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2 EC Series Table of Contents

MODEL NOMENCLATURE...............................................3 HOSE KITS......................................................................17

FHP MANUFACTURING....................................................3 Operating Limits­– Cooling & Heating.......................18
ADVANTAGES OF FHP’s TECHNOLOGY.......................3 CERTIFIED PERFORMANCE DATA...............................19
EC SERIES MODEL 007 – 070.........................................3 EC007 (300 CFM).....................................................21
FEATURES........................................................................3 EC009 (350 CFM).....................................................22
Cabinet .......................................................................3 EC012 (400 CFM).....................................................23
Quiet Operation ..........................................................4 EC015 (500 CFM).....................................................24
Serviceability ..............................................................4 EC018 (650 CFM).....................................................25
Unit Configurations......................................................4 EC024 (850 CFM).....................................................26
Filter Racks.................................................................4 EC030 (950 CFM).....................................................27
Hanging Brackets........................................................4 EC036 (1200 CFM)...................................................28
Blower & Motor............................................................5 EC041 (1150 CFM)...................................................29
Water Connections......................................................6 EC042 (1500 CFM)...................................................30
Refrigerant Circuit.......................................................6 EC048 (1600 CFM)...................................................31
Unit Protection Module................................................7 EC060 (2000 CFM)...................................................32
UPM Features.............................................................7 EC070 (2200 CFM)...................................................33
UNIT OPTIONS .................................................................8 ELECTRICAL DATA........................................................34
Hot Gas Reheat..........................................................8 BLOWER PERFORMANCE CFM....................................35
Refrigerant Flow Path.................................................8 PHYSICAL DATA.............................................................36
Hot Gas Reheat Sequence of Operation - VERTICAL UNIT DIMENSIONS......................................37
On/Off Control.............................................................9 Vertical Top Discharge Water Source Heat Pump.....37
Hot Gas Reheat Control Options................................9 Vertical Counterflow Water Source Heat Pump........38
Special Considerations...............................................9 HORIZONTAL UNIT DIMENSIONS.................................39
Low Temperature Well Water......................................9 Horizontal Water Source Heat Pump........................39
Indoor Pool Dehumidifying During Winter Months .....9 TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAMS.......................................40
Sequence of Operation - Modulating Hot Gas Reheat 1/2 through 6 ton | Single stage unit | 208-230V/1ph
(MHGRH)..................................................................10 with PSC direct drive motor .....................................40
Hot Gas Bypass........................................................10 1 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208-230V/1ph
Psychometric Chart...................................................10 with PSC direct drive motor – Hot Gas Reheat.........41
Fluid Differential Pressure Switch............................. 11 1/2 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208/230V/1ph
DDC Controls:........................................................... 11 with PSC direct drive motor – Economizer................42
SYSTEMS........................................................................12 3 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208/230V/1ph
Water Source Cooling Tower/Boiler Systems............12 with PSC direct drive motor – Hot Gas Reheat &
Geothermal Systems.................................................12 Economizer...............................................................43
Earth Coupling Options.............................................12 2 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208/230V/3ph
Vertical Ground Loop System...................................13 with PSC direct drive motor.......................................44
Horizontal Ground Loop System...............................13 2 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208-230V/3ph
Surface Water, Lake or Pond System.......................13 with PSC direct drive motor – Hot Gas Reheat.........45
TYPICAL HEAT PUMP OPERATING MODES................14 2 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208/230V/3ph
Cooling Mode............................................................14 with PSC direct drive motor – Economizer................46
Heating Mode............................................................14 2 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208/230V/3ph
TYPICAL UNIT INSTALLATION......................................15 with PSC direct drive motor – Hot Gas Reheat &
Unit Location.............................................................15 Economizer...............................................................47
Vertical Unit Installation.............................................15 SPECIFICATION GUIDE.............................................48-51
Horizontal Unit Installation .......................................15
Ductwork and Sound Attenuation Considerations.....16
Condensate Drain Piping..........................................17
UNIT CONTROLS............................................................17

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Model Nomenclature EC Series 3
EC 036- 1 VT C -F L T



0 - 115/1/60 R - REAR
1 - 208/1/60 & 230/1/60 S - STRAIGHT THRU
2 - 277/1/60 E - END BL0W
3 - 208/3/60 & 230/3/60 B - BOTTOM
4 - 460/3/60


Specializing in efficient green technology for • 13 Models from ½ through 6 tons
commercial heating and cooling products, FHP is • Horizontal, Vertical and Counterflow Configurations
one of the leading manufacturers of Geothermal
and Water Source heat pumps, which assures that FEATURES
you are buying a unit you can trust. We are part of
Bosch Thermotechnology Ltd., a Robert Bosch
Group unit dedicated to providing highly efficient FHP EC unit cabinetry is constructed using
heating and cooling solutions to the private and Galvalume + sheet metal with a clear acrylic
public sector. coating. This steel provides superior corrosion
protection for units located indoors.
FHP headquarters has a state of the art facility with
the latest manufacturing technology available. Each All interior surfaces are lined with ½" thick, 1.5 lb./cu.ft.
unit is factory tested according to Bosch quality density, Micromat insulation for thermal insulation and
standards in order to ensure our customers the acoustical attenuation. This insulation is non-
highest level of satisfaction and comfort. We combustible, non-hydroscopic and does not support
carefully select our suppliers in order to equip our fungal growth. Insulation meets NFPA 90A and 90B for
products with the best components available. fire protection and is certified to meet the GREENGUARD
Indoor Air Quality Standard for Low Emitting Products.
ADVANTAGES OF FHP’s TECHNOLOGY Protection against corrosion is a feature in the EC series.
• Low installation costs A stainless steel drain pan will last the lifetime of the unit
• Lower operating costs and resist corrosion and cracking that may occur with
steel or plastic materials.
• Flexibility and comfort
• Energy efficiency
• Space savings
• Superior quality
• Quiet operation

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

4 EC Series Quiet Operation

Insulated bulkheads in all units, separate the

Air side coils have aluminum side plates to prevent
compressor section from the blower section,
allowing the unit to be serviced during operation.
Taking all into consideration the life expectancy of
Large removable panels aid in servicing the unit,
the EC series is anticipated to be well in excess of
when necessary. Separate electrical knockouts in
the industry standard of 19 years.
the unit corner post allow for easy and safe
Quiet Operation routing of high and low voltage lines to the inside
All panels are insulated with ½" thick, 1.5 lb./cu.ft. of the cabinet.
density fiberglass insulation for both thermal Unit Configurations
insulation and noise reduction.
All units are available in horizontal and vertical and
Noise reduction is a critical consideration of the unit counterflow configurations. Additionally, several
design. Even under normal operating conditions, options of return air and supply air are offered as
vibration may be transmitted to the building standard, providing configuration flexibility.
structure and introduced into the space as noise. All
EC units have a unique floating base pan where the Filter Racks
compressor is mounted on a heavy steel plate that Units come standard with a 1" filter rack and
rests on a high density rubber pad in the base of the construction filter. A 2" four-sided filter rack and
unit. In addition, compressors are mounted on pleated filter is optional and greatly reduces
rubber grommets. This double isolation, unique to unfiltered air from entering the unit. Filter doors
FHP, is standard in all EC series units preventing allow for easy routine maintenance and changing
vibration and noise transmission from the of the air filter. A 1" return duct collar is integral to
compressor to the unit structure resulting in the filter rack eliminating the need for field mount-
exceptionally quiet operation. ed duct collars. Units are shipped with a 1" filter;
2" pleated filters are available as an option.

For additional sound attenuation, a compressor

Optional 2" Filter Optional 2" Filter Rack
blanket is available as an option on unit sizes 018
and above. Hanging Brackets
Serviceability All horizontal units come standard with hanging
bracket kits for suspending the unit from field
supplied hanger rods. These kits include heavy duty
steel brackets and rubber grommets for sound and
vibration isolation from the building structure.

All units are designed to be serviced from the front of

the unit. Schrader valves for high and low pressure
gauges and the electrical box components are easily
accessible for diagnosing and servicing the unit.

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Unit Configurations EC Series 5

Panel Condenser Water Out Access

Condensate Drain
Panel Condenser Water In Access
Electrical Knock-Outs
Condenser Water Out
Condensate Drain
Electrical Knock-Outs
Condenser Water In
Left Hand Return Top Discharge FLT Right Hand Return Top Discharge FRT

Water Out

Water In


Condensate Drain
Left Hand Return Bottom Discharge FLB Right Hand Return Bottom Discharge FRB

Front Front
Return Air Left Return Air Right

Straight Through FLS End Blow FLE End Blow FRE Straight Through FRS

Typical Horizontal Unit Configurations

Blower & Motor

A 1" supply air duct-flange connection is standard,
Large blower wheels allow the unit to operate at facilitating duct installation on the unit. Horizontal
lower speeds for quieter operation. units are field convertible from straight through to
PSC blower motors are standard on all unit sizes . an end discharge arrangement.

1" Duct-Flange

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

6 EC Series Water Connections

Water Connections In geothermal applications where fluid temperatures

can drop below the dew point of the surrounding air,
All water connections are heavy duty bronze FPT
optional insulation is available to prevent water coils
fittings securely fastened to the unit corner post.
and refrigerant piping from sweating.
This allows connecting to a flexible hose kit without
the use of a backup wrench making for easier, faster Air coils are state of the art, employing lanced fin
installation. and rifled tubing for maximum heat transfer. Large
face areas result in lower face velocity reducing
sound while ensuring high latent heat removal for
maximum dehumidification in the cooling mode.
A pilot operated four-way reversing valve in the
Refrigerant Circuit refrigeration circuit allows the unit to operate in
either the heating or cooling mode. All FHP units
EC series units are designed using the optimum
have the reversing valve energized in cooling
combination of compressor, water and air coils to
mode, which allows the unit to fail to heating
provide peak performance.
mode for building protection. This will ensure you
Heavy duty heat pump compressors are used in all are not left without heat in the middle of winter.
units. Rotary, reciprocating and scroll compressors should the reversing valve coil fail.
offer optimum performance for each unit size.

Refrigerant flow to the air coil is controlled by

capillary tubes as standard in EC units through 5
tons. Thermal Expansion Valves come standard on
the optional Extended Range EC and are designed
Refrigerant to water heat exchangers are coaxial
to vary the flow of refrigerant depending on the
tube-in-tube type providing a robust construction,
load. TXV’s provide unit optimization and a more
ensuring years of trouble free operation. Coaxial
stable control over a wider range of operating
coils are selected and designed for peak
performance, offering the best combination of low
water pressure drop and maximum heat transfer in EC Series units are rated to withstand 600 PSIG
both the cooling and heating modes. Standard working refrigerant pressure and 400 PSIG
coaxial coils have a copper interior water tube and working water pressure.
a steel outer shell. Optional Cupro-Nickel coils are
available for applications where the water is of
lower quality.

All EC units, two tons and above, are provided with

filter driers to ensure that no residual water or
other foreign material is present to contaminate
the refrigerant system and lead to premature
6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12
Unit Protection Module EC Series 7

High and low pressure switches are factory installed lockout condition. The status LED will display the
in the refrigerant circuit, protecting the unit against fault code, but the alarm contact will be inactive.
high pressure conditions or loss of refrigerant charge. • Optional Condensate overflow protection sensor
Schrader service valves are standard on the high and factory mounted in the drain pan of the unit. Stan-
low pressure lines of all units, allowing connection to dard on all horizontal units.
gauges for service diagnostics and to either evacu-
UPM Features
ate, reclaim or recharge refrigerant into the system.
• ANTI-SHORT CYCLE TIMER—5 minute delay on
break timer to prevent compressor short cycling.
• RANDOM START—Each controller has a unique
random start delay ranging from 270 to 300
Unit Protection Module seconds after power is applied to the board. This
Each EC unit is factory provided with a Unit Protec- will prevent the simultaneous start of multiple
tion Module (UPM) that controls the unit operation units after a power outage.
and monitors the safety controls that protect the • LOW PRESSURE BYPASS TIMER—The low
unit. The UPM interfaces with the thermostat or pressure switch is bypassed for 120 seconds
direct digital controller. The main purpose of the after it opens to prevent nuisance low pressure
UPM is to protect the compressors by monitoring lockouts during cold start-up in the heating mode.
the different states of switches and sensors. This
module provides time delays and protects the unit
PROTECTION—Prevents compressor operation
against freezing of the water to refrigerant heat
should the voltage drop below 10% of unit rated
exchangers as well as condensate overflow when
value. The unit will restart once the voltage is within
the appropriate sensors are installed.
tolerance and the random start has timed out.
ler has a set of contacts for remote fault indica-
tion. This can be either a steady output or can be
set to pulse with the fault code. Two connections
are available one to provide a 24 volt output, the
other to provide a dry contact.
Safety controls include the following: • TEST SERVICE MODE—A dip switch setting is pro-
• High pressure switch located in the refrigerant vided to reduce all time delay settings to 10
discharge line. seconds maximum during troubleshooting for
verification of unit operation.
• Low pressure switch located in the unit refriger-
ant suction line. • L.E.D. FAULT INDICATION—Two L.E.D. indicators
are provided as follows:
• Optional low fluid temperature (freeze) protec-
tion sensor. The freeze protection sensor, located • GREEN: Power L.E.D. indicates 18 – 30 VAC
present at the board.
on the refrigerant liquid line entering the coaxial
heat exchanger is designed to disable compres- • RED: Fault indicator with blink codes
sor operation when the unit is in the heating identifying the particular fault.
mode, should the refrigerant temperature fall 1 Blink - High Pressure
below either 30°F or 15°F. (The default setting is
30 degrees farenheit, however this can be 2 Blinks - Low Pressure
changed to 15 degrees farenheit by cutting the 3 Blinks - Low Fluid Temperature (Freeze Protection)
R42 resistor located above the Dip Switch SW1).
If the temperature drops below or remains at the 4 Blinks - Condensate Overflow
freeze limit trip for 30 seconds, the controller will 5 Blinks - Brownout condition
shut the compressor down and enter into a soft
Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353
8 EC Series Unit Options

• INTELLIGENT RESET—If a fault condition is erant gas before delivering it to the space, usually
initiated, the 5 minute delay on break time period 2° to 5°F below room temperature. The unit is
is initiated and the unit will restart after this delay operating as a dehumidifier. By reheating the air
expires. The UPM is configurable for either 2 or 4 along a constant sensible heat line, the relative
fault occurrences before going into a hard lock- humidity of the leaving air is reduced. This option
out. The selection is made through a dip switch offers significant energy savings over the traditional
setting on the board. If the fault condition still means of reheating air with electric heating coils.
exists or reoccurs twice or four times within one The moisture removal capacity of a specific heat
hour, the unit will go into a hard lockout and pump is determined by the unit latent capacity
requires a manual lockout reset. A condensate rating. A heat pump’s latent capacity can be deter-
overflow fault will, however, put the unit into a mined by reviewing the heat pump specification
hard lockout immediately. data sheets. Depending upon the entering water
• LOCKOUT RESET—A hard lockout can be reset by and air conditions, a total and sensible capacity can
turning the unit thermostat off and then back on be interpolated from the data sheets. Subtracting
or by shutting off unit power at the circuit break- sensible capacity from total capacity yields latent
er. The method of reset is selectable by the dip capacity. Dividing the latent capacity by 1069 (BTU/
switch on the board. LB of water vapor at 80° DB and 67° WB) yields the
amount of moisture removal in pounds per hour.
Refrigerant Flow Path
Hot Gas Reheat
Equalizer Line
Hot gas reheat (HGR) allows the user to not only
control space temperature, but also humidity levels Check Valve
Bleed Expansion Valve Liquid
within the conditioned space. Excessive moisture in Line Line

the space can promote mold growth leading to Distributor

damage in the structure or interior surfaces, as well Water


Air Coil
Reheat Coil

as reducing the air quality and creating an un- Flow Air Flow

healthy environment.
Possible causes of excess humidity could be by the
unit having to operate under a widely varying load, Valve

an oversized short cycling unit, a high percentage of Bypass Regulator

unconditioned outside air being introduced into the

space, a high latent load in the space or any loca- Equalizer Line TXV
tion where humidity infiltration is a problem.
Hot Gas Line Hot Gas
Typical unit control is by a wall mounted thermostat
Compressor Suction In
that senses temperature in the occupied space. By Discharge Out

utilizing a humidistat in addition to the thermostat, Figure 1

we are able to monitor the humidity levels in the
A hot gas reheat valve and a reheat coil are included
space as well. The HGR option allows cooling and
in the refrigerant circuit. The refrigerant circuit in
dehumidification to satisfy both the thermostat and
the cooling and heating mode is identical to a
humidistat while preventing over cooling of the
standard heat pump.
space while in the dehumidification mode.
In the reheat mode, the compressor discharge gas
Once the thermostat reaches set point temperature
is diverted through the reheat valve to the reheat
and the humidity is above set point, the unit con-
coil which is located downstream of the cooling
troller will energize the reheat valve operating the
coil. The superheated refrigerant gas reheats the air
unit in hot gas reheat mode, first cooling and
leaving the cooling coil. The hot refrigerant gas then
dehumidify, then reheating the air using hot refrig-
passes though the water to refrigerant coil where it

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Sequence of Operation EC Series 9

is condensed to a liquid. From this point the rest of • Low Temperature Well Water
the cooling cycle is completed as in a regular heat
• Indoor Pool Dehumidifying During Winter Months
pump. There are two check valves to prevent
(Re: Heating Mode)
refrigerant flow into the reheat coil during standard
cooling/heating cycles. A small copper bleeder line Consult the factory for special application
is connected to the outlet line of the reheat coil and considerations.
between the expansion valve outlet and distributor Low Temperature Well Water
to the air coil. This line is necessary to let any
When low temperature well water is utilized as the
liquid/oil that may have migrated to the reheat coil
water source (below 55°F), a means of establishing
during reheat to escape during standard cooling/
two flow rates, one for the cooling/reheat mode
heating modes. (See Figure 1)
and one for heating mode is recommended. In the
Hot Gas Reheat Sequence of Operation cooling mode at low entering water temperatures
-On/Off Control and standard flow rates, discharge pressures and
The sequence of operation in the cooling and corresponding discharge gas temperatures are
heating mode is the same as a regular heat pump. relatively low. At these conditions, when the reheat
mode is initiated, the low temperature discharge
In the reheat mode, on a call from the humidistat,
gas can reduce reheat capacity. A means to reduce
the reheat relay coil is energized through the “H”
the water flow rate and elevate the discharge
circuit. The cooling relay remains de-energized
pressure/ temperature in cooling/reheat mode
enabling the reheat solenoid. The blower relay,
should be provided. Conversely, at low entering
reversing valve and compressor contactor are
water temperatures in the heating mode, system
energized through contacts on the reheat relay. See
suction pressure is reduced causing a loss in
typical wiring diagram page 41. (Note: The reheat
heating capacity. A means of providing higher flow
mode always operates in the cooling mode.) Should
in the heating mode should be provided. The
the temperature in the space increase above set
simplest way to accomplish the above is to install
point, the compressor terminal Y is energized,
water regulating valves.
which will de-energize the reheat valve putting the
unit into straight cooling mode. A call for cooling or Indoor Pool Dehumidifying During Winter
heating will always take precedence over hot gas Months
reheat. It is important to remember that when in the
Hot Gas Reheat Control Options reheat/dehumidification mode the heat pump is
cooling and reheating. A secondary means of
There are several ways to control heat pumps with
heating the space during the dehumidification
hot gas reheat. You should choose the means that
mode should be provided. The indoor space tem-
best suits your specific application. Please refer to
perature should be kept at least two (2) degrees F
the Hot Gas Reheat wiring diagrams for typical
above the pool water temperature. If this is not
thermostat wiring. Most heat pump compatible
done the warm pool water attempts to heat the
thermostats in conjunction with a humidistat are
space and the humidity levels increase exponen-
acceptable for use, (Note: “O” output for reversing
tially. The heat pump is normally sized to handle the
valve energized in cooling mode is required.)
design latent load moisture removal. A second heat
Combination thermostat/humidistat are also
pump or resistance heat should be provided to
handle the structures shell loss load.
Special Considerations
Protective coatings are highly recommended for
Some applications require special attention to
all pool applications, due to the highly corrosive
maximize the performance of the hot gas reheat
chemical environment.

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

10 EC Series Hot Gas Bypass

Sequence of Operation - Modulating Hot Hot Gas Bypass

Gas Reheat (MHGRH)
The function of the hot gas bypass valve is to
Modulating Hot Gas Reheat differs from On/Off in prevent icing of the air coil when the unit is operat-
that the reheat function is always active. The ing at low load conditions. This situation could arise
purpose of MHGRH is to deliver air at or close to if the space experiences widely different loads, for
neutral conditions. example a conference center. Without a hot gas
Air is cooled and dehumidified by the cooling coil to bypass circuit the evaporating temperature will fall
around 55°F DB/54°F WB. A sensor located in the and ice could form on the coil restricting air flow
supply air stream is set at the required leaving dry and aggravating the situation. Eventually the coil
bulb temperature and will send a signal to the could be totally blocked resulting in possible
modulating hot gas reheat valve to direct the flow of refrigerant liquid entering the compressor and
hot gas to maintain that temperature. See psycho- failure of the system.
metric chart diagram( Figure 2). A typical applica- The hot gas bypass valve located in the compressor
tion for this would be in treating 100% outside air. discharge line diverts hot gas to the inlet of the air
This air would be ducted directly into the space coil. The valve is factory set to open when the
relieving the unit handling the zone of any outside evaporating pressure falls to 75 PSI and will modu-
air load. This can result in a smaller zone unit, less late to prevent the pressure falling any lower. This
air flow and a savings in both initial and operating setting is field adjustable and this set point may be
cost. adjusted as required.
Control of the hot gas modulation is by the thermo-
stat in the supply air duct or through a building
management system. A separate controller is used
to control the unit itself.

