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01993 by Sony Corporation

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For the customers in Europe
This product with the CE markinq cornplies with both the
EMC Directive (891336lEEC) and the i o w Voltage
TO prevent fire or shock hazard, do not Directive (73123lEEC) issued by the Commission of the
expose the unit to rain or moist~re. European Community.
Compliance with these directives implies conformity to
the following European standards:
a EN60065: Product Safety

EN55103-1: Electromagnetic interference (Emission)

EN55103-2: Electromagnetic Susceptibiiity (Imrnunity)
This product is inlended for use in the following
Electromagnetic Environment(s):
E l (residential), E2 (cornmercial and light industrial), E3
(urban outdoors) arid E4 (controlled EMC environment,
ex TV studio)

Pour les clients européens

Ce produit portarit la marque CE es1 conforme a la fois a
la Directive sur la compatibilité électromagnétique (EMC)
This symbol 1s intended to alert the (8913361CEE) et a la Directive sur les basses tensions
user to the presence of uninsulated (73123lCEE) émises par la Commission de la
"dangerous voltage" within the Communauté européenne,
product's enciosure that may be of La conformite a ces directives implique la conformité aux
sufflcient magnitude to constitute a normes européennes suivantes:
risk of electric shock to persons EN60065: Securité des produits
EN55103-1: Interférences électrornagnétiques
This symbol is intended to alert the (emission)
user to the presence of important EN55103-2: Sensibilité électromagnetique (immunité)
operating and maintenance (servicing)
Ce produit est prevu pour etre utilisé dans les
instructions in the literature
accompanying the appliance envirorinements électromagnétiques suivants:
E l (residentiel). E2 (cornmercial et industrie légere), E3
For customers i n the U.S.A. (urbain exterieur) et E4 (environnement EMC contr6lé
ex studio de télevision).
Für Kunden in Europa
This equipment has been tested and found to comply Dieses Produkt besitzt die CE-Kennzeichnung und erfüllt
with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to sowohl die EMV-Direktive (891336lEEC) als auch die
Part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits are designed to Direktive Niederspannung (73123lEEC) der EG-
provide reasonable protectiori against harmful Kommission,,
interference when the equipment is operated in a Die Erfüllung dieser Direktiven bedeutet Konformitat für
commercial environment. This equipment generates, die folgenden Europaischen Normen:
uses, and can radiate radio frequency eriergy and, if no! EN60065: Produktsicherheit
installed and used in accordance with the instruction EN55103-1: Elektromagnetische lnterferenz (Ernission)
manual, may cause harmfui interference to radio EN55103-2: Elektromagnetische Empfindlichkeit
communications Operation of this equipment in a (Immunitat)
residential area is likely to cause harmfui interference in Dieses Produkt ist für den Einsatz unter folgenden
which case the user will be required to correct the elektromagnetischen Bedingungen ausgelegt:
interference at his own expense. E l (Wohnbereich), E2 (kommerzieiier und in
beschranktem Mane industrieller Bereich), E3
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not (Stadtbereich im Freien) und E4 (kontrollierter EMV.
exptessly approved in this manual could void your Bereich, z B Fernsehstudio),
authority to operate this equipment,,

The shielded interface cable reconimended in this

manual must be used with this equipment in order to
comply with the limits for a digital device pursuant to
Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC ruies

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About tliis Manual ................................................................................ 3 (E)

Principal Features ........................................................................... 1-2 (E)

Optional Accessories ..........................................................................1-4 (E)

Control Panel .............................. . . ...................................................2 2 (E)

Connector Panel ............................................................................. 2-13 (E)

Precautions ..........................................................................................3-2 (E)

Connections ....................................................................................... 3 (E)
Preparations for Editing ....................................................................3 (E)
PVE-500 Setup (Ini~ialization).... . , , . .................. . . . . . . .3-8 (E)
, , , , , ,

Ivleasuring S t a ~Del t -14 (E)

Prepaiing Tapes for - 15 (E.)

Standard Editing Session ................................................................ 4 2 (E)

Selecting the Edit Mode ..................................................................... 4 3 (E)
Selecting the Player .......................................................................... 4-5 (E)
Setting Edit Points ............................................................................ 4-6 (E)
Confirming and Adjusting Edit Points .............................................4-9 (E)
Previewing the Edit .......................................................................... 4-11 (E)
Executing the Edit ............................................................................ 4 2 (E)
Reviewing the Edit .......................................................................... 4 3 (E)

Outline ................................................................................................. 5-2 (E)

Selecting FROM and T O Sources ..................................... ................5-4 (E)
Setting Edit Points ............................................................................5 (E)
Setting a Transition Time .................................................................. 5 7 (E)

Chapter 6 Controlling tlie DFS-5UU Siiapsliot Fiinction ................................... 6-2(1.1)

Advanced Editing Controlling the DFS-500 During an A-Rol1 Edit ........................6-I(I) (1:)
Previcwing Immediately After Setting IN Points
- Quiclc Editing ........................................................................6 (1:)
Kesuniing Edit After Setting Player IN Poini - Uutt Editing ......6-1(E)
Using Aiixiliary Soiirces ....................................................................6-5 (E)
Setting S e p a r ~ t eAudio and Video IN Points - Split Editiiig .......6-7(E)
Editing Still :ind Variable-Speed Playback -- 1)T Editing ............6-9 (E)
Setting Transition Points During I'revie\v or Edits
..-SYNC Rol1 Editing .............................................................. 6 (1:)
Controlling Externa1 Equipment via tlie GPI interface ...............6-13 (E)
Rlnnual Editing .................................................................................


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Outline .................................................................................................
7 (E)
Registering an Edit (Interna1 EDL Mode Only) .............................. 7-5 (E)
Recalling an Edit (Interna1 EDL Mode Only) .................................
7-6 (E)
Adjusting and Deleting Edits ............................................................
7 (E)
Uploading/Downloading the EDL (Interna1 EDL Mode Only) ......7-8 (E)

Error Messages .................................................................................

A (E)
In Case of Trouble ............................................................................
A-3 (E)
Specifications .................................................................................... A-4 (E)
Optional Accessorie -5 (E)
Recommended Equi -5 (E)
GIossary ..............................................................................................
A (E)

Index .................................................................................................. 1-1 (E)

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This section describes the organization of this manual and some conventions of
notation used

lntended audience
This manual is a guide to the PVE-500 editing control unit.
It is intended to he read by persons responsible for the operation of professional
video equipment, for example, at cable television stations and cotporate production
facilities. Therefore it assumes that readers will be familiar with the basic concepts
of video editing and have some experience in operating professional video

Manual organization

The organization of this manual is as follows

Chapter 1 Outline
Explains the principal features of the unit and optional accessories

Chapter 2 Names and Functions of Parts

Briefly explains tlie function of each of the switches, controls, and connectors on
the control and connector panels
Persons already familia with p~ofessionalor broadcast editing equipment can
obtain a general grasp of the unit's capabilities by reading through this chapter

Chapter 3 Preparations
Covers matters which you need to know before using the unit, such as how to
connect externa1 equipment to this unit in order to configure a complete editing
system, and preparations to make before stating to edit.

Chapter 4 Basic Editing - Cut Edits

Explains how to perform basic cut edits, using one player and one recotder, for
instantaneous switching between program sources.

Chapter 5 Editing with Two Players AIB Roll Edits
Explains how to perform A/Brol1 edits in which you can add special effects while
switching between the playback signals of two players, using a video switcher and
an audio mixer connected to this unit

Chapter 6 Advanced Edíting

Explains advanced techniques not covered in previous chapters

Chapter 7 Managing Edit Data The Edit Decision List (EDL)
Explains how to save settings made in order to execute an automatic edit, and how
to recall the settings and use them again.

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About this Manual 1 3 (E)
About this Manual

Contains a list of error messages with instructions on how to respond, a list of steps
to take when you suspect ttouble with tlie unit, specifications, anda glossary of
teclinical teims used in this manual

Button names
As shown in the example below, some of the buttons on this unit have two
functions, depending on whethei tliey are pressed alone or in combination with the
ENTRY button The two hnctions are indicated on the top and front sides of the

indicator (LED)

PLAY button
When piessed alone, this button functions as the PLAY button
This manual ielers to it simply as the PLAY button

%STOP (ENTRY + PLAY) bunon

When pressed together with the ENTRY button. this buttan
functions as the STOP bunon This manual refers to it as
the STOP (ENTRY + PLAY) button. with the keys to press
indicated in parentheses

Control panel illustrations

Tlie numbers of buttons and switches in illustrations of the control panel
correspond to steps in the procedure under discussion In order to keep the
illustrations simple, frequently used buttons are sometimes mentioned in the text
b~ttnot numbered in the illustrations

Cross references
Referentes to o t h e ~manuals or to sections of this manual containing related
information appear in italics

Technical terms
Technical terms are explained in a glossary in the Appendix to this manual

4 (E) Aboul this Manual
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Tiiis cliaptei explains the piincipal feahlies of ihe iinit and
opiional accessoiies

Principal Features .................................. .....................1-2 (E)


Optional Accessories ....................................................1-4 (E)

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The PVE-500 is an electronic editing control unit which allows you to perform
advanced editing easily and efficiently
You can connect a video switcher, an audio mixer, and up to three V?Rs to
configure an A/T3 rol1 editing system The principal features of the unit are as

Controls up to three VTRs

You can control two players and one recorder by remote control from the control
panel of this unit The control panel features independent search dials and control
buttons for the players and the recorder, allowing you to locate edit points quickly
and precisely

Three time counters

There are three time counters, allowing you to view time count data for two players
and one ~ecordersimultaneously

Video switcher coritrol

You can connect video switchers equipped with a 9-pin serial interface, such as
DFS-500 series or BVS-3000 series video switchers, using the optional9-pin
remote cable. Remote control of the video switcher allows you to:
* execute automatic transitions fOr special effects when switching between the
playhack of selected players,
o control the DFS-500 snapshot function, for automatic storing and recalling of
snapshots in coordination with edits stored in this unit.

Audio mixer control

You can connect a VSP-AóOO, MXP-290, or MXP-390 series audio mixer, or
another audio mixer. equipped with a 15-pin parallel or 9-pin serial inte~.face,using
the optional mixer control cable or a 9-pin remote cable. Remote control of,the
audio mixe~.allows you to switch the audio signals of'selected players and to
control automatic transition effects.

A/B rol1 editing

You can create rol1 effects such as wipes and dissolves. The A and B signals
can be selected from a total of five sources, including two players and three
auxiliary input sources.

SYNC rol1 editing

You can synchronize two player VTRs to execute effects automatically at specified
edit points.

Flexible edit modes

You can choose between assemble mode, for simultaneous editing of video and
two audio channels, or insert mode, which allows you to edit video and audio
separately or in combination. In insert mode, you can specify separate IN points
(edit start points) for audio and video (split editing).

(E) Chapter 1 Outline
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Dynamic Tracking (DT)') for variable-speed editing
If your player supports dynamic tracking, you can edit freeze frame os variable
speed playhack.

You can output trigger signals to control external equipment when you execute an

Edit Decision List

You can register data for up to 100 edits in an edit decision list (EDL) stored in the
unit's internal memory (internal EDL mode). Interna1 EDL data can be recalled
and changed at any time. It remains in the unit's internal memory for at least 100
hours after the power is turned off (provided that the unit has been powered on for
at least two hours). To save edit data permanently, you can connect a personal
computes os other external 110 device. You can also choose to output edit data to
the external 110 device each time you execute an automatic edit (external EDL.
Reference video signals for precise synchronization
The unit can use reference video signals for precise synchronization If you set the
75-ohm terminator switch to OFF, refetence video signal input can he output to
other equipment using a T connector

Start delay measurement

The unit aiitomatically measures the amount of time which a connected VTR
requires to achieve stahle tape movement after receiving a start command
Information for each VTR is stored in the unit's internal memory It remains
available for at least 100 hours after the unit is turned off (provided that the unit
has been powered on for at least two hours)

Easy setup and initialization

Slide switches ate available on the front panel for easy setting and selection oftime
codes, CTL counts, prerol13) times, and synchronization modes Less frequently
used settings are made using the semch dials and a setup menu.

Error messages
The unit alerts you to mistaken operations with a warning sound and a concise
error message.

Rack mounting
With the RMM-500 control panel mount adaptor, you can mount this unit in a
standard EIA4) 19-inch rack or editing operation desk.

1) DT is a t~ademarkof Sony Corporation 4) EIA: Electionic Industries Association

2) GPI: General Purpose Interface
3) Preioll: An operation in which a VTR begins to run
its tape from a point a few seconds in advance of the
edit IN point, enabling the tape to reach a steady
speed at the edit IN point and to synchionize with
other video tapes

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Chapler i ouiline 1 1-3 (E)
Optional accessories such as the following are available for purchase for use with
this iinit

RMM-500 control panel mount adaptor

An adaptor which allows you to mount the unit in a standard EIA 19-inch tack or
editing desk For details please contact a Sony sales representative


RMM-500 control panel maunt adaptar

RCC-5AA mixer control cable

A 9-pinIl5-pin conversion cable f o ~use in connecting an audio mixer equipped
with a 15-pin parailel interface (VSP-A600, MXP-290, MXP-P390, etc.) to this

Cables for use in connecting a video switcher or an audio mixer equipped with a 9-
pin serial interface (MXP-S390, etc.) to this unit.

(E) Chapter 1 Outline
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nt~olarid connectoi

...................... 2-13 (E)

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The control panel is configured as follows. Uetailed inforrnation f o each
~ of the
conirols is given on the pages indicated in parentheses.

Edit numberltransilionlduialion
Operalion mode control
section (page P3(E)) setting and display seclion (page 2-6(E))

Player 1 time counter

seclion (page 2-4(E))
I Player 2 time counter
section (page 2-5(E))
Recorder time counter
section (page 2-5(E))

Edit mode setting

Source selection- section (page 2-7(E))
section (page 2-6(E))
Manual editinglsetup
Power switch - section (page PB(E))

,415 rol1 setting Edit point sening section

section (page 2-7(EJ)
Player operatioii control Autornatic editing section Recordei operatioii control
section (page 2-9(E)) (page 2-12(E)) section (page 2-lo(€))

Control panel

2-2 (E) / Chapler 2 Names and Funclions of Parls

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Operation mode control section

I 1
Operation mode control cection

@ LEARN button @ TCIRTCICTL (edit reference) selectors

Press to automatically measure the start delays of (for player 1, player 2, and recorder)
the connected VTRs. Determine the time counter display format for
player 1 (Pl), player 2 (P2), and the recorder (R)
@ PREROLL (preroll time) selector TC: Displays the recorded time code (absolute
Set the preroll time to 7 (or 10) seconds, 5 seconds, value). The display is not reset even if you
or 3 seconds If yoii set this selector to 7 seconds, press the RESET button.
the preroll time will be either 7 or 10 seconds, RTC: Displays an incremented or decremented
depending on the setting made using the setup time code after reset (relative value) Reset
menu when you press the RESET button.
CTL: Displays a CTL pulse count after reset.
SYNCHRO (synchronízation) selector Reset when you press the RESET button.
Determines whether or not to synchranize and use
color framing.
ONICF: Synchronizes and uses color framing.
T1iis yields a stable picture, hut editing
precision is slightly lower.
ON: Synchronizes but does not use color framing.
OPF: Does not synchronize.

