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CURRICULUM PLAN: 2075 PABSON, Kathmandu Class: 10

Specification Grid (Theoretical Evaluation)

Subject: Social Studies Full Marks: 75
Area/Scope Per Knowledge & Creative, Application Value and

Time (in Minute)

iod Understandi Critical , Practical attitude
ng 31% thinking & research 12%

Total Marks
Total No. of
and analysis skill 21%


1) We and Our
15 2 5 9
2) Development and 1 1 1 1
Infrastructures of 16 2 5 9
3) Our Social Values
16 5 9
and Norms
1 1 1 1
4) Social Problems
19 2 5 9
and Solutions
5) Civic
22 1 2 11 20
Consciousness 1 1
6) Our Earth 27 1 1 2 15 26
7) Our Past 22 1 3 12 22
8) Our Economic 1 1 1 1
18 3 12 22
9) Our International 1 1
Relation and 15 1 3 5 9
Total 170 4 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 0 21 75 135
Total Marks 4 12 7 1 12 14 1 8 7 1 8 0 75

Types of Questions No. of Mark Total Time Division

questions Division Marks
Long Answer Question 4 17 47=28 Each 1 mark question takes 1.8 minute.
Short Answer Questions 10 14 104=40 Students need to answer the questions by
Very short Answer 7 11 71=7 adjusting the time as per the nature of the
Questions questions. They need to answer the
questions without making a long
background to read the questions, think
and answer them on time.
Total 21 75
a) Questions can be asked from the contemporary affairs of Nepal and the world by adjusting the subject and areas
concerned will the above mentioned units. However, such questions should be relevant with the curriculum and
textbook of the social studies.
b) The provision has been made to make the very short, short and long questions by combining two units. The
provision has also been made to prepare such questions from the two domains (Levels) of learning. For Example, a
short question should be prepare from value and attitude level of the unit 4 while the same mark's short question
should be asked from the creative, critical thinking analysis, and problem solving of the unit 3, and vice versa.
The same rules will be applicable for other units and level of questions, too.
c) In the unit 6, a long question will be asked to draw a map of Nepal to show the general size and shape using the
free-hand method. An alternative question to draw a map of any one of the continents: Africa, North America, and
South America by using same method will also be asked. Also, the island to the north of the Hodson Bay.
d) At list a short or a long question of project work including its such organs as action plan, method, tools, and
report or any one organ among the various organs of report of excursion will be asked relating to the community
work from the ability to do level. (From any one out of unit 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9).
e) Item (question) number should be fixed as 1 to 7 for very short, answer-questions, then 8 to 17 for short answer-
questions and then 18-21 for long answer-questions.
f) Letter- based grade should be determined by summing up the written (theoretical) and practical marks obtained
by the students.
CURRICULUM PLAN: 2075 PABSON, Kathmandu Class: 10
First Terminal Examination Social Studies
Two Periods are allocated for the discussion about timeline, pie chart, bar-graph,
temperature line etc.
Unit Topics Pe Projects Topics for project
We and Society Human 3 group work -classification of work
Resource presentation/in -types of Human resource(skill/tenure)
development dividual -process & management of development of HR
-challenges & fore sight
-Process of preparing
HDI in Nepal 2 Individual / -HDI calculation
group/internet/ -importance
-Nepal's HDI
History of 3 Individual/grou -Concept of regionalism
regional & p -Concept of Federalism
Federal Division -Concept of central &state Govt.
-base of division
-Advantages/ Disadvantages
-Needs of Federalism
Infrastructures of Sustainable 2 Difference -Definition
Development Development between group -Principles
Developmental 2 Writing in chart -Chure protection(concept/area/
projects of about projects objectives/funded)
Nepal with pictures -Pokhara Regional international Airport
-Tamakoshi/ Budhigandaki
-Mid hill highway
Tradition/ Norms Heritages of 3 Individual and -Definition
and values Nepal group -classification
With pictures -Ten heritage sites with description
-Some extra sites(description)
-Present condition
- Efforts to protect them
(individual/community/ government)

