Is.2175.1988 (FIRE ALARM SYSTEM)

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IS : 2175 I 1999

( Ibdlimwd 2000
( Reaffirmed 1995 )
Indian Standard
( Second Revision )

First Reprint JANUARY 1999

UDC 614’842’435 : 654.924’54

@I Copyright 1989
NEW DELHI 110002

Gr 4 June 1989
IS : 2175- 1988

Indian Standard
( Second Revision )


0.1 This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) line type detectors will be added later on. This
was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards standard covering point type detectors was first
on 17 November 1988, after the draft finalized published in 1962 and revised in 1977. The
by the Fire Fighting Sectional Committee had second revision has been prepared so as to bring
been approved by the Civil Engineering Division the requirements in line with the other inter-
Council. national standards and update the contents in
the light of developments made during the past
0.2Property damage caused by a fire is directly 11 years in this field. The principal modifications
related to the (a) intensity of fire, and (b) dura- made are:
tion of fire. The intensity of,fire depends upon
the time available for its growth, type and a> Rate of temperature rise type being
geometrical configuration of combustibles, replaced by rate of temperature rise-cum-
ventilation, etc. The duration of fire depends fixed type detector;
upon the quantity of combustible and the point
at which the extinction process starts. b) Covering both resettable and non-reset-
table type detectors;
0.3 Life hazard is predominantly posed by
smoke and other toxic products of combustion c) Making provision for detachability;
which travel faster and farther than fire. The d) Keeping the temperature rating to cater
amount of combustion products and speed of to the requirements of normal building
their travel is directly proportional to the ambient temperature and further dividing
intensity of fire. the range in three grades in order to have
the maximum sensitivity;
0.4 In order to ensure life safety and reduce
property loss, there is a need to detect fires in e) Including requirements and test methods
an incipient stage which will provide a reason- in respect of low/high temperature, voltage
able interval of time for inmates to escape to a variation, humidity; and
place of safety and which will give a reasonable
f) Including an accelerated ageing test for
chance to fire fighters to control and extinguish
detectors having fusible alloy link.
the fire with minimum loss.
0.8 This standard caters to the requirements of
0.5 Fires are detected by utilizing various physi-
room ( ceiling ) ambient temperature not exceed-
cal and chemical changes produced by it. One of
ing 45°C which covers the majority of building
the phenomena for detection of fire is heat. The
situations and for covering higher limit, a
probes which.detect the early growth of fire by
separate Indian Standard is being formulated.
sensing heat due to temperature rise in the
The details of installation and maintenance of
vicinity are called heat sensitive fire detectors.
detectors are covered in IS : 2189-1988*.
Typical examples are bimetallic, fusible alloy,
pneumatic, etc. 0.9 For the purpose of deciding whether a
0.6 The aim of standardization of any device is particular requirement of this standard is
to ensure that the quality of material is good complied with, the final value, observed or
and that the equipment performs its task under calculated, expressing the result of a test or
the conditions it may be subjected to during its analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance
use. It is, therefore, necessary to prepare an with IS : 2-1960t. The number of significant
Indian Standard specification on heat sensitive places retained in the rounded off value should
fire detectors to enable the users to choose a be the same as that of the specified value in this
standard device and also to help the indigenous standard. .
manufacturers to manufacture standard product.
*Code of practice for selection, installation and
0.7 Heat sensitive detectors can be point ( spot) maintenance of automatic fire detection and alarm
and line type. This standard at present covers system ( second revision ).
point type detectors and the requirements for tRules for rounding off numerical values (revised).

