Civ Pro 1st Exam Notes
Civ Pro 1st Exam Notes
Civ Pro 1st Exam Notes
5. With the MTC in the issuance of Temporary Protection Jurisdiction when there is a claim of
Orders or Permanent Protection Orders (Sec. 10, R.A damages
9262). Claim for damages Determination of
Summary: Jurisdiction over Habeas Corpus Merely incidental or ancillary DO NOT include the amount
to the main cause of action. of damages in determining
petitions jurisdiction.
Remedy Jurisdiction Main cause of action, or one Amount of such claim shall
Habeas Corpus filed as Concurrent among the SC, of the causes of action. be considered in
main remedy under Rule CA and RTC determining the jurisdiction
102 of the court.
Habeas Corpus filed as an Exclusive RTC acting as
ancillary remedy in a petition Family Court
for custody of minors Actions incapable of pecuniary estimation
Russell vs. Vestil
Exclusive Appellate Jurisdiction of the
Regional Trial Court Determination of whether an action is capable of
Sec. 22, B.P 129 pecuniary estimation
Over all cases decided by Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal In determining whether an action is one the subject matter of
Trial Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts in their which is not capable of pecuniary estimation this Court has
respective territorial jurisdictions. The decision of the Regional adopted the criterion of first ascertaining the nature of the
Trial Courts in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction shall be principal action or remedy sought. If it is primarily for the
appealable by petition for review to the Court of Appeals. recovery of a sum of money, the claim is considered capable of
pecuniary estimation, and whether jurisdiction is in the
municipal courts or in instance would depend on the amount of
the claim.
Special Jurisdiction of the Regional Trial
Court However, where the basic issue is something other than the
Sec. 23, B.P 129 right to recover a sum of money, where the money claim is
Certain branches of the Regional Trial Court may be purely incidental to, or a consequence of, the principal relief
designated by the Supreme Court to handle exclusively sought, this Court has considered such where the subject of
criminal cases, juvenile and domestic relations cases, agrarian the litigation may not be estimated in terms of money, and are
cases, urban and land reform cases which do not fall under the cognizable exclusively by courts of first instance (now Regional
jurisdiction of quasi-judicial bodies and agencies, and/or such Trial Courts).
other special cases as the Supreme Court may determine in
the interest of a speedy and efficient administration of justice. Examples of actions incapable of pecuniary estimation
Examples of actions incapable of pecuniary estimation are
those for specific performance, support, or foreclosure of
Real Action distinguished from Personal mortgage or annulment of judgment; also actions questioning
Action the validity of a mortgage, annulling a deed of sale or
conveyance and to recover the price paid and for rescission,
Real Action Personal Action
which is a counterpart of specific performance.
Scope Founded on the Any other action
privity of real estate, that is not founded SSS vs. Atlantic Gulf
Expropriation suit
Actions capable of pecuniary estimation
An expropriation suit does not involve the recovery of a sum of
Iniego vs. Purganan
money. Rather, it deals with the exercise by the government of
its authority and right to take property for public use. As such, it
Actions for damages based on quasi-delicts
is incapable of pecuniary estimation and should be filed with
Actions for damages based on quasi-delicts are actions that
the regional trial courts.
are capable of pecuniary estimation. As such, they fall within
the jurisdiction of either the RTC or the municipal courts,
It should be stressed that the primary consideration in an
depending on the amount of damages claimed.
expropriation suit is whether the government or any of its
instrumentalities has complied with the requisites for the taking
of private property. Hence, the courts determine the authority Heirs of Sebe vs. Heirs of Sevilla
of the government entity, the necessity of the expropriation,
and the observance of due process. In the main, the subject of Action involving title to real property
an expropriation suit is the government's exercise of eminent The action is, therefore, about ascertaining which of these
domain, a matter that is incapable of pecuniary estimation. parties is the lawful owner of the subject lots, jurisdiction over
which is determined by the assessed value of such lots.
True, the value of the property to be expropriated is estimated
in monetary terms, for the court is duty-bound to determine the An action involving title to real property means that the
just compensation for it. This, however, is merely incidental to plaintiff’s cause of action is based on a claim that he owns
the expropriation suit. Indeed, that amount is determined only such property or that he has the legal rights to have exclusive
after the court is satisfied with the propriety of the control, possession, enjoyment, or disposition of the same.
expropriation. Title is the legal link between (1) a person who owns property
and (2) the property itself.
