Composites World 2023 - 07

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In-situ AFP, welding:


JULY 2023

Test methods, specifications

support FRP concrete
structure developments / 6
Drag-based turbine achieves
high energy capture / 22
3D-printed CFRP tools for
landing flap production / 42
A property of Gardner Business Media VOL 9 No 7
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JULY 2023 / Vol: 9 No

–: 7

4 From the Editor
Former CW writer and editor Scott Francis
22 Drag-based wind
rejoins the brand as editor-in-chief as Jeff turbine design for
Sloan assumes the role of publisher. higher energy capture
Claiming significantly higher power
6 Design & Testing generation capacity than traditional
While initially focused on transitioning blades, Xenecore aims to scale up its
existing standards published by the current monocoque, fan-shaped wind
American Concrete Institute, the relatively blades, made via compression molded
new ASTM Subcommittee D30.10 is carbon fiber/epoxy with I-beam ribs
developing new standardized test methods and microsphere structural foam.
and material specifications for FRP By Hannah Mason

10 Gardner Business Index 26 Manufacturing the

The GBI: Composites closed May at the 22 MFFD thermoplastic
same reading reported in April, with some
minor fluctuations in component activity. composite fuselage
eum quis cone doleseque natatem non plat Demonstrator’s upper, lower shells and
et lant vendus di dolore cusantia que. assembly prove materials and new
processes for lighter, cheaper and more
sustainable high-rate future aircraft.
By Ginger Gardiner

12 Trends
36 New Products
40 Applications
41 Marketplace
41 Showcase
48 Post Cure



The Multifunctional Fuselage Demonstrator
(MFFD) project is the culmination of multi-
42 3D-printed CFRP tools for
disciplinary and international collabora- serial production of
tion. The resulting CFRTP fuselage, to be composite landing flaps
completed by 2024, is being achieved via a
GKN Aerospace Munich and CEAD develop
variety of matured technologies, including
printed tooling with short and continuous fiber
the continuous ultrasonic spot welding pro-
that reduces cost and increases sustainability
cess implemented here to join Z-stringers for composites production.
to the upper shell's in-situ consolidated
By Ginger Gardiner
thermoplastic composite skins. See p. 26.
Source | DLR CC-BY license

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2 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld


» Hello again. Some of you may remember me from a few years walk — one that CW has been walking for  years, and that our
ago when I spent some time writing and editing for Composites- sister brands at GBM also exemplify. After spending a few years
World. In 2020, I received an offer to become the editor-in-chief learning about other aspects of the bigger picture of manufac-
of CW’s sister publication, Products Finishing (PF). It was one of turing, I’m excited to explore the ways those stories intersect. To
the hardest decisions I’ve connect even more dots.
ever made. I loved my You don’t need me to tell you that the work the composites
Stepping into the role work with CW. I had incred- industry does will play an enormous role in shaping the future of
of editor-in-chief of ible respect for everyone on the world we live in. From advances in commercial aerospace and
CW is humbling. the team and had learned so advanced air mobility to renewable energy and sustainable solu-
much from each of them. I was tions, composites are a materials solution that make a lot of things
reporting on topics that I was possible that were once far-fetched. And their role in the whole of
fascinated by including space travel, sustainability solutions and manufacturing will only continue to grow. We have so many great
amazing applications that seemed to have been brought to life things to build and stories to tell.
from science fiction. I told Jeff Sloan that I hoped I was making a Stepping into the role of editor-in-chief of CW is humbling.
move that would build my skills which might one day allow me to There are so many people including Jeff and Ginger, as well as
return to CW in a larger role. our valued industry partners and contacts, who have spent their
The timing seemed right — or so I thought (I started my work careers working in this industry and building a wealth of knowl-
with PF in March , but that’s a whole other story). I made the edge and experience. I have also worked next to the newer
leap and found myself at the helm of a magazine for a seemingly members of the CW team and have seen the great work they’ve
completely different industry. Compared to the advanced mate- done as I explored the world of industrial coatings for PF. I count
rials world that I’d been trying so hard to get my mind around, myself incredibly lucky to work even more closely with all of
the world of metal finishing and coatings seemed so old school. them again. Luckier still that Jeff, now the publisher and brand
Yet, the more I dug in, the more I learned about the intersections champion for CW, will still be here to bounce ideas off of and share
of manufacturing and that no technology should be discounted his experience and vision for the brand.
when you’re trying to find the right mix of materials or processes Throughout my time at Gardner, I’ve had some truly incredible
for what you’re trying to make. I found there were plenty of good mentors. As the new editor for CW, I’m looking to continue that
stories to tell — and those stories gave me a better understanding learning. I’m excited to reconnect with those of you in the industry
of how the various areas of the larger manufacturing world work that I worked with in my previous stint reporting on this industry,
together. and looking forward to forming new relationships with those of
Communication is key to the success of any project — it’s also you I’ve yet to meet. Our connections are what make us who we
no easy matter. Certain aspects of a part or process must be kept are and who we become next. I hope you’re as excited as I am
under wraps for security purposes, IP needs to be protected, the about the work ahead of us.
secret sauce must remain secret. Yet innovation requires partner-
ships, new perspectives and the best minds. I remember CW’s
senior technical editor Ginger Gardiner always talking about
working to “connect the dots.” The work we do at CW’s parent
company, Gardner Business Media (GBM), is all about helping
those in the industry stay on top of the latest trends, innovations
and industry developments and make connections, all while being
a trusted partner in the story we’re helping to tell. It’s a fine line to SCOTT FRANCIS — Editor-In- Chief

4 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

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Composite test methods

(and specifications)
for fiber-reinforced
concrete structures
structu es

»Back in October , my CW column

provided an “insider’s perspective” into ASTM
standards for composites, describing how the test t
standardization process takes place. I focused on
ASTM Committee D, which develops and main- m -
tains the standardized test methods for composite
materials. The D committee consists of seven tech-
nical Subcommittees, focusing on editorial and resource stan- FIG. 1 Transverse shear test method
dards, constituent/precursor properties, lamina and laminate ASTM D7617 transverse shear test fixture and specimen. Source (all images) | Dan Adams
test methods, structural test methods, interlaminar properties,
sandwich constructions and composites for civil structures.
To most of us who regularly attend ASTM D meetings, the last
Subcommittee listed, D. on Composites for Civil Structures, These initial test methods that transitioned to ASTM were asso-
is one that we’re less familiar with. The reason? Most ASTM D ciated with composite materials used as internal reinforcement for
meetings are co-located with other composites-related meetings concrete (ASTM D, ASTM D and ASTM D), as well
and conferences, such as Composite Materials Handbook as externally bonded composite materials used to strengthen and
(CMH-) meetings as well as the American Society for Compos- repair concrete structures (ASTM D, D and D). A
ites, SAMPE and CAMX conferences. majority of the guide test method development for these six test
However, Subcommittee D. meetings are typically held in methods had been performed previously through ACI Subcom-
conjunction with meetings of the American Concrete Institute mittee K. However, the ASTM standardization process typically
(ACI) Committee  on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforce- required further test fixture development and validation as well as
ment. The reason for having separate meetings has a lot to do additional testing.
with the applications of the standards produced by this ASTM Since ASTM Subcommittee D. was established, ACI
D Subcommittee as well as the Subcommittee’s history. In Committee  has maintained jurisdiction over design codes and
this column, I’ll focus on the test standards produced by ASTM construction specifications, while ASTM has assumed jurisdic-
Subcommittee D.. tion over test standards. Currently, Subcommittee D. has a
Subcommittee D. was officially added to ASTM Committee total of  published ASTM standards,  of which are test methods
D on Composites in . Before it became a separate ASTM or practices and two that are ASTM specifications. A listing of the
D Subcommittee, composite test methods for civil structures current Subcommittee D. standards is provided in Table .
had been balloted through the existing D. Structural Test Additionally, there are several working items under development.
Methods subcommittee since . However, technical meetings In general, the test methods developed to date have continued to
leading up to balloting of these new ASTM standards took place focus on two common uses of FRP for infrastructure applications:
at ACI Subcommittee K meetings on fiber-reinforced polymer Externally bonded composites for strengthening and repairing
(FRP) material characteristics. In fact, the initial six composites concrete, and composites used as internal reinforcements within
test methods for civil structures published by ASTM were transi- concrete structures. However, new work items are expanding into
tioned from “guide test methods” that had been published previ- other pultruded FRP applications for civil engineering.
ously by the ACI. Of the current Subcommittee D. test methods, ASTM

6 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

ASTM Subcommittee D30.10

TABLE 1. Current ASTM Subcommittee D30.10 Standards

Standard Standard Original Date of

Number Type Publication
D7205 Test Method Tensile Properties of FRP Composite Bars 2006
D7290 Practice Evaluating Material Property Characteristic Values for Polymeric Composites 2006
D7337 Test Method Tensile Creep Rupture of FRP Composite Bars 2007
D7522 Test Method Pull-Off Strength for FRP Laminate Systems Bonded to Concrete or Masonry Substrates 2009
D7565 Test Method Tensile Properties of FRP Composites Used for Strengthening of Civil Structures 2009
D7616 Test Method Overlap Splice Shear Strength Properties of Wet Layup FRP Composites Used for 2011
Strengthening Civil Structures
D7617 Test Method Transverse Shear Strength of FRP Composite Bars 2011
D7705 Test Method Alkali Resistance of FRP Composite Bars Used in Concrete Construction 2012
D7913 Test Method Bond Strength of FRP Composite Bars to Concrete by Pullout Testing 2014
D7914 Test Method Strength of FRP Bent Bars in Bend Locations 2014
D7957 Specification Solid Round Glass FRP Bars for Concrete Reinforcement 2017
D7958 Test Method Performance for FRP Composite Bonded to Concrete Using Beam Test 2017
D8337 Test Method Bond Properties of FRP Composite to Concrete Substrate Using Single-Lap Shear Test 2021
D8505 Specification Basalt and Glass FRP Bars for Concrete Reinforcement 2023

D is likely to be the most familiar to those involved in bars used as tensile elements in concrete. Because these bars have
composites testing. This tensile test method is similar to the widely textured coatings or undulating surfaces, and due to the trans-
used ASTM D test method for laminated composites and verse shear properties of UD FRP materials, sleeves are attached
is used with unidirectional (UD) and °/° cross-ply composite to, or bonded over, the gripped regions at the ends of the bar and
laminates. However, this D. tensile test used to anchor the specimen when
method is intended for measuring the tensile loading. The ultimate tensile
tensile strength, modulus and ultimate Currently, Subcommittee D30.10 strength, ultimate tensile strain and
tensile strain of FRP materials used for modulus of elasticity of the composite
has a total of 14 published
strengthening metals, timber and rein- bars are determined.
forced concrete. ASTM standards. Similarly, ASTM D describes a
Another of the initial test method for transverse shear testing of
methods transitioned to ASTM FRP composite bars. A section of bar is
Committee D is a tension-loaded single-lap shear test, ASTM placed into the test fixture as shown in Fig.  that supports the bar
D. This test method is used to determine the length of an along the outer lengths. A centrally located blade loads the central
overlap splice required to produce tension failure in a wet layup -millimeter length of the bar, producing double-shear loading.
composite material away from the splice region. Among the differ- The test is used to measure the transverse shear strength of FRP
ences between this Subcommittee D. test method and other bars for applications such as joints in concrete pavement.
ASTM D test methods is the provision of specific guidance As mentioned previously, two of the currently published ASTM
on specimen fabrication for the overlap splices which are typi- D. standards are standard specifications: ASTM D
cally applied and cured in the field. Additionally, ASTM D and ASTM D. Since standard specifications are unique to
prescribes specific procedures used in the construction industry Subcommittee D., they remain unfamiliar to many ASTM D
for computing test results. members not associated with this Subcommittee. Unlike conven-
Four of the current Subcommittee D. standards listed in tional ASTM test methods, for a given application ASTM specifica-
Table  focus on FRP composite bars used for internally rein- tions identify the type of materials, geometric requirements and
forcing concrete. ASTM D focuses on tensile testing of FRP the tests required to characterize and qualify the technological 7

technological solution for a given application. The two current mechanical and geometric property requirements as well as the
D. standard specifications are associated with solid, round test methods to be used for qualification, quality control and
cross-section FRP bars used for reinforcing concrete. Whereas the certification.
ASTM D specification covers straight and bent-shaped glass Additional information on ASTM Subcommittee D. is
fiber-reinforced vinyl ester bars, the ASTM D specification available on the Committee D webpage at https://www.astm.
covers straight sections of epoxy and vinyl ester bars reinforced org/committee-d30. Information on the ACI Committee  on
with either glass or basalt fibers. Additionally, ASTM D speci- Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement is available at concrete.
fies higher minimum strength and modulus FRP bars compared org/committees/directoryofcommittees/acommitteehome.aspx?committee_
to ASTM D. Both standard specifications provide physical, code=C0044000.

ASTM D7205/D7205M-21, “Standard Test Method for Tensile
Properties of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite
Bars,” ASTM International (W. Conshohocken, PA, U.S.), 2021
(first issued in 2006).
ASTM D7337/D7337M-12 (2019), “Standard Test Method for
Tensile Creep Rupture of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix
Composite Bars,” ASTM International (W. Conshohocken, PA,
U.S.), 2019 (first issued in 2007).
ASTM D7617/D7617M-11 (2017), “Standard Test Method
for Transverse Shear Strength of Fiber-Reinforced
Polymer Matrix Composite Bars,” ASTM International (W.
Conshohocken, PA, U.S.), 2017 (first issued in 2011).
ASTM D7616/D7616M-11 (2017) “Standard Test Method
for Determining Apparent Overlap Splice Shear Strength
Properties of Wet Lay-Up Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Matrix
Composites Used for Strengthening Civil Structures,” ASTM
International (W. Conshohocken, PA, U.S.), 2017 (first issued
in 2011).
ASTM D7522/D7522M-21, “Standard Test Method for
Pull-Off Strength for FRP Laminate Systems Bonded to
Concrete or Masonry Substrates,” ASTM International (W.
Conshohocken, PA, U.S.), 2021 (first issued in 2009).
ASTM D7565/D7565M-10 (2017), “Standard Test Method
for Determining Tensile Properties of Fiber Reinforced
Polymer Matrix Composites Used for Strengthening of Civil
Structures,” ASTM International (W. Conshohocken, PA, U.S.),
2017 (first issued in 2009).
ASTM D3039/D3039M-17, “Standard Test Method for Tensile
Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials,” ASTM
International (W. Conshohocken, PA, U.S.), 2017 (first issued
in 1971).
ASTM D7957/D7957M-22, “Standard Specification for Solid
Round Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars for Concrete
Reinforcement,” ASTM International (W. Conshohocken, PA,
U.S.), 2022 (first issued in 2017).
ASTM D8505/D8505M-23, “Standard Specification for
Basalt and Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars
for Concrete Reinforcement,” ASTM International (W.
Conshohocken, PA, U.S.), 2023 (first issued in 2023).


