Applied Cryptography in Network Systems Security For Cyberattack Prevention
Applied Cryptography in Network Systems Security For Cyberattack Prevention
Applied Cryptography in Network Systems Security For Cyberattack Prevention
Cyberattack Prevention
Abel Yeboah-Ofori1 Christian Kwame Agbodza2 Francisca Afua Opoku-Boateng3
School of Computing and Engineering Department of Education Beacom College of Computer and Cyber Sc
University of West London University of Brighton Dakota State University
London, UK Brighton, UK Madison, USA
Abstract-Application of cryptography and how various security, SSL/TSL for web application, IPSec/IKE for IP
encryption algorithms methods are used to encrypt and data security, SILC for conference services security and
decrypt data that traverse the network is relevant in securing SSH for terminal connection security with capabilities to
information flows. Implementing cryptography in a secure support digital signatures [14]. However, providing secure
network environment requires the application of secret keys,
public keys, and hash functions to ensure data confidentiality,
communications channels in a network system to prevent
integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. However, interception, interruption, modification, and fabrication
providing secure communications to prevent interception, has become very challenging. Cyberattacks are deploying
interruption, modification, and fabrication on network various methods and techniques to break into network
systems has been challenging. Cyberattacks are deploying systems to exploit digital signatures, VPNs, and others.
various methods and techniques to break into network Attackers deploy various passive and active attacks on the
systems to exploit digital signatures, VPNs, and others. Thus, network systems. As a result, the threats and risks of
it has become imperative to consider applying techniques to interception, interruption, modification, and fabrication of
provide secure and trustworthy communication and information and communications traversing the network
computing using cryptography methods. The paper explores
applied cryptography concepts in information and network
have increased exponentially. The passive attacker deploys
systems security to prevent cyberattacks and improve secure reconnaissance and traffic analysis to stealthy observe the
communications. The contribution of the paper is threefold: information flows, data structures, then duplicate or copy
First, we consider the various cyberattacks on the different them, and sometimes use them in ID theft, intellectual
cryptography algorithms in symmetric, asymmetric, and property, and industrial espionage attacks. Further, in an
hashing functions. Secondly, we apply the various RSA active attack, the adversary uses brute force and other
methods on a network system environment to determine how methods to penetrate the systems masquerade, and covertly
the cyberattack could intercept, interrupt, modify, and tries to modify the systems, their contents, and sometimes
fabricate information. Finally, we discuss the secure causes replay and denial of service attacks, especially in a
implementations methods and recommendations to improve
security controls. Our results show that we could apply
distributed environment. These penetrations could lead to
cryptography methods to identify vulnerabilities in the RSA data tampering, alteration, modifications, deletions, and
algorithm in secure computing and communications diversions of delivery channels.
Buffer Overflow
networks. Malware
Buffer Overflow
Cross Site Virus
Keywords: Applied Cryptography, Network Security, RSA, Request DoS SQL
Passive Attacks Virus
Session Forgery Intrusion Injection
Interception, Interruption, Modification, Fabrication. Interception DoS
Interrruption Intrusion Hijacking
IP Spoofing Attack Attack Attack
Attack Attack
The application of cryptography has been relevant in
network security systems in securing information and
communications in business-to-business, consumer-to-
business, and consumer-to-consumer environments.
Cryptography algorithms and different transposition Work station
Encryption Key
systems have been used to secure data and networks in AttackMobil SSL External Login Screen
Firewall -User ID Firewall
Digital Deep Packet Application
points of sales systems, including electronic commerce, Deep Packet -Password Web Server
Certificates Inspection Server
chip-based payment systems, password, digital currency Verication
5th Generation 5th Generation
Initiated Fire wall
systems, and others [1], [2]. The objective of applied Fire wall
cryptography includes using a secret key, public key, and Threat
hash functions to ensure data confidentiality, data integrity, Actor
follows. Attacker
A. The RSA Cryptosystems Deployment Steps A source A produces a message X intended for B in as,
1. Plaintext: The original message or data that will be X = {X1, X2 , …., Xn] (2)
inputted into the algorithm.
2. Encryption algorithm: The algorithm performs various The M elements of X are letters in some finite alphabet.
transpositions and transforms the plaintext ciphertext. Thus, B generates a related pair of public key PUb and