Psychometric Chart
Figure 2 85

85 W
80 TEM
- °F



70 75

65 70 65

60 %
90 65 60

55 Lvg. Coil 80 Reheat
50 50%
45 40%
15% 35
30% 30
35 Y
20% 8% RELA
10% RELATIVE 4% 10
2% 0

35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Chart by: HANDS DOWN SOFTWARE, www.handsdownsoftware.com DRY BULB TEMPERATURE - °F

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

DDC Controls EC Series 11

Fluid Differential Pressure Switch • Command for occupied or unoccupied mode

The function of the differential pressure switch is to • Command for override of the unoccupied mode
prevent or stop compressor operation should the (unit resorts to occupied set points)
water supply fail. This will prevent the unit from
• Set point adjustment
locking out on a safety requiring a manual reset to
The switch is piped between the water entering and
leaving connections. Should the pressure drop fall
below set value, the switch will open de-energizing
the DPS relay, thereby stopping the compressor.
The blower operation will not be affected by this

DDC Controls:
The FHP factory mounted DDC Controller is prepro-
grammed and installed in the unit with the Unit
Protection Module (UPM) to be job site ready. The
To complement the controller, FHP offers a line of
unit will operate in a 100% stand-alone control
intelligent space sensors, which provide precision
mode or connect to a Building Automation System
measurement and communication capabilities in an
(BAS) using open protocols BACnet, Modbus, N2 or
attractive low profile enclosure. A hidden communi-
LonWorks. Stand-alone DDC modules must use
cations jack provides access to the HVAC control
remote intelligent sensors and are to be pro-
system for commissioning and maintenance.
grammed by the FHP bacview controller only.
Models available include:
Zone temperatures, leaving air temperatures and
water temperatures can be monitored from the • The RS Standard which has no local temperature
central control computer and unit fault indication set point adjustment.
displayed. • The RS Plus offers a local set point adjustment
Available inputs/outputs include: and override to an occupied mode and LED
indication of current status.
• Discharge air temperature
• The RS Pro has a large LCD display and easy-to-
• Leaving water temperature
use occupant controls for set point adjustment.
• Fan run time
A backview hand held diagnostic tool is available to
• Override time remaining allow local access to display and modify user
• Night setback status defined properties without any computer software.

• Percent of units cooling

• Percent of units heating
• Cooling set points
• Heating set points
• Status of all the alarms
• Space temperature
• Occupied heating and cooling set points
• Continuous or cycle fan during occupied mode RS Standard RS Plus RS Pro

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

12 EC Series

SYSTEMS In today’s modern buildings the interior core

usually has a net cooling requirement year round
EC series may be used in a variety of different
irrespective of the outside temperature. This is due
applications depending on the system design. An
to the internal heat gains from people, office
overview of Tower/Boiler and Geothermal systems
equipment and lighting. The heat from these units
is given below. There could be several variations
in cooling is rejected to the common water loop and
and combinations of these systems.
is absorbed by those units on the buildings perim-
Water Source Cooling Tower/Boiler Systems eter that are in the heating mode. In effect we are
transferring energy around the building from where
it is in excess to those areas where it is needed. In
many instances we find a balanced system where
the heat generated in the interior space is sufficient
to heat the perimeter resulting in neither the
cooling tower nor boiler operating. This concept,
unique to a water source system, provides the most
energy efficient system on the market.

Geothermal Systems
The earth has a tremendous capacity of storing
thermal energy, which can be utilized to heat or
cool a building.
Water source cooling tower/boiler systems have
A Geothermal system offers all the benefits of a
been used for many years and are recognized as
cooling tower and boiler system with the additional
having a low installation cost and providing more
advantage of having overall greater energy efficien-
energy efficient operation that most other systems
cy. As the cost of energy increases geothermal
on the market.
installations are becoming the system of choice by
In a typical building each office or space would developers and design engineers.
receive its own heat pump. This ensures that the
There are several alternative methods of utilizing
unit will independently satisfy the heating or
the energy contained in a geothermal system, giving
cooling requirements for that space irrespective of
the design engineer several options for selecting
the requirements of any other space. Unlike some
the one that is right for a particular application.
other systems, this offers individual control and
enhanced comfort in that area. Earth Coupling Options
All the units are connected to a common water loop
Ground Loop Systems (Closed Loop)
containing, in addition to the heat pumps, a cooling
tower, boiler, a primary and standby pump and a Lengths of high density polyethylene piping are
loop water temperature controller. In the summer buried in the earth either in vertical bore holes or
cooling mode, the units are cooling and rejecting horizontal trenches depending on the space avail-
heat to the water loop. This heat is then rejected to able.
the atmosphere through a cooling tower. In winter, Fluid from the loop inside the building circulates
heat is taken from the loop and, together with the through these pipes either rejecting heat to the
compressor’s heat of compression, used to heat ground when there is a net cooling requirement or
the space. The heat removed from the loop is then absorbing heat from the ground when heating is the
replenished by the boiler. The loop water tempera- dominant requirement.
ture controller will keep the fluid within certain The temperature of the earth below 6 feet is rela-
temperature limits typically 70°F in winter and 85°F tively constant and is not affected by the ambient
in summer by cycling either the cooling tower or temperature. For this reason, the ground tempera-
boiler operation. ture is cooler than the summer ambient and warm-

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Vertical Ground Loop System EC Series 13

er than the winter ambient in most regions. Geo- Horizontal Ground Loop System
thermal systems are able to operate effectively in
extreme ambient conditions exceeding 100°F in
summer and -30°F in winter. This is one of the
reasons why geothermal systems have such an
advantage over other systems. An additional advan-
tage is that no fossil fuels are used reducing the
carbon emission of the building.
Even in areas which are cooling or heating domi-
nate a hybrid system can be used with a downsized
cooling tower or boiler. This system will reduce the
installed cost significantly with only a modest
impact on overall operating efficiency.
This type is cost effective on smaller projects or
Geothermal systems may cost more to install but
where there is sufficient space for the loop field.
the savings in energy and low maintenance costs
Trenches, three to six feet deep are dug in which a
more than off set this with payback times typically
series of high density polyethylene pipes are laid.
five years or even less.
These loops are manifolded and connected to the
Vertical Ground Loop System loop inside the building which feeds the heat
pumps. The fluid is then circulated, absorbing or
rejecting heat to the earth depending on the re-
quirement for heating or cooling.

Surface Water, Lake or Pond System

This method is used mainly in commercial buildings

or where space for a loop field is limited. Vertical
holes 100 to 400 feet deep are drilled in the ground,
and a single loop of high density polyethylene pipe
This type of design is economical when a project is
with a U-tube at the bottom is installed. The bore
located near a body of water. Fluid circulates
hole is then sealed with grout to ensure good
through polyethylene piping in a closed system, just
contact for heat transfer with the soil. The size of
as it does through ground loops but in this case
the project will determine how many bore holes are
underwater. The pipes may be coiled in a slinky to
required. The vertical ground loops are then con-
fit more surfaces into a given amount of space. The
nected to a horizontal header pipe that carries fluid
lake needs to be a minimum size and depth depend-
to the building and circulated to each heat pump.
ing on the building load. Lake loops have no ad-
The Earth’s temperature is stable below the surface
verse impact on the aquatic system. Specialized
which is an advantage for this system and provides
lake heat exchangers are also available for this
for the greater efficiency. Vertical ground loop fields
application. New technology is emerging for stain-
may be located under buildings or parking lots. The
less steel and titanium heat exchangers.
life expectancy is in excess of 50 years.

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

14 EC Series Well Water System

Well Water System Cool dehumidified air is circulated to the space

maintaining comfort conditions.

Heating Mode
During the heating mode, the refrigerant, a hot gas,
is pumped from the compressor to the air-to-refrig-
erant heat exchanger coil via the reversing valve.
In the air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger coil, the
heat is removed by the air that passes over the coil
surface, and the hot gas condenses into a liquid.
The heated air is ducted to the space and provides
heating for the building.
The refrigerant liquid then flows through a metering
Basic Refrigeration Cycle
system to the water-to-refrigerant heat exchanger.
Refrigeration Cycle
This type of installation is only possible if there is
Water to Air Heat Pump Cycle—
sufficient ground water available in a well. The
Cooling Mode
water must be of good quality. Local codes may
Cool Refrigerant Gas
Cool Refrigerant Gas
Air to
Air to
limit the use of this system in certain areas. The Refrigerant
arrangement is referred to as an open system
Thermal Gas
which means that water is pumped directly from Thermal
the source into the geothermal unit and then Loop Fluid
Loop Fluid
Warm Liquid Refrigerant
Warm Liquid Refrigerant
Cold Liquid Refrigerant
Cold Liquid Refrigerant

discharged either into a return well or a body of

Water to
Water to
water. The water quality is unaffected other than a Refrigerant
change in the temperature. Loop
Loop Fluid
Fluid Loop
Loop Fluid
Fluid Exchanger
Refrigerant Gas



Gas Compressor

MODES Hot Refrigerant

Hot Refrigerant Gas
Hot RefrigerantGas

Cooling Mode
In the cooling mode, the refrigerant, a hot gas, is Water to Air Heat Pump Cycle—
pumped from the compressor to the water to Heating Mode
Hot Refrigerant
Hot RefrigerantGas

refrigerant heat exchanger via the reversing valve. Air to

Air to
Water, generally with an anti freeze, flowing Heat
Exchanger Refrigerant
through the water-to-refrigerant heat exchanger Thermal

transfers heat from the refrigerant to the fluid

Loop Fluid
Cold Liquid Refrigerant
raising its temperature while condensing the hot
Warm LiquidRefrigerant

gas into a liquid. This liquid refrigerant then flows Water to

through a metering device to the air-to-refrigerant Loop Fluid
Loop Fluid Loop Fluid
heat exchanger coil. Hot
In evaporating into a gas, the liquid absorbs heat Gas
Gas Compressor
Cool Refrigerant Gas
and cools and dehumidifies the air that passes over Hot

the coil surface. The cooling cycle is completed

when the refrigerant flows as a low pressure gas
through the reversing valve and back to the suction
side of the compressor.

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Typical Unit Installation EC Series 15

Water, generally with an anti freeze, circulates Sufficient space must be provided for filter replace-
through this heat exchanger and is cooled by the ment and access to the compressor and blower for
evaporating refrigerant which evaporates into a gas. service.
The heating cycle is completed when the refrigerant Units should be set on a piece of rubber, neoprene
flows as a low pressure gas through the reversing or other vibration absorbing material at least 1/3"
valve and back to the suction side of the compressor. to ½" thick. The pad should extend 3/4" over the
TYPICAL UNIT INSTALLATION entire base of the unit.
Avoid direct line of sight to the unit. Install a sound
Unit Location
baffle over any door that has a return air grille.
Any mechanical device will, at some point in time
See figure 3 for typical installation.
require servicing and repair.
With this in mind sufficient space must be provided Horizontal Unit Installation
around the unit for service personnel to perform
maintenance or repair.
Units are not designed for outdoor installation. Avoid
locations where the unit may be exposed to freezing
conditions or where the humidity levels could cause
condensation on the unit panels for example when
exposed to outdoor ambient conditions.

Vertical Unit Installation

Horizontal units are typically suspended above the

ceiling by four (field supplied) 3/8" threaded rods
fastened to the unit by the factory supplied hanger
bracket kits. The kits include rubber isolators to
help prevent transmission of vibration and noise to
the building structure. Units should be located
directly below a structural member so that it is
securely anchored.
A horizontal unit should be positioned to allow for
removal of the filters and access panels. Allow at
least 18" clearance on each side of the unit for
service and 36" in front of the unit for maintenance
access. The filter needs to be slid out and sufficient
space must be provided to allow this.
Do not install the unit above any piping or electrical
raceways. The unit should be able to be removed to
the floor without major rearrangement of other
mechanical or ceiling components.
Figure 3
Consideration needs to be made as to the location
Vertical units are normally installed in a closet or of the units. Avoid installing units directly above
mechanical plant room. occupied spaces (e.g. above office desks or class-
If installed in a closet or other confined space, rooms). This will minimize possible disruption to
ensure adequate space for return air to the unit. the occupants if maintenance or service is required

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

16 EC Series Typical Unit Installation

as well as keeping a potential source of noise out of should a ducted return be used. We recommend
the area. If possible, units should be installed above using a flexible collar between the return flange
the hallway drop ceiling in schools, and the supply and the duct transformation to reduce vibration
and return air is routed directly into classrooms. transmission from the cabinet and to simplify
Local code may require fire dampers to be used in disconnection of the unit from the ductwork.
this application. Sound is transmitted down ductwork and it is
Ductwork and Sound Attenuation important to avoid direct line of sight between the
Considerations unit and the space, both on the return or supply
side. To accomplish this, design the duct runs with
Lining the first
five feet of supply duct Turns attenuate
two 90° turns.
reduces noise blower hose
As a general recommendation, duct interiors
should have an acoustic / thermal lining of least 1/2"
thick over the entire duct run or a minimum of the
Take-offs should be at first 5 feet of the supply trunk.
least five feet away
from the plenum Line the last five diameters of duct before each
outlet with one-inch thick sound blanket. Line
Supply Air Ducting elbows and transition pieces, as well as a short
distance upstream and downstream of the fittings.
Sound is becoming an increasingly important factor in
Lining the first
all HVAC installations. Theduct
five feet of supply EC series has been designed Elbows, tees and dampers can create turbulence or
Turns attenuate
to minimize sound, but sound acoustical
reduces noise design plays
blower hose distortion in the airflow. Using aerodynamic fittings
an important part of the sound level in the space. will help in reducing this effect. Place a straight
Flex with HVAC length of duct, 5 to 10 times the duct width, before
Most of the problems associated
duct the next fitting to smooth out airflow.
generated sound can be avoided by paying Flex close
Take-offs should be at duct
least five feetto duct design and equipment placement.
away Diffusers that are located in the bottom of a trunk
from the plenum duct can also produce noise.
A discharge flange is provided on all horizontal unit
models for fastening of ductwork. We recommend Balancing dampers should be located several duct
Return air
using a flexible collar
filter and grillebetween the discharge flange widths upstream from an air outlet.
and the duct transformation to reduce vibration Ductwork should be mounted and supported using
transmission from the cabinet and to simplify isolation devices that absorb vibration.
disconnection of the unit from the ceiling ductwork.
Applications such as Hotel, Motel, Dormitory or
Nursing Home that use a single duct discharge are
susceptible to noise. These applications typically
Flex have low static pressures and short duct lengths. In
these applications the discharge duct must be fully
lined and have a square elbow without turning
vanes. A velocity not exceeding 500 to 600 fpm is
Return air recommended. Return air for these applications
filter and grille
should enter through a sidewall grille and route up
the stud space to a ceiling plenum.
For horizontal heat pumps mounted in the ceiling
plenum, an insulated return plenum is sometimes
Return Air Ducting placed at the return air opening to further attenu-
ate line-of-sight sound transmission through return
Return air to the unit could be either free return or
ducted. The filter rack is provided with a 1" flange

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Unit Controls EC Series 17

Piping be directly piped to a drain/waste/vent stack. See

local codes for the correct application of conden-
The water loop system is typically designed using a
sate piping to drains.
“reverse return” piping system which includes a
flow control device so that flow requirements are UNIT CONTROLS
met for each zone.
A high pressure stainless steel flexible hose kit is
recommended to connect the unit to the building’s The unit control may be as simple as a single stage
hard piping and acts as a sound attenuator for both thermostat or the unit may have a DDC controller
the unit operating noise and hydraulic pumping integrated into the building management system.
noise. One end of the hose has a swivel fitting to
facilitate removal of the unit for replacement or
Hose kits come in several configurations, but in all
cases should include supply and return shutoff ball
valves to allow removal of a unit without the need to
shut down the entire heat pump system. The hose Multiple Stage Thermostats
kit may contain either a manual or automatic flow
control that may be preset to ensure correct water All external low voltage control wiring is made to
flow to the unit. the thermostat terminal located in the unit electri-
cal box.
Other components of the hose kit may be a Y-strain-
er to prevent dirt from fouling the water coil. A blow Thermostats may be manual changeover, auto
down valve is recommended with the Y-strainer. change over, programmable or non programmable
depending on the requirements of the project. A
Many installations today use variable frequency
full line of thermostats are available from FHP as
drives on the water loop pump as an energy saving
an accessory.
measure. This requires the flow to the unit be shut
off when it is not operating. This can be accom- HOSE KITS
plished by including a 2-way solenoid valve in the
Hose kits are recommended between the unit and
hose kit, which is field wired to open when the
system loop piping. This will help eliminate the
compressor is energized.
transmission of vibration and noise from the unit
Pressure / Temperature ports should be included in to the space.
these fittings to allow the service technician to
measure water flow and temperatures when check-
ing unit operation.

Condensate Drain Piping

Condensate piping can be made of steel, copper or
PVC pipe. In most cases, PVC pipe eliminates the
Hoses are fire rated fiber reinforced EPDM Stain-
need to wrap insulation around the pipe to prevent
less Steel braid hoses with swivel connections.
Maximum working pressure 400 PSI for sizes ½" –
A ¾" FPT condensate drain connection is installed
1" and 300 PSI for sizes 1 ¼" – 2".
in the unit. The condensate piping must be trapped
at the unit and pitched away from the unit not less A variety of hose kits are available depending on
than 1/4" per foot. A vent is required after the trap the job requirement.
so that the condensate will drain away from the Kit 1 Hose only either 24" or 36" long.
unit. The vent can also act as a cleanout if the trap
becomes clogged. The condensate drain should not

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

18 EC Series Performance Data

Kit 2 Hose kit 1 with ball valves on the supply and Kit 6 Hose kit 4 with a 24 v 2 position solenoid
return hoses. Valves have P/T (pressure/tempera- valve. Hose kit options are available in the accesso-
ture) ports to facilitate pressure and temperature ries section of the BST selection software.
Operating Limits
Kit 3 Hose kit 2 with an automatic flow control
FHP EC series are capable of operating over a wide
valve. The design flow rate is preset at the factory
range of conditions. For operation in a geothermal
per the design conditions and will automatically
application or any other installation where the loop
limit the flow to this value. This will greatly
fluid temperature may drop below the ambient dew
facilitate balancing of the fluid loop and ensuring
point, the extended range option is recommended.
each unit gets the required flow.
This consists of additional insulation on the piping
Kit 4 Hose kit 3 with a Y-strainer and blow down to prevent condensation.
valve on the supply side. The filter screen is 20
mesh, 304 stainless steel to help prevent dirt and • Maximum and minimum fluid conditions are at
debris from entering the water coil. unit rated flow rate.

Kit 5 Hose kit 3 with a 24 v 2 position solenoid • Maximum and minimum operating limits may not
valve. This could be used to shut off flow to the unit be combined. If one value is at either maximum
when there is not call for heating or cooling. A or minimum the other two should be at normal
typical application would be with VFD pumping. operating range.
• Entering fluid temperatures below 45°F in the
heating mode require antifreeze.

Operating Limits­– Cooling & Heating

Extended Range
Standard Unit
Minimum ambient air temperature °F 50 50
Maximum ambient air temperature °F 100 100
Minimum evaporator entering air db/wb °F 68/57 68/57
Rated air coil entering air db/wb °F 80/67 80/67
Maximum evaporator entering air db/wb °F 95/85 95/85
Minimum water coil entering fluid temperature °F 50 50
Water loop typical coil entering fluid range temperature °F 70/90 70/90
Maximum water coil entering fluid temperature °F 110 110
Minimum ambient air temperature °F 50 40
Maximum ambient air temperature °F 100 85
Minimum evaporator entering air db °F 50 50
Rated air coil entering air °F 68 68
Maximum evaporator entering air db °F 80 80
Normal water coil entering fluid range °F 50-80 25-80
Minimum water coil entering Fluid °F 50 20*
* = antifreeze solution is required at these fluid temperatures.

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Certified Performance Data EC Series 19



Fluid 86˚F 68˚F 59°F 50°F 77˚F 32˚F
Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Cooling Heating
Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity

EC007 2.0 6,200 12.50 8,000 5.10 7,200 20.0 6,000 4.0 6,500 15.00 4,500 3.20
EC009 2.5 7,800 13.70 11,400 4.70 9,000 20.0 8,600 3.8 8,100 14.80 6,400 3.20
EC012 3.0 11,000 13.00 14,500 4.50 12,400 19.0 11,500 3.6 11,500 14.50 8,700 3.10
EC015 4.0 14,000 13.00 18,000 4.60 15,800 19.0 13,500 3.8 14,500 15.00 10,100 3.30
EC018 5.0 18,500 13.00 24,000 4.40 21,400 19.0 18,000 3.8 19,800 14.10 13,400 3.30
EC024 6.0 25,000 13.80 30,000 4.50 28,200 20.6 23,800 3.8 26,500 15.20 17,900 3.30
EC030 7.0 29,000 13.00 35,000 4.30 33,000 18.6 28,400 3.8 31,000 14.40 21,000 3.30
EC036 9.0 36,000 13.80 46,000 4.50 40,200 19.5 36,200 4.0 37,800 15.50 27,400 3.30
EC041 9.0 38,000 12.50 49,000 4.20 40,400 16.1 39,000 3.7 39,200 14.10 28,500 3.1
EC042 10.0 42,000 13.00 53,000 4.20 44,500 18.5 42,000 3.8 43,800 14.20 32,200 3.30
EC048 12.0 48,000 14.00 58,000 4.80 58,000 20.6 46,600 4.2 52,000 15.40 36,800 3.50
EC060 15.0 62,000 13.20 79,000 4.40 67,000 18.3 61,500 3.9 63,600 14.70 50,000 3.30
EC070 16.0 68,000 13.50 80,000 4.50 76,000 19.8 68,000 4.0 70,000 15.20 53,000 3.30
Tabulated performance data is at noted water temperatures and entering air conditions of 80.6°F DB/66.2°F WB at
ARI/ISO 13256-1 rated CFM.

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

20 EC Series Unit Selection

UNIT SELECTION The following is a typical example for a unit selection.

To ensure that you get the optimal performance Design conditions are given as follows:
from your FHP heat pump it is important that they
be selected accurately to match your design Total Cooling Load = 35.57 MBTUH
conditions. Sensible Cooling Load = 29.00 MBTUH
Prior to making equipment selections the zone Total Heating Load = 38.92 MBTUH
conditions need to be determined. FHP Manufactur-
Air Flow Required = 1400 CFM
ing recommends using a building load program to
determine the heating and cooling loads. Entering Air Temp Cooling (db/wb) = 75°F / 63°F

The catalog provides a wide range of entering air Entering Air Temp Heating = 60°F
and water conditions that will meet most applica- Entering Water Temp Cooling = 80°F
tions. The unit performance can be determined by
Entering Water Temp Heating = 70°F
referring to the data tables from page 21 to 35.
Our Bosch Select Tools Selection Software (BST) is
designed to provide you with a fast and accurate FHP model EC036 would not be sufficient given
selection based on your specific conditions. This these conditions as it provides a total cooling
software is available through the commercial capacity of 36.9 MBTUH and a sensible capacity of
website. You may click on the BST link and request 28.1 MBTUH.
an account. The next size unit, the EC041 has a total cooling
capacity of 40.7 MBTUH and a sensible capacity of
29.3 MBTUH. This meets the design conditions as
closely as possible.
Please be aware that interpolation between ratings
within a table is allowed, but extrapolation is a
method of estimating new data by expanding
outside a known range of data points and should
not be considered accurate.

