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I. Multiple Chice. Circle The Letter of The Correct Answer

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the whirlpool like motion of

pre-solar materials.
I. Multiple Chice. Circle the A. Vortex Theory
letter of the correct answer. B. Nebular theory
C. Collision Theory
D. Tidal Theory
1. A theory that states that the
universe is unchanging in time 10. The Solar Nebular theory
and uniform in space. states that;
A. Planets were formed by
A. Cosmic Wave Background the collision of the sun
B. Nebular Theory and a giant comet.
C. Big Bang Theory B. Proposed that the
D. Steady State Theory planets were formed from
the substance that was torn
2. The epoch where there is an out of the sun.
exponential expansion of the c. The Solar system comes
universe. from nebula and involves
two different stages; the
Planetisimals then
A. Hadron Epoch Protoplanets.
B. Inflationary Epoch D. Solar System was formed
c. Quark Epoch due to the whirlpool like
D. Radiation Era motion in pre-solar
3. It is a well substantiated
explanation based on facts 11. Solar System’s final
through observations and frontier.
A. Asteroid belt
B. Oort Cloud
A. Guess C. Kuiper belt
B. Theory D. Comet
C. Facts
D. Data 12. What are the two forces that
causes the solar system to be a
4. A non-scientific theory flat surface?
consist of different myths about
the origin of the solar system. A. Centriforce and
Gravitational Force
A. Scientific Theory B. Weak and Nuclear Force
B. Steady state theory
C. Myth theory C. Gravitational and
D. Creation Theory Centrifugal Force
D. Centrifugal and Strong
5. The theory that states that Force
the universe expanded from a
tiny dense and hot mass. 13. What direction does a
prograde motion have?
A. Cosmic Wave Background A. Backward
B. Nebular Theory B. Counterclockwise
C. Big Bang Theory C. Retrograde
D. Steady State Theory D. Clockwise
6. What galaxy does our Solar 14. The law used to determine
System belongs to? the distance of the planets from
A. Samsung Galaxy the sun.
B. Galactic Galaxy A. Big Bang Theory
C. Andromeda Galaxy B. Bode’s Law
D. Milky Way Galaxy C. Steady State Theory
D. Nebular theory
7. The following explains the
evidences that supports the Big 15. What are asteroids?
Bang Theory except;
A. Composed mainly of ice
and dust.
A. The theory of General B. Made of irregular rocky
Relativity materials.
B. Forces of Nature C. Made up of thousands of
C. The Red shift theory stars.
D. Cosmic Microwave D. A congregated of
background thousands of comets.
8. It is a gravitationally bound 16. What is the building block
system that consists of the sun of rocks?
and the object that orbits
around it. A. Atoms
B. Minerals
C. Stone
A. Cosmic Wave Background D. Magma
B. Universe
C. Solar System 17. It is the thinnest topmost
D. Planetoids layer of the earth.
9. Theory which states that the A. Crust
solar system was formed due to B. Mantle
c. Lithosphere
D. Core
18. What subsystem of the earth B. Mountain ranges
that contains all the cold, C. Oceanic crust
hard, solid land of the earth? D. Magma
A. Hydrosphere
B. Atmosphere 29. What happens whenever rocks
C. Lithosphere undergo physical breakdown or
D. Biosphere
chemical alteration at or near
19. It is called molten rocks. of the earth’s surface?

A. Ash fall A. Erosion

B. Lava B. Mass Wasting
C. Rocks C. Transportation
D. Magma D. Weathering
20. What is the largest and 30. What subsystem does ocean,
longest section of the earth. sea, lakes and other water forms
A. Inner core A. Biosphere
B. Mantle
C. Outer core B. Lithosphere
D. Crust C. Hydrosphere
21. What is the most abundant D. Atmosphere
gas present in the earth’s
atmosphere? II. Identification (5 points)
A. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon Dioxide
D. Methane
Give the complete name of your
22. Below are minerals which Earth and Life Science
are good conductor of instructor/teacher (with his
electricity, except;
professional title).
A. Gold
B. Silver
C. Bronze
D. Copper
23. What process in which the
earth’s crust bends either
upwards or downwards?
A. Faulting
B. Folding
C. Plutonism
D. Metamorphism
24. External process that occur
at or near the surface of the
A. Endogenic processes
B. Envirogenic processes
C. Extravagant Processes
D. Exogenic Processes
25. Where does energy exchange
from the sun and the earth takes
A. Biosphere
B. Lithosphere
C. Hydrosphere
D. Atmosphere
26. What was the longest period
in the earth’s history?
A. Hadean Era
B. Proterozoic Era
C. Mesozoic Era
D. Paleozoic Era
27. It is refers to the
mineral’s resistance from being
A. Fracture
B. Streak
C. Hardness
D. Cleavage
28. When folding occurs in some
plates, these will result to;
A. Faults

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