international 3 Prepare -Kailash Satyarthi

personalities biography Martin Luther king

Universal 2 Carryout -Need of brotherhood

brotherhood project -ways to maintain
-Organizations to maintain
Social evils and Human 2 Collect social -UN protocol for Human trafficking
problems trafficking problems and -Types
evils -Girls
/working agencies)
/working agencies)
-Human organ
/solution /working agencies)
Domestic 2 Prepare a news Definition and difference between
Violence& report on of the -Domestic Violence
untouchability problems (procedure/causes/effect/solution /working
(procedure/causes/effect/solution /working
Civic consciousness Legislature 3 Discussion/ -Definition
call a -CA and Legislature
representatives -Federal and provincial legislature
if possible -Composition of both
-Federal and provincial parliament
-Qualifications to be member
CURRICULUM PLAN: 2075 PABSON, Kathmandu Class: 10
Rights 2 -concept
Regarding Women's right
women and Constitutional provision
Indigenous Activities regarding promotion
nationalities Indigenous right
Constitutional provision
Activities regarding promotion
Civic Identity 2 Citizen ship/ Definition/historical development/types; by
and Citizenship decent, birth, honorary, non-residential/
constitutional provision/difference between
Nationality and citizenship
Geographical studies Climate and 1 Clarify with -climate/ weather/ vegetation/
Vegetation example -Factors affect climate
Tropical Zone Equatorial 1 Table formation Location/area /climate/Vegetation/wild
life/socio-economic aspect.

Tropical 1 Table formation Location/area /climate/Vegetation/wild

Grassland life/socio-economic aspect.

Tropical Desert 1 Table formation Location/area /climate/Vegetation/wild

life/socio-economic aspect.

Tropical 1 Table formation Location/area /climate/Vegetation/wild

Monsoon life/socio-economic aspect.

North America Physical/econo 3 Make students Location/physical region/climate/natural

mic features practice vegetation/economic activities
Map work or 2 Practice Define/types/measurement
History of Nepal Between 2007- 3 -Mass revolution of 2007 and Delhi agreement
2017 Presentation of -political activities between 2007 to 2017 BS,
the students 2017 BS to 2034BS
Word's History World War-I 3 -World War-I, causes and consequence
Report Historical sites 1 Research Report Writing
Economic activities Tourism 3 Form a table in Definition/types/ causes of visiting/ importance /
Industry headings possibilities/problems/solutions
Water as source 1 Prepare table Sources of energy/hydro electricity/present
of energy condition / plan on electricity development
Foreign 2 Prepare table Definition/present situation/advantages /
Employment disadvantages/consideration on foreign
International UNO and 2 Table form for Definition/historical background/ objectives/six
Relation and Peace Organs studies organs and their at least four functions
Agencies of UNO 2 Table form for

Two Period are allocated for revision the Previous lesson

-Teachers are requested to discuss about contemporary issues of the country and world for better achievement.
-Above given topics to carryout are just guidelines and basic concepts to discuss. Students must have basic
knowledge about these things.
-Some extra classes are to be given to the students to complete the given course on time so the teachers are requested
to arrange the extra classes as needed.
-Time allocation may not be always absolute so the teachers are requested to arrange classes according to the level of
- The 1st Term Exam begins from 14th Ashadh and ends on 22nd Ashadh.
CURRICULUM PLAN: 2075 PABSON, Kathmandu Class: 10
Mid Terminal Examination Social Studies
Unit Topics Per Projects Topics for project
We and Society Comparative 4 Individual/ -geographical structures
study of all group -socio-economic structures with special features
Infrastructures of Skilled HR as 3 Difference/ -Definition
Development Infrastructure formation -Difference between
of -importance & Strategies
Development HR and employment
-Vocational Education (skill /possibilities)