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Capacity Data EC Series 21

EC007 (300 CFM)

Entering Water Pressure Total Sensible Heat of Entering Entering Total Heat of Power
Entering Air Power
Fluid Temp Flow Drop Capacity Capacity Rejection EER Fluid Temp Air Temp Capacity Absorption Input COP
Temp (db/wb) F Input (kW)
75/63 7.7 6.2 9.0 0.40 19.2 60 5.2 3.5 0.50 3.0
1 1.8 80/67 8.2 6.5 9.5 0.40 20.7 70 5.1 3.3 0.53 2.8
85/71 8.7 6.7 10.1 0.39 22.2 80 5.0 3.0 0.56 2.6
75/63 7.9 6.4 9.2 0.38 21.0 60 5.5 3.8 0.51 3.2
50 2 6.3 80/67 8.5 6.6 9.8 0.37 23.3 30 70 5.4 3.5 0.54 2.9
85/71 9.1 6.8 10.5 0.36 25.5 80 5.2 3.2 0.57 2.7
75/63 8.0 6.4 9.3 0.36 22.1 60 5.6 3.9 0.51 3.2
3 13.1 80/67 8.6 6.6 9.9 0.36 24.3 70 5.4 3.6 0.54 2.9
85/71 9.2 6.8 10.5 0.35 26.6 80 5.3 3.3 0.57 2.7
75/63 7.3 6.1 8.6 0.45 16.4 60 5.6 4.3 0.52 3.2
1 1.7 80/67 7.8 6.3 9.1 0.44 17.7 70 5.6 4.0 0.55 3.0
85/71 8.3 6.5 9.7 0.44 19.0 80 5.6 3.7 0.59 2.8
75/63 7.5 6.2 8.8 0.42 17.9 60 6.5 4.7 0.51 3.7
60 2 6.1 80/67 8.0 6.4 9.4 0.42 19.3 40 70 5.5 4.3 0.56 2.9
85/71 8.6 6.6 10.0 0.41 21.1 80 5.5 4.0 0.60 2.7
75/63 7.6 6.2 8.9 0.41 18.7 60 6.6 4.9 0.52 3.7
3 12.6 80/67 8.1 6.5 9.5 0.40 20.2 70 6.1 4.5 0.56 3.2
85/71 8.7 6.7 10.1 0.40 22.1 80 5.5 4.1 0.60 2.7
75/63 6.8 5.9 8.2 0.49 13.9 60 6.9 5.2 0.52 3.9
1 1.7 80/67 7.3 6.1 8.7 0.49 15.0 70 6.8 4.9 0.56 3.6
85/71 7.8 6.3 9.3 0.49 16.1 80 6.6 4.5 0.60 3.2
75/63 7.1 6.0 8.4 0.47 15.3 60 7.5 5.7 0.52 4.2
70 2 5.9 80/67 7.6 6.2 9.0 0.46 16.5 50 70 7.2 5.3 0.56 3.7
85/71 8.1 6.5 9.5 0.46 17.7 80 7.0 4.9 0.61 3.4
75/63 7.2 6.0 8.5 0.45 15.9 60 7.6 5.9 0.52 4.3
3 12.2 80/67 7.7 6.3 9.1 0.45 17.2 70 7.4 5.5 0.56 3.8
85/71 8.2 6.5 9.6 0.45 18.5 80 7.1 5.0 0.61 3.4
75/63 6.4 5.7 7.8 0.54 11.9 60 7.9 6.2 0.52 4.4
1 1.6 80/67 6.9 6.0 8.3 0.54 12.9 70 7.7 5.8 0.56 4.0
85/71 7.4 6.2 8.9 0.54 13.9 80 7.5 5.4 0.61 3.6
75/63 6.7 5.8 8.0 0.51 13.1 60 8.5 6.8 0.52 4.7
80 2 5.7 80/67 7.1 6.1 8.5 0.51 14.0 60 70 8.2 6.3 0.57 4.2
85/71 7.6 6.3 9.1 0.51 15.0 80 7.9 5.9 0.61 3.8
75/63 6.8 5.8 8.1 0.50 13.6 60 8.7 7.0 0.52 4.8
3 11.8 80/67 7.2 6.1 8.6 0.50 14.5 70 8.4 6.5 0.57 4.3
85/71 7.8 6.3 9.2 0.50 15.8 80 8.1 6.1 0.62 3.8
75/63 6.2 5.6 7.6 0.56 11.1 60 8.8 7.2 0.52 4.9
1 1.6 80/67 6.7 5.9 8.1 0.56 12.0 70 8.6 6.7 0.57 4.4
85/71 7.1 6.1 8.6 0.56 12.7 80 8.4 6.3 0.62 4.0
75/63 6.4 5.7 7.8 0.54 12.0 60 9.5 7.9 0.53 5.3
85 2 5.6 80/67 6.9 6.0 8.3 0.54 13.0 70 70 9.3 7.4 0.58 4.7
85/71 7.4 6.2 8.9 0.53 13.9 80 9.0 6.9 0.62 4.2
75/63 6.5 5.7 7.9 0.53 12.4 60 9.8 8.2 0.53 5.4
3 11.6 80/67 7.0 6.0 8.4 0.52 13.4 70 9.5 7.6 0.58 4.8
85/71 7.5 6.3 9.0 0.52 14.5 80 9.2 7.1 0.63 4.3
75/63 6.0 5.5 7.4 0.59 10.3 60 9.8 8.2 0.53 5.4
1 1.6 80/67 6.4 5.8 7.9 0.59 11.0 70 9.6 7.7 0.58 4.9
85/71 6.9 6.0 8.4 0.59 11.8 80 9.3 7.2 0.63 4.3
75/63 6.2 5.6 7.6 0.56 11.1 60 10.6 9.1 0.53 5.9
90 2 5.5 80/67 6.7 5.9 8.1 0.56 12.0 80 70 10.3 8.5 0.58 5.2
85/71 7.1 6.1 8.6 0.56 12.7 80 10.0 7.9 0.63 4.6
75/63 6.3 5.7 7.7 0.55 11.5 60 10.9 9.3 0.53 6.0
3 11.4 80/67 6.8 5.9 8.2 0.55 12.5 70 10.6 8.8 0.58 5.3
85/71 7.3 6.2 8.8 0.55 13.4 80 10.2 8.2 0.64 4.7
75/63 5.6 5.3 7.0 0.63 8.9
1 1.5 80/67 6.0 5.6 7.5 0.64 9.5
Extended Range - Anti-freeze required
85/71 6.4 5.8 8.0 0.64 10.1
AHRI/ISO13256-1 certified performance is rated at entering air
75/63 5.8 5.4 7.2 0.61 9.6 conditions of 80.6°F DB and 66.2°F WB in cooling and 68°F DB in
100 2 5.4 80/67 6.2 5.7 7.7 0.61 10.2 heating.
85/71 6.6 5.9 8.2 0.61 10.8 Tabulated unit performance does not include fan or pump power
corrections required for AHRI/ISO standard performance ratings.
75/63 5.9 5.5 7.3 0.60 9.9
Unit performance may be interpolated. Extrapolation is not allowed.
3 11.1 80/67 6.3 5.7 7.8 0.60 10.6
For conditions other than rating conditions provided, consult the FHP
85/71 6.8 6.0 8.3 0.60 11.4 BST selection software.
75/63 5.1 5.1 6.6 0.68 7.5 Ratings below 40°F are with a methanol solution.
1 1.5 80/67 5.5 5.3 7.0 0.69 8.0 Due to variations in installation, actual performance may vary from
85/71 5.9 5.7 7.5 0.69 8.6 the tabulated data. Performance contained herein are as a result of
75/63 5.4 5.2 6.8 0.66 8.3 extensive testing by FHP and are not express warranties between the
parties and may be changed at any time.
110 2 5.2 80/67 5.7 5.5 7.3 0.66 8.7
Continuous research and development to improve our products may
85/71 6.2 5.8 7.7 0.66 9.4 result in a change to the current design and specifications without notice.
75/63 5.4 5.3 6.9 0.65 8.4
3 10.8 80/67 5.8 5.6 7.3 0.65 9.0
85/71 6.3 5.8 7.8 0.65 9.7

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

22 EC Series Capacity Data

EC009 (350 CFM)

Entering Water Pressure Entering Air Total Sensible Heat of Power Entering Total Heat of Power
Fluid Flow Drop Temp Capacity Capacity Rejection Input EER Fluid Temp Capacity Absorption Input COP
Temp (F) (GPM) (FOH) (db/wb) F (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW) (F) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW)
75/63 9.8 7.5 11.3 0.52 19.0 60 6.2 4.2 0.58 3.1
1 1.5 80/67 10.4 7.8 12.0 0.52 20.3 70 6.6 1.8 0.60 3.2
85/71 11.1 8.0 12.8 0.51 21.7 80 6.5 1.7 0.64 3.0
75/63 10.2 7.7 11.7 0.46 22.1 60 6.7 4.6 0.58 3.3
50 2 5.2 80/67 10.9 8.0 12.4 0.46 24.0 30 70 6.7 2.9 0.62 3.2
85/71 11.6 8.2 13.2 0.45 26.1 80 5.8 4.8 0.67 2.5
75/63 10.3 7.7 11.8 0.45 23.1 60 6.8 4.8 0.59 3.4
3 10.9 80/67 11.0 8.0 12.5 0.44 25.3 70 6.4 3.6 0.63 3.0
85/71 11.8 8.3 13.3 0.43 27.8 80 6.8 4.1 0.68 2.9
75/63 9.3 7.3 11.0 0.58 16.2 60 7.1 5.1 0.59 3.5
1 1.5 80/67 10.0 7.6 11.7 0.58 17.4 70 7.3 3.4 0.63 3.4
85/71 10.6 7.8 12.4 0.58 18.5 80 7.3 2.4 0.66 3.2
75/63 9.7 7.5 11.3 0.53 18.5 60 7.8 5.7 0.60 3.8
60 2 5.1 80/67 10.4 7.7 12.0 0.52 20.1 40 70 7.7 5.3 0.65 3.5
85/71 11.1 8.0 12.8 0.51 21.7 80 7.9 3.2 0.69 3.4
75/63 9.8 7.5 11.4 0.51 19.2 60 8.0 6.0 0.60 3.9
3 10.5 80/67 10.5 7.8 12.1 0.50 20.9 70 7.8 5.7 0.65 3.5
85/71 11.3 8.1 12.9 0.49 22.9 80 7.9 3.5 0.69 3.3
75/63 8.9 7.1 10.6 0.64 14.1 60 8.2 6.2 0.61 4.0
1 1.4 80/67 9.5 7.3 11.3 0.64 14.9 70 8.1 5.8 0.66 3.6
85/71 10.1 7.6 12.0 0.64 15.8 80 7.9 5.4 0.71 3.3
75/63 9.2 7.2 10.9 0.59 15.6 60 8.9 6.8 0.61 4.2
70 2 4.9 80/67 9.9 7.5 11.6 0.59 16.9 50 70 8.9 6.3 0.67 3.9
85/71 10.6 7.7 12.3 0.58 18.3 80 8.8 4.3 0.71 3.6
75/63 9.3 7.3 11.0 0.58 16.2 60 9.3 7.2 0.62 4.4
3 10.2 80/67 10.0 7.6 11.7 0.57 17.6 70 9.0 6.7 0.67 3.9
85/71 10.7 7.8 12.4 0.56 19.0 80 8.1 7.8 0.73 3.3
75/63 8.4 6.9 10.2 0.70 12.1 60 9.3 7.3 0.62 4.4
1 1.4 80/67 9.0 7.1 10.9 0.70 12.9 70 9.1 6.8 0.67 4.0
85/71 9.6 7.4 11.5 0.71 13.7 80 9.0 6.5 0.73 3.6
75/63 8.7 7.0 10.5 0.66 13.3 60 10.2 8.1 0.63 4.8
80 2 4.7 80/67 9.3 7.3 11.2 0.66 14.3 60 70 9.7 7.4 0.68 4.2
85/71 10.0 7.6 11.9 0.65 15.4 80 9.8 7.0 0.74 3.9
75/63 8.8 7.1 10.5 0.64 13.7 60 10.6 8.4 0.63 4.9
3 9.8 80/67 9.4 7.3 11.3 0.64 14.7 70 10.3 8.0 0.69 4.4
85/71 10.1 7.6 12.0 0.64 15.9 80 9.9 7.2 0.74 3.9
75/63 8.1 6.8 10.0 0.73 11.2 60 10.4 8.4 0.63 4.8
1 1.3 80/67 8.7 7.0 10.7 0.73 11.9 70 10.3 7.9 0.69 4.4
85/71 9.3 7.3 11.3 0.74 12.7 80 10.1 7.5 0.75 3.9
75/63 8.4 6.9 10.3 0.69 12.2 60 11.4 9.4 0.63 5.3
85 2 4.7 80/67 9.1 7.2 10.9 0.69 13.3 70 70 11.2 8.9 0.70 4.7
85/71 9.7 7.5 11.6 0.69 14.2 80 8.6 14.2 0.77 3.3
75/63 8.5 7.0 10.3 0.68 12.6 60 11.9 9.9 0.64 5.5
3 9.7 80/67 9.2 7.2 11.0 0.68 13.7 70 11.6 9.3 0.70 4.8
85/71 9.8 7.4 11.8 0.67 14.6 80 11.2 8.8 0.77 4.3
75/63 7.9 6.6 9.8 0.76 10.4 60 11.5 9.5 0.64 5.3
1 1.3 80/67 8.4 6.9 10.4 0.77 11.0 70 11.3 9.0 0.70 4.7
85/71 9.0 7.2 11.1 0.77 11.7 80 11.1 8.5 0.76 4.2
75/63 8.2 6.8 10.1 0.72 11.4 60 12.8 10.7 0.64 5.8
90 2 4.6 80/67 8.8 7.1 10.7 0.72 12.2 80 70 12.5 10.2 0.71 5.1
85/71 9.4 7.3 11.4 0.72 13.0 80 12.4 9.7 0.78 4.7
75/63 8.3 6.9 10.1 0.71 11.7 60 13.3 11.3 0.64 6.0
3 9.5 80/67 8.9 7.1 10.8 0.71 12.5 70 12.9 10.6 0.71 5.3
85/71 9.5 7.4 11.5 0.71 13.4 80 12.7 9.8 0.78 4.7
75/63 7.4 6.4 9.4 0.83 9.0
1 1.3 80/67 7.9 6.7 10.0 0.83 9.5
85/71 8.4 7.0 10.6 0.84 10.0 Extended Range - Anti-freeze required
75/63 7.7 6.5 9.6 0.79 9.7 AHRI/ISO13256-1 certified performance is rated at entering air
conditions of 80.6°F DB and 66.2°F WB in cooling and 68°F DB in
100 2 4.5 80/67 8.2 6.8 10.3 0.80 10.4 heating.
85/71 8.8 7.1 10.9 0.80 11.1
Tabulated unit performance does not include fan or pump power
75/63 7.7 6.6 9.7 0.78 9.9 corrections required for AHRI/ISO standard performance ratings.
3 9.2 80/67 8.3 6.9 10.3 0.79 10.6 Unit performance may be interpolated. Extrapolation is not allowed.
85/71 8.9 7.2 11.0 0.78 11.4
For conditions other than rating conditions provided, consult the FHP
75/63 6.9 6.2 9.0 0.89 7.8 BST selection software.
1 1.2 80/67 7.4 6.5 9.6 0.90 8.2 Ratings below 40°F are with a methanol solution.
85/71 7.9 6.7 10.2 0.91 8.7 Due to variations in installation, actual performance may vary from
75/63 7.1 6.3 9.2 0.87 8.2 the tabulated data. Performance contained herein are as a result of
110 2 4.3 80/67 7.6 6.6 9.8 0.87 8.8 extensive testing by FHP and are not express warranties between the
parties and may be changed at any time.
85/71 8.2 6.8 10.4 0.88 9.4
75/63 7.1 6.3 9.2 0.86 8.3 Continuous research and development to improve our products may
result in a change to the current design and specifications without notice.
3 9 80/67 7.7 6.6 9.9 0.86 9.0
85/71 8.3 6.9 10.5 0.86 9.7

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Capacity Data EC Series 23

EC012 (400 CFM)

Entering Water Pressure Entering Air Total Sensible Heat of Power Entering Total Heat of Power
Fluid Flow Drop Temp Capacity Capacity Rejection Input EER Fluid Temp Capacity Absorption Input COP
Temp (F) (GPM) (FOH) (db/wb) F (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW) (F) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW)
75/63 11.9 9.2 14.1 0.68 17.5 60 8.2 5.4 0.85 2.8
1.5 3.4 80/67 12.8 9.4 15.0 0.68 18.8 70 8.1 5.1 0.91 2.6
85/71 13.5 9.7 15.7 0.68 19.9 80 8.0 4.7 0.96 2.4
75/63 12.3 9.5 14.4 0.63 19.5 60 8.6 5.7 0.86 2.9
50 2.5 8.5 80/67 13.1 9.6 15.2 0.63 20.9 30 70 8.4 5.3 0.92 2.7
85/71 14.0 9.9 16.1 0.62 22.6 80 8.2 4.9 0.98 2.5
75/63 12.5 9.5 14.5 0.61 20.5 60 8.8 5.9 0.87 3.0
3.5 15.5 80/67 13.3 9.7 15.3 0.60 22.1 70 8.6 5.5 0.93 2.7
85/71 14.3 10.0 16.3 0.59 24.1 80 8.4 5.1 0.98 2.5
75/63 11.3 8.9 13.5 0.76 15.0 60 9.4 6.5 0.89 3.1
1.5 3.3 80/67 12.1 9.1 14.4 0.76 15.9 70 9.2 6.1 0.95 2.8
85/71 12.9 9.4 15.2 0.76 16.9 80 9.1 5.7 1.02 2.6
75/63 11.6 9.0 13.8 0.71 16.3 60 9.9 6.9 0.90 3.2
60 2.5 8.2 80/67 12.5 9.3 14.7 0.71 17.7 40 70 9.7 6.4 0.97 2.9
85/71 13.4 9.7 15.7 0.70 19.0 80 9.4 6.0 1.03 2.7
75/63 11.8 9.1 13.9 0.69 17.1 60 10.1 7.1 0.91 3.3
3.5 15 80/67 12.7 9.4 14.8 0.69 18.5 70 9.9 6.6 0.98 3.0
85/71 13.6 9.8 15.8 0.68 20.0 80 9.7 6.1 1.04 2.7
75/63 10.7 8.6 13.1 0.83 12.8 60 10.7 7.7 0.93 3.4
1.5 3.2 80/67 11.5 9.0 14.0 0.84 13.7 70 10.5 7.2 1.00 3.1
85/71 12.2 9.3 14.8 0.85 14.4 80 10.2 6.7 1.07 2.8
75/63 11.0 8.7 13.4 0.79 13.9 60 11.2 8.2 0.95 3.5
70 2.5 7.9 80/67 11.8 9.2 14.2 0.79 14.9 50 70 11.0 7.6 1.02 3.2
85/71 12.6 9.5 15.1 0.79 15.9 80 10.8 7.1 1.09 2.9
75/63 11.2 8.8 13.5 0.77 14.5 60 11.5 8.5 0.95 3.5
3.5 14.5 80/67 12.0 9.2 14.4 0.77 15.6 70 11.2 7.8 1.03 3.2
85/71 12.8 9.4 15.2 0.77 16.7 80 11.0 7.3 1.10 2.9
75/63 10.1 8.4 12.7 0.91 11.0 60 12.1 9.0 0.96 3.7
1.5 3.1 80/67 10.8 8.8 13.5 0.92 11.7 70 11.8 8.4 1.04 3.3
85/71 11.6 9.1 14.3 0.93 12.4 80 11.6 7.8 1.12 3.0
75/63 10.4 8.5 12.9 0.87 11.9 60 12.8 9.8 0.96 3.9
80 2.5 7.7 80/67 11.2 8.9 13.7 0.88 12.8 60 70 12.5 9.1 1.05 3.5
85/71 12.0 9.2 14.6 0.88 13.6 80 12.1 8.5 1.13 3.1
75/63 10.5 8.5 13.0 0.86 12.3 60 13.2 10.1 0.97 4.0
3.5 14.1 80/67 11.4 8.9 13.9 0.86 13.3 70 12.8 9.4 1.05 3.6
85/71 12.2 9.3 14.7 0.86 14.2 80 12.5 8.7 1.14 3.2
75/63 9.8 8.3 12.5 0.96 10.2 60 13.6 10.5 0.97 4.1
1.5 3 80/67 10.5 8.6 13.2 0.97 10.9 70 13.2 9.9 1.06 3.6
85/71 11.2 8.9 14.0 0.98 11.5 80 13.1 9.2 1.15 3.4
75/63 10.1 8.4 12.7 0.92 11.0 60 14.5 11.4 0.98 4.3
85 2.5 7.5 80/67 10.9 8.7 13.5 0.92 11.8 70 70 14.1 10.7 1.07 3.9
85/71 11.6 9.1 14.3 0.93 12.5 80 13.7 10.0 1.16 3.5
75/63 10.3 8.5 12.8 0.90 11.4 60 14.9 11.8 0.99 4.4
3.5 13.8 80/67 11.0 8.8 13.6 0.90 12.2 70 14.6 11.0 1.08 4.0
85/71 11.8 9.2 14.4 0.91 13.0 80 14.0 10.3 1.17 3.5
75/63 9.5 8.2 12.2 1.00 9.5 60 15.1 12.1 1.00 4.4
1.5 3 80/67 10.2 8.5 13.0 1.01 10.1 70 14.8 11.4 1.08 4.0
85/71 10.9 8.8 13.8 1.02 10.7 80 14.5 10.7 1.18 3.6
75/63 9.8 8.3 12.5 0.96 10.2 60 16.1 13.0 1.02 4.7
90 2.5 7.4 80/67 10.5 8.6 13.2 0.97 10.9 80 70 15.9 12.2 1.10 4.2
85/71 11.2 8.9 14.0 0.97 11.5 80 15.6 11.4 1.19 3.9
75/63 9.9 8.3 12.5 0.94 10.5 60 16.6 13.4 1.02 4.8
3.5 13.6 80/67 10.6 8.7 13.3 0.95 11.2 70 16.2 12.6 1.11 4.3
85/71 11.4 9.0 14.2 0.95 12.0 80 15.9 11.9 1.20 3.9
75/63 8.9 7.9 11.7 1.08 8.2
1.5 2.9 80/67 9.5 8.2 12.5 1.10 8.7 Extended Range - Anti-freeze required
85/71 10.1 8.5 13.2 1.11 9.1 AHRI/ISO13256-1 certified performance is rated at entering air
75/63 9.1 7.8 11.9 1.05 8.7 conditions of 80.6°F DB and 66.2°F WB in cooling and 68°F DB in
100 2.5 7.2 80/67 9.8 8.3 12.7 1.06 9.3 heating.
85/71 10.5 8.6 13.5 1.07 9.8 Tabulated unit performance does not include fan or pump power
corrections required for AHRI/ISO standard performance ratings.
75/63 9.2 7.9 12.0 1.03 8.9
3.5 13.2 80/67 9.9 8.4 12.8 1.04 9.5 Unit performance may be interpolated. Extrapolation is not allowed.
85/71 10.6 8.7 13.6 1.05 10.1 For conditions other than rating conditions provided, consult the FHP
BST selection software.
75/63 8.1 7.7 11.2 1.17 6.9
1.5 2.8 80/67 8.7 8.0 11.9 1.18 7.3 Ratings below 40°F are with a methanol solution.
85/71 9.4 8.2 12.7 1.20 7.8 Due to variations in installation, actual performance may vary from
the tabulated data. Performance contained herein are as a result of
75/63 8.4 7.7 11.4 1.14 7.4 extensive testing by FHP and are not express warranties between the
110 2.5 7 80/67 9.1 8.0 12.2 1.15 7.9 parties and may be changed at any time.
85/71 9.7 8.2 12.9 1.16 8.4 Continuous research and development to improve our products may
75/63 8.4 7.8 11.4 1.12 7.5 result in a change to the current design and specifications without notice.
3.5 12.8 80/67 9.2 8.1 12.3 1.14 8.1
85/71 9.8 8.2 13.0 1.14 8.6

