produced on
AIM3D’s printers. No post-sinter machining
was required for the component.
Source | AIM3D GmbH
the unique geometries that only can be made by D printing,” print metals, some polymers, a few print composites and fewer
explains Ted Sorom, Mantle CEO and co-founder. “That combi- still can print multiple categories of materials. One of the latter
nation of factors is what our customers get really excited about. types was developed by AIM3D GmbH (Rostock, Germany),
The world is moving fast, technology is moving fast, but manufac- which has developed a novel extrusion-type printer that can print
turing hasn’t kept up with the pace of innovation. Mantle’s True- metals, plastics, composites and ceramics on the same printer
Shape changes that.” as long as those materials can be supplied in a pellet format and
converted into strands/filaments that fit through one of several
Production-ready: Composite extrusion different size nozzles. An open material system provides a broad
modeling (CEM) range of printable material options while keeping production
There are many different printing systems on the market. Some costs down, although AIM3D will also work with customers who
wish to use proprietary materials.
AIMD founders, then students
at the University of Rostock, initially
focused on developing a simpler and less
costly metal AM printer based on the
composite extrusion modeling (CEM)
process, which is similar to fused depo-
to use metal injection molding (MIM)
pellets. After graduating and forming
their company in , the founders
AND were asked by auto industry investors
to try printing glass-reinforced poly-
• Rapid Design and Build amide (GR/PA), which led to devel-
opment of a series of print heads and
• One-Off or High Volume interchangeable nozzles using the fused
granular modeling/fabrication (FGM or
• Large, Complex Shapes FGF) process to print neat or reinforced
• High-Precision Machining plastic injection molding pellets. The
latest materials the team has printed are
• Non-Destructive Testing ceramics. | 360.856.5143
Because AIMD’s process can print
hollow-section parts, it can produce
metal inserts with conformal cooling (or
We’re Hiring Scan this QR code heating) channels. In fact, it’s said to be
Engineering and to view our current possible to print a part using multiple
Manufacturing Roles job openings! custom-formulated alloys, such as a
high-hardness grade in combination with
another of the same base alloy but infused with copper to enhance encapsulated in a thermoplastic binder, the printer does not
thermal conductivity without reducing the base metals’ sintering require cleanroom conditions, inert-gas blanketing or vacuum
temperature. It’s also possible to print parts using the same metal pressure. All that is needed is power and compressed air.
but with different densities, modified by using pellets containing Since a strand of flowable material is produced just prior
different particle sizes and thermoplastic binders. This enables to printing, scaffolds are needed to keep overhang/undercut
material in one section of a part to sinter to a dense microstruc- geometry from slumping and, depending on geometry, support
ture while material in another section sinters to a more porous structures may also be needed during sintering. Rather than
microstructure. Hence, AIMD’s system has an extra method for requiring a metal build plate, printing is done on a polymer sheet,
enhancing part functionality in addition to design/geometry and which is simply peeled off the bottom of the completed part.
material selection. The current build envelope for the company’s ExAM series
Parts in metal or ceramic require thermal or chemical printers is × × millimeters on AIMD’s smaller printer
debinding and sintering after printing. AIMD does not offer its and × × millimeters on its newest printer. Owing to
own furnace but connects customers to a network of compa- the high extrusion pressures used, the print head can move quite
nies offering this service. (Metal and ceramic green bodies are rapidly, laying material down at millimeters/second (or
said to be relatively tough and can withstand shipping.) Metal cubic centimeters/hour from a .-millimeter nozzle) versus
shrinkage during sintering is isotropic, occurs at the same rate ~ millimeters/second for comparable filament or stick-based
as for comparable MIM parts and is easily accounted for with systems.
simple geometric scaling. Post-sinter porosity is ~.%. Most The team is said to be working on larger pellet printers to
steels are hard-phase sintered and achieve densities up to %, increase build envelope and build rates. Part costs also are said to
while densities for liquid-phase sintered materials like tungsten be correspondingly lower, on the order of three to four times less
can be as high as .%. Surface finishes are said to be similar than filament/stick printers and half the cost of DMLS printers
to those achieved via the direct metal laser sintering/solidifi- without that process’ high residual stresses. Materials can be
cation (DMLS) process mentioned in Part of this article (CW printed at temperatures ranging from room temperature to °C,
December issue). Reportedly, post-sintered metal parts depending on which type of material is used and which model
machine, EDM and weld just like MIM parts and have compa- printer is selected.
