Evidence-Based Restoration in The Anthropocene - From Acting With Purpose To Acting For Impact
Evidence-Based Restoration in The Anthropocene - From Acting With Purpose To Acting For Impact
Evidence-Based Restoration in The Anthropocene - From Acting With Purpose To Acting For Impact
The recognition that we are in the distinct new epoch of the Anthropocene suggests the necessity for ecological restoration
to play a substantial role in repairing the Earth’s damaged ecosystems. Moreover, the precious yet limited resources devoted
to restoration need to be used wisely. To do so, we call for the ecological restoration community to embrace the concept of
evidence-based restoration. Evidence-based restoration involves the use of rigorous, repeatable, and transparent methods
(i.e. systematic reviews) to identify and amass relevant knowledge sources, critically evaluate the science, and synthesize
the credible science to yield robust policy and/or management advice needed to restore the Earth’s ecosystems. There are
now several examples of restoration-relevant systematic reviews that have identified instances where restoration is entirely
ineffective. Systematic reviews also serve as a tool to identify the knowledge gaps and the type of science needed (e.g. repeatable,
appropriate replication, use of controls) to improve the evidence base. The restoration community, including both scientists
and practitioners, needs to make evidence-based restoration a reality so that we can move from best intentions and acting with
so-called “purpose” to acting for meaningful impact. Doing so has the potential to serve as a rallying point for reframing the
Anthropocene as a so-called “good” epoch.
Key words: restoration ecology, systematic review, evidence synthesis, CEE
loss of biodiversity (i.e. extinction; Cardinale et al. 2012; Pimm Institute of Environmental Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, K1S 5B6, ON Canada
3 Address correspondence to S. J. Cooke, email steven_cooke@carleton.ca
et al. 2014). The fact that we are in “the Anthropocene” is 4 Ecosystem Restoration, Parks Canada Agency, Gatineau, QC, J8X 0B3, Canada
5 Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans
not something worthy of celebration and is generally regarded
Canada, Sault Ste. Marie, P6A 2E5, ON Canada
as carrying negative connotations regarding the state of the 6 Department of Biology and Institute of Environmental Science, Carleton University,
environment and the future of life on Earth as we know it. Ottawa, K1S 5B6, ON Canada
However, a counter narrative has emerged where the concept of © 2018 Society for Ecological Restoration
being in the Anthropocene is harnessed and leveraged to make it doi: 10.1111/rec.12675
March 2018 Restoration Ecology Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 201–205 201
Evidence-based restoration
(2004), “the process of restoring one or more valued processes are used wisely, coupled with the time-sensitive nature of
or attributes of a landscape.” Restoration is only needed when a many threats to ecosystems, there is little room for restoration
system is impaired, and it attempts to return the system structure actions that are ill-informed and/or that fail to base their action
and function relative to an appropriate historical state (although on the best available evidence. It is important to realize that
we acknowledge the debate regarding alternative definitions failure to use the best available evidence is unlikely to be
and goals/targets of contemporary ecological restoration; see done out of malice or reflect incompetence—it is simply a
Higgs et al. 2014; Kueffer & Kaiser-Bunbury 2014; Bowman reality of how humans make decisions, especially when under
et al. 2017). As such, restoration ecology is inherently aligned time pressure. In restoration ecology, it is well known that
with the concept of achieving a good Anthropocene and indeed monitoring is uncommon (Block et al. 2001) and it is likely
serves as one of the few practical means of doing so (van Andel that there is a file-drawer effect (Csada et al. 1996) where
& Aronson 2012). Admittedly, restoration ecology is still a failures are less likely to be shared/published than successes.
young discipline but it does have a rich and ever-expanding So—how can restoration ecology move forward in a truly
theoretical foundation (e.g. papers which lay out conceptual meaningful way—well beyond the previous calls for “change”
frameworks for restoration ecology; see Diamond 1987; Hobbs in restoration science and practice (see Higgs 1994; Pickett &
& Norton 1996) as well as practical “how to” resources (e.g. Parker 1994; Choi 2007)? Here, we introduce the concept of
Clewell et al. 2000; Keenelyside et al. 2012; Perrow & Davy evidence-based restoration and discuss a tool that can help both
2002; Clewell et al. 2007) to guide practitioners who engage scientists and practitioners make better-informed decisions.
in restoration. There is also a growing list of examples of how Evidence-based restoration involves the use of rigorous,
restoration interfaces with other solution-oriented paradigms repeatable, and transparent methods to identify and amass
(e.g. conservation science; Wiens & Hobbs 2015). Restoration relevant knowledge sources, critically evaluate the science, and
certainly depends on practitioners plying their trade (and has synthesize the credible science to yield robust policy and/or
been referred to by some as an “art”; e.g. Cabin 2007; Halle management advice needed to restore the Earth’s ecosystems.