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

24 EC Series Capacity Data

EC015 (500 CFM)

Entering Water Pressure Entering Air Total Sensible Heat of Power Entering Total Heat of Power
Fluid Flow Drop Temp Capacity Capacity Rejection Input EER Fluid Temp Capacity Absorption Input COP
Temp (MBTUH)
Temp (F) (GPM) (FOH) (db/wb) F (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW) (F) (MBTUH) (kW)
75/63 15.8 12.2 18.2 0.74 21.3 60 11.3 8.0 0.96 3.4
2 4.2 80/67 16.8 12.6 19.3 0.73 22.9 70 11.1 7.4 1.04 3.1
85/71 17.9 12.9 20.4 0.72 24.8 80 10.9 6.9 1.12 2.9
75/63 16.2 12.4 18.5 0.69 23.5 60 11.7 8.4 0.97 3.5
50 3 8.7 80/67 17.3 12.8 19.6 0.67 25.6 30 70 11.5 7.8 1.05 3.2
85/71 18.4 13.1 20.8 0.66 28.0 80 11.3 7.2 1.13 2.9
75/63 16.5 12.5 18.7 0.65 25.2 60 12.0 8.6 0.98 3.6
4.5 18.1 80/67 17.6 12.9 19.9 0.63 27.7 70 11.7 8.0 1.06 3.3
85/71 18.8 13.2 21.1 0.61 30.6 80 11.5 7.4 1.14 3.0
75/63 15.0 11.9 17.6 0.84 17.8 60 13.0 9.6 0.99 3.9
2 4.1 80/67 16.0 12.2 18.7 0.84 19.1 70 12.7 9.0 1.08 3.5
85/71 17.0 12.6 19.7 0.83 20.5 80 12.4 8.3 1.16 3.1
75/63 15.4 12.0 17.9 0.79 19.4 60 13.5 10.1 1.00 4.0
60 3 8.4 80/67 16.5 12.4 19.0 0.78 21.1 40 70 13.2 9.4 1.08 3.6
85/71 17.5 12.8 20.1 0.77 22.8 80 12.9 8.7 1.17 3.2
75/63 15.6 12.2 18.1 0.76 20.5 60 13.9 10.4 1.00 4.1
4.5 17.5 80/67 16.8 12.5 19.2 0.74 22.6 70 13.5 9.7 1.09 3.6
85/71 17.9 12.9 20.4 0.73 24.6 80 13.2 9.0 1.18 3.3
75/63 14.2 11.5 17.0 0.95 15.0 60 14.7 11.3 1.01 4.3
2 3.9 80/67 15.1 11.9 18.0 0.94 16.0 70 14.4 10.6 1.10 3.8
85/71 16.1 12.2 19.0 0.94 17.2 80 14.1 9.9 1.20 3.5
75/63 14.6 11.7 17.3 0.90 16.2 60 15.4 11.9 1.02 4.4
70 3 8.2 80/67 15.6 12.1 18.3 0.89 17.5 50 70 15.0 11.2 1.11 4.0
85/71 16.6 12.4 19.4 0.88 18.9 80 14.7 10.4 1.21 3.6
75/63 14.8 11.8 17.5 0.87 17.1 60 15.8 12.4 1.02 4.5
4.5 16.9 80/67 15.8 12.2 18.5 0.85 18.5 70 15.4 11.6 1.12 4.0
85/71 16.9 12.6 19.6 0.84 20.1 80 15.0 10.8 1.21 3.6
75/63 13.4 11.2 16.4 1.05 12.7 60 16.6 13.1 1.03 4.7
2 3.8 80/67 14.3 11.6 17.3 1.05 13.6 70 16.2 12.3 1.13 4.2
85/71 15.2 11.9 18.3 1.05 14.5 80 15.9 11.6 1.23 3.8
75/63 13.7 11.3 16.6 1.00 13.6 60 17.3 13.9 1.04 4.9
80 3 7.9 80/67 14.7 11.7 17.6 1.00 14.7 60 70 16.9 13.0 1.14 4.4
85/71 15.6 12.1 18.6 0.99 15.7 80 16.4 12.2 1.24 3.9
75/63 13.9 11.4 16.8 0.97 14.2 60 17.9 14.4 1.04 5.0
4.5 16.4 80/67 14.9 11.8 17.8 0.97 15.4 70 17.4 13.5 1.14 4.5
85/71 15.9 12.2 18.9 0.96 16.6 80 16.9 12.6 1.25 4.0
75/63 12.9 11.0 16.0 1.10 11.7 60 18.5 15.0 1.05 5.2
2 3.8 80/67 13.8 11.4 17.0 1.10 12.5 70 18.0 14.1 1.15 4.6
85/71 14.7 11.8 18.0 1.10 13.3 80 17.6 13.3 1.26 4.1
75/63 13.3 11.1 16.3 1.06 12.5 60 19.4 15.9 1.05 5.4
85 3 7.8 80/67 14.2 11.6 17.3 1.06 13.4 70 70 18.9 15.0 1.16 4.8
85/71 15.2 11.9 18.3 1.05 14.4 80 18.4 14.0 1.27 4.3
75/63 13.5 11.2 16.5 1.03 13.1 60 20.0 16.6 1.06 5.6
4.5 16.1 80/67 14.5 11.6 17.5 1.02 14.1 70 19.4 15.5 1.16 4.9
85/71 15.5 12.0 18.5 1.02 15.2 80 18.9 14.5 1.27 4.4
75/63 12.5 10.9 15.7 1.16 10.8 60 20.6 16.9 1.06 5.7
2 3.7 80/67 13.4 11.2 16.7 1.16 11.5 70 19.9 16.0 1.17 5.0
85/71 14.3 11.6 17.6 1.16 12.3 80 19.4 15.1 1.28 4.4
75/63 12.9 11.0 16.0 1.11 11.6 60 21.6 18.0 1.06 6.0
90 3 7.7 80/67 13.8 11.4 16.9 1.11 12.4 80 70 20.9 17.0 1.18 5.2
85/71 14.7 11.8 17.9 1.11 13.2 80 20.3 15.9 1.29 4.6
75/63 13.1 11.1 16.1 1.09 12.0 60 22.3 18.7 1.07 6.1
4.5 15.9 80/67 14.0 11.5 17.1 1.08 12.9 70 21.5 17.7 1.18 5.3
85/71 15.0 11.8 18.2 1.07 13.9 80 20.9 16.6 1.30 4.7
75/63 11.7 10.2 15.1 1.26 9.2
2 3.6 80/67 12.5 10.9 16.0 1.27 9.8
85/71 13.4 11.3 16.9 1.27 10.5 Extended Range - Anti-freeze required
75/63 12.0 10.6 15.3 1.22 9.8
AHRI/ISO13256-1 certified performance is rated at entering air
100 3 7.4 80/67 12.9 11.0 16.3 1.23 10.5 conditions of 80.6°F DB and 66.2°F WB in cooling and 68°F DB in
85/71 13.7 11.5 17.2 1.22 11.2 heating.
75/63 12.2 10.7 15.5 1.20 10.2 Tabulated unit performance does not include fan or pump power
4.5 15.4 80/67 13.1 11.1 16.4 1.20 10.9 corrections required for AHRI/ISO standard performance ratings.
85/71 14.0 11.5 17.4 1.19 11.7 Unit performance may be interpolated. Extrapolation is not allowed.
75/63 10.8 9.8 14.5 1.37 7.8 For conditions other than rating conditions provided, consult the FHP
2 3.5 80/67 11.6 10.3 15.3 1.38 8.4 BST selection software.
85/71 12.4 11.0 16.2 1.38 9.0 Ratings below 40°F are with a methanol solution.
75/63 11.1 9.9 14.6 1.34 8.3 Due to variations in installation, actual performance may vary from
110 3 7.2 80/67 11.9 10.4 15.5 1.34 8.9 the tabulated data. Performance contained herein are as a result of
extensive testing by FHP and are not express warranties between the
85/71 12.8 11.1 16.5 1.34 9.5 parties and may be changed at any time.
75/63 11.3 10.0 14.8 1.31 8.6 Continuous research and development to improve our products may
4.5 15 80/67 12.1 10.5 15.7 1.31 9.2 result in a change to the current design and specifications without notice.
85/71 13.0 11.2 16.7 1.31 9.9

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Capacity Data EC Series 25

EC018 (650 CFM)

Entering Water Pressure Entering Air Total Sensible Heat of Power Entering Total Heat of Power
Fluid Flow Drop Temp Capacity Capacity Rejection Input EER Fluid Temp Capacity Absorption Input COP
Temp (F) (GPM) (FOH) (db/wb) F (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW) (F) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW)
75/63 23.5 16.9 27.1 1.15 20.5 60 13.8 10.1 1.18 3.4
2.5 6.3 80/67 25.4 17.4 29.0 1.14 22.3 70 13.0 9.1 1.22 3.1
85/71 27.3 18.0 31.0 1.13 24.1 80 12.2 8.2 1.26 2.8
75/63 24.4 17.3 27.8 1.07 22.8 60 14.6 10.8 1.21 3.5
50 4 14.7 80/67 26.5 17.9 30.0 1.06 25.1 30 70 13.7 9.8 1.25 3.2
85/71 28.5 18.8 32.1 1.04 27.5 80 12.8 8.7 1.28 2.9
75/63 24.7 17.5 28.1 1.05 23.6 60 14.9 11.1 1.21 3.6
5 21.9 80/67 26.7 18.2 30.2 1.03 26.0 70 14.0 10.0 1.26 3.3
85/71 28.9 19.0 32.4 1.00 28.9 80 13.1 8.9 1.29 3.0
75/63 22.2 16.3 25.9 1.25 17.8 60 16.6 12.7 1.26 3.8
2.5 6.1 80/67 24.0 16.9 27.7 1.25 19.2 70 15.8 11.7 1.32 3.5
85/71 25.8 17.4 29.7 1.25 20.6 80 15.0 10.6 1.36 3.2
75/63 23.1 16.7 26.7 1.19 19.5 60 17.7 13.7 1.29 4.0
60 4 14.2 80/67 25.0 17.3 28.6 1.18 21.3 40 70 16.8 12.5 1.35 3.7
85/71 26.9 17.9 30.7 1.16 23.2 80 15.8 11.4 1.39 3.3
75/63 23.4 16.8 26.9 1.16 20.2 60 18.1 14.0 1.30 4.1
5 21.2 80/67 25.3 17.4 28.9 1.15 22.0 70 17.1 12.8 1.36 3.7
85/71 27.3 18.0 31.0 1.13 24.2 80 16.1 11.6 1.41 3.4
75/63 20.9 15.7 24.7 1.35 15.5 60 19.7 15.5 1.34 4.3
2.5 5.9 80/67 22.6 16.8 26.5 1.36 16.6 70 18.8 14.3 1.41 3.9
85/71 24.3 17.3 28.4 1.37 17.8 80 17.9 13.1 1.47 3.6
75/63 21.6 16.0 25.4 1.30 16.7 60 21.0 16.7 1.38 4.5
70 4 13.7 80/67 23.5 16.6 27.3 1.29 18.2 50 70 20.0 15.4 1.44 4.1
85/71 25.5 17.7 29.4 1.29 19.8 80 19.0 14.1 1.51 3.7
75/63 21.9 16.2 25.6 1.28 17.2 60 21.5 17.1 1.39 4.5
5 20.5 80/67 23.8 16.8 27.6 1.27 18.8 70 20.4 15.8 1.46 4.1
85/71 25.8 17.9 29.7 1.26 20.5 80 19.6 14.3 1.52 3.8
75/63 19.5 15.2 23.4 1.45 13.4 60 22.8 18.4 1.42 4.7
2.5 5.7 80/67 21.0 16.1 25.1 1.47 14.3 70 21.8 17.1 1.50 4.3
85/71 22.7 16.7 26.9 1.48 15.3 80 20.8 15.8 1.57 3.9
75/63 20.2 15.6 24.1 1.40 14.4 60 24.4 19.9 1.46 4.9
80 4 13.3 80/67 22.0 16.5 26.0 1.41 15.6 60 70 23.3 18.4 1.54 4.4
85/71 23.7 17.1 27.9 1.41 16.8 80 22.4 16.8 1.61 4.1
75/63 20.5 15.7 24.3 1.38 14.8 60 25.0 20.4 1.47 5.0
5 19.8 80/67 22.3 16.6 26.2 1.39 16.1 70 23.8 18.9 1.55 4.5
85/71 24.1 17.2 28.2 1.39 17.4 80 22.9 17.2 1.63 4.1
75/63 18.7 15.0 22.6 1.50 12.5 60 26.0 21.3 1.49 5.1
2.5 5.6 80/67 20.3 15.9 24.5 1.52 13.4 70 24.9 19.9 1.58 4.6
85/71 21.9 16.4 26.2 1.54 14.3 80 24.1 18.4 1.67 4.2
75/63 19.5 15.2 23.4 1.45 13.4 60 27.9 23.1 1.53 5.3
85 4 13.1 80/67 21.1 16.2 25.2 1.46 14.4 70 70 26.7 21.5 1.63 4.8
85/71 22.9 16.8 27.1 1.47 15.6 80 25.7 19.7 1.72 4.4
75/63 19.7 15.3 23.6 1.44 13.7 60 28.5 23.8 1.54 5.4
5 19.5 80/67 21.4 16.3 25.5 1.45 14.8 70 27.3 22.1 1.64 4.9
85/71 23.2 16.9 27.4 1.45 16.1 80 26.0 20.5 1.73 4.4
75/63 18.0 14.9 22.0 1.55 11.7 60 29.2 24.4 1.55 5.5
2.5 5.5 80/67 19.5 15.5 23.7 1.57 12.5 70 28.3 22.7 1.66 5.0
85/71 21.0 16.1 25.4 1.59 13.2 80 27.2 21.1 1.76 4.5
75/63 18.6 15.0 22.6 1.50 12.4 60 31.4 26.5 1.59 5.8
90 4 12.9 80/67 20.3 15.9 24.4 1.52 13.4 80 70 30.0 24.7 1.71 5.2
85/71 22.0 16.5 26.3 1.53 14.4 80 29.0 22.7 1.81 4.7
75/63 18.9 15.1 22.8 1.49 12.7 60 32.1 27.2 1.61 5.9
5 19.2 80/67 20.5 16.0 24.7 1.50 13.7 70 30.8 25.4 1.72 5.2
85/71 22.3 16.6 26.6 1.51 14.8 80 29.6 23.3 1.83 4.7
75/63 16.5 13.9 20.6 1.63 10.1
2.5 5.4 80/67 17.8 14.9 22.2 1.66 10.7
85/71 19.4 15.6 23.9 1.69 11.5 Extended Range - Anti-freeze required
75/63 17.1 14.5 21.1 1.60 10.7 AHRI/ISO13256-1 certified performance is rated at entering air
100 4 12.5 80/67 18.6 15.2 22.9 1.62 11.5 conditions of 80.6°F DB and 66.2°F WB in cooling and 68°F DB in
85/71 20.2 15.8 24.7 1.64 12.3
Tabulated unit performance does not include fan or pump power
75/63 17.2 14.6 21.3 1.59 10.9 corrections required for AHRI/ISO standard performance ratings.
5 18.7 80/67 18.9 15.3 23.1 1.61 11.8
Unit performance may be interpolated. Extrapolation is not allowed.
85/71 20.5 15.9 24.9 1.62 12.6
For conditions other than rating conditions provided, consult the FHP
75/63 14.9 13.4 19.1 1.71 8.8 BST selection software.
2.5 5.2 80/67 16.3 14.0 20.6 1.75 9.4 Ratings below 40°F are with a methanol solution.
85/71 17.6 15.0 22.3 1.78 9.9
Due to variations in installation, actual performance may vary from
75/63 15.4 13.6 19.6 1.68 9.2 the tabulated data. Performance contained herein are as a result of
110 4 12.1 80/67 16.9 14.3 21.2 1.71 9.9 extensive testing by FHP and are not express warranties between the
85/71 18.4 15.2 23.0 1.75 10.6 parties and may be changed at any time.
75/63 15.6 13.6 19.7 1.67 9.3 Continuous research and development to improve our products may
result in a change to the current design and specifications without notice.
5 18.1 80/67 17.0 14.3 21.4 1.70 10.0
85/71 18.6 15.3 23.2 1.73 10.7

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

26 EC Series Capacity Data
EC024 (850 CFM)
Entering Water Pressure Entering Air Total Sensible Heat of Power Entering Total Heat of Power
Fluid Flow Drop Temp Capacity Capacity Rejection Input EER Fluid Temp Capacity Absorption Input COP
Temp (F) (GPM) (FOH) (db/wb) F (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW) (F) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW)
75/63 28.1 20.8 32.1 1.32 21.3 60 16.6 12.2 1.37 3.6
3 3.8 80/67 30.1 21.5 34.3 1.32 22.9 70 15.8 11.1 1.43 3.2
85/71 32.2 22.1 36.4 1.30 24.7 80 15.1 10.0 1.49 3.0
75/63 29.4 21.4 33.2 1.22 24.2 60 17.8 13.2 1.41 3.7
50 5 9.5 80/67 31.6 22.1 35.5 1.20 26.4 30 70 16.9 12.0 1.47 3.4
85/71 33.9 22.7 37.8 1.17 29.0 80 15.9 10.9 1.53 3.1
75/63 29.9 21.6 33.7 1.17 25.6 60 18.3 13.7 1.43 3.8
7 17.4 80/67 32.2 22.3 36.1 1.14 28.2 70 17.4 12.5 1.49 3.4
85/71 34.6 23.0 38.5 1.10 31.3 80 16.4 11.3 1.55 3.1
75/63 26.6 20.1 30.8 1.45 18.4 60 19.7 14.9 1.47 3.9
3 3.7 80/67 28.6 20.8 32.9 1.45 19.8 70 18.8 13.8 1.55 3.6
85/71 30.6 21.4 35.0 1.44 21.2 80 17.9 12.6 1.62 3.2
75/63 27.8 20.7 31.9 1.35 20.6 60 21.1 16.2 1.52 4.1
60 5 9.2 80/67 29.9 21.4 34.1 1.33 22.4 40 70 20.2 15.0 1.60 3.7
85/71 32.2 22.0 36.4 1.31 24.5 80 19.2 13.7 1.67 3.4
75/63 28.3 20.9 32.3 1.30 21.7 60 21.9 16.9 1.54 4.2
7 16.8 80/67 30.6 21.6 34.6 1.28 23.8 70 20.9 15.6 1.62 3.8
85/71 32.8 22.3 37.0 1.26 26.1 80 19.8 14.2 1.69 3.4
75/63 25.0 19.5 29.4 1.57 15.9 60 22.9 17.9 1.57 4.3
3 3.5 80/67 26.9 20.2 31.4 1.58 17.0 70 22.1 16.7 1.66 3.9
85/71 28.8 20.9 33.5 1.58 18.2 80 21.3 15.4 1.75 3.6
75/63 26.2 19.9 30.5 1.48 17.7 60 24.8 19.6 1.63 4.5
70 5 8.9 80/67 28.2 20.7 32.6 1.48 19.1 50 70 23.7 18.2 1.72 4.0
85/71 30.3 21.3 34.8 1.47 20.7 80 23.0 16.7 1.81 3.7
75/63 26.7 20.1 30.9 1.44 18.5 60 25.7 20.4 1.65 4.6
7 16.3 80/67 28.8 20.9 33.1 1.43 20.2 70 24.6 19.0 1.75 4.1
85/71 31.0 21.7 35.3 1.41 22.0 80 23.8 17.3 1.83 3.8
75/63 23.5 18.7 28.0 1.69 13.9 60 26.4 21.1 1.67 4.6
3 3.4 80/67 25.2 19.6 29.9 1.71 14.7 70 25.5 19.8 1.77 4.2
85/71 27.1 20.1 31.9 1.72 15.7 80 24.6 18.4 1.87 3.9
75/63 24.5 19.2 28.9 1.61 15.2 60 28.6 23.1 1.73 4.9
80 5 8.6 80/67 26.5 19.9 31.0 1.62 16.4 60 70 27.5 21.6 1.84 4.4
85/71 28.4 20.7 33.1 1.62 17.6 80 26.4 20.0 1.94 4.0
75/63 24.9 19.5 29.3 1.58 15.8 60 29.7 24.1 1.75 5.0
7 15.8 80/67 27.0 20.1 31.5 1.58 17.1 70 28.5 22.5 1.86 4.5
85/71 29.0 21.0 33.7 1.57 18.5 80 27.2 20.9 1.97 4.0
75/63 22.6 18.4 27.2 1.75 12.9 60 30.3 24.3 1.76 5.1
3 3.4 80/67 24.3 19.1 29.1 1.77 13.7 70 29.0 23.0 1.88 4.5
85/71 26.1 19.8 31.1 1.79 14.6 80 28.3 21.3 2.00 4.2
75/63 23.6 18.8 28.2 1.68 14.1 60 32.5 26.8 1.81 5.3
85 5 8.5 80/67 25.5 19.6 30.2 1.69 15.1 70 70 31.3 25.1 1.94 4.7
85/71 27.5 20.2 32.3 1.69 16.3 80 30.4 23.2 2.07 4.3
75/63 24.1 19.0 28.5 1.64 14.7 60 33.8 28.0 1.84 5.4
7 15.5 80/67 26.0 19.7 30.7 1.65 15.8 70 32.5 26.2 1.97 4.8
85/71 28.1 20.5 32.8 1.65 17.1 80 31.5 24.1 2.10 4.4
75/63 21.8 18.1 26.5 1.81 12.1 60 33.6 27.9 1.84 5.4
3 3.3 80/67 23.4 18.8 28.3 1.84 12.7 70 32.6 26.3 1.97 4.8
85/71 25.1 19.6 30.2 1.86 13.5 80 31.5 24.7 2.11 4.4
75/63 22.7 18.5 27.3 1.74 13.0 60 36.5 30.6 1.89 5.7
90 5 8.3 80/67 24.5 19.3 29.3 1.76 14.0 80 70 35.2 28.8 2.04 5.1
85/71 26.5 19.9 31.4 1.77 15.0 80 34.2 26.6 2.18 4.6
75/63 23.1 18.7 27.7 1.71 13.5 60 37.9 32.0 1.91 5.8
7 15.3 80/67 25.1 19.4 29.8 1.72 14.6 70 36.5 30.0 2.06 5.2
85/71 27.0 20.2 31.9 1.72 15.7 80 35.4 27.6 2.21 4.7
75/63 20.1 17.5 24.9 1.92 10.5
3 3.2 80/67 21.7 18.1 26.7 1.96 11.1
85/71 23.3 18.9 28.5 1.99 11.7 Extended Range - Anti-freeze required
75/63 21.0 17.8 25.7 1.86 11.3 AHRI/ISO13256-1 certified performance is rated at entering air
100 5 8.1 80/67 22.7 18.5 27.6 1.89 12.0 conditions of 80.6°F DB and 66.2°F WB in cooling and 68°F DB in
85/71 24.4 19.4 29.6 1.91 12.8 heating.
75/63 21.3 17.8 26.0 1.84 11.6 Tabulated unit performance does not include fan or pump power
corrections required for AHRI/ISO standard performance ratings.
7 14.8 80/67 23.1 18.7 28.0 1.86 12.4
Unit performance may be interpolated. Extrapolation is not allowed.
85/71 24.9 19.3 30.1 1.88 13.3
75/63 18.4 16.7 23.3 2.02 9.1 For conditions other than rating conditions provided, consult the FHP
BST selection software.
3 3.1 80/67 19.9 17.4 25.1 2.07 9.6
Ratings below 40°F are with a methanol solution.
85/71 21.4 18.1 26.9 2.12 10.1
75/63 19.1 17.0 24.0 1.98 9.7 Due to variations in installation, actual performance may vary from
the tabulated data. Performance contained herein are as a result of
110 5 7.9 80/67 20.8 17.7 25.9 2.02 10.3 extensive testing by FHP and are not express warranties between the
85/71 22.3 18.6 27.7 2.05 10.9 parties and may be changed at any time.
75/63 19.4 17.0 24.3 1.96 9.9 Continuous research and development to improve our products may
7 14.4 80/67 21.1 17.8 26.2 2.00 10.6 result in a change to the current design and specifications without notice.
85/71 22.8 18.6 28.1 2.03 11.2

