Prediction of Meat Quality in Bali Cattle Using Ultrasound Imaging

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Prediction of meat quality in Bali cattle using ultrasound imaging

Article  in  Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture · March 2017

DOI: 10.14710/jitaa.42.2.59-65


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5 authors, including:

Jakaria Jakaria Himmatul Khasanah

Bogor Agricultural University Universitas Jember


Robby Priyanto Muhammad Maulana Baihaqi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Brawijaya University


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J. Indonesian Trop. Anim. Agric.
J I TAA pISSN 2087-8273 eISSN 2460-6278
42(2):59-65, June 2017
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture
Accredited by Ditjen Penguatan Risbang No. 60/E/KPT/2016 DOI: 10.14710/jitaa.42.2.59-65

Prediction of meat quality in Bali cattle using ultrasound imaging

Jakaria1, H. Khasanah1, R. Priyanto1, M. Baihaqi1 and M. F. Ulum2
1Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University,
Jl. Agatis, Darmaga Campus, Bogor 16680 - Indonesia
2Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University,
Jl. Agatis, Darmaga Campus, Bogor 16680 - Indonesia
Corresponding E-mail:

Received October 23, 2016; Accepted March 17, 2017


Penelitian ini bertujuan menduga karakteristik kualitas karkas sapi Bali menggunakan citra
ultrasonografi. Sebanyak 81 ekor sapi Bali yang terdiri atas jantan (62 ekor) dan betina (19 ekor) dengan
variasi umur antara 1 sampai 6 tahun dikoleksi data bobot badan dan kualitas karkasnya. Kualitas karkas
yang diamati meliputi tebal lemak punggung (BF), tebal longissmus dorsi (LD), tebal lemak rump (RF),
tebal rump (RT), skor marbling (MS) dan persentase lemak intramuskuler (PIF) diukur menggunakan
ultrasonografi. Pengambilan citra ultrasnonografi dilakukan pada frekuensi 4.5-6,5 MHz dan kedalaman
8.8-13.0 cm. Pengukuran BF, LD, MS dan PIF dilakukan diatas rusuk ke 12-13, sedangkan pengukuran
RT dan RF diantara tulang ischium dan illium. Penentuan nilai MS menggunakan standar Aus-Meat,
sedangkan PIF dihitung berdasarkan Deaton dan Rouse (2006). Data bobot badan dan kualitas karkas
dianalisis secara deskriptif dan korelasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan performa bobot badan dan kualitas
karkas berbeda antara sapi jantan dan betina, demikian juga pengaruh umur menunjukkan perbedaan
sifat bobot badan dan kualitas karkas. Hasil analisis korelasi antar sifat (bobot badan dan kualitas
karkas) menunjukkan korelasi yang erat dan positif (P<0.05) dengan koefisien korelasi 0.291-0.938.
Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh bahwa citra ultrasonografi dapat digunakan untuk menduga
karaktersitik kualitas karkas sapi Bali.
Kata-kata kunci: sapi Bali, citra ultrasonografi, kualitas karkas


The objective of this study were to predict carcass quality characteristics in Bali cattle using
ultrasound imagery. The Number of samples were 81 heads of Bali cattle consist of bulls (62 heads) and
cows (19 heads) with various age ranging from 1 to 6 years were collected their body weight and carcass
qualities including backfat thickness (BF), longissmus dorsi thickness (LD), rump fat thickness (RF),
rump thickness (RT), marbling score (MS) and the percentage of intramuscular fat (PIF). Those were
estimated using ultrasound performed on 4.5-6,5 MHz frequency with depth of 8.8-13 cm. The BF, LD,
MS and PIF measurement were applied on 12 th-13th ribs, while the RT and RF measurement were
conducted between ischium and illium. MS determination was calculated using Aus-Meat standard,
while PIF was analysis based on Deaton and Rouse (2000). Body weight and carcass quality among
traits were analyzed using descriptive and correlation procedures. The results showed that performance
of body weight and carcass quality differs between Bali bulls and Bali cows, as well as among the age
variations. Correlation analyses among traits (body weight and carcass quality) showed strong positive
correlation (P<0.05) ranging from 0.291 to 0.938. In conclusion, ultrasound imaging method could be
used to estimate carcass quality characteristics in Bali cattle.
Key words: Bali cattle, ultrasound imaging, carcass quality