rable mechanical properties. Because metal powders are fully The company says the process can hold tolerances as tight as
In 1900 The French Oil Mill Machinery
Company began as a new idea - an idea
that improved manufacturing processes
and challenged established industry
Always focused on innovation and
engineering creativity, our fourth generation
family-owned company continues this
tradition for the benefit of our customers. 35
±. millimeter. The smallest nozzle AIMD offers for metal granular material up to millimeters in diameter,” says Clemens
printing is . millimeter in diameter, so the company says its Lieberwirth, AIMD CTO. “These cost-effective and easily avail-
comfort zone is printing geometry no finer than - millimeters, able pellets offer the freedom to print anything from tool steels to
although they also say it’s possible to build single-wall struc- non-ferrous metals to plastics, composites and ceramics without
tures as thin as . millimeter having to purchase costly filaments or handle fine powders. This
— useful for thin fins on turbine greatly reduces material costs as well as machining or molding
Read this article online | parts but potentially less useful time and costs. It also means customers can print prototypes in for mold components subject the same material as production parts without needing to adapt
metaladditivept2 to high clamping and injection production steps.”
Read Part 1 of this article | pressures. Finer geometry can While metal AM is a fairly young technology — and its use to
always be EDM’d after sintering. produce tooling or tool components is even younger — metal
AIMD reports that its printing technologies continue to evolve, and those that are
printers are being used to already commercial continue to improve. As these three tech-
produce metal parts in the nologies — along with those covered in Part of this series —
automotive industry, although demonstrate, metal AM has much to offer toolmakers, proces-
several other industries are sors and OEMs trying to bring composite products to market
interested, including aero- faster, at lower cost and with a smaller manufacturing carbon
space and MIM itself. Several footprint.
materials suppliers use ExAM
printers in their labs to develop
new materials for D printing. Tool production is a newer use for
the technology and AIMD is working with several companies
under non-disclosure agreements to develop metal AM mold Peggy Malnati covers the automotive and infrastructure beats
components. for CW and provides communication services for plastics and
composites industry clients. She also writers for CW sister
“Our patent-pending, wear-resistant extruder and simple publications, MoldMaking Technology and Products Finishing
printing process are designed to handle nearly any type of magazines.
Efficient, high-quality, » Given all the talk about the challenges associated with meeting high-volume
engine is the other). LEAP-B (,-, pounds) is the sole Three parts, three plants
engine option for the Boeing MAX aircraft. LEAP-C (,- It’s important to understand a couple of things about AEC’s
, pounds) is the sole engine option for the Comac C. Each Rochester facility. First, it’s not home to AEC only. Safran, as the
LEAP engine features carbon fiber composite fan blades (Fig. ) customer, operates about a third of the 345,000-square-foot plant
rotating inside a carbon fiber composite fan case. and takes direct delivery of all product AEC manufactures for the
Safran, at its December Capital Markets Day, said the LEAP LEAP program. Second, this is not the only AEC/Safran facility
engine (all variants) has a % share of the global narrowbody fabricating fan cases and blades for the LEAP program. There
market and a % market share on the Aneo Family. Further, are two other similar but smaller facilities — one in Commercy,
Safran reported an order backlog of , LEAP engines, which France (100,000 square feet) and one in Querétaro, Mexico
represents a staggering , fan blades, making this engine (70,000 square feet), also jointly operated with Safran. Each
platform the largest composite fan blade consumer in the world. facility is AS9100-certified and together the three plants employ
Compounding the challenge of manufacturing volume is that of about 675 people.
quality. A fan blade is vitally important and is the primary struc- Beyond the LEAP program, AEC also operates facilities in
ture to an aircraft engine’s operation for obvious reasons; as such, Boerne, Texas, U.S. (, square feet), Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.
blade failure — particularly a blade-out condition — must be (, square feet) and Kaiserslautern, Germany (, square
exceptional and rare. This combination of manufacturing volume feet). AEC employs about , people globally.
and quality is rare in the aerocomposites industry, but it is also a For LEAP, however, the Rochester facility is the flagship opera-
bellwether of what’s to come. tion. It also fabricates all three of the composite parts in the
When CW first visited AEC in Rochester in (see Learn contract, in annual quantities inversely proportional to part size:
More), the company was just getting its manufacturing operations fan cases (,), fan blades (,), spacers (,). One LEAP
started for the LEAP program. Today, a decade later, AEC’s Roch- shipset out of the Rochester facility comprises one fan case, fan
ester facility is fully industrialized for high-volume, high-quality blades and spacers.