Chapter 2 Names and Funcllons of f'ads 2-3 (E)

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Control Panel

Player 1 time counter section

SERVO indicatol

IN indicator

l I
Player 1 time counter seciion

@ RESET button @Time counter

Press to reset the time counter O and to reset edit Depending upon the setting of the TC/RTC/CTL
points selector, displays an absolute or relative time code
for player 1,o1 a control signal count During setup
@ SERVO indicator (green) with the setup menu, displays the menu item
Lights when player 1 is running with the servo number
locked. Erzor messages are also displayed in this time
@ IN (edit start point) indicator (red)
Lights when an IN point has been set for player 1,
and fiashes to indicate that an iN point needs to be
set Flashes at high speed while an IN point or
duration (distance from an IN point to an OUT
point) is being displayed in the time counter O

O OUT (edit end point) indicator (red)

Lights when an OUT point has been set for player
1, and flashes to indicate that an OUT poirit needs
to be set. Flashes at high speed while an OUT
point or duration is being displayed in the time
counter O

2-4 (E) Chapter 2 Narnes and Funcfions ol Parts
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Player 2 tíme counter section

SERVO indicator

IN indicator

L l
Player 2 lime counler section

During setup with the setup menu, the time counter Orher birffoii.rnild iiidicafo~rliniie the rniiiefiriictio~i.sas
@ displays an abhreviated item title rlio,re eiplaiiied iii thep~evioiirrectiotl "Plnyrr 1 tiiile
C O L ( I I ~ secfioil
~I "

Recorder time counter section

RESET button

SERVO indicator

lN indicator

Recorder time counter seclion

FIOIIIrlie RESET Dlrtroii @ to the OUT i~idicntor@, @TOTAL (tonal running time) button and
ihere buttoiir niid bidicaroi:~/tuve snriie furiction.s as indicator (red)
fhore e,rplnined iinder ite11i.r to O iii "Pln,yer 1 tilile Press the TOTAL button if you want to display the
coirriter sectioii " (page 2-4(Ej).
recorder's total running time in tlie time counter.
The indicator begins to flash when you press the
@Time counter
button. Press the button again to restore the time
Dependiug upon the settings of the TCIRTCICTL
countes's original display.
selector and tlie TOTAL button @, displays an
If you want to reset the total running time, press
absolute or relative time code, a CTL signal count,
tbe RESET button @ while the total niuning time
or the recordes's total mnning time. During setup
is displayed in the time counter.
with the setup menu, displays the setup item data.
Error messages are also displayed in this time

Chapter 2 Narnes and Funclions Ot Parls 2-5 (E)

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Control Panel

Edit number/transition/duration setting and display section

Edit numberltransitionldurationsetting and display seclion

@ EDlT NO.ITRANSIDUR (edit numberl @ EDlT NO.fiRANS/DUR display

transitionlduration) buttons To inte~pretthe number in this display, check the
Use to set the edit number, effect transition time, TRANS button in the AIB rol1 setting section If
or the du~ationof an edit segment. The three the TRANS button is lit, this display shows an
buttons correspond to the three digits in the display effect transition time. If the button is flashing, the
0. display shows an edit duration. If the button is out,
the display shows the current edit number.
Source selection section

(ENTRY t FROM TO) button

IY + PI) bunon @ FROM TO indicators

@ PZAUX2 (ENTRY + PZ) bunon

Source selection seclion


P1 (player 1): Ptess to select the VTR connected button
to the PLAYER 1 connector as the source The FROM TO: Press to change the FROM source
button lights when you press it (source before a transition) or the TO source
AUXl (ENTRY + Pl)(auxiliary source 1): Press (source after a transition).
to select the equipment connected to the AUXl AUX3 (ENTRY + FROM TO)(auxiliary source
connector as the source, for example, a camera 3): Press to select the equipment connected to
connected to a video switcher the AUX3 connector as the source, for example
@ P21AUX2 (ENTRY + P2) button a camela connected to a video switcher.
P 2 (player 2): Press to select the VTR connected @ FROM TO indicators
to the PLAYER 2 connector as the source. The Green: Indicate whether the next operation will be
button lights when you pI.ess it. fOr the FROM source or the TO source.
AUX2 (ENTRY + P2)(auxiliary source 2): Press Red: Indicate the c u ~ ~ e n tselected
ly FROM and
to select the equipment connected to the AUX2 TO sources. Flash when the selected source
connector as the source, for example a camera players are in DT playback mode.
connected to a video switcher.

2-6 (E) Chapler 2 Narnes and Funcfions of Pans
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Al6 rol1 setting section

l / @ NB ISYNC (ENTRY + NB)button l

AIB roil setting section


A/B (AIB roll): Press to select A/B 1011 mode. TRANS (transition): Press to set the effect
The button lights. transition time. The biitton lights.
SYNC (ENTRY + AíB)(SYNC roll): Press to DUR (ENTRY + TRANS)(duration): Press to
select SYNC rol1 mode. The button begins to set the edit duration. The button begins to
flash. flash.

Edit mode setting section

@ V button I

Edit mode setting section

@ ASMBL (assemble) button @ A l (audio 1) button

Piess to select assemble mode. The button lights Press to select channel 1 audio inseri mode The
If any of the inse~tmode buttons are lit, piess them button lights If the ASMBL button is lit, press it
to exit insert mode before pressing this button. to exit assemble mode befo~epressing this button
For i~ifor~iiation aboiit the arreiiible aiid iiisert nrodes,
see "Selectiiig tlie Edit Mode" (page 4-.?(E)). @ A2 (audioi2) button
Press to select channel2 audio insert mode. The
@ V (video) button button lights. If the ASMBL button is lit, press it
Press to select video inseit mode The button to exit assemble mode before pressing this button.
lights. If the ASMBL button is lit, pIess it to exit
assemble mode before pressing this button

Chapter 2 Names and Functions ol PartS 2.7 (E)

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Control Panel
* # # - - ' -.
,- w>..:+#'~,-* ~ ~ ~ : L - ~ ~ * ~ > ~ * - , : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m

Manual editinglsetup section



Manual editing/selup section


REC (record): Press to put the unit into E-E EDIT: Press to put the unit into E-E mode, using
mode 1). While you keep the button pressed, the the edit mode set witli the edit mode buttons.
recorder's video, audio 1 and audio 2 input While you keep the button pressed, the
signals are output to the monitor but not recorder's input signals selected by the edit
recorded. rnode are output to the monitor but not
For manual editing, press this button togethei recorded.
with the PLAY hutton CD in the recorder For manual editing, press this blitton togethei
operation control section at the point where you with the PLAY button CD in the recorder
wish to begin recording. operation control section at the point where you
STORE (ENTRY + REC): If the unit is in wish to begin recording.
internal EDL mode (see pnge 7-3(E)),edit data SETUP (ENTRY + EDIT): Press to cal1 up the
is saved in the unit's internal memory. If this sexch dial setup menir (setup mode).
button is pressed while you are using the setup
menu, setup data b r the current menu item is
written to the unit's EEPROM2).

1) E-E: Electric-to-Electric
2) EEPROM: Electiically erasable programmable ROM

2-8 (E) 1
Chapter 2 Names and Functions of Pans
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player operation control sectian

(ENTRY + REW) button
(ENTRY + PLAY) button @ FFNAR
(ENTRY + FF) button
(ENTRY + STILL) buiion Q1) Direction indicators

@ Search dial

Player operation control sectlon

@ PLAYISTOP (ENTRY + PLAY) button Bi) Direction indicators

PLAY: Plays the tape Light to show the tape direction The indicators go
STOP (ENTRY + PLAY): Stops the tape out wlien the ~initis in standby off mode

@ STILUSTB OFF (ENTRY + STILL) button @ Search dial

STILL: Gives a still picture. Controls the movement of the tape. Use while
STB OFF (ENTRY + STILL)(standby searching for an edit point or during DT playback.
offl: Press when the unit is paused or Tlie dial has two positions: a raised position for
displaying a still picture and yon want to exit shuttle mode playback and a depressed position for
standby mode (standhy off) jog mode playback. Press the dial to inove from
one mode to tlie other.
@ REWIEJECT (ENTRY + REW) button If your player supports Dynamic Traclcing (DT)
REW (rewind): Rewinds the tape. playback, you can use this dial to perform
EJECT (ENTRY + REW): Ejects the cassette noiseless editing of variable-speed playback. With
the search dial in the raised position, press the
@ FFNAR (ENTRY + FF) button VAR (ENTRY + FF) button Q3 to enter variable
F F (fast forward): Fast forwards the tape. playback mode.
VAR (ENTRY c FF)(variable): When using a
player which suppo~tsDynamic Tracking (DT),
press the search dial to bring it to the raised
position, then press this button. You will be
able to edit noiseless, varlable-speed playback
(DT editing) The di~ectionindicator 0 flash in
red while you are running a tape in variahle-
speed mode.

Chapier 2 Narnes and Funclionc of Parts 2.9 (E)

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Control Panel
.... ,.. .... --
.,,.,. .,:, , . , . , . . . . , , . , . . .- . , . . . . .. .
.. . .
_.-'-A .
. , .-
. -i

Recorder operation control section

(ENTRY t REW) button

(ENTRY + PL.AY) button
(ENTRY + FF) button
(ENTRY + STILL) button

- l l
.- Recorder operation control section

-za Ihese controlr hove tlie snine fiiricriot~sas tliose (D'T),yori can irse ir for rioi~elesr,variable-speed
m esplaiized iti "Plciyei, operarioii corirrol sectioti " (page playback
6 2-9(E)J. [f yotir recorder srrpportr Dyriarz~icTrcickizlg

Edit point setting section

Q) /BS (ENTRY + O ) button Qi) O IFS (ENTRY + O ) buttan

1 Í
(ENTRYI. AUDlO SPLIT) button 1 / / r"
(ENTRY + LAST EDIT) button

@ Recorder IN button
-@ Recorder OUT button

(ENTRY + GO TO) -@ ENTRY button

Edit point setting seclion

Q) IBS(ENTRY ) button +a together with both the Di and OUT buttons

(Trim -): Press this button together with the The IN and OUT points will be moved one
IN button a,@ or OUT button CD, 63 when you frame back
want to move an iN or OUT point one fiame BS (ENTRY + a)(previous edit): In interna1
back Keep the buttons pressed to execute this EDL mode, calls up the previous edit Keep
function continuously When you want to shift this button pressed to execute this function
an entire edit segment, press this button continuously.

2-10 (E) Chapler 2 Narnes and Functions ol Parts
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@ a /FS(ENTRY + El)button @ Player OUT button
To s e t a player OUT point, press this button
@ (Trim +): Press this button together with the
IN button m, @os OUT button @, @ when you together with the ENTRY button @
want to move an IN or OUT point one frame To confirm the OUT point of the currently
forward. Keep the buttons pressed to execute selected player, press this button alone
this function continuously When you want to
shift an entire edit segment forward, press this @ GO TOIRECALL (ENTRY + GO TO)
hutton together with both the IN and OUT button
buttons The 1N and OUT points will be moved GO TO: This button allows you to view the
one frame ferwId. picture al an IN point or OUT point. Press it
FS (ENTRY +a )(next edit): In internal EDL together with the IN button d), @ or OUT
hutton @, @.
mode, calls up the next edit. Keep this button
pressed to execute this function continuously. RECALL (ENTRY + GO TO): When an edit
numbes is being displayed in the time counter,
@ AUDIO SPLITISPEED (ENTRY+AUDIO press this button to make it the cunent edit.
SPLIT) button
AUDIO SPLIT: To perform split editing, press @ Recorder IN button
this button so that it lights, then entes the audio To set a recorder IN point, press this button
IN point. together with the ENTRY button @
SPEED (ENTRY + AUDIO SPLIT): In DT To confirm the recorder IN point, press this button
editing, press this button to change the initial alone While you hold it down, the IN point is
playback speed. displayed in the time counter.
To display the duration, press this hutton together
@ LAST EDITICLEAR (ENTRY + LAST EDIT) with the recorder OUT button @
LAST EDIT: Recalls the contents of the previous @ Recorder OUT button
preview 1) To seta recorder OUT point, press this button
In internal EDL mode, you can also press this together with the ENTRY button @.
button when you want to restore the last edit To confirm the recorder OUT point, press this
after clearing it button alone
CLEAR (ENTRY + LAST EDIT): In internal
EDL mode, clears the current edit @ ENTRY buiton
Press this button together with other buttons to set
Q) Player IN button IN or OUT points or select the function written on
To set a player IN point, press this button together the front side of another button
with the ENTRY button @.
To confirm the IN point of tbe cunently selected
player, press this button alone. While you hold it
down, the IN point is displayed in the time counter.
To display the duration, press this button together
with the player OUT hutton @

, , . ., ., ., , , ,, , ., ., , ., . , , ., , , . . ., . ,

1) To rehearse an edit segment without recording

Chapter 2 Names and Funclions ol PartS

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

Control Panel
; ..-... -..-.
:e;, ..,.
i;:.:. ,..,.-.----o;--~--::-,. .,; - --
:.. . ,
.. , .;.>.. ;,; .. , ;,.,.~.,.,>.,. .,.; ,>,:. ,>:.,., .*,: .L-..r.s,.4 ;
; ...

