ABB Motors LV For Hazardous Area
ABB Motors LV For Hazardous Area
ABB Motors LV For Hazardous Area
Industrial ABB ( is a leader in
As a key element of its business strategy, ABB has committed to a broad power and automation technologies
program of product development and positioning under the Industrial that enable utility and industry
umbrella. This initiative is geared towards increasing standardization of customers to improve performance
ABB products as the ‘building blocks’ of larger solutions, while incorporating while lowering environmental impacts.
functionality that will allow multiple products to interact seamlessly as The ABB Group of companies
components of real-time automation and information systems. operates in around 100 countries and
Motors and generators represent one of the fundamental building blocks in employs around 115,000 people.
the Industrial architecture.
DriveIT Low and High Voltage
Motors for Hazardous Areas
Low voltage, sizes 71 to 400, from 0.25 to 630 kW
High voltage, sizes 315 to 400, from 110 to 530 kW
Contents Page
1 General information 4 1
Now the responsibilities are split in two areas between
the manufacturers and the end users. The manufactur- Main standards for implementation Worker Protec-
ers have to comply with the 'Essential Health and Safety tion Directive (ATEX 137)
Requirements' of the Products Directive 94/9/EC, or EN 60079-10 Classification of gas areas
ATEX 95; and the end users must proceed to make an
EN 50281-3 Classification of dust areas
extensive risks analysis of their 'work places' and 'work
EN 60079-14 Installation rules of gas equip-
equipment' to fulfil the 'minimum requirements' listed in
the Worker Protection Directive 1999/92/EFC or ATEX
137. EN 60079-17 Inspection and Maintenance
rules for gas
The ATEX Directives apply as of July 1, 2003 and enter EN 60079-19 Repair and Overhaul rules
into force in each country with the publication of the cor- EN 50281-1-2 Installation and Maintenance of
responding national regulation. DIP equipment
Products Directive (ATEX 95)
Motors in accordance with ATEX directive comply EN 50014 General requirements
with: EN 50016 'p' Protection
- Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC amended by 93/68/ EN 50018 'd' Protection
EEC (Voltage supply less than 1000V)
EN 50019 'e' Protection
- EMC Directive 89/336/EEC amended by 92/31/EEC
and 93/68/EEC EN 50021 'n' Protection
- Machinery Directive 98/37/EEC (Certificate of EN 500281-1-1 'DIP' Protection
Incorporation) EN 13463-1 Non-Electrical equipments
High efficiency
A Europe-wide agreement defines the efficiency levels
for low voltage motors. High efficiency is important also
for motors in hazardous areas.
Motor ranges fulfilling EFF1 efficiency level
These efficiency levels apply to 2- and 4-pole, three
Flameproof from IEC size 160 and above
phase squirrel cage induction motors rated for 400 V, 50
Hz with S1 duty class with the output 1.1 to 90 kW. Increased safety Not applicable
Non-sparking Aluminum M3AA 112 and above
See web site published by the European Commission
Cast iron from IEC sizes 160 and
for more information on efficiency classes; http://energy-
Dust ignition proof Aluminum M3AA 112 and above
Cast iron from IEC sizes 160 and
Zone 2 / 22
Abnormal condition
Presence of explosive atmosphere
only by accident, but not during
normal duty (≤ 10 h per year)
Zone 1 / 21
Incidental presence of explosive
atmosphere during normal duty
(10 - 1000 h per year)
Zone 0 / 20
CE... II 2 G EEx d/EEx de Continously
CE... II 2 G EEx e Permanent presence of
CE... II 2 G EEx p explosive atmosphere
CE... II 2 D IP65 (> 1000 h per year)
CE... II 2 G-D EEx d IP65
CE... II 3 G EEx nA
CE... II 3 D IP55
CE... II 2 D IP65
CE... II 3 G-D EEx nA IP55
Note: In certain countries EEx d and EEx e motors are also used in Zone 2.
mist, dust Habitual frequent malfunction Z1 (gas) / Z21 (dust)
Temperature Ignition temperature Max. permitted temperature Group I Apparatus for coal mines susceptible to fire-
class for the gas/vapour equipment °C damp
Group II Apparatus for explosive atmospheres other
T1 > 450 450 than mines; surface industries
T2 > 300 < 450 350 IIA, IIB, IIC Group II is subdivided for EEx d and EEx i
-equipment according to the severity of the
T3 > 200 < 300 200
T4 > 135 < 200 135 IIC is the highest rating; a motor from one of
the higher categories can also be used in a
T5 > 100 < 135 100
lower category environment
T6 > 85 < 100 85
Marking of equipment
IP protection
EN Standard
EN Standard forII:Group
for Group II: Gas Environment
Gas environments
… II 2 G … II 2 G II 3 G
EEx d II B T4 EEx e II T3 EEx nA II T3
Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 2
EN Standard
EN Standard forII: Group
for Group II: Dust Environment
Dust environments
Category : 2D Category : 3D
… II 2 D II 3 D
In hazardous areas, it is the utmost importance to The hazard may be due to an explosive atmosphere
ensure the safe use of electrical apparatus. To this composed of a mixture of gas, vapors or dusts with
end, many countries have regulations concerning both air. This chapter only deals with safety in explosive gas
the design and use of such apparatus. These regula- atmospheres for which European Standards exist.
tions are becoming increasingly harmonized within the
framework of IEC recommendations and European
Minimum 7 s
Figure 1.
O = temperature 0°C
A = Max. ambient temperature, reference 40°C
B = Temperature at rated load
C = Max temperature as permitted by the insul. class
D = Max limit temperature as set by the nature of the IA/IN
potentially explosive atmosphere
E = Temperature-rise curve of motor at rated output
F = Temp. rise curve under stalled rotor conditions Figure 3. Min. value of time tE as a function of IA/IN
tE = stalled rotor time acc. to VIK.
Dual certification
EEx nA motors in cast iron frame can also be used for These features are possible due to the IP protection.
Dust -applications. Following combinations are possible: The gases penetrate this protection, and thus the inside
surface temperature class is T3 (200°C). The ingress of
Motor sizes EEx nA II T3 for zone 2 DIP T125°C, dust, however, is prevented and the dust determines the
71 to 400 IP55 for zone 22 outside surface temperature class: T 125°C.
Motor sizes EEx nA II T3 for zone 2 DIP T125°C,
160 to 400 IP65 for zone 21
To ensure equipment can be safely used in hazardous
must not exceed the temperature class for which the
areas with dust, the following procedure should be
motor is certified.
considered before selecting a product:
– No sparks may occur outside the motor enclosure.
1. Type of dust:
– Will a cloud of dust be present around the product or
– will a layer of dust build up on the product and if so,
what will be the maximum thickness of the layer
between two cleaning/maintenance periods?
2. Characteristics of the dust:
– Is the dust electrically conductive or non-conductive?
Marking temperature
Type of dust Ignition Maximum surface temperature Marking temperature of
temperature of motor equipment T°C
Cloud TCI 2/3 x TCI T°C ≤ 2/3 x TCI
Layer up to 5 mm T5mm T5mm - 75 K T°C ≤ (T5mm - 75 K)
Substances (examples)
Dust Wheat Barley C"orn Turniprape Sunflower Sugar Lignite Sulphur
TCI (cloud) 420°C 450°C 400°C 480°C 490°C 350°C 450°C 190°C
T5mm (5mm) 200°C 205°C 250°C 230°C 220°C 220°C 200°C 220°C
EN 50019: Increased safety motor EEx e
which maximum surface temperature should be speci-
EN 50021: Non-sparking motor EEx nA
fied for the motor installation.
EN 500281-1: Dust ignition proof motor DIP
The motors are rated and certified for ambient tempera-
ture between -20°C and +40°C according to standards.
Motors can be certified by any of the Notified Bodies
For ambient temperature below -20°C and above +40°C "ExNB" of EU member countries. These motors are
certificates are available for some motors, please con- therefore acceptable in all EU countries and most other
tact ABB. countries.
Flange-mounted motor,
large flange
IM B5 IM V1 IM V3 *) *) *)
IM 3001 IM 3011 IM 3031 IM 3051 IM 3061 IM 3071
B = flange mounted,
large flange 2
Foot-mounted motor,
shaft with free extensions IM 1002 IM 1012 IM 1032 IM 1052 IM 1062 IM 1072
2 Drain holes
Non-sparking, increased safety and dust ignition proof Flameproof motors are not as standard fitted with drain
motors are fitted with drain holes and plugs according to holes, but can be on request, see variant codes.
the table below.
Lubricate the motor when operational. If a grease outlet the relubrication intervals must be shortened; i.e. the
plug is fitted, temporarily remove when lubricating, or relubrication interval should be halved for every 15K
permanently with auto lubrication. If the motor is fitted increase in bearing temperature. If this is not possible
with a lubrication plate, use values given, or use the ABB recommends the use of lubricants suitable for
values given in the table beside. These values are ac- high operating temperature conditions. These lubricants
cording to L1 -principle, which is the ABB standard for allow a normal relubrication interval and 15K increase
all motors. in bearing temperature conditions.
