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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 3034 (1993): Fire Safety of Industrial Buildings:

Electrical Generating and Distributing Stations - Code of
Practice [CED 36: Fire Safety]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 3034 : 1993
( Reaffirmed 2002
( Reaffirmed 1998 ))

Indian Standard
( Second Revision )

First Reprint MAY 1999

UDC 699.81.j25.4 : 621.311 : 006.76

Q BIS 1993


NEW DELHI 110002

August 1993 Price Group 8

Fire Safety Sectional Committee, CED 36


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the
Fire Safety Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
A continuous supply of electric power is of primary importance to almost all human activities,
particularly for theindustrial sector. Fire or explosion in a power station may completely curtail supply
of electrical power for considerable time in addition to causing extensive property damage to the
building and equipment.
Importance of fire safety for the electrical generating and distributing stations has been increasingly
recognised due to occurrences of several devastating fires in such premises in the recent past. Therefore,
considering the fact that any fire in such occupancies may completely disrupt the life of the community,
seriously hamper several il)flustries served by them, and also may involve replacement of highly valuable
equipment, it is necessary that every attempt should be made to prevent or at least minimize the
occurence of fires in these occupancies. Installation of equipment having built-in safety measures in the
premises and judicial suppression or isolation of fire risks will therefore reduce both the frequency of
outbreaks of fire as well as contain its spread to other areas. Further, with the adoption of suitable fire
safety norms with regard to design, layout and construction of buildings and other structures, choice of
materials for construction, etc, the premises can be rendered more safe from fire risk point of view.
This standard was published in 1966 and revised in 1981. This second revision incorporates certain
modifications based on the suggestions received from various organizations. Some of the important
changes relate to provisions in respect of fire protection for turbo-generator buildings, switch gear
rooms, cable galleries, flammable oil storage, coal handling plants, transformer yards and such other
hazardous areas.
The important fire safety and fire protection requirements for a power plant which should receive
attention are given in this standard. Where necessary, references to relevant Indian Standards have also
been made. Any fire safety measures other than those covered in this standard, if prescribed in the
relevant statutory rules and regulations should also be adhered to. The Committee responsible for the
preparation of this standard is given at Annex B.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised)‘. The number of
significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in
this standard.
IS 3034 : 1993

Indian Standard
/ Second Revision )
1 SCOPE basement floor immediately beneath the
burner front, and the boiler casing area
This standard lays down the fire safety require- above the burner wind box;
ments regarding building construction, various
process hazards and facilities, storage areas, etc, 4 Oil filled generator, st’ation unit and
pertaining to electricity generating stations auxiliary transformers, reactor tranfor-
( where electricity is generated from conven- mers including associated cooler and
tional sources using coal, oil, gas turbines, diesel conversation tanks;
generator sets, and the distributing stations ). f) Auxiliary boilers, oil burner pumps;
NOTE - This standard does not deal with the fire fit) Diesel driven pump/engine units and their
safety requirements of nuclear power plants and fuel and storage tanks;
hydro-electric power stations. h) Bulk hydrogen stores; and
2 REFERENCES j) Hydrogen generation plant.
3.3 Apart from mechanical hazards of gas
The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are turbines, the hazards from fire mainly arise from
necessary adjuncts to this standard. fuel explosion fires due to leak in the fuel system
or lubricating and seal oil systems. Surface
3 GENERAL temperatures of combustible chambers will be
3.1 The main fire risk areas in a thermal power higher than ignition temperature of fuel and
station are: lube oil.

a) Control room; 3.4 The distribution stations such as load des-

b) Switch gear room; patch centres and sub-stations also cause fire
hazards arising from oil-field transformers,
c) Cable ways and races; switch gear, cable galleries/tunnels, etc.
d) Coil and oil storage;
e) Coal handling system including conveyor 3.5 The planning for the fire protection scheme
belts; should start right from the design stage of the
plant, thereby ensuring that adequate and
f) Transformer houses; suitable fire protection measures, both active
g) Coal houses; and passive are incorporated not only while
h) Coal mills; and finalising the plant design itself, but right up to
j) Bunkers. the compIetion stage..
3.6 In the fire protection system for the power
3.2 The following are also the areas having high plant, due consideration shall be.given to the
damage potential in a thermal power station: danger of smoke logging in all locations, in addi-
tion to safeguarding against other likely gaseous
4 Turbo-generator including lubricating and
toxic products, the provision of adequate means
jacking oil systems, turbo-generator
supporting structures and floor areas of escape shall also be given due consideration
around the turbine; in the interest of life safety.
b) Hydrogen cooling and seal oil equipment; 4 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND
cl Boiler feed pump turbine including lubri- RELATED REQUIREMENTS
cating and jacking oil services, and
supporting structures including floor areas 4.1 The structural elements of all buildings of
around the pump; an electrical generating/distributing station shall
4 Burner front areas of the boiler including be of Type 1 construction, complying with the
fuel oil lighting up headers and pipe work requirements as given in tS 1642 : 1989.

IS 3034:1993

4.2Provision for smoke ventilation, preferably n) Between battery rooms and other adjoin-
of automatic type shall be made, over the gene- ing areas, and
rator floor to permit escape of heat and large
p) Between cable galleries of each unit.
volumes of smoke likely to be generated. The
requirements of fire venting shall conform to 4.5 The doors provided in the separation walls
the provisions contained in relevant Indian between these fire areas shall be self-closing
Standards. fire-check doors of fire rating equal to that of
the fire wall.
4.3 A normal ventilation rate of minimum
2 cycles per hour shall be maintained for large 4.6 Windows/Ventilators/Glass panels in fire
area turbine halls. For extraction of smoke from separation walls (for example, for control rooms
fire, a volume change rate of 12 changes per or computer rooms ) shall be provided with
hour shall be obtained depending on fire load, preferably clear fire resisting glass panels of
room height, size, etc. In case the start of the minimum 45 minutes fire resistance or with
smoke extraction is delayed, the volume change automatic fire resistant shutters or automatic
rate shall have to be increased even up to 30 (water curtain.
changes per hour. Smoke vents of approved
design shall be incorporated in cable tunnels/ 4.7 Cellular or foamed plastic materials ( such
galleries, plant rooms, switch board rooms, etc as expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam
and provision made for the attachment of etc ) shall not be used as interior finish or insu-
portable extraction unit, if not already served lationin any part of the building. Where interior
by a fixed smoke extraction installation. finish ( wall linings, false ceilings, etc ) is un-
avoidable, they shall be non-combustible mate-
4.4 To achieve compartmentation, the plant rial and of Class 1 flame spread ( see IS 12777 :
shall be sub-divided into individual fire areas, 1989 ).
to be maximum extent feasible. Reduce the 4.8 Air conditioning for the control room shall
spread of fire between such areas and the cons-
provide a pressurised environment to preclude
equential damage, and also to achieve easy the entry of smoke in the event of a fire outside
control and extinguishment of fire. Such sub- the control room.
division by fire barriers or separation walls of
minimum 2 hours fire resistance shall be provided 4.9 Plastic ducts, including fire retardant types
in the following cases: shall not be used for ventilating systems.

a) Where turbine hall houses more than one 4.10 Provision shall be made in all fire areas of
unit, a fire barrier/separation wall shall the plant for removal of all liquids, including
be provided for each unit beneath the fire fighting water, directly to safe areas. The
operating floor in the turbine and electri- drainage facilities shall be adequate to cater to
cal bays; all of the following emergencies:
b) Between TG hall and control room/com- a) The spill of the largest single container of
puter room/instrument room; any flammable or combustible liquids in
Between TG hall and electrical switch- the area;
gear room ( unit-wise barriers needed ); ‘4 A minimum flow of 3 600 lpm for fire
tiih,fing operations for at least 20 minutes;
d) Between the TG hall and cable galleries
( unit-wise barriers needed );
f9 Between TG hall and boiler house; 4 A maximum design discharge of fixed fire
suppression system operating for a mini-
f) Between TG hall and coal pulverisers; mum of 20 minutes.
g) Between TG hall and administrative
4.11Floor draining from areas containing flam-
mable or combustible liquids shall incorporate
4 Between staircases and lift shafts and the suitable flame traps or flame arresters, conform-
rest of the building; ing to IS 11006 : 1984.
3 Between storage of flammable liquids and 4.12 The building or compartment housing the
rest of the building; coal pulverising equipment shall be construc-
k) Between transformer yard/outdoor trans- ted in accordance with IS 3595 : 1984. The
formers and other nearby building, in doorway openings in the separating walls shall
case a clear distance of 15 m is not avail- be provided with sills of not less than 15 ems
able; height with provision of ramps on either side.
ml Between individual oil-field transformers 4.13 Switch gear wherever applicable, oil-circuit
containing oil in excess of 2 000 litres in breakers and transformers shall be housed
case clear distance as specified in IS 1646 : preferably in detached single storey building
1982 is not maintained; of Type 1 construction ( see IS 1642 : 1989).