Predicting Carcass Quality by Ultrasod Imaging in Cattle (Jakaria et al.) 59

INTRODUCTION related to selection objective to obtain increasing
of more than one trait.
A famous origin cattle from Indonesia is Bali The aimed of this study was to predict
cattle (Bos javanicus) used as beef cattle and has carcass quality characteristics and relationship
potential for meet producer to fulfill the required among body weight and carcas qualities in Bali
meet in Indonesia . This cattle also suitable risen cattle using ultrasound imaging.
by small farmer in Indonesia (Martojo, 2012).
Although Bali cattle body frame is small, their MATERIALS AND METHODS
carcass percentage was high about 52.72-57.6%
(Hafid and Rugayah, 2009). This was higher than Our research using Bali cattle from Bali
other Indonesia origin and local breed such as cattle breeding center (BPTU-HPT Denpasar) and
Peranakan Ongole (Ongole Grade) about 49,40%, PT Karya Anugrah Rumpin (KAR) as much as 81
SimPo (Croosbred of Simmental-Ongole Gradea) heads consisted of 62 males and 19 females with
bout 51,18% (Carvalho et al., 2010), Madura various age ranging from 1-6 years were collected
cattle about 47% (Wiyatna, 2007) and Sumba- (Table 1). The cattle from BPTU-HPT were risen
Ongole (SO) cattle about 55.25% (Yantika et al., in one paddock and treated with the same feeding
2016). USDA (2014) explained that beef carcass management. Cattle were fed with feed
grade yield is influenced by layers of fat on rib, concentrate (1% of body weight) and forage (10%
loin, rump, clod, flank, cod/udder and ribeye area. of body weight), while samples from PT KAR
In the breeding context, meat quality were risen intensively in coloni cage. The
characteristics has highly an economic traits and observed variables were body weight (BW) and
should be predicted, because selected superior carcass quality including backfat thickness (BF),
cattle must not be slaughtered and should be kept longissmus dorsi thickness (LD), rump fat
to improve genetics quality and productivity. thickness (RF), rump thickness (RT), marbling
Ultrasound imaging has been widely used to score (MS) and the percentage of intramuscular
observe intramuscular fat of beef cattle both fat (PIF). Carcass quality atributes were estimated
quantitatively and qualitatively (Kim et al., 1998). using ultrasound linier transducer with frequency
Furthermore, ultrasound imaging can be used for 4.5 to 6.5 MHz with a depth of 8.8 to 13 cm.
determining meat and fat characteristic of live Aplication of ultrasound on BF, LD, MS and PIF
animal, particulary for intramuscular fat followed Ulum et. al., (2014) on 12-13 ribs, while
percentage and marbling score (Gupta et al., the measurement of thickness of rump and rump
2013). Prediction of longissimus muscle area, fat according to Silva et al. (2012) performed
subcutaneous fat thickness and rump fat thickness between ischium and illium as presented in Figure
can be done accurately using ultrasound imaging 1. For better image, aplication of ultrasound
with coefficient of determination between conducted on the shearing skin hair and using
ultrasound imaging data and real data after ultrasound gel as coupling agent to facilitate
slaugther about 0.98 or correlation coefficient contact surface between probe and skin.
value about 0.96 (Melendez and Marchello, Determination of marbling score (MS) was
2014). This method is considered as a simple, calculated according to the Aus-Meat standard
viable, effective, fast and accurate to determine (, while the
carcass composition of beef catle (Lambe et al., PIF was analysis based on Deaton and Rouse
2010). The ultrasound usage has followed (2000). All of ultrasound images data were stored
different strategies and objective in beef cattle, in JPEG format then analyzed using Image-J
including to record economic traits of carcass, software. Body weight and carcass quality among
make regular recording of interesting parameters traits were analyzed using descriptive procedure
on live cattle and predict optimal slaughter age by and the correlation among traits were analyzed
estimating carcass properties when the cattle still using spearman correlation followed procedure of
lives (Lambe et al., 2010; Brethour, 2000). SAS (2009).
Ultrasound imaging would be very important,
since the limitation data of Bali cattle carcass RESULT AND DISCUSSION
quality. Previous study showed that ultrasound
imaging has been used widely on beef cattle Ultrasound imaging result of Bali cattle is
(Greiner et al., 2003; May et al., 2000). The presented in Figure 2. Tables 2 and Table 3
correlation among valuable traits also important showed the descriptive analysis of the traits. This