2007) with creativity, trial-and-error, and even luck (Higgs Linked to this, any management intervention efforts (e.g.
1994), but at its core it is science (Bradshaw 1993) and there creation of a given habitat feature) must have an integrated
have been calls to better integrate the science and practice monitoring program to further build the evidence base. The
(Higgs 1994; Pickett & Parker 1994). Indeed, if we are to concept of evidence-based restoration is not a new idea and
achieve a good Anthropocene it is imperative and timely that indeed grows out of the broader evidence-based conservation
restoration practice is informed by, and reflective of, the best and environmental management movement (see Sutherland
available evidence. et al. 2004) spearheaded by the Collaboration for Environmen-
Although much restoration is conducted by “science-based” tal Evidence (CEE) and involving systematic reviews. Drawing
organizations (e.g. government, non-governmental organiza- upon evidence synthesis practices used for health care and
tions [NGOs]) that does not necessarily mean that contemporary medicine by the Cochrane Collaboration (Bero & Rennie 1995;
restoration activities are based on the totality of best available see Pullin & Knight 2001), the CEE has developed a series of
evidence. There is growing recognition that environmental guidelines used for conducting systematic reviews relevant to
practitioners’ decisions are most heavily influenced by past various topics in conservation and environmental management.
experience, tradition, or input from coworkers (Pullin et al. Traditional literature reviews and meta-analyses are common
2004; Cook et al. 2013; Young et al. 2016a, 2016b). Quite ways of assembling and synthesizing different studies on a
simply, practitioners are failing to make full use of the available similar topic (Roberts et al. 2006). However, traditional litera-
body of evidence. The literature is rapidly expanding such that ture reviews and meta-analysis tend to be subjective (and thus
even if a practitioner searches the evidence base there will not repeatable) and rarely is the evidence critically evaluated,
almost certainly be studies that have contradictory findings, with less rigorous studies (e.g. pseudoreplication or lack of
which creates the potential to cherry pick the study of one’s replicates, lack of appropriate controls and comparators, etc.)
choice to reinforce a given presumption. It is widely regarded excluded or down-weighted (O’Leary et al. 2016). The hall-
that almost anything can be published (not if, but where) and mark of systematic reviews (when done properly; Haddaway
we know that peer review is imperfect (Alpert 2007; or even et al. 2017) is the comprehensiveness of the literature search
flawed in the eyes of some, Smith 2006) so even in the most and the transparent critical evaluation and justification of the
prestigious journals the quality of science is highly variable. conclusions made by the authors (Haddaway & Bilotta 2016).
For a mission-oriented discipline like restoration ecology In the realm of ecological restoration, there have been a num-
where the mantra is to “do good,” the idea that a given restora- ber of literature reviews and meta-analyses written (some pub-
tion action could in fact do harm (see Pullin & Knight 2009) lished in the peer-reviewed literature and others as government
is something that is rarely considered. When practitioners or NGO technical reports) that have become “authoritative”
decide to act it is done with purpose—it is done with the sources to inform restoration practice. Yet, if those syntheses
assumption that the actions are going to directly or indirectly include studies of low quality or fail to survey the entire liter-
contribute to achieving a desired restoration objective. Yet, ature base (both of which are common pitfalls with traditional
how often does the action yield the impact that the practitioner reviews; see Roberts et al. 2006) there is much room for bias and
identified as their purpose? Given the need to ensure that the thus implementation of actions that are unsound and potentially
scarce human and financial resources devoted to restoration counterproductive (or even harmful). To address this deficiency,
we call upon the scientific community in the realm of restora- fencing) that achieved restoration targets. Given that implement-
tion ecology to embrace the concept of evidence-based restora- ing invasive plant control measures is a common approach to
tion. Doing so means learning about and engaging in proper restoration of invader-dominated ecosystems, Kettenring and
evidence synthesis activities (see CEE 2013; Pullin & Stew- Adams (2011) conducted a systematic review to determine
art 2006) as well as generating science that is considered “high effectiveness. The authors revealed that invasive plant manage-
quality” and repeatable (Haddaway & Verhoeven 2015) so that ment efforts have had only moderate success on the restoration
it can be used in such evidence synthesis activities (see Cooke of invader-dominated ecosystems, and identified a number of
et al. 2017a, e.g. pitfalls to avoid if one wants to generate science specific interventions that require additional empirical research.
