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Dear crafty friends! This pattern is for personal use only, It may not be reproduced by any means and used for any commercial purposes. Please don't forget where it came from and credit @3antsinarow and @grannyscrochethook as the original sources when publishing photos of your makes on social media. Human beings must respect each other ;) YOU WILL NEED * Yarn of your choice in 8 colors; let's call them light pink, pink, light brown, light green, green, red, purple and white. * Most of the toy parts you see in the picture are made of ALIZE ella yarn (180 m/50 g, 100% cotton). * Crochet hook suitable for the yarn you use (this bird is crocheted with a 1,3 mm hook); * Toy stuffing; * A pair of safety eyes and a small spike-shaped button for the beak (optional); * Embroidery and tapestry needles, pins, stitch marker. ABBREVIATIONS MR — magic ring; ch—chain; st — stitch; sist — slip stitch; sc— single crochet; HDC — half double crochet; DC — double crochet; inc — single crochet increase; dec — single crochet decrease; [...] xn — repeat n times; (...) — number of stitches in the round. All the pieces are worked in a spiral. It’s quite traditional to leave along yarn tail for sewing at the end of ma- king every part of the toy. But yours truly is not good at sewing at all, and therefore prefers to divide the yarn into strands and use them along with a thin sewing needle, so the stitches look more neat. Please do what's more comfortable for you. BODY Start in light pink. 1.65¢ in a MR (6) 2. incx 6 (12) 3. (sc, inc] x6 (18) 4. sc, [inc, 2 sc] x 5, ine, sc (24) 5. [3 sc, inc] x 6 (30) 6. 2sc, (inc, 4 sc] x 5, inc, 2 sc (36) 7. [5 sc, ine] x 6 (42) 8. 3 5c, [inc, 6 sc] x 5, inc, 3 sc (48) 9. [7 sc, inc] x 6 (54) 10. 4c, [inc, 8 sc] x5, ine, 4 sc (60) 1. [9 sc, inc] x6 (66) 12.5 sc, [inc, 10 sc} x 5, inc, 5sc(72) 13. [11 sc, inc] x6 (78) 14-16 (3 rounds) sc in every st (78) From now on, crochet alternating between light brown and pink (see diagram 1). 17-32 (16 rounds) sc in every st (78) Now it’s time to divide the work into two parts: 30 st for the head and 48 st for the back. Change to red yarn. HEAD 1. 30 sc (leave the rest 48 st of the body unworked!) (30) 2. scin the first st of the 1st round (now the circle is closed), 29 sc (30) 3-6 (4 rounds) scin every st (30) 7. [3 sc, dec] x 6 (24) 8. [2 sc, dec] x 6 (18) 9. [sc, dec] x 6 (12) 10. decx 6 (6) Fasten off leaving a tail about 10 cm long and cut the yarn. Using a tapestry needle, weave the yarn tail through the front loop of each stitch and pull tight to close. Weave inthe end. Stuff the head and the body firmly and sew the gap on the back (the unworked 48 st) closed. Before you make the last couple of stitches, make sure the toy is nice and even, with no palpable lumps and holes inside. Add a little bit more stuffing using a bamboo skewer if needed. WINGS x2 Start in green. 