The effectiveness of the motor lubrication should be Formula to change the L1 values roughly to L10 values:
checked by measuring the surface temperature of
bearing endshields during normal operating condi- L10 = 2 x L1
tions. If the measured temperature is +80°C or above,
2 225
250 2 6315M/C3 6313M/C3 6315/C3 6313/C3 6315/C3 6313/C3 6315/C3 6313/C3
4-8 6315/C3 6313/C3 6315/C3 6313/C3 6315/C3 6313/C3 6315/C3 6313/C3
280 2 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3
4-8 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3
315 2 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3 6316/C3
4-8 6319/C3 6316/C3 6319/C3 6316/C3 6319/C3 6316/C3 6319/C3 6316/C3
355 2 6316M/C3 6316M/C3 6316M/C3 6316M/C3 6316M/C3 6316M/C3 6316M/C3 6316M/C3
4-8 6322/C3 6316/C3 6322/C3 6316/C3 6322/C3 6316/C3 6322/C3 6316/C3
M3_400 2 6317M/C3 6317M/C3 6317M/C3 6317M/C3 6317M/C3 6317M/C3 6317M/C3 6317M/C3
4-8 6324/C3 6319/C3 6324/C3 6319/C3 6324/C3 6319/C3 6324/C3 6319/C3
M2_ 400 2 6319M/C4 6319M/C4
4-8 6322/C3 6319/C3
Flameproof motor, M3JP/KP 80: Bearing size at D-end = 6205-2Z/C3
Motor Poles Increased safety motors Non-sparking motors Dust ignition protection
size Category 2 D Category 3 D
Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing
D-end N-end D-end N-end D-end N-end D-end N-end
Aluminum motors
71 – – – – 6203-2Z/C3 6202-2Z/C3 6203-2Z/C3 6202-2Z/C3
80 – – – – 6204-2Z/C3 6203-2Z/C3 6204-2Z/C3 6203-2Z/C3
90 2-8 6205-2Z/C3 6204-2Z/C3 6205-2Z/C3 6204-2Z/C3 6205-2RS/C3 6204-2RS/C3 6205-2RS/C3 6204-2RS/C3
100 2-8 6306-2Z/C3 6205-2Z/C3 6306-2Z/C3 6205-2Z/C3 6306-2RS/C3 6205-2RS/C3 6306-2RS/C3 6205-2RS/C3
112 2-8 6206-2Z/C3 6205-2Z/C3 6206-2Z/C31) 6205-2Z/C31) 6206-2RS/C3 6205-2RS/C3 6206-2Z/C31) 6205-2Z/C31)
6206-2Z/C32) 6206-2Z/C32) 6206-2Z/C32) 6206-2Z/C32)
132 2-8 6208-2Z/C3 6206-2Z/C3 6208-2Z/C3 1)
6206-2Z/C3 1)
6208-2RS/C3 6206-2RS/C3 6208-2Z/C3 1)
6208-2Z/C32) 6208-2Z/C32) 6208-2Z/C32) 6208-2Z/C32)
160 2-8 6309-2Z/C3 6209-2Z/C3 6309-2Z/C3 6209-2Z/C3 6309-2RS/C3 6209-2RS/C3 6309-2Z/C3 6209-2Z/C3
180 2-8 6310-2Z/C3 6209-2Z/C3 6310-2Z/C3 6209-2Z/C3 6310-2RS/C3 6209-2RS/C3 6310-2Z/C3 6209-2Z/C3
200 2-8 6312-2Z/C3 6210-2Z/C3 6312/C3 6210/C3 6312-2RS/C3 6210-2RS/C3 6312/C3 6210/C3
6312-2Z/C33) 6209-2Z/C33) 6312-2Z/C33) 6209-2Z/C33)
225 2-8 6313-2Z/C3 6212-2Z/C3 6313/C3 6212/C3 6313-2RS/C3 6212-2RS/C3 6313/C3 6212/C3
6313/C33) 6210/C33) 6313/C33) 6210/C33)
250 2-8 6315-2ZC3 6213-2Z/C3 6315/C3 6213/C3 6315-2RS/C3 6213-2RS/C3 6315/C3 6213/C3
6315/C33) 6212/C33) 6315/C33) 6212/C33)
280 2 6315-2Z/C3 6213-2Z/C3 6315/C3 6213/C3 6315-2RS/C3 6213-2RS/C3 6315/C3 6213/C3
4-8 6316-2Z/C3 6213-2Z/C3 6316/C3 6213/C3 6316-2RS/C3 6213-2RS/C3 6316/C3 6213/C3
M2AA 112: M 2, M 4
M2AA 132: SA 2, SB 2, S 4, M 4
M3AA 112: M 6, M 8
M3AA 132: SA 2, S 4, S 6, M2 6, MB 6, S 8, M 8
remaining versions
Axially-locked bearings
The table shows which motors are axially locked in the See also variant code 042.
bearing seat, by an inner bearing cover.
6 60 1880 1520 1650 1340 2100 1700 2100 1700
8 60 1930 1560 1690 1370 1700 2100 1700 2100
132 SA 2 80 3020 2360 2740 2140 4070 3180 3670 2870
132 SB 2 80 3020 2360 2730 2130 4060 3170 3670 2870
132 SC 2 80 3030 2430 2750 2200 3990 3200 3690 2960
132 S 4 80 3120 2440 2790 2180 4090 3200 3830 2990
132 M 4 80 3080 2410 2750 2150 4100 3200 3780 2950
132 MB 4 80 3050 2440 2710 2170 3990 3200 3740 3000
132 S 6 80 3280 2560 2910 2270 4100 3200 3990 3120
132 MA 6 80 3240 2530 2880 2250 4100 3200 3970 3100
132 MB 6 80 3200 2500 2840 2220 4100 3200 3930 3070
132 MC 6 80 3010 2510 2660 2220 3840 3200 3700 3090
132 S 8 80 3370 2630 2980 2330 4100 3200 4100 3200
132 M 8 80 3310 2590 2940 2300 4100 3200 4060 3170
132 MB 8 80 3280 2630 2910 2330 3990 3200 3990 3200
160 MA 2 110 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500
8 110 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500
160 M 2 110 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500
4 110 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500
6 110 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500
8 110 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500
160 L 8 110 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500
4 110 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500
6 110 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500
8 110 4380 3500 4380 3500 4380 3500 4380 3500
160 LB 2 110 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500
4 110 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500 4470 3500
6 110 4380 3500 4380 3500 4380 3500 4380 3500
8 110 4380 3500 4380 3500 4380 3500 4380 3500
180 M 2 110 6900 5550 6360 5110 7338 5900 7340 590
4 110 7100 5710 6470 5200 7338 5900 7340 5900
Motor Poles Lenght of Ball bearings Motor Poles Length of Ball bearings
size shaft extention 20,000 hours size shaft extention 20,000 hours
E (mm) FX0 (N) FXmax(N) E (mm) FX0 (N) FXmax(N)
71 2 30 415 335 80 2 40 650 520
4 30 415 335 4 40 830 680
6 30 415 340 6 40 900 730
80 2 40 670 545 8 40 900 730
4 40 890 725 90 2 50 720 575
6 40 970 830 4 50 910 780
90 S 2 50 795 625 6 50 1025 820
4 50 995 780 8 50 1025 820
6 50 1135 880 100, 112 2 60 1090 860
90 L 2 50 780 635 4 60 1280 1025
4 50 985 790 6 60 1460 1155
6 50 1120 905 6 60 1460 1155
100 2 60 1090 875 132 2 80 1700 1380
4 60 1360 1095 4 80 2020 1610
6 60 1560 1250 6 80 2270 1805
112 2 60 1410 1120 8 80 2270 1805
4 60 1735 1400
6 60 2000 1620
132 S 2 80 1700 1330
4 80 2130 1660
6 80 2495 1935
132 M 2 80 1675 1345
4 80 2130 1675
6 80 2450 1960
6 110 6950 4550 5500 4550 16250 4550 13200 4550
8 110 7650 4550 6050 4550 17700 4550 14400 4550
225 SM_ 2 110 5450 4500 4350 3550 14300 4550 11650 4550
4 140 6900 4650 5450 4400 17650 4650 14300 4550
6 140 7900 4650 6250 4650 19900 4650 16200 4650
8 140 8700 4650 6900 4650 21700 4650 17650 4650
250 SM_ 2 140 6750 4100 5350 4100 18950 4100 15400 4100
4 140 8550 5800 6750 5450 23350 5800 18950 5800
6 140 9800 5800 7750 5800 26400 5800 21400 5800
8 140 10750 5800 8550 5800 28750 5800 23350 5800
280 SM_ 2 140 7300 6000 5800 4900 20400 6000 16500 6000
4 140 9200 7800 7300 6200 25100 9200 20300 9200
6 140 10600 8900 8400 7000 28300 9200 23000 9200
8 140 11700 9200 9200 7800 30900 9200 25100 9200
315 SM_ 2 140 7300 6000 5800 4950 20300 6000 16500 6000
4 170 11400 9400 9000 7450 32500 9600 26600 9600
6 170 13000 9600 10300 8500 37000 9600 30000 9600
8 170 14400 9600 11400 9400 40300 9600 32700 9600
315 ML_ 2 140 7400 6400 5850 5050 20600 5850 16700 5850
4 170 11500 9700 9100 7650 32700 13600 26500 13600
6 170 13200 11100 10400 8800 36900 13600 29900 13600
8 170 14500 12200 11500 9700 40200 13600 32600 13600
315 LK_ 2 140 7400 6550 5800 5150 20800 5550 16800 5550
4 170 11500 10000 9100 7850 33100 13350 26800 13350
6 170 13200 11400 10450 9050 37300 13350 30300 13350
8 170 14600 12600 11550 10000 40800 13350 33100 13350
355 SM_ 2 140 7350 6450 5750 5050 20600 7200 16700 7200
4 210 15200 12600 12000 9950 45500 14000 36900 14000
6 210 17500 14000 13800 11400 51400 14000 41700 14000
8 210 19300 14000 15250 12600 56000 14000 45500 14000
355 ML_ 2 140 7350 6550 5750 5100 20800 6750 16800 6750
4 210 15300 12900 12000 10100 45900 13600 37200 13600
6 210 17600 13600 13900 11600 51500 13600 42100 13600
8 210 19400 13600 15300 12900 56000 13600 45900 13600
355 LK_ 2 140 7350 6650 5650 5150 21000 6750 17000 6750
4 210 15200 13000 11850 10200 46000 13000 37300 13000
6 210 17500 13000 13700 11900 52000 13000 42000 13000
8 210 19400 13000 15200 13000 56500 13000 46000 13000
400 LK_ 2 170 7650 6850 4400 3900 23900 9050 19350 9050
4 210 15600 11500 12150 10550 52500 11500 43300 11500
6 210 17800 11500 13850 11500 60000 11500 48800 11500
8 210 19700 11500 15350 11500 65700 11500 53200 11500
400 L_ 2 170 7650 6850 4400 3900 23900 9050 19350 9050
4 210 15600 13550 12150 10550 52500 16000 43300 16000
6 210 17800 15450 13850 12000 60000 16000 48800 16000
8 210 19700 16000 15350 13350 65700 16000 53200 16000
2 225 SM_
6 140 7000 2800 9300 2200
8 140 7000 2800 9300 2200
250 SM_ 2 140 3200 2900
4 140 3000 2800
6 140 3000 2800
8 140 3000 2800
Aluminum motors,
motor sizes 71 - 280
71 985 485 1070 570 1135 635 1130 630 900 400 970 470 1020 520 1015 515
80 1305 705 1420 820 1505 905 1540 940 1185 585 1285 685 1350 750 1375 775
90 1360 930 1490 1070 1590 1165 1635 1210 1225 800 1335 915 1415 990 1450 1025
100 2805 1945 3075 2215 3260 2400 3355 2495 2540 1680 2760 1900 2910 2050 2985 2125
