Zanphorlin 2011
Zanphorlin 2011
Zanphorlin 2011
Process Biochemistry
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Article history: This work reports the purification of a novel alkaline protease enzyme from a putative new thermophilic
Received 22 March 2011 fungus Myceliophthora sp. The molecular weight of the enzyme was determined as 28.2 kDa by using
Received in revised form 24 August 2011 MALDI-TOF MS and it was inhibited by PMSF indicating it is a serine-protease. The optimum pH and tem-
Accepted 24 August 2011
perature were 9.0 and 40–45 ◦ C, respectively. Mg was the only tested cation able to promote an increase
Available online 31 August 2011
of the protease activity. The N-terminal sequence of the purified protease (GVVGVC) presented identity
and homology when compared to other proteases from fungi. This study also provides biochemical infor-
mation about substrate specificity using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) peptide families
Thermophilic fungus
Myceliophthora sp.
derived from Abz-KLRSSKQ-EDDnp. The results showed that Abz-KLISSKQ-EDDnp is the best substrate
Enzyme among those tested for the purified protease (kcat /Km = 1275.3 mM−1 s−1 ). Also, the specificity data sug-
Protease gest that subsites S1 , S2 , S3 and S1 , S2 , S3 , in general, present a preference for hydrophobic residues with
Serine-protease the exception of Glu in P3 , His in P2 and Arg in P3 . The highest values for the specificity constant kcat /Km
Fluorescent peptides were obtained for P1 , P2 and P2 .
Subsite mapping © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction are used in the detergent industry because the pH of cleaning prod-
ucts is usually in the range of 9.0–12.0. Adding these enzymes to
Proteases are the most important industrial enzymes, account- cleaning solutions allows the use of fewer toxic chemicals such as
ing for approximately 60% of the total industrial enzyme market [1]. solvents and corrosive substances, decreasing their environmental
The relevance of this group of enzymes, rich in structural diver- impact [6].
sity and mechanisms of action is reflected in the importance of Currently, the majority of proteases used in detergents are
their applications in industrial processes. They have multiple appli- serine proteases [7] and their catalytic activity depends on the
cations, for example in detergent formulations, textile, food, and interplay of a nucleophile, a general base and an acid. In the two
pharmaceutical industries [2]. Therefore, the industrial demand of largest groups of serine-proteases, the (chymo)trypsin and subtil-
proteolytic enzymes, with appropriate specificity and stability to isin families, the catalytic triad is composed of serine, histidine and
pH, temperature and chemical agents, continues to motivate the aspartate residues which exhibits similar spatial arrangements, but
search for new sources. the order of the residues in the amino acid sequence and tertiary
Many microorganisms secrete proteases to the external envi- structure is different [8,9]. The active site performs the dual role of
ronment in order to degrade proteins; their hydrolysis products binding a substrate and catalyzing a reaction, and thus determines
are used as carbon and nitrogen sources for cell growth [3]. Pro- the specificity of the enzyme. Accordingly, it is possible to obtain
teases with elevated activity and stability in the high alkaline range information about the active site by analyzing the enzyme kinetics
are attractive for bioengineering and biotechnological applications, with different substrates and inhibitors [10].
especially those from bacteria and fungi [4,5]. Alkaline proteases Recently, we isolated a thermofilic fungus Myceliophthora
sp. strain, which produces an extracellular proteolytic enzyme
[11]. The present work reports the purification, biochemi-
cal and biophysical characteristics of the extracellular pro-
∗ Corresponding author at: Departamento de Química e Ciências Ambientais,
tease produced by Myceliophthora sp. using FRET peptides
IBILCE-UNESP, Rua Cristovão Colombo 2265, São José do Rio Preto, SP, CEP 15054-
000, Brazil. Tel.: +55 17 32212361; fax: +55 17 32212356. derived from sequence Abz-KLRSFKQ-EDDnp of the extracel-
E-mail addresses:, lular serine-protease produced by Myceliophthora sp. Also, we
(G.O. Bonilla-Rodriguez).
1359-5113/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2138 L.M. Zanphorlin et al. / Process Biochemistry 46 (2011) 2137–2143
The crude enzyme solution was concentrated using a precipitation procedure 2.11. Salt influence on enzyme activity
at 4 ◦ C with ethanol (proportion 1:2). The crude precipitate was collected by cen-
trifugation at 9000 × g for 30 min at 4 ◦ C and then dissolved in 20 mM Tris pH 8.0 The influence of NaCl on the proteolytic activity was investigated up to 0.5 M.
buffer with 0.2 M NaCl. The concentrated crude enzyme solution was then further The protease was pre-incubated with NaCl for 3 min in pH 9.0, at 45 ◦ C, and then the
purified by gel filtration on a Sephacryl S-100 column (1.6 cm × 75 cm) equilibrated remaining enzyme activity was measured using Abz-KLRSFKQ-EDDnp as substrate.
with 20 mM Tris pH 8.0 containing 0.2 M NaCl. Fractions of 3 mL each were collected The reactions were performed under pseudo first-order conditions of hydrolysis of
at a flow rate of 0.15 mL/min and analyzed for protease activity and protein concen- substrate. The activity of the enzyme assayed in the absence of salt was taken as
tration. Fractions exhibiting protease activities were pooled and applied to a Source 100%.