1. 6scin a MR (6) 2. inc x6 (12) 3. [sc, inc] x 6 (18) 4, sc, [inc, 2 sc] x 5, inc, sc (24) 5. [3 sc, inc] x 6 (30) 6. 2s¢, [inc, 4 sc] x5, inc, 2 sc (36) From now on, crochet alternating between light green and green as shown in diagram 2. 7-14 (8 rounds) sc in every st (36) 15.55¢, [dec, 10 sc] x 2, dec, 5 s¢ (33) 16. [9 5c, dec] x 3 (30) 17.4 5c, [dec, 8 sc] x 2, dec, 4s¢ (27) 18. [7 sc, dec] x 3 (24) 19. 3 sc, [dec, 6 sc] x 2, dec, 3sc¢ (21) 20. [5 sc, dec] x 3 (18) 21. 25¢, [dec, 4 sc] x2, dec, 2s¢ (15) 22. (3 sc, dec] x 3 (12) 22. sc, [dec, 2 sc] x 2, dec, sc (9) 23. (sc, dec] x 3 (6) Fasten off leaving a tail about 10 cm long and cut the yarn. Using a tapestry needle, weave the yarn tail through the front loop of each stitch and pull tight to close. Weave in the end. TAIL In green. 1.4scin a MR (4) 2. [s¢, inc] x 2 (6) 3. (sc, ine] x 3 (9) 4. s¢, [inc, 2 $c] x 2, ine, sc (12) 5. [3 sc, inc] x 3 (15) 6.250, [inc, 4 sc] x 2, inc, 2 sc (18) 7. (5 sc, inc] x 3 (21) 8. 3 s¢, [inc, 6 sc] x 2, inc, 3 sc (24) 9. [7 sc, inc] x 3 (27) Fasten off, cut the yarn, stuff lightly. CREST In purple. 1.6 scin a MR (6) 2. inex 6 (12) 3. [sc, inc] x 6 (18) 4-5, sc in every st (18) 6.250, [dec, 4 sc] x 2, dec, 2 sc (15) 7. (3 sc, dec] x 3 (12) 8. sc, [dec, 2 sc] x 2, dec, sc (9) 9-10. scin every st (9) Stuff the wide part of the crest. 11. dec, 7 sc (8) 12. sc in every st (8) 13. dec, 6 s¢ (7) 14, scin every st (7) 15. dec, 5 sc (6) 16. sc in every st. Fasten off leaving a tail about 10 cm long and cut the yarn. Using J tapestry needle, weave the yarn tail through the front loop of each stitch and pull tight to close. Weave in the end. FACE PATCH Start in purple. 1. Ch9; sc in the second ch from the hook, 6 sc, 3 sc in the last ch; continue working on the other side of the foundation chain (see fig. 3): 650, inc (18) 2. inc, 6c, incx 3, 6 sc, inc x 2 (24) 3. inc, 9s¢, inex 3, 9¢, inc x 2 (30) Change to white yarn. There'll be no increases in the last round, so work it loosely to prevent the detail from taking the lens form. 4, 16sc, 2 HDC, 6 DC, 2 HOC, 4c, slst. Fasten off, cut the yarn. ASSEMBLY AND FINISHING TOUCHES » Sew the wings and the tail to the body at the =30° angle. » Sew the face patch between 32nd round of the body and the 7th round of the head. Some asym- metries will make the toy more interesting. » Embroider, sew or glue the eyes and the beak on top of the face patch. * Sew the crest to the top of the head. + Embroider some random stitches in different colors here and there to make your bird unique. opt | Ta, ne a mm» %,. 