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Capacity Data EC Series 27
EC030 (950 CFM)
Entering Water Pressure Entering Air Total Sensible Heat of Power Entering Total Heat of Power
Fluid Flow Drop Temp Capacity Capacity Rejection Input EER Fluid Temp Capacity Absorption Input COP
Temp (F) (GPM) (FOH) (db/wb) F (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW) (F) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW)
75/63 33.0 24.0 38.0 1.62 20.3 60 19.2 13.9 1.65 3.4
3.5 4.2 80/67 35.5 24.8 40.6 1.62 21.8 70 18.4 12.7 1.72 3.1
85/71 37.9 25.5 43.1 1.62 23.4 80 17.5 11.5 1.78 2.9
75/63 34.6 24.7 39.4 1.49 23.2 60 20.5 15.0 1.70 3.5
50 6 11 80/67 37.3 25.6 42.1 1.47 25.3 30 70 19.5 13.8 1.77 3.2
85/71 40.0 26.3 44.9 1.45 27.6 80 18.5 12.5 1.84 3.0
75/63 35.4 25.1 40.1 1.43 24.8 60 21.3 15.7 1.73 3.6
9 22.9 80/67 38.2 26.0 42.9 1.40 27.3 70 20.2 14.4 1.80 3.3
85/71 41.0 26.7 45.7 1.36 30.1 80 19.1 13.0 1.86 3.0
75/63 31.3 23.2 36.5 1.77 17.7 60 22.6 16.9 1.78 3.7
3.5 4 80/67 33.6 24.0 39.0 1.77 18.9 70 21.7 15.7 1.87 3.4
85/71 36.0 24.7 41.5 1.78 20.3 80 20.8 14.4 1.95 3.1
75/63 32.8 23.9 37.9 1.64 20.0 60 24.3 18.4 1.84 3.9
60 6 10.7 80/67 35.4 24.8 40.5 1.63 21.7 40 70 23.2 17.0 1.93 3.5
85/71 38.0 25.4 43.2 1.61 23.5 80 22.1 15.6 2.01 3.2
75/63 33.6 24.2 38.5 1.58 21.3 60 25.2 19.2 1.87 3.9
9 22.1 80/67 36.2 25.1 41.2 1.56 23.2 70 24.0 17.7 1.96 3.6
85/71 39.0 25.9 44.0 1.53 25.5 80 22.8 16.2 2.04 3.3
75/63 29.5 22.4 35.0 1.91 15.5 60 26.6 20.0 1.91 4.1
3.5 3.9 80/67 31.7 23.2 37.3 1.93 16.5 70 25.7 18.6 2.02 3.7
85/71 33.9 24.0 39.7 1.94 17.5 80 24.3 17.5 2.11 3.4
75/63 31.0 23.0 36.2 1.79 17.3 60 28.4 22.1 1.97 4.2
70 6 10.3 80/67 33.4 23.9 38.8 1.79 18.6 50 70 27.7 20.2 2.09 3.9
85/71 35.9 24.7 41.4 1.79 20.1 80 25.9 18.9 2.19 3.5
75/63 31.7 23.4 36.9 1.74 18.3 60 29.6 23.1 2.01 4.3
9 21.4 80/67 34.2 24.2 39.5 1.73 19.8 70 28.3 21.0 2.12 3.9
85/71 36.8 25.1 42.2 1.71 21.5 80 27.4 19.3 2.23 3.6
75/63 27.6 21.5 33.3 2.05 13.5 60 30.8 23.7 2.03 4.5
3.5 3.8 80/67 29.7 22.3 35.6 2.08 14.3 70 29.3 22.0 2.15 4.0
85/71 31.9 23.0 38.0 2.10 15.2 80 28.1 20.7 2.27 3.6
75/63 29.0 22.1 34.5 1.95 14.9 60 32.8 25.9 2.10 4.6
80 6 10 80/67 31.3 23.0 37.0 1.96 16.0 60 70 31.6 24.2 2.22 4.2
85/71 33.7 23.7 39.5 1.96 17.2 80 30.2 22.1 2.35 3.8
75/63 29.7 22.4 35.1 1.89 15.7 60 34.2 27.2 2.13 4.7
9 20.7 80/67 32.1 23.3 37.7 1.90 16.9 70 32.8 25.2 2.26 4.3
85/71 34.6 24.1 40.3 1.89 18.3 80 31.3 22.9 2.38 3.8
75/63 26.6 21.1 32.4 2.12 12.6 60 34.8 27.4 2.14 4.8
3.5 3.7 80/67 28.6 21.9 34.7 2.15 13.3 70 33.3 25.7 2.28 4.3
85/71 30.7 22.8 37.0 2.18 14.1 80 32.1 23.7 2.41 3.9
75/63 28.0 21.7 33.6 2.02 13.8 60 37.3 30.0 2.21 4.9
85 6 9.8 80/67 30.2 22.6 36.0 2.04 14.8 70 70 36.0 28.2 2.36 4.5
85/71 32.5 23.4 38.5 2.05 15.9 80 34.5 26.1 2.49 4.1
75/63 28.7 22.0 34.2 1.97 14.5 60 38.9 31.4 2.25 5.1
9 20.4 80/67 31.0 22.8 36.8 1.98 15.7 70 37.4 29.3 2.40 4.6
85/71 33.4 23.8 39.3 1.98 16.9 80 35.8 27.3 2.54 4.1
75/63 25.6 20.7 31.5 2.18 11.7 60 39.0 31.2 2.24 5.1
3.5 3.7 80/67 27.6 21.5 33.8 2.22 12.4 70 37.3 29.3 2.40 4.6
85/71 29.6 22.2 36.0 2.26 13.1 80 36.1 27.5 2.55 4.2
75/63 26.9 21.3 32.7 2.09 12.8 60 41.9 34.3 2.31 5.3
90 6 9.7 80/67 29.1 22.1 35.1 2.12 13.7 80 70 40.4 32.2 2.48 4.8
85/71 31.4 22.9 37.5 2.13 14.7 80 38.9 29.9 2.64 4.3
75/63 27.6 21.6 33.3 2.05 13.5 60 43.7 36.0 2.34 5.5
9 20.1 80/67 29.8 22.5 35.7 2.06 14.4 70 42.0 33.7 2.52 4.9
85/71 32.2 23.2 38.3 2.07 15.6 80 40.3 31.2 2.68 4.4
75/63 23.5 19.8 29.6 2.31 10.1
3.5 3.6 80/67 25.4 20.6 31.8 2.37 10.7
85/71 27.3 21.6 34.0 2.41 11.3 Extended Range - Anti-freeze required
75/63 24.7 20.4 30.7 2.24 11.0 AHRI/ISO13256-1 certified performance is rated at entering air
conditions of 80.6°F DB and 66.2°F WB in cooling and 68°F DB in
100 6 9.4 80/67 26.8 21.2 33.1 2.27 11.8 heating.
85/71 29.0 22.0 35.5 2.30 12.6
Tabulated unit performance does not include fan or pump power
75/63 25.3 20.7 31.3 2.20 11.5 corrections required for AHRI/ISO standard performance ratings.
9 19.5 80/67 27.5 21.6 33.7 2.23 12.3 Unit performance may be interpolated. Extrapolation is not allowed.
85/71 29.7 22.4 36.1 2.25 13.2 For conditions other than rating conditions provided, consult the FHP
75/63 21.4 18.8 27.7 2.44 8.8 BST selection software.
3.5 3.5 80/67 23.2 19.8 29.8 2.50 9.3 Ratings below 40°F are with a methanol solution.
85/71 25.0 20.7 31.9 2.56 9.8 Due to variations in installation, actual performance may vary from
75/63 22.5 19.3 28.7 2.38 9.5 the tabulated data. Performance contained herein are as a result of
110 6 9.1 80/67 24.5 20.2 31.0 2.42 10.1 extensive testing by FHP and are not express warranties between the
parties and may be changed at any time.
85/71 26.4 21.2 33.2 2.46 10.7
Continuous research and development to improve our products may
75/63 23.1 19.7 29.2 2.34 9.9 result in a change to the current design and specifications without notice.
9 18.9 80/67 25.1 20.5 31.6 2.38 10.5
85/71 27.2 21.5 33.9 2.42 11.2

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

28 EC Series Capacity Data

EC036 (1200 CFM)

Entering Water Pressure Entering Air Total Sensible Heat of Power Entering Total Heat of Power
Fluid Flow Drop Temp Capacity Capacity Rejection Input EER Fluid Temp Capacity Absorption Input COP
Temp (F) (GPM) (FOH) (db/wb) F (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW) (F) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW)
75/63 41.3 30.2 47.8 2.08 19.9 60 25.0 17.9 2.10 3.5
4 2.3 80/67 44.3 31.2 50.9 2.07 21.4 70 23.8 16.3 2.19 3.2
85/71 47.4 32.7 54.1 2.06 23.0 80 22.6 14.6 2.28 2.9
75/63 43.4 31.2 49.6 1.91 22.7 60 26.9 19.5 2.16 3.7
50 7.5 7 80/67 46.6 32.8 52.9 1.88 24.8 30 70 25.5 17.8 2.26 3.3
85/71 50.1 33.7 56.4 1.84 27.2 80 24.1 16.0 2.35 3.0
75/63 44.2 31.5 50.2 1.85 23.9 60 27.6 20.3 2.19 3.7
11 13.9 80/67 47.5 33.2 53.7 1.81 26.2 70 26.2 18.4 2.29 3.4
85/71 51.1 34.1 57.2 1.76 28.9 80 24.8 16.5 2.38 3.1
75/63 39.1 29.2 45.9 2.26 17.3 60 29.6 21.7 2.24 3.9
4 2.2 80/67 42.0 30.2 48.9 2.26 18.6 70 28.1 20.0 2.36 3.5
85/71 44.9 31.2 52.0 2.26 19.9 80 26.9 18.3 2.47 3.2
75/63 41.1 30.1 47.6 2.09 19.6 60 32.0 23.8 2.32 4.1
60 7.5 6.8 80/67 44.3 31.0 50.9 2.07 21.3 40 70 30.6 21.8 2.45 3.7
85/71 47.5 32.8 54.2 2.04 23.3 80 28.8 20.0 2.56 3.3
75/63 41.8 30.4 48.2 2.03 20.6 60 32.6 24.9 2.35 4.1
11 13.5 80/67 45.1 31.4 51.6 2.00 22.5 70 31.1 22.9 2.48 3.7
85/71 48.5 33.2 55.0 1.96 24.7 80 29.6 20.8 2.59 3.3
75/63 36.9 28.1 44.0 2.45 15.0 60 33.8 25.9 2.39 4.2
4 2.1 80/67 39.6 29.2 46.9 2.46 16.1 70 32.6 24.1 2.53 3.8
85/71 42.4 30.1 49.9 2.46 17.2 80 31.4 22.2 2.67 3.5
75/63 38.7 29.0 45.6 2.29 16.9 60 36.8 28.7 2.46 4.4
70 7.5 6.5 80/67 41.8 30.1 48.8 2.28 18.3 50 70 35.4 26.5 2.62 4.0
85/71 44.9 31.1 52.0 2.26 19.9 80 33.8 24.4 2.76 3.6
75/63 39.4 29.3 46.2 2.23 17.6 60 38.6 29.6 2.49 4.5
11 13 80/67 42.6 30.5 49.4 2.21 19.2 70 36.6 27.6 2.65 4.0
85/71 45.8 32.1 52.7 2.18 21.0 80 34.8 25.4 2.80 3.6
75/63 34.5 27.0 42.0 2.64 13.0 60 38.7 30.5 2.51 4.5
4 2 80/67 37.2 28.1 44.9 2.66 13.9 70 37.5 28.5 2.68 4.1
85/71 39.8 29.2 47.7 2.68 14.9 80 36.1 26.4 2.84 3.7
75/63 36.3 27.8 43.5 2.50 14.5 60 42.8 33.6 2.59 4.8
80 7.5 6.3 80/67 39.2 28.9 46.6 2.50 15.7 60 70 40.8 31.6 2.77 4.3
85/71 42.2 29.9 49.8 2.49 17.0 80 39.2 29.3 2.94 3.9
75/63 36.9 28.1 44.1 2.44 15.1 60 44.4 35.0 2.62 5.0
11 12.6 80/67 39.9 29.3 47.2 2.43 16.4 70 42.7 32.6 2.80 4.5
85/71 43.1 30.3 50.5 2.41 17.8 80 40.3 30.7 2.98 4.0
75/63 33.3 26.6 41.0 2.74 12.2 60 43.6 35.3 2.62 4.9
4 2 80/67 35.9 27.6 43.8 2.77 13.0 70 42.4 33.2 2.81 4.4
85/71 38.6 28.6 46.7 2.78 13.8 80 41.0 30.9 2.99 4.0
75/63 35.1 27.2 42.5 2.60 13.5 60 48.5 39.0 2.70 5.3
85 7.5 6.2 80/67 37.8 28.5 45.4 2.61 14.5 70 70 46.8 36.5 2.90 4.7
85/71 40.8 29.4 48.6 2.60 15.7 80 44.6 34.3 3.09 4.2
75/63 35.7 27.5 43.0 2.55 14.0 60 50.3 40.6 2.73 5.4
11 12.4 80/67 38.6 28.6 46.1 2.55 15.1 70 48.4 37.9 2.93 4.8
85/71 41.6 29.9 49.2 2.53 16.4 80 46.6 35.2 3.13 4.4
75/63 32.1 26.0 39.9 2.83 11.3 60 48.8 40.3 2.71 5.3
4 2 80/67 34.6 27.2 42.7 2.87 12.1 70 47.3 38.0 2.92 4.7
85/71 37.2 28.2 45.5 2.89 12.9 80 46.0 35.4 3.13 4.3
75/63 33.7 26.8 41.3 2.70 12.5 60 54.2 44.5 2.78 5.7
90 7.5 6.1 80/67 36.5 27.8 44.4 2.72 13.4 80 70 52.4 41.7 3.00 5.1
85/71 39.4 29.0 47.3 2.72 14.5 80 50.5 39.0 3.22 4.6
75/63 34.3 27.1 41.8 2.66 12.9 60 56.2 46.4 2.80 5.9
11 12.2 80/67 37.2 28.1 44.9 2.66 14.0 70 54.2 43.4 3.03 5.2
85/71 40.1 29.3 48.0 2.65 15.1 80 52.2 40.4 3.26 4.7
75/63 29.8 24.9 37.9 3.01 9.9
4 1.9 80/67 32.1 26.0 40.6 3.06 10.5
Extended Range - Anti-freeze required
85/71 34.5 27.2 43.2 3.10 11.1
75/63 31.2 25.6 39.1 2.90 10.7 AHRI/ISO13256-1 certified performance is rated at entering air
conditions of 80.6°F DB and 66.2°F WB in cooling and 68°F DB in
100 7.5 6 80/67 33.7 26.8 41.9 2.93 11.5 heating.
85/71 36.5 27.7 44.9 2.95 12.4 Tabulated unit performance does not include fan or pump power
75/63 31.7 25.8 39.6 2.86 11.1 corrections required for AHRI/ISO standard performance ratings.
11 11.9 80/67 34.4 26.9 42.5 2.89 11.9 Unit performance may be interpolated. Extrapolation is not allowed.
85/71 37.2 28.0 45.5 2.89 12.8 For conditions other than rating conditions provided, consult the FHP
75/63 27.3 23.9 35.7 3.18 8.6 BST selection software.
4 1.9 80/67 29.5 25.0 38.3 3.24 9.1 Ratings below 40°F are with a methanol solution.
85/71 31.8 26.2 40.9 3.30 9.6 Due to variations in installation, actual performance may vary from
75/63 28.5 24.5 36.8 3.09 9.2 the tabulated data. Performance contained herein are as a result of
110 7.5 5.8 80/67 31.0 25.7 39.6 3.14 9.9 extensive testing by FHP and are not express warranties between the
parties and may be changed at any time.
85/71 33.5 26.8 42.4 3.17 10.6
Continuous research and development to improve our products may
75/63 29.0 24.6 37.2 3.06 9.5 result in a change to the current design and specifications without notice.
11 11.5 80/67 31.5 25.9 40.0 3.10 10.2
85/71 34.1 26.9 42.9 3.13 10.9

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Capacity Data EC Series 29
EC041 (1150 CFM)
Entering Water Pressure Entering Air Total Sensible Heat of Power Entering Total Heat of Power
Fluid Flow Drop Temp Capacity Capacity Rejection Input EER Fluid Temp Capacity Absorption Input COP
Temp (F) (GPM) (FOH) (db/wb) F (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW) (F) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW)
75/63 46.5 32.0 54.2 2.43 19.1 60 29.1 20.2 2.57 3.3
5 3.4 80/67 49.9 33.0 57.8 2.44 20.5 70 27.7 18.5 2.67 3.0
85/71 53.5 34.4 61.5 2.43 22.1 80 26.3 16.8 2.77 2.8
75/63 48.3 32.9 55.7 2.27 21.3 60 31.2 21.6 2.65 3.5
50 9 9.7 80/67 52.0 33.9 59.5 2.25 23.1 30 70 29.3 20.0 2.76 3.1
85/71 55.9 35.3 63.4 2.23 25.2 80 27.8 18.0 2.85 2.9
75/63 49.0 33.2 56.3 2.21 22.2 60 32.1 22.3 2.68 3.5
13 18.8 80/67 52.8 34.2 60.1 2.19 24.1 70 30.4 20.3 2.80 3.2
85/71 56.8 35.7 64.2 2.15 26.5 80 28.5 18.6 2.89 2.9
75/63 44.1 30.9 52.3 2.64 16.7 60 34.4 24.4 2.78 3.6
5 3.3 80/67 47.5 31.9 55.8 2.65 17.9 70 32.6 22.7 2.90 3.3
85/71 50.9 32.8 59.4 2.66 19.2 80 31.2 20.8 3.03 3.0
75/63 45.9 31.7 53.7 2.48 18.4 60 36.9 26.4 2.87 3.8
60 9 9.4 80/67 49.5 32.8 57.4 2.48 20.0 40 70 35.3 24.3 3.00 3.5
85/71 53.2 33.7 61.2 2.46 21.7 80 33.1 22.8 3.13 3.1
75/63 46.5 32.0 54.2 2.43 19.2 60 37.3 27.7 2.91 3.8
13 18.2 80/67 50.2 33.1 58.0 2.41 20.8 70 36.3 25.1 3.04 3.5
85/71 54.0 34.6 61.9 2.38 22.8 80 34.0 23.6 3.17 3.1
75/63 41.7 29.8 50.2 2.86 14.5 60 39.9 29.1 2.98 3.9
5 3.2 80/67 44.9 30.8 53.7 2.88 15.6 70 38.4 27.0 3.13 3.6
85/71 48.2 31.7 57.2 2.90 16.6 80 36.8 25.1 3.28 3.3
75/63 43.4 30.5 51.6 2.71 16.0 60 43.0 31.7 3.09 4.1
70 9 9.1 80/67 46.8 31.6 55.2 2.71 17.3 50 70 41.3 29.4 3.25 3.7
85/71 50.4 32.6 58.9 2.70 18.7 80 39.6 27.1 3.40 3.4
75/63 43.9 30.8 52.1 2.66 16.5 60 44.4 32.8 3.14 4.1
13 17.6 80/67 47.5 31.9 55.8 2.65 17.9 70 42.5 30.3 3.30 3.8
85/71 51.2 32.9 59.6 2.63 19.5 80 40.1 28.5 3.45 3.4
75/63 39.2 28.6 48.1 3.08 12.7 60 45.6 34.2 3.19 4.2
5 3.1 80/67 42.3 29.6 51.5 3.11 13.5 70 44.1 31.9 3.37 3.8
85/71 45.4 30.6 54.9 3.14 14.4 80 42.5 29.7 3.54 3.5
75/63 40.7 29.3 49.4 2.94 13.8 60 49.3 37.2 3.31 4.4
80 9 8.8 80/67 44.0 30.4 53.0 2.96 14.9 60 70 47.5 34.7 3.50 4.0
85/71 47.5 31.2 56.7 2.96 16.0 80 44.9 32.8 3.67 3.6
75/63 41.2 29.6 49.8 2.90 14.2 60 50.9 38.5 3.36 4.4
13 17 80/67 44.6 30.8 53.4 2.90 15.4 70 49.0 35.8 3.55 4.0
85/71 48.2 31.8 57.1 2.89 16.7 80 47.0 33.0 3.73 3.7
75/63 37.9 28.0 47.1 3.19 11.9 60 51.5 39.4 3.38 4.5
5 3 80/67 40.9 29.1 50.4 3.23 12.6 70 49.8 36.9 3.59 4.1
85/71 44.0 30.0 53.8 3.26 13.4 80 47.7 34.8 3.79 3.7
75/63 39.4 28.7 48.3 3.06 12.8 60 55.8 43.0 3.51 4.7
85 9 8.7 80/67 42.7 29.6 51.9 3.09 13.8 70 70 53.4 40.6 3.73 4.2
85/71 46.0 30.7 55.4 3.09 14.9 80 51.8 37.2 3.93 3.9
75/63 39.8 28.6 48.7 3.03 13.1 60 57.6 44.5 3.57 4.7
13 16.8 80/67 43.2 30.1 52.2 3.03 14.2 70 55.5 41.5 3.79 4.3
85/71 46.7 31.2 55.9 3.03 15.4 80 53.3 38.5 3.99 3.9
75/63 36.6 27.4 45.9 3.30 11.2 60 57.4 44.8 3.56 4.7
5 3 80/67 39.5 28.4 49.3 3.35 11.8 70 55.6 42.0 3.79 4.3
85/71 42.6 29.3 52.6 3.39 12.6 80 53.2 39.8 4.02 3.9
75/63 38.0 27.8 47.2 3.19 11.9 60 62.3 49.0 3.69 4.9
90 9 8.5 80/67 41.1 29.1 50.6 3.21 12.8 80 70 60.1 45.8 3.94 4.5
85/71 44.5 30.1 54.1 3.23 13.7 80 57.7 42.8 4.17 4.1
75/63 38.4 28.0 47.6 3.15 12.2 60 64.3 50.7 3.74 5.0
13 16.5 80/67 41.7 29.4 51.0 3.16 13.2 70 62.0 47.3 3.99 4.6
85/71 45.1 30.5 54.6 3.17 14.2 80 59.6 44.0 4.23 4.1
75/63 34.0 26.1 43.8 3.50 9.8
5 2.9 80/67 36.7 27.1 46.9 3.57 10.3
Extended Range - Anti-freeze required
85/71 39.5 28.3 50.0 3.63 11.0
75/63 35.1 26.7 44.7 3.41 10.4 AHRI/ISO13256-1 certified performance is rated at entering air
conditions of 80.6°F DB and 66.2°F WB in cooling and 68°F DB in
100 9 8.3 80/67 38.1 27.8 48.1 3.46 11.1 heating.
85/71 41.3 28.7 51.6 3.50 11.9 Tabulated unit performance does not include fan or pump power
75/63 35.6 26.8 45.1 3.38 10.6 corrections required for AHRI/ISO standard performance ratings.
13 16 80/67 38.6 28.0 48.5 3.42 11.3 Unit performance may be interpolated. Extrapolation is not allowed.
85/71 41.8 29.0 52.0 3.45 12.1 For conditions other than rating conditions provided, consult the FHP
75/63 31.2 24.8 41.4 3.71 8.5 BST selection software.
5 2.8 80/67 33.8 25.9 44.5 3.79 9.0 Ratings below 40°F are with a methanol solution.
85/71 36.5 26.9 47.6 3.87 9.6 Due to variations in installation, actual performance may vary from
75/63 32.2 25.3 42.3 3.63 9.0 the tabulated data. Performance contained herein are as a result of
110 9 8 80/67 35.0 26.5 45.4 3.70 9.5 extensive testing by FHP and are not express warranties between the
parties and may be changed at any time.
85/71 38.0 27.3 48.8 3.76 10.2
Continuous research and development to improve our products may
75/63 32.8 25.7 42.7 3.59 9.2 result in a change to the current design and specifications without notice.
13 15.6 80/67 35.6 26.8 45.9 3.66 9.9
85/71 38.5 27.6 49.3 3.72 10.5

