AshesAndSmoke-v 0 3 0
AshesAndSmoke-v 0 3 0
AshesAndSmoke-v 0 3 0
Cover Art
Martius, modified and used under Public Domain
Template used
Lancer RPG Template © 2021 by Michael Prijatelj, used under CC BY 4.0
Special Thanks to
Briar, Dataninja, Ikiryo, Reconus, Ru, and all the lovely folks in #homebrew-design @ Pilot NET on Discord
for your equal feedback, critique, advice, and support on this project and many others.
The Crew of the Boreal – K1mmy & Enif Dumas ‘Pegasus’ (Acrylic), Lucian Arvoy ‘Orion’ (Amiibo),
J.P. ‘Crux’ (Gee), Moxie -Banshee- O’Keening ‘Lynx’ (Lovelacer)
for being my dear friends, and for the campaign that inspired some of the prose and poesy in this work.
‘Grasping at Ashes and Smoke’ is not an official Lancer product; it is a third party work, and is not affiliated with
Massif Press. ‘Grasping at Ashes and Smoke’ is published via the Lancer Third Party License.
‘Grasping at Ashes and Smoke’ © 2022 by Alexandra Alymova is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Hierarchy in the real world - as in fiction - is a tool used
“Grasping at Ashes and Smoke” started as a short to suppress the underprivileged as often (or more) than
design exercise I gave myself to create lower stakes it is applied to actually teach each other valuable forms
grunt-type foes. Some people thought it was pretty of livelihood, such as to students and tradesfolk. Rather
okay, and now it’s a published expansion on than a safeguard from harm, it is a justification for the
theft of labour and life.
It includes:
• The SUBORDINATE pseudo-template. The word ‘Subordinate’ was used deliberately to reflect
• 5 Custom NPCs for use with Lancer. this fact rather than a more neutral or positive term like
• A 2-page guide to creating more Subordinates. ‘Apprentice’ or ‘Trainee’. You are in a mech; in an over-
• Insight into the design process. engineered steel can with a dying sun at its core; you
are at the epicenter of conflict, the violence that follows
it, and the stillness after that. You are handed the power
HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE to take life in the flick of a switch – in the roll of a die.
If you are a GM, feel free to drop in a few Subordinates Violence does not have Hobbyists.
into your next encounter. Though, if you do, remember War does not have Apprentices.
to clear it with your players first!
Hierarchy is established when you have the power to
kill. Whether by blade – or by starvation. And still on
WHY WRITE THIS? your side, non-player character allies are simply not
I found the unconstrained outputs of Lancer NPCs given your narrative weight. For they would be full
troublesome when running them as a GM. There is no Players then, would they not?
easy way to run several strikers or controllers as grunts
without shutting down your entire party. Anyone who’s Is there a healthy form of hierarchy? One that fosters
faced up against 4 Grunt Rainmakers all hunkered collective growth, not exploitation and domination? One
down behind hard cover can attest to this. that isn’t abusive to any party? …I truly don’t know.
While that particular situation was ultimately the result I’d like to imagine a world beyond hierarchy is possible
of bad encounter design (I am truly sorry to my first – achievable, even. But that is not the state of the world
campaign’s players!), it reflects a lacking part of the as it is now. Games predicated on tactical combat often
system. Despite how easy Grunts are to take out, they gloss over the messiness of this. However, they can
can be quite game-warping, since a Grunt Assault using perhaps be a good place to discuss the topic if your
SKIRMISH + INVADE can put out 6-10 Damage - some of fellow players are amenable to it. How a game hands
which cannot be evaded due to Reliable, 2 , and narrative weight and importance to certain characters
apply IMPAIR to a character. A Grunt Witch still has the over others can reflect our biases as players and
full power of PREDATORY LOGIC. designers. Sometimes by ethnicity, gender, ability, or
class. But other times through subtler forms than those.
While the NPCs included in this expansion are powerful
in their own rights, the effects they have are written with However, if this is a topic that is uncomfortable for you
constraints. Often, they require specific situations to or your players, I understand. You are of course at full
reach those heights: such as the Renegade’s rights to replace the wording with a differently charged
RAILCANNON. Other times, they require giving up other term, such as one of the following: Apprentice,
competitive actions: such as the Maniple needing to Aspirant, Hobbyist, Novice, Trainee, Untempered,
choose between locking down a character, or attacking Volunteer.
a second time with its DELTA DIVARICATOR.
The ramifications of hierarchy is a complicated and
difficult subject to unravel. I hope you’ll work on it in
your own games, as I try to do in mine.
