This document appears to be a quiz given to students on concepts related to cosmology and the origins of the universe. It contains 15 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of topics like the Big Bang theory, cosmic expansion, nucleosynthesis, and the formation of elements in the early universe. Key concepts assessed include the initial singularity, inflation, recombination, cosmic dark ages, redshift, the assumptions of the Big Bang model, and the origins of light and heavy elements via primordial and stellar nucleosynthesis.
This document appears to be a quiz given to students on concepts related to cosmology and the origins of the universe. It contains 15 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of topics like the Big Bang theory, cosmic expansion, nucleosynthesis, and the formation of elements in the early universe. Key concepts assessed include the initial singularity, inflation, recombination, cosmic dark ages, redshift, the assumptions of the Big Bang model, and the origins of light and heavy elements via primordial and stellar nucleosynthesis.
This document appears to be a quiz given to students on concepts related to cosmology and the origins of the universe. It contains 15 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of topics like the Big Bang theory, cosmic expansion, nucleosynthesis, and the formation of elements in the early universe. Key concepts assessed include the initial singularity, inflation, recombination, cosmic dark ages, redshift, the assumptions of the Big Bang model, and the origins of light and heavy elements via primordial and stellar nucleosynthesis.
This document appears to be a quiz given to students on concepts related to cosmology and the origins of the universe. It contains 15 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of topics like the Big Bang theory, cosmic expansion, nucleosynthesis, and the formation of elements in the early universe. Key concepts assessed include the initial singularity, inflation, recombination, cosmic dark ages, redshift, the assumptions of the Big Bang model, and the origins of light and heavy elements via primordial and stellar nucleosynthesis.
Quiz Lesson1: A. Learning Task 1 Instruction: Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer for the following questions. 1. Which of these is true about the Big Bang model? A. The singularity is an established, well-defined part of the model. B. Cosmic expansion stopped at some point in time. C. Part of its proof is the amounts of H and He, we have in the universe today. D. The Big Bang was a big explosion that threw matter in many different directions. 2. Which of the following is the scientific study of the large-scale properties of the universe as a whole? A. Astrology C. Cosmology B. Astronomy D. Biology 3. This theory states that the universe once began to expand and continues to expand until today. A. Big Bang Theory C. General Theory of Relativity B. Steady-State Theory D. Cosmological Principle 4. This process is known as the rapid expansion of space itself faster than the speed of light. A. Annihilation C. Inflation B. Initial Singularity D. Recombination 5. It states that the universe may have begun as an infinitely hot, dense, and appointed space with all of the space time, matter, and energy. A. Annihilation C. Inflation B. Initial Singularity D. Recombination 6. This term means that there was nowhere, when or what - just nothingness. A. Annihilation C. Inflation B. Initial Singularity D. Recombination 7. This term wherein pairs of matter and antimatter were formed from energy, but these pairs canceled each other back into energy. A. Annihilation C. Inflation B. Initial Singularity D. Recombination 8. Which is true about the process called recombination? A. Electrons start to bind to ionized protons and nuclei forming neutral atoms. B. The bound particles still scatter photons so light and energy move freely across space. C. Gravity causes these atoms to separate from one another to form stars, galaxies, and other matter. D. Protons and neutrons moved away from each other to form different types of nuclei. 9. Which is false about the Cosmic Dark Ages? A. It lasted several hundred million years in our 13.8 billion-year-old universe. B. Most of the matter in the cosmos at this stage was dark matter. C. Bound particles no longer scatter photons so light and energy move freely across space. D. This period was after the stars were born. 10. Which is false about the term Redshift? A. This light is found to be stretched. B. Redshift can help us learn how fast the universe is expanding. C. It is the second piece of evidence for the Big Bang Model. D. Redshift can help us suggest that other galaxies are moving farther away from ours. 11. What are the two assumptions that the Big Bang Model is based on? A. Primordial Nucleosynthesis and Stellar Nucleosynthesis B. General Theory of Relativity and Cosmological Principle C. Steady-State Theory and The Redshift Theory D. String Theory and Plasma Universe Theory 12. What are the two phases wherein the origin of light and heavy elements were based? A. Primordial Nucleosynthesis and Stellar Nucleosynthesis B. General Theory of Relativity and Cosmological Principle C. Steady-State Theory and the Redshift Theory D. String Theory and Plasma Universe Theory 13. What is false about Nuclear Fusion? A. Neutrons and protons combine by the extremely low energy and temperature of the universe. B. Through nuclear fusion, light elements were formed. C. Certain species of atomic nuclei were formed because of Nuclear Fusion. D. Nuclear fusion formed Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, and Beryllium 14. Which one does not belong to the nuclear fusions to produce heavy elements? A. Primordial Nucleosynthesis C. Carbon-Nitrogen-OxygenCycle B. Triple alpha process D. Proton-Proton Fusion 15. Which one does not belong in the 3 reactions that led to the formation of the elements? A. Neutron Capture Reaction C. Proton Decay B. Fusion D. Nucleosynthesis