Logics Poweramr Private Limited: DG-Solar Synchronization and Zero Export Solution
Logics Poweramr Private Limited: DG-Solar Synchronization and Zero Export Solution
Logics Poweramr Private Limited: DG-Solar Synchronization and Zero Export Solution
Powering Profit
System Integrator and Pioneer in Energy Management Systems, Metering Automation,
Solar Monitoring, Scada, Analytics, ABT, DLMS, Water Management System
DG-Solar Synchronization and Zero Export Solution
This solution ensures that the solar inverters generate the power as per the change in
connected load in case of no grid. In other words, the total demanded load gets smartly
distributed between Solar and DG in such way that the DG runs at the minimum possible load
and solar will fulfill the remaining load demand. Because the solar power generation is being
altered as per the load, the problem of damage to DG is automatically taken care off.
B. Zero Export
In case of unavailability of net metering, to use solar as per load requirement, we need to
sync solar with the grid. In this solution, solar will take only reference voltage from the grid,
but does not export power to the grid. This way the user would be able to use grid-connected
solar plant without export.
2. Is Active power > Max Set point? If yes, increase power on inverters
3. Is Active power < Min Set point? If yes, decrease power on inverters
Basic Requirement:
Following information is required for configuration :
2. Inverter(s) rating in kW
3. Grid Load in kW
System Brief
1. DG-Solar Synchronization
The general Block diagram of DG-Solar Synchronization is given below-
When we get off status from the grid and ON status from DG or DG’S, the DG sync
controller will throttle power of each Inverter as per building load. It also divides user load
between DG and solar smartly in such way that DG will run at minimum load and solar
cater maximum part of user load. This will result in the minimum fuel consumption of DG
along with reverse power protection and solar optimized.
Smart Control: The device provides real time power control and will ensure that the
inverter ramps down the solar production, in case of low/ no load.
Flawless Protection: Our System ensures that there is no reverse feed of power to
DG and protects the inverters from over-frequency damage
Graphical representation: Client can log on to the PowerAMR website and see
working of power control on real time through the single line diagram and graphical
2. Zero Export
The general Block diagram of Zero export solution is given below-
This solution is working when grid is available but there is no net metering at site. The
zero export solution will help user to use solar as per demanded load. This solution will
throttle the power of solar inverters as per building load and there will be No Export to
Smart Control: The device provides real time power control and will ensure that the
inverter ramps down the solar production, in case of low/ no load.
Flawless Protection: Our System ensures that the inverter doesn’t trip and
minimum or no reverse feed-in is sent back to the grid.
Graphical representation: Client can log on to the PowerAMR website and see
working of power control on real time through the single line diagram and graphical
Remote Monitoring: PowerAMR ZED simultaneously acts a Data Logger and provide
real time and historical data monitoring on our Solar Management Platform
This solution has common facility for DG –Solar syncing as well as Zero export. When
the grid is available, it will work as Zero export solution and when DG is available for
Reference voltage, it will work as DG-Solar sync solution.
ABB Powerone
Chint Power Ingeteam
Delta Refusol
Evvo Saj
Fronious Schneider
Goodwe SMA
Growatt Sofar
Havells Solis
Huawei Solax
Hitachi SolarEdge
INVT Sukam
Kaco Sungrow
K Solare Tmeic
Kehua UTL
Kstar Waaree
Luminous Zever, and many more
Energy Meters :
Archmeter PA330
Eastron SDM630
Elmeasure Little Genius & Tiny Master
Klemsan KLEA 320P
Legrand EMDX3
L&T ER300P
Schneider Conzerv EM6436, EM 6400, EM 6400 NG
Schneider PowerLogic EM7280
Secure Elite 103, 307, 440-444, 440-445 & 440-446
Sumeru Verde Damodar series