Automatic editing section

A1 ( @ RVWIJUMP button

Q) PREVIEW button @ ALL STOP button

(ENTRY t AUTO EDIT) button

Autamatic editing section
6) PREVIEW button @ RVWIJUMP (reviewljump) button
8 Press to conduct a rehearsal of the edit. The button Press when you want to review an edit after
lights. recording it. The recorder plays back the edit
During playback, press once more to jump to a
@J AUTO EDITIMULTI (ENTRY + AUTO EDIT) point 5 seconds before the OUT point.
AUTO EDIT: Press to start an automatic edit @ ALL STOP button
'Ihe button lights Stops al1 VTRs Press to stop a preview, automatic
MULTI (ENTRY + AUTO EDIT)(multiple edit, or review
edits): In interna1 EDL mode, press when you
want to execute two or more edits in
succession, beginning with the current edit
The edits are executed until the last one has
finished or until you press the ALL STOP
button @

Downloaded 2-1 1
(E) Chapler 2 Names andsearch
manuals Funclions oi Parts
@ AC IN connector -
@ PLAYER 1 connector
j !
@ PLAYER 2 connector i

i !
@ RECORDER connector - i

@ EDL INIOUT connector

SWITCHER connector

Mixer control mode selector

@ MIXER connector
Q 75-ohm terminator switch
@ REF. VIDEO IN connector

l,_-- @ GPI OUT connector

Connector panel

@ AC IN connector @ SWITCHER connector (D-SUB 9-pin,

Connect the supplied power cord to an AC power female)
outlet. Connect a video switcher, using a 9-pin remote
cable (not supplied).
PLAYER 1 connector (D-SUB 9-pin,
female) @Mixer control mode selector
Connect a VTR as player 1, using a 9-pin remote Set to PARALLEL or SERIAL, according to the
cable (not supplied). interface of the audio mixer connected to tbe
MIXER connector O
@ PLAYER 2 connector (D-SUB 9-pin,
female) MIXER connector (D-SUB 9-pin, femaie)
Connect a VTR as player 2, using a 9-pin remote Connect an audio mixer. If the mixer has a 9-pin
cable (not supplied). serial interface, connect with a 9-pin remote cable
(not supplied) If it has a 15-pin parallel interface,
RECORDER connector (D-SUB 9-pin, connect with the Sony mixer control cable (not
female) supplied)
Connect a VTR as the recorder, using a 9-pin
remote cable (not supplied) 075-ohm terminator switch
Set to OFF if you have connected a T connector to
@ EDL INlOUT connector (D-SUB 9-pin, the REF VIDEO IN connector @ for loopthrough
male) output of reference video signals to other
Connect to a personal computer or externa1 110 equipment Otherwise set to ON
device, for inputloutput of EDL data

Chapter 2 Names and Functions of Pads 2-13 (E)

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
Connector- Panel -- -

0 REF. VIDEO IN connector (BNCtype)

Input referente video signals

@ GPI OUT connector (BNC type)

Output trigger signals to externa1 equipment. Use
setup menu items 06 to 08 to set the timing and
pulse width,
For. niore irformariort abolir tlie serirp rrienrr. see
"PVE-500 Serrrp (lriirializarior~)"(page 3-8(E)).

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

This cliapter explains preparations wliicli yoii need to malte
before starting to edit.

Precautions ......................................................................
3-2 (E)
Connections ..................................................................... 3 (E)
Preparations for Editing ................................................ 3 (E)
PVE-500 Setup (Initialization) .................................. 3-8 (E)
Measuring Sr&t Delays ............................................ .3-14 (E)
Preparing Tapes for Editing ..3-15
....................................... (E)

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

Safety precautions
Supply 120V (for U.S. and Canada)/220 to 240V (for E~irope)AC power.
Do not place or drop heavy objects on the power cord. Protect tlie cord from
ciarnage. Using a damaged power cord is dangerous.
Do not grasp the cord when pulling out of'a power outlet Grasp by the plug.

Do not disassemble
Do not open the cabinet There is a danger of shock if you touch the parts inside
the unit

Do not drop foreign objects into the unit

Do not drop flamrnable or metal objects into the unir Protect from water and
Iiquids Foreign objects dropped into the unit can cause malfúnctions

Ir1 case of trouble

If you notice unusual noises, srnells, or smolte coming from Lhe unit, turn it off
immediately Pul1 the power plug from the outlet, disconnect externa1 equipment
and contact your retailer or a Sony sales representative

Usage precautions

Usage and storage conditions

Avoid using or storing the unit in places which are
e very hot or cold (usage tempexature range 5°C to 40"C/41°F to 104OF)
o exposed to direct sunlight, o1 near heaters.
darnp or dusty.
e subject to severe vibrations.
e near equipment generating strong electromagnetic emissions.
0 near transmitting stations generating strong radio waves.

Protect from shocks

Avoid dropping the unit or subjecting it to strong shocks

Clean the cabinet and panels by wiping with a soft, dry cloth. Rernove severe
stains by wiping with a cloth moistened with a neutral solvent, then wipe with a
soft, dry cloth. Do not clean with alcohol, benzine, thinner, or othe~.volatile
liquids. Doing so may damage the paint or finish.

Transporting the unit

When transporting the unit, protect from shocks by paclcing in the supplied cíuton
or a comparable case

3-2 (E) Chapier 3 Preparaiions
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You can connect the unit to the loilowing kinds of external equipinent
Externai Equipment
VTR VTRs with 9-pin remote connector
PCM and LVRILVA series
Video switcher DFS-500, BVS-3000, DVS-8000, DVS-6000, DVS-2000 series
BVS-V1201, BVS-A1201, BVS-1100, GVG model 100
Audio mixer .Audio mixers with 15-pin parailei interface
MXP-29, MXP-290/290R, MXP-P3901P390R,VSP-A6001A600R
Audio mixers with 9-pin serial interface
MXP-S390/S390R, VSP-8000, DMX-E3000, DMX-E2000
Optional cables must be purchased to connect external equipmenr Depending upon the
model, some features of the external equiprnent may not be supported
For iiiore irfori77atio11,coritnct n Sony raler ,zlyrereiitntii~e

The following will explain connections for three systems:

e A cut editing system with one player and one recorder
A cut editing system with two players, one recorder, a video routing switcher,
and an audio routing switcher.
An A/B rol1 system with two players, one recorder, a video switcher, and an
audio mixer.

Cut editing system with one player and one recorder

Cut editing system using one player and one recorder

Chapter 3 Preparations 3-3(E)

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- , :;., .,::, ', ,.<" ,,. .,
. ~.._-.-__I_ ,-..:'..,...
.. " , , ...,.I ,.,:. .. .v.-----
. ., .,,

Cut editing system with two players, one recorder, a video routing switcher, and an
audio routing switcher
The illustration shows connections for a system using the BVS-V1201 video
routing switcher and the BVS-A1201 audio routing switcher
Source monitor Main monitor



Cables (no1supplied) lar connecting this unit with

other equipment
0, 0,0,@ :RCC-5G/IOG/30G 9-pin rernole cable
0:752i coaxial cable
Cul editing system using a video routing switcher and an audio routing switcher

Set the board switches of the BVS-V1201 and BVS-A1201 as follows:

BVS-VI 201 board setttrigs BVS-A1201 board settings

3-4 (E) Chaptei 3 Preparations
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
A/B rol1 system with two players, one recorder, a video switcher, and an audio mixer
The illustration shows connections for a system using the DFS-500 DME switcher
and the MXP-290 audio mixer.

Source monitor Main monitor

-- 1 i

@: 75Cl coaxial cable

Al0 rol1 system using the DFS-500 DME switcher and the MXP-290 audio mixer

Chapter 3 Preparations 3.5 (E)

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Crosspoint for source selection buttons and equipment connected to
MIXER or SWITCHER connectors (MXP-290 and DFS-500)
The table below shows the correspondences between this unit's source selection
buttons and connectors of the MXP-290 audio mixer and the DFS-500 DME
Crosspoints for the AUX 3 (ENTRY + FROM 7 0 ) button are detemined by the
settings of setup menu items 22 (AUX 3 SWITCHER CROSSPOINT) and 33
FOr niore inforr~iatiorr,see "PVE-500Setrip (Initialization)" (page ?-&E))

MXP-290 and DFSdOO crossooints

Source selection button Crosspoints MXP-290 connector DFS-500 connector

Tlie INI' VIDEO co~inectoroj the DFS-500 corresporids to crosspoint O, or crosspobit 5 or

aboite For ir$orniation aboilt crosspobits arid cor~riecrorsoj otlier nrixers arid si.vitchers,
coritnct a Soriy service representative.

3-6 (E) Chaptei3 f'repaotronr
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Example: Cut editing s y s t e m witli one player and one recorder

rbrlil(+t fhe audio olavback level 1 1 Adiust the audio recordinp leve1 1 1 Adiust the video recordino level 1
1 1 while playing back the tape on
thd piayer' I
Set according lo the

1 Monitor I I Monitor

Turn pow
-LOCAL swilch to LOCAL switch lo

1 Plaver 4 t Recordei

Measure VTR stall delays using Set up with setup menu (see page 3-B(E))
LEARN button Isee Daoe 3-141E11
Scieci preroii t A e ~..~~PREROL'L se ector
Seiect synchionization h t n SYNCHRO
Selecl lime counter display formal foi
recorder and players 1 and 2 with
TCIRTCICTL seleclors

Prepare a tape lar recording, inserting time

codes ir necessaiy (see page 3-l5(E))

1 I2 .

Preparationc for editing

For VTRs able to read VlTC time codes, set to read For VTRs which feature a built-in time code generator.
both LTC and VlTC time codes (set VITCIAUTOILTC set the following switches
selector to AUTO) EXTIINT switch: INT
However, set to LTC if the VlTC and LTC codes on the REGENIPRESET switch: PRESET
playback tape do not coincide. FREE RUNIREC RUN switch: FREE RUN
For more informationabout VTR seffings and
adiustments, refer lo your VTR's operation

Chapler 3 Preparations
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Preparations for Editing
,.-.;;:-....;.. .>. .m---;
. : , ..........--
..........:: ........\.> .........'. ...........:,>. ,-.:, --
- ...
.. .d..

Except for items which are set using buttons and switches on the control panel,
iniiialize using the search dial and setup menus. To use the setup rnenu, press the
SETUP (ENTRY + EDIT) button to put the unit into setup mode. In setup mode,
settings are displayed as follows. Data stored to the unit's EEPROM remains valid
until updated again.

Playei 1 Player 2 Recorder

lime counler lime counler lime counler

I I l

llem number Abbrevialed lille llem vaiue

(Display shows selting of 7 seconds lor item 01, rnaximurn preroll lime)

Selup rnenu display

Using the setup menu

Proceed as follows to use the setup rnenu.

Using the setup rnenu

3-8 1
(E) Chapier 3 manuals
1 from www.Manualslib.com
search engine
1 Press the SETUP (ENTRY + EDIT) button.,
The unit enters setup mode. The item number, abbreviated title, and value of
the most recently changed item are displayed in the time counters of players 1
and 2 and the recorder.

2 Rotate the player search dial until the player time counters display the item yo"
want to change.

3 Rotate the recorder search dial until the recorder time countel displays the
value you want to set
If the setting is different from the current setting, the time counter display

4 Press the STORE (ENTRY + REC) button.

The data is written to the unit's EEPROM.
To make further settings, return to step 2.

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

Setup menu items
- -
- --
1N i / ? $ I p.----

Setting (factory setting underlined)


VTR signal standard (NTSC or PAUSECAM) 25F: PAUSECAM (25 frames)
Factory setting
For U.S., Canada: 30F
1 For Europe: 25F
MAX PREROLL TIME SEtUP-01 PrEroll 7SEC: 7 seconds
Preroll time selected when PREROLL selector 1OSEC: 10 seconds
is set to 7
AUTOCOUNTERRESET SEtUP-O2 Auto Ctr m: No automatic reset
Whether or not the counter shall be reset On: Automatic reset
automatically when the first edit point is However, if the selector is set to CTL and
entered, if the TCIRTCICTL selector is se! to the VTR is set for automatic edit point
RTC or CTL setting (with setup menu item SEtUP-OS),
!he counter is not automatically reset
The display range when !he TCIRTCICTL
selector is se! to RTC or CTL
SEtUP-03 Ctr diSP -
10H: From -9:59:59:29(24)
24H: From 00:00:00:00 to

The display range for total tape running time is
also determined by this sening
(Values in parentheses for PAU

a u t o i liting"

as IN poirit of the next edit

' '

In automatic editing, whether or not !he OUT

point of the previous edit is automatically set

Whether GPI trigger signals shall be output a!

!he effect transition start point (Ni3 rol1 editing
only), at the recorder IN point, or at the preroll
SEtUP-05 Auto Ent

SEtUP-06 GPl rEF

OFF: No automatic edit poirits
rEC: Automatic edit points for recorder only
ALL: Automatic edit points for al1 VTRs
used in previous edit, except players in DT
editina. If the ~reviousedit was an Al6 roll,
FROM and TO are exchanged.
m:Effect start point
rEC in: Recorder IN point
PrEroll in: Preroll point


Number of frames by which the actual GPI
output shall be offset from the GPI output
reference point. However, this item is ignored if
the preroll point was chosen as ttie GPI output
reference ooint.
GPI PULSE WlDTH SEtUP-08 GPI PULS m:Until end of automatic edit
GPI pulse width (unit: frames). Choose 1FI2FI-..IIOF: Number af frames, range
SUStAin lo output pulses until !he end of an from 1 to 10
automatic edit.
Whether or not to abort the edit if servo-lock OFF: Do not abort edil,
fails. 1
When the SYNCHRO selector is set to ON or -
OFF: Do not aboti edit.
ONICF, whettier or not to abort the edit if
svnchronization at +/- O frames fails.