4.14 The building used for storage purposes confined space. Therefore, it is highly essential
shall confrom to the requirements of IS 3594 : to ensure proper ventilation to the bunker area.
5.2 Turbo-Generators
4.15 The safety distance separating various
buildings shall be in accordance with IS 1643 : 5.2.1 While many of the older units are open
1988, and the means of exit requirement shall design and air cooled, all newer and larger units
be in accordance with IS 1644 : 1988. are totally enclosed and hydrogen, or water
cooled, or use a combination of liquid and gas
4.16 Distance separating fuel oil storage tanks, for cooling. The stator winding may be liquid
open storage of oil drums, etc shall be in cooled and the rotor gas cooled by use of
accordance with the relevant statutory require- hydrogen. Mechanical of electrical failure of
ments. the generators are possible with resultant fire
4.17 The power station buildings and switch hazards.
yards shall be provided with lightning protection 5.2.2 Some of the air cooled generators are
conforming to IS 2309 : 1989. provided with CO, extinguishing systems for the
5 POWER STATION FACILITIES windings. Hydrogen cooling is generally used
for larger machines ( capacity exceeding 200
5.1 Coal Storage and Handling MW ). The generator control equipment is
usually provided with devices to monitor the
The safety requirements for the coal storage and hydrogen gas pressure and purity. To prevent
handling and other associated equipments in the gas leakages, 011 pressure gland seals ( oil seals )
power station shall conform to the provisions are provided. One of the essential fire safety
contained in IS 3595 : 1984. However, certain requirements in hydrogen cooled generators is to
aspects which need special attention are enume- maintain the H, purity at about 95 percent to
rated below. make explosion risks minimum. However, there
5.1.1 The belt conveyor system installed for is explosion hazard in the oil system and also
handing coal shall preferably be of enclosed in the event of hydrogen leak through the oil
type so as to prevent the escape of dust in the seals. The hazard of a TG fire incident may be
power house area and these shall be thoroughly increased if hydrogen is released in the event of
bonded and grounded to minimize static dis- mechanical failure or severe vibration. Fire is
charges. Dust collectors should preferably be the most common result of H1 leakage. A few
located outdoors, wherever necessary. incidents have occurred where escaping HI has
mixed with air and exploded.
5.~2 The conveyor belt shall preferably be of
fire resistant material conforming to IS 3181 : 5.2.3 The Ht cylinders used for cooling shall be
1978. The openings in the walls and floors placed outdoors or in a separate well ventilated
through which the conveyor belt system passes room with exhaust. Where H, is supplied from
shall be adequately protected with properly a central storage outside, au.emergency shut-off
designed water spray nozzles capable of provid- valve shall be installed on the supply line at an
ing the necessary particle size and pressure, to accessible location which may be operated from
cover top and bottom sides of the conveyors the control room. When H, cooled generators
near the openings. These water spray nozzles are taken out of service for inspection, or
shall be controlled by an automatic valve actua- repairs, and during restoration to service, an
ted by fire detectors with a manual override. inert gas, such as COs shall be used to purge
the line to prevent the formationof an explosive
5.1.3 Regular inspection with remedial main- H, air mixture.
tenance shall be undertaken to reduce coal
spillage problems and therefore the fire risks. 5.2.4 Periodical checks for H, leaks shall be
made at the generator and sealing system.
5.1.4 Special care shall be taken against the risk
of fire while belts are being vulcanised or when 5.2.5 Major fire risks in turbo-generators arise
welding is being carried out in the vicinity of from the leakage or escape of combustible lubri-
conveyors. cating and hydraulic fluids contained in the
lubricating or governor seals, and jacking oil
5.1.5 The major fire hazard in bunkers is caused systems. The risk normally extends to the floor
by stagnant coal which may remain for long areas which house the lubricating systems and
periods in bunkers even though they are conti- within the radius of an oil spray pattern cascad-
nuously in use. The chances of the stagnant coal ing from a failure of bearing oil supply headers.
catching fire are greatly aggravated by any
draught of air through the coal in the bunkers. 5.2.6 A bund wall shall surround and contain
In the event of a fire in the bunkers, the two the main labricating oil, jacking and flushing oil
main hazards are the production of highly toxic package unit are, to prevent spread of oil to
CO gas and also generation of thick smoke in a surrounding floor areas.

IS 3034 : 1993

5.2.7 Concrete or concrete protected steel shall the entire area. The oil tanks should also be
be used for the supporting structure of turbo- protected by 38 mm fixed water monitors at
generator units. Exposed steel construction is vantage points so as to provide water for cool-
acceptable if protected by an automatic deluge ing of the tanks.
sprinkler system ( if, facilities exist for ‘leg-
wetting’ ). The 011 storage tanks should also have
fixed foam fire extinguishing system in confor-
5.3 Fuel Oil Storage mity with IS 12835 ( Part 1 ) : 1989.
5.3.1 The fire safety requirements for all the 5.4 Lubrication Oii Risks
fuel oil storage facilities in the power plant shall
conform to the relevant statutory requirements. 5.4.1 The fire risk of the lubrication system of
Apart from these, some of the other important the turbo generator may be considerably
requirements are: reduced by using completely separate circuits
for the lubricating system and the control
4 Only the minimum quantity required for system. The risks arise from an escape of com-
day’s requirements shall be stored in the bustible lubricants and hydraulic fluids contained
TG house presmises; in the systems.
b) All internal storage tanks shall be provi- 5.4.2 An oil fire generally follows an escape of
ded with a trough or catchpit, having the fluid on to hot steam surfaces, impregnation
same capacity as the tank, for collecting and absorption of oil into laggings and leakage
leakages, which shall be equipped with a into electrical equipment.
drain pipe, leading back to the main
supply tank or safer areas; and 5.4.3 The continuous ieakage and absorption of
combustible oils into lagging covering steam
c) All above ground storage tanks installed pipes, turbine casing, etc give rise to lagging oil
in-doors shall comply with the following
provisions: fires.

i) The individual capacity of any tank 5.4.4 The seal oil and the jacking oil systems
shall not exceed 10 000 litres; are also subject to the same risks.
ii) The aggregate capacity of Isuch tanks 5.4.5 There shall be arrangement for collecting
shall not exceed 2 00 000 litres; and leakages of lubricating oil from the distributing
pipe installations by adopting any one of the
iii) The building/compartment’ housing
following methods:
storage tanks shall be segregated
from other building/compartment by a) By running the oil lines in steel-lined
separating walls, and all openings shall trough, specially provided for this pur-
be protected by fire resisting doors of pose; and
2 hours rating and a brick or concrete b) By employing the double pipe system that
liquid-tight ramp at kast 150 mm in is running the pressurised supply pipe
height. inside a large pipe acting as a leakage
collector, which shall also act as a return
5.3.2 An in-door storage tank shall not be filled pipe.
otherwise than from open air through a perma-
nently fixed metal pipe, the inlet of which shall 5.4.6 Where it is not practicable to separate oil
be fitted with a screwed cap or valve. The fill risks from hot pipes and components sufficiently
pipe, shall extend into the tank so that its outlet shielding/deflecting plates and protection clad-
is within 5 cm of the tank bottom. ding shall be provided at suitable point and
5.3.3 All oil tanks shall be fitted with a vent
pipe leading into open air, the open end being 5.5 Boiler Plant
covered with a standard flame arrester conform- 5.5.1 The details in respect of the fire safety
ing to IS 11006 : 1984. aspects of the boiler plant installation and auxi-
5.3.4 For storage located in-doors, overflow liary equipment shall conform to the provision
pipes shall be carried outside the building, and contained in IS 8633 : 1977.
deliver the oil into a catch pit or other safe 5.5.2 The fuel delivery to the burners shall be
position and the pipe shall terminate in a water of proper temperature and pressure as recom-
seal container at least 30 cm below the surface mended by the manufacturer.
of water.
5.5.3 Furnace and Its Control Unit
5.3.5 Outdoor Oil Storage The manually operated dampers of the boilers External hydrant system for the power shall be such that they may not close off more
plant should be extended to cover the outdoor than 80 percent of the internal cross-sectional
storage tanks with 63 mm double outlet covering area of the smoke pipe.