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

30 EC Series Capacity Data

EC042 (1500 CFM)

Entering Water Pressure Entering Air Total Sensible Heat of Power Entering Total Heat of Power
Fluid Flow Drop Temp Capacity Capacity Rejection Input EER Fluid Temp Capacity Absorption Input COP
Temp (F) (GPM) (FOH) (db/wb) F (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW) (F) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW)
75/63 48.1 35.7 56.2 2.53 19.1 60 23.0 20.7 2.52 2.7
5 3.4 80/67 51.6 36.9 59.8 2.51 20.5 70 23.0 18.7 2.60 2.6
85/71 55.2 38.2 63.5 2.49 22.2 80 25.4 16.2 2.66 2.8
75/63 50.1 36.8 57.9 2.36 21.3 60 29.3 22.5 2.55 3.4
50 10 11.7 80/67 54.0 38.1 61.8 2.31 23.3 30 70 24.0 20.6 2.68 2.6
85/71 57.9 38.6 65.8 2.29 25.3 80 24.4 18.2 2.74 2.6
75/63 50.8 37.0 58.5 2.30 22.1 60 31.3 22.9 2.56 3.6
13 18.8 80/67 54.7 38.3 62.4 2.26 24.2 70 27.3 20.8 2.68 3.0
85/71 58.6 39.5 66.3 2.21 26.5 80 24.5 18.6 2.77 2.6
75/63 45.4 34.6 54.0 2.75 16.5 60 33.7 25.2 2.64 3.7
5 3.3 80/67 48.8 35.8 57.5 2.74 17.8 70 32.6 23.1 2.76 3.5
85/71 52.3 37.0 61.1 2.73 19.1 80 31.1 20.9 2.88 3.2
75/63 47.4 35.6 55.6 2.57 18.4 60 36.8 27.8 2.72 4.0
60 10 11.4 80/67 51.1 36.9 59.4 2.55 20.0 40 70 35.1 25.4 2.85 3.6
85/71 54.9 37.8 63.3 2.52 21.8 80 33.0 23.1 2.97 3.3
75/63 48.2 35.9 56.3 2.51 19.2 60 37.6 28.4 2.74 4.0
13 18.2 80/67 51.9 37.2 60.0 2.49 20.9 70 35.8 26.0 2.87 3.6
85/71 55.7 38.4 63.9 2.45 22.8 80 34.1 23.4 2.99 3.3
75/63 42.6 33.5 51.6 2.98 14.3 60 40.2 30.1 2.79 4.2
5 3.2 80/67 45.9 34.8 55.1 2.98 15.4 70 37.8 28.1 2.95 3.8
85/71 49.3 35.9 58.6 2.98 16.5 80 36.7 25.7 3.09 3.5
75/63 44.8 34.3 53.4 2.80 16.0 60 43.4 33.7 2.88 4.4
70 10 11 80/67 48.2 35.7 57.0 2.79 17.3 50 70 41.5 31.1 3.05 4.0
85/71 51.8 36.9 60.7 2.77 18.7 80 39.7 28.2 3.20 3.6
75/63 45.4 34.6 54.0 2.75 16.5 60 44.3 34.6 2.90 4.5
13 17.6 80/67 49.0 35.9 57.7 2.73 18.0 70 42.4 31.9 3.07 4.0
85/71 52.7 37.1 61.4 2.70 19.5 80 40.0 29.2 3.23 3.6
75/63 39.8 32.3 49.3 3.21 12.4 60 45.8 35.9 2.93 4.6
5 3.1 80/67 43.0 33.5 52.7 3.23 13.3 70 44.2 33.6 3.12 4.2
85/71 46.1 35.0 56.0 3.24 14.2 80 42.1 31.1 3.30 3.7
75/63 41.9 33.1 51.0 3.04 13.8 60 50.1 40.0 3.03 4.8
80 10 10.6 80/67 45.2 34.5 54.6 3.04 14.9 60 70 48.2 37.3 3.22 4.4
85/71 48.7 35.7 58.1 3.04 16.0 80 46.1 34.4 3.41 4.0
75/63 42.5 33.4 51.6 2.99 14.2 60 51.2 41.1 3.05 4.9
13 17 80/67 46.0 34.8 55.2 2.98 15.4 70 49.2 38.3 3.24 4.4
85/71 49.5 36.0 58.8 2.97 16.7 80 47.0 35.3 3.43 4.0
75/63 38.4 31.5 48.1 3.33 11.5 60 51.9 41.7 3.06 5.0
5 3 80/67 41.5 32.9 51.4 3.36 12.4 70 50.3 39.2 3.27 4.5
85/71 44.5 34.5 54.7 3.37 13.2 80 48.5 36.6 3.47 4.1
75/63 40.5 32.6 49.8 3.16 12.8 60 57.0 46.6 3.16 5.3
85 10 10.5 80/67 43.7 33.9 53.3 3.17 13.8 70 70 54.9 43.6 3.38 4.8
85/71 47.1 35.1 56.8 3.17 14.9 80 52.8 40.6 3.59 4.3
75/63 41.1 32.8 50.3 3.11 13.2 60 58.4 47.9 3.18 5.4
13 16.8 80/67 44.4 34.1 53.9 3.11 14.3 70 56.2 44.8 3.40 4.8
85/71 47.9 35.4 57.5 3.10 15.4 80 53.9 41.6 3.62 4.4
75/63 36.9 31.3 46.8 3.44 10.7 60 58.2 47.7 3.18 5.4
5 3 80/67 39.9 32.3 50.1 3.48 11.5 70 56.4 45.0 3.41 4.9
85/71 43.0 33.6 53.4 3.51 12.3 80 54.5 42.2 3.63 4.4
75/63 39.0 32.1 48.6 3.27 11.9 60 64.1 53.4 3.26 5.8
90 10 10.3 80/67 42.2 33.3 52.0 3.29 12.8 80 70 61.8 50.1 3.51 5.2
85/71 45.4 34.5 55.5 3.30 13.8 80 59.4 46.8 3.75 4.6
75/63 39.6 32.3 49.1 3.23 12.3 60 65.6 54.9 3.28 5.9
13 16.5 80/67 42.9 33.5 52.6 3.24 13.3 70 63.2 51.4 3.53 5.2
85/71 46.1 35.0 56.0 3.24 14.2 80 60.7 47.9 3.78 4.7
75/63 33.9 29.9 44.3 3.67 9.3
5 2.9 80/67 36.7 31.5 47.4 3.72 9.9
Extended Range - Anti-freeze required
85/71 39.7 32.3 50.7 3.77 10.5
AHRI/ISO13256-1 certified performance is rated at entering air
75/63 36.1 30.6 46.2 3.51 10.3 conditions of 80.6°F DB and 66.2°F WB in cooling and 68°F DB in
100 10 10 80/67 39.0 32.2 49.4 3.54 11.0 heating.
85/71 42.1 33.6 52.7 3.57 11.8 Tabulated unit performance does not include fan or pump power
75/63 36.7 30.9 46.6 3.47 10.6 corrections required for AHRI/ISO standard performance ratings.
13 16 80/67 39.7 32.4 49.9 3.49 11.4 Unit performance may be interpolated. Extrapolation is not allowed.
85/71 42.8 33.8 53.3 3.51 12.2 For conditions other than rating conditions provided, consult the FHP
75/63 31.2 28.7 41.9 3.86 8.1 BST selection software.
5 2.8 80/67 33.5 30.0 44.7 3.95 8.5 Ratings below 40°F are with a methanol solution.
85/71 36.1 31.6 47.6 4.01 9.0 Due to variations in installation, actual performance may vary from
75/63 33.3 29.6 43.7 3.71 9.0 the tabulated data. Performance contained herein are as a result of
extensive testing by FHP and are not express warranties between the
110 10 9.7 80/67 36.0 30.8 46.9 3.78 9.5 parties and may be changed at any time.
85/71 38.9 32.1 50.0 3.83 10.2 Continuous research and development to improve our products may
75/63 33.8 29.8 44.2 3.68 9.2 result in a change to the current design and specifications without notice.
13 15.6 80/67 36.6 31.1 47.3 3.73 9.8
85/71 39.5 32.3 50.6 3.78 10.5

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Capacity Data EC Series 31
EC048 (1600 CFM)
Entering Water Pressure Entering Air Total Sensible Heat of Power Entering Total Heat of Power
Fluid Flow Drop Temp Capacity Capacity Rejection Input EER Fluid Temp Capacity Absorption Input COP
Temp (F) (GPM) (FOH) (db/wb) F (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW) (F) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW)
75/63 52.1 38.8 60.8 2.71 19.2 60 37.7 27.6 2.94 3.8
6 3.1 80/67 55.6 40.9 64.4 2.72 20.4 70 37.0 25.1 3.20 3.4
85/71 59.2 41.8 68.2 2.73 21.7 80 35.6 23.1 3.50 3.0
75/63 54.6 39.9 62.6 2.41 22.7 60 39.9 29.6 2.98 3.9
50 12 11 80/67 58.3 42.0 66.4 2.39 24.4 30 70 38.7 27.5 3.25 3.5
85/71 62.3 43.0 70.5 2.37 26.3 80 37.7 25.1 3.57 3.1
75/63 55.3 40.2 63.1 2.33 23.7 60 40.6 30.2 2.99 4.0
16 18.4 80/67 59.1 42.3 67.0 2.30 25.7 70 39.4 28.1 3.26 3.5
85/71 63.2 43.4 71.1 2.28 27.8 80 38.4 25.7 3.58 3.1
75/63 50.0 37.8 59.4 2.99 16.7 60 41.5 31.3 3.01 4.0
6 3 80/67 53.2 39.1 62.8 3.00 17.7 70 41.3 29.1 3.29 3.7
85/71 56.7 40.9 66.5 3.02 18.8 80 40.9 27.1 3.62 3.3
75/63 52.4 38.8 61.0 2.69 19.5 60 44.6 34.1 3.06 4.3
60 12 10.6 80/67 55.9 41.1 64.7 2.67 20.9 40 70 43.6 32.0 3.35 3.8
85/71 59.8 42.1 68.6 2.66 22.5 80 42.7 30.0 3.67 3.4
75/63 53.0 39.1 61.5 2.61 20.3 60 45.5 35.0 3.08 4.3
16 17.8 80/67 56.6 41.3 65.2 2.59 21.9 70 44.5 32.9 3.37 3.9
85/71 60.6 42.4 69.2 2.56 23.7 80 43.6 30.8 3.69 3.5
75/63 47.7 37.0 57.8 3.29 14.5 60 46.2 35.6 3.09 4.4
6 2.9 80/67 50.9 38.2 61.2 3.31 15.4 70 46.1 33.6 3.39 4.0
85/71 54.2 40.0 64.7 3.33 16.3 80 45.5 31.7 3.72 3.6
75/63 50.0 38.0 59.4 2.98 16.8 60 50.7 39.1 3.15 4.7
70 12 10.2 80/67 53.5 40.0 63.0 2.98 18.0 50 70 49.8 36.9 3.46 4.2
85/71 57.0 41.2 66.6 2.97 19.2 80 48.3 35.1 3.80 3.7
75/63 50.6 38.2 59.8 2.91 17.4 60 51.3 40.6 3.17 4.7
16 17.2 80/67 54.2 40.2 63.5 2.89 18.8 70 50.9 37.9 3.48 4.3
85/71 57.8 41.5 67.2 2.87 20.1 80 50.1 35.7 3.83 3.8
75/63 45.4 36.0 56.3 3.62 12.6 60 51.5 40.8 3.17 4.8
6 2.8 80/67 48.5 37.0 59.6 3.64 13.3 70 50.8 38.9 3.49 4.3
85/71 51.5 39.2 62.8 3.66 14.1 80 52.0 36.3 3.85 4.0
75/63 47.7 36.7 57.8 3.31 14.4 60 56.9 45.0 3.24 5.1
80 12 9.9 80/67 50.9 38.2 61.1 3.31 15.4 60 70 55.9 42.7 3.58 4.6
85/71 54.3 40.2 64.7 3.30 16.5 80 55.0 40.3 3.94 4.1
75/63 48.2 37.0 58.2 3.23 14.9 60 57.8 46.8 3.27 5.2
16 16.7 80/67 51.5 38.4 61.6 3.22 16.0 70 56.6 44.3 3.60 4.6
85/71 55.1 40.3 65.3 3.21 17.2 80 56.2 41.4 3.97 4.2
75/63 44.3 35.5 55.6 3.79 11.7 60 57.3 46.4 3.26 5.1
6 2.8 80/67 47.1 36.7 58.7 3.82 12.3 70 56.5 44.2 3.60 4.6
85/71 50.2 38.6 62.0 3.84 13.1 80 55.7 42.1 3.97 4.1
75/63 46.4 36.4 56.9 3.48 13.3 60 63.5 51.4 3.34 5.6
85 12 9.8 80/67 49.6 37.4 60.4 3.48 14.2 70 70 62.3 48.7 3.69 4.9
85/71 53.0 39.6 63.8 3.48 15.2 80 61.1 46.1 4.07 4.4
75/63 47.0 36.4 57.4 3.41 13.8 60 64.6 53.3 3.37 5.6
16 16.4 80/67 50.2 37.7 60.8 3.40 14.8 70 63.1 50.5 3.72 5.0
85/71 53.6 40.0 64.2 3.39 15.8 80 62.4 47.2 4.10 4.5
75/63 43.2 34.8 55.0 3.98 10.9 60 63.3 52.2 3.35 5.5
6 2.8 80/67 46.0 35.9 58.0 4.01 11.5 70 62.3 49.9 3.71 4.9
85/71 48.7 37.4 61.0 4.03 12.1 80 61.3 47.5 4.09 4.4
75/63 45.1 35.9 56.1 3.67 12.3 60 70.3 57.9 3.44 6.0
90 12 9.6 80/67 48.2 37.1 59.4 3.67 13.1 80 70 68.7 54.9 3.80 5.3
85/71 51.4 39.2 62.8 3.67 14.0 80 67.2 51.8 4.19 4.7
75/63 45.6 36.1 56.5 3.59 12.7 60 72.1 59.6 3.46 6.1
16 16.1 80/67 48.8 37.3 59.8 3.58 13.6 70 70.3 56.4 3.83 5.4
85/71 52.1 39.5 63.2 3.58 14.6 80 68.6 53.1 4.21 4.8
75/63 40.7 34.0 53.5 4.38 9.3
6 2.7 80/67 43.3 35.2 56.4 4.40 9.8
Extended Range - Anti-freeze required
85/71 46.0 37.3 59.3 4.43 10.4
75/63 42.5 34.8 54.6 4.06 10.5 AHRI/ISO13256-1 certified performance is rated at entering air
conditions of 80.6°F DB and 66.2°F WB in cooling and 68°F DB in
100 12 9.3 80/67 45.5 36.0 57.7 4.07 11.2 heating.
85/71 48.5 37.0 60.9 4.07 11.9 Tabulated unit performance does not include fan or pump power
75/63 43.0 35.0 54.9 3.98 10.8 corrections required for AHRI/ISO standard performance ratings.
16 15.7 80/67 46.0 36.2 58.0 3.98 11.6 Unit performance may be interpolated. Extrapolation is not allowed.
85/71 49.1 37.5 61.3 3.98 12.4 For conditions other than rating conditions provided, consult the FHP
75/63 38.3 32.7 52.3 4.82 8.0 BST selection software.
6 2.6 80/67 40.7 33.9 55.0 4.85 8.4 Ratings below 40°F are with a methanol solution.
85/71 43.1 35.0 57.7 4.88 8.8 Due to variations in installation, actual performance may vary from
75/63 40.0 33.5 53.2 4.50 8.9 the tabulated data. Performance contained herein are as a result of
extensive testing by FHP and are not express warranties between the
110 12 9.1 80/67 42.6 34.9 56.0 4.51 9.5 parties and may be changed at any time.
85/71 45.4 36.2 58.9 4.51 10.1 Continuous research and development to improve our products may
75/63 40.4 33.7 53.4 4.43 9.1 result in a change to the current design and specifications without notice.
16 15.2 80/67 43.2 35.1 56.3 4.42 9.8
85/71 46.0 37.3 59.3 4.42 10.4

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

32 EC Series Capacity Data

EC060 (2000 CFM)