IS : 2175 - 1988

1. SCOPE >f the following types:

1.1 This standard covers the general require- a) Fixed temperature detector, and
ments, test methods and performance require- b) Rate of temperature rise-cum-fixed tem-
ments for heat sensitive ( point ) detectors for perature detector.
use in automatic fire alarm system.
3.1.1 C,ach of the above detectors are sub-
2. TERMINOLOGY divided into three grades based on the response
:ime (see 5.2 ) as Grades 1, 2 and 3.
2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the
following definitions shall apply. 1. GENERAL REQUlREMENTS
2.1 Control and Indicating Equipments - Unit(s) 4.1 The detector shall be,provided with means
containing the controls, relays, switches and for mounting (on ceiling/wall) securely and
associated circuits necessary to: independent of any support from the attached
wiring. The heat sensitive element(s) shall not
a) provide power, be closer than 15 mm of the detector.
b) receive signals from alarm indicating 4.2 Plastic, if used, shall not start softening,
( activation devices ) and transmit .them deforming or melting at a temperature lower
to the fire alarm devices and control for than 95°C.
automatic fire protection equipment, and
c) electrically supervise the system circuitry. 5. PERFORMANCE TEST AND CRITERIA
2.2 Detachable Detector - A detector designed
to be easily removed from its normal operating 5.1 A sample of required number of detectors
position for maintenance and (see Tables 1 and 2) of each design sele-
purposes. cted randomly from production of not less
than 200 detectors, shall be used for testing and
2.3 Fixed Temperature Heat Sensitive Detector shall be numbered. The test ( one or more )
-A detector designed to operate when the shall be carried out in the order given in test
temperature of detector exceeds a pre-determin- schedule by the methods mentioned in Tables 1
ed value. \ and 2 and shall conform to the require-
2.4 Line Detector - A linear form of detector ments given in 5.2 to 5.9. The detectors shall
in which the detection process may take place pass all the tests. All the tests are type tests
anywhere along its length. which cover the production up to 10 000
2.5 Non-Detachable Detector - A detector not
designed to be easily removed from its normal 5.2 Directional Dependence and Response Time
operating position for maintenance and servicing - Detector number mentioned in Table 1 or 2
purposes. (as applicable ) shall be tested for these proper-
ties according to the method given in Appen-
2.6 Non-Resettable ( Non-Restorable ) Detector dix A and shall conform to the response time
- A detector which after response requires the requirements for the three grades as given in
renewal of component or components to restore Table 3 and in 5.2.1 (as applicable) in all
it to its normal state of readiness to detect. orientations.
2.7 Point (Spot) Type Detector - A detector 5.2.1 In case of ‘rate of temperature rise-cum-
in which the sensing element is essentially of a fixed temperature’ type detectors, the following
compact area. requirement shall also apply additionally.
2.8 Rate of Temperature Rise-cum-Fixed At rates of rise of air temperature
Temperature Heat Sensitive Detector - A
less than l”C/min, the detector when tested
detector designed to operate within a given according to the method given in Appendix A,
time: shall be required to operate at an air tempera-
a) when the rate of temperature ture of not less than 58”C!, and for Grades 1, 2
rise at the
detector exceeds a pre-determined and 3 at not more than 65, 73 and 81”C, respec-
regardless of the actual temperature, and tively.
b) when the temperature 5.3 Vibration - The detectors (see Table 1 or 2
at the detector
exceeds a pre-determined value. as applicable for numbering and rate of tem-
perature rise ) shall be tested in the manner
2.9 Resettable ( Restorable) Detector - Adescribed in Appendix B and shall comply with
detector which after response and on cessation its requirements.
of the conditions that caused the response, may
be restored from its alarm state to its normal 5.4 Corrosion - The detectors ( see Table 1 or 2
state of readiness to detect withouf the renewal as applicable for numbering and rate of tem-
of any components. perature rise) shall be tested in the manner
described in Appendix C. They shall be deemed
3. TYPES AND GRADES to comply with the test if:
3.1 Heat sensitive detectors (both resettable a) For Four Days Corrosion - The response
and non-resettable ) covered in this standard are time of each detector remains within the

( CIauses 5.1, 5.2,, 5.5. 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, A-3.1. B-l.1 andD-1.1 )


-_--A______~ I ___-h---- ----- fl_____- _-_____--- 3

Clause Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ‘1 3 5 10 20 30 o-2

5.2, A-2 Directional dependence 1 X 8 orientations

5.2, A-3 Time of response 1 x x x X X o* Two tests at each rate : one
2 x x x X X X o* with most favourable orien-
tation, other with least
favourable orientation.
5.2, A-3 Response before test 3 5 7 9 X With least favourable
4 6 8 10 X orientation

5.3 Vibration 3 4

5.4 Corrosion, 4 days 7 8

Corrosion, 16 days 9 10
Corrosion, Salt spray 4
5.5 Shock 5 6
5.6 Low temperature 1 2 X

