High and Low Level Language What Is High Level Language?

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What is high level language?

High level languages are considered "High level" as they are the closest to human
language and very different to machine code (Binary). High level languages contain
English words such as If. Then... Else, While and For which helps to make them easy to
understand and work with.  Most applications that people use are written in a high level
language, examples of these languages include Java, Python, Visual Basic, Small
Basic, Ruby...

What is Low Level Language?

Low level language is computer language. It is represented in binary form. Computers

understand binary digits, so any input to a computer is translated to binary(0s and
1s).Basically low level language is a language which can be understood by computers.
What is machine Code Language?
Machine code is a set of instructions that are executed by the CPU.each instruction will be a
very specific task e.g. ADD, LOAD, STORE or SUBTRACT.

Each type of CPU has its own set of machine code instructions. A typical machine code
instruction may use 2 bytes (8 bits) and is usually split into three parts - OPCODE,



1. Compiler
-A compiler is a software program that transforms high-level source code
-that is written by a developer in a high-level programming language
-into machine code as a complete unit / at once
-produces an executable file in machine code
-a report of errors is generated
-optimizes the source code to run efficiently
Advantages of using a Compiler
-compiled program can be executed without a compiler
-therefore, allows faster execution
-provides an executable file
-file is machine independent and can be used on any hardware
-allows to just send machine code
-produces an error report
-no need for a compiler to run the executable file, user can run directly

2. Interpreter
-An interpreter translates high-level instructions into an intermediate form
-line by line, which it then executes
-stops the execution of a program as soon as it encounters an error
-In contrast, a compiler translates high-level instructions directly into machine language.
-slow speed of execution of program loops

Advantages of using an Interpreter

-Advantage of interpreter over a compiler is portability since its specific to the computer.
-Easy to identify where an error is / to debug a program
-Stops if it finds an error
-Will only continue when error is fixed
3. Assembler

-An assembler is a type of computer program that translates software programs

-written in assembly language into machine language’s code and instructions
-that can be executed by a computer
-is specific to a computer hardware and often used to write drivers for hardware
-converts the code into machine code in one go like compiler
-uses mnemonic codes

-example of Assembly code:

Advantages of low level languages
-fast and memory efficient.
-utilize processor and memory in a better way.
-provides direct manipulation of computer registers and storage.
-It can directly communicate with hardware devices.
Disadvantages of low level languages
-machine dependent and are not portable.
-It is difficult to develop, debug and maintain.
-Low level programs are more error prone.
-Low level programming usually results in poor programming productivity.
-Programmer must have additional knowledge of the computer architecture of particular
machine, for programming in low level language.
Advantages of High Language
-Simple to use
-User familiar
-Time management is easy
-Easy to understand
Disadvantages of High-level Languages
-Execution is slow
-Occupies more memory
-Hardware control is less
-Not Time-efficient
Research on what is Integrated development Environment (IDE), Runtime Error, Logic
Error and Syntax Error

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