2. The Ifugao’s Hagabi- a • Spain introduced Christianity to the Philippines
wooden bench that marks in 1565 with the arrival of Miguel Lopez de
the socioeconomic status of Legaspi
the owner. • Spaniards brought Christianism in the
3. Okkir – curvilinear decorations which employed Philippines when they stepped foot in our
in woodcarving. Sensuous figures sometimes country, and along with the Christianity are the
painted in primary colors follows the basic major constructions of different churches across
design of the mythical chicken or sarimanok, the entire country.
the serpent or naga and the fern or pako • The Legazpi expedition of 1565 that was
rabong. organized from Mexico City marked the
beginning of the Hispanisation of the
Philippines, beginning with Cebu.
• Christianity expanded from Cebu when the resettled in towns structured according to the
remaining Spanish missionaries were forced plaza complex.
westwards due to conflict with the Portuguese,
• The complex was designated as the town
and laid the foundations of the Christian
center and consisted of the municipio or local
community in the Panay between around 1560
government office and the church.
to 1571. A year later the second batch of
missionaries reached Cebu. • During this period, cruciform churches following
• Images of saints and interpretations of biblical the shape of the Latin cross were built.
narratives were considered essential to
worship. • Baroque Churches- characterized by
• Under the strict watch and patronage of the grandeur, drama and elaborate details that
church, images were produced through purposely appealed to the emotions.
painting, sculpting and engraving. • The use of adobe, limestone or brick and the
• Santos or santos- made of ivory or wood and construction of thick buttresses or wing- like
the imagery were based on classical and projections reinforce the church structure to
baroque models. make it more resistant to earthquakes
• Chinese Artisans- people under the Spanish
supervisions were engaged in making icons or
• Retablo- a small decorative altar niche and is
often embellished with rosettes, and other
• Via Crusis- a representation of 14 paintings or
relief sculptures depicting Christ’s crucifixion CHURCHES
and resurrection
• Church altars are sometimes decorated with 1. SAN AGUSTIN CHURCH (MANILA)
carved figurative protrusions on the surfaces o located inside the Historic walled city of
called relleves, or with the organic designs of Intramuros Manila.
hammered silver or the plateria. o Also known as the Archdiocesan Shrine of
• Plateria technique is also applied in the body of Nuestra Señora de la Consolación y
the carroza, where the santos are paraded Correa or the Immaculate Conception
during town processions. Parish
o 1993- one of the four Philippine
4 Baroque Churches that has survived up to Churches constructed during the
this day Spanish Colonial Period to be designated
✓ San Agustin Church (Manila) as World Heritage Site by UNESCO
✓ Morong Church (Rizal) o named as National historical Landmark by
✓ Paoay Church (Ilocos Norte) the Philippine Government in 1976
✓ Sto. Tomas de Villanueva (Miag-Ao Ilo-Ilo)
o What makes it unique is its ceiling paintings
in the tromp l'oeil style.
o The centuries-old church bore witness to
ARCHITECTURE the 400 years of Spanish rule in the country.
It has survived many bombings and
• Art that flourished during the Spanish colonial earthquakes, and through its countless
period conformed to the demands of the church renovations, incorporated other influences
and the colonial state. including Filipino and Chinese designs.
• Religious orders were dispatched to convert the
natives to Catholicism as part of the larger
project of colonization.
• Transparent Cubism
• uses transparent cubism which
explored the grim social realities with
his work showcasing the slums.
• Beggars (1952), distorted images of slum
dwellers depict the bleak life in poverty
against the backdrop of industrialization