5.7 High temperature 2 X X

5.8 Supply voltage variation 2

5.9 Insulation resistance 1 Tests at both rates at upper

5.10 Humidity 1 and lower limits of supply
5.11 Ageing X voltage
(applicable to fusible 1 Measurement of resistance
link type only ) only
A-3 Response after test 1 3 5 7 8 9 10 X With least favourable
2 4 6 8 10 orientation
*Only for detectors subject to testing under 5.2.1 and 5.2.2.
( Ekch detector or element for one of the test only )
(Cjauscs 5.1, 5-2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, A-3.1, B-1.1 andD-1.1 )


---------_~ NLWWR ~_~_-~~~*~~~~~~-~
Clause Test 1 to 8 1 3 5 10 20 30 <0.2
5.2, A-2 Directional dependence 1 to 8 X 8 orientations
5.2, A-3 Time of response 9 to 22 x x X x X X 0' Two tests at each rate : one with
23 to 36 x x X X X X 0* most favourable orientation, other
with least favourable orientation
5.3 Vibration 37 to 38

5.4 Corrosion, 4 days 39 to 40

Corrosion, 16 days 41 to 42
Corrosion, Salt spray 38

5.5 Shock 43 to 44
5.6 Low temperature 45 to 46

5.7 High temperature 47

5.8 Supply voltage variation 48 to 51

5.9 Insulation resistance 52 Measurement of resistance only

5.10 Humidity 53

5.11 Ageing ( applicable to 54

fusible link detectors only )

A-3 Response after test 37, 39. 41.43, 45 With least favourable orientation
3 8,40, 42,44,46

*Only for detectors subject to testing under 5.2.1 and 5.2.2.

IS: 2175-1988


( Cfartse 5.2 )