composites fabrication that has positioned the company well to The Rochester plant is also home to fabrication of the .-meter-
be a major fabricator in the aerospace market. In our latest visit, diameter, -kilogram fan case for the GEX engine, manufac-
CW got to see firsthand how the company achieved this transi- tured by GE Aerospace (Cincinnati) for the Boeing X. With
tion. Lessons learned along the way will be instructive for the a thrust of , pounds, the GEX is the largest and most
entire aerospace composites supply chain. powerful commercial aircraft engine in the world. The plane it’s
contributors 39
Fan cases
CW’s tour of the Rochester facility, led by Réjean Lavallée,
director of operations at the facility, starts with the largest
composite part on a LEAP engine. The fan cases for the LEAP
variants are similar but not identical, with slight differences in
architecture and diameter depending on engine thrust — the
larger the thrust, the bigger the fan case. However, each variant is
~2 meters in diameter, 750 millimeters wide and weighs signifi-
cantly less than comparable metallic designs, and each is fabri-
cated following the same procedures.
The first step, and CW’s first tour stop, are five massive
weaving machines producing complex carbon fiber fabric
preforms in widths that match the width of the fan case. These
are Jacquard-type looms, weaving a dry carbon fiber. The loom
is designed to enable AEC to taper the fabrics to vary the thick-
ness as needed to accommodate fan case architecture.
The loom is fed from the rear by more than , spooled
tows that comprise multiple types of carbon fiber yarns. The
complexity of weaving at AEC is measured by a variety of
factors, including preform architecture, shape and length. A
complete fan case preform uses tens of thousands weft fibers
and measures approximately feet long.
Much of the manufacturing efficiency that AEC has gained
over the last decade revolves around the weaving process.
FIG. 3 Materials preparation, 3D weaving
Lavallée says fan case weaving speed is four times faster now
One of Albany Engineered Composites’ core technologies for fan case and blade than it was in . Other metrics have been improved as well:
production is 3D weaving. Each loom that performs the weaving is fed by thou-
The process is more stable and consistent, machine utilization
sands of tows or yarns of carbon fiber. Shown here is the carbon fiber preparation
area, where color codes are used to denote fiber type and format prior to creel is higher, scrap rate has been reduced to .% (and going down)
delivery to the looms. and touch labor has been significantly reduced.
This increased efficiency is not trivial. In fact, AEC points to coming. Then, either we need to correct that or Safran needs to
machine utilization throughout all operations as the one metric make an adjustment to its machining. These early warning signs
that has driven the company’s ability to ramp up and meet the are critical.”
rate requirements of the LEAP program. “When that became the Delivery of fan cases — and all other LEAP products — is done
metric,” says Ray Ringleb, senior director of business develop- quickly, given that Safran is co-located in the Rochester facility
ment, “it just changed everything.” (See sidebar on p. for more with AEC. Safran’s operations exist just beyond our view and are
about AEC ‘s asset utilization strategy.) separated from AEC’s space in the factory by a modest partition
After a fan case preform is woven, it then moves to the winder that is testimony of the close working relationship that the two
for placement on the mandrel (Fig. ). The winder wraps the companies enjoy.
woven preform around the IML fan case mold. “After weaving, Lavallée says that Safran, when it receives a fan case or blades,
the preform is rolled up and then unwound under tension while performs several finishing operations to prepare the parts for
using laser alignment assistance to make
sure proper positioning into the tool,”
Lavallée says.
W yoming
It is apparent, even at this early stage, • Over 40 types of
that AEC’s operations depend greatly fixtures in stock,
on advanced technologies to manage ready to be shipped.
T est
preform quality, placement and align- • Expert consultation
with Dr. Dan Adams
ment. “You will see a lot of process
• Email or call today to
F ixtures
monitoring throughout the plant,” says
discuss your fixture and
Stevenson. “Laser alignment, cameras, custom design needs.
data boards pulling information right off INC.
the machines, driving that operational
excellence because the production rate
requires it. Because again, as we learned, PREPREG TACK TEST FIXTURE
small perturbations can get out of hand
very quickly. We have to manage process
control very carefully.”
Lavallée says it takes AEC several hours LOOK WHAT'S
to wind the -foot preform onto the tool.
