Prediction of Meat Quality in Bali Cattle Using Ultrasound Imaging
Prediction of Meat Quality in Bali Cattle Using Ultrasound Imaging
Prediction of Meat Quality in Bali Cattle Using Ultrasound Imaging
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Penelitian ini bertujuan menduga karakteristik kualitas karkas sapi Bali menggunakan citra
ultrasonografi. Sebanyak 81 ekor sapi Bali yang terdiri atas jantan (62 ekor) dan betina (19 ekor) dengan
variasi umur antara 1 sampai 6 tahun dikoleksi data bobot badan dan kualitas karkasnya. Kualitas karkas
yang diamati meliputi tebal lemak punggung (BF), tebal longissmus dorsi (LD), tebal lemak rump (RF),
tebal rump (RT), skor marbling (MS) dan persentase lemak intramuskuler (PIF) diukur menggunakan
ultrasonografi. Pengambilan citra ultrasnonografi dilakukan pada frekuensi 4.5-6,5 MHz dan kedalaman
8.8-13.0 cm. Pengukuran BF, LD, MS dan PIF dilakukan diatas rusuk ke 12-13, sedangkan pengukuran
RT dan RF diantara tulang ischium dan illium. Penentuan nilai MS menggunakan standar Aus-Meat,
sedangkan PIF dihitung berdasarkan Deaton dan Rouse (2006). Data bobot badan dan kualitas karkas
dianalisis secara deskriptif dan korelasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan performa bobot badan dan kualitas
karkas berbeda antara sapi jantan dan betina, demikian juga pengaruh umur menunjukkan perbedaan
sifat bobot badan dan kualitas karkas. Hasil analisis korelasi antar sifat (bobot badan dan kualitas
karkas) menunjukkan korelasi yang erat dan positif (P<0.05) dengan koefisien korelasi 0.291-0.938.
Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh bahwa citra ultrasonografi dapat digunakan untuk menduga
karaktersitik kualitas karkas sapi Bali.
Kata-kata kunci: sapi Bali, citra ultrasonografi, kualitas karkas
The objective of this study were to predict carcass quality characteristics in Bali cattle using
ultrasound imagery. The Number of samples were 81 heads of Bali cattle consist of bulls (62 heads) and
cows (19 heads) with various age ranging from 1 to 6 years were collected their body weight and carcass
qualities including backfat thickness (BF), longissmus dorsi thickness (LD), rump fat thickness (RF),
rump thickness (RT), marbling score (MS) and the percentage of intramuscular fat (PIF). Those were
estimated using ultrasound performed on 4.5-6,5 MHz frequency with depth of 8.8-13 cm. The BF, LD,
MS and PIF measurement were applied on 12 th-13th ribs, while the RT and RF measurement were
conducted between ischium and illium. MS determination was calculated using Aus-Meat standard,
while PIF was analysis based on Deaton and Rouse (2000). Body weight and carcass quality among
traits were analyzed using descriptive and correlation procedures. The results showed that performance
of body weight and carcass quality differs between Bali bulls and Bali cows, as well as among the age
variations. Correlation analyses among traits (body weight and carcass quality) showed strong positive
correlation (P<0.05) ranging from 0.291 to 0.938. In conclusion, ultrasound imaging method could be
used to estimate carcass quality characteristics in Bali cattle.
Key words: Bali cattle, ultrasound imaging, carcass quality
Figure 1. Applied Ultrasound Imaging Position and Ultrasound Image on the 12 th-13rd Ribs (A and B)
and between Ischium and Illium bones (C and D).
Age (year)
1 3
BW (kg) 86.77±20.04 198.83±23.41
LD (mm) 33.60± 4.90 53.94±5.40
BF (mm) 1.59± 0.40 5.39±0.54
RT (mm) 40.55± 4.89 58.11±5.80
RF (mm) 1.17± 0.47 5.76±0.57
MS 1.92± 1.19 4.50±1.05
PIF (%) 3.43± 2.26 13.48±3.42
BW= body weight; BF = backfat thickness; LD=
longissmus dorsi thickness; RF = rump fat
thickness; RT= rump thickness; MS = marbling
score and PIF = percentage of intramuscular fat.
Age (year)
1 3 4 6
BW (kg) 98.47±21.75 316.06±104.00 373.04±69.97 465.60±47.37
LD (mm) 32.65± 5.30 50.84± 9.38 57.98± 7.53 68.95±10.45
BF (mm) 1.36± 0.28 1.59± 0.51 2.28± 0.84 3.29± 0.60
RT (mm) 39.75± 3.51 82.23± 5.59 82.28± 8.90 90.24±11.38
RF (mm) 1.00± 0.20 - - -
MS 2.65± 1.22 2.60± 1.12 3.00± 1.21 3.80± 0.84
PIF (%) 4.03± 2.02 7.49± 3.91 11.09± 4.39 10.31± 2.15
BW= body weight; BF = backfat thickness; LD = longissmus dorsi thickness; RF = rump fat thickness; RT =
rump thickness; MS = marbling score and PIF = the percentage of intramuscular fat
BB 0.938** 0.457** 0.775** 0.291** 0.571**
TLD 0.587** 0.710** 0.384** 0.637**
BF 0.214 0.548** 0.660**
TR 0.097 0.373**
MS 0.761**
(*) significant correlation (P≤0.05); (**) significant correlation (P≤0.01); BW= body weight; BF = backfat
thickness; LD = longissmus dorsi thickness; RT = rump thickness; MS = marbling score and PIF = the
percentage of intramuscular fat.
carcass quality increased to higher value and gave estimate carcass quality of Bali cattle as a simple
impact on accuracy determination especially for technique of recording could be used for breeding
lean cattle (Tait, 2016). Moreover, Tait (2016) purposes as a bali cattle has small body frame.
reported that there was high genetic correlations
(≥0.5) between ultrasound–measured body CONCLUSION
compotiotion with carcass attributes in harvested
cattle and lambs. The heritability of ultrasound In conclusion, carcass quality performances
backfat thickness and marbling score are high, of Bali cattle were influenced by sex, age,
both of them have heritability value about environment and measurement methods. The
0.31±0.11 and 0.37±0.11, respectively. There was characteristics of carcass quality on Bali cattle
strong genetic corelation of ultrasound could be estimate using ultrasound imagery.
measurement with carcass merit, this evidence Relationship among Bali cattle carcass quality
showed that ultrasound imaging technology could characteristic had strong positive correlation
be used as an indicator for genetic improvement coefficient about 0.291-0.938 and this data might
programs for carcass characteristics (Miar et al., be used for selection of more than one traits in
2014). Aplication of ultrasound imaging to carcass quality of Bali cattle.