Dr. Daniel O. Adams is vice

president of Wyoming Test
Fixtures Inc. (Salt Lake City, Utah,
U.S.) and an emeritus professor
of mechanical engineering at the
University of Utah, where for 23 years he directed
the Composite Mechanics Laboratory. He holds a B.S.
in mechanical engineering and an M.S. and Ph.D.
in engineering mechanics. Adams has a combined
43 years of academic/industry experience in the
composite materials field. He has published more
than 120 technical papers, is vice-chair of ASTM
Committee D30 on Composite Materials and co-chair
of the Testing Working Group for the Composite
Materials Handbook (CMH-17). He regularly provides
testing seminars and consulting services to the
composites industry.

8 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

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Composites GBI remains

relatively unchanged in May
May — 49.2
» The Gardner Business Index (GBI): Composites Fabricating closed May at 49.2, remaining
unchanged from the reading reported in April, and keeping within a two-point hover around
“flat” activity. Jan Schafer, MBA, is
the director of market
Index components for this month vary — some somewhat reflect May’s unmoving nature research for Gardner
mentioned above, while others saw more perceptible change. Backlog and exports remained Intelligence, a division of
in contraction, continuing about the same rate in May as in April. Employment and supplier Gardner Business Media
(Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.). She has been an
deliveries expanded, though at marginally slower rates, and so remained about even with essential part of Gardner Intelligence for over
what was seen the prior month. New orders and production posted the biggest changes of the five years, and has led research and analysis
components by contracting a little faster. in various industries for over 30 years.
All in all, contracting activity seems to still be the ongoing trend for this industry. This is
further emphasized by future business, a sentiment/outlook measure that is not part of the
GBI calculation, but related to it nonetheless; this measure started a downturn in March that
has continued into May.

GBI: Composites Fabricating

b g Lasting results
GBI: Composites Fabricating in May remain
even with April.
Source (all images) | Gardner Intelligence

GBI: Composites Fabricating — Production and New Orders Small changes

(three-month moving average) New orders and production posted the
biggest changes from April to May, though
d (3-MMA)) New Orders ((3-MMA))
N even these were small.


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10 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

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■ Gardner Business Index
■ Capital Spending Projections
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■ Industrial Buyer Influence Insights

■ Brand Perception
■ Market Landscape
■ Need-Gap Assessment

Spur offers the industry extruded PP foam core for easily recyclable
monomaterial panels; Archer Aviation prepares its eVTOL aircraft for
flight testing; the Lotus Emira sports car features panels made with
Teijin Automotive Technologies TCA Ultra Lite; and more.


A new generation of
PP foam core for lightweight
truck trailers, RVs
Multiple companies worldwide have developed
new grades of polypropylene (PP) foam aiming
for higher properties and lower weight, mostly for
injection molding interior parts for the automotive
industry. Toray Industries (Tokyo, Japan) has also
developed a new cross-linked PP foam core for
helmet and cushioning applications. But what Spur
(Zlín, Czech Republic) is offering is much different,
Source | (top left) Spur (top right, bottom images) Getty Images
targeting sandwich structures using fiber-reinforced
composite skins — a market considered by most large
plastics companies as ancillary or niche. reinforcement, back into an extrusion-grade material, which
“We, too, are a plastics manufacturer,” says David Pospisil, we are doing in-house.”
business manager for Spur, “but we saw a need developing
5-6 years ago for lightweight, high-performance panels that Large market in trucks and automotive
can be easily recycled. So, we started developing what is Pospisil says there is a lot of demand for lightweight mate-
now our Hardex XPP (Extruded PP) closed-cell foam core.” rials in trucks and trailers. “We have done a lot of testing
Is it indeed easily recycled? “We have been producing with our materials in floors and sidewalls of truck trailers,” he
XPP foam for lamination with PP skins in full PP lightweight explains, “and we have a number of products in development.
panels used by Better Shelter for refugee housing,” says With our material, you can produce a PP sandwich panel
Pospisil. “And the waste from this production we are upcy- with PP skins and Hardex XPP foam core, fused together
cling into other products in our factory, such as kitchen with thermal bonding. When you’re done, you can shred that
profiles and edge bands for furniture. But we can defi- panel and regranulate it into a material for extrusion. This is
nitely recycle the whole panel, even with skins using fiber what we are doing now, so it’s proven technology.”

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12 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

PP foam core

This approach is what Spur is pursuing in truck trail- time to work with CompositesWorld and let the composites
ers, where Hardex XPP is the foam core and the skins are industry know that we are ready to grow our applications
typically glass fiber-reinforced PP. “If our customers use and offer new opportunities for fabrica-
a heated double-belt press with cooling to join the skins tors and OEMs to achieve lightweight
to the core, they can produce these panels at a rate of 4 and sustainability,” he concludes.
meters/minute,” he explains. “Currently, production of truck For the full online article, and to see
panels is very slow, where FRP [fiber-reinforced polymer] additional images, visit
skins are glued and vacuum-formed with foam and other
cores, often taking hours for the adhesives to cure. With our
materials, you replace that system
with thermal lamination. We are
merely making the foam. But this is
a big opportunity for our customers,
who are fabricating panels and parts
that are offering new solutions for the
transportation industry.”
Pospisil notes the goal is to replace
plywood, which has become much
harder to obtain, more expensive and
is also heavy. “By replacing plywood
with Hardex XPP foam in these
flooring panels, it is possible to drop
300-400 kilograms per truck trailer,”
says Pospisil. “And, at the end of life
for these panels, it’s then possible to EXOPRO® AERO
shred them, regranulate and extrude
Composite Routers
the recycled material as side fairings
Ultra Performance Routers for
or truck skirts.” Composite & Stack Applications
He notes another large opportunity
is in recreational vehicles (RVs), again
looking at sidewalls, but also furniture.
Patented Geometries
Not your traditional extruded PP Reduce cutting force and eliminate
uncut fibers and delamination
There are multiple types of PP foam
on hole entry and exit
including: expanded PP (EPP), cross-
linked PP and extruded PP foam, also
Multiple Designs
abbreviated as XPP. “EPP is a lower
For stable and accurate milling in a
modulus particle foam that you will wide variety of composite and
see used in better quality cycling metal stack materials
helmets, for example,” says Pospisil.
“Our material is XPP but it is extruded OSG Diamond Coating
foam, not cross-linked. However, our Ultra smooth and sharp, excellent
product is much different than EPP durability, and up to 50X longer
and cross-linked PP because we tool life than conventional coatings
have developed a special grade of
polymeric foam that gives both high
mechanical properties and recy-
clability. We have also developed a
unique know-how to get even higher
performance than is standard since
XPP began widespread development
in 2017-18.” Scan for complete offering
and availability!
Pospisil says Spur started looking
Designed for maximum
at this new development in XPP foam productivity in specialized
in 2016 to replace wood in pallets, | 800-837-2223 composite applications!
which was then postponed when
COVID-19 hit. “We think now is a good 13

Source | Archer Aviation

Archer rolls out first Midnight aircraft,

prepares for flight testing
Archer Aviation Inc. (Santa Clara, Calif., U.S.) has now completed the final
assembly of its first composites-intensive electric vertical takeoff and
landing (eVTOL) Midnight aircraft. With final assembly and initial testing
complete, the aircraft has been shipped from Archer’s Palo Alto facility to
its flight test facility in Salinas, California, and reassembled. Archer will now
take this aircraft through a series of ground tests leading up to its planned
first flight this summer. The Midnight aircraft has recently garnered signifi-
cant attention from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) given its
payload capabilities.
With a range of up to 100 miles, Archer’s Midnight aircraft is designed
to perform rapid back-to-back flights with minimal charge time in
between. Archer’s goal is to transform intercity travel, replacing 60-90
minute commutes by car that can take more than an hour in traffic with
~10-20 minute electric air taxi flights that are safe, sustainable, low noise
and cost-competitive with ground transportation.
Midnight will enable Archer to perform critical “company testing” to
accelerate and reduce risk on its certification program with the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) in advance of “for credit” certification test-
ing that the company plans to begin early next year with piloted Midnight
aircraft. Archer’s strategy with this aircraft is to enable the company to
fly many of the same test points that will be needed during piloted “for
credit” flight testing in order to further validate the aircraft before the
FAA witnesses and participates in the testing — a customary practice in
many aircraft certification programs.
Component manufacturing is already underway for Archer’s conforming
Midnight aircraft. Archer is targeting the completion of its final assembly
in Q4 2023 and to begin piloted flight test operations in early 2024.
According to Adam Goldstein, Archer’s founder and CEO, “This aircraft
will accelerate and reduce risk on our certification program, paving the
way for our team to focus on building and conducting piloted operations
with conforming aircraft to support the goal of entering into service in
Archer’s team, alongside its key strategic partners, Stellantis and United
Airlines, continues to advance its aircraft development and commercial
operations quickly and efficiently. The company has also reported on the
build of its high-volume manufacturing facility in Covington, Georgia, and
announced key strategic electric air taxi routes in New York and Chicago.

14 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

Lotus Emira body NEWS

Teijin Automotive Technologies supplies

exterior body panels to Lotus Emira
The exterior styling of the all-new mid-engine premium
sports car Lotus Emira is made possible, in part, by the
advanced composite exterior panels provided by Teijin
Automotive Technologies (Auburn Hills, Mich., U.S.).
Specifically, the company announces that it is providing the
right- and left-hand doors; right- and left-side rear quarter
Source | CW
panels; and the inner, outer and lower shells of the tailgate.
The doors, rear quarter and tailgate outer panels are
manufactured using the company’s proprietary TCA Ultra a high-quality Class A finish,” says Paul Tedstone, execu-
Lite material. This low-density, Class A surface mate- tive director of supply for Lotus Cars. “By using lightweight
rial is reported to be up to 43% lighter than a traditional composites for the body panels, including the doors, we
composite material, and approximately the same weight as were able to combine all the engineering and styling require-
aluminum. However, because it is a compression-molded ments in the design of this award-winning sports car.”
composite, it can achieve dramatic styling cues not possible The inner panels for the tailgate are made from a struc-
with a stamped metal and is dent and corrosion resistant. tural grade, low-density SMC, featuring a glass fiber content
This award-winning material is being produced on the optimized for strength. All outer panels are provided to
company’s state-of-the-art sheet molded compound (SMC) Lotus with a conductive primer, and the interior tailgate
compounding line in Pouancé, France. panel is provided with a black texturized coating. All compo-
Specific design cues include a sculpted section in the nents are being manufactured at the Teijin Automotive
door that leads airflow toward the intake, which is molded Technologies facility in Leça do Balio, Portugal.
into the rear quarter panel. This design serves a dual TCA Ultra Lite is said to offer automakers an opportunity
purpose, providing air intake and cooling for the engine bay. to achieve a Class A finish with a material that is resistant
“The body panels of the Lotus Emira had to satisfy a to corrosion, and won’t be subject to scratches, dents and
number of requirements including aerodynamic design and dings that mar the surface of any vehicle panel made of
styling, but also have to be lightweight, strong and provide metal.


Carbon fiber recycling specialist

Vartega (Denver, Colo., U.S.) celebrated
a major milestone in May 2023 with
a ribbon cutting ceremony for its Composite Parts,
Tooling AND
new facility at the Pecos Logistics
Park in Denver. The state-of-the-art,
82,000-square-foot facility will enable
Vartega to significantly scale up its
production and meet the increasing
demand for recycled carbon fiber.
Assemblies | 360.856.5143
“I never imagined all the amazing
people and perspectives that would
help bring this all together,” Andrew
Maxey, CEO and cofounder, Vartega,

remarked during the event. “The evolv-
ing technology in this space has also

challenged us to figure out what the
market needed, versus what the market
thought it needed, and this has allowed
us to create a material that solves a
very deliberate and immediate need in Engineering and Scan this QR code to view
the industry.” Manufacturing Roles our current job openings! 15

JEC World 2023, which took place April 25-27 in

Paris, France, presented an impressive number of
new and improved developments in composite
materials, processes, equipment and applications
from well-established and new companies alike.
Below are a few trending technologies identified
by CW’s editors. Visit
hashtag/jec for our full, post-show coverage.

Recyclable epoxy for CFRP, recycled carbon fiber applications

bicycles, wind blades HRC Group (Shanghai, China) offers advanced compos-
ites solutions for the automotive, aerospace, construction
and more and industrial markets. In addition to its exhibit of an X2
Swancor Holding Co. Ltd. aircraft, for which it
(Nantou City, Taiwan) manufactures more
featured several parts at than 100 CFRP
the show using its EzCiclo parts for the OEM,
resin, including a bicycle XPeng HT Aero
demonstrator which won (Guangzhou, China),
a 2023 JEC Composites HRC displayed its
Innovation Award and latest developments
Source | CW sporting goods appli- in recycled carbon
cations like shoes and fiber. The company’s
rackets; prototypes for wind turbine blades are in the 50,000-square-meter
works. Chairman Robert Tsai explains that EzCiclo, main production
launched at JEC World, is a modified epoxy, processing facility is located in
the same as a traditional epoxy with added functionality Changshu, a roughly
for increased toughness, reduced fatigue over the life of 90-minute drive from Source | CW
a composite part and recyclability. EzCiclo formulations Shanghai. Slavko
are available as prepregs, or optimized for infusion, resin Karas, sales/program
transfer molding (RTM), pultrusion or filament winding. manager EU, pointed out two applications on display using
Aiming to demonstrate the recyclability of its products, rCF/PP materials. The first is an insert for a CFRP automo-
Swancor has also developed a solvolysis recycling process tive wheel made with a prepreg outer shell and rCF SMC
using a chemical solvent called CleaVER. The process is on the back side. The second is a formwork for poured
reported to result in reclaimed fiber and resin, and the concrete made from chopped rCF/PP using compression
solvent is also reusable for multiple cycles. molding.

NCFs for spar caps, natural fibers, award-winning roof beams

For noncrimp fabric (NCF) and advanced materials supplier Saertex
(Saerbeck, Germany), spar caps and other components for wind turbine
blades continue to be a top market, and infrastructure and transportation
markets are also growing.
On display this year were several new projects and products. New this
year, Saertex has added an NCF version of its Saerplanks pultruded profiles
for wind blade spar caps, which is specifically designed for curved blades;
the product is easily drapable without wrinkles and contains a high fiber
volume fraction. Saertex also emphasized its capabilities in flax fiber NCFs
with flax supplier partner Terre de Lin (Normany, France), and reports that it
is scaling up production for its three product offerings. Also focused on was
a small-scale demonstrator version of upper and lower beams for the roof of
Real Madrid’s stadium, a project that won a 2023 JEC Composites Innovation
Source | CW
Award for the Building and Civil Engineering category.