- Sasha Alymova
SUBORDINATES are low-stress, flexible NPCs that can SUBORDINATE TEMPLAT E
be substituted for the same purpose as GRUNTS. From mud come great men; You’ve seen
Compared to a non-template NPC, they have a lower their kind reign. Who was holding the
output in their damage and control powers, but are crown as it broke? With blood underhand
slightly hardier than your average GRUNT. Make your and silt within veins, we’re left
players feel powerful without the chance of grasping at ashes and smoke.
overwhelming them with too much damage!
- Actaean Dredgers’ Union
They have a condensed action economy – given a
DOCTRINE protocol that gives them unique but UNTEMPERED Trait, Subordinate
structured turn plans, and a single quick action. This template cannot be taken normally; It must be
granted by a trait. A SUBORDINATE can’t take the
SUBORDINATES usually have 5 HP and 2 HEAT, and are
Grunt, Veteran, Elite, or Ultra templates, and can
not meant to live more than 1-2 solid hits. A dedicated
never have more than 1 Stress or Structure. Rules
striker or controller should have no issue taking them
that affect/exclude Grunts also apply to Subordinates.
out in a single quick action, but a character heavily
specialized into buffs, mobility, or logistics is not INFLEXIBLE Trait
guaranteed to do the same. On its turn, a SUBORDINATE has a single quick action,
but it may take reactions and free actions normally.
Some SUBORDINATES may have ways of prolonging
their survival (gaining OVERSHIELD, clearing HEAT, etc.), NONCONTINGENT Trait
but can generally be circumvented by targeting the If a Subordinate exceeds its HEAT CAP, it is destroyed.
other of HEAT / HP.
Behind each cockpit, a face, a name, and a story.
Why here? What are they Subordinate to?
Artillery, Subordinate
Superficially, it has hard to tell a Fusilier from a Sniper or Strider.
They are brash and cocky. Rich Baronic heirs with too much manna, or
Cosmopolitans with stories of daring aplenty. They talk the talk, but
when asked to perform? Fusiliers hang back. Credits spent on equipment
cannot make someone an ace alone, and likewise cheap gear drags even the
most experienced of us down. Assign blame to the grift, and the grifter.
Controller, Subordinate
Nominally discovered by one Nazima Chilcott during a station-seeding
event gone wrong, Rusalka-pattern chassis are relentless. Often the
metaphorical ‘limbs’ of larger Agenitive cascading entities partitioning
themselves into chassis, they open one-way rifts from proto-physical
spaces. Despite attempts to replicate these ‘outlets’ yielding no such
evidence, a noncombatant from the disastrous PT-AL-47 Rusalkij sighting
claimed “[xe’s] seen beneath the surface of the pond; seen the splaying
of the tides”. When pressed, xe refused to elaborate further.
Defender, Subordinate
“Mech” is not what one typically thinks when looking at Park Armored
Systems’ Kizi. Resembling something closer to an oversized drone, Kizi
are often controlled remotely, as the chassis-served equipment mounted
on one is hazardous - even lethal – to pilots if operated improperly.
But, training takes time, and it’s often cheaper to replace than repair.
RENEGADE Striker, Subordinate
The Lutestring is something of a blemish on Smith-Shimano’s history. A
counter-insurgence/siegebreaker platform reportedly derived for
exclusive internal use in industrial environments, DoJ investigation
linked its use as a deniable asset in the depressurization and scuttling
of Krasnodar-5. SSC disavowed its clients, and the chassis defaulted to
public domain. It’s a divisive icon to statists & revolutionaries alike.
STEVEDORE Support, Subordinate
Parvati Ramirez was a surgeon, not a mech pilot. But when push came to
shove and her vessel - the Boreal - was boarded by pirates, she suited
up anyways. An analytical mind, and deft and precise hands put to work
are never wasted. Skills can be learned, but one has to will them such.
Hull: -1 Systems: +1 Hull: -1 Systems: +2 Hull: +0 Systems: +3
Agility: -1 Engineering: +1 Agility: -1 Engineering: +2 Agility: +0 Engineering: +3
Here’s some of the guidelines I used when - A Subordinate has three pieces to its Base
writing subordinates. They are divided into four Systems that make them function. OUT OF
sections – ordered in the way I tend to find most THEIR DEPTH applies the Subordinate
helpful when making NPCs. You are free to use template – which limits actions, excludes elite
or discard as many of the guidelines offered here templates, and makes them more fragile. In
as you wish. addition to this template, you should generally
set your NPC’s HP to 5, and HEAT CAP to 2.