Once the tool is fully assembled, it is then
transferred to an oven and prepped for
RTM. Resin is delivered to each tool by
the system through multiple injectors. The PREPREG TACK
resin system used is a toughened epoxy TEST FIXTURE
As he explains injection and cure,
ASTM D8336
Lavallée notes that AEC is avidly pursuing
technologies to automate the process as
much as possible to remove the human
element. “We really understand the key
process parameters,” he says. “And we are
systematically working through all the
processes to remove any source of varia- ASTM D8336
tion in those parameters by adding tech- MODEL: WTF-PR
nology and minimizing touch labor.”
Post-cure, fan case dimensions
Shown above with
are verified and documented. This is Prepreg Specimen
particularly important for Safran, says
Stevenson, which requires notifica-
Dr. Daniel O. Adams, Vice President
tion if anomalies are detected. “At these
40+ years of Composite Testing Experience
rates, if all of a sudden we have a slip of
even just -thousandths of an inch,” 2960 E. Millcreek Canyon Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84109 email:
he says, “Safran may need to adapt their
Phone (801) 484.5055
machining and they need to know that’s 41
engine integration. These include machining, drilling, painting the weaving operation (Fig. , p. ). This features multiple racks
and attaching the leading edge (fan blades). AEC’s relationship of color-coded creels holding carbon fibers in a variety of formats,
with Safran is close, physically within the plant and as a business ranging from single tows to multiple tows twisted into yarns. The
partner. Michael Dill, senior vice president of marketing and colors on each creel signal to operators the type and format of
business development, notes, “We have found Safran to be a great the fiber; these colors, in turn, correlate to colors on the looms,
partner. They recognize our expertise and let us manage that as we signaling to operators where creels should and should not be used.
see fit. It’s been a great working relationship over the years.” AEC Color, it turns out, is a big part of AEC’s manufacturing strategy
and Safran announced in that their LEAP joint venture has and helps operators easily and quickly match up materials with
been renewed until . equipment. Stevenson reminds us that the processes and proce-
dures used in Rochester are not confined to Rochester. They must
Fan blades, spacers be followed in the Mexican and French plants as well. “The chal-
Leaving fan cases, the tour moves to fan blade and spacer fabrica- lenge is to produce product in three plants in three different
tion, the manufacturing operation that consumes the most space cultures,” he says. “It really made us understand what needed to
in the Rochester facility. Here, product size decreases, but the be done to standardize operations so that we can make the same
volume of all else — materials, weavers, RTM systems — increases parts in three different places to the same specifications. Using
substantially. color is one way to do that.”
The first thing we see is the raw material preparation area for Passing through material prep, we enter an impressively long
AEC’s silver bullet: Capacity utilization
Albany Engineered Composites (AEC) recognized early on that producing requirements for fan case, fan blade and spacer production were
large volumes of just a few parts — fan cases, fan blades and spacers — can relatively high. “I’d say, right now, we need less equipment than we did
drive efficiencies in many ways, ranging from increased use of automation to in 2019 to produce the same volume because of the advancements we’ve
robust process control. But one system that has risen above them all is what made,” Stevenson says.
AEC describes as its Operational Excellence focus, which emphasizes asset How does this factor into AEC’s future? The commercial aerospace
utilization as a key metric that drives manufacturing efficiency. industry is in the midst of an inexorable transition toward higher-volume
“Operational Excellence is not just a phrase used to market us, there is real manufacturing. A next-gen narrowbody aircraft, whether it’s from Boeing
culture in place at AEC,” says Brent Stevenson, VP engineering & technology. or Airbus, will require monthly build rates of 60-100 shipsets. On top of
“You can see it all over our sites from our performance, to the organization of that, the emerging advanced air mobility (AAM) market will demand
our shop floors, our process controls, detailed metrics and high standards we similar capabilities of the composites manufacturing supply chain.
commit our business too. Most importantly our customers see it!” Meeting these requirements will demand the kind of manufacturing
Further, this focus on operational excellence is a never-ending pursuit. paradigm shift AEC has already accomplished by maximizing composites
Stevenson notes that even as recently as 2019, pre-pandemic, AEC’s asset manufacturing asset utilization.
Safe, Green
A pproaching our sixth decade
in the marketplace, U. S.
Polychemical Corp. is proud to
announce the availability of our
Polychem Acrastrip line.