15-Q column (1 cm × 6 cm) that was previously equilibrated with 20 mM Tris, pH
8.5 buffer. Unbound proteins were removed with the equilibration buffer until the 2.12. Effects of surfactants and oxidizing agents on enzyme activity
absorbance at 280 nm reached the baseline. Bound proteins were eluted with a lin-
ear gradient of sodium chloride in the range of 0–2.0 M in the equilibration buffer. The effect of some surfactants (Triton X-100, Tween 20, Tween 80, and SDS)
Fractions of 1 mL each were collected at a flow rate of 1 mL/min and analyzed for and oxidizing agents (DTT and -mercaptoethanol) was studied by pre-incubating
protease activity and protein concentration. the protease with the agent for 3 min, pH 9.0, at 45 ◦ C, prior to activity tests. The
activity of the enzyme without any additive was taken as 100%. The reactions were
2.4. Electrophoresis performed under pseudo first-order conditions of hydrolysis of substrate.
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions was carried 2.13. Effect of divalent ions on enzyme activity
out to determine the purity and to estimate the molecular weight of the purified
enzyme [14]. Protein bands were visualized after staining with silver nitrate. For The protease was assayed in the presence of different metal ions including Ca2+ ,
the biochemical analysis described below we used the purified protease. Mg2+ , Fe2+ , Cu2+ , Zn2+ , Mn2+ , Hg2+ , and Ni2+ at 5 mM (final concentration). The reac-
tions were performed under pseudo first-order conditions of hydrolysis of substrate.
2.5. Mass spectrometry analysis The activity of the enzyme assayed in the absence of divalent ions was taken as 100%.
Protease molecular mass determination was carried out on a TOF Spec E mass 2.14. Effect of organic solvents on enzyme activity
spectrometer (Micromass, Manchester, UK) operating in linear mode using the
matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) method, In order to determine the effect of organic solvents like methanol, ethanol,
using ␣-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid as the matrix [15]. acetone, butanol and isopropanol (20%, v/v) on proteolytic activity the reactions
were performed under pseudo first-order conditions of hydrolysis of substrate. The
2.6. Determination of protein concentration activity of the enzyme assayed in the absence of organic solvents was taken as 100%.
Protein concentration was determined by the Bradford method [16], using 2.15. Determination of the substrate cleavage sites
bovine serum albumin as a standard.
The scissile bond of hydrolyzed peptides was identified by isolation of the frag-
2.7. FRET peptide synthesis ments using analytical HPLC followed by determination of their molecular mass by
LC/MS using an LCMS-2010 equipped with an ESI-probe (Shimadzu, Japan).
All the FRET peptides used for subsite mapping were synthesized by solid-phase
synthesis and purified as described previously [17,18]. The molecular mass and 2.16. N-terminal sequence
purity of the peptides were confirmed by amino acid analysis and MALDI-TOF using a
Microflex-LT mass spectrometer (Bruker—Daltonics, Billerica, MA, USA). Stock solu- The N-terminal sequence was determined by the Edman method [21] using
tions of peptides were prepared in DMSO, and their concentrations were measured the Protein Sequencer PPSQ-33A (Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan). The PTH-
by colorimetric determination of the 2,4-dinitrophenyl group (molar extinction amino acids were separated using HPLC, and they were identified and quantified by
coefficient of 17.300 M−1 cm−1 at 365 nm) using a spectrophotometer Cary 100 analyzing previously quantified standards and comparing retention times and UV
(Varian) [19]. absorption, respectively.
L.M. Zanphorlin et al. / Process Biochemistry 46 (2011) 2137–2143 2139
Table 1
Parameters of purification of a serine protease from thermophilic fungus Myceliophthora sp.
3.2. Effect of pH and temperature on enzyme activity The effect of surfactants and reducing agents on protease activ-
ity is shown in Table 3. The enzyme presented a small loss of activity
The effect of pH on the hydrolysis of Abz-KLRSFKQ-EDDnp is in the presence of the non-ionic surfactant Triton X-100 and it was
shown in Fig. 2a. The protease is more active in the pH range activated in the presence of Tween 20. However, in the presence of
7.0–10.5 with higher activity at pH 9.0 suggesting that it is an
alkaline protease. Purified alkaline proteases from fungi have been
Table 3
described from Clonostachys rosea (pH 9) [24] and Lecanicillium psal- Effect of reducing agents and surfactants on the hydrolysis of Abz-KLRSFKQ-EDDnp
liotae (pH 10) [25]. The temperature dependence was determined by a serine protease from Myceliophthora sp.
from 25 to 60 ◦ C (Fig. 2b). Optimal hydrolysis occurred at 40–45 ◦ C.