60 J.Indonesian Trop.Anim.Agric. 42(2):59-65, June 2017

result showed that body weight and carcass lower than the older both in female and male.
quality influenced by sex, age and environtment. Analysis of ultrasound image showed that
According to Jazulie et al. (2015), age has backfat thickness (BF) estimation of Bali cattle
significant influence to slaughtered weight, aged one year was 1.59±0.40 mm and then a
carcass weight, carcass componen and fatty. Age sharp increase ensue to more than one years
also influences componens and weight of carcass, cattle, the BF about 5.39±0.54 mm. The BF of
meat percentage and bones (Irshad et al., 2012). three years old Bali bull only 1.59±0.51 mm
Thus, the older the animal, the greater the lower than Lee et al. (2014) that reported
proportion of fat in the carcass and instead will be ultrasound backfat thickness of three years old
a small proportion of meat and bone. The Hanwoo cattle was 5.10 ± 2.60 mm with an area
subcutaneous fat in one year of Bali cattle was of rib about 51.20±7.7 cm2. Khasanah et al.

Table 1. The Samples Number According to Sex and Age

Sex Age (year) Number Collected from

Female 1 13 BPTU-HPT Bali Province
3 6 PT KAR
Male 1 18 BPTU-HPT Bali Province
3 16 BPTU-HPT Bali Province
4 23 BPTU-HPT Bali Province
6 5 BPTU-HPT Bali Province

Figure 1. Applied Ultrasound Imaging Position and Ultrasound Image on the 12 th-13rd Ribs (A and B)
and between Ischium and Illium bones (C and D).

Predicting Carcass Quality by Ultrasod Imaging in Cattle (Jakaria et al.) 61

Table 2. Body Weight and Carcass Quality of Bali

Age (year)
1 3
BW (kg) 86.77±20.04 198.83±23.41
LD (mm) 33.60± 4.90 53.94±5.40
BF (mm) 1.59± 0.40 5.39±0.54
RT (mm) 40.55± 4.89 58.11±5.80
RF (mm) 1.17± 0.47 5.76±0.57
MS 1.92± 1.19 4.50±1.05
PIF (%) 3.43± 2.26 13.48±3.42
BW= body weight; BF = backfat thickness; LD=
longissmus dorsi thickness; RF = rump fat
thickness; RT= rump thickness; MS = marbling
score and PIF = percentage of intramuscular fat.

(2006) reported that intramuscular fat content

increase from 12 to 14 month of age.
Figure 2. AUS-Meat Standard vs Ultrasound Correlation coefficient among carcass
Image of Bali Cattle quality characteristics had high positive and
significant correlation (P<0.01) as presented in
Table 4. The BW and LD had the strongest
positive correlation (0.938) and the BW and MS
(2016) reported that ultrasound backfat thickness
had the weakest positive correlation (0.291).
of one year Bali cattle was 1.27 mm, lower than
Correlation coefficien of BF and MS on Bali
our result.
cattle in this study (0.548) was higher than
Several studies presented that different cattle
crossbred cattle in Canada (0.34) reported by Miar
breed has variation of marbling score (MS) such
et al. (2014). The correlation of intramuscular fat
as MS of Sumba Ongole was 2-3 (Priyanto et al.
with animal were high while this value ≥ 2% (Aas
2015), Limousin and Shorthorn were 3 and 4,
et al., 2009). Sarwono (2006) mentioned that
respectively (Cundiff et al., 1993). Those
positive correlation coefficient value had 6
variation caused by several factors, such as the
categories which are perfect correlation (its value
type of feed, genetics and conditions of the animal
is 1.00), very strong positive correlation (the
where the animal is located (Pollan, 2006). The
value about 0.75-0.99), strong positive correlation
genetics from several gene were reported
(the value about 0.50-0.75), moderate correlation
influenced in marbling development such
(the value about 0.25-0.500), weak correlation
CAPN1, FTO, SREBP1, FABP4 (Cheong et. al.,
(the value about 0.01-0.25) and no correlation (if
2008; Lee et al., 2013; Shin et al., 2012).
it value is 0.00).
The MS and PIF showed intramuscular
This result of the study is in agreement to
content as qualitatively and quantitatively. The
Peña et al. (2014) that correlation between
PIF shows percentage of intramuscular fat area
ultrasound and carcass longissimus muscle
devived by longissimus dorsi muscle area on 12th-
measurement (rib eye area, fat thickness and
13th rib. This result shows PIF of cattle from PT
intramuscular fat content/marbling) of Charolais,
KAR higher than BPTU-HPT Bali Province.
Limaosin and Retinta cattle apporoximately about
Albrecht et al. (2006) showed that intramuscular
0.251 to 0.625. Applying ultrasound measurement
fat content of Angus steer aged 7.5 and 13 months
of carcass quality closer to slaughter resulting
were 3.2% to 2.9%, lower than PIF of this study
correlation coefficient between ultrasound and
(female: 3.43% and male: 4.03%). Yang et al.