Polychem Acrastrip is a safe, green
alternative for all your cleaning
needs within the composite industry.
U.S. Polychemical has partnered
with the EPA’s Design for the
Environment (“DfE”) program to
promote the use of products with
FIG. 5 RTM line improved environmental and
After each fan blade preform is woven, it is transferred to a matched metal mold like the one shown human health characteristics.
in the foreground here. Laser projectors verify proper preform placement before the mold is closed
and transferred to one of 25 RTM presses (background) for resin injection. The toughened epoxy resin Polychem Acrastrip is non-
system used in the fan blades is the same as that used in the fan cases. flammable, biodegradable, has no
HAPS and is re-usable. Designed as
a solvent and acetone replacement
product, it will effectively clean,
and wide array of looms (Fig. , opposite). The vast majority of these looms are flush and strip uncured or cured
devoted to the weaving of fan blade preforms; one loom produces spacer preforms. polyester, vinyl ester, epoxy resins,
Each fan blade loom here is fed by more than , tows of carbon fiber and each as well as adhesives and coatings.
preform requires thousands of weft tows. Like the fan case looms, weaving is
In addition to our Acrastrip line
programmed to produce fan blade preforms with a highly specific shape and archi- Polychem has introduced
tecture to meet the design requirements of the application. One notable difference “Bio-Lock” a revolutionary way
is that fan blade design features a thick root section that tapers in two directions to a to eliminate grinding and sanding
relatively thin tip. The weaving process must accommodate this tapering to achieve a for secondary bonding!
near-net shape preform. Feel free to contact us at
Lavallée says a single loom can weave multiple blade preforms in hours. Further,
or 1-800-431-2072
similar to the fan case looms, efficiencies in the fan blade looms have increased over
the last decade, allowing AEC to more than double throughput.
Lavallée says each loom, here and in the fan case area, is equipped with a variety
of automated tools designed to provide in-process quality inspection. This includes
automated visual detection technology to look for broken fibers and broken tows,
which Lavallée notes are not definitionally problematic.
Stevenson expands on this idea: “This [inspection] process has become very stable,
such that we very rarely are compelled to perform rework. More often, we see gradual
process deviation over time, which we correct.”
A fan blade preform emerges from the loom as a very dense, near-net shape blade-
like D structure. The preform is very thick and fully D at the root, and then tapers
down in thickness toward the edges and tip. Also, the preform is not fully carbon
fiber; there are other fibers strategically integrated to provide process and perfor-
mance advantages.
At this point, Lavallée says, there is some excess material on the preform. This is
currently removed via automated and manual trimming processes. After trimming,
the preform is conveyed, lying flat, to the next step in the manufacturing process,
which is RTM. The RTM area comprises banks of injection units, organized in two
parallel rows (Fig. ). Here, preforms are manually placed into the female half of a
matched metal mold (see foreground, Fig. ). Overhead laser systems guide manual
preform placement and location. 43
Next, the mold is transferred to a a drying process. This, says as that used in the fan cases is injected into the preform. Post-cure,
Stevenson, is needed to remove residual moisture from the fibers; blades are trimmed to remove flash, loaded onto carts and trans-
it also initiates crosslinking of the fiber sizing, which causes the ferred to Safran (Fig. ).
preform to stiffen. It’s in this condition that the mold is then closed As we leave the RTM area, we pass an automated resin loading
and manually transferred into a preforming process. Then, it’s on system AEC uses to create the recipe for the LEAP products.
to an injection unit where the same toughened epoxy resin matrix Lavallée notes that a slightly different combination of resins is
required for the A and B fan blades as
well as the A and B spacers. “Process
improvement through automation of
this stage of the process continues to
be a focus improvement area for AEC,”
Lavallée states.
Looking ahead
Like every business throughout the world, AEC was not immune
to the effects of the COVID pandemic, but Greg Harwell, president
of AEC, says the company used the pandemic-induced pause to
conduct a robust internal evaluation of its strategy and direction.
“We re-invented ourselves,” he says.
This reevaluation helped AEC steer more of its efforts toward
defense applications such that there is now a nearly equal split
between that market and commercial aerospace. It also helped the
company see the opportunities in non-weaving technologies, such
as automated tape laying (ATL), automated fiber placement (AFP),
braiding, filament winding and even hand layup.