Entering Water Pressure Entering Air Total Sensible Heat of Power Entering Total Heat of Power
Fluid Flow Drop Temp Capacity Capacity Rejection Input EER Fluid Temp Capacity Absorption Input COP
Temp (MBTUH)
Temp (F) (GPM) (FOH) (db/wb) F (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW) (F) (MBTUH) (kW)
75/63 66.8 48.6 78.7 3.63 18.4 60 48.3 33.5 4.30 3.3
8 3.7 80/67 71.4 50.3 83.5 3.67 19.5 70 48.9 31.1 4.75 3.0
85/71 76.3 51.6 88.6 3.70 20.6 80 49.1 29.0 5.26 2.7
75/63 68.9 49.7 80.2 3.41 20.2 60 51.0 35.8 4.35 3.4
50 13 8.9 80/67 73.8 51.2 85.4 3.44 21.5 30 70 49.9 33.6 4.80 3.0
85/71 79.0 52.6 90.8 3.46 22.8 80 49.5 31.4 5.29 2.7
75/63 70.1 50.3 81.2 3.29 21.3 60 52.7 37.4 4.39 3.5
20 19.2 80/67 75.2 51.8 86.5 3.31 22.7 70 52.0 35.1 4.84 3.2
85/71 80.6 53.2 92.1 3.33 24.2 80 50.7 32.6 5.32 2.8
75/63 64.1 47.6 76.6 3.93 16.3 60 55.2 40.0 4.44 3.6
8 3.6 80/67 68.6 49.0 81.4 3.96 17.3 70 54.7 37.9 4.90 3.3
85/71 73.4 50.3 86.4 4.00 18.4 80 55.3 35.1 5.39 3.0
75/63 66.2 48.4 78.2 3.70 17.9 60 58.6 43.0 4.51 3.8
60 13 8.6 80/67 70.9 50.0 83.2 3.72 19.0 40 70 57.8 40.6 4.96 3.4
85/71 76.0 51.3 88.4 3.74 20.3 80 57.2 38.2 5.46 3.1
75/63 67.3 49.0 79.0 3.57 18.8 60 60.8 44.9 4.55 3.9
20 18.6 80/67 72.2 50.5 84.2 3.59 20.1 70 59.9 42.3 5.00 3.5
85/71 77.5 51.9 89.6 3.60 21.5 80 59.0 39.8 5.50 3.1
75/63 61.4 46.2 74.7 4.27 14.4 60 62.7 47.1 4.59 4.0
8 3.5 80/67 65.7 47.6 79.4 4.30 15.3 70 61.6 44.8 5.05 3.6
85/71 70.2 49.1 84.1 4.33 16.2 80 62.6 41.8 5.56 3.3
75/63 63.3 47.1 76.1 4.03 15.7 60 66.9 50.9 4.67 4.2
70 13 8.3 80/67 67.9 48.6 80.9 4.05 16.8 50 70 65.3 48.2 5.13 3.7
85/71 72.7 50.0 86.0 4.06 17.9 80 64.9 45.6 5.64 3.4
75/63 64.4 47.6 76.8 3.90 16.5 60 69.6 53.2 4.73 4.3
20 18 80/67 69.2 49.1 81.9 3.91 17.7 70 68.4 50.4 5.19 3.9
85/71 74.2 50.6 87.0 3.91 19.0 80 66.7 47.7 5.69 3.4
75/63 58.4 45.1 72.7 4.66 12.5 60 71.9 54.2 4.75 4.4
8 3.3 80/67 62.7 46.4 77.3 4.69 13.4 70 71.1 51.6 5.22 4.0
85/71 67.0 47.9 81.9 4.72 14.2 80 68.8 49.7 5.74 3.5
75/63 60.3 45.9 73.9 4.40 13.7 60 75.9 59.3 4.85 4.6
80 13 8 80/67 64.8 47.3 78.7 4.42 14.7 60 70 74.6 56.3 5.32 4.1
85/71 69.3 49.1 83.4 4.43 15.6 80 73.4 53.5 5.84 3.7
75/63 61.4 46.1 74.7 4.27 14.4 60 79.2 62.1 4.91 4.7
20 17.4 80/67 65.9 47.8 79.5 4.28 15.4 70 77.6 58.9 5.38 4.2
85/71 70.7 49.6 84.4 4.27 16.5 80 76.2 55.6 5.90 3.8
75/63 56.9 44.5 71.8 4.87 11.7 60 79.1 63.0 4.92 4.7
8 3.3 80/67 61.0 46.1 76.1 4.90 12.5 70 78.1 60.2 5.40 4.2
85/71 65.2 47.6 80.6 4.92 13.2 80 77.1 57.4 5.93 3.8
75/63 58.7 45.2 72.9 4.61 12.7 60 85.3 68.3 5.04 5.0
85 13 7.9 80/67 63.1 46.8 77.5 4.62 13.6 70 70 83.8 64.9 5.52 4.5
85/71 67.7 48.1 82.3 4.63 14.6 80 82.2 61.8 6.05 4.0
75/63 59.7 45.7 73.6 4.48 13.3 60 89.2 71.5 5.11 5.1
20 17.1 80/67 64.3 47.1 78.4 4.48 14.3 70 87.3 67.8 5.59 4.6
85/71 69.0 48.6 83.2 4.48 15.4 80 85.6 64.1 6.12 4.1
75/63 55.4 43.9 70.8 5.09 10.9 60 87.9 71.5 5.10 5.1
8 3.2 80/67 59.4 45.4 75.1 5.12 11.6 70 86.5 68.4 5.59 4.5
85/71 63.5 46.9 79.5 5.15 12.3 80 85.4 65.2 6.13 4.1
75/63 57.2 44.6 71.9 4.83 11.8 60 95.1 77.5 5.22 5.3
90 13 7.8 80/67 61.4 46.2 76.4 4.84 12.7 80 70 93.3 73.8 5.72 4.8
85/71 65.8 47.8 81.0 4.85 13.6 80 91.4 70.4 6.26 4.3
75/63 58.1 45.0 72.5 4.70 12.4 60 99.6 81.2 5.30 5.5
20 16.9 80/67 62.5 46.6 77.1 4.69 13.3 70 97.0 77.7 5.80 4.9
85/71 67.1 48.2 81.9 4.69 14.3 80 94.9 73.6 6.34 4.4
75/63 52.5 42.1 69.3 5.59 9.4
8 3.1 80/67 56.3 44.5 73.3 5.61 10.0
85/71 60.3 46.0 77.6 5.64 10.7 Extended Range - Anti-freeze required
75/63 54.2 43.4 70.2 5.32 10.2 AHRI/ISO13256-1 certified performance is rated at entering air
conditions of 80.6°F DB and 66.2°F WB in cooling and 68°F DB in
100 13 7.5 80/67 58.3 45.0 74.5 5.32 10.9 heating.
85/71 62.5 46.6 79.0 5.33 11.7
Tabulated unit performance does not include fan or pump power
75/63 55.0 43.8 70.7 5.18 10.6 corrections required for AHRI/ISO standard performance ratings.
20 16.4 80/67 59.1 45.0 75.0 5.18 11.4 Unit performance may be interpolated. Extrapolation is not allowed.
85/71 63.5 46.5 79.6 5.17 12.3 For conditions other than rating conditions provided, consult the FHP
75/63 49.2 41.4 67.5 6.14 8.0 BST selection software.
8 3.1 80/67 52.8 43.1 71.4 6.17 8.6 Ratings below 40°F are with a methanol solution.
85/71 56.5 45.0 75.3 6.19 9.1 Due to variations in installation, actual performance may vary from
75/63 50.7 42.0 68.2 5.87 8.6 the tabulated data. Performance contained herein are as a result of
110 13 7.3 80/67 54.5 44.0 72.2 5.87 9.3 extensive testing by FHP and are not express warranties between the
parties and may be changed at any time.
85/71 58.8 45.3 76.7 5.87 10.0
75/63 51.4 42.4 68.6 5.75 8.9 Continuous research and development to improve our products may
result in a change to the current design and specifications without notice.
20 15.9 80/67 55.6 43.8 73.0 5.74 9.7
85/71 59.8 45.8 77.3 5.71 10.5

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Capacity Data EC Series 33

EC070 (2200 CFM)

Entering Water Pressure Entering Air Total Sensible Heat of Power Entering Total Heat of Power
Fluid Flow Drop Temp Capacity Capacity Rejection Input EER Fluid Temp Capacity Absorption Input COP
Temp (F) (GPM) (FOH) (db/wb) F (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW) (F) (MBTUH) (MBTUH) (kW)
75/63 73.8 55.3 86.2 3.72 19.9 60 52.7 35.8 4.25 3.6
8 5.7 80/67 78.6 56.7 91.5 3.76 20.9 70 51.4 33.3 4.67 3.2
85/71 83.5 58.0 97.0 3.79 22.0 80 50.6 30.4 5.14 2.9
75/63 75.7 56.1 88.1 3.51 21.5 60 55.0 38.8 4.30 3.8
50 12 14.2 80/67 80.8 57.7 93.7 3.53 22.9 30 70 53.8 35.7 4.71 3.4
85/71 86.0 59.1 99.5 3.56 24.2 80 53.0 32.6 5.18 3.0
75/63 77.0 56.7 89.4 3.38 22.8 60 56.5 40.3 4.32 3.8
20 28.3 80/67 82.1 58.2 95.0 3.41 24.1 70 55.2 37.1 4.73 3.4
85/71 87.3 59.5 100.8 3.44 25.4 80 53.9 33.9 5.19 3.0
75/63 70.9 53.9 83.4 4.04 17.5 60 59.3 43.0 4.36 4.0
8 5.5 80/67 75.4 55.6 88.4 4.07 18.5 70 57.9 40.0 4.78 3.6
85/71 80.2 56.9 93.8 4.11 19.5 80 57.2 37.0 5.24 3.2
75/63 72.8 54.7 85.2 3.83 19.0 60 62.5 46.1 4.41 4.2
60 12 13.7 80/67 77.4 56.4 90.4 3.86 20.0 40 70 61.1 43.0 4.83 3.7
85/71 82.5 57.9 96.0 3.88 21.3 80 59.9 39.8 5.29 3.3
75/63 74.0 55.3 86.4 3.70 20.0 60 64.3 48.1 4.44 4.2
20 27.3 80/67 78.8 56.9 91.8 3.72 21.2 70 62.8 44.7 4.85 3.8
85/71 83.9 58.4 97.4 3.75 22.4 80 61.5 41.4 5.32 3.4
75/63 67.7 52.7 80.3 4.40 15.4 60 67.2 50.1 4.47 4.4
8 5.3 80/67 72.2 54.2 85.5 4.43 16.3 70 65.6 47.2 4.89 3.9
85/71 76.9 55.6 90.6 4.46 17.2 80 64.9 42.6 5.36 3.6
75/63 69.6 53.5 82.1 4.17 16.7 60 70.6 54.3 4.53 4.6
70 12 13.3 80/67 74.3 55.0 87.4 4.20 17.7 50 70 69.0 50.9 4.95 4.1
85/71 78.9 56.6 92.6 4.23 18.7 80 67.8 47.5 5.43 3.7
75/63 70.8 54.0 83.3 4.04 17.5 60 72.8 56.6 4.56 4.7
20 26.4 80/67 75.6 55.5 88.6 4.06 18.6 70 71.2 53.1 4.98 4.2
85/71 80.5 57.0 94.1 4.08 19.7 80 69.7 49.5 5.46 3.7
75/63 64.5 51.2 77.6 4.81 13.4 60 75.5 51.6 4.56 4.9
8 5.1 80/67 68.8 53.0 82.3 4.83 14.2 70 73.8 50.6 5.00 4.3
85/71 73.2 54.5 87.3 4.86 15.1 80 71.9 49.9 5.49 3.8
75/63 66.5 52.0 79.3 4.56 14.6 60 79.0 62.4 4.64 5.0
80 12 12.8 80/67 70.8 53.8 84.2 4.58 15.5 60 70 77.4 59.3 5.08 4.5
85/71 75.5 55.2 89.4 4.60 16.4 80 75.8 55.6 5.57 4.0
75/63 67.6 52.5 80.3 4.42 15.3 60 81.9 65.8 4.68 5.1
20 25.6 80/67 72.2 54.2 85.4 4.43 16.3 70 80.5 61.7 5.12 4.6
85/71 77.0 55.7 90.7 4.45 17.3 80 78.1 57.9 5.60 4.1
75/63 62.8 50.6 76.0 5.03 12.5 60 89.6 61.2 4.68 5.6
8 5 80/67 67.2 52.2 81.0 5.06 13.3 70 83.0 51.3 5.09 4.8
85/71 71.5 53.8 85.9 5.08 14.1 80 80.7 52.4 5.60 4.2
75/63 64.8 51.3 77.8 4.77 13.6 60 88.3 68.9 4.76 5.4
85 12 12.6 80/67 69.1 53.1 82.6 4.79 14.4 70 70 85.9 66.8 5.20 4.8
85/71 73.7 54.5 87.8 4.81 15.3 80 84.5 63.6 5.70 4.3
75/63 65.9 51.8 78.8 4.63 14.2 60 91.1 75.0 4.81 5.6
20 25.2 80/67 70.3 53.6 83.7 4.64 15.2 70 89.4 70.7 5.25 5.0
85/71 75.1 55.0 89.0 4.65 16.2 80 86.8 66.6 5.75 4.4
75/63 61.1 49.9 74.6 5.28 11.6 60 94.1 56.5 4.73 5.8
8 5 80/67 65.3 51.7 79.4 5.30 12.3 70 83.6 89.6 5.28 4.6
85/71 69.6 53.2 84.3 5.32 13.1 80 87.3 67.4 5.75 4.4
75/63 63.1 50.7 76.3 4.99 12.6 60 97.7 80.7 4.88 5.9
90 12 12.5 80/67 67.5 52.4 81.2 5.01 13.5 80 70 96.0 74.0 5.32 5.3
85/71 71.8 54.0 86.1 5.03 14.3 80 92.7 72.3 5.84 4.7
75/63 64.1 51.2 77.2 4.85 13.2 60 100.8 84.2 4.92 6.0
20 24.8 80/67 68.6 52.9 82.2 4.86 14.1 70 98.6 79.9 5.37 5.4
85/71 73.1 54.5 87.3 4.87 15.0 80 95.7 74.9 5.88 4.8
75/63 57.7 48.5 72.1 5.82 9.9
8 4.8 80/67 61.7 50.3 76.6 5.85 10.5
85/71 65.9 51.9 81.4 5.86 11.2 Extended Range - Anti-freeze required
75/63 59.7 49.3 73.6 5.49 10.9
AHRI/ISO13256-1 certified performance is rated at entering air
100 12 12.1 80/67 63.8 51.1 78.2 5.52 11.6 conditions of 80.6°F DB and 66.2°F WB in cooling and 68°F DB in
85/71 68.1 52.7 83.0 5.54 12.3 heating.
75/63 60.7 49.7 74.3 5.34 11.4 Tabulated unit performance does not include fan or pump power
20 24.1 80/67 65.0 51.5 79.1 5.35 12.1 corrections required for AHRI/ISO standard performance ratings.
85/71 69.4 53.2 84.1 5.36 13.0 Unit performance may be interpolated. Extrapolation is not allowed.
75/63 54.6 47.0 70.0 6.43 8.5 For conditions other than rating conditions provided, consult the FHP
8 4.7 80/67 58.2 48.8 74.3 6.49 9.0 BST selection software.
85/71 62.2 50.4 78.8 6.52 9.5 Ratings below 40°F are with a methanol solution.
75/63 56.4 47.8 71.2 6.08 9.3 Due to variations in installation, actual performance may vary from
110 12 11.7 80/67 60.3 49.7 75.6 6.10 9.9 the tabulated data. Performance contained herein are as a result of
extensive testing by FHP and are not express warranties between the
85/71 64.4 51.3 80.3 6.13 10.5 parties and may be changed at any time.
75/63 57.2 48.3 71.7 5.92 9.7
Continuous research and development to improve our products may
20 23.4 80/67 61.3 50.1 76.3 5.92 10.3 result in a change to the current design and specifications without notice.
85/71 65.5 51.8 81.1 5.93 11.0

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

34 EC Series Electrical Data
Series EC Water Source Heat Pump
Electrical Compressor Blower Motor Min. Max Fuse/
Model Symbol
Voltage/Hz/ Phase Circuit
Quantity RLA LRA Quantity FLA HP Amps
0 115/60/1 1 5.0 36.2 1 2.2 0.1 8.5 15
1 208-230/60/1 1 2.5 17.7 1 0.96 0.1 4.0 15
0 115/60/1 1 7.0 45.6 1 2.2 0.1 11.0 15
EC009 1 208-230/60/1 1 3.4 22.2 1 0.96 0.1 5.2 15
2 265/60/1 1 2.9 18.8 1 0.85 0.1 4.4 15
0 115/60/1 1 9.6 58.4 1 2.2 0.1 14.2 20
EC012 1 208-230/60/1 1 4.6 27.9 1 0.96 0.1 6.7 15
2 265/60/1 1 3.8 22.2 1 0.85 0.1 5.6 15
1 208-230/60/1 1 5.6 29.0 1 0.96 0.1 7.9 15
2 265/60/1 1 4.6 20.0 1 0.85 0.1 6.6 15
1 208-230/60/1 1 6.5 43.0 1 1.8 0.25 9.9 15
2 265/60/1 1 5.8 46.0 1 1.6 0.25 8.9 15
1 208-230/60/1 1 7.4 43.0 1 1.8 0.25 11.1 15
2 265/60/1 1 6.7 46.0 1 1.6 0.25 10.0 15
3 208-230/60/3 1 5.9 63.0 1 1.8 0.25 9.2 15
4 460/60/3 1 2.9 30.0 1 0.9 0.25 4.5 15
1 208-230/60/1 1 9.9 54.0 1 1.8 0.25 14.2 20
2 265/60/1 1 8.5 46.0 1 1.6 0.25 12.2 20
3 208-230/60/3 1 6.9 63.0 1 1.8 0.25 10.4 15
4 460/60/3 1 3.6 30.0 1 0.9 0.25 5.4 15
1 208-230/60/1 1 13.0 74.0 1 4.4 0.50 20.7 30
2 265/60/1 1 11.3 67.0 1 3.3 0.50 17.4 25
3 208-230/60/3 1 7.8 68.0 1 4.4 0.50 14.2 20
4 460/60/3 1 3.9 34.0 1 1.8 0.50 6.7 15
1 208-230/60/1 1 13.6 88.0 1 4.4 0.50 21.4 35
2 265/60/1 1 12.0 67.0 1 3.3 0.50 18.3 30
3 208-230/60/3 1 8.8 68.0 1 4.4 0.50 15.4 20
4 460/60/3 1 4.4 34.0 1 1.8 0.50 7.3 15
1 208-230/60/1 1 13.6 88.0 1 4.4 0.50 21.4 35
2 265/60/1 1 12.0 67.0 1 3.3 0.50 18.3 30
3 208-230/60/3 1 8.8 68.0 1 4.4 0.50 15.4 20
4 460/60/3 1 4.4 34.0 1 1.8 0.50 7.3 15
1 208-230/60/1 1 15.7 84.0 1 4.4 0.75 24.0 35
3 208-230/60/3 1 11.0 88.0 1 4.4 0.75 18.2 25
4 460/60/3 1 5.4 44.0 1 2.8 0.75 9.6 15
5 575/60/3 1 4.0 36.0 1 2.6 0.75 8.1 15
1 208-230/60/1 1 26.3 134.0 1 4.4 0.75 37.2 60
3 208-230/60/3 1 15.6 110.0 1 4.4 0.75 23.9 35
4 460/60/3 1 7.8 52.0 1 2.8 0.75 12.5 20
5 575/60/3 1 5.8 38.9 1 2.6 0.75 9.8 15
1 208-230/30/1 1 30.1 158.0 1 4.4 0.75 42.0 70
3 208-230/60/3 1 20.5 155.0 1 4.4 0.75 30.0 50
4 460/60/3 1 9.6 75.0 1 2.8 0.75 14.8 20
5 575/60/3 1 7.6 54.0 1 2.6 0.75 12.1 15
208/230V units shipped with transformer wired for 230V—for 208V remove orange tranformer primary lead and replace with red lead. All blower motors are single phase.
UNIT POWER SUPPLY: A voltage variation of +/- 10% of nameplate rating is acceptable. Phase imbalance shall not exceed 2%.

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Blower Performance EC Series 35
Series EC Water Source Heat Pump
Available External Static Pressure (in. wc. Wet coil and filter included)
Motor Speed 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20
High 410 380 350 315 280 210 - - - - - -
EC007 Medium 390 360 330 300 260 - - - - - - -
Low 370 340 295 250 - - - - - - - -
High 410 380 350 315 280 210 - - - - - -
EC009 Medium 390 360 330 300 260 - - - - - - -
Low 370 340 295 250 - - - - - - - -
High 425 410 390 370 350 325 300 - - - - -
EC012 Medium 410 395 375 355 330 305 - - - - - -
Low 385 370 350 330 305 - - - - - - -
High 520 500 480 460 430 400 340 - - - - -
EC015 Medium 380 370 360 340 330 - - - - - - -
Low 320 300 280 - - - - - - - - -
High 770 700 680 650 610 570 530 515 - - - -
EC018 Medium 670 650 615 570 530 515 - - - - - -
Low 560 520 510 - - - - - - - - -
High 900 850 800 760 710 690 680 670 - - - -
EC024 Medium 750 720 690 670 - - - - - - - -
Low 670 - - - - - - - - - - -
High 1250 1170 1120 1070 940 830 740 650 - - - -
EC030 Medium 1050 980 920 830 760 700 - - - - - -
Low 975 910 870 740 640 - - - - - - -
High 1500 1440 1370 1290 1210 1120 1000 900 - - - -
EC036 Medium 1410 1350 1290 1220 1150 1060 900 - - - - -
Low 1290 1250 1200 1150 1080 1000 - - - - - -
High 1260 1180 1100 1030 960 870 810 720 - - - -
EC041 Medium 1210 1150 1070 1010 940 850 750 - - - - -
Low 1000 960 920 860 800 740 - - - - - -
High 1560 1500 1420 1340 1260 1170 1070 950 - - - -
EC042 Medium 1470 1410 1340 1270 1200 1110 1010 - - - - -
Low 1340 1300 1250 1200 1130 1050 - - - - - -
High 1880 1830 1780 1710 1630 1550 1460 1350 1300 - - -
EC048 Medium 1620 1600 1580 1530 1490 1420 1350 - - - - -
Low 1390 1360 1330 1310 1290 1250 - - - - - -
High 2160 2090 2030 1960 1870 1800 1730 1680 1640 1600 1550 1500
EC060 Medium 1910 1840 1790 1710 1620 1560 1490 1430 - - - -
Low 1600 1580 1550 1510 1460 - - - - - - -
High 2240 2220 2200 2150 2050 2000 1940 1870 1870 1800 1700 1590
EC070 Medium 1900 1890 1880 1870 1860 1825 1790 1730 1670 1590 1500 -
Low 1570 1560 1550 1540 1530 1505 1475 1440 1400 - - -

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

36 EC Series Physical Data

Series EC Water Source Heat Pump
Unit Size EC007 EC009 EC012 EC015 EC018 EC024 EC030
Compressor Type Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Reciprocating Reciprocating Reciprocating
Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Refrigerant Charge oz. 21 21 22 27 35 50 48
Coil Face Area Ft2 0.90 0.90 0.97 1.42 1.88 2.12 2.29
Rows 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Filter Size HZ (Qty) in. (Nominal) 10 x 16 x 1 (1) 10 x 16 x 1 (1) 10 x 16 x 1 (1) 16 x 20 x 1 (1) 16 x 20 x 1 (1) 18 x 20 x 1 (1) 18 x 20 x 1 (1)
Filter Size VT (Qty) in. (Nominal) 10 x 16 x 1 (1) 10 x 16 x 1 (1) 10 x 16 x 1 (1) 16 x 20 x 1 (1) 16 x 20 x 1 (1) 18 x 20 x 1 (1) 20 x 20 x 1 (1)
Blower Size in. 4x6 4x6 4x7 4x7 9x7 9x7 9x7
Motor HP 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/4 1/4 1/4
Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Water Connections in. FPT 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Rated Water Flow Rate (GPM) 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7
Water Pressure Drop @ Rated
Flow (PSI/FOH) water loop 2.4/5.6 3.2/7.0 4.5/10.4 5.6/13.0 8.4/19.4 5.1/11.8 5.6/12.9
Condensate Connection in. FPT 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Unit Ship Weight Lbs. (V/H) 127 / 140 129 / 142 140 / 154 170 / 187 195 / 215 228 / 251 245 / 270
Unit Operating Weight Lbs (V/H) 118 / 130 120 / 132 129 / 142 158 / 174 180 / 198 205 / 226 230 / 253

Unit Size EC036 EC041 EC042 EC048 EC060 EC070

Compressor Type Reciprocating Reciprocating Reciprocating Scroll Scroll Scroll
Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1
Refrigerant Charge oz. 62 70 66 74 99 115
Coil Face Area Ft2 3.50 2.29 3.50 4.50 4.50 6.00
Rows 3 4 3 3 3 3
Filter Size HZ (Qty) in. (Nominal) 18 x 30 x 1 (1) 20 x 20 x 1 (1) 18 x 30 x 1 (1) 18 x 20 x 1 (2) 18 x 20 x 1 (2) 20 x 24 x 1 (2)
Filter Size VT (Qty) in. (Nominal) 24 x 24 x 1 (1) 20 x 20 x 1 (1) 24 x 24 x 1 (1) 24 x 30 x 1 (1) 24 x 30 x 1 (1) 16 x 30 x 1 x (2)
Blower Size ins. 9x7 9x7 9x7 10 x 8 11 x 9 11 x 9
Motor HP 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4
Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1
Water Connections in. FPT 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 1 1
Rated Water Flow Rate (GPM) 9 9 10 12 15 16
Water Pressure Drop @ Rated
Flow (PSI/FOH) water loop 3.7/8.6 3.8/8.7 4.5/10.5 4.2/9.8 4.4/10.2 9.1/21.1
Condensate Connection in. FPT 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Unit Ship Weight Lbs. (V/H) 288 / 317 265 / 292 276 / 304 328 / 361 360 / 396 410 / 451
Unit Operating Weight Lbs (V/H) 268 / 295 250 / 275 256 / 282 304 / 334 339 / 373 385 / 424

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Vertical Unit Dimensions EC Series 37
Vertical Top Discharge Water Source Heat Pump
Overall unit dimensions do not include filter rack or duct flanges.
R/A Condenser
R/A Filter Replacement
Model Duct Water
Width Depth Height Duct Rack Connections
Flange Filter Size
Width Height
EC007 19.00 19.00 24.25 11.75 7.75 3.50 8.25 2.38 4.88 7.38 15.00 8.00 10.00 8.25 3/4"FPT 10 × 16 × 1
EC009 19.00 19.00 24.25 11.75 7.75 3.50 8.25 2.38 4.88 7.38 15.00 8.00 10.00 8.25 3/4"FPT 10 × 16 × 1
EC012 19.00 19.00 24.25 11.75 7.75 4.00 9.75 2.38 4.88 7.38 15.00 8.00 10.00 5.00 3/4"FPT 10 × 16 × 1
EC015 21.50 21.50 32.25 11.75 9.75 5.88 7.88 2.38 7.38 13.25 17.50 14.00 16.00 7.88 3/4"FPT 16 × 20 × 1
EC018 21.50 21.50 32.25 16.25 13.75 1.75 5.62 2.38 7.38 13.25 17.50 14.00 16.00 5.62 3/4"FPT 16 × 20 × 1
EC024 21.50 21.50 36.25 16.25 13.75 1.75 5.62 2.38 7.38 12.50 17.50 16.00 18.00 5.62 3/4"FPT 18 × 20 × 1
EC030 21.50 21.50 39.25 16.25 13.75 1.75 5.62 2.38 7.38 12.50 17.50 18.00 20.00 5.62 3/4"FPT 20 × 20 × 1
EC036 21.50 26.00 43.25 16.25 15.75 4.75 5.00 2.38 8.38 14.75 22.00 22.00 24.00 5.00 3/4"FPT 24 × 24 × 1
EC041 21.50 21.50 39.25 16.25 13.75 1.75 5.62 2.38 8.38 14.75 17.50 18.00 20.00 5.62 3/4"FPT 20 × 20 × 1
EC042 21.50 26.00 43.25 16.25 15.75 4.75 5.00 2.38 8.38 14.75 22.00 22.00 24.00 5.00 3/4"FPT 24 × 24 × 1
EC048 24.00 32.50 45.25 17.25 17.75 7.38 5.12 2.63 8.38 14.75 28.00 22.00 24.00 5.12 1"FPT 24 × 30 × 1
EC060 24.00 32.50 45.25 17.25 17.75 7.38 5.12 3.00 8.50 15.00 28.00 22.00 24.00 5.12 1"FPT 24 × 30 × 1
EC070 26.00 33.25 58.25 17.75 17.75 8.50 6.50 3.38 8.38 17.38 28.00 30.00 32.00 6.50 1"FPT 16 × 30 × 1 (2)

NOTE: All dimensions in inches unless otherwise noted. All dimensions within +– 0.125". Specifications subject to change without notice.