5.54 The automatically operated dampers of 6.2 Cables and Cable! Galleries ate
the boilers shall be of type to maintain safe
damper openings at all times and arranged to 6.2.1 The fire protection requirement for cable
prevent starting of burner unless the damper is galleries, cable runs., etc shall conform to the
opened at least 20 percent of the internal cross- provisions contained in IS 12459 : 1988, includ-
sectional area of the smoke pipe. ing the fire protection requirements such as
segregation of cable runs into compartments,
55.5 Readily accessible shut off valves shall be use of fire resistant cables in critical tieas and
provided in oil supply line near each oil burner. groups of cables, sealing of penetrations in the
walls and floors by use of fire stops, 6re detection
55.6 Every boiler shall be equipped with the and alarm systems, and the extinguishing
following safety control devices: systems.
a) Electrical ventilation interlocking mecha- 6.3 Transformers
nisms which would prevent the fuel
pumping circuit from being put into 6.3.1 All transformer installations shall comply
operation without closing the ventilating with the provisions of IS 1646 : 1982 in addition
fan-motor circuits; to the following:
b) Pre-ventilation time delay which would a) As a protection against excessive damage
prevent the furnaces from being fired due to occurrence of faults, transformers
until and unless the furnace had been fitted with conservators shall be protec-
ventilated for a pre-determined period of ted with Buchoz Relay;
b) All transformers shall be equipped with
c) Anti-flooding device to prevent abnorma! oil temperature alarms or excess current
discharge of oil at the burner; and relay protection;
d) Flame failure safeguard which would 4 The bushings, insulators, and contacts of
automatically cut off flow of fuel in the taps changing gears shall be kept scru-
event of accidental extinguishment of the puluosly clean at all times; and
burner flame.
4 The level and dielectric strength of the
5.5’7 No maintenance work shall be undertaken transformer oil shall be checked at perio-
on a furnace without completely purging the dic intervals, and in the event of presence
interior of all traces of flammable gases and of a large quantity of sludge the oil shall
vapours and unless satisfactory results are be renewed.
obtained by checking with a cumbustible gas
indicator ( explosive meter ). 6.3.2 In addition to the usual cable clamps above
floor level, cables shall also be clamped imme-
6 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND diately below floor level. Each. cable or group
INSTALLATIONS shall, where possible, be protected by a pipe or
cover of heat resisting material rising to a
height of at least 45 cm above floor level or
6.1 -General Requirements terminating just below cable gland, sealed at
6.1.1 The electrical equipment and installations the bottom and filled with sand or small pebbles.
of the power stations shall conform in all res-
pects to the relevant guidelines given in IS 1646 : 6.33 Whenever possible, all jute shavings shall
1982. be removed from cables in switch rooms, base-
ments and tunnels.
6J.2 Gasoline, benzene, ether, alcohol and
similar flammable cleaning fluids shall not be 63.4 Where cables rest on the floor of tunnel
used on energized electrical apparatus. The use or basements, they shall be separated into
of such flammable cleaning fluids on de+nergized groups by vertical barriers of tile brick, or con-
apparatus may, however, be permitted provided crete and the trenches so formed shall be filled
the apparatus is not energized within half an with small pebbles. Alternatively, the cables
hour of such use. may be separately clamped and each cable run
shall be separated by a minimum clear space of
6.1.3 None of the flammable solvents mentioned 75 mm.
in 6.1.2 shall be used in the vicinity of electrical
equipment from which spark may be received. 63.5 The cable shall not be routed near hot
steam pipe, turbine, pulverised coal pipe and
6.1.4 Every electrical equipment shall be kept near hot gas ducts. Wherever it is unavoidable
free of deposits of oil, grease, carbon dust, etc. fire resistant cables shall be used.
61.5 Each and every electrical equipment shall 6.3.6 Power cables and control cables shall run
be effectively earthed to avoid any flask/spark. in separate trenches, wherever possible.

IS 3034 : 1993

6.4 Battery Room conductors connecting the supply terminals to

batteries shall have either rubber or tough com-
6.4.1 Motor generator sets and/or convertors or pound insulation without tape or braid.
rectifiers together with necessary switch and
control gear shall be mounted separately ( pre- 6.4.10 If the source of supply in the mains has
ferably in separate rooms as far as possible ) one conductor earthed, the lamps or other
and away from the batteries. resistances shall be connected on an earthed
lead and the batteries connected direct to earth
6.4.2 The storage batteries in all attendant equip conductors.
ment, except compact metal clad unit shall be
mounted away from all other apparatus, in a 6.4.11 No celluloid cased storage batteries shall
position free from dust, and shall be well be allowed for use.
6.4.12 All china clay or other insulators shall
6.4.3 The batteries shall stand directly on be kept free of dust, and all casing, conducts,
durable, non-absorbant and non-conducting wood or metal work likely to be affected by
material, such as glass, porcelain or glassed acid spray or fumes shall be protected by acid
earthenware. The materials shall rest on a bench resisting paint, varnish or compound, All ex-
which shall be kept dry and insulated from posed current carrying metal and terminals shall
earth. If constructed of wood it shall be slatted be coated with petroleum jelly.
and treated with anti-sulphuric enamel.
6.4.13 Suitable exhaust fans shall be provided
6.4.4 The batteries shall be so arranged on the for the removal. of gas from the battery rooms.
bench that a potential difference exceeding 12 V Battery rooms shall be provided with ventilation
shall not exist between adjoining cells. The to limit the concentration of hydrogen to one
batteries exceeding 20 V shall not be bunched percent by volume.
or arranged in circular formation.
6.4.5 All combustible materials within a dis-
tance of 60 cm measured horizontally shall 7.1 For effective fire fighting purposes, the mini-
be protected with hard asbestos sheets or simi- mum illumination required for all working places,
lar material. No object shall be suspended such as turbine houses etc is 100 lux, and for
directly over the batteries. control rooms is 150 lux.
6.4.6 The charging circuit shall be provided
with double or triple pole switches and fuses. 8 FIRE PROTECTION MEASURES
Where a motor generator is employed, the 8.1 Electrical generating and distribution stations
motor shall be provided with double or triple pole come under the occupancy classification of
switches and fuses and automatic battery and cut- Industrial Buildings, G-3 ( see IS 1641 : 1989 ).
out shall be placed in the generator circuit. Any
sub-circuit shall be provided with a fuse rated 8.2 The extent and nature of the fire protection
at not more than 7 ampere in each live measures as well as exit facilities to be provided
conductor. will depend on various factors like size and
location of the station, risks involved, availablity
6.4.7 The charging control panels shall be of of outside help for major fire fighting. However,
durable, non-ignitable, non-absorbant, non-con- all the power stations, irrespective of their size,
ducting material and together with rectifiers, shall provide for adequate the protection/fire
transformers and supports for resistance of fighting arrangement and exit facilities.
lamps, shall be on a bench which shall be kept
dry and insulated from earth. If constructed of 8.3 Generating stations may vary in size from
wood, it shall be slatted and treated with anti- small municipal stations to large multi-unit
sulphuric enamel. power Stations, including super thermal power
6.4.8 If batteries are charged through resistance
or lamps, unless enclosed in metallic enclosure, 8.4 The modern trend is to locate power station
shall be at least 60 cm away from the nearest in relatively remote areas with hardly any other
battery. assisting fire service within reasonable distance.
This isolated location makes it all the more
6.4.9 All permanent wiring shall be securely run necessary for power stations to have an indepen-
and protected, against mechanical injury and dent full fledged and well maintained fire fighting
efficient terminals or connection shall be sup- service of their own. Further, in order to enable
plied from which connection to batteries may quick response to any fire outbreak and to limit
be made. Rubber insulated wiring or any other the response time to accepted standards, that is,
type of combustible insulated wiring, if on insu- within 5 minutes, it is necessary that a well
lators, shall not be run in such a position that trained and adequate fire fighting services is
a fire arising at any battery could reach it. All available within the premises.

