Finger Millet Brochure
Finger Millet Brochure
Finger Millet Brochure
effectively control weeds. bite the maturing seeds and make a fine web out
of their casting and half eaten grains. This further
Irrigation: Depending on soil type, weather
attracts saprophytic fungi.
condition and duration of variety, 8-14 irrigations
are necessary. Control: Dust Malathion 5% @ 24 kg/ha or
Quinolfos 1.5% @ 24 kg/ha or Endosulfan 4% @ 24
Diseases: Finger millet is affected by a variety
kg/ha or Phosalone 4% @ 24 kg/ha.
of diseases of which blast caused by Pyricularia
grisea is the major problem. Harvesting: Harvest is done once the ear-heads
are physiologically mature. Short duration varieties
Symptom: The symptoms appear as circular
matures in 95-105 days while medium to late
lesions that are pointed towards either ends. The
varieties matures in 110-125 days.
centre of the spots appears grayish and the borders
become brownish. In susceptible genotypes, Yield: Grain 25-30 q/ha and 60-70 quintals of straw
several of such spindle shaped spots coalesce per hectare.
together, leading to drying of the entire leaf. When
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the fungus infects the neck region, a few inches of
Ganapathy KN, Sangappa, Swarna Ronanki,
neck just below the finger turns brownish black
ultimately leading to breakage of the peduncle.
and Vilas A. Tonapi
The disease can be controlled by adopting resistant
cultivars (GPU 28, GPU 48, GPU 45, VL Mandua
348, VL 379), Seed treatment with Carbendazim
@ 2 g /kg seed and Spraying of kitazin (0.1%) or
Ediphefos (0.1%) or Saaf (0.2%) at 50 per cent