Mendoza vs. Teh
Determination on whether RTC or Quasi-
Appointment of an administratix for an estate
Likewise falling within its jurisdiction are actions incapable of
judicial bodies have jurisdiction
pecuniary estimation, such as the appointment of an v If the resolution of the case ultimately boils down to
administratrix for an estate. application of a special law within the competence of an
In the present suit, no settlement of estate is involved, but administrative or quasi-judicial agency, the RTC has no
merely an allegation seeking appointment as estate jurisdiction.
administratrix which does not necessarily involve settlement of v If the resolution of the case can be had without reference
estate that would have invited the exercise of the limited to these special laws, the RTC has jurisdiction.
jurisdiction of a probate court.
Halaguena et. al vs. PAL
Courts have jurisdiction when a general civil law applies
Action for injunction and it is not covered by a special law
Section 19 of BP 129 shows that a Regional Trial Court has Thus, where the principal relief sought is to be resolved not by
jurisdiction over all civil cases in which the subject of litigation reference to the Labor Code or other labor relations statute or
is incapable of pecuniary estimation. Jurisprudence has a collective bargaining agreement but by the general civil law,
recognized complaints for injunction with a prayer for the jurisdiction over the dispute belongs to the regular courts of
temporary restraining order or writ of preliminary injunction as justice and not to the labor arbiter and the NLRC.
such. In such situations, resolution of the dispute requires expertise,
not in labor management relations nor in wage structures and
Copioso vs. Copioso other terms and conditions of employment, but rather in the
application of the general civil law. Clearly, such claims fall
Joinder of causes of action outside the area of competence or expertise ordinarily ascribed
to labor arbiters and the NLRC and the rationale for granting
Clearly, this is a case of joinder of causes of action which
comprehends more than the issue of title to, possession of, or jurisdiction over such claims to these agencies disappears.
any interest in the real property under contention but includes
an action to annul contracts, reconveyance or specific The said issue cannot be resolved solely by applying the Labor
Code. Rather, it requires the application of the Constitution,
performance, and a claim for damages, which are incapable of
pecuniary estimation and thus properly within the jurisdiction of labor statutes, law on contracts and the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and
the RTC.
the power to apply and interpret the constitution and CEDAW is
within the jurisdiction of trial courts, a court of general
Sun Insurance vs. Asuncion The court acquires jurisdiction over the action if the filing of the
initiatory pleading is accompanied by the payment of the
Liberal interpretation of the rules when there is no intent requisite fees, or, if the fees are not paid at the time of the filing
to defraud in payment of docket fees of the pleading, as of the time of full payment of the fees within
However, in Manchester, petitioner did not pay any additional such reasonable time as the court may grant, unless, of
docket fee until the case was decided by this court on May 7, course, prescription has set in the meantime.
1987. Thus, in Manchester, due to the fraud committed on the
government, this court held that the court a quo did not acquire But where the fees prescribed for an action involving real
jurisdiction over the case and that the amended complaint property have been paid, but the amounts of certain of the
could not have been admitted inasmuch as the original related damages being demanded are unspecified, the action
complaint was null and void. may not be dismissed.
In the present case, a more liberal interpretation of the rules if Ayala Corp. et al. v Madayag,
called for considering that, unlike Manchester, private
respondent demonstrated his willingness to abide by the rules Payment of additional docket fees allowed when paid
by paying the additional docket fees as required. The within a reasonable time
promulgation of the decision in Manchester must have had that As ruled in Tacay, the trial court may either order said claim to
sobering influence on private respondent who thus paid the expunged from the record as it did not acquire jurisdiction over
additional docket fee as ordered by the respondent court. the same or on motion, it may allow, within a reasonable time,
the amendment of the amended and supplemental complaint
Nevertheless, petitioners contend that the docket fee that was so as to state the precise amount of the exemplary damages
paid is still insufficient considering the total amount of the sought and require the payment of the requisite fees therefor
claim. This is a matter which the clerk of court of the lower within the relevant prescriptive period.
court and/or his duly authorized docket clerk or clerk-in-charge
should determine and, thereafter, if any amount is found due, Heirs of Hinog vs. Melicor
he must require the private respondent to pay the same.