16 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

JEC World 2023 highlights

Source | CW Source | CW

High-rate M&P solution for primary and Towpreg-based, filament wound-hydrogen

secondary aerostructures storage
Solvay Composite Materials (Alpharetta, Ga., U.S.), Voith Composites (Garching, Germany) attracted atten-
Japanese composites fabricator Nikkiso (Tokyo, Japan) tion at JEC World 2023 with four large hydrogen storage
and braiding specialist A&P Technology (Cincinnati, Ohio, tanks in its stand. Voith, which has a strong history of
U.S.) announced at JEC World 2023 the product of a developing highly automated composites manufacturing
two-year partnership that produced a new material and systems for automotive applications, is seizing on the
process technology to respond to demand in the compos- growth explosion in the hydrogen storage economy and
ites industry for high-rate, sustainable, complex geometry developing materials and process solutions to optimize
parts, particularly for primary and secondary structures in filament winding of pressure vessels for on-vehicle
aerospace and advanced air mobility (AAM) applications. hydrogen storage. The tanks on display were designed for
This innovation uses a prepreg that consists of a ther- large truck use.
moplastic resin system provided by Solvay combined Anna Pointner, CEO of Voith Composites, said at the
with a ±45° braided fabric supplied by A&P Technology. show that the company is focusing on the use of towpreg
The result, designed and developed by Nikkiso, is an inte- technology to manufacture its tanks. This is a deviation
grated stiffening structure fabricated via a one-shot, from the norm in the hydrogen pressure vessel manu-
press-based processing technology, which Nikkiso officials facturing community, which has relied primarily on less
at the show said eliminates multiple fabrication processes. expensive wet winding. Pointner said, however, that Voith
Total process time is reduced from 7 hours using conven- has optimized its tank design and manufacturing process
tional processes to just 1 hour. to make highly efficient use of towpreg, thereby negating
Nikkiso noted that stiffened thermoplastic components any cost penalty that comes with the material. Pointner
traditionally are fabricated using discontinuous fiber said Voith is committed to hydrogen pressure vessel
molding compound (for drapeability), or use a stringer/ design and development and will be introducing a full
skin design, with the stringer attached via secondary line of storage solutions.

Smaller equipment, improved sustainability

Carbon Axis (La Rochelle, France) again exhibited its XCell automated
fiber placement (AFP) system, but this year showcased its new XPlace2
modular AFP head with onboard spools that can be mounted in bigger
robots to manufacture larger parts. “The idea of the head is to keep
it modular and flexible for the customer so they can choose between
different spool configurations and adapt it to their application,” explains
Carbon Axis cofounder Chiemi Avila Mori. “The new head will be available
as a standalone unit by the end of 2023 and will be integrated in new
machines that we are developing.”

Source | CarbonAxis 17

Fairmat, Decathlon partner for Orbital Composites installs robotic AM

environmentally friendly composite system at University of Rhode Island
sports equipment

Source | Orbital Composites

Orbital Composites (Campbell, Calif., U.S.) announces

Source | Fairmat, Decathlon
installation of its groundbreaking robotic additive manu-
facturing (AM) system at the University of Rhode Island
Fairmat (Paris, France), a low-carbon impact composite (URI, Kingston). Reportedly the first of its kind, the 12-axis
materials producer, has announced a partnership with Orbital S multi-robot system will be used by URI to push
Decathlon (Villeneuve-d’Ascq, France) to develop a range the state-of-the-art in research relating to manufacturing of
of Kuikma padel rackets. Padel rackets, unlike a tennis advanced composites for unmanned underwater vehicles
or squash racket, has no strings and is typically made of (UUVs).
carbon fiber or fiberglass. The partnership, based on a Orbital S is a multi-robot 3D printing system that seam-
virtuous production line integrating recycled carbon fiber lessly integrates Orbital’s expertise in collaborative robot-
composites, will use Fairmat’s material extensively, starting ics, machine learning and composite material expertise.
in 2024. One of the system’s most remarkable features is said to be
The Fairmat material, with its high performance and the ability to print continuous fiber-reinforced parts with
low-carbon impact, enables production of light, robust extreme tow steering, endowing them with high strength,
and eco-responsible padel rackets. This initiative is in line durability and lightweight characteristics. This disruptive
with Decathlon and Fairmat’s desire to promote a circular technology opens up a vast array of possibilities across
economy and to adapt to the current challenges of scarce industries including space, defense and energy.
raw materials. Beyond padel rackets, the partnership will Funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), URI’s
explore other sporting applications, with the intention of research in underwater vessels makes them an ideal user
reducing the environmental footprint of sports equipment of the Orbital S robotic AM platform. URI aims to reshape
and meeting the new expectations of consumers. advanced manufacturing for next-generation underwa-
Fairmat’s patented technology for the production ter and surface vessels for the U.S. Navy and commercial
of a new, more sustainable material made from carbon applications.
fiber integrates recycled composite materials and bio- “At URI, we are developing structural systems that
sourced resins. The company says it focuses on research withstand extreme environments with aggressive loading
and development to create materials with exceptional conditions, such as undersea pressures, shock and impact,”
mechanical properties, working closely with researchers says Dr. Helio Matos, assistant professor of mechani-
and industry partners to develop solutions tailored to cal, industrial and systems engineering at URI. “Fiber-
the specific needs of each sport. Fairmat is also actively reinforced composite structures can be tailored to such
exploring other sectors where its sustainable composite conditions, and 3D printing such structures brings about
materials could contribute to a greener, circular economy, a level of performance tailoring that has never existed
including mobility, connected objects, automotive, high- before. We are using the Orbital 3D printing system to
tech, construction and design. explore this research space and advance the development
The company is also committed to reducing the envi- of future high-performance structural systems.”
ronmental footprint of its own activities. It has set up “Our robotic AM platform is redefining what is possible
a virtuous production chain with a factory near Nantes, in composites manufacturing,” says Amolak Badesha,
France, to minimize the environmental impact of its cofounder and CEO of Orbital Composites. “By empower-
production and distribution processes. ing URI researchers and students with this transformative
technology, we are driving design innovation while simulta-
neously training the next-generation workforce to excel in
the digital manufacturing revolution.”

18 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

FRP rebar standard

New standard specification supports

non-metallic FRP rebar
ASTM International’s (Conshohocken, Pa., U.S.) composite
materials committee (D30) has developed a new standard
specification for the latest generation of fiber-reinforced
polymer (FRP) rebar.
FRP rebar is used as internal concrete reinforcement.
According to ASTM International member Francisco De
Caso, this new standard (D8505) is a milestone after several
decades of collaboration to further integrate these composite
Source | Getty Images
materials into infrastructure.
“The higher performance speci-
fied for bars results in a significant
improvement of design and construc-
tion of concrete structures reinforced

W yoming
• Over 40 types of
with non-metallic FRP bars,” says fixtures in stock,
De Caso, principal scientist at the ready to be shipped.

T est
University of Miami (Fla., U.S.). “This • Expert consultation
translates into more efficient and with Dr. Dan Adams
sustainable design of concrete • Email or call today to
De Caso notes that the specification
contains critical contributions such as
F ixtures INC.
discuss your fixture and
custom design needs.

the inclusion of basalt fiber-reinforced

rebar to existing glass fiber-reinforced WE HAVE A VARIETY OF CUSTOM SHEAR FIXTURES
rebar, as well as higher performance
rebar. He also says that the standard
could be useful across the concrete
construction value chain.
This effort directly relates to United
Nations Sustainable Development
Goals #6, 9, 11 and 12 on clean water
and sanitation, industry, sustainable
cities and responsible production/ Fastener Double Shear
consumption, respectively. Test Fixtures
NASM 1312-13 Amsler Double Shear
Test Fixture
ASTM B 769

Virgin Galactic’s (Mojave, Calif., U.S.) all-

composite VSS Unity performed its 24th
flight mission in April 2023, completing
a successful glide flight after being
released at 47,000 feet from Spaceport
America in New Mexico. The data col-
lected during the mission will be used Fastener Single Shear
to determine clearance for the vehicles Test Fixture Custom Pin Single Shear
returning to spaceflight. The success of NASM 1312-20 Test Fixture
this mission, in addition to data previ-
We provide quotes for a variety of grips, fixtures, and jigs. We carry
ously gathered in a mated configuration over 40 types of fixtures in stock, available for immediate delivery.
flight, also enables final validation test
Email or call us today. We look forward to hearing from you.
points to be closed out.
“Releasing Unity for a glide flight is one Dr. Daniel O. Adams, Vice President
of the final steps towards commercial 40+ years of Composite Testing Experience
spaceline operations,” says Mike Moses,
president of spaceline missions and 2960 E. Millcreek Canyon Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84109 email:
safety at Virgin Galactic. Phone (801) 484.5055 19

Airbus selects Airborne to supply

automated ply placement system
Airborne (The Hague, Netherlands) has been selected
by Airbus (Toulouse, France) to supply an automated ply
placement (APP) system to its Getafe production plant, for
the automated manufacture of dry fiber preforms for resin
transfer molding (RTM) structures — specifically, preforms
for the A350 rear fuselage beams and maintenance door
frame, made of unidirectional (UD) composite materials and
fabrics. This will be the first time a pick-and-place-based
system is used in Airbus factories.
Dry fiber composites are an efficient method to manu-
Source | Airborne
facture complex, highly loaded primary structure, thus
the reason Airbus is using them to produce the A350 rear
fuselage beams. First the preforms are made, then shaped To handle the processing of different ply shapes, Airborne
into the right 3D geometry by hot drape forming and finally incorporates Automated Programming into all of its
infused with epoxy resin via RTM processes. machines, which avoids the need for robot programming.
Preforming for dry fibers, however, is still manual for The software takes the ply design and material input, and
many aerospace facilities; according to Airborne, automat- translates this via an advanced algorithm into the correct
ing the handling of the delicate materials in a robust, repeat- robot motions and process parameter settings on-the-fly.
able process has proven to be a challenge. Furthermore, the This approach of software-driven automation makes the
large variety of ply shapes and the combination of several systems flexible. The user can easily upload new nest files,
materials into a part is complex with regard to system ply shapes or laminate definitions and the system will adapt
design and robot programming. automatically. It provides the customer the possibility to
Airborne’s APP technology addresses these difficulties. adapt to changing operational needs (for example, by using
The concept is to cut the materials into the required shapes, dynamic nesting) or to new product designs.
pick them up with a robotized system and place them on a In this project, Airborne will further develop its APP
welding table to create the tailored blank preform. To stabi- system to Airbus requirements, test and install the system
lize the laminate, each ply is fixed in place by spot-welding, in the factory, before handing it over to the aerospace
which activates the binder in the material. To minimize company. An extensive trial period is included in the project,
waste, the system has a dynamic buffer where the plies that to ensure the system can reach the required accuracy and
are not needed yet can be temporarily placed — this way, robustness that is needed for the highly loaded and critical
the nesting can be optimized. It also enables the combina- primary structure components. Airbus will support Airborne
tion of different materials into one laminate, by storing the and qualify the technology to be used according to its
plies until all required materials are cut and available. The standards.
system is equipped with a vision table that can check the APP is a result of years-long R&D investment of Airborne,
quality of the cut plies and increases the accuracy of place- supported by several government funded programs such as
ment to the required level. TAPAS, Innovatiekrediet and the Dutch Mobility Fund. The
The preforms have a maximum size of 3.5 meters. development of this project is planned to be part of the
Airborne will enlarge the size of its standard system to Dutch Growth Fund program.
accommodate these large plies.


Domestic manufacturer of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites rent and future sustainability requirements of the utility industry, containing
Creative Composites Group (CCG, Alum Bank, Pa., U.S.) has announced no chemicals or additives that can harm humans or the environment.
that its StormStrong utility pole offering has achieved a cradle-to-gate Envi- “A cradle-to-gate EPD considers manufacturing processes, materials and
ronmental Product Declaration (EPD) from BRE Global (Hertfordshire, U.K.), energy,” says Dustin Troutman, corporate director of product development,
a third-party international system that compares and verifies information Creative Composites Group, says. “The EPD will permit interested parties
about the lifecycle environmental impact of products and services. to compare the global warming potential [GWP] of our StormStrong poles
Parameters of the EPD include primary energy use as well as resource use, against steel and concrete poles. In addition, it will serve as a baseline for
including materials, fuels and water. StormStrong composite utility poles future initiatives to further reduce the GWP.”
are lightweight, designed for grid hardening and are engineered for the cur-

20 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

U.S. renewable energyNEWS

American Clean Power reports U.S. energy

highs in 2022, hurdles for 2023
In May 2023, the American Clean Power Association (ACP,
Washington, D.C., U.S.) released its comprehensive “Clean
Power Annual Market Report” for 2022 and its “Clean
Power Quarterly Market Report” for Q1 2023, finding
that combined U.S. wind, utility solar and energy storage
capacity had the third largest year on record in 2022 with
more than 25 gigawatts (GW) of new clean power installed.
However, a decline in deployment volume from the previous
two years, combined with a historically low Q1 2023, under-
score the continued headwinds facing the industry.
After historic clean energy incentives were signed into
law in August 2022, ACP notes that clean power has seen
record levels of announced activity, with the development
pipeline swelling to nearly 140 GW by the end of Q1 2023 —
11% above where it was at the same point last year. However,
it is too early to see this activity translate into installations,
which have slowed for the first time since 2017. Source | American Clean Power, “Clean Power Annual Market Report” 2022

“The clean energy revolution is underway,” ACP CEO

Jason Grumet says. “We have the technology, financial capi- in 2021, setting a new record in the hybrid space at nearly 6
tal and workforce to power our economy with clean, afford- GW of installations.
able and secure energy. There is broad bipartisan support In the nearly 140 GW development pipeline, solar accounts
for American energy innovation. But the clean energy for 59% of all clean power capacity. Land-based wind
transition will not succeed unless Congress and governors accounts for 15% of the pipeline, battery storage represents
enable the siting and construction of new energy facilities 14% and offshore wind claims the remaining 13%.
and support the build out of transmission that is required to However, according to ACP, the year’s progress was not
bring clean power to the people.” enough to continue the annual growth trajectory of U.S. clean
By the end of 2022, nearly 228 GW of clean energy was power, with the industry seeing a decline in combined instal-
online, with 4 GW more added in Q1 2023. These resources lation volume for the first time in 5 years and the lowest Q1
provide 15% of the nation’s electricity and deliver enough (2023) in 3 years.
electricity to power the equivalent of more than 62 million Contributing to the slowdown in installations were delays
households. Clean power dominated new power capacity in 2022 that affected more than 50 GW of projects in late-
additions in 2022, comprising nearly 80% of all new grid stage development, with a total of 63.3 GW — equivalent to
additions. powering nearly 7 million homes — experiencing delays by
Texas added twice as much clean energy capacity as any the end of Q1 2023. On average, these projects face delays of
other state in 2022 (over 9 GW), maintaining its status as 6 months or longer.
the state with the most operating clean power capacity Project delays are primarily due to unclear permitting time-
(nearly 55 GW). Iowa and South Dakota each generated lines, trade policy uncertainty, transmission shortages, difficul-
over half of their electricity from clean power last year. ties sourcing solar panels, unresolved IRA implementation and
Energy storage witnessed a record year in 2022 with 4 interconnection queue challenges (with more than 1,741 GW
GW and 12 gigawatt-hours (GWh) commissioned, repre- waiting in queues at the end of 2022). These challenges must
senting an 80% increase in total operating storage capacity. be addressed to unlock the full potential of the nearly 140 GW
Hybrid project installations in 2022 were 60% higher than of clean energy in the development pipeline.