IS 3034 : 1993

8.5 Turbo-Generators and Supporting Structures 8.5.6 The internal hydrant ( landing Valves )
shall be provided for protection of the turbo-
8.5.1 The fixed water spray type protection generator building including turbine operating
system shall be used for controlling a fire involv- floors and basement areas.
ing large quantities of lubricating oil on turbine
generators. This shall consist of two systems Of 8.5.7 The hydrant system shall have sufficient
water protection, one for areas below the pressure to allow the generation of low expansion
operating floor of the turbo generator and foam from hand bran-ches for fighting static/
designed to extinguish pool fires and also provi- running oil fires.
ding protection against heat generated by three-
dimensional or spray fires. The other is a water 8.6 Turbine Driven Feed Pumps
spray system for oil fires at or around the
bearing housings. Fixed COs or dry chemical 8.6.1 The fIxed high velocity water spray system
extinguishing systems have been found to be shall cover completely all the systems, oil pipe
inadequate for basic protection of turbo- to the pumps, coolers and other similar associa-
generator because of the likelyhood of re-ignition ted equipment including adjacent floor areas, as
and, further, these extinguishing media may not for the main turbine. The fire detection system
be sufficient to cope with a long duration fire. as well as the water spray system shall be of the
However, in some cases fixed dry chemical or same type as for the turbo-generator.
CO, systems backed by water spray systems 8.6.2 To enable fire fighting to be successfully
should be provided. carried out facilities shall be provided for easy
8.5.2 Fixed high velocity water spray systems, smoke disposal, by provision of sufficient cont-
designed to discharge a flow of 10 lpm/ms shall rollable top and bottom ventillation.
cover completely all oil systems, oil piping,
pumps, coolers and all similar associated equip- 8.6.3 In the event of a fire involving or close to a
ments including adjacent floor areas. The water turbo-generator or its auxiliaries, it may be safer
spray systems shall be divided into convenient to shut down the unit so as to limit the. damage
zone, and each zone shall have sufficient number only to that directly resulting from the fire.
of projectors to cover the risk adequately. The
number and groups of projection zones are rela- 8.7 Hydrogen Equipment
ted to, the size of turbo-generator unit and its 8.7.1 Any hydrogen equipment that is sited in
lubricating plant and auxiliaries. Typical zone the turbo generator shall be positioned in such
arrangements shall cover the following areas of a way that the area and the equipment are well
seal oil systems, coolers and pipe work, governor ventilated and directed into the open air.
gear, excitor, main lubricating tank and pumps,
lubricating oil pipe work, turbo generator and 8.7.2 Spark free tools shall be used in an area
boiler feed pump, exposed steel equipment, where gas may be present.
foundation support legs, rate of rise fire detec-
tors in accordance with IS 2175 : 1988 shall be 8.8 Transformers
provided. The heat detectors shall be provided
at strategic points and arranged to give early 8.8.1 No fixed fire protection equipment ( such
as high velocity spray ) is required on transfor-
warning of any unusual high temperature
conditions in the area. mers below 10 MVA or in the case of oil filled
transformers with oil capacity of 2 000 litres and
8.5.3 Automatic control of the extinguishing below. For all other transformers high velocity
systems in this area is more effective than water spray system ,shall be provided. This
manual control. However, manual over-ride shall system shall be separately mounted and designed
also be provided. Zone control deluge operating to take into account the possibility of a trana-
valve shall be carefully sited so as to be operable former explosion. The water spray deluge valve
without fire or smoke hazard to the operator house shall be located outside the transformer
during a fire. This may be achieved by careful fire zones and protected from radient heat and
location of the valve assemblies away from other fire effects. The actuation of this system
protection zones, or by enclosures of the valves shall be automatic but manual operating valves
in protective cubicles, at the same time affording shall also be provided.
the operator a good view of the protected zones<
Access routes to control valves shall not involve 8.8.2 The high velocity spray system for the
exposure hazards to the operating persons. transformers should be well designed to have
8.5.4 The water spray systems shall incorporate adequate coverage of the entire transformer unit
isolation facilities so as to enable periodic test- including the conservation tanks, the bushings
ing, maintenance etc. and the bottom area. The positioning of the
nozzles should be such to protect all surfaces
8.5.5 Normally all cut off valves shall .be locked of the transformer and to give discharge rate
open. for the system not less than 10 Ipm/m* of the

area to be protected. The automatic high velo- off the pressurised ventilation system before the
city water spray shall be of pre-active with centralised extinguishing gas system is to be put
quartzoid bulbs. into operation.
8.8.3 Fire barriers walls shall be provided be- Table 1 Ciearamze from Water Spray)
tween transformers where they are less than 15 m Equipment to Live UnAdated
apart or where the oil capacity exceeds ‘2 000 Electrical Components
iitresd ( C&use 8.8.7 )
8.8.4 The transformer shall be so designed as
to permit the safe testing of the fire protection Design BIL MiOhllUlU
Line voltage Cletmnce
system, with discharge of water, while on load. Voltage to Ground
8.8.5 There shall be arrangements for contain- ICV kV kV mm
ment of the spilled oil. For generator transfor- To 9 110 178
To 15
mers and other large transformers the drainage
system as well as storage, pit shall be sufficient 23 13 150 254
to accommodate at least the total volume of the 34’5 20 200 330
oil and an allowable volume of fire figbing water.
The drain pipes shall be provided with standard 46 27 250 432
type of flame arresters. 69 40 350 635

8.8.6 The fire protection systems covering the 115 66 550 940
generator transformers, associated oil conserva- 138 80 650 1118
tor tank and cooler batteries shall be designed
161 93 750 1321
to meet the single risk concept so that simul-
taneous deluge over all the three risk zones is 196-230 114-132 PO0 1600
possible. 1 050 1930
287-380 166-220 1 175 2 210
8.8.7 The electrical clearances for high velocity
spray system shall be as given in Table 1. 1300 2489
1 425 2 769
83 Switch Gear 1550 3048

8.9.1 Gas filled circuit breakers ( such as SF8 or 500 290 1 675 3 327
sulphur-hexafluoride ) and vaccum breakers are 1 880 3607
the least fire hazardous as compared to the oil 500-700 290-400 1 92s 3 886
breakers or air-blast breakers. Hydrant protec-
2100 4 267
tion shall be in close proximity to these risks.
’ 2300 4 674
8.9.2 For an enclosed switch gear room auto- NOTES
matic Halon or CO, total flooding extinguishing 1 BIL values are expressed as kilovolts ( kV ), the
system is considered preferable to water spray. number being the crest value of the full wave impulse
Switch rooms shall be provided with controllable test that the electrical equipment is designed to with-
ventilators. stand.
2 When the design BIL is not available. and when
8.9.3 All cable entries in the switch gear room nominal voltage is used for the design criteria, the
shall be effectively sealed by use of fire stops highest minimum clearance listed for this group
shall be used.
( see IS 12459 : 1988 ).
8.9.4 All switch gear rooms shall be kept clear 8.9.6 Smoke detectors of ionisation and optical
and free from any accumulated debris or flam- types shall be employed in the switch gear rooms
mable material. on cross-zoning principle with suitable time
delay devices incorporated. Proven intelligent, The following 6.6 kV and 415 V switch micro processor based det,ection/suppression
boards may preferably be housed in separate system shall be preferred.
8.9.7 Fixed automatic gaseous extinguishing of
a) Unit switch boards ( with separate room local application type shall be ideal in the switch
for boards of each unit ), gear system.
b) Station switch boards, and 8.10 Control Room
c) Unit switch boards.
8.10.1 For control room of Class I and II of
8.9.5 Switch gear rooms shall be pressurised by power generating units as well as distribution
the ventilation system to prevent ingress of dust. stations shall have fire barrier/separation walls
Suitable interlocks shall be provided to switch between the main TG hall/any other adjacent