,il 3-1 /
0 (E) Chaplsr 3 Preparations
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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
Preparations for
-- Editing
... .. -.. .. ..--.
__.-. ...~-..1<.L:-,~;.~-.>;-

1- -- y e m- - r-TKvi-
Maximum DT olavback soeed of olaver 1,,
ated Title
Jetting (facioty setiing underlined)

2: 2 times riormal speed

3: 3 times normal speed.
PLAYER 2 MAX DT SPEED SEtUP-19 P2 SPEEd -2: 2 tirnes normal speed
Maximum DT piayback speed of player 2. 3: 3 times normal speed
500: DFS.500series
Seiect the type of your switcher 3000: BVS-3000 series
If you select 1201, or change the selection
1100: BVS-1100
G100: GVG 100
from 1201 to another switcher, this unit must 1201: BVS-V1201, BVS-A1201
be powered off and on again before using !he
When using a DFS-500, whether or no! to On: Automatic control.
control snapshots automatically lgnored
unless SEtUP-25 (EDL MODE) is se! to On
For more information about the snapshot
control, see 'Controllina the DFS-500
~napshotFunction" (pige 6-2(E))
.1121. 199: Crosspoint, in range from Oto 99
The crosspoint for the video switcher However, aiways 5 when using the BVS-
corresponding to the AUX3 (ENTRY + FROM VI201 or BVS-A1201, regardless of !he
TO) bunon ir1 the source selection section. setting of this item.
AUX 3 MIXER CROSSPOINT SEtUP-23 AU3 A CP Ql1/2/ 199: Crosspoint, in range from O to 99
The crosspoint for the audio mixer
corresonding to the AUX3 (ENTRY + FROM However, must be set to 1, 2, 3 or 4 when
TO) button in the source selection section using a mixer with a parallel interiace
USE EXT MON SEtUP-24 A600 USE m:Do not set to ON.
Whether to forciblv se! the audio mixer's EXT On: Set to ON
1 MONtoON. 1
When usina the VSP-A6OO. the EXT MON
1 connector ~ N / O F F
switch cannot be set from 1
[he control panel Therefore, set tnis itern lo
Ori when monitoiina recorder O~loutInro~atl-
the EXT MON connector
EDL MODE SEtUP-25 EdL Con! OFF: Use externa1 EDL mode.
Whether or not to cave the EDL in internal On: Use internal EDL mode.
m e m o i (interna1~ ~ ~ m o Noted e that
) al1 1 1 1 1
data ici-iniernalEDL mernoG is cieared when
this item is set to external EDL mode
AUTOEDLCLEAR SEtUP-26 Auto Clr m:Disable overwriting
In internai EDL mode, whether or not data can On: Enable overwriting
be overwritten when the EDL becomes fui1
(when edit 00 is saved). Overwriting begins by
clearing the first edit (OI), and continues from
there toward the end of the list.
TIMECODE PRESET SEtUP-27 tc PrSEt Q&VOIH/.../23H:Hour from 00 to 23.
Preset value of the recorder's time code
generator (hours digits),
TIMECODE FRAME MODE (for NTSC only) SEtUP-28 tc dr0P a: frame ¡node'
Frame mode of the recorder's time code generator dF: Drop frame rnode.

TIME CODE OFFSET SE~UP-29 tc OFSE~ -20: 20 seconds

Whether to begin recording 20 seconds or 60 -60: 60 seconds
seconds before the preset time.
MAXIMUM SHUlTLE SPEED SEtUP-30 SHtL SPd 10.10 times normal speed
The olavback coeed in shuttie mode when the 1 1 1 16116 times normal speed 1
search dial is rotated as far as possible
/ 3-12
Downloaded from (E) Chapter 3manuals
search engine
To display the VTR device type

and indicalor

To display the VTR device type

In setup mode, press the TOTAL button, lighting the TOTAL indicator.
The following information is displayed in the time counters of player 1, player 2,
and the recorder

Example Player 1 devlce type display (PVW-2600 used as player 1)

The device Wee .. is diselaved

. . as
a 4-dgit hexaoecirna nLrnoer, 01 as .,Y 11 lh s un11cannoi determine
. . . .' if 'he i)pe cannot be oelerm ned the dev ce iype, olnenise blank

"Y if this unit's learn funcfion has

acquired a start delay value, olherwise biank,
-- -~
VTR device iype display

Chapler 3 Preparations 3-13 (E)

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
Preparations for Editing --.*,: .
;:G-;z-*-..".,v.c":. .a:., ~<:.z -=m..*,..-
;, :
,=<,,<*.,a,<, ..:>.~;~.mL~,w.7: ,.<a" ~..<74>3:;:<<,~,~><~y~&%%,:;d,,.> j

The amount of'time which a VTR needs to achieve stable tape movement after
receiving a start command is called the start delay. For precise synchronization
between VTRs, you need to measure the start delay of each connected VTR.
However, you do not need measure the start delays if the unit is able to determine
the type of your VTRs, and if you have selected Auto under setup menus items 12,

To measure start delays

LEARN button - RES"
m "

To rneasure ctart delayc -

Insert a tape containing recorded material into each VTR and press the LEARN
The tapes begin to run, and the unit measures the s t z t delays. This information is
saved in the unit's interna1 memory. It remains available for at least 100 hours after
the unit's power is turned off (provided that the unit has heen powered on for at
least two hours).

When VTR connections are changed, or when the previously measured s t a t delay
data has been lost, measure the start delays again Note that s t a t delays cannot be
measured unless a tape is loaded in each powered-on VTR. To exclude a VTR
from the measurement, disconnect the VTR or turn it off During the measurement,
tapes are rewound for about 5 seconds and played for about 7 seconds, so delays
cannot be measured from the very beginning or the very end of a tape

3-1 /
4 (E) Chapier 3 Preparatians
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
preparing tapes for recording
To prepare a master tape to record the results of an edit, use a video camera or
reference signal generator to input color bars or black burst signals to a VTR which
records them on the tape. The recording procedure differs according to the type of
edit which you want to perform. As explained below, there are two kinds of edit:
assemble editing and insert editing.
Simultaneous, seqnential recording of al1 audio and video signals (assemble
To prepare a master tape for assemble editing, record CTL signals over at least
tlie segment of the tape shown below

--..-r -,
OUT pornf

ñrsi iN polnl

needed over Ihis segmeni

Master tape lor assemble editlng

c Simultaneous or separate insertion ofselected audio and video signals (insert

To prepare a master tape for insert editing, record CTL signals along the entire
length of the tape.
For either assemble or insert editing, you will also need to record time code signals
if you want to locate positions on the tape by means of time codes (time code
For niore bifor~i~afioii
aboltf i~iserfalid nssei~ibleedifbig, ree "Ar.ser~ibleerlirbzg arid ii~serr
edifi~ig" (page 4-.3(E)).

To record CTL and time code signals on a blank tape

Insert a blank tape in the recorder beforehand. In this case, use the recorder's
initial time code setting,

To record CTL and time code signals on a blank tape

Chapter 3 Preparalions ( 3-'15 (E)
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Preparations for Editing
&>,,:*.Y" v=#ss<B? .,>2-w&.,. "e,;
,.. ,
#<.S s..--*,.-
.%. .- *->.%.-.a: *.tr.,*::.:. ~.'".9:;,< ,*.. ~ z ~ * - , -:49es.*#% 4,+
=. 3*.*a$*: x ~ ~ ~ z . ' ~e*pm<<,g4vA ..

1 P ~ e s sthe REC button together with the PLAY button in the recorder operation
control section.
Recording starts.

2 To stop the recording, press the ALL STOP button

To record time code signals on a blank tape after setting the initial time
code with this unit
Insert a blank tape in the recorder beforehand.

To record time code signais on a blank tape after setting initial time code on this unit

1 Use the setup menu @age 3-¿?(E))to set the initial time code. Select setup
menu item SEtUP-27 (abbreviation: tc PrSEt), and rotate the recorder search
dial to set the time code.
After setting the time code, do not exit the setup menu.

2 Seiect setup menu item SEtUP-28 (abbreviation: tc droP) to select drop frame
mode or non-drop frame mode.
Do not exit the setup menu.

3 While still in the setup menu, press the REC button together with the PLAY
button in the recorder operation control section.
Recording begins with a time code approximately 20 seconds or 60 seconds
(depending upon the setting of setup menu item SEtUP-29) hefore the initial
time code selected in step 2.

4 To stop the recording, press the ALL STOP button

5 After you have finished recording, press the SETUP (ENTRY + EDIT) button
to exit the setup menu.

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TO record new time codes on a recorded tape in insert mode
Time codes must be recorded continuously on tapes used in time code editing. If
you want to record new time codes on a tape which already contains audio or
visual pmgram materials.
Insert the tape in the xecorder and proceed as follows For this operation, it maltes
no difference whether the edit mode is set to insert os assemble.

l 1
To record new time codes on a recordad tape in inseri mode

1 Use the setup menu @rige .3-8(E))to set the initial time code. Select setup -Bim
menu item SEtUP-27 (abbreviation: tc PrSEt), and rotate the recorder search f;
dial to set the time code.
After setting the time code, do not exit tbe setup menu.

2 Select setup menu item SEtUP-28 (abbreviation: tc droP) to select drop frame
mode os non-drop frame mode.
Do not exit the setup menu.

3 While still in the setup menu, press the EDIT button together with the PLAY
button in the recorder operation control section.
Recording begins with a time code approximately 20 seconds or 60 seconds
(depending upon the setting of setup menu item SEtUP-29) before the initial
time code selected in step 2.

4 70 stop the recording, press the ALL STOP button.

5 After you have finished recording, press the SETUP (ENTRY + EDIT) button
to exit the setup menu.

If the recorder and player tapes have different formats, and you want to record time
code signals on the player tape in insert mode, temporarily connect the player VTR
to the RECORDER connector. In this case, the player VTR must have a time code
insert function.

Chapler 3 Preparations 3-17 (E

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Tbe following diagram illust~atesthe flow of a standard editing session using this

Select the edit mode

u Selecl the player

If necessary. coníirm and adjust the edil poinls (page 4-9(EJJ
IInecessary, preview the edil (pa9e 4- 1VEJJ

/ Executetheedit (page ~ - ~ Z ( E J J

II necessary. review Ihe edit (pa9e 4- f W J J

Standard editing session

This chapter will explain how to perfe~mcut edits using one player and one
For instruction~ori how to perfoim AíB rol1 editirig rlsirtg nvopln,yers, ree Chnpter 5
"Editing ivith Tivo Plnyers -A/B Rol1 E'dits. "

What is cut editing?

Cut editing is a technique for switching instantaneously fr.om one scene to another.

Cut Cut

Recorder video Ptayer video Recorder video


Cut editing

In assemble mode, audio and video signals are switched at the same time. In insert
mode, you can switch audio and video separately.
F'otn~oreirfoforrnatiorinborit the inrer? arld nrserrible »lodes, see "Arsernble editing mid
inseri editing" (page 4-3(E)).

1 -
4-2 (E) Chapler 4 Bas~cid~tuig Cul rdits
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Select assemble mode or insert mode.

~ s s e m b i eediting and insert editing

What is assemble editing?
Assemble editing is a technique f o simultaneous,
~ sequential recording of video.
audio (channels 1 and 2), time code and control signals on a master tape It is a
convenient way to record scenes one after the other on a new tape.

If you begin an assemble edit at a point midway through an already recorded tape,
data will be erased across the entire width of the tape a few seconds after the
recorder's OUT point Video and audio signals recorded in this section will be
lost, causing picture break up If you wish to avoid this, use insert ediling instead
of assemble editing

What is insert editing?

Insert editing is a technique b r inserting video, audio (channels 1 and 2), time code
and control signals into a master tape, either together or separately. It assumes that
you have already recorded control or time code signals across the entise length of
the tape. Use insert editing when you want to:
e add music os narration to an edited video program
e add video to an edited audio program.
o take a tape reco~dedin assemble mode and replace certain scenes with new ones.
In insert mode, you can insert new scenes without causing picture break up after
the recorder OUT point.


Audio 1
Audio 2

l Assembie editing lnserl editing

Video Video
Audio 1 Audio 1
Audio 2 Audio 2
Scenes reerranged Scenes rearranged
Video and audio (1 and 2) Video and audio (l and 2)
combinations cannot be changed cornbinalions are aiterabie and
they can be edited separately

Assemble and insert editing

Chepter 4 Basic Editing - Cut Edits 4-3 (E)

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Selecting the Edit Mode
r~~,7<s~*,,,r~e~,~~.~,~*v>&~; ;,:*"**:*: ,.,*,* .. -~
<,&< ~,.>
,*., -p
--...,~ ,. ..,.
~ ."e:.?,..,:: ,
J .,-.,.; :,.:.: *,->.:L,:,,:-,.:f<~<r*:~.~~l~>:T>~*?::'.: .>.. ~.,>< : .:v:.,i

To select the edit mode

Select the edit mode using the buttons in the edit mode setting section.

l I
Edit mode sening section

To select assemble mode

Press the ASMBL button 'Ihe button lights.
If any of the insert mode buttons (V, A l , Ai)are lit, press tliem so that they go out
before pressing the ASMBL button

To select insert mode

Press one or more of the video (V), audio 1 (Al) and audio 2 (A2) buttons,
depending on the signals you want to insert 'Ihe buttons light If the ASMBL
button is lit, press it so that it goes out before pressing the insert mode button

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(E) Chapter 4 Baslc Editing
manuals -Cutengine
search Edits
Select the VTR connected to the PLAYER 1 or PLAYER 2 connector (P1 or P2) as
the player.

TO select the player

Proceed as follows to select the player

Selecting the player

1 Verify that the A03 button is out

If the A/B button is lit or flashing.

If lit, press it once. If flashing, press it twice The button goes out.

2 Press the P1 or P2 button to select the VTR connected to the PLAYER 1 or

PLAYER 2 connector.
The button lights. In addition, the red P1 or P2 indicator lights in the FROM
row of the FROM T O indicators.
i,irisr be set wliet~irsiiig nii airrilinry soiirce (AUX 1 , 2, 3 ) ,
i\ diirntiori
For niore i~.fornintioii,ree "U,siizgAirrilinry Soiirces" (pnge 6-.5(E)).

Chapter 4 Basic Editing - Cut Edits
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4-5 (E)
Set the IN and OUT points fOr the recorder and player. When you execute a cut edit,
playback between the player's IN and OUT points is recorded between the
recorder's IN and OUT points. To set an edit point, search f'or the desired scene
while viewing player or recorder playback on the monitor. At the desired scene, stop
the playback and set the IN point to the tape position shown in the time counter.

Searching for a scene on the tape

While viewing player os recorder playback on the monitor, use the search dials and
the buttons in the player and recorder operation control sections to search for the
desired scene. They control VTR tape movement remotely, just like VTR's own
controls (see Chapter 2 "Nnmer nnd firnctiotis of Pnrts ").

Piayer operation control seclion Recorder operalion conlrol section

Reverse piayback Forward piayback

(blndlcator llghtsj

Rotale without pushing in for shunle rnode: Plays

back Ihe tape ln the forward or reverse direclions. at
speeds up lo +10 times normai speed or t16 times
normal speed, dependlng on Ihe rotation angle and
the sening of setup rnenu ilern SEtUPBO The
center poslüon, where you feel a ciick. gives a stlli
Push in and rotate for jog rnode: Piays back the tape
in the lorward or reverse directions. al speeds up lo
13 times normal speed, dependlng on the direclion
and speed of rotation. A still picture is displayed
when you stop rotaling the diai.

Player arid recorder operation control sections

The range of search dial playback speeds may differ for some VTRs.

To view a still picture at the desired scene

During normal playback: Press the STILL button.
During shuttle mode playback: Retum the search dial to the center position where
it clicks.
During jog mode playback: Stop rotating the search dial.

lf still playback continues beyond a certain time

The connected VTR may automatically cancel still playback. To resume still
playback, press the STILL button on this unit.