Composites technology company Cygnet Texkimp (Northwich, U.K) has Cygnet Texkimp’s role is to optimize the composites recycling machinery
been announced as a technology partner in a £16 million project to develop and process needed to reclaim high-quality composite fibers from hydrogen
a hydrogen-powered version of the iconic Ford Transit commercial vehicle. storage tanks at the end of their useful life and reuse them in new hydrogen
vessels or in other applications. The company will focus on further develop-
The FCVGen2.0 project has been created to design, build and trial a small
ing its composites reclaiming solution, which incorporates the DEECOM
fleet of fuel-cell powered Ford E-Transits which maximize hydrogen storage
fiber recycling process, specifically for hydrogen tanks. It will also provide
capacity, and to develop and evaluate a viable form of recycling for end-of-
fiber handling expertise and machinery for the manufacture of carbon fiber
life (EOL) fuel tank components.
overwrapped hydrogen pressure vessels throughout the project. 21

wind turbine
design for
higher energy
Claiming significantly higher
power generation capac-
ity than traditional blades,
Xenecore aims to scale up
its current monocoque, fan-
shaped wind blades, made via
compression molded carbon
fiber/epoxy with I-beam ribs
and microsphere structural

By Hannah Mason / Technical Editor

»As countries like the U.S. announce policies and set goals Drag-based wind energy design
focused on growing renewable energy capacity, an opportunity Aiming to translate its expertise in manufacturing monocoque, ribbed compo-
arises to consider new, improved renewable energy technolo- nents with thermoplastic microspheres, Xenecore is working to develop a fan-
gies. One company aiming to help develop more efficient wind shaped, drag-based wind turbine design with potential for high energy capture
even in low winds. The Fanturbines would ideally be stacked to capture more wind
turbine blades with higher energy capture capabilities is Xenecore
surface area, like in the above rendering. Source (all images) | Xenecore
(New York, N.Y., U.S.), which is leveraging its expertise in thermo-
plastic microsphere core and compression molded monocoque
composite parts into a fan-shaped, drag-based wind blade design.
dampen vibrations and their impact upon the arm. After an
From tennis rackets to wind blades: Developing -month development period, he and his team developed a
Xenecore material and process solution that is now marketed as Xenecore,
Founded in 2010, Xenecore got its start with a materials tech- a thermoplastic microsphere product that can be used as a struc-
nology for sporting goods applications when CEO and founder tural core for composite parts.
Jerry Choe began experiencing tennis elbow from his carbon fiber Today, Xenecore is available in several formats, including a
composite racket. “I unsuccessfully tried every racket under the film sheet for layup within a closed mold, which is how both the
sun. So, then I decided to develop my own racket, and that’s how it company’s tennis racket designs and wind blades are manufac-
all started,” he says. Choe, a patent attorney, explains that he has a tured. The microsphere film expands under heat and pressure to
technical background and holds numerous technology patents. produce a strong structural foam that also serves to dampen vibra-
The problem, he says, is that carbon fiber tennis rackets are tions and noise.
designed for high performance and power when hitting a tennis “It’s not just adding foam to an existing hollow racket. [Xenecore]
ball, but they do not do a good job of mitigating impact to the arm. is actually part of the structure, and that’s what makes it special,”
Typically, these rackets are hollow to minimize weight and are Choe says. “Our technology is a material and a carbon molding
made via a bladder molding process. technology.
Choe set out to find a solution that would more effectively Following these initial successes, Choe explains that his

22 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

CFRP drag-based wind NEWS

Composite design
using thermoplastic
To maximize strength for its
products, Xenecore combines
carbon fiber ribs, or I-beams,
with its thermoplastic micro-

company has invested heavily into further development of micro- The very earlier windmills were built from soft, less durable mate-
sphere technology, obtaining more than  patents worldwide. rials like cloth.”
The company has also developed a number of industry partner- In , German physicist Albert Betz published his now-famous
ships including distributor Composites One (Schaumburg, Ill., Betz’s law about wind capture and blade design. According to
U.S.), and offers equity in its intellectual property (IP). this law, a blade can only capture up to a maximum of % of the
In recent years, Xenecore has seen new opportunities to expand kinetic energy of wind using lift. This theory informed the way that
the use of its microsphere products beyond tennis rackets into airplane wings and wind turbine blades are shaped, maximizing
other applications, such as blades for drones and, most recently, a lift forces — and minimizing drag — with a thin, curved design that
novel design for drag-based wind turbine blades. still prevails today.
According to Choe, Betz’s % energy
Designing a fan-shaped wind blade capture — which is the maximum
About two years ago, Choe and the Xenecore In theory, the Fanturbine only in theory, as actual wind turbines
team began investigating ways to leverage can reach a maximum of 98% capture energy considerably less effi-
the company’s process technology and of wind energy capture in ciently — does not have to be the
microsphere product for the devel- maximum using today’s materials. The
ideal conditions.
opment of wind turbine blades. stronger and lighter material options avail-
“Combating climate change and able today, such as fiberglass and carbon fiber
promoting renewable energy is high composites, easily outperform the metals used
priority, and I knew that our technology could be useful for manu- to produce wind blades and airplane wings in Betz’s day. “It was
facturing wind blades,” Choe says. He also recognized an opportu- the best design at the time, given the materials available, but it’s
nity to rethink how these blades are designed. actually very inefficient, and no longer needs to be the standard,”
Most of today’s wind turbines feature long, thin, airplane wing- Choe says.
shaped blades that generate electricity by using lift. When wind It’s worth noting that there are a number of drag-based wind
passes over the blade, the lower pressure that forms on one side turbine blade designs that have long been in use, such as Savonius
of the blade pulls (in other words, lifts) the blade perpendicular to style vertical wind turbines, which feature two cup-shaped blades
the direction of the wind, causing it to spin a rotor that transfers that spin around a central turbine. These turbines are generally
energy into the turbine to generate electricity.
These blades are typically made from fiber-
glass skins, often supported by a carbon fiber
Nature-inspired design
composite spar cap in longer blades. Wind
For its Fanturbine, Xenecore developed ribs to fan
blades are generally laid up in open molds,
outward from the center, inspired by the strength
vacuum infused in two halves and then assem- and veins of a palm frond.
bled together using shear webs, foam core and
The earliest windmills, however, looked
very different, featuring wide, flat, fan-shaped
wooden blades that generated electricity from
drag, where the force of the wind is directly used
to push the blade in the direction of the wind.
Choe explains, “When wind turbines were first
invented, everybody was using drag, because it
captures much more wind. But these first blades
were a problem because of the materials used. 23

Future installation
Today, Fanturbines are sold in small,
5-kilowatt versions for installation on
residential or business rooftops (right,
bottom). In the future, Xenecore
hopes to develop larger-scale blades
for installation in stacked rows (see
opening image) or to work alongside
traditional turbines (right, top).

much less efficient than lift-based turbines, limited by the fact

that in a vertical setup, the two blades actually block some of the
wind that can be captured by the other half of the blade. However,
their simple design and ability to capture energy in low-wind areas
has made them popular for use in turbines for home or business
Choe and his team set out to develop an updated horizontal
wind turbine that maximizes and uses drag rather than treating it
as a loss, as Betz had described — and, notably, using composite

Modernizing fan blade construction

According to a 2021 whitepaper by the late Dr. Paulo Abdala,
professor of aeronautics at the University of Brasília (Brazil), one
challenge faced by the Xenecore team early on was that because
lift-based turbines are the standard, today’s simulation software is
designed to analyze the performance of only lift-based turbines.
Choe and his team tried a number of physics-based analysis tools
and ultimately used Ansys (Canonsburg, Pa., U.S.) Fluent compu-
tational fluid dynamics software to model the behavior of wind on The Fanturbine blade is manufactured in a one-step compres-
the blades. sion molding process, using a very high modulus carbon fiber and
Using these models, the goal was to develop a blade that maxi- epoxy to maximize strength and stability for resisting high wind
mizes and captures drag to generate electricity within the turbine, loads at the lightest possible weight. The one-piece monocoque
while withstanding high wind loads with as little weight as design also aims to maximize stability as well as to theoretically
possible. extend the life of the blade, since there are no seams or adhesives
The Xenecore team first tried to construct a solid carbon fiber that can be damaged or fatigued over time. Right now, the first
composite blade, “but the weight-to-strength ratio was not good. versions of these blades are relatively small — up to  ×  feet —
Even a solid carbon plate will break [from high wind forces],” with a goal to scale up to larger sizes to compete with traditional
Choe says. wind blades.
Ultimately, Xenecore designed a monocoque, fan-shaped blade, “The Xenecore microspheres and I-beams are an ideal solution
called a Fanturbine, comprising top and bottom skins cored with because they add strength and a bit of thickness, but not much
Xenecore thermoplastic microspheres. These skins are reinforced weight,” Choe adds. “The microspheres also help with vibration
with ribs referred to as I-beams. The design is biomimetic, or and noise reduction — there is almost no noise when the turbine
nature-inspired, as the ribs fan out from a central point much like is running.”
the leaves on a palm frond. To produce each blade, cut carbon fiber fabrics for the skins

24 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

CFRP drag-based wind NEWS

Maximizing energy
In theory, a large-scale Fanturbine
could capture significantly more wind
energy than a similar-sized traditional
lift-based turbine. Next steps for
Xenecore include building and testing
prototypes of larger blades.

and ribs are laid into aluminum top and bottom molds. Layers the wide, flat blades are more visible for flying animals like bats or
of Xenecore film papers are placed on top of each skin. The mold birds that often get caught in traditional wind blades.
closes, and under heat and pressure, the microspheres expand into
a lightweight structural foam that binds to the skins. The process Current models and larger potential
produces a single, seamless, adhesive-free, I-beam-ribbed mono- In 2022, Xenecore began making small, 5-kilowatt turbines with
coque part. 3 × 3-foot blades, selling to distributors in South America and
Xenecore’s turbine design incorporates four of the fan blades making them available globally online. These small systems,
on each turbine, covering about % of available surface area. The Choe explains, are designed to replace solar panels of similar
wind pushes against the blades, rotating the rotor and leading to wattage used for residences and businesses, providing equiva-
energy generation in the turbine. According to Abdala’s white- lent power “but they perform much better and at a three times
paper, the amount of power generated is largely dependent on the lower [operating] cost.” These blades have been tested to exhibit
speed of the wind. The solidity of the flat, fan-shaped blades helps energy generation of up to seven times that of conventional wind
to create a steep pressure difference on either side of the blade, blades of similar size. The largest system Xenecore has tested is a
which is said to increase the wind speed and the power generated. 100-kilowatt turbine with 11-foot-wide blades. It has a megawatt-
According to Xenecore’s simu- sized version in design.
lations, in theory, the Fantur- There is interest in larger Fanturbine blades for the near future,
Read this article online | bine can reach a maximum of Choe says, noting that this technology has the potential to refit % of wind energy capture in today’s largest Haliade X turbine by GE (Paris, France), which
Xenecore-wind ideal conditions. Furthermore, could increase its capacity up to a hundred-fold — from  mega-
the blade is designed to with- watts to . gigawatts. “That’s what’s possible if you convert from
stand hurricane-level winds — in lift to drag energy. That’s what our technology does,” he says,
simulation, it has been shown adding that high-energy capture renewable energy solutions like
to withstand up to  miles per this are needed to meet net-zero targets for combating climate
hour, considerably more than top change.
hurricane speeds. Currently, the company is looking for investors and partners to
Choe says these blades can help launch the technology into the next phase. To prove out the
operate on existing turbines technology, Xenecore next aims to build and install a -megawatt
without changing the existing turbine onto a retrofitted, decommissioned wind turbine tower.
infrastructure. For ease of transportation on the back of a truck, the
blades — wider than typical long and narrow wind blades — must
be relatively small, but Xenecore envisions that many turbines
could be stacked together in a multistory system. “Stacking wind
Technical editor Hannah Mason has been writing and editing
blades like this takes up a much smaller surface footprint than a about composites for CompositesWorld since 2018. She has a
solar farm,” says Choe, “which takes up a lot of land.” He adds that Master’s degree in professional writing from the University of
these blades also potentially mitigate wildlife concerns, because 25

Manufacturing the
MFFD thermoplastic
composite fuselage
Demonstrator’s upper, lower shells and assembly prove materials and new
processes for lighter, cheaper and more sustainable high-rate future aircraft.

By Ginger Gardiner / Senior Technical Editor

» The Multifunctional Fuselage Demonstrator (MFFD) program AFP in-situ consolidation, welded assembly
was conceived in 2014 as one of three large aircraft demonstrators Stringers, frames and clips are welded to the AFP in-situ consolidated skin of the
within the EU-funded Clean Sky 2 (CS2) initiative (now Clean MFFD upper shell (top left) which will be welded to the completed lower shell
Aviation) aimed at advancing innovative technologies, aircraft (bottom right) using two different longitudinal fuselage joints (top right).
sustainability and a competitive supply chain in Europe. When Source | DLR CC-BY license, Fraunhofer IWS, GKN Fokker. (All images) Clean Sky 2/Clean Aviation

disseminated in 2017, the MFFD program goals were ambitious:

Build an 8-meter-long, 4-meter-diameter fuselage section fully
from carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic polymer (CFRTP) of welded joints, novel tooling, multifunctional pick-and-
composites to enable production of 60-100 aircraft/month with a place/welding end effectors, new test methods and testing,
10% reduction in fuselage weight and 20% cut in recurring cost. By longitudinal fuselage joints, digital twins, CFRTP fuselage repair
the project’s end in 2024, overall technology readiness level (TRL) and more. The consortia that responded were awarded hundreds
for such a fuselage will be advanced to TRL 5. of work packages, completed by more than  companies and
From -, Airbus Research & Technology (Bremen, organizations (Fig. ). “This multidisciplinary and international
Germany), as the MFFD project leader, issued  CS calls collaboration is the only way we will reach climate-neutral
for proposal CfP–CfP for work topics such as automated aviation by ,” says Salvador Romero Esteban, principal R&D
assembly plant for a thermoplastic fuselage, micromechanics engineer at GKN Fokker (Hoogeveen, Netherlands).