,-____----------- A--___‘______~
ALL RESPONSE GRADES Rccponse Grade 1 Response Grade 2 Response Grade 3
~~~_~*~_--~ c-_-*-__~ r--*___~ c--_h---~
D”C/min min min min
(1) (2) (3) (4) (gs) ;k’; (7s (8) ( 9”,
1 30 0 37 20 45 40 54 0
3 08 13 12 40 1.5 40 18 40
5 04 09 7 44 9 40 11 36
10 30 4 02 5 10 6 18
20 22.5 2 11 2 55 3 37
30 15 1 34 2 8 2 42

limits of its grade with an additional 5.7 High Temperature - The detector (see
tolerance off 15 percent or 10 whichever Table I or 2, as applicable for numbering/rate of
is greater. temperature rise) shall be mounted in the
tunnel in its normal operating condition with
b) For Sixteen Days Corrosion - ( Sulphur its normal fastenings. Keeping the detector
dioxide and salt spray ) energized and disconnected from control and
1) Each detector gives an immediate con- indicating equipment, temperature of air fiow
tinuous fault signat on connection to in the tunnel shall be raised to 50°C at a rate
its C & I equipment, or not exceeding l”C/min. The temperature at
this level shall be maintained for I h. The
2) Each detector gives an alarm signal in detector shall then be energized and the response
time which does not exceed the upper time shall be measured (see Appendix A ) at
limits of response grade 3. S”C/min rate of temperature rise using the least
5.5 Shock - The detector (see Table 1 and 2, favourable orientation. The detector shall
as applicable for number and rate of tempera- respond within a timenot exceeding 11 min and
ture rise ) shall be tested in the manner described 36 s for Grade 3, 9 min and 40 s for Grade 2,
in Appendix D. They shall be deemed to and 7 min and 44 s for Grade 1.
comply with the test if: 5.8 Supply Voltage Variation - The detector
( see Table 1 or 2, as applicable for numbering/
a>no alarm is given when they are subjected
rate of temperature rise > shall be tested and
to the specified shock; and
response times measured as described in
b) any change in response time of the detec- Appendix E. They shall be deemed to comply
tors after the test when compared with with this test if, as a result of supply variation,
the response time obtained before the test when compared with the response time obtained
does not exceed 15 percent or 10 s, which- before and after the test does not exceed 15
ever is greater. percent or 10 s, whichever is greater and shall
not give false alarm during the test.
5.6 Low Temperature - Response time of
detectors (see Table 1 or 2, as applicable for 5.9 Insulation Resistance - The detector (see
numbering) shall be put .inside a suitable Table 1 or 2, as applicable) shall be mounted
chamber/tunnel/enclosure and connected to its in its normal operating condition with its
control and-indicating equipment. Air tempera- normal area fastening on a metal plate of at
ture in the chamber shall then be reduced to a least 2 mm thickness and having surface area at
minimum of 0 i 1°C at a rate not exceeding least 5 times the mounting surface of the detec-
l”C/min. The detector shall be kept in the tor. With the plate shorted to ground terminal
condition of minimum temperature for 1 h to of the voltage source, voltage shall be applied
allow its temperature to stabilize. After 1 h between the plate and the terminals of the
stabilization, the detector shall be taken out and detector which . are inter-connected. In 5 s,
kept at a temperature of 27 f 3°C for 5 to 6 h voltage shall be applied to a maximum of 500%
and then response times measured (see Appen- 10 volts DC. The maximum voltage shall remain
dix A ), one at 3”C/min rate of temperature rise applied for one minute. Insulation resistance
and the other at 20”C/min rate of temperature shall then be determined. Thereafter, it shall
rise using least favourable orientation. Detec- be subjected to a temperature of 43 f 2°C and
tors shall be deemed to comply with this test if: relative humidity of 90 L- 3 percent for 10 days.
After conditioning, the detector shall be kept
a) no alarm is initiated during the test, and
at room condition for one hour. The insulation
b) any change in response time of the resistance shall be measured again. The detec-
detectors measured after the test when tor shall be deemed to comply with the test if
compared with the response time obtained the resistance in first measurement before the
before the test does not exceed 15 percent exposure is not less than 10 MQ and in second
or 10 s, whichever is greater. measurement after the exposure is not less than
IS : 2175 - 1988

1 MQ, and the detector shall not give a false detector, correct monitoring position, reference
alarm during the test. to owner’s manual, operation of test feature ( if
provided ), maintenance instructions, required
5.10 Humidity -The detector (see Table 1 or electrical interface with the control and indicat-
2, as applicable ) shall be kept inside a suitable ing equipment which may take the form either
humidity climatic chamber and connected to its of the values of current, voltage, etc, and their
control and indicating equipment. Following allowable tolerances or a restriction of the
climatic conditions shall be created inside the detector to be used only in conjunction with
test chambers: specified control and indicating equipment, etc.
Temperature : 30 f_ 2°C
RH 80 f 5 percent
Duration of : 7 days 7.1 Each detector shall & legibly and indelibly
exposure marked with the following:

The detector shall be transferred to tunnel a) Manufacturer’s name or trade-mark;

within 1 hour of removal from the chamber and b) Type and description of detector and
its response time measured according to Appen- number;
dix A. The time measured after the exposure c) Year of manufacture:
and before shall not differ by a factor greater d) Grading of detector which shall be clearly
than 1’6 and the detector shall not give false indicated either by the colours as men-
