Lhfhi - Aop - Rop
Lhfhi - Aop - Rop
Lhfhi - Aop - Rop
Laguna Holy Family To provide information Assembly at the Tentative Eye Center Decoration: Number of
Hospital Inc. about Retinopathy of Auditorium August 25, Nurses 4000.00 Attendees
Retinopathy of Prematurity to not less 2023, Friday Token for Speaker: Attendance
Prematurity- ROP than 10 premature babies 1pm: Lecture Proper: Premature 2000.00 Sheet
Awareness (born earlier than 31wks of Retinopathy of babies Snacks:
Campaign gestation and weighs less Prematurity 5000.00
than 1500gms at birth) Speaker: Dr. Parents Photographer:
2pm: ROP Screening Hospital Staffs Miscellaneous:
3pm: Games Doctors TOTAL:16500.00
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