3. FACE PATCH / MOPZOUKA nA KAA XI) KKKKKKKKXK Crocheting around the foundation chain Original illustration © Jaka Vukotié | Q'uck how-to @Granny’s Crochet Hook GEE Aoporne apysba! Noxanyiicra, nomavre, uro qaHHaa MECTPYKUKA NpeqwasHaveHa NCKMMOUMTENbHO JIA NMYHOFO Nonb30BaHHA. honMpoBakHe MW HCNONb3OBaHHe MaTepHaNOB B KOMMepYeCKHx YenaX 3anpeUeHbl. [MyOnnkya boro W3afenvi, M3TOTOBNEHHDIX C e€ NOMOLIbIO, Nokanylicta, He 3a6biBaitTe CCbINATHCA Ha NepBOHCTOHHK. Noxanylicra, jaBaltTe 6yjem B3aMMOBeXxNMBbI! MATEPHADIbI VW WHCTPYMEHTbI * OcTaTKIt NpAXKH PasHbIX UBETOB; Ana ynoOctBa ob03Ha4MM MIX KaK (BETNO-PO3OBbIii, po30BbIii, CBeTNO-KOPH4HeBbIit, CBeTAO- 3eNeHbiii, 3eneHbIM, KpacHbii, ‘puonetosbiii 1 Genbiis. 3ta nogenka w3roToBNeHa Npenmy- wecTBeHHO 43 npAKM ALIZE Bella (100% xnonox, 180 m/ 50 r). © KprouoK, CooTBeTCTBYIOLMA TOn- WME MCNOAb3yemoli NPAKM (30@¢cb — 1,3 MM); © CHHTeTHYECKMH HanOnHATeNb; « llapa nnactuKogbix raz nogxo- AAuero pasMepa M ManeHbkaa nyroBnua B PopMe NKpaMMgKH Ana KnioBa (ONUMOHANbHO); * llevan u roGenenoBaa Urnbl, Mapkep (na BA3aHHA, NOPTHOB- ckve GynaBki. COKPALWEHUA KA — Konbuyo amurypymn; BN — BO3AywHaA neta; ct —cron6uk; fc = cc — nonycTonbink, OH Ke COPAMHUTENbHbI CTONGHK; c6H — cron6uk 6e3 Hakuga; NnccH — nonyctonOuk ¢ Hakugom; CCH — CTONOMK C HAKOM; npu6. — npudaska; y6. — yOaBKa; [...] XN — NOBTOpUTb CTONGUK WM MHCTpYKu MIO B CKOOKax n paz. B kpyrnbix ckoGkax ykasaHo o6tyee 4MCNO CTONOMKOB B KaxKgOM pApy. Bce qetanu BAKYTCA No chMpanu. [lo okKoHYaHHNM BAZAHMA HIrpyWeyHbIxX 3an4actell MPMHATO OCTABNATS KOHYK AIpAPKH AIA MX NpHUMBaHitA, Babywika Npeqnountaer pacnyckaTb NpAKY Ha HATH H MCNOMb20BaTb TOHKYO weeli- HY} Urny, YTOGbI CTEKKH Opin MeHEe 3aMeTHBIMM. [owKanyiicta, BbIOHpaliTe HavOonee ynoOHbii ana Bac cnocob. TYNOBULIE HayHute co CB.-Po30B0li NPAMKM. 1.6 chu B KA (6) 2. npud. x 6 (12) 3. (con, npi6.] x 6 (18) 4. con, [npu6., 2 con) x 5, npu6., OH (24) 5. (3 cn, npu6.] x 6 (30) 6.2.c6n, [npn6., 4 cou] x 5, npu6., 2 cOx (36) 7. (5 c6x, npw6.] x 6 (42) 8.3 cOx, [npi6., 6 con] x 5, npu6., 3 cOH (48) 9. (7 con, npu6.] x 6 (54) 10. 4 con, [npu6., 8 c6H) x 5, npu6., 4.c6n (60) 11, [9 c6x, npu6.] x 6 (66) 12.5 c6x, [npu6., 10 chu] x5, npw6., 5 c6H (72) 13. [11 c6H, npu6.) x6 (78) 14-16 (3 p.) cOH 8 Kapil ct (78) Orctofla W 0 KOHUa CNUHKM Yepe- aylite KopH4HeByIO 1 pos0Byt0 npaxy (cM. quarpamay 1). 17-32 (16 p.) cOH 8 KaxKgbIi CT. Tenepb Heobxoqumo pasqenith 3aFOTOBKY Ha Be HepaBHble YacTH: ronosy (30 ct) u cry (48 ct). Nomenaiite npaxky Ha KpacHyio. FOOBA 1. 30 cOH (octanbHbie 48 ct TynoBiK- ia ocTatoTca HeTpoHyTbIMit!) (30) 2. OH B 1-i4 Cron6uK nepBoro papa (Tenepb Okpy:KHOCTb FOnoBbl 3aMK- Hynacb), 29 c6x (30) 3-6 (4p.) cht 8 kaakgbiit ct (30) 7. [3 c6x, y6.] x 6 (24) 8. [2 cOn, y6.] x 6 (18) 9. [c6H, y6.] x 6 (12) 10. 6. x 6 (6) 3akpoiite nocnejHWlO neTAWO H 0O- PEXKETE HHTb, OCTABMB XBOCTHK OK, 10 cM; CNOMOLbHO HrAbI NpoAeHbTe ero Yepe3 6 nepeqHMx nonyneTenb nocnemHero paya, CTAHMTe OTBep- CTHE, 3AKPENMTe MW CHPAYbTE XBOC- THK BHYTPM 3arOTOBKH. Habeiite ro- NoBY MW TYWKY, 3aleliTe OTBepCTHe Ha CnMHke (nepeg TeM, Kak 3aKpbITb ero OKOHYaTeNbHO, yOequTecb, 4TO Wrpylwka poBHaa W NMoTHaA, 6e3 OLYTMMbIx KOMKOB Mn Bnagik). KPbIJIDILUKM x 2 Hayunte ¢ 3eneHon npArKn. 