Anaphy Endocrine System
Anaphy Endocrine System
Anaphy Endocrine System
1. Metabolism
2. Control of food intake and digestion
I. Overview of the Endocrine System
3. Tissue development
4. Ion regulation
● Made up of GLANDS that release
5. Water balance
hormones into the bloodstream
6. Heart rate and blood pressure
● Hormones are chemical "messengers" regulation
that control numerous body functions 7. Control of blood glucose and other
● Allow for the maintenance of internal 8. Control of Reproductive functions
homeostasis or the internal 9. Uterine contraction and milk release
environment in the body 10. Immune System regulation
- is found behind the breastbone
- sit on the kidneys
- is in the abdomen
- are in the scrotum
- are in the hip area
B. Functions of Endocrine Glands
C. Transport of Hormones
Activities Controlled by Hormones ● Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (TSH)-
stimulates growth of the thyroid gland
● Activities of entire organs
● Mood ● Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)-
● Growth and development stimulates growth of the adrenal gland
● Reproduction
● Sexual characteristics ● Follicle stimulating Hormone (FSH) –
● Usage and storage of energy growth of the ovarian follicles,
● Levels of fluid, salt and sugar in the production of estrogen in females; &
blood production of sperm in males
- Under-production of growth hormone
during childhood
- Long bone growth is decreased
- Body is proportioned and intelligence is
Hormones of the Pituitary: Produces &
secretes NINE hormones that affect other - Treatment: early diagnosis& injections
glands and organs of GH for 5 or more yrs.
B. Thyroid Gland nervousness, irregular menstrual
periods in women.
Function: regulates metabolism, growth and
development, and blood calcium levels Treatment: anti-thyroid medication, surgical
removal of thyroid.
Location: Butterfly shaped mass found in neck
in front of the trachea; shaped like an H Graves Disease
- Severe form of hyperthyroidism
- More common in women
Hypothyroidism (Myxedema)
Disease of the Thyroid Gland Sexual development and physical growth does
not reach beyond 7-8 year old children
● Hyperthyroidism
● Over-production of thyroxine increases C. Parathyroid Gland
- Causes weight-loss, increased appetite, Function: raises blood calcium
fatigue, high blood pressure,
Location: Four small glands behind the thyroid E. Pancreas
(size of grains of rice)
Function: maintains glucose homeostasis
Hormone of the Parathyroid (normal blood glucose levels) after eating
Function: Helps the body prepare for and deal Hormones of the Pancreas
with stress
Insulin – lowers blood glucose; promotes
Location: “Suprarenal” glands because storage of glycogen in liver and muscles
found above each kidney
Glucagon– raises blood glucose
Hormones of the Adrenal Gland
Diseases of Pancreas
Epinephrine (adrenaline) & Norepinephrine
released in emergency or stress situations to Diabetes Mellitus
raise blood glucose levels and prepare the
body for the “fight or flight” response - Decreased secretion of insulin can
affect metabolism of carbohydrates,
Cortisol: “stress hormone” that raises blood proteins, fats
glucose by stimulating the breakdown of - 2 types of D.M.
- Too much suppresses immune system
F. Thymus H. Testes
Function: Active in early life activating cells in Function: stimulate sperm production and
the immune system male sex characteristics
- Atrophies (stops functioning) during Location: scrotal sac and suspended outside
puberty the body
Homeostasis is maintained though a system C. Leptin & Negative Feedback
called negative feedback
- Fat cells produce the hormone leptin
A. Negative Feedback Loop when they are filled.
- Through negative feedback, when the - Leptin is transported in the blood to the
amount of a particular hormone in the brain where it helps to suppress a
blood reaches a certain level, the person appetite.
endocrine system sends signals that
stop the release of that hormone. - When the fat is used, the amount of
leptin decreases, which causes the brain
- Sometimes a hormone with an to start to feel hunger again
opposing function may be released, if