Clarification of the rule in Manchester
Principles regarding payment of docket fees While the payment of the prescribed docket fee is a
It is not simply the filing of the complaint or appropriate jurisdictional requirement, even its non-payment at the time of
initiatory pleading, but the payment of the prescribed docket filing does not automatically cause the dismissal of the case,
fee, that vests a trial court with jurisdiction over the subject as long as the fee is paid within the applicable prescriptive or
matter or nature of the action. reglementary period, more so when the party involved
demonstrates a willingness to abide by the rules prescribing
Where the filing of the initiatory pleading is not accompanied by such payment.
payment of the docket fee, the court may allow payment of the
fee within a reasonable time but in no case beyond the Thus, when insufficient filing fees were initially paid by the
applicable prescriptive or reglementary period. plaintiffs and there was no intention to defraud the government,
the Manchester rule does not apply. This is simply a
The same rule applies to permissive counterclaims, third party qualification on the Manchester rule. Meaning, the Manchester
claims and similar pleadings, which shall not be considered rule will only apply under the peculiar circumstances or similar
filed until and unless the filing fee prescribed therefor is paid. circumstances as with Manchester.
The court may also allow payment of said fee within a
reasonable time but also in no case beyond its applicable Proton Pilipinas Corp. et al. vs. Banque Nationale de
prescriptive or reglementary period. Paris
A civil action may either be ordinary or special. Both are Both ordinary and special civil actions are governed by the
governed by the rules for ordinary civil actions, subject rules on ordinary civil actions, subject to the specific rules. In
to the specific rules prescribed for a special civil action. the case of conflict between the specific rule governing a
particular type of civil action and the ordinary, the specific
(b) A criminal action is one by which the State prosecutes rule will prevail. If the rules on specific civil actions are silent,
a person for an act or omission punishable by law. the rules for ordinary actions will be applied.
(c) A special proceeding is a remedy by which a party Ordinary civil Special civil action
seeks to establish a status, a right, or a particular fact. action
Governing Governed by the Governed by the
rules rules for ordinary rules for ordinary
Applicability of the rules of court civil actions and civil actions and,
The general applicability of the Rules is pursuant to Article never the specific subject to the
VIII, 5(5) of the Constitution which mandates that the rules prescribed for specific rules
procedural rules to be promulgated by the Supreme Court shall a special civil action. prescribed for a
be uniform for all courts of the same grade. special civil action.
Jurisdictio Filed before the Either the MTC,
The Rules of Court is the collective term to describe all the n MTC or the RTC, RTC, CA or SC.
rules from Rule 1 to Rule 144. Technically speaking, Civil depending on the
Procedure actually begins at Rule 2 because Rule 1 relates to jurisdictional amount
General Provisions. or nature of the
action involved.
The doctrine we follow here is generalia specialibus non Cause of Every ordinary civil The requirement of a
derogant or that universal things do not detract from specific action action must be cause of action does
things. The special provision will always prevail. based on a cause of not apply. It is not a
action. A cause of prerequisite for filing.
When the rules not applicable action is the act or
omission by which a
The Rules of Court do not apply where it is otherwise provided
party violates a right
by the Supreme Court, such as:
of another.
1. Summary Proceedings
2. Small Claims Cases How By filing of the By filing of the
3. Examination of Child Witnesses initiated complaint. complaint or petition.
4. Cases enumerated under Rule 1, Sec. 4. Verification Need not be under Must be verified
Election cases; oath unless such as:
Land registration cases; specifically required Complaint for
Cadastral cases; by law. (Rule 7, Sec. expropriation
Naturalization cases; and 4) (Rule 67);
Ejercito vs. M.R Vargas Construction Action for partition;
Action for accounting;
Jurisdiction how acquired in actions in personam Attachment;
In an action strictly in personam, personal service of summons Judicial foreclosure of mortgage.
on the defendant is the preferred mode of service, that is, by
handing a copy of the summons to the defendant in person.