26 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

MFFD developments

FIG. 1 MFFD projects, sub-projects and partners

Project Main Deliverable(s) Topic Manager Partners
STUNNING Lower fuselage shell GKN Fokker Diehl, NLR, SAM XL, TU Delft
ECO-CLIP Injection molded clips, brackets recycled from GKN Fokker Aimen, Aitiip
CFRTP waste
EMOTION Consolidation tool for skin NLR Alpex, Ostseestaal, TU Munich
MECATESTERS Characterization of CF/PAEK welded joints, GKN Fokker KVE, Rescoll
surfaces, process
MISSION Simplified hardware, cabling GKN Fokker Aeromechs, HSLU
TCTool Assembly cradle, multi-welding end effector, GKN Fokker Acroflight, Brunel Univ. London,
digital twin FADA-Catec, LSBU
TORNADO Disbond arrest features GKN Fokker TWI, KVE, Rescoll, UPAT
Omega stringers and cargo floor beams using Xelis
Cargo door surround structure (DSS) Aernnova CETMA, Techni-Modul
Upper fuselage shell DLR ZLP Augsburg Premium Aerotec
Compression molded Z-stringers Aernnova CETMA, Techni-Modul
Fuselage C-frames, passenger DSS, trimming Premium Aerotec
MultiFAL Assembly plant, lower cradle, upper hexapods Fraunhofer Aimen, FFT, CT Engineering Group
BUSTI LH butt-strap fuselage joint Airbus Aernnova, Aimen, CTI Systems, FFT,
Fraunhofer IFAM, IGCV and IWS
WELDER RH overlap longitudinal fuselage joint Airbus Aimen, FFT
MAYA Thermoplastic composite lining panels Diehl Aviation Alpex, CT-IPC, Leitat, Univ. de Girona
INTELLICONT Composite air cargo container with integrated Airbus Acciona, Avionics Greece, Prisma
functions Electronics, NTUA, Univ. Manchester, UPAT

The MFFD’s completed lower shell has been shipped to could be its own article (for example, the  technical paper by
Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced S.L. Omairey, et. al). Although there isn’t room for such detail here,
Materials (IFAM, Stade, Germany) for final assembly, and the stay tuned for future CW articles on the MFFD and the technolo-
upper shell should arrive by late July. “Setup of the lower and gies it has developed.
upper shells in the assembly fixture should take - months,” says
Eric Pohl, research associate at Fraunhofer Institute for Material Lower shell skin
and Beam Technology (IWS, Dresden, Germany) in the BUSTI The Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR, Marknesse, Netherlands)
project. “We should be able to start welding the left-hand [LH] used a Coriolis Composites (Quéven, France) C1 robotic automated
side butt-strap joint via laser in-situ joining by the end of August/ fiber placement (AFP) system for fast layup (versus AFP in-situ
start of September.” The right-hand (RH) overlap joint will then consolidation) of two subsequent 90° fuselage segments on a single
be completed by Aimen Centro Tecnológico (Porriño, Spain) and layup tool at room temperature (Step 1). The single quadrant size
FFT (Fulda, Germany) via ultrasonic welding, followed by final was dictated by the reach of the AFP machine. Including lightning
evaluation of the MFFD digital twin (see last section of CW blog, strike protection (LSP) material in the outer plies, the layups were
“Proving out LMPAEK ...”). designed to form a scarf/taper joint at the keel and used Toray
The goal of this article is to give an overview of the MFFD Advanced Composites (Nijverdal, Netherlands) TC1225 unidirec-
manufacturing steps completed so far and a discussion of the tional (UD) tape comprising T700 carbon fiber (CF) and Victrex
laser-based co-consolidation process that will be used for the (Lancashire, U.K.) low-melt polyaryletherketone (LMPAEK). Note:
LH side butt-strap joint. Note, the short length of the lower shell Unless otherwise stated, all CFRTP components in the MFFD were
summary below belies its complexity — each sentence represents made from TC1225 UD tape.
numerous reports regarding key developments in novel tooling, The skins and keel joint were co-consolidated by the NLR team
multifunctional end effectors, physics-based models, process in an innovative, high-temperature consolidation mold (produced
simulation, welding lessons learned and more. The methodology by the EMOTION subproject) in a research autoclave at the
and systems for automated assembly of the lower shell alone German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Stade, Germany (Step ). 27

Lower shell

1 AFP layup of lower shell skin was completed in 2 Two halves were integrated via scarf joint at keel 3 Continuous compression molding (CCM) omega
two halves. and co-consolidated in autoclave. stringers were conduction welded to the lower
Source | STUNNING project, NLR Source | STUNNING project, EMOTION project, NLR shell skin, supported in the cradle tool.
Source | STUNNING project, GKN Fokker

4 Injection molded clips were ultrasonic welded 5 Frames were co-consolidated from flat preforms 6 Passenger floor beams were made using AFP
to omega stringers and to skin. using an Invar tool in the autoclave. Web width and autoclave consolidation.
tapered at outer ends of RH and LH frames. Source | STUNNING project, GKN Fokker
Source | STUNNING project, SAM XL
Source | GKN Fokker

Seat Rail Bracket

Vertical Strut

Tanden Clip

Side Strut

Cargo Strut L-Profiles

7 Additional parts for frame and floor subassemblies were stamped and then 8 Frame subassemblies were ultrasonic welded to eco-clips.
conduction welded to frames and floor beams.
Source | STUNNING project, SAM XL
Source | STUNNING project, GKN Fokker

28 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

MFFD developments

Upper shell

9 Finished MFFD lower fuselage with conduction welded floor beam 10 AFP in-situ consolidation of upper shell skin. Source | DLR CC-BY license
subassemblies and integrated seat track, electrical and HVAC system
components. Source | STUNNING project, SAM XL

11 Compression molded Z-stringers joined to skin using continuous ultrasonic 12 Resistance welding bridge joined compression molded C-frames to skin,
welding. Source | DLR CC-BY license then cobot-on-robot (top right) resistance welded cleats as shear ties
between stringers and frames. Source | DLR CC-BY license


13 Advanced laser in-situ joining will be used to co-consolidate six butt- 14 RH overlap fuselage joint will be created by continuous ultrasonic
strap laminates to fuselage shells, creating the LH longitudinal fuselage welding. Resistance-welded frame couplings (top corners) will connect
joint. Source | BUSTI project, Fraunhofer IWS upper and lower frames and skins. Source | BUSTI project, Fraunhofer IWS 29

X paddle - X paddle - Floor beam - Brackets Floor beam - Vertical strut

L-shape stringers Floor module

Floor beam - Frame

Frame - Side strut

Vertical strut - Side strut

Cargo strut - Cargo
floor beam Frame - Cargo strut

FIG. 2 Conduction welding lower shell subassemblies

Frame subassemblies (yellow) and floor beam subassemblies (purple) were welded by GKN Fokker
using its robotic conduction welding system at the GKN Aerospace Global Technology Centre
Netherlands in Hoogeveen (blue). SAM XL robotically ultrasonic welded frame subassemblies to the
lower shell. GKN Fokker conduction welded floor beam subassemblies to the shell using GKN’s new
welding head with heated rod element and anvil for counterpressure (orange).
Source | STUNNING project, GKN Fokker

NLR used thermography as a fast nondestructive inspection the flanges to create space for the noodles and also for welding
(NDI) method to scan the resulting ° entire lower fuselage the floor beams during shell assembly.” After consolidation —
skin in just over  hours. The NDI showed an aerospace-quality which in the future will be in a heated press — the curved webs
laminate, confirmed by local C-scans and cross-sectioning. The were trimmed.
skin was then shipped to partner SAM XL (Delft, Netherlands) for GKN Fokker also fabricated the passenger floor beams, using
integration of structures and interior systems. a Mikrosam (Prilep, Macedonia) robotic AFP system and tow
steering onto a shaped steel mandrel (Step ). As described in
Welded stringers, frames, subassemblies the CW article “MFFD thermoplastic floor beams,” each layup
The skin was positioned in a cradle tool — equipped with 34 was split to produce two floor beam preforms which were then
backing anvils to support a variety of welding processes — devel- consolidated in an autoclave. The finished floor beams were then
oped by the TCTool subproject. Omega stringers produced by welded into assemblies, described next.
Xelis (Herford, Germany) using continuous compression molding To provide support for cargo and passenger floors, GKN Fokker
(CCM) were conduction welded by GKN Fokker to the skin (Step manufactured more than  struts, profiles and other attach-
3) using a 1-meter-long welding end effector. Subsequent ultra- ment structures — in seven different geometries — using stamp
sonic welding of clips to the stringers and skin was carried out by forming. It then conduction welded these to each other and the
SAM XL in collaboration with TU Delft using a 16-millimeter end curved fuselage frames to create the frame subassemblies and to
effector (Step 4, further described in CW article “Thermoplastic the floor beams to create the floor beam subassemblies (Step ).
composites welding advances for more sustainable airframes,” At SAM XL, the frame subassemblies were then ultrasonic welded
Learn More). to the eco-clips (Step ).
GKN Fokker produced  sets of three (RH, central and LH) In parallel, the  floor beam assemblies were then joined
curved fuselage frames using its “butt joint” technology (see with the floor grid substructure — including two aluminum seat
“Orthogrid” section in “Thermoplastic primary aerostructures …”; tracks, electrical systems developed in the MISSION project and
Learn More), which co-consolidated one flat web preform and air system conduits — as part of MFFD’s mandate to demonstrate
two flat flange preforms with noodle fillers in a grooved Invar tool welded assembly of pre-equipped fuselage shell modules. The
in the autoclave (Step ). “Because our frames don’t have feet,” final step was to weld the floor grid structure to the frames and
explains Romero Esteban, “we extend the web preform beyond lower shell using GKN Fokker’s patented new conduction welding

30 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

MFFD developments

process that comprises a heated rod element with an anvil for end effector can place three .-inch-wide tows with a possible
counterpressure (Fig. ) — completing more than  joints and throughput up to . kilograms/hour for a minimum production
 meters of welding (Step ). time of  hours. “The number of tows could easily be increased
for faster layup and production rates of  to  aircraft per
In-situ consolidated upper shell skin month,” says Deden. The upper shell skin also included LSP film as
The skin for the MFFD upper shell was produced by the DLR the first ply.
Institute of Structures and Design Center for Lightweight Produc-
tion Technology (ZLP, Augsburg), using AFP in-situ consolida- Welded stringers, C-frames, cleats
tion (see CW’s “Consolidating thermoplastic aerostructures in Z-stringers for the upper shell were supplied by Aernnova
place,” Part 1 and Part 2, in Learn More). In this process, the (Miñano, Spain) made in collaboration with CETMA (Brindisi,
TC1225 UD tape is fully consolidated as it is applied, in one step, Italy) using its CCM process. DLR used ultrasonic spot welding
without further vacuum bagging, oven or autoclave (Step 10). to integrate energy directors — an extra layer of unreinforced
“This reduces panel lead time by up to 40% LMPAEK resin along each stringer foot
compared to a typical A350 fuselage panel — which helps to control energy at the
using thermoset epoxy,” says Frederic weld interface (see “MFFD upper half”
Fischer, DLR project manager for the “We demonstrated the section in CW’s 2022 welding article;
upper shell. “However, the process is scalability to weld an entire Learn More). The same robotic end
more demanding because you don’t frame in 5 minutes.” effector, with minor modifications, was also
have a second consolidation step.” used for the continuous process to integrate
“For example,” explains Dominik the 46 Z-stringers to the skin (Step 11).
Deden, DLR research engineer “This was the world’s first stringer welding
responsible for the upper shell AFP skin production, “you can’t on in-situ consolidated skins by fully automatic continuous ultra-
have gaps and overlaps in the applied tapes because those will sonic welding using camera-based path correction at . meters/
become voids in the structure. They will also lead to a rough minute,” says Fischer. “We were able to demonstrate a reproduc-
surface in each ply and negatively affect the thermal control. For ible weld strength of  megapascals in coupon testing.”
this reason, the path planning must be adapted to the respective Next,  one-shot, press-molded C-frames produced by
AFP parameters to ensure adequate laminate quality.” Premium Aerotec (PAG, Augsburg and Bremen, Germany) were
ZLP developed an inline inspection system especially for the resistance welded to the upper shell skin using a weld bridge
in-situ process. “We have a system of sensors on the AFP end developed by DLR (Step ). The motor-driven bridge is mounted
effector that logs gaps and overlaps during production,” says Lars on the upper side of the layup tool and is able to automatically
Brandt, DLR’s expert on AFP and advancement of in-situ process transport and position the frames to their precise integration
control. He notes there is a huge interdependency between the positions on the shell skin. The bridge contains  weld modules
process parameters: “They directly affect the thickness and width that sequentially apply up to . megapascals of pressure to each
of the tape, which then affects how the tapes lie properly next to foot along the C-frame.
each other, and in turn, the thermal imaging for the closed-loop “The modules then apply electric current into a welding element
control of the laser power. So, we must make sure we have the positioned between each frame foot and the skin,” says Manuel
best temperature, pressure and speed of the robot end effector at Endrass, DLR expert for resistance welding. The welding elements
all times.” were made from Toray CETEX TC prepreg with TJB carbon
DLR conducted extensive simulation and parametric trials to fiber in a -harness satin fabric — the same LMPAEK matrix as
establish the required process window for best part quality and in the UD tape skin — and CETEX TC EC E-glass -harness
high deposition rates. It in-situ consolidated a full-scale test shell satin prepreg. The latter is used to prevent a short circuit where
skin with more than  plies of tape and analyzed the collected fiber orientation of the welded parts and the welding element is
sensor and process data. “From this, we have developed optimal aligned. The electric current flows through the welding elements
time-temperature curves and compared with mechanical prop- and creates heat that melts the matrix in the weld interface. Once
erties of the laminate, such as interlaminar shear strength [ILSS],” the current flow is switched off, the weld cools while pressure is
says Brandt. “Due to the complex interplay of the process param- maintained. “We demonstrated the scalability to weld an entire
eters, the work still continues, but we aim to have a definitive frame in  minutes,” says Fischer. “This robust technology gives
assessment of the in-situ quality before the end of the year.” full-surface connection with a weld strength equal to that of the
For the final MFFD upper shell, DLR completed the in-situ press-consolidated reference. In essence, our resistance welding
consolidated skin in February , using a multi-tow AFP head can be understood as a miniaturized pressing process.”
from AFPT (Dörth, Germany) with a Laserline (Mülheim-Kärlich, After the frames, DLR again used resistance welding to integrate
Germany) LDM diode laser for heating and a layup tool supplied cleats as shear ties between the Z-stringers and curved fuselage
by Grunewald GmbH & Co. KG (Bocholt, Germany). The AFP frames (Step ). “DLR developed a cobot-on-robot-based 31