112 M 1500 1500 1600 1600 1730 1730 1750 1750 1320 1320 1390 1390 1500 1500 1510 1510
112 MB 1530 1530 1600 1600 1720 1720 1760 1760 1340 1340 1390 1390 1490 1490 1520 1520
132 SA 2570 2570 - - - - - - 2260 2260 - - - - - -
132 SB 2570 2570 - - - - - - 2260 2260 - - - - - -
132 SC 2520 2520 - - - - - - 2210 2210 - - - - - -
132 S - - 2770 2770 2950 2950 3040 3040 - - 2440 2440 2580 2580 2650 2650
132 M - - 2750 2750 - - 3020 3020 - - 2420 2420 - - 2630 2630
132 MA - - - - 2940 2940 - - - - - - 2570 2570 - -
132 MB - - 2680 2680 2910 2910 2940 2940 - - 2340 2340 2550 2550 2560 2560
132 MC - - - - 2830 2830 - - - - - - 2460 2460 - -
160 MA 4730 4730 - - - - 5240 5240 4220 4220 - - - - 4640 4640
160 M 4730 4730 5230 5230 5220 5220 5220 5220 4220 4220 4640 4640 4630 4630 4630 4630
160 L 5240 5240 5220 5220 5050 5050 4720 4720 4650 4650 4630 4630 4470 4470 4740 4740
160 LB 5240 5240 5050 5050 4720 4720 4720 4720 4650 4650 4470 4470 4740 4740 4740 4740
180 M 4660 4660 4950 4950 - - - - 4250 4250 4500 4500 - - - -
180 LB 4660 4660 4870 4870 5200 5200 5370 5370 4250 4250 4390 4390 4710 4710 4850 4850
200 MLA 3050 3050 3850 3850 4400 4400 4850 4850 2430 2430 3050 3050 3500 3500 3850 3850
200 MLB 3050 3050 3850 3850 4400 4400 4850 4850 2430 2430 3050 3050 3500 3500 3850 3850
200 MLC 3050 3050 - - 4400 4400 - - 2430 2430 - - 3500 3500 - -
225 SMA - - 4340 4340 - - 5460 5460 - - 3440 3440 - - 4340 4340
225 SMB 3440 3440 4340 4340 4960 4960 5460 5460 2730 2730 3440 3440 3940 3940 4340 4340
250 SMA 4180 4180 5260 5260 6020 6020 6630 6630 3320 3320 4180 4180 4780 4780 5260 5260
250 SMB 4180 4180 5260 5260 6020 6020 6630 6630 3320 3320 4180 4180 4780 4780 5260 5260
280 SMA 5000 5000 6200 6200 7100 7100 7350 7350 4500 4500 5400 5400 6250 6250 6500 6500
280 SMB 5000 5000 6200 6100 - - - - 4400 4400 5300 5300 - - - -
Aluminum motors,
motor sizes 71 - 280
Mounting arrangement IM B5
20,000 hours 40,000 hours
2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
size N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
71 998 470 1085 555 1150 620 1145 615 910 385 985 455 1035 505 1030 500
80 1320 685 1445 790 1530 880 1565 915 1200 565 1310 655 1375 725 1400 750
90 1390 900 1525 1035 1625 1130 1670 1180 1255 770 1370 880 1450 955 1485 990
100 2855 1890 3135 2155 3320 2340 3420 2425 2590 1625 2820 1840 2970 1990 3050 2060
112 M 1560 1430 1680 1510 1810 1640 1840 1660 1380 1250 1470 1300 1580 1410 1600 1420
112 MB 1610 1440 1700 1490 1820 1610 1860 1650 1420 1250 1490 1260 1590 1380 1620 1410
2 132 SA
132 SB
132 SC 2660 2370 - - - - - - 2350 2060 - - - - - -
132 S - - 2900 2630 3090 2810 3200 2870 - - 2570 2300 2720 2440 2810 2480
132 M - - 2910 2590 - - 3210 2820 - - 2580 2260 - - 2820 2430
132 MA - - - - 3100 2770 - - - - - - 2730 2400 - -
132 MB - - 2890 2470 3100 2710 3150 2720 - - 2550 2130 2740 2350 2770 2340
132 MC - - - - 3040 2610 - - - - - - 2670 2240 - -
160 MA 4940 4520 - - - - 5520 4960 4430 4010 - - - - 4920 4360
160 M 4960 4500 5500 4960 5540 4900 5540 4900 4450 3990 4910 4370 4950 4310 4950 4310
160 L 5520 4960 5560 4880 5420 4680 5170 4280 4930 4370 4970 4290 4840 4100 5190 4300
160 LB 5540 4940 5420 4680 5170 4280 5170 4280 4950 4350 4840 4100 5190 4300 5190 4300
180 M 4990 4330 5400 4500 - - - - 4580 3920 4950 4050 - - - -
180 L - - 5390 4350 5770 4630 5930 4810 - - 4910 3870 5280 4140 5410 4290
180 LB 5040 4280 5470 4270 5810 4590 5980 4760 4630 3870 4990 3790 5320 4100 5460 4240
200 MLA 3600 2500 4580 3120 5280 3530 5720 3980 2970 1870 3780 2320 4370 2620 4720 2980
200 MLB 3600 2500 4580 3120 5280 3530 5720 3980 2970 1870 3780 2320 4370 2620 4720 2980
200 MLC 3600 2500 - - 5280 3530 - - 2970 1870 - - 4370 2620 - -
225 SMA - - 5230 3440 - - 6530 4400 - - 4330 2550 - - 5400 3270
225 SMB 4140 2740 5230 3440 6030 3900 6530 4400 3430 2030 4330 2550 5010 2870 5400 3270
225 SMC 4140 2740 5230 3440 6030 3900 6530 4400 3430 2030 4330 2550 5010 2870 5400 3270
250 SMA 5020 3330 6380 4150 7440 4610 8050 5210 4160 2470 5290 3060 6200 3360 6680 3840
250 SMB 5020 3330 6380 4150 7440 4610 8050 5210 4160 2470 5290 3060 6200 3360 6680 3840
280 SMA 5950 4050 7380 5010 8540 5660 8810 5890 5450 3550 6580 4210 7690 4810 7960 5040
280 SMB 5950 4050 7380 5010 - - - - 5450 3550 6580 4210 - - - -
Mounting arrangement IM B3
Motor 20,000 hours 40,000 hours
size 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
71 270 270 350 350 440 440 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
160 2550 1890 3310 2650 3890* 3230 4360* 3700 1960 1300 2520 1860 2960 2300 3310 2650
180 2930 2270 3810 3150 4480* 3810 5030* 4370 2240 1580 2890 2230 3390 2700 3810 3140
200 3900 2940 5080 4120 5930* 4970 6650* 5700 2990 2030 3870 2910 4510 3550 5050 4090
225 4370 3250 5680 4570 6640* 5530 7450* 6340 3350 2240 4330 3220 5050 3930 5650 4540
250 5650 3340 7260 4950 8420* 6100 9400* 7100 4400 2100 5610 3300 6460 4160 7200 4900
280 SM_ 6200 4250 8000 6000 7250 9250 10300 8300 4900 2900 6250 4250 7150 5150 7950 5950
315 SM_ 6180 4200 9400 7400 10900 8900 12000 10000 4850 2850 7250 5250 8350 6350 9200 7000
315 ML_ 6050 4050 9250 7250 10650 8650 11500 9900 4750 2750 7100 5100 8100 6100 8900 6800
315 LK_ 6000 3950 9100 7150 10500 8500 11750 9750 4650 2650 7000 5000 7950 5950 8900 6900
355 SM_ 3050 6850 8600 12400 10550 14350 12200 16000 1750 5550 5900 9700 7300 11100 8550 12350
355 ML_ 2900 6700 8350 12150 10100 13900 12000 15800 1600 5400 5650 9450 6900 10700 7300 11000
355 LK_ 2850 6650 8200 12000 9900 13700 11450 15250 1550 5350 5450 9250 6700 10500 7800 11600
400 LK_ 2150 7150 7100 13100 8850 14850 10450 16450 1)
5800 4300 10300 5500 11500 6750 12750
400 L_ 2150 7150 7100 13100 8850 14850 10450 16450 1)
5800 4300 10300 5500 11500 6750 12750
Mounting arrangement IM V1
Motor 20,000 hours 40,000 hours
size 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 8-pole
71 290 260 380 330 460 420 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
160 2900 1660 3820 2320 4400* 2900 4880* 3370 2300 1060 3020 1530 3460 1960 3820 2310
180 3370 1970 4510 2680 5200* 3350 5740* 3910 2680 1280 3590 1760 4110 2260 4510 2680
200 4560 2500 5940 3550 6950* 4310 7670* 5040 3650 1590 4720 2330 5510 2880 6060 3420
225 5240 2670 6770 3850 7910* 4700 8740* 5500 4210 1640 5410 2490 6300 3100 6930 3690
250 6700 2630 8590 4080 10100* 5000 11100* 6000 5450 1380 6920 2410 8130 3040 8890 3780
280 SM_ 7550 3150 9600 4550 11150 5500 12200 7000 6200 1800 7800 2750 9000 3350 9850 4700
315 SM_ 7950 2600 11750 5500 13600 6300 15350 7900 6600 1300 9550 3300 11050 3750 12450 5000
315 ML_ 8650 2300 12500 5050 14900 5800 15400 6300 7300 1) 10300 2900 12350 3250 13600 3400
315 LK_ 9100 1350 13100 3850 15700 4100 16900 6300 7750 1) 10900 1700 13100 1550 14100 3450
355 SM_ 6350 4250 13250 8600 15650 9580 17350 12500 4950 2900 10450 5850 12350 6270 13600 8900
355 ML_ 7100 3700 14600 7950 18050 8600 21100 11650 5750 2350 11850 5150 14700 5300 17000 7600
355 LK_ 7500 3150 15650 6600 19100 7050 21200 8700 6150 1800 12850 3800 15800 3750 17500 5000
400 LK_ 8650 2150 16050 6400 18450 6750 20100 8350 7220 1) 13150 3400 15100 3400 16450 4700
400 L_ 8650 2150 16050 6400 18450 6750 20100 8350 7220 1) 13150 3400 15100 3400 16450 4700
On request
The values for sizes 355-400 are valid for non-sparking M3GP and increased safety M3HP motors. Values for
flameproof M3JP/M3KP motors are available on request.
loadability is reduced by 5% for dimensioning purposes,
in addition to combined type tests, to ensure proper ABB Oy, Electrical Machines
thermal behavior. Frequencies below 5 Hz should be LV Motors, Vaasa, Finland
avoided or tested separately. 3 Motor M3JP 250SMA 4 EExd IIB T4 B3
3. Operating speed IEC 250S/M 65
S1 No. 3492820
When a motor is used with a frequency converter, its LJ-20964-1 / 2001 F IP 55
actual operating speed may deviate considerably from V Hz kW r/min A cos Duty
its nominal speed (i.e. the speed stamped on the rat- 690 Y 50 55 1479 58 0.83
ing plate). For higher speeds, ensure that the highest 400 D 50 55 1479 101 0.83
permissible rotational speed of the motor, or the critical 660 Y 50 55 1475 60 0.85
speed of the entire equipment, is not exceeded. 380 D 50 55 1475 104 0.85
The maximum speed of Ex-motors or DIP-motors must 415 D 50 55 1480 99 0.82
440 D 60 63 1775 103 0.85
also be checked since the standards specify the maxi-
Prod.code 3GJP252210-ADG138148
mum speed for the cooling equipment as well as the
LCIE 00 ATEX 6030
minimum size for the gap between rotor and stator.