IS 3034 :’ 1993

room. The control room shall bafe 2 hours fire 8.11.4 Smoke detectors of ionisation and optical
resistance with smoke stock fire check doors of type shall be provided in the control room on
the same rating. cross-zoning principle with suitable time delay
devices. Proven intelligent micro processor
810.2 All cable entries/openings in the control based detection/suppression system shall be
rooqn shall be effectively sealed.
provided. Alternatively heat detectors of linear
8.10.3 The room shall be kept clear and free of type covering all the cable racks/trenches shall
any waste material whenever g?ass panels are be installed.
provided, it shall be of clear fire resisting glass 8.11.5 Where high expansion foam or gas
having minimum 45 minutes fire resistance or exgtinguishing systems are used, the system shall
fitted with automatic resistant shutters/automatic actuate only after all persons inside have been
water curtain. evacuated.
8.10.4 The AC system shall be automatically 8.11.6 Self-contained BA sets shall be available
switched off before. the extinguishing system is for ready use by trained personnel at strategic
put into operation. points near the entry to the cable galleries.
8.10.5 Smoke detectors of ionisation and optical 8.11.7 All cable galleries/tunnels shall be main-
types shall be provided in the Control room on tained in a neat and tidy conditions. These shall
cross-zoning principle with suitable time delay not be used for storage/dumping of scrap or any
devices incorporated. Proven intelligent, micro- other article including electrical spares.
processor based detection/suppression system
shall be preferred. 8.11.8 The means of escape shall be clearly
indicated and all exit ways shaJl be kept clear.
810.6 ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ type sprinkler system, The controlled access procedure shall be enforc-
CO, or Halon extinguishing system shall be ed for the cable galleries, tunnels etc for
provided for control room. In this case ‘ON’ and employees on regular work or inspection duties.
‘OFF’ type should be preferred.
8.11.9 Floors of all cable galleries;tunnels shall
8.11 Cable Galleries have a slope of suitable gradient leading to a
qll.1 The experience of Power Station cable sump of adequate capacity for collecting‘seepage
f2res had been that in many cases, several units, and other water including water used for fire
if not the whole station,-got seriously affected by fighting. An automatic sump pump of suitable
a single fire. PVC is not easily flammable but capacity shall be installed at each sump to pump
burns freely in fairly high temperature conditions out the water to the surface drain.
producing copious quantities of dangerous fumes
and gases including HCL gas. These gases are 8.12 Coal Storage and H8ndliDg Eqnipmeet
toxic and highly corrosive. The cable galleries,
separating rooms etc shall be provided with 8.12.1 Coal handling plant shall be provided
facilities for ventillation and means for controll- with an early warning fire detection system for
ing it from outside. Apart from the need to moving and stationery fire detectos such as rate
clear smoke and toxic gases in the event of a of rise/i&a-red/linear heat detectors/optical
fire, ventillation may be necessary for tempera- beam should be adopted.
ture control of the galleries on areas. 8.123 The fire protection measures for open
8.11.2 To limit the spread of fires along cable storage of coal and coal handling equipment, as
ways fire barriers shall be installed in accordance prescribed in IS 3595 : 1984 shall be provided.
with the requirements of IS 12459 : 1988. In addition, the followjng measures shall also be
complied with.
811.3 Access and exit ways large enough to
allow a man wearing breathing apparatus and After determining the location and
carrying other fire fighting equipment to pass extent of a fire in a coal storage yard, the coal
through Shall be provided. The distance between should be dug out and the heated coal removed.
such exit ways shall not exceed 30 m in the Moisture accelerates oxidation, and therefore it
cable runs. The cable galleries or runs shall be has got to be ensured that the seat of the 8re is
provided with automatic fixed fire fighting ins- attacked. For this, the use of Extended Branch
tallations using water, CO, halon or high Pipe ( see IS 11101 : 1984 ) shall be helpful.
expansion foam. Ho,wever, water spray sprinkler Caution has to be exercised while
system is generally preferred. The design of applying extinguishing water jets on coal and
sprinklers and projectors shall ensure that no coal handling equipment to avoid raising of a
rack or cable is left unprotected. Automatic coal dust cloud which may result in a dust
sprinkler system for the cable galleries shall be explosion.
designed for a density of not less than 12 lpm/m*
over area of 232 ms. Water spray system shall For enclosed structures adequate
Irave the same density. explosion venting provision shall be made,

IS 3034 : 1993 Static electricity hazards shall be mini- have been stopped and the electrostatic precipi-
mised by the permanent bonding and grounding tator has been shut-down and de-energised, the
of all equipment including conveyor belts, precipitator doors may be opened and water
pulley idlers, motor drives, etc. jet/spray directed as required. Automatic sprinkler system shall be 8.15 Gas Turbine Generators
designed for a minimum of 10 lpm/m* density 8.15.1 Certain areas of the turbine operate at
over 232 m* area. Water spray system shall have high temperature and have slow cooling rate
the same density. after shut-down. Surface temperature of the Conveyors that are below grade or combustion chamber will be higher than the
enclosed present special hazards for fire fighting, ignition temperature of fuel and lube oil.
and need to be maintained properly.
8.152 The lubricating and hydraulic seal oil The actuation of detection system shall systems require similar type of fire protection as
automatically shutdown the conveyor belts in * the case of steam turbine driven generators.
the area involved. #n
solated installations may be protected with an
automatic sprinkler water spray system. On detection of a fire dust collectors
and fans shall automatically shut-down. 8.15..3 Where the generator is installed in an
enclosure, a COP system may be provided. Carbon monoxide ( CO ) gas detection
system shall be desirable for pulverizers to give 8.15.4 In gas turbine generator and accessory
early warning about conditions leading to fires compartments, to extinguish fires in electrical
and explosions. equipment by CO, system, the rate of discharge
shall be such that a 34 percent concentration is The planed hydrant system should attained within one minute after actuation, and
cover the coal storage and handling areas/ 30 percent concentration shall be maintained
equipments also. The escape route in overhead throughout the deceleration period but not less
conveyor system, adequate means of escape shall than twenty minutes. All metal surfaces shall be
be provided particularly in long enclosed con- cooled to below auto-ignition temperature of
veyor belts. In the later case, exit doors shall be the oil. The minimum concentration as
provided at intervals of not greater than mentioned above shall be achieved after taking.
50 metres, fitted with escape rungs, which would into account the possible leakage.
enable persons inside the closed conveyor
system to escape in case of fire/explosion. 8.15.5 The fuel system shall be inter-locked with
automatic fire extinguishing system so that the
8.13 Boiler Piant Fire Protection fuel supply is automatically shut off upon
operation of the fire extinguishing system.
8.13.1 Boiler furnaces shall be protected with
automatic sprinkler water spray, foam or foam 8.15.6 The emergency shut down controls shall
water sprinkler systems covering the burner provide tripping arrangement for over-speed,
front oil haxard. excessive vibration, flame-out and high exhaust
8.133 Boiler furnaces and boiler front areas temperatura.
shall be provided with automatic fire detection 8.16 Water Supplies for Fire Fighting
systems based on rated type fire detection system
in accordance with IS 2175 : 1988. 8.16.1 The water supplies for fire fighting for
Power Stations shall by and large, conform to
8J3.3 Boiler front fire protection systems shall the provisions contained in IS 9668 : 1990 and
be &signed to cover the fuel oil burners and internal Hydrant System to IS 3844 : 1989 and
igniters, adjacent fuel oil piping and cabie up to External Hydrant System to IS 13039 : 1991. In
a 6 m distance from the burner and igniter addition, the following requirements shall also
including structural numbers and walk-ways at be taken into account.
these levels. The sprinkler systems shall be
designed for a density of 10 lpm/ms over 232 rns The water supplies shall be planned on
area. Water spray system shall have the same the basis of the requirement of the largest fixed
density. fire extinguishing system demand plus the
maximum demand from the hydrant mains of
8.13.4 Entire boiler plant shall be protected by not less than 3 600 l/m for minimum of
wet riser system with landing valves at all levels 4 hours duration for power stations falling under
and connected to the hydrant water mains. the category of classes 1 and 2, and for a mini-
8.14 Electrostatic Precipitator mum of 3-hours duration for the lower catego-
ries. Pumping capacity of the water supply
8.14.1 Once a tie is detected the ESP unit system for fire fighting shall be based on the
should go into emergency shut-down immedia- requirements mentioned above. It shall be
tely. Once the flow of air and fuel to the fire ensured that no tapping is done from the fire