And, like the rest of the aerospace supply chain, AEC is waiting
for Boeing or Airbus to announce a new commercial aircraft
platform. This has forced AEC (and others) into a two-pronged
growth strategy — position itself to serve Boeing and Airbus with
high-quality, cost-effective composites manufacturing when the
next platform is announced, and leverage current technology
FIG. 8 Vertical tailplane fitting demonstrator
strengths into new business.
Albany is eager to leverage its expertise in 3D weaving and RTM into other
Dill says AEC is in a strong growth position given the efficien-
aerospace and defense opportunities that would benefit from the industrializa-
cies and technologies it has built around the LEAP program. tion, automation and process control the company has developed for the LEAP
“With limited new platforms on the horizon, AEC performance structures. One example is this vertical tailplane fitting demonstrator fabricated
has allowed us to play in the takeaway space, helping key for an unnamed customer. 45
customers remove problem suppliers effectively.” three dimensions, as well as virtual testing and simulation.
One new award that AEC picked up recently is the Aft Transi- What does all of this mean for AEC? Harwell says the company
tion Assembly section for the Sikorski CH-53K King Stallion heavy- is targeting to become 50% of parent company Albany Interna-
lift helicopter. AEC will build a new 100,000-square-foot facility to tional’s $1.2 billion projected revenue by 2026, with growth fueled
fabricate 150 composite details for entirely organically. What about inorganic growth? Harwell says
the application. The company AEC is always on the lookout for opportunities to add expertise
is also establishing a develop- and capability, but it must be highly targeted. For now, he likes the
Read this article online | ment engineering program niche AEC has carved, focusing on technology, process control,
AECpt-2022 that will focus on applied tech- industrialization and efficiency.
More on CW’s 2013 Albany nology and process develop- “That’s what’s unique about us,” Harwell says. “It’s really the
tour | short.compositesworld. ment from design and structural combination of technology and operational excellence that drive
com/Albanypt-2013 analysis through qualification the results you see at AEC. And the metrics that we are able to
and low-rate production. Within derive from that consistent quality and reliability has become a
AEC the capabilities include significant advantage for us.”
hand layup, braiding, filament The ultimate enabler, as exemplified by the Rochester facility,
winding, compression molding, is volume, which has become a game-changer for the company.
infusion, 3D printing, RTM, auto- Harwell says, “The critical evolution of managing volume is the
claves and CNC processes. ability to industrialize these opportunities and continue to be the
AEC is also pursuing inno- industry benchmark.”
vation in design expertise to
support a wide range aerostructures applications. To that end,
and specifically focused on 3D woven composites, the company
has developed design software, called 3D Composite Studio, that
Jeff Sloan is editor-in-chief of CompositesWorld, and has been
can be integrated with off-the-shelf CAD systems to add weaving engaged in plastics- and composites-industry journalism for
programming capability. This software can also be used to 27 years.
conduct performance and process modeling to evaluate fibers in
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Wednesday, March 29 at 10 AM
New Products
Dual-shaft mixer
designed for high-
speed polymer
Charles Ross & Son Co. (Ross,
Hauppauge, N.Y., U.S.), a
Source | Base Materials manufacturer of industrial
mixing, blending, drying and
» TOOLING BOARD dispersion equipment, introduces
Medium-temperature, everyday epoxy its robust and versatile line of Source | Ross
tooling board Dual Shaft Mixers, said to be
Base Materials (Leicester, U.K.) strengthens its epoxy materials range powerful enough to mix batch dispersions, suspensions and emulsions
with the launch of BE368, a new medium-temperature, everyday with viscosities up to several hundred thousand centipoise. These
tooling material designed for the manufacture of master models, heavy-duty machines are built for rigorous applications that are highly
patterns, jigs and fixtures. viscous, temperature-sensitive or reactive, according to the company.
Suitable for use across a range of industries including automotive, The custom-built Ross FDA-3500 system in particular is ideal for
aerospace and motorsport, the BE368 epoxy tooling board features producing resin blends, filled composites, plastisols and various other
a good surface finish, a low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), polymer dispersions. It features a maximum working capacity of 3,500
improved dimensional stability and an inert surface for wide-ranging gallons, a two-zone stainless steel dimpled jacket for heating/cooling, a
compatibility at temperatures up to +165°C. 4" pneumatic discharge valve and an explosion-proof load cell system
Base Materials’ BE368 epoxy tooling material, which is manufactured rated for up to 20,000 lbs.
in-house, is available in a number of board thicknesses up to 150 mm. The Ross FDA-3500 multi-agitator system is equipped with inde-
Base Materials also produces a full range of ancillary products, which pendently controlled drives and is highly efficient at producing good
includes adhesives, sealers and release agents. turnover and imparting shear to a viscous batch.
