GMN 018
GMN 018
GMN 018
Published by ABBS Editorial Office in association with Oxford University Press on behalf of
the Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. DOI: 10.1093/abbs/gmn018.
Most of the species belonging to Asclepiadaceae family Received: October 23, 2008 Accepted: November 19, 2008
textile industry, manufacture of leather, pharmaceutical phosphate buffer ( pH 6.5) containing 5 mM ethylendia-
industry, cleaning of surgical supplies, and biomedicals minetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and cysteine, in order to
[9–12]. avoid phenoloxidase activity and oxidation, respectively.
Species belonging to the Asclepiadaceae family This suspension was first centrifuged at 16,000 g
usually contain proteolytic enzymes in latex. Latex is a for 30 min at 48C to discard gums and other insoluble
milky fluid with a complex mixture of constituents, like materials, and the supernatant was ultracentrifuged
proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, lipids, terpenes, alka- at 100,000 g for 1 h at 48C. This new supernatant
loids, and free amino acids. The presence of certain containing soluble proteins (crude extract (CE), 12 ml),
enzymes like chitinases and proteases in latex vacuoles was fractionated and conserved at 2208C for further
suggest that they may help plants for defense against studies.
pathogens, parasites, and herbivores by attacking the
invader once the plant cell is lysed [13]. Purification of asclepain cII
methyl-3-aminopropanesulfonic acid (TAPS), 3-[(1,1-dime- Controls were prepared by preincubating the enzyme
thyl-2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-2-hydroxy-propanesulfonic acid with the appropriate solvent used to dissolve the inhibi-
(AMPSO), and 3-(ciclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic acid tors [30]. A control assay of the enzyme activity was
(CAPS). At each pH a control assay was done without done without inhibitors and the resulting activity was
enzyme and used as a blank. taken as 100%.
pH stability Electrophoresis
Two milliliter of the purified enzymatic preparation was Purified samples of asclepain cII were analyzed by
precipitated with three volumes of acetone, centrifuged sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophor-
at 3000 g during 20 min, and then the precipitated was esis (SDS-PAGE) with Tris–glycine cathodic buffer in
redissolved in the corresponding ‘Good’ buffer adjusted 10% polyacrylamide gels [31]. Voltage was kept constant
to pH 10.0. Samples (0.1 ml) were incubated at 208C for at 40 mV for the stacking gel and at 150 mV for the resol-
Table 1 Purification of the proteolytic components present in the latex of Asclepias curassavica L
Sample Volume Protein Total Arbitrary enzyme unit Total Specific activity Purification Yield
(ml) (mg/ml) proteins Ucas (ml21) Ucas (Ucas/mg) (fold) (%)
An arbitrary enzyme unit (Ucas) was defined as the amount of enzyme (g) that produces an increase of one absorbance unit per minute in the
assay conditions.
Fig. 3 Mass spectroscopy of asclepain cII MALDI-MS/TOF was Dependence of enzyme activity on temperature
used for the determination of purity degree as well as of molecular Asclepain cII exhibited poor thermostability, as only
weight of asclepain cII. Sample was mixed with sinapinic acid (matrix)
30% of its activity was retained after 2 h of incubation at
dissolved in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid. Bovine trypsinogen was used for
internal calibration. 508C (Fig. 6). At 60–708C the lost of activity is rapid.
protein, which focused at pI higher than 9.3 (Fig. 4). Effect of inhibitors on proteolytic activity
The pI value of asclepain cII is comparable with those Different inhibitors specific for distinctive classes of pro-
of other plant proteases from the Asclepiadaceae family teases were used to determine the class to which the pur-
(Table 2). ified protease belongs (Fig. 7). The enzyme was
(Table 3). Both, asclepain cI and cII, shared the motifs ester. The obtained results were: Km ¼ 0.1634 mM; Vm ¼
surrounding the catalytic cysteine (CGS and WTFS), that 0.000974 mM/s; kcat ¼ 121.48 s21; and kcat/Km ¼ 7.4
also occur in most of the sequences compared. The 105 s21/mM. The kcat/Km values within a range from
DWR and QG motifs are notably conserved and are 105 –106 s21/mM revealed a high affinity of the enzyme for
present in all the cases, as well as the proline residue this substrate.
located in position 2, to which is attributed a protective
anti-aminopeptidase role [38].
Measurement of endoesterolytic activity
When the enzyme was assayed using N-a-Cbz-L-amino Although asclepain cII is the minor fraction, it showed
acid-p-nitrophenyl esters, the highest relative esterolytic higher specific activity (12.8 Ucas/mg) than asclepain cI
activity was obtained for the glutamine derivative (10.8 Ucas/mg). The molecular mass of this new enzyme
Table 4 Asclepain cII’s endoesterolytic activity using As most cysteine proteases obtained from other plant
N-a-Cbz-L-Gln p-nitrophenyl esters of some L-amino acids as latex sources, asclepain cII, the new protease isolated and
substrates purified from the latex of A. curasavica, could be useful in
N-a-Cbz-L-amino acid p-nitrophenyl ester Ucbz pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries due to their
wide ranges of activity over temperature and pH [43,44].
Gln 75.35
Asn 130.00
Ala 181.28
Gly 226.06
This work was supported by the grants from ANPCyT
Tyr 361.88
(PICT 9-9916), CONICET (PIP 2813) and the
Asp 904.26
University of La Plata, Argentina, as well as for CYTED
Val 0
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