FIG. 3 MFFD assembly

Developed in the MultiFAL project
for assembling MFFD fuselage shells,
this fixture includes a cradle for the
lower shell and cooperating hexapods
(yellow, top of fuselage) to adjust the
shells for joining.
Source | MultiFAL project, Fraunhofer IFAM

welding system to fit in the highly confined space,” explains has developed a process called laser in-situ joining (CONTIjoin
Endrass. “The idea behind this development was to automatically for continuous joining), explains Pohl, “but it is actually contin-
integrate the cleats without knowing the exact as-built conditions. uous co-consolidation of the CFRTP butt strap laminates to the
Thus, the LBR iiwa cobot [KUKA Robotics, Augsburg, Germany] mated fuselage shells.” In contrast to adhesively bonded joints,
with its compliance-controlled steering capabilities will self-align no pretreatment of the join area is required other than to make
without any preliminary part measurement or robot teaching. sure the surface is clean from machining dust, etc. “It’s very
Since the weld force is applied by a closed-force flux design of the similar to the AFP consolidation process,” he says. “No further
end effector, it is possible to integrate the cleats without intro- post-processing is needed, but instead of applying a single ply of
ducing external loads.” DLR plans to deliver the upper shell to tape, we use -ply, fully consolidated laminates.”
Fraunhofer IFAM by the end of July. However, its work on resis- “We also use a CO laser instead of the fiber lasers typical
tance welding and in-situ consolidation will continue. for AFP,” continues Pohl. “This is because LMPAEK polymer
shows almost no energy absorption at the ,-nanometer
LH longitudinal fuselage joint wavelengths normally used by those lasers. Because we need
Assembly of the MFFD lower and upper shells will begin with the sufficient absorption to melt the surface matrix for joining, we
LH side butt-strap longitudinal fuselage joint, which has been use a CO laser with a .-micrometer wavelength to ensure
developed within the BUSTI project (Step 13). Led by Airbus, it better heating of the polymer matrix at the surface with less
includes partners Aernnova, Aimen, CTI Systems (Lentzweiler, migration through the laminate plies.” Because the butt strap
Luxembourg), FFT and Fraunhofer IFAM, IGCV and IWS. The RH laminates get progressively wider from the first at  millimeters
overlap fuselage joint will be completed using ultrasonic welding to the final at  millimeters, the CO laser is combined with
by FFT and Aimen through the WELDER project (Step 14). The a high-speed scanning system that oscillates the energy beam
assembly fixture, which will hold the lower and upper shells across the width of the weld. The laser beam alone can’t span
together during the joining processes, was developed within the the width of the butt straps, says Pohl, but also, the laser beam’s
MultiFAL project and includes the cradle for the lower shell and a energy intensity is at its center and decreases outside the
system of 10 cooperating hexapods for locating and adjusting the laser focus spot. It’s the highly dynamic beam oscillation that
position of the upper shell (Fig. 3). Vacuum grippers with six-axis enables heating across the entire width of the joint, up to 
force and torque sensors will adjust the pose and shape of the millimeters.
shells, guided by optical measuring systems, to manage tolerances
during assembly. Temperature control
The lower shell is placed first, followed by the upper shell. The The CONTIjoin process equipment uses two optics setups. One
hexapods will adjust the shells to the correct geometry for the is the oscillating laser and the other comprises a pyrometer and
joining processes. Inside the fuselage, large aluminum blocks a second scanner for measuring temperature along the join
(“inner positioners”) curved to match the fuselage will press (Fig. 4). “The pyrometer is targeted at the nip point and used to
outward in the radial direction to resist the consolidation pressure adjust the laser power to maintain the required process temper-
applied by welding end effectors during joining. ature (350-370°C),” explains Pohl. However, that nip point is
For the BUSTI project and LH butt strap joint, Fraunhofer IWS actually a line that spans the butt strap width. “So, we combine

32 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

MFFD developments

FIG. 4 Laser in-situ joining Butt strap handling

(CONTIjoin) process
This Fraunhofer IWS lab setup shows how the 6-ply Laser module
butt strap laminates will be brought in and applied
to the joint area, heated by the oscillating laser beam Pyrometer and scanner
and, with pressure from the consolidation roller, will
be co-consolidated with the substrate upon cooling.
Source | BUSTI project, Fraunhofer IWS

Laser beam 6-ply butt strap laminate

High-speed Consolidation
Oscil roller
laser scanner lating

Pyrometer Fuselage

Butt strap
the pyrometer with a high-speed scanner so we can adjust the
target for where the pyrometer measures,” he adds.
“The oscillating laser beam heats the surface of the join area,”
continues Pohl, “and the scanning pyrometer setup measures
the temperature at different points that we set, based on the
width of the butt strap laminate. We found that using one point
in the middle of laminates up to  millimeters wide is enough
to control the process homogenously. For wider laminates, we
need to add a measuring point for each -millimeter increase.
So, for the second step laminate, which is  millimeters wide,
we use two pyrometer spots, and we use four spots for the
-millimeter-wide strap, etc.” The pyrometer jumps through
these measuring points, per its digital control system, where both
distance and timing can be set individually. Pohl notes, “In this
context, the synchronization of the individual processes with each
other is crucial for the resulting co-consolidation quality.”
The temperature information from each measurement feeds an
individual control circuit to adjust the laser power for that point. Substrate Consolidation
“Let’s say we have a °C set temperature and the pyrometer
measures °C,” says Pohl. “This is then fed into a proportional
integral derivative [PID] control loop. The PID controller Pohl’s team will apply six successively wider, -ply, .-milli-
recognizes it’s less than the set temperature and increases the meter-thick, consolidated multidirectional butt strap laminates
laser power. The amount of that increase has been established per each side of the passenger (pax) door cutout —  welding
earlier through process parameter trials and is programmed into passes in total. The first four butt strap laminates were made by
the PID.” Aernnova using AFP and vacuum bag consolidation. They feature
a drop-off area where they decrease in thickness and end on a
Applying the butt strap laminates ramp in the fuselage skin. The last two and widest butt strap lami-
As discussed above, the butt strap comprises six progressively nates were made by Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite
wider straps, applied one at a time. This matches a set of steps and Processing Technology (IGCV, Augsburg, Germany) using
built into the upper and lower shells where they meet. Airbus AFP and consolidated in a double-belt press. These straps on
calls this a step joint structure, which is also used in bonded and each side of the door are chamfered — they have a ° transi-
welded repairs of composite aircraft structures. Thus, the area tion between the widest rectangular section toward the pax door
where the butt strap will be welded fits precisely into a stepped cutout and the long narrow section away from the door. Pohl
area to receive it. “This is a good design for joining these shells,” explains this is only for the last two butt strap laminates because
says Pohl, “because you are co-consolidating or welding into the they are the longest, reaching from the door cutout — which
thickness of the material, so you get more surface area in all layers weakens the fuselage structure requiring the joint to be larger
of the joint.” to provide more stiffness — to the ends of the -meter-long 33

demonstrator, where the additional width is not needed. The the CONTIjoin process showed a reliable average strength of 30
maximum weld length of a single strap for the LH side is . megapascals is achievable. Nearly all samples exhibited some
meters, interrupted by the pax door cutout; however, the RH degree of substrate failure — indicating high joint strength — and
overlap joint will span the full length of the -meter fuselage. failed mainly between the +45° and -45° layers of the butt strap
laminates. In subsequent ILSS testing, the joint showed values
Adding resin, pressure for consolidation 93% that of the press-consolidated reference.
For each butt strap laminate, an additional ply of LMPAEK film “We have spent a lot of time in trials to assess the best process
will be applied. “This provides more matrix material, which parameters,” says Pohl, “and simultaneously, we have built the
enables better welding and weld strength,” says Pohl. “It also welding setup.” The BUSTI team targeted July to complete installa-
produces a more reproducible welding process and quality tion of the welding setup at IFAM in Stade and August for commis-
because we have a controlled sioning the CONTIjoin equipment and process in preparation for
matrix surface thickness.” the planned start of LH joint welding in September.
See additional images in the Another necessity for high Even as MFFD progresses, Fraunhofer IWS is already advancing
online article | weld strength is pressure to CONTIjoin further. At the end of , it began another project
MFFDupdates consolidate the materials in with Airbus, this one funded by the German government, to
the join. This is applied by a develop the laser in-situ joining process for complex curved
Read about thermoplastic
primary aerostructures | consolidation tool which is surfaces as compared to the single curvature of the MFFD fuselage. essentially a segmented roller. “We are now working on concepts for the consolidation tool,” says
“The maximum force we can Pohl, “but we also have to develop the steering and software. With
More about the MFFD apply is 10 kilonewtons,” says a single curvature, we can set up the path before the process. But
TP floor beams | short. Pohl, “which was set as the limit now, we must develop a method to measure the exact complex
MFFDThermoplasticFB around the passenger door curvature and software to calculate how the laser beam has to
Read about consolidated cutout because those aluminum move at the given time intervals across the joint width.” This
TP aerostructures | short. inner positioners are designed project will be completed in .
to handle this force without CONTIjoin is just one technology that MFFD has enabled.
ISC-Part1 and short. exceeding the allowed deflec- “More than  technologies have been matured across Europe,”
Part2 tion. But for the 60-millimeter- says Dr. York C. Roth at Airbus and leader of the Clean Aviation/
Learn more about wide strap, for example, we are Clean Sky  – Large Passenger Aircraft platform. “The MFFD is
MFFD welding | short. using only 2.8 kilonewtons.” an outstanding example of what can be achieved if academia,
How is the amount of research centers and industry OEMs and suppliers combine
applied force determined and forces and align on a common objective. One partner alone
controlled? “We have devel- would never have been able to deliver such a complex, large-scale
oped this through parametric demonstrator.”
screenings,” says Pohl. “We need And this demonstrator is establishing a new knowledge base
more force for a wider strap from which decisions for future aircraft will be made. “The tech-
because we have more area. nology bricks demonstrated in the MFFD project contribute to
And it might seem that double a much better understanding of thermoplastic composites as a
the width would require double material for fuselage primary structures,” says Ralf Herrmann,
the force, but the relationship Airframe R&T at Airbus in Bremen and leader of the MFFD
isn’t perfectly linear. So, we don’t need six times the force for the program. “A wide range of design solutions, manufacturing and
-millimeter-wide strap versus the -millimeter strap — we assembly concepts have been developed through novel joining
can work with less. But right now, we are evaluating where this techniques and automation technologies. And these will enable
sweet spot is because you can press too hard so that you destroy the MFFD’s industrial partners to choose the most appropriate
the laminate during heating.” technology for achieving the improvements in performance and
The consolidation roller has been designed to apply consistent reduced ecological footprint required for future aviation.”
pressure throughout changes in laminate thickness and across the
fuselage’s curved geometry. “The height of each roller segment
adjusts via a camshaft in a central frame within the central core of
the segmented roller,” explains Pohl. “Each roller segment also has
a soft elastomer sleeve which increases the resulting contact area.”
CW senior technical editor Ginger Gardiner has an
engineering/materials background and more than 20 years
Joint strength, future development of experience in the composites industry.
Results from slotted lap shear tests performed by Fraunhofer
IWS to evaluate the strength of co-consolidated joints using

34 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld


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New Products


Compostable, recyclable, wood-based 3D

printing filament
GEHR (Mannheim, Germany) a producer of thermoplastic semi-
finished products globally, introduces Eco-Fil-A-Gehr, a novel
wood-based filament designed for professional 3D printing with
high dimensional stability and optimal elastic properties, as well as
compostable and recyclable capabilities.
Eco-Fil-A-Gehr Wood, made of Sulapac (Helsinki, Finland),
Source | GEHR
consists of recycled wood fibers mixed with biodegradable biopoly-
mers. The premium eco-filament reportedly gives the printed objects
a natural look and feel and a haptic touch. It can be used to print non-biodegradable plastics. GEHR notes that the technology for chemical
very robust and stable parts as well as light, highly detailed objects. recycling of bio-based and biodegradable materials exists, but the
GEHR has a broad portfolio of 3D filaments in a range of different infrastructure is still under development.
materials developed for various customer needs. Sulapac’s solution Eco-Fil-A-Gehr is said to have an aesthetic, natural appearance and
for 3D printing, a material from its Sulapac Flow family, is the most a pleasant subtle odor coming from the natural wood it contains. The
recent addition to GEHR’s eco-line because of its scientifically material has high dimensional stability and high elastic properties for
verified sustainability features. The material used in the Eco-Fil-A- 3D printing and filament extrusion. “The stability of the material is
Gehr filament is industrially compostable according to BPI (ASTM exceptional, and it works as well as, or even better than, other wood
D6400), contains 72% USDA certified bio-based content and leaves filaments or PLA,” says Joona Kontinen, Sulapac’s innovation manager,
no permanent microplastic or toxic load behind. Furthermore, the who develops the Sulapac Flow material family.
material complies with the EU and U.S. FDA requirements for food When producing the filament, a deviation of 0.05 mm in width is
contact materials. typically allowed. With Sulapac, the deviation is less than a tenth of that,
The mechanical recyclability has been demonstrated by an inde- ensuring smooth production and stable quality. “The Sulapac material
pendent third party, GEHR told CW — the material can be recycled up used in the Eco-Fil-A-Gehr Wood has the perfect combination of proper-
to six times. It has also been shown that the material can be recycled ties for 3D printing with no compromises in sustainability,” adds Kontinen.
through hydrolysis back to monomers, suitable as feedstock for First customers will likely be the cosmetic brands already familiar with
recycled biopolymers. Sulapac materials that are interested in the material for prototyping.
Field tests have also verified that Sulapac materials can be Other typical applications GEHR anticipates include decorative compo-
collected and sorted out of a mixed waste stream. When collected nents and point-of-sale displays. Eco-Fil-A-Gehr Wood is available to
together, Sulapac materials do not interfere with the current businesses and private customers through GEHR’s online store.
mechanical recycling of conventional fossil-based or bio-based,


Glass fiber pultrusion reinforcement allows for a slower pull on thick profiles.
Ilium Composites (Hidd, Bahrain) a global manufacturer of “FLEXmat continues to offer benefits featured throughout
fiberglass structural composite reinforcements, the company’s product line, including low cost,
is releasing its latest high-performing chemical resistance and no stitching,” Colin
material technology for composite construc- Leatham-Locke, business development manager
tion, industrial and marine utility applications. at Ilium Composites, says. In addition, FLEXmat
FLEXmat is a glass fiber pultrusion reinforcement tes
is thermobonded without stitching, requires no
supplied in 1,270-mm-wide rolls. It joins the company’s Co mp chemical binder, is multi-resin compatible and can
current offering of chopped strand mats and integrated veils e | Il incorporate other fiber reinforcements.
for what is reported to be unprecedented composite safety and Produced in-house, FLEXmat is resistant to osmosis and
surface aesthetics. hazardous chemicals, without the need for additional barriers.
FLEXmat is made from long chopped glass fiber and thermo- During processing, the reinforcement displays optimized wet and dry
bonded between two lightweight polyester veils. The integrated veil tensile strength that reduces the potential for material stretching.
reaches a high melting point of 180°C, making FLEXmat ideal for high Moreover, cost is reduced through the elimination of secondary veils while
temperature exposure during pultrusion processes. Its design also maintaining the company’s signature surface finish.