Recall that jurisdiction over the person of the defendant can
Summary: Judicial foreclosure of mortgage
- It is a special civil action under Rule 68.
also be acquired by his voluntary appearance and submission
- It is an action incapable of pecuniary estimation. (Rusell v.
to the jurisdiction of the court.
- It is also a real action. Thus, the determination of
Against a resident defendant in an action in personam, this
jurisdiction is subject to the assessed value of the
jurisdiction is acquired by service in person of summons of the
property. (Roldan v. Sps. Barrios)
defendant (Sec. 6, Rule 14, Rules of Court) or in case he
- it is an action quasi in rem.
cannot be served in person within a reasonable time, by
substituted service of summons. (Sec. 7, Rule 14).
Acosta vs. Salazar
Without a valid service of summons the court cannot obtain
Petition for the cancellation of the entries annotated at the
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant unless the
back of OCT
defendant voluntarily appears in the action. This voluntary
the registration of land under the Torrens system is a
appearance is equivalent to service of summons. (Sec. 20,
proceeding in rem and not in personam. Such a proceeding in
Rule 14)
rem, dealing with a tangible res, may be instituted and carried
to judgment without personal service upon the claimants within
Spouses Yu vs. Pacleb
the state or notice by mail to those outside of it. Jurisdiction is
acquired by virtue of the power of the court over the res.
Binding effect of actions in personam
A proceeding in personam is a proceeding to enforce personal
However, the proceedings instituted by the Salazars – for the
rights and obligations brought against the person and is based
cancellation of entries in the subject OCT and for quieting of
on the jurisdiction of the person although it may involve his
title can hardly be classified as actions in rem. The petition for
right to, or the exercise of ownership of, specific property, or
cancellation of entries annotated at the back of the said OCT
seek to compel him to control or dispose of it in accordance
ought to have been directed against specific persons: namely,
with the mandate of the court.
the heirs of Juan Soriano and, indubitably, against their
successors-in-interest who have acquired different portions of
Ordinary Civil Actions Special Under Article 916 of the Civil Code, disinheritance can be
Proceedings effected only through a will wherein the legal cause therefor
Scope A formal demand of An application or shall be specified. While the respondents in their complaint
one's right in a court of proceeding to sought the disinheritance of Ramon, no will or any instrument
justice in the manner establish the status supposedly effecting the disposition of Antonio's estate was
prescribed by the court or right of a party, ever mentioned.
or by the law. or a particular fact. Hence, despite the prayer for Ramon's Disinheritance, the Civil
Pleadings Required No formal case does not partake of the nature of a special proceeding
pleadings are and does not call for the probate's exercise of its limited
required unless the jurisdiction.
statute expressly
so provides. Heirs of Yaptinchay vs. Del Rosario
If it is a petition for declaration of presumptive death for Sec. 5. Commencement of Action – A civil action is
purposes of succession, it is a special proceeding but if it is a commenced by the filing of the original complaint in court. If
summary proceeding for declaration of presumptive death an additional defendant is impleaded in a later pleading, the
for purposes of remarriage, it is an ordinary civil action. action is commenced with regard to him on the dated of the
filing of such later pleading, irrespective of whether the
There is no doubt that the petition is a summary proceeding motion for its admission, if necessary, is denied by the court.
under the Family Code, not a special proceeding under the Sec. 6. Construction – These Rules shall be liberally
Revised Rules of Court appeal for which calls for the filing of a construed in order to promote their objective of securing a
Record on Appeal. It being a summary ordinary proceeding, just, speedy and inexpensive disposition of every action and
the filing of a Notice of Appeal from the trial court’s order proceeding.
Anson Trader Center Inc. vs. Pacific Banking
Petition for liquidation of insolvent Corporation
It is the what of ex: In a breach of contract, the contract violated is the subject
It is the why of an an action or matter while the breach thereof by the obligor is the cause of
action. proceeding. action.
Basis It is the basis of a civil It is the basis of
action. jurisdiction. Iniego vs. Purganan
Capable of Immaterial. GR: If the subject
pecuniary matter is Distinction between cause of action and subject matter
estimation incapable of What must be determined to be capable or incapable if
pecuniary pecuniary estimation is not the cause of action, but the subject
estimation, matter of the action. A cause of action is the delict or wrongful
jurisdiction is act or omission committed by the defendant in violation of the
lodged with the primary rights of the plaintiff.