IS 3034:1993

fighting mains to meet the requirements of shall be designed to have capability of sufficient
process units or other services. The water mains power for automatic and ‘dead’ start. In
shall be of adequate size as prescribed in relevant addition, emergency lamps with adequate illu-
Indian Standards and shall be of wrought or mination shall be provided at strategic locations
mild steel ( located and wrapped ) pipe [ galvani- which shall automatically operate on the failure
sed and ungalvanised/UPVC/GRP/Centrifugal of the mains supply.
cast ( spun ) iron/stainless steel 1. If the mains
are laid in high corrosive situations, it may be 9 FIRE PROTECTION FOR POWER PLANTS
desirable to cathodic protection or coating and DURING CONSTRUCTION
wrapping or both, if required.
9.1 The potential fire hazards during construc- The fire fighting pumps shall be- of tion of Power Stations are considerable, and
automatic starting with manual stopping and in call for observance of stringent fire precautions.
conformity with IS 12469 : 1988. An above average level of fire protection is
necessary during this phase due to life safety The main reservoir shall have replenish- consideration of the large number of on-site
ment arrangement for complete re-filling personnel, high value of materials, and long
operation which shall preferably be accomplished duration of the construction period.
automatically. The water mains shall be looped around 9.2 The availability of essential fire protection
the main power block and the pipe sizes shall be equipment, and minimisation of fire risks
designed to cater to future expansion, needs. during construction activities are particularly
important. The interior fire protection mains/risers
shall be considered as an extension of the yard 9.3 Construction schedule shall be co-ordinate
main and shall be provided with at least 2 valve so that planned permanent fire protection
connections with sectional control valves. systems are installed and placed into services as
soon as possible, at least prior to the For the entire power station area only introduction of any major fire hazards.
‘Branch Pipe Universal’ conforming to
IS 2871 : 1983 shall be provided in the hose 9.4 Minimum fire detection and fire extinguish-
cabinets as spray nozzles having sheet-off capa- ing measures shall have to be provided for all
bility shall be ideal for use on electrical locations where fire hazards are present, like
equipment. storage of construction materials, storage of
flammable materials, fire safety of welding and
8.17 Manual Fire Alarm System cutting and other building operations.
817.1 The entire plant area, including adminis-
trative and other buildings shall be provided 9.5 A fire trained supervisor shall be available at
with manual fire aiarm system with call boxes the construction site to ensure that all essential
deployed at various strategic locations. The fire safety precautions are.observed.
system shall conform to the requirements given 9.6 Where practical, the permanent fire hydrant
in IS 2189 : 1988. The control panels of the fire system for the plant shall be installed well
alarm system shall be located both in the plant ahead of the completion of the project so that
control room as well as the fire station control fire fighting water supplies shall be available even
room. during construction period. Where this is not
8.18 Lightening Protection practicable, a minimum number of water tanks
of not less than .1*25 lakh litres capacity with
818.1 Lightening protection for the power replenishing arrangements shall be available at
station building and outdoor bulk oil storage strategic locations in the plant area which may
areas shall be provided. be utilised as emergency water supply for fire
8.19 Emergency Power fighting even after commissioning of the plant.
A minimum of 2 hours duration water supply for
819.1 All generator units require emergency fire fighting shall be available at the construction
power for operation of the turning gear, bearing site.
oil pumps, seal oil pumps control. units, besides
meeting the requirements of emergency services 9.7 Portable Fire Extinguishing System
like emergency lighting of all vital areas, means 9.7.1 In addition to the fixed water extinguishing
of escape, fire fighting pumps etc. A set of systems, sufficient number of first aid fire
station batteries is a reliable supply for each fighting equipment like different types fire extin-
load. Separate battery banker shall be provided guishers shall be available for development at
for each unit and control centre. In addition, various fire risk areas as per IS 2190 : 1992. It
emergency stand by power is necessary in the is essential that the fire extinnuishers are
form of diesel generator. These units will provide inspected, maintained in accoydance with
backup power to the station battery system and IS 2190 : 1992.

3s 3034 : 1993

9.8 Maintenance of Fire Protection System/ Table 2 Fire Eqaipmeot Inspection, Testing
EQnipment and Maintenance Freqaency Schedule
9.8.1 All the fire protection system/equipment
or devices shall be inspected -and maintained _
regularly to ensure for their safe operation at all
times. The suggested schedule for each insnec- Item Wee“uy mootbly
-_ Semianoual -a~
tion, testing anTmaintenance is given in Table 2. Supervisory
Proper records of such maintenance shall be Alarm Circuits X T
maintained . Fire and Smoke
Detectors A MIT
10 REQUIREMENT OF MAJOR !?IRE Manual Fire Alarms T M/T
Water Flow Alarms MIT
Sprinkler and Water
10.1 On account of the reason that the power Spray Systems X A M T
stations are generally located in relatively remote Foam Systems X A M T
areas with hardly any other assisting fire service Halogenated Agents,
within reasonable distance, it is necessary for $$+~tn-4 and COs
the power stations to be provided with an inde- X A M T
pendent full-fledged and well maintained fire Fire Pumps and
service of their own. Quick response to a fire Booster Pumps T M T
outbreak by fire fighting service is vital as it Water Tanks and
makes a difference between a small tie or a Alarms X A MIT
major fire with catastrophic loss. In other words, PIV’s and OS
power station fire brigades shall be in a position and Y Valves X X M/T
to ,tackle a tie, control and extinguish it before Fire Hydrants and
Associated Valves X MjT
any damage is done.
Fire Hose and
10.2 Reqoirement of Major Fire Fighting Standpipes X
Appliances/F@ipments Portable Fire Bx-
tinguishers and
10.2.1 Major Appliance/Equipment for Power Hose Nozzles X M
Stations of Installed Capacity Less than 50 MW Fire Bridage Equip-
ment X T
( Cluss IV Power Stations )
Fire Doors X T There may not be any need for any Smoke Vents X MIT
major fire fighting appliances for generating Emergency Lighting x/T
stations of this category provided the station Radio Communica-
is located within 8 km from the nearest munici- tion Equipment T
pal fire brigade possessing adequate 6re fighting
appliances. In case it is located at a further dis- where
tance, or if .the municipal fire appliances are not X - Inspection
available, a Trailer Fire Pump conforming to T = Operational Test
JS 944: 1979, or a higher capacity Portable
M = Maintenance
Pump conforming to IS 12717 : 1989 shall be
provided with skeleton fire staff. A - Alarm Test ( Transmitters )
NOTES The Power Station shall have a hydrant
system, and also at least 3 Static water tanks 1 Testing of these systems should be done where
possible after necessary precautions have been taken
deployed at strategic locations, of minimum to elimioate any hazardous conditions which would
l-25 lakh litres capacity. The following shall be result from the discharge of the extinguishing agent.
provided: 2 00 systems where 00~ testing is not practical, a
representative number of no&es should be removed
a) The v/m equipment, minimum of and checked for signs of blockage. In these cases the
25 lengths of 63 mm dia fire fighting annual test will consist of a trip test of deluge pre-
hose of 20 m lengths each ,( 15 lengths action valves or valve operations as applicable.
. of type ‘A’ of IS 636 : 1988, and 3 This is a test to verify pump operability only.
10 lengths U/L hose conforming to 4 Performance tests to be conducted render load to
IS 4927 : 1992 ); verify that the pumps meet design conditions.
-440. 5 Valves not locked to be inspected weekly. Valves
b) Branch Pipe Universal, con- locked or electrically supervised to be inspected
forming to IS 2871 : 1983 monthly.
C) Foam-making Branches FB -220. 6 Testing of standpipes to include water flow at
highest elevations.
5X -