Final concentration Relative
Also, at 55 ◦ C, the enzyme retained about 90% activity while at (mM or v/v) activity (%)
60 ◦ C, the activity reduced to 45%. Proteases from fungi show similar
Control – 100.0
results for optimum temperature such as 45 ◦ C for Colletotrichum -Mercaptoethanol 2 mM 91.5
gloeosporioides [26], 50 ◦ C for Trichoderma reesei QM9414 [27] and DTT 2 mM 82.9
Fusarium culmorum [28]. Tween 20 1% 117.2
Triton X-100 1% 88.6
Tween 80 1% 20.0
3.3. Effect of inhibitors on purified enzyme activity
SDS 0.1% 0.0
Fig. 1. Closed circles: proteolytic activity, open circles: protein profile at 280 nm (a) gel filtration chromatography on Sephacryl S-100 HR. Conditions: 20 mM Tris buffer, 0.2 M
NaCl, pH 8.0; (b) protease ion exchange chromatography on Source 15-Q (fractions 23 and 24 gel filtration). Peak A: the protease elutes in the absence of the saline gradient.
Peak B: elutes during the linear gradient from 0 to 1 M of NaCl. Conditions: 20 mM Tris buffer, pH 8.5. (c) SDS-PAGE 12%. Lane 1, pure protease; lane 2, crude extract and lane
3, molecular weight markers: ␣-lactalbumin (14.4 kDa), trypsin inhibitor (20.1 kDa), carbonic anhydrase (30 kDa), ovalbumin (45 kDa), bovine serum albumin (66 kDa), and
phosphorylase b (97 kDa).
other non-ionic surfactants with a longer chain such as Tween 80, [34]. The increase of activity by Tween 20, was also reported for
it displayed only 20% of proteolytic activity. Also, the protease was the serine protease from C. rosea [23], which exhibited 16% of acti-
completely inactivated by the anionic surfactant SDS. vation by Tween 20. Also, the serine protease from A. clavatus ES1
The activity of alkaline protease from Myrothecium verrucaria [31] presented about 33% of residual activity in the presence of
is only slightly affected by the presence of 2.5% Triton 100 (13%) 0.5% SDS, a higher concentration than the one we tested. On the
a 100 b 100
Relative activity %
80 80
Relative activity %
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
pH Temperature (ºC)
Fig. 2. The influence of (a) pH and (b) temperature on hydrolysis of Abz-KLRSFKQ-EDDnp by the purified protease.
L.M. Zanphorlin et al. / Process Biochemistry 46 (2011) 2137–2143 2141
Table 5 Table 7
Effect of organic solvents (20%) on the hydrolysis of Abz-KLRSFKQ-EDDnp by a serine Kinetic parameters for the hydrolysis of the FRET peptide series Abz-KLRSSKQ-
protease from Myceliophthora sp. EDDnp by a serine protease from Myceliophthora sp. for the characterization of its
S1 , S2 , S3 subsite specificity. The assays were performed at 45 ◦ C in 50 mM glycine
Relative activity (%) buffer, pH 9.0. The arrow indicates the cleaved peptide bond.
Control 100.0
Substrate kcat (s−1 ) Km (M) kcat /Km
Acetone 0.0
(s−1 mM−1 )
Butanol 0.0
Ethanol 47.2 Abz-KLR↓XSKQ-EDDnp (P1 )
Methanol 38.9 (Reference) Ser 0.61 4.60 133
Isopropanol 91.7 Phe 0.02 0.45 41
Ile 0.02 0.57 34
Gly 0.16 5.70 28
Gln 0.05 2.00 28
other hand, thiol reducing agents such as DTT, which disassoci- Glu 0.17 7.10 24
ate disulfide bonds (34) crucial for stabilizing the tertiary structure His 0.15 7.72 20
of proteins [35]. DTT and -mercaptoethanol did not affect the Arg 0.07 4.81 14
protease activity significantly. Also, the trypsin like protease from Pro No hydrolysis
Abz-KLR↓SXKQ-EDDnp (P2 )
Cordyceps militaris in the presence 1 mM DTT did not suffer signif- Phe 1.42 4.28 332
icant activity loss [36]. In contrast, the activity of serine protease His 0.58 2.24 261
from Cordyceps sinensis had it activity increased in the presence Leu 0.17 1.02 164
2 mM DTT and -mercaptoethanol: 29.8% and 14.5%, respectively (Reference) Ser 0.61 4.60 133
Ala 0.77 7.30 106
Val 0.15 3.00 51
Gly 0.03 0.66 50
Asn 0.11 2.28 46
Table 6 Arg 0.05 1.20 39
Kinetic parameters for the hydrolysis of the FRET peptide series Abz-KLXSSKQ- Pro No hydrolysis
EDDnp by a serine protease from Myceliophthora sp. for the characterization of its Abz-KLR↓SSXQ-EDDnp (P3 )
S1 , S2 , S3 subsite specificity. The assays were performed at 45 ◦ C in 50 mM glycine (Reference) Lys 0.61 4.60 133
buffer, pH 9.0. The arrow indicates the cleaved peptide bond. Arg 0.04 0.80 52
Substrate kcat (s−1 ) Km (M) kcat /Km Val 0.04 1.30 29
(s−1 mM−1 ) Gln 0.11 4.41 24
Abz-KLX↓SSKQ-EDDnp (P1 )
Ile 0.12 0.09 1275
3.6. Effect of divalent ions on enzyme activity
Met 0.78 1.15 676
Trp 0.82 1.28 639
Ala 0.97 3.77 259 Table 4 shows the effect of divalent ions. The addition of MgCl2
Phe 2.16 9.37 230 increased enzyme activity by about 22% compared to the control.