/ 4-6
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manuals -engine
search CUI ~ d i ~ s
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Setting Edit Points
7 , - . :
, ,*. .l>>rr.r-;x. A. _
----.;* %.."%
"A ._
& < * ..e..<.,..,.-
^ a
"i+sF ,.<* >.-* :z,,:a%7,J,.
i<*~?>>z~-sv ~,s3<,-;

3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have set the necessary three out of four edit
points fer the player and recorder.

When you set the third edit point

The PREVIEW and AUTO EDIT buttons begin to flash, to infoirn you that it is
now possible to conduct a preview or execute the edit
For I I I O I i~forr~iariort
~ abolli previei~~s, ree "Previeii~irigilie Edir" (page 4-11(F)) Foi
iilore brforr~taiioriabolir e.~eclrtiori,see "E.~ecllriilgrhe Erlir" (page 4-12(EJ)

If the edit mode buttons begin to flash

If you set an edit point without first selecting an edit rnode, al1 of the edit rnode
buttons begin to flash Refer to "Selecting the Edit Mode" @rige 4-3(E)),and set
the edit rnode.

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(E) Chapier 4 Basic
4-8www.Manualslib.com Edifing
manuals - Cut
search Edils
This section explains how to confirm and adjust edit points, and how to confirm the
The followiiig illustration sliows the conlrols used to confirm and adjust edit

Player 1 time counter Player 2 time counter Recorder time counter

l I I

GO TO button bunon E3 button
Player ¡N and Recorder ¡N and
OUT buttons OUT buttons

Controls used to conlirm and adjust edil points

To confirm an edit point -
Press the INIOUT button corresponding to the edit point you want to confirm (see -
chnrt beloiv). You can confirm player and recorder edit points at the same time by -
pressing more than one button. k

Edit point Button

Player IN point Player IN button
Player OUT point Player OUT button
Recorder IN point Recorder IN button
Recorder QtJT polnt Recorder OUT button

As long as you hold the button down, the edit point is displayed in the player or
recorder time counter. Edit points which have been set automatically are displayed
in the same way, but the display flashes. During this time, the corresponding IN or
OUT indicator flashes at high speed.

Chapter 4 Basic Editing - Cut Edits

4 - 9 (E)
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Confirming and Adjusting Edit
-- Boints -
,: >,> .. :; z":,-. :L.: %
, >,
.." ,...,,
;i'.,* ~~,,;%.:> ,:~<--t.+.s,**.::<;<,;:,::2<.;;., .j.,< S <.*+.::>,9< :-A:<,2;-<:%,:a~:s.:,;" .:.<.*?
';?.,,?.,:&:e;s,-. .>~<7,~'.!~?~.~~,;.~,..~.:,.>.,:>:~..

To view an edit point scene

Wliile pressing the GO TO button, press the INIOUT' button corresponding to tlie
scene you want to view
The tape moves to tbat scene and a still pictnre is displayed
It inakes no difference wliether y o ~ press
i the GOT'O button firsi o1 the INIOUT
b~ittonfirst, as long as you hold both down together
You can also view player and recorder edit points at the same time, or cue up
automatically calculated edit points.
However, this hnction cannot be used to cue up the recorder's OUT point in
assemble mode editing.

To confirm duration
Press the player IN and OUT buttons together, or the recorder IN and OUT b~~ttons,,
As long as you hold the buttons down, the duration is displayed in the player 01.
recorder time counter If an edit point has been set automatically, the display
flashes During this time, tbe corresponding IN or OUT indicators flash at high
Hold down the buttons for al1 four edit points to confirm player and tecorder
duration at the same time.

To adjust edit points by one frame at a time

Press the IN or OUT button fOr the edit point you want to adji~st While holding it
down, press the O button to move the edit point one frame forward, or the m
button to move it one frame backward,
It makes no difference whether you press the INIOU'I button first or the O 1
button first, as long as you hold both down together
You can also adjnst player and recorder edit points at the same time, by pressing
the appropriate buttons

To adjust edit points continuously

Hold the INlOUT and 1 buttons down
To move an edit segment by moving both the IN and OUT poirits
While holding down both the IN and OUT buttons, press one of the 1

To delete edit points

While pressing the INIOUT button for the edit point to be deleted, press the
RESET button above the conesponding time counter

To delete both the IN and OUT points

Press the RESET button above the corresponding time counter.

If the ,TC/RTC/CTL selector is set to RTC or CTL, pressing the RESET button
normally resets the time counter. To delete both the IN and OUT points without
resetting the time counter, hold both the IN and OUT buttons down while you press
the RESET button.

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The preview function allows you lo conduct a rehearsal befose executing the edit.
In a preview, the player and ~ecosderrun exactly as they do dunng edit execution,
and the rtlsults are displayed on the monitor, but tlie edit is not recosded. If a
preview is not needed, you can skip this step and proceed directly to edit execution.

70execute a preview
Press the PREVIEW button.


PREVIEW button

When you execute a preview

0 From the presoll point to the IN point, and from the OUT point to the postroll
point (about two seconds past the OUT point), recorder playback is displayed.
o The player and recorder stop at the postroll point
0 However, in assemble mode the recorder tape stops one second after the IN point,

and recorder playback does not resume after the player passes the OUT point
To restart the preview being executed
Press the PREVIEW hutton again.
To move the OUT point backward during the preview
When you reach the scene where you wish to set the new OUT point, press the
recorder OUT button while holding down the ENTRY button.
In insert mode, the new OUT point is set at the position on the recorder tape where
you pressed the OUT and ENTRY buttons. The preview ends. In assemble mode,
the new OUT point is calculated and set automatically.
To interrupt a preview and execute an automatic edit
Press the AUTO EDIT button.
To stop a preview
Press the ALL STOP button
To recall the contents of the previous preview
Press the LAST EDIT button.
Each time you press the button, the conent preview is replaced by the previous
preview, or vice versa
abortt this fioicrioii, .see "Recalli~lgtIie previorts previews - rlre last
For ,nore i~forntatio~i
edit buffer" (page 7-4(E))
Chapter 4 Basic Editing - Cut Edits 4- ,i (E)
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After you have finished rnaking the necessary settings, you can execute the edit

To execute the edit

Press the AUTO EDIT button

AUTO EDlT button

AUTO EDlT bution

When you execute an edit

The recorder runs to the posttoll point, ahout two seconds past the OUT point,
then ~ewindsto the OUT point and stops.
The RVWIJUMP button starts flashing, to inforrn you that you can now conduct
a review.
For inore infoimation abour reviews, see "Reviewing flie Edir" (pnge 4-13(E)).

To move the OUT point backward during the edit

When you reach the scene where you wish to set the new OUT point, press the
AUTO EDIT button again, or press the recorder OUT button while holding down
ttie ENTRY button.
The point where you pressed the button is set as the new OUT point for both player
and recorder. The edit ends.

To stop an edit
s ALL STOP button
P ~ e s the

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(E) Chapter 4 Bastc
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manuals - Cut
search Edtls
If necessary, you can seview the edit by viewing lhe recorded results on the

~0 review the edit

After executing the edit, press the flashing RVWIJUMP button


The recorder plays back the edit from the p ~ e ~ opoint

l l to the postro11 point (about
two seconds past the OUT point)
After the review, the recorder rewinds to the OUT point and stops
If you set an edit point for the next edit, the RVWIJUMP button stops flashing

To jump to the vicinity of the OUT point during a review

After passing the IN point, press the RVWIJUMP button once more.
The tape plays in fast fonvard mode to a point about five seconds before the OUT
point, then IetuIns to normal playback The review continues up to the postrol1

The jump function is not available when:
the tape has alseady played to a point within five seconds of the OUT point.
the duration is less than 10 seconds.

To stop a review
Press the ALL STOP hutton

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Chapter 4 Basic Editing - Cut Edits
1 4-13 (E)
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If you connect a video switcher such as the DFS-500 to this unit, you will be able
to take advantage of special effects such as wipes and dissolves in AíB 1.011 editing.
F o r mole i~zfoniiatioizaboirt tlie special effecfs zappo~tedby yorrr zivifcher;please refe? to
its oper~afiotiniarirral

Basic N B rol1 editing

The basic operation in A03 1011 editing is a switch from FROM source playback to
TO sou~ceplayback, using an effect which continues for a specified transition

IN point OUT po~nt

FROht so-rce
(A rot p ayer)

I IN point OUT point

TO sodrct
(6 roil piayeii

I IN ooint OUT ~ o i n t I

L . 1
Transiliori time
Effect execution

Bacic NB rol1 ediling

When conducting an AíB rol1 edit with this unit and a connected switcher, set the
edit mode, edit sources (players), edit points, and transition time using this unit.
Select the effect type using the switcher.

N B rol1 editing session

AiB rol1 editing diff'ers from cut editing with respect to the following points:
e Two players (the FROM and T O sources) are specified.
* Edit points are set separately for the two players.
0 An eff'ect transition time is set.

In other respects, AiB rol1 editing uses the same basic procedures as cut editing.

, from
(E) Chapter 5 Edltlng
5-2www.Manualslib.com with Two Players
manuals search engine
- N B Roll Edlts
The following diagram illustrates the flow of an ABB roll editing session,

ípage 4-3fE))

Select the FROM and TO sources (pago 5-4íE))

Set edil points lpage 5-fi(E))

Set the transition time (page 5-7(El)

If necessary. confirm and adjust edit points

ípage 4-1 ?(E))

II necessary, review Ihe edit

AIB roil editing session

Confirm speciai effects before execution

Confirm that necessary settings, including effect selection, have been made
correctly on the switcher or mixer side before executing a preview or an edit.

For steps in the ahove diagram which refer to Chapter 4, note that A/B rol1 editing
differs from cut editing in the following ways.
Confinning and adjusting edit points
Before adjusting or confirming player edit points, it is necessary to select the
FROM or T O source by pressing the PI or PZ button. The button lights to
indicate the selected source.
Moving an OUT point during a preview
If you wish to move an OUT point backward during a preview, wait until after
the transition. Then, when the player reaches the desired scene, press the
recorder OUT button while holding down the ENTRY button.
e Moving an OUT point during an edit
If you wisli to move an OUT point backward dunng an edit, wait until after the
transition. Then, when the player reaches tbe desired scene, press the AUTO
EDIT button or press the recorder OUT button wliile holding down the ENTRY

Chapter 5 Editing with Two Players - Ni3 Rol1 Edits 5-3 (E)
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Proceed as follows to select the FROM and TO sources,

Selecting FROM and TO sources

1 Press the A/B button

The hutton lights If it is flashing, it stops flashing and lights
The green indicator in the FROM row of the FROM TO section lights

2 Press the P1 or P2 button to select the FROM source.

m The button lights. At the same time, the r.ed P1 or P2 indicator in the FROM
row lights
e The green FROM indicator goes out, and the green TO indicator lights.
A drirntion inirst be set i.vhe~irisi~igmi arcsi1iar)r sorirre (AUX 1, 2, .3)
Forniore inforninriori, see "Using Airxilinry Sorrrees " (pnge 6-5(Ej).

3 Select the TO source by pressing the P1 01 P2 button, wliichever is not lit

o The hutton lights At the same time, the red P1 or P2 indicator in the TO row
e The green TO indicator goes out Both of the green indicators are now out

(AUX 1, 2, 3).
A dtrrntioii lnrlst be set wlieri irring ari n i ~ r i l i n ~sorr~re
For nrore infonnntio~i,see "Usitig Arrxiliary Sorrrres" (pnge 6-S(E)).

How the FROM and TO indicators change

The green FROM and TO indicators change in the following o ~ d e each
r time you
press the FROM TO button. The green FROM and TO indicators are never lit at
the same time.

/ FROM indicator lights E- TO indicator lights

-ROM arld TO indicators go out A
Except while you are selecting FROM and TO souIces, make sure that the green
FROM and TO indicato~sare not lit The lighted state means that FROM or TO
souIces can be changed, which can lead to errors

5-4 (E) Chapler 5 Editing wilh Two Players -A/B Roll Edils
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To change the FROM or TO source

1 To change the FROM source, press the FROM TO button, lighting the green
FROM indicator
To change the TO source, press the FROM TO button again, lighting the green
TO indicator.

2 Press the P1 or P2 button to select the playes.

Chapter 5 Ediling with Two Players - M0 Rol1 Edits 5-5 (E)

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You can set IN and OUT points for the FROM source, the TO source, and the
recorder in any order you like As soon as you set the fifth edit point, the unit
automatically sets the sixth

To set an edit point

Set edit points just as you would for a cut edit, except that when setting player edit
points you need to press the P1 or P2 buttons to select the FROM or T O source
Fe, niore irifori,iatiori nboirt settirig plnyer m ~ drecorcier edit pointj, 5ee "Setting Fdit
Poi~its" (pnge 4-6(&) ir1 Chnpter 4

As soon as you have set five out of the necessary six edit points, the PREVIEW
and AUTO EDIT buttons begin to flash, to inform you that it is now posible to
conduct a preview ot execute the edit.

If you set all six edit points youx.seIf',and the sum of the TO and FROM durations
does not match the r.ecorder.'s dur.ation, then the tecordet's OUT point is given
priority, and the TO source's OUT point is ignored.

If you do not set an OUT point for the FROM source

Until you execute an editor preview, the edit point displayed in the FROM source
time counter will be an automatically calculated value When you execute the
preview or edit, the unit automatically sets the value of the FROM source IN point
as the OUT point, and the effect begins immediately from the FROM source IN

' 5-6 (E) Chastei 5 Ediling wilh i w o Piayen -ivt3 Rol! idlis
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Select tlie transition time, as the number of frames from the point where a
connected switcher begins to execute a special effect to the point where the special
effect ends. When the effect is executed, the audio and video playback of the
FROM source will be gradually replaced by the audio and video playback of the
TO source.

Relation between frame cotint and real time

o NTSC: 29.97 frames per second
0 PAL/SE.CAM: 25 frames per second

The maximum transition time which may be set with this unit is 999 frames

TO set the transition time

Proceed as follows.

1 2
h I

To se1 the transition time

1 Verify that the A/B button is lit, then press the TRANS button. If the TRANS
button is flashing, press it so that it lights.