IS 3034 : 3993

4 Foam-making FB 10 x - 1 No. 10.2.4 For Major Power Stations Having Installed

e) Mechanical Foam compound - 200 L Capacity Over 200 MW up to 9Y9 MW ( Class II )
1 IS 4989 ( Part 1 ) : 1985 ]
The following equipments shall be provided:
f > BA sets ( Positive Pressure -440.
type ) Typeof Y 0.
1 Manning
Appliances Pattern
s) Blower and Exhauster for fire- -220.
fighting as per IS 941 : 1985 1. Foam and CO, C/T 1 Round the
h) Water Jel Blankets ( Fire -220.
B!ankets ) ( 1.80 x I.50 m ) 2. Dry Chemical Ten- 1 Round the
Jel Blankets ( for -440. der 2 000 kg confor- clock
j) Water
burns ) ( O-90 x 0.75 m ) ming to IS 10993 :
W Water Jel Container - 1 No.
3. $tter Tender type
10.2.2 The above scales of equipment and fire
protection systems shali be equally applicable to 4. High Capacity Por- Reserve
load despatch centres in the grid systems, and table Pump ( con-
also for major distribution stations ( 220 kV forming to IS 12717:
substations and abo ). 1989 )
5. Portable Water/ 2 No separate
10.2.3 For Generating Stations of Installed
Foam Monitors manpower
Capacity from 50 MW to 199 MW ( CIass III )
The follcwing equipments shall be provided: 6. 13.5 m Light ,ailll; 1 No separate
extension manpower
TVpeof No. Manning with props required
Appliances Pattern
7. B A sets ( Positive 18
1. Foam and CO2 C!T 1 Round the Pressure type )
( Conforming to clock 1
8. High Pressure Char-
IS 951 : 1987 ) ging Set
2. Water Tender Type 1 Reserve
9. Trailer/Portable 1
‘B’ conforming to Flocd Light Unit
I§ 950 : 1980
10. Jeep 4 x 4 1
3. Large capacity por- 1 Reserve
table pump conform- 11. Blower and Exhaus- 4
ing to IS 12717 : ter
1989 12. Water Jel Blankets 8 No.
4. Portable Water/ 2 (No separate ( 1.80 x 1.50 m )
Fcam Monitors manpower 13. Water Jel Blankets 16 No.
required ) ( 0.90 x 0.75 m )
5. B A sets ( Positive 8 sets 14. Water Jel Container 4 No.
Pressure type ) 15. Foam Compound 20 000
6. High Pressure Charg- 1No. (atHQ) litres
ing sets ( for B A 16. Dry Chemical Pow- 1 No.
Sets ) der Trailer of 150 kg
7. Blower and Exhaus- 2 No. capacity
ter for fire fighting, 17. High Expansion 1 No.
conforming to Foam Generator
IS941 : 1985
8. Water Jel Blankets 4 No. 10.2.5 Super Thermal/Power Stations Having
( 1.80 x 1.50 m ) Installed Capacity Exceeding 1 000 MW ( Class I )
9. Water Jel Blankets 8 No. The following equipments shall be provided:
( O-90 x O-75 m )
10. Water Jel Container 2 No. Type of No. Manning
Appliances Pattern
11. Foam compound 1000
litres 1. Foam and CO, C/T 1 Round the
12. Dry Chemical Pow- 1 No.
der Trailer of 150 kg 2. zfter Tender type 1
capacity %-Xd the

Is 3034 : 1993

Type of No. Manning requirements, etc. it has to be ensured that the

Appliances Pattern designated strength of crew for each shift is
available for speedy turn at all times for quick
3. ~~~;rnical Tender Round the response to fire calls.
4. Emergency Tender As reserve 10.3.2 For generating stations of installed capa-
conforming to city less than 50 MW the following minimum
IS 949 : 1985 manpower shall be maintained:
5. Hydraulic Platform 1 As reserve Assistant Station Officer - 1
22 m Height (indige- Leading Fireman ( L/F )/
nously fabricated ) Fireman ( F/M ) -- 1 ( per shift )
6. Portable Water/ 4 Reserve The norms shall apply for manpower require-
Foam Monitors
ments for major substations also.
7. 13.5 m light alloy ex- 2 I

tension ladders iO.3.2d In addition to the full time fire fighting

staff, selected members of the security/plant
8. Trailer/Portable 1 staff shall have also to be imparted basic training
Flood Light Unit in fire fighting/fire prevention duties who may
9. Jeep 4 x 4 1 also be utilised for fire fighting duties in emer-
10. B A sets ( Positive 24 gency.
Pressure type ) 10.3.3 For Class III, Class II, and Class I cate-
11. High Pressure Charg- 1 set gory Power Stations the manpower requirements
ing Set shall be computed as per scales laid down by the
12. Blower and Exhaus- 4 No. Standing Fire Advisory Council/IS 6070 : 1983.
ter 10.3.4 In addition to the above, one qualified
13. Water Jel Blankets 16 No. fire officer of senior rank shall also be necessary
( 1.80 x 1.50 m ) for each power station, depending upon the
14. Water Jel Blankets 32 No. category, as overall incharge of the Power
( 0.90 x 0.75 m ) Station Fire Brigade for ensuring proper train-
ing, control and superviSion of the entire fire
15. Water Jel Containers 8 No. fighting staff. He shall also be responsible for all
16. Foam Compound 50 ooo the 6re protection arrangements in the Power
litres Station.
17. Dry Chemical Pow- 1 No. 10.3.5 Considering the large area of Super-
der Trailer of 150 kg thermal Power Stations, facilitate quick turn out
capacity it may be necessary to deploy the operational
18. High Expansion Foam 2 No. manpower at two Fire Stations - a Main Fire
Generator Station and a Sub Fire Station, both having up-
to-date communication facilities to help easy
NOTE-Considering the large area of the Super mobilisation in case of emergency.
Thermal Power Stations and also for facilitating
quick turnouts it may be necessary to deploy th; 10.4 Fire Stations
operational equipment at two fire stations, a main
Fire Station and Sub-Fire Station, both having up- 10.4.1 Power Stations authorised for full time
date communication arrangement to help easy mobi- Fire Brigades with major fire fighting appliances
lisation in case of emergency.
shall have well designed Fire Stations for housing
10.3 Reqnirement of Manpower for Manning the appliances and fire fighting staff. They shall be
Fire-fighting Appliances so located that the response time for fire appli-
ances are kept to a minimum not to exceed
10.3.1 The manpower requirements has to bc 5 minutes. The design of the Fire Stations shall
based on the number of fire fighting appliances to conform to the Standard Fire Station require-
be kept manned round the clock(day and night). ments as prescribed by the Standing Fire Advi-
The scales of manpower required for each type sory Council.
of appliance shall be as per the norms prescribed 11 FIRST-AID FIRE FIGHTING
by the Standing Fire Advisory Council of the
Government of India and also as per guidelines In the entire Power Station area, first-aid fire
given in IS 6070 : 1983. The fire crew, computed fighting equipment like fire extinguishers shall be
as per the scales prescribed above shall work in deployed. It is essential that these extinguishers
three shifts. A reserve of 334 percent of the total are periodically inspected and maintained in
strepgth required for shift duties shall also be accordance with the provisions contained in
provided, to cater for leave, absence, training IS 2190 : 1991.

IS 3034 : 1993

12 FIRE EMERGENCY ORDERS 12.1.1 The Fire Emergency Orders shall also
contain a Mutual Aid Scheme for mobilising
12.1 Each Power Station shall have a Fire Emer- assistance by way of equipment and trained
gency Plan formulated so as to facilitate organi- manpower from neighbouring units, if available.
sed actions to be taken in case of fire by staff at
various levels, during day-light hours as well as 12.2 Periodical mock fire drill shall be conduct-
night. These orders shall also contain the ins- ed so as to check the alertness and efficiency of
tructions on fire prevention measures and the Plant staff as well as fire fighting staff, and
fire fighting organisation. records maintained.