1.6 cb B KA (6) 2. npn6. x 6 (12) 3. (con, npu6.] x 6 (18) 4. cOn, (npu6., 2 cOH) x5, npué., cGu (24) 5. (3 c6x, npu6.] x 6 (30) 6.2c6n, [npn6., 4 cbn) x5, npu6., 2 CbH (36) Jlanee vepeayiire caetno-3eneHyt0 W 3eNeHyWO Mparky cormacHo Aua- "pamme 2. 7-14 (8 p.) COH B Kaxkabiii ct (36) 15.5 c6n, [y6., 10 c6x] x 2, y6., 5 cOx (33) 16. [9 c6x, y6.] x 3 (30) 17. 4.c6H, [y6., 8 OH] x 2, y6., 4. cn (27) 18. [7 c6x, y6.] x3 (24) 19. 3 cOx, [y6., 6 cOu) x 2, y6., 3 c6x (21) 20. [5 cu, y6.] x 3 (18) 21,2 c6k, [y6., 4 cOH] x 2, y6., 2 cbH (15) 22. [3 c6x, y6.] x3 (12) 22. c6n, [y6., 2 cOH) x 2, y6., c6x (9) 23. [cOx, y6.] x 3 (6) 3akpoiire nocnepHiol neTnio M 06- PedKbTe HUTb, OCTABHB XBOCTHK OK. 10 cM; C NOMOLbIO MrAbi NpoweHb- Te efo Yepes nepeqHMe nonyneTin Nochequero pAga, CTAHHTe oTBep- THe, 3akpenue H CnpaubTe xBOC- THK BHYTPH AeTanM. XBOCTUK 3enenaa npaxa. 1.4 cone KA (4) 2. [cox, npu6.] x 2 (6) 3. [cov, npu6.] x 3 (9) 4. cOx, [npu6., 2 c6H] x 2, npu6., 6H (12) 5. [3 c6n, npw6.] x 3 (15) 6. 2 c6x, [npu6., 4 con] x 2, npn6., 2 c6x (18) 7. [5 c6x, npw6.] x 3 (21) 8.3 c6H, [npu6., 6 cox) x 2, npu6., 3 c6n (24) 9, [7.c6H, npw6.] x 3 (27) 3akpoiire nocneqHiow netnio, oOpexbre HiTb, Clerka Habelite. XOXOJIOK OnonetoBaa npsAyKa. 1.6 cOH B KA (6) 2. mp6. x 6 (12) 3. (cox, npu6.] x 6 (18) 4-5. cOH B Karkapiit cT (18) 6. 2 cOx, [y6., 4 cOx) x 2, y6., 2cbx (15) 7. (3 cOx, y6.] x 3 (12) 8. cOx, [y6., 2 cou] x 2, y6., cOn (9) 9-10. cH B Kaabii ct (9) Ha6elite wupokyio YacTb XoXonKa. 11, y6., 7 cbx (8) 12. c6H B KamKapiit cT (8) 13. y6., 6 c6x (7) 14. c6H B Kakapiii ct (7) 15. y6., 5 cOx (6) 16. cOH B KaKgpiit CT (6) 3akpoiiTe orBepcTme B eran Tak ie, KaK Ha KPBUIbILUKAX, MOPHOUKA HauHure ¢ PHoneToBO NpAKM. 1. Ceakute yenouky 3.9 Bn; COH Bo 2-10 neTMi0 OT Kpiouka, 6 COH, 3 cOH 8 nocnepHiOl BN; He NOBO- pauneaitre Ba3aHue, NpoxOMKaitTe Capyroii cTopoubl yenouKn (cm. puc. 3): 6 c6x, npu6. (18) 2. npu6., 6 cn, npub. x 3, 6 cox, npu6. x 2 (24) 3. npu6., 9 6x, npub. x 3, 9 c6x, npn. x 2 (30) Nlomenaiite npary Ha Genyto. Tak kak B NocnegHeM pay HeT npw6aBox, BAxKMTE ero CBOO0,HO, 4TO6bI AeTaNb He NpMoGpena dop- My NMH3bI. 4,16 cOx, 2 ncch, 6 cH, 2 nec, 4.cOx, nc (30) 3akpolite nocneaHWH neTntO, 06- pe)KbTe HUTb, CNPAYBTE KOHUMK. CBOPKA VU OOOPMJIEHWE + [pwweitre KpoinbIWiK H XBOCTHK K TYNOBULLY Mog yrnom =30°. + [puweiire mopqouky Mexkay 32 p. TYNOBHiNa M7 p. roNoBbI. + Boiweiite, npuknelite unu npu- WweliTe maki M KMIOB. + [puweiire xoxonok K MaKYLUKe. + Ykpacbre urpywky Gecnopagou- HbIMM Pa3HOL|BETHbIMM CTEKKAMH, yToObI Caenatb e@ YHUKANIbHOM.

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