6315/C3 6313/C3 450 kg
The permitted speed range must be stated on a rating
plate. This can be either a separate plate or the regular IEC 60034-1
plate required for variable speed drive motors.
The approximate maximum speeds for given motor
sizes are shown in Table 1 below. The exact values are
available on request.
Table 1. Approximate maximum speeds of hazardous
area motors
standard greases may not be sufficient and special
greases with additives are needed. The selection rules shown in Table 2 apply to ABB EX
motors with ABB ACS600 and ACS800 single drives
If the motors are equipped with sealed bearings (i.e. with diode supply unit. In case of resistor braking, the
bearings greased for life) any deviation in the operating increase in intermediate circuit DC voltage must be
temperature from the design temperature will result in a taken into consideration.
change in the lifetime of the bearing.
For more information on resistor braking, other convert-
The use of conductive greases for the elimination of
er types and alternatives, please contact ABB.
bearing currents is not recommended due to their poor
lubrication characteristics and low conductivity.
D. Ex motor loadability with ABB
2. Insulation protection
ACS600 and ACS800 frequency
Most modern low voltage frequency converters utilize
IGBT power components, producing very rapid switch-
ing, steep voltage pulses and reflections in the cables. The loadability curves shown in Figure 1 are based on
As these factors increase the voltage stresses in the type tests using ABB ACS600 and ACS800 frequency
motor winding, the precautionary measures shown in converters with DTC control. The DriveSize dimension-
Figure 2 below must be taken in order to avoid the risk ing program also utilizes the same curves.
of insulation damage. The loadability curves below assume that the nominal
For braking applications and GTO converters, please frequency of the motor (i.e. field weakening point) is 50
contact ABB. Hz and that the motor control mode (parameter 99.04)
is DTC.
3. Bearing currents
Please note that the curve is in accordance with class
Bearing voltages and currents must be avoided in all
B temperature rise. Class F temperature rise is not al-
motors. Assuming the use of a standard ABB ACS600
or ACS800 single drive with diode supply unit, insulated
bearings and/or properly dimensioned filters at the con- For more information about loadability with other con-
verter output must be used according to the instructions verters, please contact ABB.
in Figure 2 below. (For other alternatives and converter
types, please contact ABB.) When ordering, please
state clearly which alternative will be used.
For more information about bearing currents and volt-
ages, please contact ABB.
4. Cabling, grounding and EMC
The use of a frequency converter imposes greater
demands on the cabling and grounding of the drive sys-
tem. To provide proper grounding and ensure compli-
ance with any applicable EMC requirements, the motor
must be cabled using shielded symmetrical cables and
EMC glands, i.e. cable glands providing 360° bonding.
dU/dt filter
These filters are series reactors which decrease the rate of change of
the phase and main voltages and thus reduce voltage stresses in the
applications and thus decrease the risk of bearing currents. Common
mode filters do not significantly affect the phase or main voltages on
windings. They also decrease common mode currents and the risk of the motor terminals.
bearing currents. They are designed so that the dU/dt rate of the main For more information and product codes, please contact ABB.
voltages at the motor terminals is less than 1 kV/µs. See ABB manual,
Insulated bearings
ACS 600 dU/dt filter selection guide.
Bearings with insulated inner or outer races are used as standard.
Common mode filter Hybrid bearings, i.e. bearings with non-conductive ceramic balls, can
Common mode filters consist of toroidal cores installed around the also be used in special applications. More information for spare part
motor cables. These filters reduce common mode currents in VSD selection is available on request.
Figure 1. Ex motor loadability with ABB ACS600 and ACS800 frequency converters
Flameproof motors EEx d/EEx de T4 (50 Hz)
> Motors
>> Motors and Generators for Hazardous Areas
Rating plates........................................142
Variant codes.......................................143
M3AA/M2AA; M2AA 200 excluded. M3AAD with voltage code D.
M3AAD with voltage code S.
Motor Voltage/ Ter- Top-mounted Side-mounted Cable box Gland Cable Max.conn
sizes freq. minal Flange or adapter Flange or adapter or cable gland thread diameter cable
code box area mm2
3000 r/min (2 poles)
280 210 3GZF294730-749 3GZF294730-749 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x150
315SM, ML 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
315LKA, LKB 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
315LKC 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 SMA D 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 SMA E 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
355 SMB, SMC 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 ML, LK 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
400 L, LK 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
1500 r/min (4 poles)
280 210 3GZF294730-749 3GZF294730-749 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x150
315SM, ML 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
315LKA, LKB 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
315LKC 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 SMA D 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 SMA E 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
355 SMB, SMC 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 ML, LK 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
400 L, LK 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
1000 r/min (6 poles)
280 210 3GZF294730-749 3GZF294730-749 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x150
315 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
355 SMA, SMB 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
355 SMC D 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 SMC E 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
355 ML 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 LKA 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 LKB 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
400 L, LK 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-501 2x Ø60-80 4x240
750 r/min (8 poles)
280 210 3GZF294730-749 3GZF294730-749 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x150
355 SM
2x 3GZF294730-613
2x 3GZF294730-613
2x M63x1.5
2x M63x1.5
2x Ø32-49
2x Ø32-49
2x240 6
355 ML D 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
355 ML E 370 3GZF294730-753 3GZF294730-753 2x 3GZF294730-613 2x M63x1.5 2x Ø32-49 2x240
355 LK 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
400 LA, LB, 750 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
400 LC, LKC 3GZF294730-944 3GZF294730-759 3GZF294730-301 2x Ø48-60 4x240
Voltage/frequency codes:
D = 380-420 VD 50 Hz, 660/690 VY 50 Hz, 440-480 VD 60 Hz
E = 500 VD 50 Hz, 575 VD 60 Hz
Adapter E-D
Cable gland
3GZF294730-749 (M3BP 280)
3GZF294730-753 (M3BP 315)
Adapter E-2D (optional)
Cable box
Auxiliary devices (view from N-end) Dimensions for terminal box inlets
Cable glands for auxiliary devices
as standard 2 x M20 x 1.5.
Inlet c e f g d
C 62 193 62 193 M8
D 100 300 80 292 M10
E 115 370 100 360 M12
Motor size
A Motor type
A B C D, E, F, G B Motor size
C Product code
M3GP 160 MLA 3GGP 161 410- A D G 003 etc. D Mounting arrangement code
E Voltage and frequency code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 F Generation code
G Variant codes
220-240 V∆
380-420 VY
220-240 V∆
440-480 VY
380-420 V∆
660-690 VY
380-420 V∆
440-480 V∆
440-480 V∆
415 V∆
500 V∆1)
500 V∆
500 VY
500 VY
660 V∆1)
660 V∆
690 V∆1)
690 V∆
Other rated
380-420 VY 440-480 VY 660-690 VY - or frequency,
690 V
M2AA 160-250 230 V∆ - 400 V∆ - - 500V∆ - - - maximum
400 VY - 690 VY -
M3AA 160-280 220, 230 V∆ - 380,400,415V∆ 440 V∆ 415 V∆ 500 V∆ 500 VY 660 V∆ 690 V∆
380,400,415 VY 440 VY 660, 690 VY -
) On request.
Code letters for supplementing the product code - cast iron motors
Code letter for voltage and frequency
Direct start or, with ∆-connection, also Y/∆-start
Motor S D H E F T U X
size 50Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
71-132 220-240 V∆ 440-480 VY 380-420 V∆ 440-480V∆ 415 V∆ 500 V∆ 575 V∆ 500 VY 660 V∆ 690 V∆ Other rated
380-420 VY - 660-690 VY - - - - - - - voltage,
160-355 220, 230 V∆ - 380, 400, 415 V∆ 440V∆ 415 V∆ 500 V∆ - 500 VY 660 V∆ 690 V∆ connection or
380,400,415VY 440VY 660, 690 VY - - - - - - - frequency,
690 V maximum
9.2 1)
M3AAD 132 SBB 3GAA 131 004-••B 2825 86.0 0.93 16.6 7.3 31.1 3.2 3.5 0.022 57 74
11 1)
M3AAD 132 SC 3GAA 131 003-••B 2835 87.0 0.93 19.6 8.0 37 3.2 3.3 0.022 57 73
22 1)
M3AAD 160 LB 3GAA 161 104-••D 2920 92.1 0.91 38 7.1 72 2.6 2.6 0.058 100 69
30 1)
M3AAD 180 LB 3GAA 181 102-••D 2945 93.7 0.89 53 8.3 97 3.1 3.4 0.092 137 70
45 1)
M3AAD 200 MLC 3GAA 201 003-••E 2950 93.8 0.89 78 7.3 146 2.6 3.3 0.19 205 72
80 1)
M3AAD 225 SMD 3GAA 221 003-••E 2960 94.7 0.86 143 7.5 258 2.9 3.1 0.3 275 74
Temperature rise class F.
Note: When ordering motors, the following variant code has to be added:
453 'DIP according to EN 50281-1-1, T= 125°C, category 2 D, IP 65'.
The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement
(see ordering information), voltage and frequency (below).