6 Clause 2 )

IS No. Title IS No. Title

636 : 1988 Non-percolating flexible fire 1646 : 1982 Code of practice for fire
fighting delivery hose ( third safety of buildings ( general ):
revision ) Electrical installations (first
revision )
941 : 1985 Specification for blower and
exhauster for fire fighting 2175 : 1988 Specification for heat sensi-
( second revision ) tive fire detectors for use in
automatic fire alarm system
944 : 1979 Functional requirements for ( second revision )
1 800 l/min trailer pump for
fire brigade use ( second 2189 : 1988 Codeof practice forselection,
revision ) installation and maintenance
of automatic fire detection
949 : 1985 Functional requirements for and alarm system ( second
emergency ( rescue tender ) revision )
for fire brigade use ( second
revision ) 2!90 : 1992 Code of practice for selection,
installation and maintenance
950 : 1980 Functional requirements for of portable first-aid fire extin-
water tender type B for fire guishers .( third revision )
brigade use ( second revision )
2309 : 1989 Code of practice for the pro-
951 I 1987 Functional requirements for tection of buildings and allied
crash tender for air fields structures against lighting
( third tuision ) ( second revision )
1641 : 1988 Code of practice for fire 2871 : 1983 Specification for branch pipe,
safety of buildings ( general ): universal for fire fighting pur-
General principles of fire poses (first revision )
grading and classification
(first revision ) 3181 : 1978 Fire resistant conveyor belt-
ing for underground use in
1642 : 1989 Code of practice for fire coal mines (first revision )
safety of buildings (general ):
Details of construction (first 3594 : 1991 Code of practice for fire
revision ) safety of industrial buildings:
1643 : 1988 Code of practice for fire General storage and ware-
safety of buil;ta;dirJ general ): housing including cold storage
Exposure (first revision )
revision )
3595 : 1984 Code of practice for fire
1644 : 1988 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings:
safety of buildings ( general ): Coal pulverizers and associa-
Exit requirements and per- ted equipments ( first
sonal hazard ( first revision ) revision )

,$s 3034 : 1993

IS No. Title IS No. Title

3844 : 1989 Code or practice for installa- 10993 : 1984 Functional requirements for
tion and maintenance of inter- 2 000 kg dry powder tender
nal hydrants and hose-reel on for fire brigade use
premises ( jirst revision )
111006 : 1984 Ffash back arrestor ( flame
4927 : 1992 Specification for unlined flax
canvas hose for fire fighting arrestor )
( jirst revision )
11101 : 1984 Specification for extended
4989 Specification for foam con- branch pipe for fire brigade
( Part 1 ) : 1985 centrate ( compound ) for use
producing mechanical foam
for fire fighting: Part 1 Pro- 11360 : 1985 Specification for smoke dete-
tein foam ( second revision ) ctors for use in automatic
Specification for foam con- electrical fire alarm system
( Part 2 ) : 1984 centrate ( compound ) for
producing mechanical foam 12459 : 1988 Code of practice for fire-
for fire fighting: Part 2 Aque- protection of cable runs
ous film forming foam
( AFFF ) 12469 : 1988 Pumps for fire fighting appli-
4989 Specification for foam con- cations
( Part 3 ) : 1987 centrate ( compound ) for
producing mechanical foam 12717 : 1989 Functional requirements of
for fire fighting:Part 3 Fluoro fire fighting equipment -
protein foam High capacity portable pump-
set ( 1 000-l 600 l/min )
6070 : 1983 Code of practice for selection,
operation and maintenance 12777 : 1989 Fire safety - Flame spread
of trailer fire pumps, portable of products - Method for
pumps, water tenders and classification
motor fire engines ( Jirst
revision )
13039 : 1991 Code of practice for provi-
8633 : 1977 Technical requirements for sion and maintenance of
location of boilers installa- external hydrant system
tions and boiler houses
9668 : 1990 Code of practice for provi- 12835 Code of practice for design
sion and maintenance of ( Part 1 ) : 1989 and installation of fixed fire
water supplies and fire fight- extinguishing system: Part 1
ing Low expansion foam

IS 3034 : 1993

( Foreword )


Fire Safety Sectional Committee, CED 36

Chairman Rsprescnting
SHBI J. N. VAKIL Tariff Advisory Committee, Bombay

SHRI K. RAvr ( Alterncrtc
to Shri J. N. Vakil )
DR R.K. BHANDARI Institution of Engineers ( India ), Calcutta
SHRI R.P.BHATLA Enginkers India Ltd, New Delhi
Srru~ M. M. K APOOR( Altcrnuf~ )
SHRI 5. N. CHAKRABORTY Tariff Advisory Committee, Madras
Sum P. K. MAJTXDAR ( Alternate )
SHRI P. K. CBATTERJEE Ministry of Defcnce ( DR & DO ), New Delhi
SHRI V. K. SHARMA ( Alternate)
CHIEIEFFIRE OFFICES Municipal Corporation of Bombay, Bombay
Soar D. PAD~ANABXCA Tata Consulting Engineers, Bombay
SE~CI G. P. MONNAIAH ( Altanab )
DEPUTY CHIEF ENGINEER( P 8s D ) Northern Railway, Ministry of Railways, New Delhi
( Alternate )
SHRI S. K. DHERI Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Delhi
SHRI R. C. SHARMA ( Altwnnts 1
SHRI S. R. D~~AI~~AAIY Ministry of Defence ( Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch ), New Delhi
SHRI S. N. LAKSHMANNA ( Alternate )
FIRE ADVISER Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi
SHRI P. N. Gaosrr In personal Capacity, New Delhi
SHBI C. P. G~~AIN Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
SHRI S. C. GUPTA Lloyds Institution ( India ) Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI M. R. KAMAT~ Mather and Platt Ltd, Bombay
SERI K. R. EASWARAN ( Alfarnotr )
SHBI V. M. MADQE The Hindustan Construction Co Ltd, Bombay
SHRI A. B. PHADKE ( Altcmatr )
BBIJ MA~HOTI~A State Bank of India, Bombay
SHRI G. B. MENON In Personal Capacity, Delhi
SERI S. R. NARASIXEAN Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi
Sanr RAJENDRA Srsort ( Alfrrnotr )
PBESIDENT Institution of Fire Engineers India, New Delhi
SH~LIV. M. RANALKAR Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, New Delhi
SHRI HARISH R. SALOT Vijay Fire Protection System Pvt Ltd. Romhay
SHRI RAJESH K. SALOT ( Alftsrnair)
SHRI N. L. N. SHABXA Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Hyderabad
SHRI M. L. KHIJRANA ( Allrraut~ )
DE T. P. SHARMA Central Buildinga Research Institute ( CSIR ), Roorkee
SEBI R. SUNDA~ARAJAN National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd, New Delhi
Srm~ S. K. CHATTOPADHAYAY ( Alftmtatr)
smtr SUNlL Das Metallurgical Engineering Consultants ( India ) Ltd. Ranchi
SRRI R. N. CHACHBA ( Alfwnafe )
SHSI M. S. TYAQI Ministry of Labour, Kanpur
SHRI P. K. SAKSENA ( Alkrnatr )
SHBI D. VENWOPAL Loss Prevention Association of India Ltd. Bombay
SHRI T. V. MADHU~~ANI ( Altmiatr )
SERI Y. R. TANEJA, Director General, BlS ( Ex-o@iio Mmnbsr )
Director-in-Charge ( Civ Eugg )

Member Secretary
Joint Director ( Civil Engineering ), BIS

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form :
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes arc needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No. CED 36 ( 4775 )

Amendments Issued Since Publication ~

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



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Printed by Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi
( Secon$ Revision )

( Page 8, clause 8.9.2, line 8 ) — Substitute ‘Clean Agents’ for ‘Halon’.

( Page 9, clause 8.10.6) — Substitute ‘Clean Agents’ for ‘Halon’.
( Page 9, clause 8.11.3 ) — Substitute ‘Clean Agents or Water Mist’ for

( CED 36 )
Reprography Unit, BLS, New Delht. India

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