that is relevant to practitioners). Inadequate evaluations, incom- Another systematic review attempted to determine whether
plete sharing, and biased reporting of restoration outcomes fail spring ecosystem restoration projects in arid regions had been
to contribute to expanding the evidence base for the entire com- effective in restoring hydrology, geomorphology, and ecology,
munity. There are growing opportunities for learning about SRs but found that there were insufficient studies with appropriate
and evidence synthesis and freely available guidelines to follow controls to enable quantitative analysis (Stacey et al. 2011), thus
such that expertise should not be inherently limiting. That is not identifying a clear research need. In a systematic review of the
to say that conducting systematic reviews is easy or necessar- effectiveness of wet meadow restoration, Ramstead et al. (2012)
ily rapid (which can be problematic given time-sensitive nature noted that the pond-and-plug approach—whereby eroded gul-
of many problems). Rather there is a growing community of lies are filled at various intervals to reduce or divert water
individuals and organizations who are committed to supporting flow—was an effective technique for restoring many aspects of
the broader development and adoption of systematic reviews, wet meadows, confirming that current practice was appropriate.
expanding the opportunities for training and mentoring, and thus In a final example, Land et al. (2016) evaluated the effectiveness
increasing capacity (see Cooke et al. 2017b). There is also much of created and restored wetlands for nitrogen and phosphorus
effort underway to determine the extent to which we can poten- removal. In general, this eutrophication abatement method led
tially rely on “rapid systematic reviews” as a means of arriving to significant decreases in the transport of nutrients. Importantly,
at similar findings and do so in a more rapid manner. That said, the authors also determined that the effectiveness was context
with sufficient resourcing, the correct team, and a well-defined specific (e.g. restored wetlands on former farmland were less
and well-bounded research question, systematic reviews can be effective at total phosphorus [TP] removal and more broadly,
conducted within several months. hydrologic regime influenced effectiveness of TP removal).
The science (and monitoring) associated with restoration is Collectively, these examples highlight how systematic
often lacking the rigor that one would like. The gold standard reviews can be used for various purposes including dispelling
“BACI” design (see Green 1979) implies a long-term financial myths that have become dogma, identifying the context speci-
commitment that begins prior to any “shovels in the ground”; ficity of a given restoration method, boosting evidence (i.e.
and the political appetite for funding such studies seems lim- providing support for ongoing restoration activities), identify-
ited. This varies somewhat among systems, taxa, imperilment ing knowledge gaps, and improving future empirical science
status of the ecosystem or species, and restoration strategy, but related to ecological restoration.
it is fair to say that compromises are often required in experi- In addition to the completed restoration-relevant systematic
mental design such that “modified” BACI designs are common reviews described above, there are others underway covering
(Underwood 1992; Smokorowski & Randall 2017). There is topics such as the effectiveness of spawning habitat creation
also an onus on the practitioner to seek out rigorous evidence or enhancement for substrate spawning temperate fish (Taylor
rather than blindly accepting the status quo, but few restora- et al. 2017), the effects of prescribed burning in temperate and
tion practitioners seek out such evidence. Our knowledge base is boreal forest on biodiversity (Eales et al. 2016), and the effec-
ever-growing, which provides countless opportunities to refine tiveness of non-native fish eradication techniques in freshwa-
management interventions to ensure they have as much impact ter ecosystems (Donaldson & Cooke 2016). Such systematic
as possible. Systematic reviews serve as the most credible form reviews have typically been commissioned by government agen-
of evidence synthesis available (Pullin & Knight 2009; Had- cies tasked with allocating funding and other resources, which
daway & Bilotta 2016) and can be interfaced with other contem- is a promising development that suggests many management
porary environmental decision support tools, including adaptive agencies buy into the concept of evidence-based restoration and
management (Bower et al. 2017; Schwartz et al. 2017). are willing to incorporate systematic reviews into their science
Fortunately, there are already several examples of system- support programs (e.g. Cooke et al. 2016).
atic reviews conducted to CEE standards that focus on topics The Anthropocene is here and the restoration practitioner
relevant to ecological restoration and serve as models of what of today and tomorrow has a mighty task before them. Those
is possible. For example, Stewart et al. (2009) determined that agencies and organizations funding restoration need to deter-
in-stream structure placement failed to increase salmonid fish mine where resources should best be allocated, and systematic
abundance and biomass, whereas efforts to restore the riparian reviews can inform such allocations, especially when combined
zone were generally beneficial. Considering the many programs with other methods such as rigorously documented adaptive
around the globe that engage citizens in stream restoration, this management and long-term science-based rigorous monitoring
article was foundational in refocusing those volunteers on activ- using well-designed experimental frameworks. Much of the
ities (e.g. riparian planting, keeping cattle out of streams with restoration work done today is led by community groups and
other concerned individuals who honestly believe they are Bennett EM, Solan M, Biggs R, McPhearson T, Norström AV, Olsson P, et al.
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Coordinating Editor: Stephen Murphy Received: 22 December, 2017; First decision: 22 December, 2017; Accepted: 22
December, 2017; First published online: 6 February, 2018