36 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld



Online guide for eco-design, • Draw up an overview of the latest possibilities for the reuse of
recycling of composites composite waste with a low environmental impact, from full reuse
Environmental impact is a major obstacle in the development of to energy recovery and storage, including different recycling options.
composites in the coming years. To keep pace with ongoing industrial • Present eco-design methodologies, including lifecycle analyses
developments and environmental responsibility issues, the French of the investigation and
Institute of Textiles and Clothing (IFTH, Paris), Cetim (Senlis, France) discussion of the environ-
and the Industrial Technical Centre for Plastics and Composites (IPC, mental performance of a few
Laval, France), three industrial technical centers active in the field of composite solutions.
composites, have published a “Guide for the Recycling and Ecodesign • Compile a directory of French
of Composites” (GREC) handbook using the latest market data and companies that can process
technical progress. GREC is now available for download in English. composite waste.
GREC presents an overview of the status and challenges of eco- GREC is available in two
design and recycling of composite materials addressed in five main formats. The full report, available
chapters. Jointly compiled, this guide aims to: in French, can be found on the
• Introduce readers to the history and properties of composites, in ADEME website. The summary
addition to a market overview. brochure is available in French
• Qualitatively and quantitatively map the material flows and sources and in English on the Cetim
of waste in the French composites industry from 2020-2040. This website. Please note that users
data also feeds into a discussion on the options for waste reuse sector will need to create a Cetim
Source | Cetim, IPC and IFTH
models. account (free) to access the latter.


Source | Base Materials
Strengthened range of PU tooling board
Base Materials (Leicester, U.K.) provides innovative technology for
composites manufacturing, including epoxy pattern and tooling board
solutions, and polyurethane (PU) modeling and tooling boards used in
vacuum forming, jigs, fixtures, fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) mold-
making and more.
Base Materials further strengthens its range of PU tooling board
materials with three new specialist products manufactured at its
Leicester facility, including: BP600, a medium-density PU tooling
material, and two new abrasion-resistant, high-density PU tooling
materials, BP1200 and BP1700.
“With an increased requirement for more specialist materials,
particularly the need for more abrasion-resistant solutions, we had BP1700 PU tooling material boasts a high density of 1,785 kg/m3, is
no hesitation in developing and launching BP1200 and BP1700,” says abrasion resistant and designed for use in specialist applications where
John Miller, managing director of Base Materials. “The development of high compressive strength is required, including vacuum forming,
BP600 enhances our existing medium-density material range and is thermoforming, hammer and metal forming, foundry patterns and
engineered for use in a wide range of applications.” reactive injection molding (RIM).
Base Materials’ new medium-density BP600 is easy to machine, Base Materials’ BP600, BP1200 and BP1700 products are available
provides a good surface finish and has a low coefficient of thermal with compatible adhesives, repair pastes, sealers and release agents.
expansion (CTE) for increased dimensional stability. It is suitable for “These latest additions to our PU tooling material range, follow recent
use across a wide range of applications, including master models and significant investment at our Leicester facility and further strengthen
patterns, vacuum forming, thermoforming, automotive modeling, and our ability to meet the ever-changing demands of the industries we
foundry patterns and pattern plates. operate in,” adds Miller. “This investment has seen us double our CNC
BP1200 is a high-density, abrasion-resistant PU tooling material that capacity resulting in increased production output and the addition
is easy to machine and is designed for use in vacuum forming, thermo- of a new production line to support further future expansions of our
forming, automotive modeling, foundry patterns and pattern plates. materials offering.” 37

Source | Loop Technology Source | TemperChip


High-accuracy robotic machining system Noncontact machining temperature sensor

for difficult materials for composites
The RoboMach HA from Loop Technology (Dorchester, U.K.) is a TemperChip is a noncontact temperature machining data measure-
high-accuracy robotic cell developed to machine cured composite ment device installed on cutting tools or machine holders. The device
materials, such as carbon fiber, and is also suitable for other mate- is patented by Yaakov Manas and Eli Yudkevich as a solution for the
rials, such as wood, foam, plastics and more. machining of composite materials while implementing continuous
As workforce availability continues to be a challenge for control of the developing temperature measurement. TemperChip
manufacturing industries, RoboMACH HA aims to make automa- opens the potential to track several different work parameters between
tion more affordable to ease this strain. It is designed for suppliers the machine and the work material, providing a way to monitor tool life
who want to invest in high-accuracy automation, but have found and efficiency.
traditional CNC machines unsuitable. Determining when to replace the tool at its end of life is often up
RoboMACH HA combines almost a decade’s worth of Loop to the operator’s initiative, leaving room for human error in either
Technology’s experience in developing bespoke robotic machining replacing the tool too early or too late. TemperChip features interac-
solutions. This process knowledge has enabled the company to tive communication functions that alert operators by use of red LED
design a product with versatility, satisfying a range of machining lights, smartphone application and/or machine control.
applications with accuracy and enabling LoopTechnology to pass Components inside the TemperChip include various sensors, a
on the cost savings to its customers. miniature battery, an electronic control board, a BLE communication
“While Loop Technology is best known for bespoke solutions, chip and a recharge chip. The measurement device also has the
we recognized common requirements and an opportunity to make option to be calibrated according to critical points (10-15% under the
automation more accessible with an off-the-shelf solution that limits) that are expected to cause damage. Calibration will be done
would suit many applications,” says James Streatfeild, product according to the work specimen and/or workpiece material type.
manager at Loop Technology. “We want to help our customers For example, the glass transition temperature (Tg) of carbon
stay ahead of the market with a flexible, affordable process that fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) causes losses in mechanical proper-
can keep up with new and constantly changing product designs.” ties of the material and delamination occurs at 130°C. Under these
Typically, robotic machining has suited softer materials such conditions, the device will be calibrated to around 110-115°C.
as wood, engineering foam or sand-casting molds. However, Based on the data received from the device, operators can adjust
RoboMach HA uses the latest technology in robotics with FANUC’s the machine’s working parameters and stop and replace the tool as
M-800iA/60 high rigidity model for high-accuracy path applica- needed. The parameters available for measurement include process
tions, making it suitable for harder materials, such as cured carbon temperature, load and torque, vibrations and cutter wear.
fiber. When the machining process meets the threshold points as
RoboMach HA can handle workpieces up to 2,000 mm wide, indicated, an LED light on the device warns the operator. The
2,000 mm long and 800 mm high as standard. The maximum operator can manually stop the machine or replace a tool. Second,
capacity is dependent on the application. It also features machine the machine can optionally receive communication transmission
guarding to protect personnel and contain debris with a modular from the device and start with prevention tactics, such as tool
design to extend and alter cell dimensions. Add-ons are also avail- replacement with the magazine, feed rate reduction, spindle speed
able for the RoboMach HA, including a tooling rack, seventh axis reduction and a chip load reduction. In accordance with Industry
positioner, CAD/CAM robot programming software, cell extraction 4.0 methodology, the machine controller will be programmed with
and at-source extraction. algorithm to apply the most efficient prevention step in accordance
with the scenario on hand.,

38 JULY 2023
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Nanomaterials ›Adamant Composites Ltd. (Patras, Greece) was founded in 2012 with the goal of trans-
lating academic research on nanomaterial-enabled composites into real-world applica-
optimize tions. In addition to other projects, the company recently undertook a 3.5-year research
project with the European Space Agency (ESA, Paris, France). Project HITEC (High
performance of Thermal and Electrical Conductive Bonding Materials for Space), which began in 2019
and concluded in fall 2022, aimed at maturing nanomaterial and graphene-enhanced
space-ready composite technologies for qualification in satellite structures.
As metallic satellite materials are replaced with stronger, lighter weight, less conduc-
carbon fiber tive carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) materials, the likelihood of thermal or
electrical buildup becomes greater, which can lead to damage such as surface buckling,

composite panels warping and more. Therefore, to protect the satellite surface and interior equipment,
measures need to be taken to minimize buildups by dissipating heat and electricity more
evenly across the surface and through the part.
A recent ESA project led by Under HITEC, Adamant Composites and ESA sought to tune a composite structure for
Adamant Composites aimed to optimized thermal and electrical conductivity without the use of additional conductive
mature nanomaterial-enhanced tools. Supported through ESA’s General Support Technology Program, the project was
CFRP for lighter weight, more designed to evaluate the use of nanomaterials within a carbon fiber/epoxy prepreg
thermally and electrically material and an adhesive — for joining structural parts and attaching onboard electronics
conductive materials for — used to manufacture small-scale prototype satellite panels. Graphene was used within
manufacturing satellite the adhesive, and a proprietary, conductive nanomaterial was added to the prepreg.
structures. “The original idea was to demonstrate a full lifecycle design of a space panel, from
design to processing to testing, including new materials such as graphene,” explains
Athanasios Baltopoulos, commercial director at Adamant Composites. “The goal was to
bring the technology for the CFRP and graphene adhesive up to a technology readiness
level [TRL] of 6, meaning it’s qualified to be engaged in an application for launch.”
Adamant Composites designed and manufactured the panels, the Applied Mechanical
Laboratory of the University of Patras (Greece) performed materials-level testing and
Beyond Gravity (Dresden, Germany) performed part-level testing.
The panels were designed via finite element analysis (FEA) modeling, to help under-
stand the needed material makeup based on the load, thermal and electrical conductivity
requirements. Two 0.5 × 1-meter, 22-millimeter thick CFRP and aluminum honeycomb
sandwich panels were then manufactured for testing using hand layup and autoclave
cure under vacuum — one panel with nanomaterial enhancement, and one without for
comparison. Holes were drilled into each panel and metallic inserts were installed using
specially designed graphene-enhanced adhesive.
For quality control, Adamant Composites evaluated the panels using laser tracking
Source (all) | Adamant Composites, via ESA to assess flatness, and a hammer testing technique to evaluate resonant frequencies,
and compared the results to the simulations. At IMA Materials Research and Application
Technology GmbH and Beyond Gravity, the panels were subjected to further testing.
The results? Compared to the standard CFRP panel, nanomaterial enhancement was
shown to increase electrical conductivity substantially, and also boosted heat propagation
with a decrease of the thermal gradient by up to 64% through the panel thickness. Heat
was dissipated evenly through the top and bottom skins rather than building up in one
area. In addition, the panels were shown to maintain needed structural performance
through vibration and thermal cycling tests.
If used in an actual commercial project for space use, the parts could be redesigned
further to remove extra conductive elements, enabling a lighter weight, more compact
Future studies will continue to evaluate how these materials can be used, on their
own and alongside other conductive materials, on their way to ultimately enable lighter,
stronger, space-ready components. And ultimately, “the goal is to make them fly for
in-orbit demonstration and validation, to test these materials’ capabilities in a real space
environment,” says Baltopoulos.

40 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld



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3D-printed CFRP
tools for serial
production of
landing flaps
GKN Aerospace Munich and CEAD
develop printed tooling with short and
continuous fiber that reduces cost and
increases sustainability for composites

By Ginger Gardiner / Senior Technical Editor

» The light weight and durable high performance of carbon Replacing hand layup BMI intensifier tools
fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) parts is increasingly necessary Intensifier tools used in serial production of A350 landing flaps were 3D printed
to achieve aviation goals for reduced emissions. A key challenge, with short carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic for the stringer-stiffened,
however, is the tooling required to mold these materials into high- autoclave-cured CFRP lower cover (tools on top) and upper cover (tools on
quality, shaped and integrated parts such as stringer-stiffened skins. bottom). Source | GKN Aerospace Deutschland, TU Munich LCC and CEAD
Such tools must deliver tight tolerances during high-temperature
molding processes for hundreds of cycles with a thermal expan-
sion that either matches that of CFRP parts or is managed via achieve the lower coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) neces-
compensation. sary for tools longer than . meters. In fact, several dozen tools
In , tooling was described as D printing’s “killer app,” used in GKN Munich’s flap production are longer than . meters,
offering significant reductions in lead time, material cost and and the team is now demonstrating how to use ATLAM for their
manual labor. And yet, D-printed tools are not yet common in production.
serial production of high-temperature, autoclave-cured parts for
aerospace. However, a project started in  produced  tools Landing flap intensifier tools
printed with short carbon fiber (CF)-reinforced thermoplastic by GKN Aerospace (Solihull, U.K.) is a well-known Tier 1 engine
CEAD (Delft, Netherlands) that have been used for more than two systems and aerostructures manufacturer and composites inno-
years by GKN Aerospace in Munich, Germany, for the serial produc- vator. Its GKN Deutschland subsidiary in Munich supplies CFRP
tion of CFRP landing flaps for Airbus (Toulouse, France) A landing flaps for the Airbus A330 and A350 widebody aircraft.
aircraft. Attached to the wing’s trailing edge, landing flaps are actuated to
The team, which also includes the Technical University of Munich increase the wing’s surface area and camber during takeoff and
(TU Munich, Germany) Chair of Carbon Composites (LCC), moved landing.
a step further in , unveiling the advanced tape layer additive For the A landing flaps, which are . meters wide and -
manufacturing (ATLAM; see Learn More) printhead that combines meters long depending on the specific A model, GKN Munich
continuous CF tapes with the previously used short CF materials to manufactures CFRP stringer-stiffened upper and lower covers for

42 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

3D-printed CFRP intensifier tools

A350 landing flap

upper cover

Track intensifiers

7-8 meters

1.6 meters

Track intensifier design Source (original images) | GKN Aerospace


3D-printed CFRP intensifier tools for A350 flap cover production

› Reduced cost by more than 50% and lead time by up › Increased accuracy, quality and flexibility › Enables simple thermoplastic welding
to 80% — eliminated aluminum master tools, reduced due to fully automated printing and as repair solution and recycling at end of
upfront investment, manual labor and material waste. machining process. service.