4 1)
M3AAD 100 LC 3GAA 102 003-••E 1420 81.0 0.82 8.65 5.5 27 2.5 2.8 0.009 25 60
5.5 1)
M3AAD 112 MB 3GAA 112 002-••B 1425 84.5 0.83 11.4 7.1 36.9 2.8 3.1 0.018 34 60
9.2 1)
M3AAD 132 MBA 3GAA 132 004-••B 1450 88.0 0.85 17.8 7.3 60 2.0 2.8 0.048 59 63
11 1)
M3AAD 132 MB 3GAA 132 003-••B 1450 88.0 0.86 21 8.3 72 2.5 2.7 0.048 59 66
18.5 1)
M3AAD 160 LB 3GAA 162 103-••D 1450 90.5 0.84 36 6.9 122 2.9 2.9 0.102 103 63
30 1)
M3AAD 180 LB 3GAA 182 103-••D 1465 92.5 0.84 56 6.9 195 3.2 2.8 0.225 161 63
37 1)
M3AAD 200 MLB 3GAA 202 002-••E 1475 93.4 0.84 68 7.8 236 3.6 3.2 0.34 205 63
48 1)
M3AAD 200 MLC 3GAA 202 003-••E 1470 93.6 0.84 89 8.1 311 4.4 3.2 0.38 270 63
55 1)
M3AAD 225 SMC 3GAA 222 003-••E 1480 94.6 0.84 100 7.3 355 3.1 2.8 0.49 265 66
75 1)
M3AAD 250 SMB 3GAA 252 002-••E 1480 94.8 0.86 132 7.1 486 3.4 3.5 0.88 335 67
Temperature rise class F.
Note: When ordering motors, the following variant code has to be added:
453 'DIP according to EN 50281-1-1, T= 125°C, category 2 D, IP 65'.
The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement
(see ordering information), voltage and frequency (below).
18.5 1)
M3AAD 180 LB 3GAA 183 102-••D 965 90.6 0.79 37.5 6.2 183 2.0 2.6 0.237 160 59
Temperature rise class F.
Note: When ordering motors, the following variant code has to be added:
453 'DIP according to EN 50281-1-1, T= 125°C, category 2 D, IP 65'.
The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement
(see ordering information), voltage and frequency (below).
Temperature rise class F.
Note: When ordering motors, the following variant code has to be added:
453 'DIP according to EN 50281-1-1, T= 125°C, category 2 D, IP 65'.
The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement
(see ordering information), voltage and frequency (below).
6 560 M3GP 400 LA 3GGP 401 510-••G 2988 97.2 0.89 940 7.8 1790 2.1 3.4 7.9 2950 82
560 3)
M3GP 400 LKA 3GGP 401 810-••G 2988 97.2 0.89 940 7.8 1790 2.1 3.4 7.9 2950 82
630 3)
M3GP 400 LB 3GGP 401 520-••G 2987 97.3 0.89 1055 7.8 2014 2.2 3.4 8.2 3050 82
630 3)
M3GP 400 LKB 3GGP 401 820-••G 2987 97.3 0.89 1055 7.8 2014 2.2 3.4 8.2 3050 82
710 3)
M3GP 400 LC 3GGP 401 530-••G 2987 97.4 0.89 1185 7.8 2270 2.6 3.4 9.3 3300 82
710 3)
M3GP 400 LKC 3GGP 401 830-••G 2987 97.4 0.89 1185 7.8 2270 2.6 3.4 9.3 3300 82
3000 r/min = 2 poles 400 V 50 Hz High-output design
22 M3GP 160 MLD 3GGP 161 440-••G 2929 91.4 0.90 39 7.4 72 2.8 3.4 0.059 173 77
30 M3GP 180 MLB 3GGP 181 420-••G 2944 92.8 0.88 54 7.5 97 2.8 3.5 0.092 210 78
37 4)
M3GP 180 MLC 3GGP 181 430-••G 2947 93.7 0.89 65 7.9 120 2.9 3.6 0.114 229 78
45 5)
M3GP 200 MLE 3GGP 201 450-••G 2944 93.7 0.88 79 7.3 146 2.9 3.1 0.22 310 79
55 M3GP 225 SMC 3GGP 221 230-••G 2965 94.3 0.88 96 7.1 177 2.6 3.0 0.29 385 80
67 4)5)
M3GP 225 SMD 3GGP 221 240-••G 2966 94.4 0.86 120 7.4 216 2.8 3.2 0.31 395 78
75 M3GP 250 SMB 3GGP 251 220-••G 2969 95.1 0.89 129 7.9 241 2.6 3.2 0.57 465 80
110 M3GP 280 SMC 3GGP 281 230-••G 2978 95.7 0.90 185 7.9 353 2.4 3.0 1.15 725 77
Notes: The two bullets in the product code indicate choice
Full data for types M3GP 80-132 are available on request. of mounting arrangement (see ordering information),
Availability of to be checked from ABB Sales Office. voltage and frequency (below).
When ordering motors, the following variant code has to Motors are certified for the voltages 380-400-415 V
be added: 453 'DIP according to EN 50281-1-1, T= 125°C, category 2 D, IP 65'. 50 Hz acc. to IEC 60034-1. Values above are given for
400V 50 Hz; data for other voltages on request.
6 400
400 LA
400 LKA
400 LB
403 510-••G
403 810-••G
403 520-••G
450 M3GP 400 LKB 3GGP 403 820-••G 994 96.9 0.82 818 7.4 4323 2.4 2.8 20.5 3150 76
500 M3GP 400 LC 3GGP 403 530-••G 993 96.9 0.83 900 7.2 4808 2.5 2.7 22 3300 76
500 M3GP 400 LKC 3GGP 403 830-••G 993 96.9 0.83 900 7.2 4808 2.5 2.7 22 3300 76
560 M3GP 400 LD 3GGP 403 540-••G 993 96.9 0.85 985 7.4 5385 2.4 3.0 24 3400 77
560 M3GP 400 LKD 3GGP 403 840-••G 993 96.9 0.85 985 7.4 5385 2.4 3.0 24 3400 77
1000 r/min = 6 poles 400 V 50 Hz High-output design
14 1)2)
M3GP 160 MLC 3GGP 163 430-••G 969 88.9 0.74 31 7.9 138 2.8 3.9 0.121 188 64
18.5 M3GP 180 MLC 3GGP 183 430-••G 975 90.1 0.73 41 7.2 181 2.0 3.2 0.221 233 61
30 M3GP 200 MLC 3GGP 203 430-••G 983 91.6 0.80 60 7.5 292 3.5 3.4 0.49 305 65
37 M3GP 225 SMC 3GGP 223 230-••G 983 92.8 0.83 70 7.1 359 3.2 2.8 0.75 380 64
45 M3GP 250 SMB 3GGP 253 220-••G 986 93.7 0.82 85 7.2 436 3.3 2.8 1.49 465 65
75 M3GP 280 SMC 3GGP 283 230-••G 990 95.1 0.84 137 7.3 723 2.8 2.7 2.85 725 66
The two bullets in the product code indicate choice
Full data for types M3GP 80-132 are available on request. of mounting arrangement (see ordering information),
Availability to be checked from ABB Sales Office. voltage and frequency (below).
When ordering motors, the following variant code has to Motors are certified for the voltages 380-400-415 V 50
be added: 453 'DIP according to EN 50281-1-1, T= 125°C, category 2 D, IP 65'. Hz acc. to IEC 60034-1. Values above are given for 400
V 50 Hz; data for other voltages on request.
Temperature rise class F.
-Nominal power lower than CENELEC + 1.
0.68 M2VAD 71 BB 3GVA 071 003-•• 2800 78.9 0.82 1.59 5.2 2.33 3.2 3.3 0.00045 6.5 58
0.75 M2VAD 71 BC 3GVA 071 004-•• 2800 78.5 0.85 1.7 5.1 2.57 3.1 3.2 0.00045 6.5 58
1.5 M2VAD 80 C 3GAA 081 003-•• 2840 82.4 0.83 3.16 5.5 5.13 2.8 3.1 0.001093 11.5 60
2.7 1)
M3AAD 90 LB 3GAA 091 003-••E 2860 80.7 0.86 5.7 7.0 9 2.6 3.0 0.0027 18 68
4 1)
M3AAD 100 LB 3GAA 101 002-••E 2900 85.0 0.86 8.1 7.5 13 2.7 3.6 0.005 25 68
5.5 1)
M3AA 112 MB 3GAA 111 002-••C 2855 86.5 0.93 9.9 7.3 18.4 2.6 3.5 0.012 33 63
30 M3AA 180 LB 3GAA 181 102-••C 2945 93.7 0.89 53 8.3 97 3.1 3.4 0.092 137 70
45 M3AA 200 MLC 3GAA 201 003-••C 2950 93.8 0.89 78 7.3 146 2.6 3.3 0.19 205 72
55 M3AA 225 SMC 3GAA 221 002-••C 2960 94.3 0.89 95 7.0 177 2.5 2.9 0.29 260 74
75 1)
M3AA 250 SMB 3GAA 251 002-••C 2970 94.7 0.90 127 8.2 241 2.6 3.2 0.57 375 75
Temperature rise class F.
Note: When ordering motors, the following variant code has to be added:
452 'DIP according to EN 50281-1-1, T= 125°C, category 3 D, IP 55 (for zone 22).
The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement
(see ordering information), voltage and frequency (below).
Motors are certified for the voltages 380-400 V 50 Hz acc. to IEC 60034-1. Values
above are given for 400 V 50 Hz; data for other voltages < 500 V on request.
90 M3AA 280 SMB 3GAA 282 002-••C 1475 95.0 0.88 157 8.0 583 3.0 2.9 0.95 405 67
1500 r/min = 4 poles 400 V 50 Hz High-output design
0.45 M2VAD 71 BB 3GVA 072 003-•• 1390 75.5 0.76 1.15 4.1 3.11 2.1 2.3 0.00089 6.5 45
0.55 M2VAD 71 C 3GVA 072 004-•• 1410 77.3 0.73 1.45 4.8 3.74 2.7 2.9 0.00111 7 45
0.95 M2VAD 80 C 3GVA 082 003-•• 1410 78.9 0.75 2.35 4.3 6.44 2.9 3.3 0.001948 11 50
1.85 1)
M3AAD 90 L 3GAA 092 003-••E 1390 79.5 0.80 4.4 4.5 13 2.2 2.4 0.0043 16 50
2.2 1)
M3AAD 90 LB 3GAA 092 004-••E 1390 80.3 0.83 4.85 4.5 15 2.2 2.4 0.0048 17 50
4 1)
M3AAD 100 LC 3GAA 102 003-••E 1420 81.0 0.82 8.65 5.5 27 2.5 2.8 0.009 25 60
37 1)
M3AA 200 MLB 3GAA 202 002-••C 1475 93.4 0.84 68 7.8 236 3.6 3.2 0.34 205 63
55 1)
M3AA 225 SMC 3GAA 222 003-••C 1480 94.6 0.84 100 7.3 355 3.1 2.8 0.49 265 66
75 M3AA 250 SMB 3GAA 252 002-••C 1480 94.8 0.86 132 7.1 486 3.4 3.5 0.88 335 67
Temperature rise class F.
