Week 2 Outcomes and Cognition

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3/15/24, 11:17 AM Teaching And Learning in Engineering (TALE) - - Unit 4 - Week 2 Outcomes and Cognition

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Week 2 Assignment 2
payment status The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Due on 2024-02-07, 23:59 IST.

Course Assignment submitted on 2024-02-03, 14:41 IST

1) Why is it necessary to identify Program Educational Objectives of a BE program? 1 point

About NPTEL To attract good students

() To ensure good correlation between what students learnt and the activities they are involved
after graduation
How does an
To ensure good admissions
NPTEL online
course work? To satisfy the requirements of the National Board of Accreditation
() Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Week 1 OBE Accepted Answers:
and To ensure good correlation between what students learnt and the activities they are involved after
Accreditation graduation
2) Identify the action verbs that represent the activities of cognitive process "Understand". 1 point
Week 2
Outcomes Calculate
and Categorize
Cognition () Extrapolate

Outcomes Determine

Y h i

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3/15/24, 11:17 AM Teaching And Learning in Engineering (TALE) - - Unit 4 - Week 2 Outcomes and Cognition

unit=23&lesson Yes, the answer is correct.

=24) Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Program Categorize
Outcomes 1 Extrapolate
unit=23&lesson 3) Why are POs common to all engineering programs? 1 point
It is advantageous to have the same set of POs for all programs.
All graduate engineers should have knowledge, skills and attitudes represented by the
Outcomes 2
(unit? common POs.
unit=23&lesson When POs are common to all programs it is more convenient to compute their attainment as
=26) needed by NBA.
Taxonomy of It is good for all graduate engineers to have knowledge and skills as given by POs.
Learning (unit?
Yes, the answer is correct.
unit=23&lesson Score: 1
=27) Accepted Answers:
All graduate engineers should have knowledge, skills and attitudes represented by the common
Levels (unit? POs.
=28) 4) Complex engineering problems are characterized by two of the following features. 1 point

Have no obvious solutions
mes and
Cognition (unit? Have complex mathematical models.
unit=23&lesson Have significant consequences.
Have possibly many component parts or sub-problems
Quiz: Week 2 Yes, the answer is correct.
Assignment 2 Score: 1
(assessment? Accepted Answers:
name=72) Have no obvious solutions
Feedback Form
Have possibly many component parts or sub-problems
unit=23&lesson 5) PO7 is “Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and 1 point
=29) environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.”
PO7 can be effectively addressed through two of the following activities.
Week 3
Knowledge Courses on Sustainability and Pollution
Categories Course on national health policy
and Affective
Case studies to bring the attention of the students to sustainability issues with assessment in
Psychomotor terms of the student’s perception of impact of engineering solutions on sustainability.
Domains () Course on IT for development.

Yes, the answer is correct.

Week 4 Score: 1
Course Accepted Answers:
Outcomes () Courses on Sustainability and Pollution
Case studies to bring the attention of the students to sustainability issues with assessment in
terms of the student’s perception of impact of engineering solutions on sustainability.

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3/15/24, 11:17 AM Teaching And Learning in Engineering (TALE) - - Unit 4 - Week 2 Outcomes and Cognition

6) PO10 is “Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the 1 point

engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write
Transcripts ()
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive
clear instructions.” PO10 is important because.
Books ()
An engineer needs to interact with his associates in an organization.
An engineer has to submit periodic reports on his activities.
All members of a group have to document and present their day-to-day work in commonly
agreed formats
An engineer prepares a marketing brief on products

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
All members of a group have to document and present their day-to-day work in commonly agreed

7) Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) 1 point

Sate the goals of the Department.

Are what the students of the program should be able to do at the time of graduation.
Can differentiate a program from similar programs
Are what the graduates of a program should be doing four to five years after graduation

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Can differentiate a program from similar programs

8) Identify two of the following statements which are not PSOs. 1 point

Architect, partition, and select appropriate technologies for implementation of a specified

communication system.
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals to the solution of
problems of computer science and engineering
Understand modern management and construction techniques to complete the projects
within the stipulated period and funds.
Survey, map and plan layouts for buildings, structures and alignments for canals and roads.

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals to the solution of
problems of computer science and engineering
Understand modern management and construction techniques to complete the projects within the
stipulated period and funds.

9) “Understand” as a cognitive process was objected to by the scholars in the original 1 point
Bloom’s taxonomy because.

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3/15/24, 11:17 AM Teaching And Learning in Engineering (TALE) - - Unit 4 - Week 2 Outcomes and Cognition

It does not represent an actionable process

It was not easily measurable.
It was too common a word.
It means different things to different people

Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
It does not represent an actionable process

10) Constructing meaning from oral, written, and graphic communication represents 1 point
following cognitive process/es


Yes, the answer is correct.

Score: 1
Accepted Answers:

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