3. Public and private keys: Pairs of keys selected for private key PRP.
encryption or decryption depending on input and
transformation algorithm. Source A form a ciphertext with a message X and the
4. Ciphertext: The plaintext that is scrambled and encryption key PUb using the algorithm
generated as output depending on the plaintext and the
key. Y = [Y1, Y2, …., Yn] (3)
5. Decryption algorithm: The algorithm decrypts the Y = E(PUb,X)
ciphertext and produces a matching key for the
original plaintext message generated as output for the The recipient in possession of the private key can invert the
recipient transposition using the algorithm:
X = E(PRb,Y) (4)
Fig. 3. RSA Public Key Cryptosystem To complete the encryption, the sender must calculate C2:
C2 ≡ M x yk mod p (6)
Attack Steps: ≡ 10 x 93 mod 23
1. Pairs of Keys are generated for each user's message ≡ 22 mod 23
encryption and decryption
2. A public key will be placed in a public register for D. Decryption
accessibility, and the private key is kept by each user Receiver B receives the ciphertext (20; 23) (7)
and maintains a set of public keys acquired from The receiver starts by finding D ≡ C1x mod p
others. D ≡ 206 mod 23
3. If a sender wants to send a private message to a ≡ 16 mod 23
receiver, the sender encrypts the receiver's message
using the public key. Further, the receiver calculates D-1 mod p:
4. When the receiver gets the message, it decrypts it D-1 ≡ 16-1 mod 23 (8)
using the private key, known only by the receiver. ≡ 13 mod 23
We choose a number e such that gcd (e; (p - 1)(q - 1)) = 1 Figure 4. Generating SSL using Privat Key
find d ≡ e-1 mod (p - 1)(q - 1) (1)
Public key = (n; e), private key = (p; q; d)
Step 2: Figure 4 explains how we create a file for the key
with a size of 4096 bit for the length of the size using
OpenSSL to make the private key (Pr) more secure by
typing the command: “genrsa -our private.pem 4096”
Step 4: To view the encrypted file content of our public Fig 8. Output of Cyphertext
key that we use, and to view the text in private.pem we use
Step 7: To Decrypt the file “demo_encrypt.txt” that
the command: OpenSSL rsa -text -in private.pem
contains the message “hello” from a decrypted version into
Figure 7displays the private key and public key
a plaintext, We used the same private key we created in
contents and the key component in plain text. The addition step 2 into a new file name called demo_decrypt.txt: e used
encoded version is used to encode with the key data but we
this command:
can find both of them here
Openssl rsautl -decrypt -in demo_encrypt.txt -inkey
private.pem -out demo_decrypt.txt
F. Results
The results show that by using the OpenSSL tool, we
generated a private RSA key with a custom length of 4096,
Fig 7. Public Key
then we made a public key using the same RSA key, the
public key contains the key length plus the encoded details.
Step 5: In Figure 7, we created a file and encrypted it
Further, we created one file containing our sender message
using the public key in step 4 to decrypt the file later. We
we have encrypted the file using the public key and finally
typed the command: Vim hello.txt
we decrypted the file with its private key. Considering we
The command allows us to create a new file to use for
are encrypting using asymmetric, we must have the private
encryption and decryption.
key to be able to decrypt the encrypted message.
We type “Hello” in the file content as our message for
Several cryptosystems and other encryption algorithms
us to be able to encrypt.
have been used to secure messages such as RSA, EI Gamal,
Now to encrypt the “hello.txt” file using the public key
Diffie Hermann, DES, SDES. However, RSA is suitable
and put the output into a new file called demo_encrypt.txt:
for businesses and online payment transactions in a
by using the command:
symmetric key encryption. In addition, RSA is faster to
Openssl rsautl -encrypt -in hello.txt -pubin -inkey
encrypt, uses fewer resources, uses block cyphers, uses
public.pem -out demo_encrypt.txt
asymmetric keys and is more secure.
Step 6: Now to view the content of the hello.text file
into the demo_encrypt.txt file, we used the command: xxd
A. Adversarial Attack on Data Confidentiality
The adversary's goal is to cause an attack on data
The figure provides us with a large key since we used
confidentiality by intercepting and interrupting network
a key size of 4096 bits for the length of the encryption and
and information flows to deny information preservation
decryption, as discussed in step 2.
and authorized restrictions to access and disclosure. For
example, the adversary can intercept message A by
targeting and observing Y and having access to PUb but Further, we have discussed how the RSA public-key
having access to PRb or X attempts to recover X and PRb cryptosystem can be compromised and how adversaries
using the algorithm. In an instant where the adversary's could attack the network systems and data encryption
only motive is to intercept the message, then the focus is to algorithms during transmission to corrupt the information's
recover message X by generating a plaintext estimate at confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. Finally, the
n=X. The adversary knows the algorithm encryption key paper has shown how to identify vulnerabilities and apply
(E) and decryption (D). cryptography methods to prevent cyberattacks on network
In an instant where the adversary wants to Interrupt the communication systems.
message and modify it, the adversary recovers the PRb by Future works will consider information and network
generating the algorithms that attempt to modify the security using Homomorphic encryptions in a Cyber-
message. These attacks impact data protection and physical systems environment.
preservation of personal privacy and proprietary data on
network systems information-sharing platforms. REFERENCES
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Applying cryptography methods, encryption
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trustworthy network communications and information
security has been challenging. The paper has discussed the
various attack methods such as interception, interruption
modification, and fabrication that adversaries deploy to
compromise network systems and information flows.