Left Hand Return (FLT) Right Hand Return (FRT) Return Air (Filter) View

Service Clearances

A Blower Blower Access

I 18" Minimum
24" Optimum

Compressor Access and

Electrical/Control Access
Compressor 24" Minimum
36" Optimum

Front of Unit
NOTE: The local electric codes may require 36" or more clearance at the electrical control box.

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

38 EC Series Vertical Unit Dimensions


Vertical Counterflow Water Source Heat Pump
Overall unit dimensions do not include filter rack or duct flanges.
R/A R/A Condenser
Filter Replacement
Model Blower Blower Duct Duct Water
Width Depth Height Rack Connections
Opening Opening Flange Flange Filter Size
Width Height

EC007 19.00 19.00 24.25 6.25 4.25 6.00 10.25 5.00 10.00 10.25 15.00 8.00 10.00 3/4"FPT 10 × 16 × 1
EC009 19.00 19.00 24.25 5.25 4.25 6.00 10.25 5.00 10.00 10.25 15.00 8.00 10.00 3/4"FPT 10 × 16 × 1
EC012 19.00 19.00 24.25 6.25 4.00 7.00 12.38 4.50 9.50 7.75 15.00 8.00 10.00 3/4"FPT 10 × 16 × 1
EC015 21.50 21.50 32.25 9.63 4.25 6.50 12.00 5.88 16.75 12.00 17.50 14.00 16.00 3/4"FPT 16 × 20 × 1
EC018 21.50 21.50 32.25 9.63 9.25 8.13 8.00 5.88 16.75 8.00 17.50 14.00 16.00 3/4"FPT 16 × 20 × 1
EC024 21.50 21.50 36.25 9.63 9.25 8.13 8.00 5.88 16.00 8.00 17.50 16.00 18.00 3/4"FPT 18 × 20 × 1
EC030 21.50 21.50 39.25 9.63 9.25 8.13 8.00 4.75 15.00 8.00 17.50 18.00 20.00 3/4"FPT 20 × 20 × 1
EC036 21.50 26.00 43.25 10.25 9.25 7.75 9.50 3.75 15.50 8.75 22.00 22.00 24.00 3/4"FPT 24 × 24 × 1
EC041 21.50 21.50 39.25 10.25 9.25 7.25 7.75 4.38 16.75 7.75 17.50 18.00 20.00 3/4"FPT 20 × 20 × 1
EC042 21.50 26.00 43.25 10.25 9.25 7.75 9.50 3.50 15.50 9.50 22.00 22.00 24.00 3/4"FPT 24 × 24 × 1
EC048 24.00 32.50 45.25 11.75 10.75 9.25 9.00 5.00 16.50 9.00 28.00 22.00 24.00 1"FPT 24 × 30 × 1
EC060 24.00 32.50 45.25 12.50 12.00 9.50 9.50 4.25 17.75 8.00 28.00 22.00 24.00 1"FPT 24 × 30 × 1
EC070 26.00 33.25 58.25 12.00 12.50 10.63 9.00 3.00 18.50 9.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 1"FPT 16 × 30 × 1 (2)

NOTE: All dimensions in inches unless otherwise noted. All dimensions within +– 0.125". Specifications subject to change without notice.

Left Hand Return (FLB) Right Hand Return (FRB)

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Horizontal Unit Dimensions EC Series 39
Horizontal Water Source Heat Pump
Overall unit dimensions do not include filter rack or duct flanges.
R/A Condenser
Model R/A Filter
Duct Water
Width Depth Height Duct Rack
Flange Connections Filter Size
Width Height

EC007 19.00 31.00 13.25 2.00 15.00 14.00 2.38 7.38 2.25 11.75 2.00 7.75 2.25 1.88 10.00 8.00 3/4"FPT 10 × 16 × 1
EC009 19.00 31.00 13.25 2.00 15.00 14.00 2.38 7.38 2.25 11.75 2.00 7.75 2.25 1.88 10.00 8.00 3/4"FPT 10 × 16 × 1
EC012 19.00 31.00 13.25 2.00 15.00 14.00 2.38 7.38 2.50 11.75 2.00 7.75 2.25 3.00 10.00 8.00 3/4"FPT 10 × 16 × 1
EC015 21.50 43.00 17.00 2.00 17.50 23.50 2.38 13.25 4.00 11.75 2.00 9.75 2.25 2.50 16.00 14.00 3/4"FPT 16 × 20 × 1
EC018 21.50 43.00 17.00 2.00 17.50 23.50 2.38 13.25 3.50 11.75 2.00 13.75 3.50 1.75 16.00 14.00 3/4"FPT 16 × 20 × 1
EC024 21.50 43.00 19.00 2.00 17.50 23.50 2.38 12.50 3.25 11.75 3.25 13.75 3.25 1.75 18.00 16.00 3/4"FPT 18 × 20 × 1
EC030 22.00 45.00 19.00 2.00 19.50 23.50 2.38 12.50 2.50 13.75 1.50 15.75 2.50 1.50 18.00 16.00 3/4"FPT 18 × 20 × 1
EC036 22.00 54.50 19.00 2.00 29.00 23.50 2.38 14.75 2.50 13.75 1.50 15.75 2.50 1.50 18.00 16.00 3/4"FPT 18 × 30 × 1
EC041 21.50 43.00 22.00 2.00 17.50 23.50 2.38 14.75 2.50 13.75 3.00 15.75 2.50 3.50 20.00 18.00 3/4"FPT 20 × 20 × 1
EC042 22.00 54.50 19.00 2.00 29.00 23.50 2.38 14.75 2.50 13.75 1.50 15.75 2.50 1.50 18.00 16.00 3/4"FPT 18 × 30 × 1
EC048 36.00 43.00 21.00 2.25 33.75 7.00 2.63 14.75 10.13 15.75 3.50 15.75 3.00 3.50 20.00 18.00 1"FPT 18 × 20 × 1 (2)
EC060 36.00 43.00 21.00 2.25 33.75 7.00 4.00 15.75 10.13 15.75 1.50 17.75 3.25 1.50 20.00 18.00 1"FPT 18 × 20 × 1 (2)
EC070 26.00 78.00 21.50 2.50 44.00 31.50 3.12 17.00 2.75 17.75 2.75 17.75 2.75 1.25 20.50 18.50 1"FPT 20 × 24 × 1 (2)

NOTE: All dimensions within +– 0.125". All condensate drain connections are 3/4" FPT. EC015-070 can be field converted between end blow
and straight through supply air configurations. Specifications subject to change without notice.

Left Hand Return End Blow (FLE) Left Hand Return

NOTE: Models EC048 & 060 Left Hand Return units have condenser Straight Through (FLS)
water connections on the front right and electrical knockouts on the front left.

Right Hand Return End Blow (FRE) Right Hand Return

AIR COIL Electrical
Control Straight Through (FRS)
Blower Access Box Compressor Access and
Service Clearances Control Access
18" Minimum
24" Optimum Electrical 24" Minimum
AIR COIL 36" Optimum
Blower Control
Compressor Box Compressor Access and
Blower Access
18" Minimum Control Access
24" Optimum 24" Minimum
Blower 36" Optimum

NOTE: The local electric codes may require 36" or more clearance at the electrical control box.

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

40 EC Series Typical Wiring Diagram


1/2 through 6 ton | Single stage unit | 208-230V/1ph with PSC direct drive motor

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Typical Wiring Diagram EC Series 41
1/2 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208-230V/1ph with PSC direct drive motor
– Hot Gas Reheat

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

42 EC Series Typical Wiring Diagram

1/2 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208/230V/1ph with PSC direct drive motor –

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Typical Wiring Diagram EC Series 43
3 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208/230V/1ph with PSC direct drive motor –
Hot Gas Reheat & Economizer

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

EC Series
44 Typical Wiring Diagram

2 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208/230V/3ph with PSC direct drive motor

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Typical Wiring Diagram EC Series 45
2 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208-230V/3ph with PSC direct drive motor
– Hot Gas Reheat

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

EC Series
46 Typical Wiring Diagram

2 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208/230V/3ph with PSC direct drive motor –

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Typical Wiring Diagram EC Series 47
2 through 6 tons | Single stage unit | 208/230V/3ph with PSC direct drive motor –
Hot Gas Reheat & Economizer

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

48 EC Series Specification Guide

SPECIFICATION GUIDE B. All units shall have stainless steel drain pans to
1.0 General comply with this project’s IAQ requirements. No
Furnish and install FHP water source heat pumps exceptions shall be allowed.
as indicated on the plans with capacities and C. All water source heat pumps shall be fabricated
characteristics as listed in the schedule and from heavy-gauged steel finished with Galvalume®
the specifications that follow. The units shall be plus, an aluminum-zinc alloy with a clear acrylic
manufactured in an ISO 9001:2000 certified facility. for additional corrosion protection. All interior
2.0 Horizontal/Vertical/Counterflow Water surfaces shall be lined with 1/2 inch thick, multi
Source Heat Pumps density acoustic insulation. Insulation within the
Units shall be designed to operate throughout the air handling section shall not have any exposed
range of entering fluid temperature of 50°F to 100°F edges. All insulation must meet NFPA 90A and
in the cooling mode and 50°F to 80°F in the heating be certified to meet the GREENGUARD Indoor
mode. Units shall have an operating range of 50°F Air Quality Standard for Low Emitting Products.
to 110°F in the cooling mode and 25°F to 80°F in One blower access panel and two compressor
the heating mode when equipped with the optional compartment access panels shall be removable
extended range package. Equivalent units from other with supply and return air ductwork in place.
manufacturers can be proposed provided approval to D. Unit shall have a floating base pan consisting of
bid is given 10 days prior to bid closing. All equipment a ½” (12 mm) thick high density elastomeric pad
with a nominal capacity of 135,000 BTUH Total Cooling between the compressor base plate and the unit
or lower must be listed in the current AHRI Applied base pan to prevent transmission of vibration to the
Equipment Directory under the AHRI Standard AHRI/ structure.
ISO- 13256-1, WLHP, GWHP and GLHP certification
E. All units shall have a factory installed two sided
filter rack capable of accepting one inch filters.
All equipment in this section must meet or exceed the Units shall have a 1 inch thick throwaway type
DOE mandated minimum EER’s and COP’s as listed in glass fiber filter as standard. The filter rack shall
ASHRAE 90.1 as follows: incorporate a 1 inch duct flange. The contractor
shall purchase one spare set of filters and replace
For the AHRI/ISO-13256-1, WLHP Rating (12.0
factory-shipped filters upon completion of start-up.
EER and 4.2 COP for units larger than a nominal
17,000 BTUH Total Cooling – 11.2 EER and 4.2 F. Cabinets shall have separate holes and knockouts
COP for units below a nominal 17,000 BTUH Total for entrance of line voltage and low voltage control
Cooling). wiring. Supply and return water connections
shall be brass FPT fittings and shall be securely
For the AHRI/ISO-13256-1, GLHP Rating a mini- mounted flush to the cabinet allowing for
mum 13.4 EER and 3.1 COP. All units shall be listed connection to a flexible hose without the use of a
with Underwriters Laboratories (UL) for safety. back-up wrench. Water connections which protrude
2.01 Basic Construction through the cabinet shall not be allowed.
A. Units shall have the air flow arrangement as shown G. Hanging brackets and condensate overflow
on the plans. If units with these arrangements protection shall be provided as standard for
are not used, the contractor supplying the water horizontal units.
source heat pumps is responsible for any extra
2.02 Fan and Motor Assembly
costs incurred by other trades and must submit
A. Units shall have a direct-drive forward curved type
detailed mechanical drawings showing ductwork
centrifugal fan. The fan motor shall be 3-speed,
requirements and changes or relocation of
permanently lubricated, PSC type with thermal
any other mechanical or electrical system. If
overload protection.
other arrangements make servicing difficult the
contractor must provide access panels and clear B. The fan and motor assembly must be capable of
routes to ease service. The architect must approve overcoming the external static pressures as shown
all changes 10 days prior to bid. on the schedule. External static pressure rating
of the unit shall be based on a wet coil. Ratings
based on a dry coil shall NOT be acceptable.

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Specification Guide EC Series 49

2.03 Refrigerant Circuit

Units shall use R-410A refrigerant. Units that use R-22 Option for E: Cupro-Nickel water coil – The
refrigerant shall not be allowed. refrigerant to water heat exchanger shall be of
cupro-nickel inner water tube construction.
All units shall have a factory sealed and fully charged
refrigerant circuit with the following components: F. Safety controls including both a high pressure
and low pressure switch. Temperature sensors
A. Hermetic compressor: Hermetic reciprocating,
shall not replace these safety switches. See the
rotary, or scroll compressors shall be specifically
controls section of this specification for additional
designed for R-410A refrigerant and shall be
internally sprung (if reciprocating), externally
isolated and with thermal overload protection. G. Access fittings shall be factory installed on high
and low pressure refrigerant lines to facilitate field
B. Refrigerant metering thermal expansion valves or
capillary tubes
H. Activation of any safety device shall prevent
C. Finned tube refrigerant to air heat exchanger.
compressor operation via a lockout circuit. The
Refrigerant to air heat exchangers shall utilize
lockout circuit shall be reset at the thermostat or
enhanced aluminum fins and rifled copper
at the contractor supplied disconnect switch. Units
tube construction rated to withstand 600 PSIG
which may be reset at the disconnect switch only
refrigerant working pressure. All air coils shall have
shall not be acceptable. Refer to solid state safety
non-ferrous aluminum end plates.
circuit below.
Option for refrigerant to air coils to have a baked
2.04 Electrical
polyester enamel coating (rated at 1,000 hour salt
A control box shall be located within the unit and shall
spray protection equivalent or better).
contain a transformer, controls for the compressor,
D. Reversing valve. Reversing valves shall be four- reversing valve and fan motor operation and shall
way solenoid activated refrigerant valves which have a terminal block for low voltage field wiring
shall fail to the heating operation should the connections. The transformer shall be rated for a
solenoid fail to function. Reversing valves which minimum 50 VA. All units shall be name-plated for use
fail to the cooling operation shall not be allowed. with time delay fuses or HACR circuit breakers. Unit
E. Coaxial (tube in tube) refrigerant to water heat controls shall be 24 volts.
exchanger. Refrigerant to water heat exchangers Option: All transformers shall be rated 75VA and
shall be of copper inner water tube and steel shall have a push button reset circuit breaker on the
outer refrigerant tube design rated to withstand secondary power.
600 PSIG working refrigerant pressure and 400
2.05 Solid State Safety Circuit
PSIG working water pressure. Shell and Tube
All units shall have a solid-state UPM safety control
style refrigerant to water heat exchangers shall
circuit with the following features:
be treated as pressure vessels and shall require
refrigerant pressure relief valves piped to the 1. Anti-short cycle time delay on compressor
exterior of the building. The contractor supplying
the water source heat pumps with Shell and Tube
heat exchangers shall be responsible for any 2. Random start on power up mode.
additional installation costs. Brazed Plate water to 3. Brown out/Surge/Power Interruption protection.
refrigerant heat exchangers shall require additional
centrifugal separators added to the supply water 4. Low Pressure Switch 120 second bypass timer.
piping at each unit. Each separator shall have 5. Shutdown on high or low refrigerant pressure safety
an automated clean out valve piped to a waste switch inputs, and shutdown for the optional freez-
line. The contractor supplying water source heat estat or high level condensate sensor.
pumps with Brazed Plate heat exchangers shall be
6. Alarm output which closes for selectable dry contact
responsible for any additional costs.
closure or 24 VAC remote fault indication.

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

50 EC Series Specification Guide

7. Alarm output selectable for constant output for C. Extra quiet construction: Optional compressor blanket
general alarm notification, or pulse output for shall be provided on units having a capacity above
annunciation of the specific fault alarm. 18,000 BTUH.

8. Reset unit at thermostat or disconnect. D. Hot Gas Reheat: Units as noted on the schedule shall
be equipped with optional Hot Gas Reheat (HGRH).
9. Automatic intelligent reset. Unit shall automatically
HGRH shall be either on/off control or modulating as
reset after a safety shut down and restart the unit noted in the specifications.
after the anti-short cycle timer and random start
On/Off HGRH shall be controlled by a humidistat
timer expire. Should a fault re-occur within 60
connected to the unit H terminal and shall start the
minutes after reset, then a permanent lockout will
unit in the reheat mode should the humidity be above
occur. Reset attempts shall be selectable for either setpoint once the thermostat control is satisfied.
2 or 4 tries. Condensate overflow shall put the unit Cooling or heating requirements shall take precedent
into a hard lockout on the first fault . over HGRH.
10. Ability to defeat time delays for servicing. Modulating Hot Gas Reheat (MHGRH) shall be active
11. A light emitting diode (LED) to indicate safety during the cooling mode. A 0 - 10 VDC signal from a
alarms. The LED shall annunciate the following sensor located in the unit discharge air supply shall
modulate the hot gas valve to maintain an adjustable
alarms: high refrigerant pressure, low refrigerant
preset leaving air temperature to the conditioned
pressure, low water temperature, a high level of
condensate in the drain pan, or brown out/surge/
power interruption. The LED will display each fault E. Hot Gas Bypass: For units as noted on the schedule,
supply each unit with a UL listed and MEA listed
condition as soon as the fault occurs. If a permanent
modulating hot gas bypass valve with factory supplied
lockout occurs, then the fault LED will display the
and installed controls to prevent air coils from frost
type of fault until the unit is reset.
development by taking hot gas and bypassing the
12. UL listed, CUL listed, and RFI, ESD, and water coil and expansion device and reintroducing
transient protected. the hot gas into the refrigerant line prior to the air coil.
2.06 Options: The hot gas bypass valve shall maintain a minimum
A. Freeze Protection: the optional freeze protection refrigerant suction pressure to allow for a light load
sensor shall be mounted close to the water coil to cooling mode or a low entering air temperature
monitor refrigerant temperature between water coil cooling mode.
and the thermal expansion valve or capillary tube. If F. Water Differential Switch. Prevents unit operation if
the refrigerant temperature between the expansion there is no fluid flow.
device and water coil drops below or remains at 30˚F G. Water Side Economizer: water side economizer shall
for 30 seconds, the controller shall shut down the be completely installed at the factory, with condensate
compressor and enter into a soft lockout condition. drain pan(s), motorized 3 way valve, aqua stat, and
This trip point can be changed to 15˚F by cutting the all internal electric controls. Water side economizer
R42 resistor located above the DIP switch SW1 for shall be rated at 400 psi and UL listed for application
applications that employ antifreeze. The freezestat with the heat pump.
may not provide protection in the case of loss of
flow in the heating mode. A flow switch or pressure H. HR Hot Water Kits: 208/230-1-60 and 208/230-3-
differential switch is recommended to prevent unit 60 units shall be equipped with an optional factory
operation in case of loss of flow. installed external heat recovery kit for domestic hot
water production. This kit shall include an internally
B. Condensate overflow protection: A condensate protected hot water circulation pump, copper
sensor shall activate the lockout circuit upon double wall vented coaxial water-to-refrigerant heat
sensing a high level of condensate in the drain pan exchanger, air purge valve, 140°F (60°C) hot water
and immediately put the unit into a hard lockout. temperature limit switch and an on/off switch/circuit
Condensate overflow protection shall be standard on breaker.
all horizontal units.

6720220353 Subject to change without prior notice Revised 10-12

Specification Guide EC Series 51

I. Factory-installed control options: water differential

pressure switch, 75 VA transformer (resettable),
phase loss and reversal protection, and unit mounted
disconnect switch.
J. A 2”, four-sided filter rack is optional to accommodate
nominal 2” thick pleated filters.
3.0 Hose Kits
All units shall be connected with hoses. The hoses
shall be either 2 or 3 feet long, braided stainless steel,
fire rated hoses complete with adapters. Non fire rated
hoses are not acceptable. Optional ball valves with P/T
ports, flow controller, Y strainer and electric valve shall
be in included as specified in the schedule.

Revised 10-12 Subject to change without prior notice 6720220353

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