alarm during the test. tioned below, or by other suitable means;
5.11 Ageing ( Applicable to Fusible Alloy Link 1) Grade 1 : green
Type ) - The detector (see Table 1 or 2, as appli- 2) Grade 2 : yellow
cable ) shall be placed in a suitable temperature 3) Grade 3 : red; and
oven and exposed for a period of 90 days to an
ambient air temperature which is 15°C below e) Whether provided with fusible link.
the rated operating temperature of the detector 7.2 Each detector may also be marked with the
but not less than 50°C. Following the exposure, Standard Mark.
the detector shall be allowed to cool for not less
NOTE.- The use of the Standard Mnrk is governed
than 5 hours. After cooling, the detector opera- by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards
ting temperature shall be ascertained according Act 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made there-
to Appendix A. The detector shall operate under. The Standard Mark on products covered by
within a temperature range T & (0’035 T + an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they
have been produced to comply with the requirements
0’62 )“C. of that standard under a well defined system of
NOTE - T”C is rated operating temperature. inspection, testing and quality control which is
devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the
6. INFORMATION producer. Standard marked products are also conti-
nuously checked by BE for conformity to that
standard as a further safeguard. Details of condi-
6.1 Sufficient information shall be given with tions under which a lice&e for the use of t’he
the detectors to facilitate their correct applica- Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or
tion. Such information shall include broad producers may be obtained from the Bureau of
details of general and technical features of the Indian Standards.

( Clauses 5.2, 5.2. 1.1, 5.6, 5.7, 5.10, 5.11 and Tables 1 and2 )


A-l. APPARATUS thermocouple (copper-constantan wire not
exceeding 0’25 mm in diameter, junction con- +
A-1.1 The response time and directional sisting of a half twist with tightly tinned joint ).
dependence shall be measured in a wind tunnel The temperature measuring device shall be
specified in Fig. 6 of IS : 9972-1981*. The air approximate, at the same distance from the
velocity in the tunnel shall be 0’8 & 0’1 m/s and ceiling of the wind tunnel as the sensitive ele-
the air temperature shall be 28°C. ment of the detector and approximately 230 mm
A-1.2 The detector shall be mounted in its from the sensitive element against the flow of air
normal operating position on a board forming in a horizontal direction. Before the test, the
part of the ceiling of the working s’ection of the temperature of the air stream and the detector
tunnel so that it is symmetrically disposed with shall stabilized at 28°C. The temperature con-
respect to the side walls of the tunnel, possibly trol of the tunnel shall be such that the tempera-
In least favourable mounting position. The ture may be varied at 1,3,5,10,20 and 30”C/min
air temperature shall be measured by suitable with air temperature within the tunnel being at
all times within f 3°C of that required by the
*Specification for automatic sprinkler heads. set rate of change of temperature, and also such.

fS : 2175- 1988

that the temperature can be raised from 52°C at which are to be measured as mentioned in
a rate not exceeding O’TC/min to a temperature Tables 1 and 2, shall be connected to the indicat-
of 83°C. ing equipment and shall be tested in an air
stream having a constant mass flow equivalent
A-2. DETERMINATION OF DIRECTIONAL to a velocity of 0’8 & 0’1 m/s at 28°C and
DEPENDENCE having uniform rates of rise of air temperature
A-2.1 The detector(s) shall be connected to its 1, 3, 5, IO, 20 and 3O”C/min ( as applicable ).
control and indicating equipment and tested in The scheme of tests for various detectors is
an air stream having a constant mass flow, given in Tables 1 and 2. The time interval
equivalent to a velocity of 0’8 f 0’1 m/s at bdween the initiation of temperature rise and
28°C and with a uniform rate of rise of air the operation of detector shall be recorded to
temperature of lO”C/min. Eight such tests an accuracy of 0’5 s and shall be designated as
shall be made, the detector being rotated about a the time of response.
vertical axis by 45” between successive tests so
that the tests are made with eight different A-4. FIXED TEMPERATURE OPERATION
A-4.1 TWO detectors shall be tested as in A-3
A-2.2 The least favourable and most favourable with a rate of rise of air temperature not
orientations giving the greatest and the least exceeding l”C/min until the air temperature
time delays, respectively, between the initiation reaches 50°C and thereafter with a rate of rise
of the temperature rise and the operation of the of air temperature not exceeding 0’2”C/min.
detector shall be recorded. One of the detectors shall be in less favourable
and the other in most favourable orientation.
The air temperature at the operation of the
A-3.1 The detectors, the response times of detectors shall be recorded.

( Clause 5.3 and Tables 1 and 2 )
El. PROCEDURE of any component shall be noted. If resonance
occurs, the detector shall be vibrated at the
B-l.1 The detector (see Table 1 or 2, as appli- resonant frequency for a period of one hour.
cable for numbering/rate of temperature rise ), If no resonance occurs, the detector shall be
connected to its indicating equipment, shall be vibrated at 50 c/s for one hour.
mounted in its correct operating position and
response time (see Appendix A ) shall be noted B-1.3 No fault or alarm warning shall be
and then the detector shall be put on a vibration indicated and no mechanical defect ( including
table. The test shall then be subjected to a the breakage/displacement of sensitivity seal, if