Contemporary 3 Definition -Introduction

goals of /chart and -Millennium DG
Development presentatio -Sustainable DG
Tradition/ Norms Nepali folk 2 Present in -Definition
and values song chart on -classification
the -bases(festival/community/Region)
headings How does a song tells about local culture
Nepali musical 2 Present in Definition
instrument chart on -classification
the -bases(festival/community/Region)
headings How does a song tells about local culture
Dances of 2 Present in -Meaning
Nepal chart on -Difference between Classical and folk
the -Discussion on various dances
headings -ways to protect dances/songs and
Social evils and Some social 2 Show news -Definition
problems evil practices -Chaupadi(causes/effects/solution)
-Dowry (causes/effects/solution)
-Ghumto (causes/effects/solution)
-Deuki (causes/effects/solution)
-Jluma (causes/effects/solution)
Some of the 3 Prepare Red Cross(establishment/history/contribution)
global report and Scout (establishment/history/contribution)
organizations collect SOS (establishment/history/contribution)
Civic Executive 2 Discussion -Definition
consciousness / visit to -Levels of executive(Federal/Provincial/local)
local body -process of appointment and formation
-Power and functions
Political 2 Constitutio  Definition/
parties and nal  How can get registration
roles provison/c  Role for democracy
oncept  Parties in Nepal
/existing  In various political changes
parties/for  Rana to republic
General 3 Define and  Meaning/types ;CA/Referendum/Mid-term/By/local/
Election visit to the provincial/parliamentary/ national assembly
process election  Election Commission/Election Officer/Polling officer/
commissio sub-polling officer/
n electoral  Qualification to be member of
education HOP/NA/FP/VE/MUNICIpal/executive
programme  Age bar
 Electoral roll/ bio-metric voters identity card and its
benefit/ booths sub booths/ballot box/papers and
discussion about local election process
Role of citizen 2 Role play Before/ during /after
in election
CURRICULUM PLAN: 2075 PABSON, Kathmandu Class: 10
Geographical Mediterranean 1 Table Location/area /climate/Vegetation/wild life/socio-
studies Climate formation economic aspect.
Temperate Zone
Temperate 1 Table Location/area /climate/Vegetation/wild life/socio-
Monsoon formation economic aspect.
Temperate 1 Table Location/area /climate/Vegetation/wild life/socio-
Grassland formation economic aspect.
Oceanic 1 Table Location/area /climate/Vegetation/wild life/socio-
formation economic aspect.
Polar Zone Siberian 1 Table Location/area /climate/Vegetation/wild life/socio-
formation economic aspect.
Tundra 1 Table Location/area /climate/Vegetation/wild life/socio-
formation economic aspect.

Polar climate 1 Table Location/area /climate/Vegetation/wild life/socio-

formation economic aspect.
South America 3 Make Location/physical region/climate/natural
students vegetation/economic activities
Earth Quake 1 Prepare Definition/types/ hypocenter/ Causalities/ epicenter/
note wave/Seismograph/Rechter scale/ causes/effects/ safety
Tsumani 1 Prepare Definition /causes/effects /Causalities/safety
note measures
History of Nepal Political 2+1 - Political Events from 2037 to 2046 BS and 2046 to
Events 2063 BS
World's History World War II 3 - Cause of World War II and consequence

Economic Cooperative 2 Table form Definition/principles(voluntary/open/democratic/memb

activities and Economic ers economic participation/ autonomy/ independence
importance /education/training/information) values and
characteristics of cooperatives/ types/ history of
cooperatives in Nepal/ importance /problems/ possible
Financial 2 Table form Finance and activities/importance/finance in
education for studies Nepal/types of financial institutional in Nepal/Bank
account/E banking/saving and its benefit.
Financial 2 Table form Background/currency/bank
instruments for studies loan/remittance/exchange/security
International Nepal"s role in 2 Prepare Peace Keeping Force and its functions/ UNO and Nepal
Relation and UNO note
UN activities 2 Prepare Background/
topics UNHCR/UNVP/UN women and other agencies working in