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» The world’s quest for sustainable energy resources means the Tree Composites composite TC-joints
rapid development of offshore wind power plays a significant Tree Composites’ TC-joint used in jacket foundations for wind turbine genera-
part in the energy sector’s future. In 2021, 82 new offshore wind tors (WTGs) has the potential to increase foundation structure manufacturing
turbine generator (WTG) power plants were installed worldwide, throughput by 100% by eliminating welding, supporting efforts to reach climate
contributing to more than 280 active power plants and adding 21.1 goals. Source | Tree Composites
gigawatts (GW) of wind power connected to the world’s power
grid. This deployment rate is reasonable, but must accelerate if the
world is to combat climate change successfully. neutrality, according to the European Commission’s Strategy on
Wind power’s desirability is not solely an environmental one. Offshore Renewable Energy.
In May , the European Commission released the REPowerEU In we saw the U.K. government increase its offshore wind
plan, aiming to achieve European independence from Russian target from GW to GW by , and the U.S. announce a .%
fossil fuels well before . At a similar time, the Esbjerg Decla- increase in offshore wind procurement targets at the state level to
ration by the North Sea nations of Denmark, Netherlands, nearly GW by the same time. This increases the predicted global
Belgium and Germany pledged to increasingly replace fossil outlook for offshore wind to around GW by , requiring
fuels, including Russian oil, coal and gas, with European renew- about GW of installations per year for the remainder of the
able energy from the North Sea, including offshore wind and decade, compared to the current yearly rate of about GW.
green hydrogen, contributing to EU climate neutrality and energy As the size of the offshore industry increases, WTG manufac-
security. turers are concentrating on a sustainable approach to expansion by
The declaration sets ambitious combined targets for offshore reducing resource-intensive manufacturing and installation, and
wind of at least GW by and aims to more than double that decarbonizing the hard-to-abate, pre-operational emissions before
total capacity of offshore wind to at least GW by , deliv- WTGs generate their first watt of carbon-free energy.
ering more than half of the power needed to reach EU climate Tree Composites, a Delft, Netherlands-based composite joint
Steel members
Chord members
Brace members
composite wrap
bonded TC-joint
Brace members
(K, double-K,
triple-K, T, X or Y
Source (original images) | Tree Composites
› GFRP composite joint replaces traditional › Optimized structural performance and chemical › Increased production rate and reduced
joint welding in jacket foundation joints. corrosion versus welded jacket foundation joints. pre-operation emissions of WTGs.
designer and manufacturer, has developed a GFRP composite joint much of the WTG industry’s investment is going.
to connect steel tube members together in WTG foundation struc- Jacket foundations are typically composed of circular cross-
tures, replacing resource-heavy welding, significantly reducing section, hollow steel tubes. The structure’s legs, known as chord
pre-operational emissions and increasing foundation structure members, are supported by welded brace members to form the
manufacturing throughput by as much as %. Tree Composites’ lattice structure. Each steel tube is typically around .- meters in
invention aims to assist the WTG industry in reaching the required diameter with a wall thickness between to millimeters. The
installation rate to meet the world’s green energy goals. chord members connect to the brace members at what is known as
K, double-K, triple-K, T, X or Y joints, with the letter denoting the
Foundational design challenges shape of the joint.
Foundations in the form of monopiles, jackets or floating founda- The chord members are usually attached to the seabed using
tions support offshore WTGs, depending on the water depth. The piles to secure the structure. The primary load applied to the jacket
locations where monopile foundations are used, however, are foundation is an overturning moment due to the resulting applied
less desirable because deeper waters typically see more optimal wind forces about the points of contact with the seabed. The over-
conditions for producing wind power. Monopiles are economi- turning moment is calculated as the moment generated by the
cally appropriate for waters up to 40 meters deep, after which a horizontal loads with respect to the most extreme corners of the
lattice-type arrangement called a jacket foundation is the support base. The reaction to wind translates to vertical loads on the chords
structure of choice. Most offshore WTGs positioned in waters and angular stress at the brace member joints. As such, they must
40 to 80 meters deep use jacket foundations; this depth is where be sufficiently strong to cope. The wind loads are also cyclic so they 53
Construction Finance 3.9% Insurance During applications is widely used and well understood, alternatives to
Contingency 9.3% Construction 0.9% welding are desirable.