OUT OF THEIR DEPTH Trait, Subordinate
The <Name> gains the SUBORDINATE template
(Grasping at Ashes and Smoke, pg. 6).
- The Doctrine Protocol is where we start to get
fancy. I like to conceptualize options as falling
into three categories: Setup – Sustain –
Payoff. Each Doctrine option should be worth
around 1 Quick Action’s worth of effects (an
Attack, a Boost, Hiding, etc.). Some effects will
naturally be easier to weigh than others. Use
your best judgement here.
<NAME> Doctrine
[UNSTRUCTURED] The <Name> chooses one:
Subordinates are meant to create a very specific set of A ‘Setup’ effect. For when the NPC is in a
pressures. To use an example, the Fusilier was written disadvantageous position. What makes them
for the fantasy of the faceless sniper who you avoid by scared? How can they avoid it?
sticking to cover until you’re finally able to take them
out. To this end, it has some truly spectacular damage A ‘Sustain’ effect. For getting itself into a place
against characters that aren’t in cover – but it’s limited where it can use its Payoff doctrine. What can
by target choices due to Lock On, and also not being to this NPC do to get in a better spot for its Payoff?
reliably create advantageous conditions on its own. How does this complicate the fight?
When you’re conceiving of a Subordinate, try to
envision why they are a Subordinate. Most NPCs are A ‘Payoff’ effect. For when the NPC is in an
flawed (Berserkers are single-minded and easily advantageous position to do something big. In
disrupted; Bombards are ruthless towards their allies; what situation can it capitalize on this
Aces can’t keep up with focus-fire), but Subordinates in opportunity? What does it give up to do it?
particular have this thought at the forefront. Maniples
are a controller that is outmaneuvered and easily JUST ONE MORE THING
manipulated itself. Renegades are a powerful Striker, - Remember: The NPC can still take all the
but they are incapable of direct engagement with the default quick actions available: Lock-On,
source of their troubles (physical or metaphorical). Boost, Invade, etc. What is missing here? This
Also, try to think about the circumstances that caused is your chance to fill in the NPC’s kit.
them to be. The inner world lancers is elite, but insular.
It is a symptom of a fractured world: so, who is found at <Repeatable Quick Action>
those fractures? Remember, this does not make them
a secretly enviable embodiment of regressive A Weapon; A Tech Option; A Random System.
servitude, but neither does it justify any-and-every way It truly does not matter what form this piece of
they choose to cope with the role thrust on them. equipment takes.
MULTIFACETED Most Lancer NPCs have 5 optional systems, but
- After establishing the skeleton of your NPC, it you are free to discard this convention if you
is time to elaborate. As you’re developing choose! I’ve included a list of optional systems I
optional systems, you may find you want to re- use to pattern out my Subordinate NPCs. I find
evaluate some base systems. This is normal! these prompts helpful with establishing mechanical
Iteration is how all work gets done. If you feel identity in addition to narrative identity. Feel free to
stuck, take a break from writing. borrow my wording or mechanics as necessary.
I’d like to put art here when I can afford to (paint it myself, or commission someone to) one day.
< A Kizi; A Four-Legged Frame with four digitigrade - but insectoid limbs. a Central Node brimming with all
manner of antennae and exposed electrical wiring. Four lesser nodes at the tips of each leg; pulsing; humming,
only to themselves. A hatch has been popped in the central node which exposes a miniature desktop console.
Three multicoloured cables have been hardpatched, and a diagnostics program can be seen running on the
convex CTR monitor. There’s a cute little alphanumeric keyboard on the console too>
<Most Kizi seen in the line of duty are fresh-off the printing racks. But not this one. Crash bars have been installed
around the node to protect the mass-producible but still sensitive equipment most militants write off as an
inevitable expense; that saves them time. It’s efficient. Some of the crash bars are visibly warped from collisions
and heat damage. They were not installed in vain, you notice. Electronic equipment has been visibly patched up
with adhesive, tarpaulin, and argent amalgam.>
<This Kizi means a lot to someone. Though we may never know who. Others say her efforts are in vain. That in
an age of Myriad; in the age of the replicating forms, it is the name; the thought; the transcendent spark that
means most. That the intangible self persists in parallel to, and beyond the material. We are catalogued and
remembered, and so live on. Perhaps we are, she thinks. She was never a woman of faith, nor capital, nor art.
She always had trouble believing.>
<It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the titles and labels we’re shoved in. Despite their dominance in our daily lives,
there is perhaps some solace still to find in the fact that we persist beyond them regardless. Given many names –
some halfheartedly accepted and some rejected, there are still some that can truly mean you..>