On the other hand, the subject matter of the action is the
XPN: Foreclosure physical facts, the thing real or personal, the money, the lands,
of Real Estate chattels, and the like, in relation to which the suit is prosecuted,
Mortgage – and not the delict or wrong committed by the defendant.
assessed value
will be Actions for damages based on quasi-delicts are primarily and
considered in effectively actions for the recovery of a sum of money for the
determining damages suffered because of the defendant’s alleged tortious
jurisdiction. acts. The subject matter of the action is the relief sought. That
Existence A cause of action Every action or is asking for the recovery of damages. The cause of action,
need only exist in a proceeding has a which is the act or omission by which the defendant violated
civil action. subject matter. the right of the plaintiff, was his fault or negligence.
Determination Whether one has a To determine
cause of action subject matter, Commonalities between cause of action and
depends on law, reference is
contract and other made to law.
subject matter
sources of Only the allegations of the complaint will be examined in
obligations. determining whether there is a cause of action and
whether the court has jurisdiction over the subject matter.
Both are used in determining whether or not res judicata
It is here where you exists (i.e., identity of causes of action and identity of
can determine what is subject matter).
your right; what is the
obligation of the
defendant; if the Special civil actions not grounded on a
violated cause of action
The requirement that a suit must be grounded on a cause of
Error When the court takes When a court action applies only to ordinary civil actions and not to special
cognizance of a takes cognizance civil actions. The requirement of a cause of action finds no
cause of action when of a subject application to certain special civil actions where the violation of
none actually exists, matter not the plaintiff's rights is not a prerequisite for the commencement
it commits an error of conferred upon it of such actions.
Rationale behind prohibition of joinder including special In other words, there is no absolute necessity requiring
that the action to compel acknowledgment should have
civil actions or actions governed by special rules
1. To avoid confusion – The rules of procedure for civil been instituted and prosecuted to a successful conclusion
prior to the action in which that same plaintiff seeks
actions and actions governed by special rules are peculiar
to the latter. The same cannot be applied to an ordinary additional relief in the character of heir. (Briz vs. Briz)
civil action.
2. To avoid jurisdictional issues – Actions governed by c) Where the causes of action are between the same
parties but pertain to different venues or jurisdictions,
special rules are, more often than not, cognizable by
quasi-judicial tribunals, or maybe, courts of special the joinder may be allowed in the Regional Trial Court
provided one of the causes of action falls within the
jurisdiction. There can be no joinder where one of the
issues to be tried pertain to a tribunal of special jurisdiction of said court and the venue lies therein.
Joinder in the RTC
Under Rule 2, Section 5(c), the causes of action between the
Cases when joinder not allowed
An action for reimbursement or for recovery of same parties but pertaining to different jurisdictions can be
joined in the RTC because one of the causes of action falls
damages may not be properly joined with the action for
ejectment. The former is an ordinary civil action requiring within the jurisdiction of the same.
a full-blown trial, while an action for unlawful detainer is a
special civil action which requires a summary procedure. There must be at least one cause of action the jurisdiction of
which falls within the RTC. If both cases are within the
The joinder of the two actions is specifically enjoined by
Section 5 of Rule 2 of the Rules of Court. (Terana vs. De jurisdiction of the MTCs, the can be no joinder.
d) Where the claims in all the causes action are
principally for recovery of money, the aggregate
A petition for a writ of habeas corpus cannot be joined
with the special civil action for certiorari because the amount claimed shall be the test of jurisdiction.
two remedies are governed by a different set of rules. Rule
2, Section 5(b) of the Rules of Court mandates that the Restatement of the Totality Rule
Corollary, Section 5(d), Rule 2 of the same Rules provides that
joinder of causes of action shall not include special actions
or actions governed by special rules, thus proscribing the where the claims in all the causes action are principally for
The court determines that it would be complicated and
confusing to simultaneously try all the claims existing in the
same case filed by the parties. This does not mean however
that the claims separated will be dismissed and prosecuted
independently by the filing of other cases. They will still be tried
in the same action.
Humility and
Perseverance ⚖️