Thr 1.31 7.58 173 Ca2+ , Ba2+ and Mn2+ showed little influence on enzyme activity.
Lys 1.44 8.88 162
(Reference) Arg 0.61 4.60 133
Zn2+ exerted more influence decreasing activity by 22%, whereas
KLPSSK↓Q Pro 0.01 0.08 121 Hg2+ and Ni2+ significantly inhibited the enzyme activity with
Asn 0.41 3.88 105 pronounced inhibition. Also, with addition of Cu2+ , the purified pro-
Ser 0.99 10.63 93 tease was inhibited approximately by 92%. A serine-protease from
Leu 0.38 6.80 56
A. clavatus ES1 was activated in the presence of 5 mM Mg2+ [31], and
Gln 0.16 3.10 53
His 0.17 4.82 35 serine proteases from Scedosporium apiospermum [38] and C. sinen-
Val 0.07 4.81 14 sis [37] were also inhibited in the presence of 5 mM Cu2+ . This metal
Cys 0.04 5.25 7 can react with cysteines promoting their oxidation and formation of
Gly No hydrolysis cystine (Cys–Cys) [39], probably affecting enzyme structure and/or
Abz-KXR↓SSKQ-EDDnp (P2 )
the access to the active site.
Phe 0.04 0.06 683
Pro 0.02 0.07 299
(Reference) Leu 0.61 4.60 133 3.7. Effect of organic solvents on enzyme activity
Val 0.44 5.08 86
Ala 0.25 6.80 37
Ile 0.37 10.70 35
In the presence of acetone and butanol, the enzyme activity was
Tyr 0.05 1.96 25 completely inhibited. Ethanol and methanol caused inhibition of
Thr 0.17 7.19 24 more than 50% in the enzyme: 47.2% and 38.9% of baseline activ-
Gln 0.10 5.50 18 ity, respectively. By contrast, addition of isopropanol only reduced
Gly 0.03 2.30 12
activity to 91.7% (Table 5). These results differ markedly from those
Asp 0.07 8.46 12
Asn 0.02 2.42 7 of the serine protease from Aspergillus fumigatus [26] which pre-
His No hydrolysis sented 78% of its activity in the presence of 50% ethanol.
Abz-XLR↓SSKQ-EDDnp (P3 )
(Reference) Lys 0.61 4.60 133
3.8. Determination of the substrate cleavage sites
Asp 0.71 6.16 115
Ile 0.36 4.02 89
Phe 0.57 6.70 86 FRET peptides derived from Abz-KLRSSKQ-EDDnp: The FRET
Val 0.25 4.67 55 peptide series Abz-XLRSSKQ-EDDnp, Abz-KXRSSKQEDDnp, Abz-
Gln 0.14 5.87 24 KLXSSKQ-EDDnp, Abz-KLRXSKQ-EDDnp, Abz-KLRSXKQ-EDDnp
Leu 0.20 8.52 24
Arg 0.13 5.80 23
and Abz-KLRSSXQ-EDDnp where X is the varying residue, were
Ala 0.07 3.34 22 taken as a reference to explore the specificity of the subsites S3 ,
Asn 0.06 3.39 18 S2 , S1 , and S1 , S2 , S3 , respectively. Assays were performed in
His 0.08 4.90 16 50 mM glycine, pH 9.0 at 45 ◦ C. The kinetic parameters kcat , Km and
Glu 0.07 4.67 16
specificity constant (kcat /Km ) for their hydrolysis by the protease
2142 L.M. Zanphorlin et al. / Process Biochemistry 46 (2011) 2137–2143
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