4.6 Electromagnetic Approach

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6 Electromagnetic Approach

Plane waves incident on the boundary between two homogeneous, isotropic,

lossless dielectric media.
4.6.2 The Fresnel Equation

The E-field of the incident wave is normal to the plane-of-

incidence (Fig. 4.39)
Fig. 4.47


Fig. 4.48

The E-field of the incident wave is in the plane-of-
incidence (Fig. 4.40)
4.6.3 Interpretation of the Fresnel equation

The amplitude coefficient of reflection and transmission as a

function of incident angle.
nt > ni (external reflection) with nti = 1.5
4.6.3 Interpretation of the Fresnel equation

The amplitude coefficient of reflection and transmission as a

function of incident angle.
nt < ni (internal reflection) with nti = 1/1.5
Refer to
Fresnel equations
(p. 128-129)

Phase shift for the parallel and perpendicular components of the E-field
corresponding to internal and external reflection
Reflectance and Transmittance

Reflectance and transmittance versus incidence angle

Reflectance at normal incidence in air (n=1) at a single interface

Transmittance through a number of surfaces in air (n=1) at normal incidence

Fig. 4.56
Brewster’s Angle
Brewster’s Angle 2

S- and p-polarization

Bulk laser gain medium

Total Internal Reflection

(qc: critical angle)

Total internal reflection


Frustrated TIR
Evanescent field

Bio chip applications

4.8 Optical properties of metals
4.8 Optical properties of metals
4.9 Light-matter interaction in everyday life

Complementary colors

4.10 The Stokes treatment

4.9 Light-matter interaction in everyday life

What is color?
Blue sea, Red crab

Transmission curves for colored filters

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