Two to Three periods are allocated for the revision of the lessons
-Teachers are requested to discuss about contemporary issues of the country and world for better achievement.
-Above given topics to carryout are just guidelines and basic concepts to discuss. Students must have basic
knowledge about these things.
-Some extra classes are to be given to the students to complete the given course on time so the teachers are requested
to arrange the extra classes as needed.
-Time allocation may not be always absolute so the teachers are requested to arrange classes according to the level of
- The Mid-Term begins on 15th Asoj and ends on 23rd Asoj
CURRICULUM PLAN: 2075 PABSON, Kathmandu Class: 10
Pre-Board Examination Social Studies
Unit Topics Pe Projects Topics for project
Infrastructures of Formulatio 2 Planning for -Introduction
Development n of improvemen -Types
developme t of -Steps for Formation
nt projects education -Things to be consider
in local in group -Formation
Tradition/ Norms and Our 2 Carryout -Children's day
values national the days on -Constitution day/education/labour/women's
days chart and -Loktantra/ Martyr's day/Republic day
show in the -Democracy day
class -Importance
-How to continue
Elderly 1 Write -Definition
people report/prep -Symptoms
are our role -What is traditional understanding
on paper -How to take care

Social evils and Internation 2 Prepare DANIDA/DGIS/ILO/INF/NORAD/Rotary/Jaycees/Leo/L

problems al table in ions IUCN etc.
organizatio copy/ At least four functions
ns working collect
in Nepal works of
some org in
local level
Identificati 2 Differentiate -Background
on of social / prepare in Types of evils(region/language/Gender/class based)
problems picture/ -solutions
and chart etc -Importance of finding root cause
Civic consciousness Judiciary 2 Table talk to -definition of three levels
the students -way of formation
Power and functions
Constitutio 2 Headings(or -CIAA
nal organs gan/constit  Auditor general
utional  PSC
provison/ap  EC
pointment/f  NHRC
unctions/  NNRFC
qualification  Attorney General
/numbers of
Constitutio 2 Headings(or NWC
nal gan/constit  NDC
Commissio utional  NIC
ns provison/ap AJC
pointment/f MC
unctions/  TC
qualification MC
/numbers of
Human 2 -Historical background
Rights -HR and concept of Fundamental Rights
-discuss about articles
-some organizations working HR in Nepal

Geographical studies Africa 2 Make Location/physical region/climate/natural

students vegetation/economic activities
Relation of 1 Physical/Economy/employment/ education etc.
Nepal with
CURRICULUM PLAN: 2075 PABSON, Kathmandu Class: 10
History of Nepal Time line Establishment of lok tantra/
and report
2063 on 2 Time line Historical declaration/of HoR on 15th baisakh/ 4th
wards and report Jesth/comprehensive Peace Accord/ Peace process and
Writing UNMIN/ CA 1st/ Demise of CA 1st / election of CA 2nd /
promulgation of constitution/ institutionalization of

Economic activities Insurance 2 Table form Background/historical development/types(life, non-

for studies life)/advantages/objectives/
Revenue 2 Table form Introduction/types(tax/non tax)/direct merits& demerits
and tax for studies & indirect tax merits& demerits/tax in
collection Nepal(VAT/Excise/Custom/Income Tax/Merits and
Demerits) non tax revenue
Consumer 2 Table form Introduction/ Consumers international/ UNO on
rights for studies consumer rights/consumer protection act 2054/legal
protection of consumers rights give basic concepts on
those all.
Current 2 Table form Definition/ history/ current plan (mission/goal
economic for studies objectives/quantitative goals/strategies/ challenges/
planning opportunities)
International Relation Contempor 2 Prepare note Disarmament/ Terrorism/Underground
and Peace ary Events on topics Explosion/population growth/Nuclear power/diseases/
& impact climate change/sustainable development.
Concept of 2 Prepare note Definition
Globalizati on topics
on &

Two/Three periods are allocated for the revision to the previous lesson
-Teachers are requested to discuss about contemporary issues of the country and world for better achievement.
-Above given topics to carryout are just guidelines and basic concepts to discuss. Students must have basic
knowledge about these things.
-Some extra classes are to be given to the students to complete the given course on time so the teachers are requested
to arrange the extra classes as needed.
-Time allocation may not be always absolute so the teachers are requested to arrange classes according to the level of
- Pre-Board Exam begins on the 20th Mangsir and ends 28th Mangsir

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