Finger Millet Brochure

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Post-emergent spray: 2, 4-D sodium salt @ 0.

75 kg Ear caterpillars: Ear caterpillars appear at dough Extension Folder- 6

a.i./ha Spraying around 20-25 days after sowing stage on ears and persist till harvest. The caterpillars

effectively control weeds. bite the maturing seeds and make a fine web out
of their casting and half eaten grains. This further
Irrigation: Depending on soil type, weather

attracts saprophytic fungi.
condition and duration of variety, 8-14 irrigations
are necessary. Control: Dust Malathion 5% @ 24 kg/ha or
Quinolfos 1.5% @ 24 kg/ha or Endosulfan 4% @ 24
Diseases: Finger millet is affected by a variety
kg/ha or Phosalone 4% @ 24 kg/ha.
of diseases of which blast caused by Pyricularia
grisea is the major problem. Harvesting: Harvest is done once the ear-heads
are physiologically mature. Short duration varieties
Symptom: The symptoms appear as circular
matures in 95-105 days while medium to late
lesions that are pointed towards either ends. The
varieties matures in 110-125 days.
centre of the spots appears grayish and the borders
become brownish. In susceptible genotypes, Yield: Grain 25-30 q/ha and 60-70 quintals of straw
several of such spindle shaped spots coalesce per hectare.
together, leading to drying of the entire leaf. When
Compiled By:
the fungus infects the neck region, a few inches of
Ganapathy KN, Sangappa, Swarna Ronanki,
neck just below the finger turns brownish black
ultimately leading to breakage of the peduncle.
and Vilas A. Tonapi

The disease can be controlled by adopting resistant
cultivars (GPU 28, GPU 48, GPU 45, VL Mandua
348, VL 379), Seed treatment with Carbendazim
@ 2 g /kg seed and Spraying of kitazin (0.1%) or
Ediphefos (0.1%) or Saaf (0.2%) at 50 per cent

Pests: Finger millet attracts several pests, of which

army worm, cutworm, stemborer, shootfly and ear
caterpillars are important.

Stemborers: The larva bores into the stem,

resulting in dead heart.

Control: Spray the crop with Dimethioate (0.05%)

or Phosphamidon (0.05%) or Monocrotophos ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets Research
(0.04%). Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030, Telangana.
Ph.: +91 - 040 - 2459 9300; Website:
F inger Millet (Eleusine coracana) commonly
known as ragi, is one of the important millet
crops grown for grain and fodder purpose under
State wise Varieties of Finger millet
Karnataka GPU 28, GPU-45, GPU-48,
in organic matter. It withstands and thrives well on
slightly alkaline soils too.

PR 202, MR 1, MR 6, Indaf 7, Time of Sowing:

varied agro-climatic conditions in India. The crop ML365, GPU 67, GPU 66, KMR
requires low input and less affected by major 204, KMR 301, KMR 340 Kharif - June- July with the onset of monsoon
pests and diseases and matures in 90-120 days. Tamil Nadu GPU 28, CO 13, TNAU 946 Rabi- September to October
The high rejuvenation capacity after alleviated (CO 14), CO 9, CO 12, CO 15
Spacing: 225-30 cm (row to row), 8 – 10 cm (plant
stress conditions makes this crop ideal for dry Andhra VR 847, PR 202, VR 708,
to plant). The seed should be planted 2-3 cm in
land farming. The major finger millet growing Pradesh VR 762, VR 900, VR 936
states in India are Karnataka, Uttarkhand Tamil Jharkhand A 404, BM 2, VL 379
Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Jharkhand and Seed rate: 8-10 kg/ha for direct sowing
Orissa OEB 10, OUAT 2, BM 9-1,
Maharashtra. Finger millet contains about 65–75% OEB 526, OEB-532 5 kg/ha for Transplanting (Seedling of
carbohydrates, 8% protein, 15–20% dietary fiber 20-25 days old are ideal for transplanting. 150 m2
Uttarakhand PRM-2, VL 315, VL 324, VL-
and 2.5–3.5% minerals. Grains of finger millet 352, VL 149, VL 146, VL-348, Manuring and fertilization:
are highly nutritive and is known for its highest VL-376, PES 400, VL 379
Apply Compost or farmyard manure @ 7-10
amount of calcium (344mg /100g grain), iron, Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh-2, BR-7, GPU
28, PR 202, VR 708 and VL tonnes/ha about a month before sowing. Generally
zinc, dietary fiber and essential amino acids. The
149, VL 315, VL 324, VL 352, fertilizer recommended to get a good crop in
grains are highly resistant to storage insect pests VL 376
rainfed condition is 40:20:20 kg NPK / ha, and for
and under minimum attention the crop can stay in
Maharashtra Dapoli 1, Phule Nachani, KOPN irrigated is 60:30:30 kg NPK / ha. Soil test based
good condition upto 50 years. These attributes plus 235, KoPLM 83, Dapoli-2
fertilizers application is recommended. Apply
its high market value compared to other cereals
Gujarat GN 4, GN 5, GNN 6, GNN 7 entire quantity of P O and half of Nitrogen at the
makes finger millet one of the salient crops among 2 5
Bihar RAU 8, VL 379, OEB 526, time of sowing and remaining half of Nitrogen at
resource poor communities living in food insecure
OEB 532 first irrigation.
Climate: Manuring and fertilization:
Local Names of Finger Millet
Finger millet is a short day plant and grows best Two inter cultivations and one hand weeding in
Language Local Names in an environment with day temperatures of 30 line sown crop is recommended. Intercultural
Hindi Ragi, Mandika to 34oc and 22 to 25oc night temperatures along operation using a tyne-harrow when crop is 30
Bengali Marwa with good sunshine. It thrives best in the areas days old is also recommended. In broadcast crop
Punjabi Mandhuka, Mandhal where annual rainfall is about 1000 mm. 1st weeding after 15–20 days after emergence
Telugu Ragi Chodi Soils: of seedling and 2nd weeding 15-20 days after 1st
Oriya Mandia weeding is recommended.
Finger millet is cultivated on a variety of soils
Kannada Ragi In assured rainfall and irrigated areas: Pre-
ranging from rich loam to poor shallow upland
Gujarati Nagli, Bavto soils. It prefers porous and well drained loam to emergence spray: Isoproturon @ 0.5 kg a.i./
Tamil Keppagi, Ragi, Kelvaragu light red loam and sandy loam soils of good fertility ha. (Rainfed areas), Oxyflurofen @ 0.1 lta.i /ha
Marathi Nagli, Nachni and water holding capacity. The soil should be rich (Irrigated areas)

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