Note: When ordering motors, the following variant code has to be added:
452 'DIP according to EN 50281-1-1, T= 125°C, category 3 D, IP 55 (for zone 22).
The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement
(see ordering information), voltage and frequency (below).
Motors are certified for the voltages 380-400 V 50 Hz acc. to IEC 60034-1. Values
above are given for 400 V 50 Hz; data for other voltages < 500 V on request.
Temperature rise class F.
Note: When ordering motors, the following variant code has to be added:
452 'DIP according to EN 50281-1-1, T= 125°C, category 3 D, IP 55 (for zone 22).
The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement
(see ordering information), voltage and frequency (below).
Motors are certified for the voltages 380-400 V 50 Hz acc. to IEC 60034-1. Values
above are given for 400 V 50 Hz; data for other voltages < 500 V on request.
Temperature rise class F.
Note: When ordering motors, the following variant code has to be added:
452 'DIP according to EN 50281-1-1, T= 125°C, category 3 D, IP 55 (for zone 22).
The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of mounting arrangement
(see ordering information), voltage and frequency (below).
Motors are certified for the voltages 380-400 V 50 Hz acc. to IEC 60034-1. Values
above are given for 400 V 50 Hz; data for other voltages < 500 V on request.
560 3)
M3GP 400 LKA 3GGP 401 810-••G 2988 97.2 0.89 940 7.8 1790 2.1 3.4 7.9 2950 82
630 3)
M3GP 400 LB 3GGP 401 520-••G 2987 97.3 0.89 1055 7.8 2014 2.2 3.4 8.2 3050 82
630 3)
M3GP 400 LKB 3GGP 401 820-••G 2987 97.3 0.89 1055 7.8 2014 2.2 3.4 8.2 3050 82
710 3)
M3GP 400 LC 3GGP 401 530-••G 2987 97.4 0.89 1185 7.8 2270 2.6 3.4 9.3 3300 82
710 3)
M3GP 400 LKC 3GGP 401 830-••G 2987 97.4 0.89 1185 7.8 2270 2.6 3.4 9.3 3300 82
3000 r/min = 2 poles 400 V 50 Hz High-output design
22 M3GP 160 MLD 3GGP 161 440-••G 2929 91.4 0.90 39 7.4 72 2.8 3.4 0.059 173 77
30 M3GP 180 MLB 3GGP 181 420-••G 2944 92.8 0.88 54 7.5 97 2.8 3.5 0.092 210 78
37 3)
M3GP 180 MLC 3GGP 181 430-••G 2947 93.7 0.89 65 7.9 120 2.9 3.6 0.114 229 78
45 5)
M3GP 200 MLE 3GGP 201 450-••G 2944 93.7 0.88 79 7.3 146 2.9 3.1 0.22 310 79
55 M3GP 225 SMC 3GGP 221 230-••G 2965 94.3 0.88 96 7.1 177 2.6 3.0 0.29 385 80
67 4)5)
M3GP 225 SMD 3GGP 221 240-••G 2966 94.4 0.86 120 7.4 216 2.8 3.2 0.31 395 78
75 M3GP 250 SMB 3GGP 251 220-••G 2969 95.1 0.89 129 7.9 241 2.6 3.2 0.57 465 80
110 M3GP 280 SMC 3GGP 281 230-••G 2978 95.7 0.90 185 7.9 353 2.4 3.0 1.15 725 77
Notes: The two bullets in the product code indicate choice of moun-
ting arrangement (see ordering information), voltage and fre-
When ordering motors, the following variant code has to be added:
quency (below).
452 'DIP according to EN 50281-1-1, T= 125°C, category 3 D, IP 55
(for zone 22). Motors are certified for the voltages 380-400-415 V 50 Hz acc.
to IEC 60034-1. Values above are given for 400 V 50 Hz; data for
other voltages on request.
560 M3GP 400 LKA 3GGP 402 810-••G 1491 97.0 0.85 980 7.4 3587 2.4 3.0 15 3200 78
630 M3GP 400 LB 3GGP 402 520-••G 1491 97.0 0.87 1085 7.6 4035 2.2 3.1 16 3300 78
630 M3GP 400 LKB 3GGP 402 820-••G 1491 97.0 0.87 1085 7.6 4035 2.2 3.1 16 3300 78
710 1)
M3GP 400 LC 3GGP 402 530-••G 1491 97.1 0.86 1240 7.6 4547 2.4 3.2 17 3400 78
710 1)
M3GP 400 LKC 3GGP 402 830-••G 1491 97.1 0.86 1240 7.6 4547 2.4 3.2 17 3400 78
1500 r/min = 4 poles 400 V 50 Hz High-output design
18.5 M3GP 160 MLF 3GGP 162 460-••G 1469 92.3 0.83 36.5 8.0 120 3.2 3.6 0.121 189 68
22 4)
M3GP 160 MLG 3GGP 162 470-••G 1466 91.8 0.80 44.5 8.2 143 3.3 3.6 0.121 189 68
30 1)
M3GP 180 MLC 3GGP 182 430-••G 1473 92.3 0.80 59 7.8 194 3.1 3.4 0.239 233 66
37 M3GP 200 MLC 3GGP 202 430-••G 1475 93.3 0.82 70 7.5 239 3.5 3.2 0.34 305 73
55 5)
M3GP 225 SMD 3GGP 222 240-••G 1476 94.0 0.85 100 7.6 356 3.3 3.1 0.49 390 74
60 4)5)
M3GP 225 SME 3GGP 222 250-••G 1479 94.0 0.84 110 8.0 387 3.4 3.3 0.55 410 74
75 5)
M3GP 250 SMB 3GGP 252 220-••G 1476 94.7 0.86 133 7.2 485 2.7 3.2 0.88 470 73
110 M3GP 280 SMC 3GGP 282 230-••G 1485 95.6 0.86 195 7.6 707 3.0 3.0 1.85 725 68
Temperature rise class F.
-3dB(A) sound pressure level reduction with unidirectional fan construction. Direction of rotation must be stated when ordering, see variant
codes 044 and 045.
Unidirectional fan construction as standard. Direction of rotation must be stated when ordering, see variant codes 044 and 045.
The output exceeds one step higher output than the basic with rated output acc. to CENELEC.
For 400-415 V 50 Hz (380 V 50 Hz voltage code B).
450 M3GP 400 LKB 3GGP 403 820-••G 994 96.9 0.82 818 7.4 4323 2.4 2.8 20.5 3150 76
500 M3GP 400 LC 3GGP 403 530-••G 993 96.9 0.83 900 7.2 4808 2.5 2.7 22 3300 76
500 M3GP 400 LKC 3GGP 403 830-••G 993 96.9 0.83 900 7.2 4808 2.5 2.7 22 3300 76
560 M3GP 400 LD 3GGP 403 540-••G 993 96.9 0.85 985 7.4 5385 2.4 3.0 24 3400 77
560 M3GP 400 LKD 3GGP 403 840-••G 993 96.9 0.85 985 7.4 5385 2.4 3.0 24 3400 77
1000 r/min = 6 poles 400 V 50 Hz High-output design
14 1)2)
M3GP 160 MLC 3GGP 163 430-••G 969 88.9 0.74 31 7.9 138 2.8 3.9 0.121 188 64
18.5 M3GP 180 MLC 3GGP 183 430-••G 975 90.1 0.73 41 7.2 181 2.0 3.2 0.221 233 61
30 M3GP 200 MLC 3GGP 203 430-••G 983 91.6 0.80 60 7.5 292 3.5 3.4 0.49 305 65
37 M3GP 225 SMC 3GGP 223 230-••G 983 92.8 0.83 70 7.1 359 3.2 2.8 0.75 380 64
45 M3GP 250 SMB 3GGP 253 220-••G 986 93.7 0.82 85 7.2 436 3.3 2.8 1.49 465 65
75 M3GP 280 SMC 3GGP 283 230-••G 990 95.1 0.84 137 7.3 723 2.8 2.7 2.85 725 66
Temperature rise class F.
Nominal Power lower than CENELEC + 1
When ordering motors, the following variant code has to added:
452 'DIP according to EN 50281-1-1, T= 125°C, category 3 D, IP 55 (for zone 22).
Temperature rise class F.
Nominal Power lower than CENELEC + 1
When ordering motors, the following variant code has to be added:
452 'DIP according to EN 50281-1-1, T= 125°C, category 3 D, IP 55 (for zone 22).
Cast iron motors, sizes 80-132 Cast iron motors, sizes 160-400
075 Cooling method IC 418 (without fan). P P R R R R P P P
183 Separate motor cooling (fan axial, N-end). M NA NA NA NA NA P P P
422 Separate motor cooling (fan top or side, N-end). NA NA NA NA NA NA NA P P
791 Stainless steel fan cover. NA NA NA NA NA NA R R R
035 Assembly of customer supplied coupling-half. NA NA NA NA NA M M M M
Drain holes
065 Plugged drain holes. S NA NA NA NA NA S S S
066 Modified drain hole position (for specified IM xxxx). M NA NA NA NA NA M M M
076 Draining holes with plugs. S NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously. S = Included as standard. P = New manufacture only.
M = On modification of a stocked motor, R = On request.
or on new manufacture, NA = Not applicable.
the number per order may be limited.
non-standard language.
161 Additional rating plate delivered loose. M M M M M M M M M
Shaft & rotor
069 Two shaft extensions as per basic catalogue. P NA NA NA NA P P P P
070 One or two special shaft extensions, standard shaft material. P P R R R R P P P
155 Cylindrical shaft extension, D-end, without key-way. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P
156 Cylindrical shaft extension, N-end, without key-way. NA NA NA NA NA R P P P
164 Shaft extension with closed key-way. S S S S S S S P P
165 Shaft extension with open key-way. P P P P P P P S S
410 Stainless steel shaft (standard or non-standard design). P P R R R NA P P P
Standards and regulations
152 Classified shaft material. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously. S = Included as standard. P = New manufacture only.