vertical vibration of amplitude 0’1 mm for a provided ) shall be visible during or after the
period of 5 minutes at each of the following tests as in B-l.1 and B-1.2. The time of response
frequencies: of two detectors shall be determined after the
10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 c/s. test. The change in response, before and after
the test shall not exceed 15 percent or 10 s,
B-l.2 The operation of the detector or resonance whichever is greater.

( Clause 5.4 and Tables 1 and 2 )
C-l. PROCEDURE C-l.2. The detector ( see Table 1 or 2 as
C-l.1 ._At least 15_ cm of connection wires/cables applicable for numbering ) shall be subjected
._ to a corrosion atmosphere of sulphur dioxide
prescribed by the manufacturer shall bc con-
nected to each detector or socket. When saturated with water vapour and maintained at
specific types of wires/cables arc not prescribed temperature of 45 rt 3°C. The apparatus shall
for connection, a 1’38 mm diameter ( or nearest consist of a 5 litre glass beaker fitted with a
equivalent > single copper wire, u:ltinned, shall cover, an electric heater, and a thermostat which
be used for connection Icads in this test. The can be set at 45 f 3°C and copper tubing for
lowest point of the dctcctor shall be between flow of cool water round the beaker.
25 and 50 mm above the liquid surface. A The thermostat shall be placed 140 mm above
guard shall be provided to prevent drops of the bottom of the beaker. A hole is to be prov-
liquid from falling into the upper surface of the ided in the lid for the insertion of the thermome-
detector. ter. The corrosion atmosphere shall be produced

fS : 2175- 1988

by placing in beaker, a solution containing 20 g days, in normal room environment without

of sodium thiosulphate ( Na,Sz01.5Hz0 > in disturbing the connections and the response
500 ml of water. The detector shall then be time of‘ detectors shall be measured as in
suspended in beaker and 10 ml of acid consist- Appendix A.
ing of 156 ml of normal sulphuric acid ( H2SOa )
per litre of aqueous solution shall be added C-l.3 Salt Droplet Test - This test shall be
twice daily. During the test, the temperature conducted on the fourth detector. The detector
near the detector shall be maintained at 45 f shall be suspended with its lower edge 5 to 7’S
3°C by the heater and the thermostat and water cm above the surface of water in a large dish
flow in cooling coil shall be so regulated that the and the whole shall be enclosed by a box-like
temperature at the outlet does not exceed 30°C. cover. Once daily for a total period of 16 days
Where a test is intended to last for more than the detector shall be removed, sprayed over its
8 days, the detector shall be removed after 8 whole surface by a spray of sea water of the
days and the beaker emptied and cleared. .4 following composition and replaced under this
further 20 g of sodium thiosulphate in 500 ml cover;
of water shall be put in the beaker, the detector Sodium chloride? g/l 23
replaced and the corrosive atmosphere produced Sodium sulphate, gll 8’9
and maintained as before for a period of 8-days
Magnesium chloride, g/1 9’8
Calcium chloride, g/l 1’2
C-1.2.1 The first pair of detectors shall be The temperature throughout the test shall be
mounted in the beaker and exposed to corrosive maintained at 27 f 2°C. After 16 days, the
atmosphere for a period of four days. Sixteen detector shall be removed and allowed todry. It
days’ exposure shall be given to the third detec- shall then be connected to its normal indicating
tor. After prescribed exposures, the detectors equipment using the corroded lead and the res-
shall be removed and allowed to dry for seven ponsc time shall be measured as in Appendix A.

( Clause 5.5 )
D-l. PROCEDURE b) At the midpoint on the vertical side.
D-l.1 The response time of the detector ( see D-l.2 A metal block of 3’5 kg mass shall be
Table 1 or 2, as applicable for numbering/rate dropped on to the midpoint of the 10 x 5 cm
of temperature rise for test ) shall be determin- timber from a height of 30 cm above the top
ed. A detector incorporating electrical contacts horizontal surface of the timber. The detector
shall be mounted on a piece of 10 X 5 cm shall be connected in circuit corresponding to
hardwood resting on edge on solid supports its normal operation during the test and shall
spaced 1 m apart. The test shall be made with not operate as a result of shock.
the detector in the following two positions: D-l.3 After the test, the time of response of
a) At the midpoint on the horizontal under- the detectors shall be determined ( see Appen-
side, and dix A )I

( Clause 5.8 )
E-l. PROCEDURE increased to 110 percent of the nominal value
El.1 When upper and lower limits of supply and the response time measured ( see Appendix
voltage are prescribed, detector(s) shall be tested A ). In each pair of tests, one test shall consist
at both the limits. At upper limit, two tests of the measurement of response time with a
shall be carried out and similarly two tests shall rate of rise of 3”C/min and the other with a
be conducted at the lower limit. When one rate of rise of 20”C/min. The response times
nominal value of supply voltage is prescribed, shall be recorded. For resettable detectors, the
two tests shall be carried out wifh voltage to same detector shall be used for all the tests of
control and indicating equipment reduced as E-1.1. For non-resettable detectors, a separate
85 percent of nominal value ( to be treated to detector or detector element shall be used for
lower limit ) and further two tests with voltage each of the tests of E-1.1.

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau 01 Indiun Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No.

Amendments Issued Since Pul~licstion

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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