2 The transition time is displayed in the EDIT NO.iTRANSII)UR display. Use

the three EDIT NO./TRANSDUR buttons to enter the desired number of

Chapter 5 Editing wilh Two Players -NB Roll Edits 5-7 (E)
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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
If you have connected a DFS-500 DME switcher, and are editing in interna1 EDL
rnode, you can link snapshots of the DFS-500 control panel to edits stored in this
unit's EDL Each time you registe1 an edit in the EDL, the DFSJOO saves a
snapshot of its control panel Later, when you recall the edit from the EDL, the
DFS-500 autornatically restores the state oI its control panel
See pnge 7 - 3 ( E )f o ~niore i1for17iatio11
nborit interiial E D L ,node, nndpage 7 - 2 ( E )f o ~niole
i~formntioriaborlt edirs

To control the DFS-500snapshot function

Set setup menu item 21 (AUTO SNAPSHOT) to On.
The unit will automatically link EDL edits and DFS-500 snapshots, in the following way.
9 Whenever you register an edit in the EDL, the DFS-500 registers a snapshot using the edit

e The DFS-500 also registers a snapshot irnmediately before execution of an automatic edit.
e When you recall the edit from the EDL, the DFS-500 retrieves the snapshot with the same
number from its snapshot register.

6-2 (E) 1
Chapter 6 Advanced Ediling
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In cut and SYNC rol1 editing, you can increase your editing efficiency by choosing
to preview as soon as you set IN points. 01you can skip the preview and proceed
immediately to an automatic edit.
This function is not availahle in A/B roll editing.
For »ior.e i~fomiario~z
nboltt SYNC roll editirlg, see "Seffi~zg
Previeiv or Edirr - SYNC Rol1 Edirirzg" (page 6-]_)(E)),

Proceed as follows to use quick editing.

Quick edit procedure

1 Search the player and recorder tapes for the scenes where you want to set the
IN points, then freeze the pictures there.

2 Press the PREVIEW button.

The still playback positions are set as the IN points for player and recorder, and
a preview begins. However, if you have already set IN points, the existing IN
points are not changed.

3 When you reach the scene where you want to set the OUT point, press the
recorder OUT hutton while holding down the ENTRY button.
The recorder OUT point is set About two secondc later, the player and the
recorder stop (unless yoii are editing in assemble mode, in which case the
recorder stops one second after the IN point).

4 Press the AUTO EDIT button.

An automatic edit begins.

If you want to skip the preview.

In step 2, press the AUTO EDIT button instead of the PREVIEW button.
The edit begins immediately.
When you reach the scene where you want to stop, press the AUTO EDIT button
again, or press the recorder OUT button while holding down the ENTRY button.

Chapter 6 Advanced Ed~ting 1G3(E)

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After an automatic edit, the recorder returns to [he OUT point and stops
I'herefore, in cul or SYNC rol1 editing, you can begin the next edit immediately, as
soon as you set the playe~'snext SN point

Proceed as follows to conduct a butt edit

I'his procedure automatically sets the reco~derOUT point If you want to set the
recorder IN point for the next edit at tlie same time, set setup menu item 05 (AUTO
EDIT POSNT ENTRY) to rEC This is convenient hecause it means that you do
not have to worry about moving the search dial a f t e ~executing the current edit

- -

Butt edit procedure

1 After cornpleting an edit, search the player tape for the scene where you wish
to set the next LN point. Freeze the picture there.

2 Press the AUTO EDIT button

An automatic edit begins.

3 When you reach the scene where you want to set the OUT point, pr.ess the
AUTO EDIT button again, or press the recorder OUT button while holding
down the ENTRY button.
The OUT point is set and the edit ends.

T o continue with the next edit, return to step 1

For niore infor~nationaborit SYNC rol1 editi~ig,see "Setring Transitiorr Poirits Dilring
Preview or Edits - SYNC Rol1 Editirig" (page 6-I2(E)).

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In addition to the VTRs corresponding to the P1 and P2 buttons in the source
selection section, you can edit using sources such as video cameras and tape
recorders connected to video switchers or audio mixers,
The following example shows how to perform an Ah3 sol1 edit, in order to switch
from the picture of player 1 to the picture of a video camera connected to the
VIDEO INPUT 3 connector of a DFS-500 DME switcher. The input from the
DFS-500 conesponds to this unit's AUX 1 (ENTRY + P1) button.
For niore iriformatioii about correspoizderice.s betweeri thir iozit's aiuiliary i~iputselectiori
biittons and equip~rieiitcori~iectedto the SWITCHER arid MIXER connectors, ree page 3-

11 - --.--".-)

Set edil points as necessary using the buttons and search

dials in the player and recorder operalion control sections

Editing procedure iising an auxiiiary source

1 Select the edit mode,

2 Press the A/B button

The button lights

3 Press the P1 button to select player 1 as the FROM source.

4 Press the AUXl(ENTRY + P1) button to select the video camera as the TO

5 Press the FROM TO button to set the camera's duration

The green TO indicator lights.

6 P ~ e s the
s DUR(ENTRY + TRANS) button
The button begins to flash.

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Chapter 6 Advanced Editing / 6-5(E)
Using Auxiliary Sources
:>,,5:, ,,;<w>r
:,; ,.>. ",:m
. >
:< > ~*2:,$z>;<<%,s<la ~,r...,.dz :.",,>:.?..:,,,
: : :S: .,..: '..::,: .,..~.. ....',, :.,.".~
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,: ,>'~x,~~.~..~,,~~~.,3.>~
ss,:,.>%*:~a:a:- J .&<.:x,: ,>..~ ?

7 Using the EDIT NO./TRANS/DUR buttons, set the camela duration (maximum
999 frames).
When nsing an auxiliary source as the TO source in open-end editing (without
setting a recorder OUT point), set the TO source duration to O. Set the source
duration to O also in open-end cut editing.

8 Set three out of the four INIOUT points for player and recorder
9 Press the TRANS hutton, turning its indicator on, and set the transition time.
10 If necessay, conducta preview,
11 Execute the edit.

You must set a duration when using an auxiliary sonrce. If you are conducting an
A/B rol1 edit, press the FROM TO button to light the red FROM TO indicator
corresponding to the auxiliary soux.ce before setting the duration.

l /
(E) Chapter 6 Advanced
Downloaded from Editingengine
manuals search
Split editing
Wlien editing in insert mode, yoii can advance or delay an audio IN point with
respect to the video IN point.

Video IN point Video and aiidio OUT point

4 4
Player or recorder
l Video signals

Audio signals

Audio IN ooint

Split editing

Split editing restrictions

The following restriction apply during split editing:
o Split IN points cannot be set separately for audio channel 1 and autlio channel 2
o Split IN points can be set for the player audio or the recorder audio, but not for
both. If you set split audio IN points for the playeras well as for the recorder, the
IN point set last is given priority.
e Split IN points cannot be used in DT editing If you set an initial DT playback
speed for a player, and then set an split audio IN point for that player, the split
audio IN point is ignored at execution time
* An split audio IN point cannot be set for the TO source in A/B rol1 editing If set,
it is ignored at execution time.

To execute a split edit

Proceed as follows

Example: To set an split audio IN point for the player in cut editing

i Spiit editing

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Chapter 6 Advanced Ediling / 6-7 (E)
Setting Separate Audio and Video IN Points - Split Editing
,.:.; >!*,
~4sa.,w =*c,**** :-.
, .*..
. -:- ..,-.
, --.-.
" ....-^.<~.,.,...,.$<>c..z: ..rz,\ ;*:.;*.d a: .&v..,&we
: ~ < ~ ; A ~ ~ ~ > ~ 4 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :

1 Select the channel fos insert editing

2 Select the player
3 Set the IN points for both player and recorder
These IN points become the video IN points

4 Press the AUDIO SPLIT button.

The button lights The IN indicators above the player and recorder time
counters begin to flash

5 Sexch for the scene where you wish to set the playes's audio IN point. When
you find it, press the player IN button togethes with the ENTRY button
A split audio IN point is set fbr the player.
The player iN indicatos stops flashing and lights. The recosdes IN indicator
goes out.

6 Press the AUDIO SPLIT button again.

The AUDIO SPLIT button stasts flashing, to indicate that a split audio iN point
has been set

'7 Set the player or recosder OUT point.

The OUT point can be set and confirmed segxdless of the state of the AUDIO
SPLIT button.

8 ~f necessary, conduct a preview

9 Press the AUTO EDIT button to execute the edit.
To adjust a split audio IN point
Repeat steps 4 to 6.
You cannot adjust a split audio IN point unless the AUDIO SPLIT button is lit.

To display the offset of a split audio IN point

Ve~ifythat AUDIO SPLIT button is lit, then press the iN button together with the
OUT button.
The time counter of the VTR for which you set the split audio iN point displays the
diffesence between the split audio IN point and the video IN point.

It is not possible to use the I tnm buttons to adjust split audio IN and video
OUT points simultaneously.

To use split IN points in AIB rol1 editing

Follow the procedure explained above, but be mindful of the following points.
Source designations apply to both the FROM and TO sousces.
e You can set split audio iN points for the FROM source or for the recorder, but
not fer both.
* You need to set a transition time for effects.

1 6-8 1
(E) Chapter 6 Advancsd
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When using a player VTR that supports Dynamic Tracking (DT), you can begin
editing a t a specified initial speed, and then vary the speed during ~ecordingby
rotating the search dial The playback speeds which may be set are 0, +31100,
$i1/10,1.115, -112, 21, +1.5, +2, and +3 times normal speed

In DT editing, the allowahle playback range and actual playback speeds may vary
for different players. Use the setup menu (SEtUP-18 and SEtUP-19) to set the
maximum playback speed in the forward direction to +2 or +3 times normal speed,
depending on the capabilities of your player.

To perform DT editing with one player

Proceed as follows

a 4 5

2,7,6 3 ?8 6 Use other butions a-" controls as necessary
to control the player and recorder
To perform DT edit~ngwilh one player

1 With the player search dial in the raised position, press t ~ i eVAR(ENTRY + FF)
The player enters variable-speed playback mode. The player direction
indicator (M) starts flashing.

2 Start playback with the player, and rotate the search dial to select the desired

3 At the scene where you want to set the player IN point, press the ENTRY
button while holding down the player IN and OUT buttons.
The current tape postion is set as the IN point. The current tape speed is set as
the initial DT playback speed, and the red FROM TO indicator corsesponding
to the DT player begins to flash.

4 Press the DUR(ENTRY + TRANS) button

The button starts flashing.

Chapter 6 Advanced Editing

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Editing Still and Variable-Speed Piayback - DT Editing

5 Enter the duration using the EDIT NO ITRANSDUR buttons (maximum 999
If you are conducting an open-end edit (without setting the recorder OUT
point), set the duration to O

6 Set the recorder edit points

7 If necessary, conduct a preview

The player's speed at the IN point will be the DT initial speed. After passing
the IN point, you can rotate the search dial to vary the speed

8 Press the AUTO EDIT button to execute the edit

To vary playback speed during an edit, rotate the search dial in the same way as
you do during a preview.

Leave the search diai in the initial speed position, set in step 3, until playback
passes the IN point. If you rotate the search dial before beginning a preview or
automatic edit, the playback may be subject to sudden variations in speed.

l o set the piayer IN point precisely in DT editing

Replace steps 2 and 3 of the previous procedu~ewith the following steps.

1 Rotate the search dial to view the playback At the scene where you want to set
the player IN point, move the search dial to the center position to stop the tape

2 While pressing the player IN and OUT buttons, press the the ENTRY button.
The initial playback speed is set to O times normal speed.

3 Rotate the search dial to select the desired speed

4 While pressing the ENTRY button, press the AUDIO SPLIT button.
The initial playback speed is changed from O times normal speed to the current
playback speed.

To carry out Al6 rol1 DT editing

1 Select a player which supports DT playback as the FROM sour.ce or the TO
source, then carr.y out steps 1 to 5 in the procedure "To perform DT editing
with one player" on page 6-9(E).
When editing the SO source in DT mode, set the duration to O if you are
conducting an open-end edit (without setting the recorder OUT point).

2 Depending on whether or not you will c a ~ out

y DT editing with the other
playeras well, proceed as follows.
e If DT editing will not be used with the other player
Set the edit points fOr the other player.
o If DT editing will be used with the other player
Carry out steps 1 to 5 in the procedure "Tu petbrm DT editing with one player ."

3 Press the TRANS button, turning its indicator on, and set the transition time
O 6-10 (E) / Chaplei 6 Advanced Ediling
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
4 Cxry out steps 6 to 8 in the procedure "To pesfosm DT editing with one

Currently selected player during DT editing with two DT players

During DT editing with two DT players, the seasch dial operates to change the
speed of the cunently selected player only. The cunently selected player is the
player conesponding to the lit source selection button, either P1 or P2.

You must set a duration for the player used in a DT edit. If you are conducting an
AlB rol1 or sync rol1 edit, press the FROM TO hutton to light the red FROM TO
indicator corresponding to the player before setting the duration.

Chapter 6 Advanced Ediling 6-11 (E)

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Using two synchronized players, you can begin a special effect transition at any
point in the edit.

To perfOrm a SYNC rol1 edit, proceed as f'ollows.

Use other bunons and controls as
necessary to control the playeis and recordei

SYNC rol1 ediling procedure

1 Select the edit mode

2 Press the SYNC (ENTRY + AB)button

The button lights. The green FROM indicator in the souIce selection section

3 Select the FROM and TO sources

4 Set the edit points for the recorder and the FROM and TO sour.ces.
o If the FROM and TO sources are VTRs (cor~espondingto the P1 and P2
buttons), you do not need to set their OUT points. The OUT points will be
calculated automatically at the time when you execute the edit or preview.
If the FROM or TO source is an auxiliary source, corresponding to the
TO) button, or if the FROM or TO source is being used in DT editing, you do
not need to set the duration.

5 Set the trarisition time.

If a preview is unnecessary, proceed to step 8

6 Execute a preview.
The FROM and T O sources begin to run simultaneously. When the recorder
passes its IN point, the TRANS button begins to flash rapidly and the duration
is shown in the EDIT NO./TRANS/DUR display.

2 1
6-1 (E) Chapter 6 Advanced Edlting
i 1 from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
7 Press the TRANS button at the desired scene
The transition begins

To change the transitiori IN point

Return to step 6 and repeat.

8 Execute the edit.

However, if you have skipped the preview, press the TRANS button at the
desired scene, as was done in step 7.

If you previewed the edit

The transition is executed al the same point as during the preview.