M = On modification of a stocked motor, R = On request.
or on new manufacture, NA = Not applicable.
the number per order may be limited.
736 EEx e II certified cable gland, fulfilling EN 50014 and 50019 NA NA NA NA NA S S S S
737 Standard cable gland, EEx e II with clamping device, NA NA NA NA NA M M M M
fulfilling EN 50014 and 50019.
740 Prepared for PG cable glands. NA NA NA NA NA NA P P P
743 Painted steel flange for cable glands (blind plate). NA NA NA NA NA P P P P
744 Stainless steel flange for cable glands (blind plate). NA NA NA NA NA P P P P
745 Painted steel flange equipped with brass cable glands. NA NA NA NA NA P P P P
746 Stainless steel flange equipped with standard brass cable NA NA NA NA NA P P P P
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously. S = Included as standard. P = New manufacture only.
M = On modification of a stocked motor, R = On request.
or on new manufacture, NA = Not applicable.
the number per order may be limited.
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously. S = Included as standard. P = New manufacture only.
M = On modification of a stocked motor, R = On request.
or on new manufacture, NA = Not applicable.
the number per order may be limited.
075 Cooling method IC 418 (without fan). P P R R R R P P P
183 Separate motor cooling (fan axial, N-end). M NA NA NA NA NA P P P
422 Separate motor cooling (fan top or side, N-end). NA NA NA NA NA NA NA P P
791 Stainless steel fan cover. NA NA NA NA NA NA R R R
035 Assembly of customer supplied coupling-half. NA NA R R R M M M M
Drain holes
065 Plugged drain holes. S NA S S S NA S S S
066 Modified drain hole position (for specified IM xxxx). M NA NA NA NA M M M M
076 Draining holes with plugs. S NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously. S = Included as standard. P = New manufacture only.
M = On modification of a stocked motor, R = On request.
or on new manufacture, NA = Not applicable.
the number per order may be limited.
non-standard language.
161 Additional rating plate delivered loose. M M M M M M M M M
Shaft & rotor
069 Two shaft extensions as per basic catalogue. P NA P P P NA P P P
070 One or two special shaft extensions, standard shaft material. P P R R R NA P P P
155 Cylindrical shaft extension, D-end, without key-way. NA NA NA NA NA NA P P P
156 Cylindrical shaft extension, N-end, without key-way. NA NA NA NA NA NA P P P
164 Shaft extension with closed key-way. S S S S S P S P P
165 Shaft extension with open key-way. P P P P P S P S S
410 Stainless steel shaft (standard or non-standard design). P P R R R NA P P P
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously. S = Included as standard. P = New manufacture only.
M = On modification of a stocked motor, R = On request.
or on new manufacture, NA = Not applicable.
the number per order may be limited.
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously. S = Included as standard. P = New manufacture only.
M = On modification of a stocked motor, R = On request.
or on new manufacture, NA = Not applicable.
the number per order may be limited.
Certain variant codes cannot be used simultaneously. S = Included as standard. P = New manufacture only.
M = On modification of a stocked motor, R = On request.
or on new manufacture, NA = Not applicable.
the number per order may be limited.
250 60 65 64 69 18 18 140 140 872 872 406 311 349 168 590 22 250 500 450 550 19
280 65 75 69 79.5 18 20 140 140 875 875 457 368 419 190 656 24 280 500 450 550 19
IM 3601, IM B14
Motor Tolerances:
size HB LA M N P S T A, B ± 0,8
D, DA ISO k6 < Ø 50mm
71 ISO m6 > Ø 50mm
80 F, FA ISO h9
90 122 14 115 95 140 M8 3 H -0.5
100 136 16 130 110 160 M8 3.5 N ISO j6
112 146 20 130 130 160 M8 3.5 C, CA ± 0.8
132 163.5 18 165 165 200 M10 3.5
112 M 2-4, MB 28 28 31 31 8 8 60 60 388 2) 388 2) 190 140 – 70 258 12 112 215 180 250 14.5
132 SA,S, 38 38 41 41 10 10 80 80 447 3) 447 3) 216 140 178 1) 89 295.5 12 132 265 230 300 14.5
MA,MB 6,M8
132 all exc. above 38 38 41 41 10 10 80 80 481.53) 481.52) 216 140 1) 178 89 295.5 12 132 265 230 300 14.5
160 M/MA 2-8, 42 42 45 45 12 12 110 110 602.5 602.5 254 210 254 108 370 15 160 300 250 350 19
L 2-6, LB 2-4
160 L 8, LB 6-8 42 42 45 45 12 12 110 110 643.5 643.5 254 210 254 108 370 15 160 300 250 350 19
180 M 2-4,L 6-8,LB 2 48 48 51.5 51.5 14 14 110 110 680 680 279 241 279 121 405 15 180 300 250 350 19
180 L 4, LB 4-8 48 48 51.5 51.5 14 14 110 110 700.5 700.5 279 241 279 121 405 15 180 300 250 350 19
200 MLD-2,-C 4 55 55 59 59 16 16 110 110 814 814 318 267 305 133 533 18 200 350 300 400 19
200 all exc. above 55 55 59 59 16 16 110 110 774 774 318 267 305 133 533 18 200 350 300 400 19
225 SMB, -C 55 55 59 59 16 16 110 110 836 836 356 286 311 149 578 18 225 400 350 450 19
225 SMA,-B,-C 60 60 64 64 18 18 140 140 866 891 356 286 311 149 578 18 225 400 350 450 19
225 SMD 55 60 59 64 16 18 110 140 861 891 356 286 311 149 578 18 225 400 350 450 19
250 SMA,-B 60 65 64 69 18 18 140 140 875 875 406 311 349 168 626 22 250 500 450 550 19
250 SMC 60 65 64 69 18 18 140 140 900 900 406 311 349 168 626 22 250 500 450 550 19
280 SMA 65 75 69 79.5 18 20 140 140 875 875 457 368 419 190 656 24 280 500 450 550 19
280 SMB 65 75 69 79.5 18 20 140 140 900 900 457 368 419 190 656 24 280 500 450 550 19
Protective roof,
Sizes 71-200 Sizes 225-355 variant code 005
D GA F E L max A B B' C H HD K M N P S DS LS
Motor poles poles poles poles poles poles
size 2 4-8 2 4-8 2 4-8 2 4-8 2 4-8 2 4-8
80 19 19 21.5 21.5 6 6 40 40 287 287 125 100 – 50 80 250 9.5 165 130 200 11 150 306 306
90 S 24 24 27 27 8 8 50 50 336 336 140 100 125 56 90 275 9.5 165 130 200 11 170 360 360
90 L 24 24 27 27 8 8 50 50 336 336 140 125 125 56 90 275 9.5 165 130 200 11 170 360 360
100 28 28 31 31 8 8 60 60 399 399 160 140 – 63 100 294 11 215 180 250 13 188 444 444
112 28 28 31 31 8 8 60 60 419 419 190 140 – 70 112 306 11 215 180 250 13 188 444 444
132 S 38 38 41 41 10 10 80 80 512 512 216 140 178 89 132 351 11 265 230 300 14 255 548 548
132 M 38 38 41 41 10 10 80 80 512 512 216 178 178 89 132 351 11 265 230 300 14 255 548 548
160 42 42 45 45 12 12 110 110 711 711 254 210 254 108 160 388 14.5 300 250 350 18.5 328 756 756
180 48 48 51.5 51.5 14 14 110 110 706 706 279 241 279 121 180 426 14.5 300 250 350 18.5 359 756 756
200 55 55 59 59 16 16 110 110 774 774 318 267 305 133 200 536 18.5 350 300 400 18.5 414 844 844
225 55 60 59 64 16 18 110 140 841 871 356 286 311 149 225 583 18.5 400 350 450 18.5 462 921 951
250 60 65 64 69 18 18 140 140 875 875 406 311 349 168 250 646 24 500 450 550 18.5 506 965 965
280 SM_ 65 75 69 79.5 18 20 140 140 1088 1088 457 368 419 190 759 24 280 500 450 550 18 555 1190 1190
315 SM_
315 ML_
355 SM_
355 ML_ 70 100 62.5 90 20 28 140 210 1514 1584 610 560 630 254 958 35 355 740 680 800 23 720 1528 1703
355 LK_ 70 100 62.5 90 20 28 140 210 1764 1834 610 710 900 254 958 35 355 740 680 800 23 720 1633 1703
Protective roof,
Sizes 71-200 Sizes 225-355 variant code 005
D GA F E L max A B B' C HD K H M N P S DS LS
Motor poles poles poles poles poles poles
size 2 4-8 2 4-8 2 4-8 2 4-8 2 4-8 2 4-8
71 14 14 16 16 5 5 30 30 250 250 112 90 – 45 190 7 71 130 110 160 10 140 275 275
80 19 19 21.5 21.5 6 6 40 40 282 282 125 100 – 50 220 10 80 165 130 200 12 155 320 320
90 S 24 24 27 27 8 8 50 50 310 310 140 100 – 56 235 10 90 165 130 200 12 175 345 345
90 L 24 24 27 27 8 8 50 50 335 335 140 125 – 56 235 10 90 165 130 200 12 175 370 370
100 28 28 31 31 8 8 60 60 380 380 160 140 – 63 270 12 100 215 180 250 15 195 410 410
112 28 28 31 31 8 8 60 60 395 395 190 140 – 70 290 12 112 215 180 250 15 220 425 425
132 S 38 38 41 41 10 10 80 80 462 462 216 140 – 89 330 12 132 265 230 300 15 260 490 490
132 M 38 38 41 41 10 10 80 80 500 500 216 178 – 89 330 12 132 265 230 300 15 260 530 530
160 42 42 45 45 12 12 110 110 711 711 254 210 254 108 388 14.5 160 300 250 350 18.5 328 756 756
180 48 48 51.5 51.5 14 14 110 110 706 706 279 241 279 121 426 14.5 180 300 250 350 18.5 359 756 756
200 55 55 59 59 16 16 110 110 774 774 318 267 305 133 536 18.5 200 350 300 400 18.5 414 844 844
225 55 60 59 64 16 18 110 140 841 871 356 286 311 149 583 18.5 225 400 350 450 18.5 462 921 951
250 60 65 64 69 18 18 140 140 875 875 406 311 349 168 646 24 250 500 450 550 18.5 506 965 965