Susan Kraus / Illustration

the left and right wings. These require dozens of different-sized significant labor time, including a lot of manual work for the
track intensifier tools, used for areas without stringers where bagging, and it also consumed a huge amount of auxiliary mate-
attachments will be made. Track intensifiers (see p. ) span the rials. The lead times were also quite long — up to several weeks
width of the flap covers and are used where actuation-enabling for fabrication plus a minimum of  months for production of the
flap tracks and cross-span stiffening ribs will be attached. metal master tools in advance.”
GKN Munich had traditionally made track intensifier tools “D printing offers a more efficient digital production,” he
using hand layup of CF/bismaleimide (BMI) tooling prepreg or continues. “It would be a new and innovative approach for inten-
conventional epoxy tooling prepreg on machined aluminum sifiers, with potential for a large reduction in lead time and cost.
master tools. The layups were autoclave cured at -°C and  It would also simplify the whole process flow for tooling, increase
bar of pressure in two to three stages, followed by machining of our production flexibility and enable recycling of the production
the outer D curved surface to a tolerance of ±. millimeter. waste and, eventually, the tools themselves.” GKN’s customer,
“The process for curing the BMI tools is complicated, requiring Airbus, has been an associated partner in the resulting projects to
a hot pressure debulk [HPD], a cure and post-cure cycle and also a develop this technology.
cure cycle for the two-component epoxy wear coating,” says Frank
Strachauer, project leader and R&D engineer at GKN Munich. Developing a 3D-printed approach
“These tools had high material and production costs and a long CEAD is a pioneer in extrusion-based, large-format AM. Founded
lead time for manufacturing. The process was expensive, requiring in 2014, it began development with continuous fibers in 2017. 43

FIG. 1 Printed beads, machined tools

CEAD software enables modeling the print beads (gray) together with the final,
machined part (green) to verify sufficient material is available for machining
the printed parts to the final surface and dimensions required for the production
tools. Source | CEAD

By 2019, it had commercialized its standalone robot extruders, its upper and lower flap covers for LH and RH wings. After printing,
gantry-based, 4 × 2 × 1.5-meter continuous fiber additive manu- the closed contour parts were split in half and then machined.
facturing (CFAM) Prime machine and six-axis robotic Flexbot. It The printed parts were slightly oversized, ensuring the addi-
added milling capability to Flexbot by 2020 and announced its tional material required for machining to the final surface quality
partnership with Belotti (Suisio, Italy) for very large CNC systems and tolerances. “We were able to improve our slicing and printing
in 2021. simulation software so that we have the capability to offset any
To begin developing the D printing process for intensifier surface a certain amount,” explains CEAD software engineer
tools, GKN Munich worked with CEAD to conduct a long list of Jasper Klein Mentink, “and then view a model of the print beads
printed material tests to assess strength, thermal expansion and together with the final part [Fig. ]. In this way, we can precisely
fatigue, machinability, vacuum tightness, repairability, etc. They verify whether there is sufficient material to remove to achieve
chose short CF/polyethersulfone (PESU) due to its glass transi- the final product dimensions. The software can quickly iterate
tion temperature (Tg), which is above °C and thus compatible designs and helps us to ensure prints are ‘first time right,’ which
with the °C cure aerospace-grade epoxy prepreg for the CFRP saves a lot of time and material. Additionally, the printed bead
landing flap covers. model can be imported into CAM software to aid the milling
The next step was to design the printed parts. “For the first set of process.”
prototype tools, we were using our smallest machine,” says CEAD “The D printing process for the initial set of intensifier tools
CTO and cofounder, Maarten Logtenberg. “So, the team chose to was very fast,” says Logtenberg, “between  and  minutes
print a full set of track intensifiers, due to their size, up to . × . for each of the eight parts depending on its size and complexity.
meters.” These tools had a final machined thickness of - milli- The milling, however, was a bit of a challenge, as we didn’t have
meters and included joggles to match the ply ramps and drop-offs in-house capability at that time, and had to rely on an outside
in each flap cover skin. company. But it worked out and we successfully completed the
“We then went into this sort of development cycle, to come first full set of prototype intensifiers.”
up with how to print all of the different intensifiers in a way that There were important lessons learned as well. “During the
we’d have a high success rate,” says Logtenberg. “We designed the production of the first set of track intensifiers, it became apparent
printed parts to combine both left-hand [LH] and right-hand [RH] that the printing process and subsequent machining caused
wing tools in the same complex-shaped, closed contours, which material distortions due to internal stress,” says Strachauer. “This
allowed continuous printing.” Eight printed parts produced all can be countered by printing with sufficient oversize to allow
four intensifiers — End Rib, Rib , Track  and Track  — for the the residual distortion in machining to be removed. In addition,

44 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

3D-printed CFRP intensifier tools

the milling tools, milling parameters, and a correctly selected and we came up with the idea to separate the material processes. They
part-adapted milling strategy also play a decisive role in achieving are still combined as we move the print head, but we first extrude
exact dimensional accuracy of the tools.” the short fiber layer and the pre-impregnated tape with the contin-
uous fiber comes right after. This gives us full control of processing
Proven process, results the tape as well as extrusion of the short fiber material.” This is the
GKN Munich used this set of 3D-printed track intensifier tools ATLAM process and print head.
to produce full-sized test flap covers in “Once we were able to prove the
mid-2019. The resulting CFRP parts passed feasibility, GKN established a public-
all required quality checks, including micro- funded research project,” says Logten-
scopic void analysis and ultrasonic inspec- “Additive manufacturing will berg. TU Munich was also included,
tion to validate the laminate thickness and become better and more performing research in thermal expan-
quality. mature every year.” sion, laminate quality and voids. Also
After completing qualification of the involved was machining technology firm
D-printed intensifier tools, GKN imple- Hufschmied (Bobingen, Germany), exploring
mented them in serial production of A how to machine the printed raw parts.
landing flaps in early  (Fig. ). The tools have now been in use In , GKN Munich and CEAD submitted patent applications,
for more than two years. worked through  to further refine the equipment and printed
“This is groundbreaking for the industry,” says Strachauer. “We the first proof of concept tooling parts in early . “This develop-
were able to show a major cost reduction and lead time reduction ment has taken two years,” says Logtenberg, “but we have finally
versus the previous tooling. We have also eliminated the need for succeeded in a reliable process that enables large-scale autoclave
master tools, autoclave cure and manual layup. The D-printed tools with a sufficiently low CTE.” Strachauer further details: “It is
intensifier tools have shown increased accuracy and quality due to close to Invar in the print direction and the same value compared
a fully automated printing and machining process.” He also notes to BMI tooling prepreg.”
their thermoplastic construction enables repair and recycling CEAD officially launched ATLAM at JEC World  (April -,
options not possible with the previous thermoset-based systems. Paris, France), where it showed a third-generation ATLAM print
However, the D-printed tools fell short in one area. “We did head, says Logtenberg. “Every iteration represents a significant
a lot of research with GKN and TU Munich in terms of thermal improvement, and we will continue advancing the technology.
expansion,” says Logtenberg, “and we discovered that up to We have designed ATLAM with sensors and control possibilities
roughly . meters in length, you can print the tooling without that TU Munich uses to measure the impact of process parameters
any continuous fiber — so, just extrusion of short fiber-reinforced
pellets. But for tools longer than . meters, the CTE is too large,
and it becomes difficult to compensate for the thermal expansion.”
Note, more than % of the tools GKN Munich uses to produce the
outboard landing flaps are longer than . meters.

The next step: Continuous fiber

“We knew we could reduce the CTE by using continuous fiber,”
says Logtenberg, “and we already had quite a lot of experience
with continuous fiber printing through our CFAM technology.”
CFAM combines chopped and continuous fiber materials inside
the 3D printing nozzle. “So, our first prototypes for longer tools
were based on that as well. But due to the high processing temper-
atures of the thermoplastics needed to withstand autoclave cure
and the high modulus of the continuous carbon fiber, it was
difficult to achieve the right impregnation of the material with the
quality and reliability required for aerospace tools.”
Even though CEAD used the same matrix material for contin-
uous fiber unidirectional (UD) tapes and short fiber pellets,
the optimal processing conditions for each were different. “For
example, you could be within the required temperature range FIG. 2 Two years in autoclave parts production
for the matrix, but the tape would be too soft, while the extrusion
Qualified 3D-printed track intensifier tools, shown here demolded from a flap
material was not hot enough,” explains Logtenberg. “We were lower cover after autoclave cure, were implemented into GKN Munich’s serial
continuously struggling with how to manage the process. Finally, production of landing flaps starting in early 2021. Source | GKN Deutschland 45

FIG. 3 ATLAM for lower CTE,

longer printed tools
The ATLAM process and print head extrudes
short fiber thermoplastic material followed
immediately by continuous fiber tape,
achieving a sufficiently low CTE to enable
autoclave curing tools longer than 1.5 meters.
Shown here is the first 2.2-meter-long part
for GKN Munich U-intensifier tools, 3D printed
using ATLAM at TU Munich.
Source | GKN Deutschland, TU Munich LCC

on the finished print CTE, modulus,

voids, etc. They want to nail down what
the best processing parameters are for
various material options. Meanwhile,
we are mounting ATLAM on our next
generation of robots in-house so that
we can start producing sample parts.”

Future tooling, challenges, markets

Will these next prints include some of the longer intensifier tools because ATLAM is entirely different than anything that’s out there
for GKN Munich? “We’re working on that now,” says Logtenberg. right now.”
There are also other options. For example, Airtech International For GKN Munich, the D-printed track intensifier tools and
(Huntington Beach, Calif., U.S.) is 3D printing large-scale tools as upcoming U-intensifiers printed with continuous fiber represent
part of its Tooling of Tomorrow (TOT) business. It has dedicated two stages of its AM roadmap for fiber-reinforced thermoplastic
3D printing facilities in Springfield, Tennessee (Learn More) and composites. “This is only the beginning of a new era of D-printed
Luxembourg, Europe, as part tooling for high-temperature autoclave curing of structural
of its vision to advance AM composite parts at GKN Aerospace,” says Strachauer. “We will also
composites through its tech- look at producing layup tooling and expand to other families of
Read this article online | nical expertise and Dahltram 3D tooling as we move toward developing structural parts printed
com/3DCFRPtools printing resins. with continuous fiber. Additive manufacturing at GKN Aerospace
“We’re already talking — across both engines and aerostructures technology — is being
Read more about ATLAM | about how we can continue to expanded all the time to open new applications and new markets.”
ATLAM strengthen our collaboration Logtenberg agrees. “Additive manufacturing will become better
More on CW’s plant tour with with Airtech,” says Logtenberg, and more mature every year, as we are seeing with new support
Airtech | “because we’re using a lot of and materials from companies like Airtech and new developments
Airtechplanttour their D printing resins, which in software, which will enable new capabilities. I think the work
are good materials that work we have done with GKN Munich and TU Munich has helped set us
very well in our machines.” apart and positioned us to help create such new technologies. We
“We are also looking for two are growing and the market for additive manufactured composites
or three other research partners is still growing — every day we learn about new applications and
to implement ATLAM,” he adds, see the opportunities they open for the future.”
“because there is still more
research needed. This market is
difficult for new technologies to
be adopted and fully utilized. So,
it’s important to show what can
be done with ATLAM, using various materials and combinations CW senior technical editor Ginger Gardiner has an engineering/
materials background and more than 20 years of experience in
of short fiber and continuous fiber layers, to explore the possible the composites industry.
solutions that can be achieved. And we still have some chal-
lenges to tackle, such as the software for programming tool paths,

46 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld

August 2, 2023 • 2:00 pm ET
Selecting Mold Release for Seamless
Transition to Closed Molding
Having the correct mold release products for these applications is essential
to achieve a successful and seamless transition from open to closed molding.

RUSS POWERS | Industry Technical Manager, Composites & Aerospace | Chem-Trend

Upcycling: Bring Waste Materials Back
into Structural Parts
This webinar will focus on how AFT allows customers to produce structural parts
with a combination of composite waste and continuous fiber-reinforced preforms.

MARTIN EICHENHOFER | CEO and Cofounder | 9T Labs

JORDAN KALMAN | Application Engineer | 9T Labs

DR. EDUARDO BAROCIO | Director, Composites Additive Manufacturing

and Simulation Consortium | Purdue University

Designing with Graphene in Mind
Building graphene into a product from the start invites people to think differently
about their materials and find more options.

KEVIN KEITH, CTO & Cofounder | Mito Material Solutions Scan QR Code
to Register:



Post Cure
Highlighting the behind-the-scenes
of composites manufacturing

Source (all images) | Re-Wind Network

Repurposing decommissioned FRP wind blades

The Re-Wind Network is a multinational research was constructed on site in Draperstown, Northern
effort between the University College Cork, Queens Ireland, and is purely for experimental purposes, to
University Belfast (QUB), Georgia Tech and Munster be tested to failure. Testing, performed in May 2023,
Technological University (MTU) exploring sustain- found that the prototype reached up to 33 tonnes
able repurposing strategies for wind turbine blades (72,600 pounds) without failure, with only 9 millime-
at their end of life (EOL). So far, the Network has ters (0.35 inch) of deflection; the service design load
designed and constructed two full-size pedestrian/ was 6 tonnes (13,200 pounds).
cycle bridges, one of which is shown here. In January, the Re-Wind Network established a new
The BladeBridge prototype, built with LM Wind company in Ireland, called BladeBridge, to further
Power 13.4-meter wind blades donated by Belfast- its work in this field. Next steps include incorpo-
based Everun Ltd., was designed and constructed rating a U.S. branch later in 2023, or into 2024, that
by the QUB team, led by Prof. Jennifer McKinley. Six will deliver all types of blade infrastructure products
meters long and two meters wide, the BladeBridge described in the Network’s design catalog.

Show us what you have!

The CompositesWorld team wants to feature your composite part,
manufacturing process or facility in next month’s issue.

Send an image and caption to CW Technical Editor Hannah Mason at, or connect with us on social media.

@CompositesWorld CompositesWorld @CompositesWrld @CompositesWorld CompositesWorld

48 JULY 2023 CompositesWorld



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