This unit features a GPI interface for controlling extemal equipment such as still
picture devices, character generators, and superimposers The timing and pulse
width of signals output from the GPI OUT connector can be specified iising setup
menu items 06,07 and 08 of the setup menu. These signals are output when you
conducta preview or edit
Plense coiisult tlie iiinriiinls oj the coriiiected eqliipnieiitfor i1iore iriforrnntioii aboltf rlte rype
of sigiinlr which are reqiri~ed

Chapler 6 Advanced Edlling

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Praceed as follows to execute a manual cut edit.

Manual editing pracedure

1 Select the edit mode

2 Search for the scenes where you want to set the player and recorder IN points,

3 Rewind the player and recorder fíve seconds or more

4 Begin playback with the player and reco~der.

5 At the desired iN point, press the EDIT button together with the recorder
PLAY button.

6 At the point where you want to stop (the OUT point), pI.ess the ALL STOP
The playe~and recorder stop

For still pictures of the player and recorder at the OUT point
At the OUT point, press the player and recorder STILL buttons.

Avoid beginning an edit while the recorde~.is in still playback mode. Doing so can
cause picture breakup.

1 ,

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(E) Chapler 6 Advanced Edcling
manuals search engine
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The unit rnanages edit data by rneans of a revisable edit decision list (EDL). The
set of al1 data registe~.edfor one edit is called simply an edit. Each edit is assigned
a nurnber when it is registered in the EUL You can use this number to recall the
edit whenever you need it again.

edil edil

edil dala -

edit data -->

Edit decision list

Buttons used to manage the EDL

The following buttons are used in the EDL management pmcedures explained in
this chapter.

display buttons button
1 1 1 ,-j----- STORE

TRANS bunon
BS(ENTRY + a) bullon


bunon bulton
1 l
Butlons used to rnanage the EDL

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._:-~ . ~ z ~ ,z,: .:,.Y-
. ~ . .,y
.:-: ; -.:;. ,. -.7', .,;- :,-.-:.3;,;. .; .:-::=
. 5 7

You can select internal or external EDL mode witli setup menn item 25 (EDL
FUI"iiiore ii~fu/o,~ilafion
nboiit [he seii[p i i z e i i i i , ree "PVE-500 Setup" (pnge 3-&E)).

Interna1 EDL mode

The unit's itlternal EDL contains up to 100 edits, numbered 01-99,OO You can add
edits to the EDL, delete them, or recall and execute them at any time. You can also
download and i~ploaddata from the internal EDL to and from a personal computer
.. or other external device.
The EDL remains in the unit's memory for at least 100 Iiouss after the unit is
turned off (provided that the unit has been powered on for at least two honrs

External EDL mode

Each time you press the AUTO EDIT button to execute an automatic edit, the edit
is output to the external device. Llp to 999 edits can be output, numbered 001 to
999. Extemal EDL, mode is a convenient way to review edit data, for example by
outputting the data to a printer.

1 Edit number display
Whenever the TRANS bntton is not lit, the number of the current edit is displayed
in the EDIT NO./TRANS/DUR display.

Edit number display in internal EDL mode

In internal EDL mode, the cnnent edit number is displayed as a two-digit number
Depending on the status of the edit, the nnmber may be preceded in the display by
'd' or 'n' The meaning of these lette~sis as follows

n: New edit, not yet registered in the EDL

d: Deleted from the EDL

1 EDlT NO TTRANSIDUR buttons and display 1

oaI7 1
Display of edil nurnber "n26" in interna1 EDL rnode

Chapter 7 Managing Edit Dala - The Edil Decision List (EDL) 7-3 (E)
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Outline -
*a*.a'z-"";-M;i - - ,*
<,*, - '-,--ií---
,,. .,.,..,--;:r r-.ei.3. ;--,.?.-.o
. .>,<~rs:-~r;,~~~~:~'~.T'r,-~.,ii~.~.~~~~~:~.~::~~~;.,~-~:4x'~ ,z,. >,~~~~~#~,s~=~>~~.~~.~~~.~-~:"~a.:~..i~-~:%:z~

Edit number display in externa1 EDL mode

A three-digit edit number is displayed
Eacli time you press the AUTO EDIT button, the edit is output to the connected
equipment, and the edit number is updated

Recallíng the previous previews - the last edit buffer

The two most recent edits for the current edit number ate saved autornatically
This is convenient when you want Lo compare two previews

To use tliis function, press the LAST EDIT button

Each time you press the button, the most recent preview data is replaced by the
previous preview data, or vice versa.

When only one preview has been executed with the current edit
When you press tlie LAST EDIT button, the preview data is recalled.

When no preview has been executed with the currerit edit number
This function is not available.

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í 1
(E) Chapter 7 Managing
www.Manualslib.com Edit Dala
manuals search - The Edil Decision Lisl (EDL)
Edits are registeted under numbers from 01 to 99,00 There are two ways to
register an edit: automatically, whenever you execute an edit, or manually, without
executing an edit

To register an edit automatically

Press the AUTO EDIT button. The edit is registered in the EDL

To register an edit without execi~tingit

Press the STORE(ENTRY + REC) button.

When you register a new edit (preceded by 'n' in the edit number
The display changes to the next edit number.

When you cave an edit after recalling and modifjing it

The displayed number does not change.

When you recall an edit from the EDL and execute it without changing
The displayed number does not change.

When you register edit number 00 (the 100th edit)

The edit number may or may not be updated, depending upon the setting of setup
menu item 26 (AUTO EDL CLEAR)
8 SEtUP-26 is OFF (overwrite disabled)

The edit number cannot be updated because the EDL is full ?he edit number
display changes to "FUL", and returns to the current edit number "00" when you
press a key
SEtUP-26 is On (overwrite enabled)
The edit number changes to "n01" The edit previously registered under number
01 is lost
If you continue to register edits in this state, the unit continues to overwrite old
edits in the orde~n02, n03,

Chapler 7 Managing Edit Data - The Edil Oecision Lis! (EDL) 7-5 (E)
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- Proceed as fOllows to recall and execute ari edit registered in the EDL.
- To recall an edit using the edit number
Proceed as follows.

1 Verify that the TRANS button is not lit.

If the button is lit, p e s s it once. If it is flashing, press it twice.

2 Enter the number of the edit which you want LO recall, using the rightmost two
buttons of' the three EDIT NO./TRANSDUR buttons.
The edit nurnber flashes.

3 Press the RECALL(ENTRY + GO TO) button.

The edit specified in step 2 is recalled If you specified an edit number which
does not exist in the EDL, an 'n' appears in front of the displayed edit nurnber.

To recall an edit earlier than the current one

Press the BS(ENTRY + ) button.
?'he edit immediately before the currently displayed edit is recalled.
Keep pressing the button until the display shows the edit number you want. Each
time you press the button, the previous edit is recalled, up to edit 01.
If setup menu item SEtUP-26 (AUTO EDL CLEAR) has been set to On, and if an
edit has actually heen overwritten beyond edit 00, then edit 00 can be recalled by
pressing the BS (ENTRY +m)button after recalling edit 01. As shown below,
this rnakes it possible to recall edits up to the one with a numbe~one larger than the
new edit (the edit preceded by 'n'),
xx+l t- ... t 99 t 00 +- 01 t- ... t nxx

To recall an edit later than the current one

Press the F'S(ENTRY + m)
The edit immediately after the currently displayed edit is recalled.
Keep p~.essingthe button until the display shows the edit nurnber you want. Each
time you press the button, the next edit is recalled, up to the new edit (the edit
preceded by 'n').
If'setup menu item SEtUP-26 (AUTO EDL CLEAR) has been set to On, and if an
edit has actually been overwritten beyond edit 00, then edit 01 can be recalled by
pressing the FS (ENTRY + m) button after recalling edit 00. As shown below, this
makes it possible to recall edits up to the new edit (the edit preceded by 'n').
xx+l 4 ... -+ 99 -+ 00 -+ 01 -+ ... nxx

To execute a recalled edit

Press the AUTO EDIT button
To execute al1 edits from a recalled edit to the end of the EDL
Press the MULTI(ENTRY + AUTO EDIT) button.
The unit automatically executes al1 subsequent edits, beginning with the current
edit and continuing in edit nurnber order to the last edit registered in the EDL,.
7-6(E) j Chaptwr 7 Managing Edil Data - Thw Edit Decision List (EOL)
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine
You can adjust edits aiter iecalling them from the EDL You can also delete edits
froin the EDL, and restore deleted edits by undoing the deletion

5cave an edit which has been recalled and adjusted (internal EDL mode only)
Follow the normal procedures to recall the edit, change it, and register it in the
For rnore infori,iatiori, ree "Recalling an Edil" (page 7-6(E))and "Regirtering a11Edit"
lpage 7 - X E ) )

To delete an edit from the EDL (internal EDL mode only)

Recall the edit which you want to delete, then press the CLEAR(ENTRY + LAST
EDIT) button
A 'd' appears in front of the displayed edit nurnber
If an edit is preceded by 'd', yoii can follow the normal procedures to recall and
preview the edit. However, it cannot be executed and stored in the EDL again, and
it cannot be downloaded.

To restore a deleted edit

Recall the edit, then press the LAST EDIT button
The 'd' displayed in front of the edit nurnbe~disappears.

To clear the EDL

Press the CLEAR('NTRY + LAST EDIT) button together with the ALL STOP
The EDL is initialized and al1 edits are erased.

When the EDL is initialized, al1 ofthe edits which it contains are lost permanently.
They cannot be restored.

When you initialize the EDL

e In interna1 EDL mode, al1 edits in the EDL are e~asedand the edit numbe~
display changes to "n01".
In externa1 EDL mode, the edit nurnber display changes to "001".

Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

Chapter 7 Managing Edit Data - The Edit Declsion Llst (EDL)
I7p7 O
You can connect a personal computer or other external equipment to the EDL IN/
OU'I'connector in ordes to download data fiom the EDL to the externa1 device.
You can also upload previously downloaded data from the external device into the
Proceed as fbllows to upload 01 download EDL data.
1 Prepare the external equipment for uploading or downloading.
2 Display the current edit number in the EDIT NO./TRANS/DUR display.
3 Press the leftmost of the three EDIT NO.íTRANS/UUR buttons to display
"dnL" (download) or "UPL" (upload).
Each time you press the button, the display changes in the following osder.
c "dnL edit nurnber
4b Press the RECALL(ENTRY + GO TO) button.
When downloading
The data is output immediately to the extemal device.
During the transmission, the "dnL" display changes to a flashing number
"dXX", where XX represents the number of the edit being transfe~red.When
the download is completed, a warning sound is heard and the display returns to
To stop the transmission, press the ALL STOP button.
Registered edits are downloaded If setup menu item SEtUP-26
(AUTO EDL CLEAR) has been set to On, and if an edit has actually heen
ovenvritten beyond edit 00, then edits are downloaded beginning with the edit
immediately after the new edit (the edit preceded by 'n'), and continuing until
the edit immediately befose the new edit
When uploading
The data is imported into the EDL as soon as you execute the upload fiom the
external equipment.
During the transmission, the "UPL" display changes to a flashing numher
"UXX", where XX represents the numbes of the edit heing transferred. When
the upload is completed, a warning sound is heard and the display returns to
To stop the transmission, press the ALL STOP button
If setup nienu item SEtUP-26 (AUTO EDL CLEAR) has been set to OFF, the
first 100 edits seceived in the transmission are registered in the order 01 to 99,
00. The 1 0 1 s and following edits are ignored.
If setup menu item SEtUP-26 (AUTO EDL CLEAR) has heen set to On, the
first 99 edits received in the transmission are registered in the order 01 to 99.
Tke 100th and following edits are ignored.

When an EDL containing deleted or overwritten edits is downloaded and then
uploaded, the edit numbers of the edits in the list are changed. FOI.this reason,
it is no longer possible to reproduce DFS-500 snapshots.
F O Imofe blfonnation abortt riploading and dow~ilondingEDL data, contact a Sony
service r.eprere!itative.
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(Fl i Chapler 7 Managing search engine
Data -Ths Edit Oecision List (EOL)
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If the unit is not ahle to operate normally, for example after an invalid key
operation, i t issues a warning sound or displays an error Inessage

Error rnessages
-- .- - - p

Error Message Location Problem Countermeasure 1

IN and OUT Time counter of lnvalid relation between IN and OUT points Reset the IN and OUT points
indicators flash relevant VTR at time of preview, autornatic edit. or edit correctly,.
alternately registration

Edit SEt Recorder time At time of preview, autornatic edit, or edit Select the correct edit rnode.
counter registration:
edit mode has not been set,,
e assernble rnode was selected for split edit

1 rEC lnhi Recorder time

At time of preview or autornatic edit, the
recorder or cassette is record inhibited
Enable recording for the
recorder or cassette.

When seeking to a tape position with the Check to be sure that the
GO TO button, or at time of preview or specified tape position was
autornatic edit: correct.
Beginning o! end of tape, or discontinuous Check to be sure that time
time codes detected. codes are recorded
0 VTR cannot seek to point because it was coritiriuously.
operated rnanually. Repeat the seek cornrnand
without running tape

S-LO Err Time counter of VTR does not servo lock at IN point fo! Execute again.
(not displayed relevant VTR preview or autornatic edit In sorne cases, you can set
when SEtUP-09 is SEtUP-09 to OFF.
set to OFF)

Sync Err Tirne counter of VTR does not synchronize during preview 01 Execute again,
(not displayed relevant VTR automatic edit,, In sorne cases, you can set
when SEtUP-10 is SEtUP-10 to OFF.

CtrL Err Time counter of VTR cannot be controlled during a preview Check to be sure ttiat the
relevant VTR or autornatic edit. VTR is not in LOCAL niode
e Check to be sure that the
VTR's AUTO OFF indicator
is not lit, and that the VTR is
not displaying an error code,.

FUL (not displayed EDlT NO./TRANSI EDL buffer is full Clear the EDL (Al1 edits lost)
when SEtUP-26 is DUR display e Set SEtUP-26 to On (Edits
set to On) overwritten, beginning with

Warning sound Edit point not set at tinie of preview, Set edit points and execute
(no display) autornatic edit or registration again

Conriection to VTR lost * Check for loose connections.

