Drilling Operations ToAnalysis Workflows
Drilling Operations ToAnalysis Workflows
Drilling Operations ToAnalysis Workflows
Analysis Workflows
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Landmark Drilling Operations to Analysis Workflows
Contents Contents
iv Contents 5000.1
Landmark Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows
Drilling Operations To Analysis
5000.1 v
Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows Landmark
Applications Needed
• OpenWells
The Kick Operations Analysis Workflow, is a workflow that can be
used for performing well control analysis using WELLPLAN based on
data entered using OpenWells.
vi 5000.1
Landmark Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows
The following diagram describes where the data required for this
workflow is input into OpenWells in order to be available to the
WELLPLAN Kill Sheet.
Daily Operations
BOP Properties
Kick Report
Pump Properties
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Data Flow
Data Input Using OpenWells that will be available to WELLPLAN:
Workflow Steps
viii 5000.1
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6. Specify the rig properties using the Rig Properties > General tab.
7. Specify the derrick properties using the Rig Properties > Derrick
8. Specify the BOP pressure rating using the Rig Properties > Other
11. Specify the BOP choke and kill line properties using the BOP
Properties > Choke/Kill Line tab.
Note: For subsea wells, be sure the choke and kill line length is
equal to the mudline depth.
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Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows Landmark
a) Using the Project Properties > General tab, name the project
and specify general project information.
b) Define the site location using the Site Properties > Location
c) Specify the well location using the Well Properties > Location
a) Specify the start and end date of the event, and other event
information using the Event Properties > General tab.
x 5000.1
Landmark Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows
Create a Casing Report Prior to the Daily Drilling Report with the
20. Create a Casing Report. (Right-click on the event in the Well
Explorer and select Report from the menu.) Select Casing from
the Create New Report Wizard and input information as
5000.1 xi
Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows Landmark
Create a Daily Operations Report for the Open Hole Section with
the Kick
21. Create a Daily Operations Report. (Right-click on the event in the
Well Explorer and select Report from the menu.) Select Daily
Operations from the Create New Report Wizard and input
information as required.)
Note: Carefully define the date and time of the activities because if
incorrect input of dates and/or times are made, some data in the kick
report will not be displayed.
a) Specify general information using the General section.
h) Specify the leak off test information using the Leak Off Test
Create a Kick Report for the Open Hole Section with the Kick
22. Create a Kick Report. (Right-click on the event in the Well
Explorer and select Report from the menu.) Select Kick from the
Create New Report Wizard and input information as required.)
xii 5000.1
Landmark Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows
• If the Hole Size or Casing Size drop-down lists are empty, the
time input on the Daily Operations Report is probably
• The SCR data drop-down list will not be populated unless slow
pump information has been input on the Daily Operations
25. Launch WELLPLAN if it is not already active. (Start > Programs
> Landmark’s Engineer’s Desktop 5000.1 > WELLPLAN)
5000.1 xiii
Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows Landmark
Default design and case names are provided. You can change
the names as needed.
b) Select the desired OpenWells report from the list and click
27. Review the data from OpenWells in the Case menu options,
including: pore pressure, fracture gradient, hole section, wellpath,
drillstring, and fluid.
28. Access the Well Control module and activate the Kill Sheet
analysis mode.
31. On the Kill Sheet, click the Default from Editors button and
notice the input fields are correctly defined based on data input in
xiv 5000.1
Landmark Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows
32. Use the View > Plot > Kill Graph to review the stand pipe
pressure versus the number of strokes to kill the well.
If the input data is inconsistent, the plot will not be displayed. Review
the messages in the Status Messages to assist you with determining
what is wrong with the data. It is very important to pay very close
attention to the report date and times when inputting data into
5000.1 xv
Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows Landmark
Applications Needed
• OpenWells
The Drillstring Operations Workflow, is a workflow that can be used
for performing engineering analysis using WELLPLAN on a drillstring
entered using OpenWells.
xvi 5000.1
Landmark Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows
Data Flow
Data Input Using OpenWells that will be available to WELLPLAN:
Data From OpenWells:
Company Properties, Project Properties, Site Properties, Well Properties, Wellbore
Properties, Design Properties, Targets, drillstring components including BHA, hole
section, fluid data, and actual survey data.
Workflow Steps
5000.1 xvii
Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows Landmark
a) Right-click on the event you want to create the casing report for
in the Well Explorer, and select New Report.
xviii 5000.1
Landmark Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows
Default design and case names are provided. You can change
the names if you want to.
b) Select the desired OpenWells report from the list and click
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a) Access the Torque Drag module using the toolbar button or the
Module menu. Select Drag Chart from the Mode drop-down
d) View results using View > Plot > Tension Point Chart.
xx 5000.1
Landmark Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows
Applications Needed
• OpenWells
The Casing Operations Workflow, is a workflow that can be used to
perform engineering analysis using WELLPLAN on casing
information entered using OpenWells.
5000.1 xxi
Drilling Operations To Analysis Workflows Landmark
Data Flow
Data Input Using OpenWells that will be available to WELLPLAN:
Data From OpenWells:
Company Properties, Project Properties, Site Properties, Well Properties, Wellbore
Properties, Design Properties, Targets, drillstring components including BHA, hole
section, fluid data, and actual survey data.
Workflow Steps
d) In the General section, specify the casing name, type, size, and
what (if any) casing it is installed inside.
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a) Access the Torque Drag module using the toolbar button or the
Module menu. Select Drag Chart as the analysis mode.
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d) View results using View > Plot > Tension Point Chart.
xxiv 5000.1