280 SM_ 65 75 69 79.5 18 20 140 140 1088 1088 457 368 419 190 759 24 280 500 450 550 18 555 1190 1190
315 SM_ 65 80 69 85 18 22 140 170 1174 1204 508 406 457 216 852 30 315 600 550 660 23 624 1290 1320
315 ML_ 65 90 69 95 18 25 140 170 1285 1315 508 457 508 216 852 30 315 600 550 660 23 624 1401 1431
355 SM_ 70 100 62.5 90 20 28 140 210 1409 1479 610 500 560 254 958 35 355 740 680 800 23 720 1476 1546
355 ML_ 70 100 62.5 90 20 28 140 210 1514 1584 610 560 630 254 958 35 355 740 680 800 23 720 1528 1703
355 LK_ 70 100 62.5 90 20 28 140 210 1764 1834 610 710 900 254 958 35 355 740 680 800 23 720 1633 1703
400 L_ 80 110 85 126 22 28 170 210 1851 1891 710 900 1000 224 1045 35 400 940 880 1000 28 810 1860 1900
400 LK_ 80 100 85 106 22 28 170 210 1851 1891 686 710 800 280 1045 35 400 740 680 800 24 810 1860 1900
IM 3601, IM B14
Motor Flange
size size P M N S T A, B ± 0,8 H -0.5
D, DA ISO k6 < Ø 50mm N ISO j6
71 C105 105 85 70 M6 2.5 ISO m6 > Ø 50mm C, CA ± 0.8
71 C140 140 115 95 M8 3 F, FA ISO h9
80 C120 120 100 80 M6 3
80 C160 160 130 110 M8 3.5
90 C140 140 115 95 M8 3
90 C160 160 130 110 M8 3.5 Above table gives the main dimensions in mm.
100, 112 C160 160 130 110 M8 3.5
For detailed drawings please check our web-site
100, 112 C200 200 165 130 M10 3.5
'' or contact ABB.
Winding protection Optional. PTC-thermistors, 150°C.
Rotor winding Material Die-cast aluminum.
Balancing method Half key balancing.
Key ways Closed key way.
Heating elements 25 W
Drain holes Drain holes with closable plastic plugs. Not included, drain holes sealed on
Open on delivery. delivery.
External earthing bolt As standard.
Enclosure DIP 2D = IP 65, DIP 3D = IP 55.
Cooling method IC 411.
Feet Material Aluminum alloy. Cast iron, bolted to the stator. Cast iron
Integrated with the stator.
Bearing end Material Flanged bearing end shields in cast iron, other Cast iron
shields aluminum alloy
Paint colour shade Munsell blue 8B 4.5/3.25 / NCS 4822-B05G.
Paint Two-component polyurethane paint ≥ 40 µm.
Bearings D-end 2-pole 6206-2RS/ 6208-2RS/ 6309-2RS/ 6310-2RS/ 6312-2RS/ 6313-2RS/ 6315- 6315-2RS/C3
C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 2RS/C3
4-8 pole 6316-2RS/C3
N-end 2-pole 6205-2RS/ 6206-2RS/ 6209-2RS/ 6209-2RS/ 6210-2RS/ 6212-2RS/ 6213- 6213-2RS/C3
C3 1) C3 2) C3 C3 C3 C3 2RS/C3
4-8 pole 6213-2RS/C3
6205-2RS/C3 1-speed Basic design; 6206-2RS/C3 High output design and 2-speed.
6206-2RS/C3 for 132 S/M 1-speed & 132 SBB;
6208-2RS/C3 for 132 M 2-speed & 132 SC/MB/MC/MBA.
Axially-locked Inner bearing cover D-end.
Bearing seal D-end V-ring. Outer V-rings.
N-end V-ring. Outer V-rings.
Lubrication Permanently lubricated bearings.
Terminal box Material Die-cast alum. alloy. Base integrated with stator. Deep-drawn steel sheet, bolted to stator.
Surface treatment Similar to stator. Phosphated. Polyester paint.
Screws Steel 5G. Galvanised.
Connections Knock-out openings 4 x (M25 + M20) 2 x (2 x M40 + M16)
Flange-openings 2 x FL 13.2 x M40 2xFL21.
2 x M63
Flange-openings 2 x FL 21.2 x M63 (voltage code S)
Terminal box Cable lugs, 6 terminals.
Screws M5 M6 M10
Max Cu-area, mm 2
10 35 70
Fan Material Aluminum fan.
Fan cover
Stator winding
Steel sheet.
Impregnation Polyester varnish.
Insulation class Insulation class F. Temperature rise class B, unless otherwise stated.
Bearings D-end 2-pole 6206-2Z/C3 6208-2Z/C3 6309-2Z/C3 6310-2Z/C3 6312/C3 6313/C3 6315/C3 6315/C3
4-8 pole 6316/C3
N-end 2-pole 6205-2Z/C3 6206-2Z/C3 6209-2Z/C3 6209-2Z/C3 6210/C3 6212/C3 6213/C3 6213/C3
4-8 pole 6213/C3
Axially-locked bea- Inner bearing cover D-end
rings 112-132: Foot motor - a spring washer at N-end presses the rotor against D-end.
Bearing seal D-end V-ring. Outer and inner V-rings.
N-end Labyrinth seal. Outer and inner V-rings.
Lubrication Permanently lubricated bearings. Valve lubrication. Grease for bearing tem-
Grease for bearing temperatures -40 to +160°C. peratures -40 to +150°C.
Terminal box Material Die-cast aluminum alloy. Base integrated with Deep-drawn steel sheet, bolted to stator.
Surface treatment Similar to stator. Phosphated. Polyester paint.
Fan cover Material Polypropylene. Steel sheet.
Phosphated. Polyester paint.
Stator winding Material Copper.
Impregnation Polyester varnish. Tropicalised.
Insulation class Insulation class F. Temperature rise class B, unless otherwise stated.
3D, 2-8 pole 6202-2RS C3 6204-2RS C3 6205-2RS C3 6206-2RS C3 6207-2RS C3 6208-2RS C3 6309M/C3 6310M/C3
N-end 2D, 2-8 pole – 6204-2Z/C3 6205-2Z/C3 6206-2Z/C3 6206-2Z/C3 6208-2Z/C3 6309M/C3 6309M/C3
3D, 2-pole 6202-2RS C3 6204-2RS C3 6205-2RS C3 6206-2RS C3 6206-2RS C3 6207-2RS C3 6309M/C3 6309M/C3
paint, thickn. ≥ 80 µm.
Stator winding Material Copper
Insulation Insulation class F. Temperature rise class B, unless otherwise stated.
Winding protection On request 3 pcs thermistors
Rotor winding Material Pressure die-cast aluminum
Balancing Half key balancing
Key ways Open key way Closed key-way
Heating On request 25 W
Drain holes Optional Standard, open on
External eart- Standard.
hing box
Enclosure IP 55 or IP 65.
Cooling method IC 411.
Winding protection 3 pcs thermistors.
Rotor winding Material Pressure die-cast aluminum.
Balancing method Half key balancing.
Key ways Closed key way. Open key way.
Heating elements On request 50 W 2 x 50 W 2 x 65 W
Drain holes Standard, open on delivery.
External earthing Standard.
Enclosure IP 55 or IP 65.
Cooling method IC 411.
EC Declaration of Conformity
The manufacturer : ABB Automation Products, S.A. División Motores
Apartado de Correos 81
08200 Sabadell (España)
hereby declares that
By design, the motors, considered as components, comply with the essential requirements of :
Machinery Directive 98/37/EEC, provided that the installation be correctly realised by the
manufacturer of the machinery (for example : in compliance with our installation Instructions and
EN 60 204 “Electrical Equipment of Industrial Machines” ).
Certificate of incorporation : (Directive 98/37/EEC, Art. 4.2 and annex II, Sub B)
The machines above must not be put into service until the machinery into which they have
been incorporated have been declared in conformity with the Machine Directive.
EC Declaration of Conformity
Year of CE-marking : CE 99
The Manufacturer: ABB Oy
Signed by…..………….. Joan Soler Electrical Machines, LV Motors
Title……..….…………... EngineeringP.O.
Date.……………………. February - 03 Strömbergin puistotie 5A
FIN - 65101 Vaasa, Finland
hereby declares that ABB Automation Products, S.A.
División Motores
The Products: 3-phase induction motors, series M2BA, M2JA, M2KA, M3JP, M3KP, M3GP and
AE 2947 5000-3 M3HP; as listed on page 2, in this document are in conformity with provisions of
the following Council Directives:
In respect of category :
EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (amended by 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC), regarding the intrinsic characteristics to
emission and immunity levels,
and are in conformity with : EN 60034-1
Additional Information :-
By design, the machines, considered as components, comply with the essential requirements of
Machinery Directive 98/37/EEC, provided that the installation be correctly realised by the manufacturer of the
machinery (for example : in compliance with our Installation Instructions and EN 60 204 “Electrical Equipment of
Industrial Machines”).
Certificate of Incorporation (Directive 98/37/EC, Art 4.2 and Annex II, Sub B) :
The machines above must not be put into service until the machinery into which they have been
incorporated have been declared in conformity with the Machinery Directive.
Signed by
Jouni Ikäheimo Hubertus Härke
Pressurised motors
Type of protection: Ex px, EEx p, Ex pxe, EEx pe; Temperature classes T1-T4, Gas groups A, B anc C
Features: 50/60 Hz, 2-24 poles, VSD applications, acc. to ATEX Directive and IEC standards
Motor type IEC frame size Output kW
Induction motors 355 - 1120 up to 18 MW (24000 HP)
Synchronous motors 710 - 2500 up to 60 MW (74000 HP)
Non-sparking motors
Type of protection: Ex nA, EEx nA, T1-T4, Gas groups A,B and C
Features: 50/60 Hz, 2-24 poles, VSD applications, acc. to ATEX Directive and IEC Standards, CSA/UL certified
Motor type IEC frame size Output kW
Induction motors 315 - 1120 up to 18 MW (24000 HP)
Synchronous motors 710 - 2500 up to 60 MW (74000 HP)
Tel: +358 (0) 10 22 11 Tel: +81 (0) 3 578 46251 SE-721 70 Västerås
Fax: +358 (0) 10 22 47372 Fax: +81 (0) 3 578 46260 Tel: +46 (0) 21 329 000
Fax: +46 (0) 21 124 103