62 J.Indonesian Trop.Anim.Agric. 42(2):59-65, June 2017

Table 3. Body Weight and Carcass Quality of Bali Bull

Age (year)
1 3 4 6
BW (kg) 98.47±21.75 316.06±104.00 373.04±69.97 465.60±47.37
LD (mm) 32.65± 5.30 50.84± 9.38 57.98± 7.53 68.95±10.45
BF (mm) 1.36± 0.28 1.59± 0.51 2.28± 0.84 3.29± 0.60
RT (mm) 39.75± 3.51 82.23± 5.59 82.28± 8.90 90.24±11.38
RF (mm) 1.00± 0.20 - - -
MS 2.65± 1.22 2.60± 1.12 3.00± 1.21 3.80± 0.84
PIF (%) 4.03± 2.02 7.49± 3.91 11.09± 4.39 10.31± 2.15
BW= body weight; BF = backfat thickness; LD = longissmus dorsi thickness; RF = rump fat thickness; RT =
rump thickness; MS = marbling score and PIF = the percentage of intramuscular fat

Table 4. Correlation Coefficient among Traits of Bali Cattle

BB 0.938** 0.457** 0.775** 0.291** 0.571**
TLD 0.587** 0.710** 0.384** 0.637**
BF 0.214 0.548** 0.660**
TR 0.097 0.373**
MS 0.761**
(*) significant correlation (P≤0.05); (**) significant correlation (P≤0.01); BW= body weight; BF = backfat
thickness; LD = longissmus dorsi thickness; RT = rump thickness; MS = marbling score and PIF = the
percentage of intramuscular fat.

carcass quality increased to higher value and gave estimate carcass quality of Bali cattle as a simple
impact on accuracy determination especially for technique of recording could be used for breeding
lean cattle (Tait, 2016). Moreover, Tait (2016) purposes as a bali cattle has small body frame.
reported that there was high genetic correlations
(≥0.5) between ultrasound–measured body CONCLUSION
compotiotion with carcass attributes in harvested
cattle and lambs. The heritability of ultrasound In conclusion, carcass quality performances
backfat thickness and marbling score are high, of Bali cattle were influenced by sex, age,
both of them have heritability value about environment and measurement methods. The
0.31±0.11 and 0.37±0.11, respectively. There was characteristics of carcass quality on Bali cattle
strong genetic corelation of ultrasound could be estimate using ultrasound imagery.
measurement with carcass merit, this evidence Relationship among Bali cattle carcass quality
showed that ultrasound imaging technology could characteristic had strong positive correlation
be used as an indicator for genetic improvement coefficient about 0.291-0.938 and this data might
programs for carcass characteristics (Miar et al., be used for selection of more than one traits in
2014). Aplication of ultrasound imaging to carcass quality of Bali cattle.

Predicting Carcass Quality by Ultrasod Imaging in Cattle (Jakaria et al.) 63

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