* Check to be sure that VTR
power is on

/1 1
(E) AppendIx manuals search engine
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the time coun er
The time counter display
is flashing
1 II VTR LOCAUREMOTE switch S set to LOCAL, set to REMOTE

The time counter display Are the necessary CTL signals recorded on the tape?
doesni change

preview or auto edit not 1s the cassette record inhibited?

executed when the Are there any loose connections? (Check to be sure that al1 connectors are firmly
pREVlEW or AUTO seated )
EDiT biitton is pressed Has the tape run to the end? If so, rewind it
Are the VTR's INPUT SELECT switches set properly?
* Are this unit's edit mode selection buttons set correctiy?
In insert mode, are CTL signals recorded on !he entire tape? (See page 3-15(E) )
In assemble mode, are CTL signals recorded around the IN point? (See page 3-15(E)")
Are the IN and OUT indicators flashing alternately? (lf an IN point was set after an OUT
point Reset the edit points correctly )
The VTR's AUTO OFF indicator should no! be lit? (See your VTR man~niifor details )

Preview and automatic 0 You may have reset the time counter since setiing the edit points
edit can be executed, bu! With some VTRs, the actual edit oints may be slightly difierent from those which you
edit points are at different

entered Correct with the I 6 trim buttons

There is picture breakup Are CTL signals continuous across the edit transition?
between edits * There is picture breakup between edits when the REC bution is used Use the AUTO
EDIT or EDIT bution instead

There are horizontal Guard band noise appears on the screen at playback speeds other than normal speed.,
stripes on the screen This is no! a maifunction

Piayback is unstable Is there noise in the VTR input signais? (Check by changing the INPUT SELECT
In insei editing, the picture may be unstable if CTL signals are irregular or noisy
The recorder picture may break up when you search with the player (Stop the player, or
~ ~

relurn it to normal playback ) 1

The picture drifts during Tiy adjusting the horizontal and vertical sync knobs on the monitor
~- -
A video switcher or audio a Are there any loose connections? (Check to be sure that connectors are firmly seated )
mixer does not respond 1s the switcher or mixer power on?
1s the video switcher set to Editor Enable?
* 1s the mixer control mode se! correctly?
Are the necessary reference video signais being supplied to this unit?

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1 A-3 (E)
Power AC 120V (for U S and Canada)R20 to 240V (for
Europe) +lo%, 47 5 to 63 Hz
Power consumption Maximum 10W (for U S . and Canada)/l l W (brEurope)
Peak inrush current (1)Power ON, current probe method: 10A (240V)
(2) Hot switching inrush current, measured in accordance
with Eurapean standard EN55103-1: 5A (240V)
Operating Temperature 5°C to 40°C (41°F to flO4OF)
Storage Temperature -20°C to +60°C (-4°F to +14OoF)
Mass 3.2 kg (7 lb)
Dimensions 390 x 94 x 265 mm (wlhld)
(1 5 1' s x 3 '1.1 x 10 '12 inches)

Editing Precision
Time code (normal) synchronization: +O frames
CTL (normal) synchronization: i l fiames (may vary depending on connected

Input and Output Connectors

AC IN (3-pin male)
PLAYER 1 (D-SUB, 9-pin Lemale)
PLAYER 2 (D-SUB, 9-pin female)
RECORDER (D-SUB, 9-pin female)
SWITCHER (D-SUB, 9-pin female)
MIXER (D-SUB, 9-pin female)
PARALLEL: Sony parallel mixer interface
EDL INIOUT (D-SUB, 9-pin male)
Srart bit: 1
Data bits: 7
Patity bit: even
Stop bits: 2
Speed: 9600 baud
Handshake: XONIOFF (no handsbake by signal wire)

A-4 (E) APPsndix
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Connector pin-out
Pin Name Signal
2 RXD Receive Data
3 I
Transmit Data
5 ) GND Signal GND
1,4,6,to9 1 1 Reserved

GPI OUT (BNC type)

Active low
Low level: O to O 5V, 24mA or less
High level: 3 5 to 5V
0.5 to 2Vp-p, 75-ohm, unbalanced
(High definition TV synchronization signals not supporíed)

Supplied Accessories
Power cord (1)
Operation and maintenance manual (1)

Design and specifications subject to change without notice

RMM-500 control panel mount adaptor

RCC-5AA mixer control cable (5m)(about 16 feet)
RCC-5GlIOGl30G 9-pin remote cables ( 5 d l O d 3 0 m )
(about 16 feet133 feetl98 feet)

VTRs: VTRs having 9-pin rernote connector

PCM and LVRILVA series
Video switchers:
DFS-500, BVS-3000, DVS-8000, DVS-6000, DVS-2000 series
BVS-V1201, BVS-A1201
BVS-1100, GVG model 100
Audio rnixers:
* 15-pin parallel interface
MXP-29, MXP-290/290R, MXP-P390/P390R, VSP-A600/A600R
* 9-pin serial interface
MXP-S390lS390R, VSP-8000, DMX-E3000, DMX-E2000

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1 A-5 (E)
A/B rol1 editing E-E mode (Electric-to-Electric mode)
An edit in which two or more players are used to The input signals are passed through the recorder's
create special effects such as dissolve and wipe, electronics, but not through magnetic conversion
and one recorder is used to record the results of the circuits such as heads and tapes, and supplied to
edit the output connectors This mode is useful f o ~
confirming the input signals
Black burst
A video signal which has no Iuminance or Edit
chrominance components, but contains al1 other To process original audio and video signals by
elements (sync and color burst) of a video signal, adding and replacing other signals over a specified
Black burst is a common referente signal used for segment on a videotape
synchronizing video equipment,. In this manual, an edit also refers lo the data used
lo edit such a specitied segment on a video tape
Color bar signals
Test signals displayed on the screen as vertical GPI (General Purpose Interface)
stripes of different colors Used for adjustment of An interface thal allows this unit to control devices
hue, saturation of a video camera and video such as still picture devices, character generators
monito~. and superimposers which are not equipped with a
defined interface
Color framing
To adjust the player IN points relative to the Non-drop-frame mode
~.ecorderIN points to maintain the color suhcanier A mode of time code running in which the number
phase, one cycle of which consists of two (NTSC)/ of frames of the time code and video run is not
four (PALISECAM) frames. However, this unit adjusted,
does not modify the player IN point data. Instead it See also Drop-ftame mode.
uses the color frarning servo functions of the
connected VTRs to achieve the same effect NTSC (National Television System
Committee) system
CTL (Control Sigrial) A color television system developed by NTSC and
Abbreviation oC control signal. In VTRs, regular adopted as the standard television system in the
pulses recorded in a longitudinal tape traclc. By United States and Japan
counting this signal, it is possible to determine the
number of frames, and hence the tape's running PAL (Phase Alternation by Line) system
time. Used mainly to adjust the tracking position A col01 television system developed in Germany
of video heads, and to achieve time code and adopted as the standard television system in
continuity in continuous recording. European countnes

Dissolve Postroll
An effect in AIB m11 editing, in which the old To run a videotape beyond an edit-end point to
video (FROM source) is faded out while the new check the picture that follows.
video (TO source) is faded in.
Drop-frame mode To run a videotape to a point prior to an edit-start
A mode of time code ~unningin which the time point to enable the tape to reach a steady speed and
difference hetween a time code and NTSC video to synchranize.
run is adjusted (the time code runs at 30 framesl
sec while the video runs at 29.97 frameslsec) The Reference video signal
time code and video are synchronized by dropping A video signal which contains a syrlc signal and
the first two f~amesof the time code everyminute, color hurst signals, used as a ~eferencefor
except at the ten-minute maxks See also Non-drop synchronization of video equipment.
-frame mode
I A-6 (E) / ApPendIx
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ECAM (Sequential-and-memory) system
A color television system used in France, former
Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe,

TO lock tlie phase and speed of a VTR's head drum
Iotation and tape Lransport to a reference signal
during recording and playback

A video or audio signal source

Standby mode
One of two conditions in a VTR's stop mode The
head drum is rotating and the tape is wrapped
around the drum. The VTR is ready for recording
or playback. The other condition o£ the VTR's
stop mode is called standby off mode. In standby
off mode, the head drum does not rotate and tape is
slackened. There is no damage to the video heads
and the tape, but the VTR is not ready for
immediate recording os playback,

To adjust the running speed and phase of playback
and recording tapes while the tapes run from a
preroll point to an edit-start point, to enable
accurate editing

Time code
A digitally encoded signal that is recorded on
videotape in units of hours, minutes, seconds, arid
frames, to label each frame of video. SMPTE time
code is used for the NTSC system, and EBU time
code is used f o the
~ PAL,/SECAM system There
are two kinds of recorded signal: longitudinal time
code (L.TC) and vertical interval time cade (VITC)

An electronic adjustment of the video heads in the
playback phase so that they match the recording
phase of the tape.

An effect in AIB rol1 editing, in which the old
video (FROM source) is wiped off the screen by
the new video (TO source)

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A P P @ ~ ~ ~A-7
X (E)
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with one player 6-9(E)
A Duration 4-10(E.)
A/B rol1 edits 5-l(E)
M3 1011 DT editing 6-10(E.)
PJB rol1 editing session 5-2(E)
basic A/B rol1 editing 5-?(E) Edit
outline of N B rol1 editing 5-&E) executing 4-I2(E.)
A/B rol1 setting section 2-7(E) previewing 4-1 ](E)
A/B rol1 system 3-5(E) reviewing 4-13(E.)
Adjusting Edit data list (EDL) 7-](E,)
edits 7-7(E) 'dit data management See EDL management.,
edit points 4-10(E) Edit decision list 7-1(E)
Advanced editing 6-1(E) Edit mode 4-3(E)
Appendix A-1 (E) Edit mode setting section 2-705)
Assemble editing and insert editing 4-3(E) Edit number display 7-3(E)
Automatic editing section 2-12(E.) Edit numberltiansitionlduration setting and display
Auxiliary sources 6-5(E) section 2-6(E)
Edit point
adjusting 4-10(E.)
confirming 4-9(E)
Basic A/B rol1 editing 5-Z(E) deleting 4-10(E)
Basic editing-cut edits 4-](E) setting (fer A/B rol1 editing) 5-6(E)
Butt editing 6-4(E) setting (for cut editing) 4-6(E)
viewing an edit point scene 4-10(E)
E,dit point setting section 2-IO(E)
advanced editing 6-1(E)
Clearing the EDL 7-7(E)
assemble editing 4-3(E)
Confirming and adjusting edit points 4-9(E)
hasic editing-cut edits 4-1(E)
Confirming duration 4-10(E)
butt editing 6-4(E)
Connections 3-3(E)
DT editing 6-9(E)
A/B rol1 system 3-5(E) editing with two players-A/B rol1 edits 5-1(E)
basic cut editing system 3-3(E)
insert editing 4-3(E.)
cut editing system using videolaudio routing
manual editing 6-14(E)
switche~s 3-4(E)
preparations 3-7(E)
Connector panel 2-13(E)
quick editing 6-3(E)
Contiol panel 2-?(E)
split editing 6-7(E)
standard editing session 4-2(E)
externa1 equipment via GPI interface 6-13(E) SYNC rol1 editing 6-12(E.)
the DFS-500 snapshot function 6-2(E)
Editing still and variable-speed playhack-DT
editing 6-9(E)
display range 3-10(E)
Editing with two players-AR3 rol1 edits 5-1(E)
recording 3-15(E)
EDL 7-](E)
Cut editing system
EDL management 7-1(E)
basic system 3-3(E) adjusting edits 7-7(E)
system using videolaudio routing switchers 3-4(E)
clearing the EDL 7-7(E)
Cut edits 4-1(E)
deleting edits 7-7(E)
edit number display 7-3(E)
extemal EDL mode 7-3(E)
interna1 EDL mode 7-3(E)
Deleting overwrite disahlelenahle 3-12(E)
edit points 4-10(E) iecalling an edit 7-6(E)
edits 7-7(E) registering an edit 7-5(E)
Downloading the EDL 7-8(E) saving a recalled and adjusted edit 7-7(E)
DT editing 6-9(E) selecting internayexternal EDL mode 3-12(E)
A/B rol1 D T editing 6-10(E) uploadingldownloading the EDL 7-8(E)

lndex l..l (E)

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Error messages A-2(E) Previewing immediately after setting IN points-quick
Executing the edit 4-12(E) editing 6-3(E)
Externa1 EDL mode 7-3(E) Previewing the edit 4-1 l(E)
outline 1-1(E)
principal features 1-2(E)
FROM and 10 sources 5-4(E) setup (initialization) 3-8(E)

Glossary A-6(E) Quick editing 6-3(E)

interface 6-13(E)
output 3-10(E)
RCC-5AA mixer control cable 1-4(E)
RCC-5G/lOG130G 1-4(E)
In case of trouble A-3(E) an edit 7-6(E)
IN point See Edit point previous previews-last edit buffer 7-4(E)
Initialization ?-&E) Recommended equipment A-5(E)
Insert editing 4-3(E) Recorder operation control section 2-1 0(E)
Interna1 EDL mode 7-3(E) Recorder time counter section 2-5(E)
Recording new time codes on a recorded tape in insert
mode 3-17(E)
Registering an edit 7-5(E)
Resuming edit after setting player LN point-butt
Last edit buffer 7-4(E) editing 6-4(E)
Reviewing the edit 4-13(E)
RMM-500 control panel mount adaptor 1-4(E)

Managing edit data Sec EDL management

Manual editing 6-14(E)
Manual editinglsetup section 2-8(E) Safety precautions 3-2(E)
Moving an edit segment 4-10(E) Saving a recalled and adjusled edit 7-7(E)
Searching for a scene on the tape 4-6(E)
FROM and 10 sources 5-4(E)
Names and functions ofparts 2-1(E) the edit mode 4-3(E)
the player 4-5(E)
a transition time 5-7(E)
Operation mode control section 2-3(E) edit points (for AIB rol1 editing) 5-6(E)
Optional accessories 1-4(E), A-5(E) edit points (for cut editing) 4-6(E)
OUT point See Edit point, Setting separate audio and video IN points-split
editing 6-7(E)
Setting transition points dunng preview or edits-
SYNC rol1 editing 6-12(E)
Setup 3-8(E)
Player 1 time counter section 2-4(E)
Setup menu
Player 2 time counter section 2-5(E) items 3-10(E)
Player operation control section 2-9(E)
using 3-8(E)
Precautions 3-2(E)
Snapshot function (of DFS-500) 3-12(E), 6-2(E)
Preparations 3-1(E)
Source selection section 2-6(E)
Preparations for editing 3-7(E) Specifications A-4(E)
Preparing tapes for editinglrecording 3-15(E) Split editing 6-7(E)
Preroil time 2-3(E), 3-10(E)

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standard editing session 4-2(E)
start delays 3-1 l(E.), 3-14(E,)
SYNC rol1 editing 6-12(E.)

display range 3- 10(E)

TO source 5-4(E)
Transition time 5-7(E)
Troubleshooting A-3(E)

Uploading the EDL 7-8(E)

Usage precautions 3-2(E)
Using auxiliary sources 6-5(E)

Viewing an edit point scene 4-10(E,)

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