Decommissioning 3%
Plant Commissioning Composites alternative
0.9% Turbine 34.7%
In 2016, Marko Pavlovic, an assistant professor of Steel and
Lease Price 4.5% Soft Cost
17.9% Turbine Composite Structures at Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft,
Netherlands), came up with an idea for a composite jacket foun-
Assembly and Balance of
installation 10.4% System dation joint after being inspired by a 300-year-old tree near
47.5% his hometown; the tree was saved by the local community by
Development 2.3%
supporting it with a steel tube structure. The supported tree grew
Electrical Substructure and over and around the tubes over time, creating a structural connec-
Infrastructure 17.6% Foundation 12.6% tion. As a result, the tree was able to react to the loads it was
Achieving CO2 emission goals subjected to, growing additional fibers only where needed.
Using this concept, Pavlovic devised a prefabricated composite
According to the Global Wind Energy Council’s 2022 Wind Report, the substructure
and foundation cost of WTGs amounts to 12.6% of its overall cost. joint shaped to the K, double-K, triple-K, T, X and Y joints of
Source | Global Wind Energy Council
an offshore jacket foundation to provide a load path-optimized
connection between the steel tube members, ridding the structure
of resource-intense and failure-prone welding. The composite joint
cause oscillating fatigue in some of the structure’s tubes and joints. structure would be created by a composite wrap to produce a suffi-
Additionally, as the turbine rotates, the blades create a pressure ciently large bonding surface, carrying the stress in a weight- and
wave behind them, which can cause resonance excitations in material-volume-efficient way and thus reducing the extreme loads
the tower and foundation if they fall in the structure’s natural at the member interface.
frequency window. If the pressure wave frequency were to match In partnership with Dr. Maxim Segeren, a TU Delft alumnus who
the WTG structure’s resonant frequency, the system could respond studied connections for offshore wind turbines, the first prototype
at greater amplitude, causing violent swaying motions and poten- composite jacket foundation joint sleeve came to fruition in ,
tially catastrophic failure. Thus, the structures must be designed constructed at Versteden B.V. (Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands).
to avoid resonance from any load type, including waves, wind and
the blade-passing frequency. Optimizing WTG construction
Not only are jacket foundation manufacturers investing in new The prototype composite joint was created by hand layup of glass
designs to overcome these challenges and increase the deploy- fiber-reinforced plastic (GFRP), specially selected for offshore
ment rate of WTGs, but they are also developing larger turbine applications, consolidated with a thermoset resin. The composite
supports for higher powered WTGs because the existing capacity is joint length, number of UD layers and their orientation custom
undersized to meet the target implementation requirements. fabricated to each joint’s load requirements.
Manufacture of the complex joints at the braces and chords The structure was consolidated at ambient temperature via an
intersection is one of the most important challenges to upscaling exothermic reaction rather than under autoclave conditions. No
the WTG industry, particularly regarding the human power vacuum bag was used during the consolidation though the fabrica-
required to weld the joints together. The complex member joints tion takes place in a climate-controlled plant to prevent moisture
are critical to the structure’s performance; the joint angles can be intrusion and provide quality control.
as tight as ° and are normally hand-welded by skilled fabricators The load path-optimized shape increases in thickness toward
in slow and costly production processes. the root of the joint, reducing the stress concentration at the
The welds at the joints create stress-concentration areas in the member interface to facilitate the highest possible fatigue strength.
structure, seeing as much as times more local stress than the “The design of the composite joint means the fatigue resistance
unwelded sections, which reduces the joint’s fatigue life by as is substantially improved thanks to the composite’s high dura-
much as five-fold. As such, to combat fatigue, wall thicknesses bility and flexibility, circumventing stress concentrations, residual
at the locations of these complex welds need to be increased
dramatically to deal with the increased stresses during
its lifetime. While welding for offshore jacket foundation +45˚
Composite joint layup
An example of the layers of UD glass fiber as consolidated for a
composite jacket foundation joint. The number of UD layers and
their orientation are custom fabricated to each foundation joint’s
load requirements. Source | Tree Composites 55
Post Cure
Highlighting the behind-the-scenes
of composites manufacturing
Tailored fiber placement (TFP) is a method established by Source | IPF Dresden/Emanuel Richter
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