Co-Investigators: Dr Victoria Yu
Discipline of Operative Dentistry, Endodontics &
Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore
Dr Ode Wataru
Discipline of Operative Dentistry, Endodontics &
Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore
The management of immature non-vital teeth following trauma or pulpal infection secondary to caries or
dental anomalies e.g. fractured dens evaginatus tubercles is a challenge for dentists. Traditionally, the
treatment prescribed for immature non-vital teeth is to thoroughly disinfect the root canal system and
perform apexification procedures using materials such as Ca(OH)2 or Mineral Trioxide Aggregate
(MTA), followed by filling the root canal with gutta-percha. This technique however does not produce
increased thickness of dentine or gain in root length to the immature tooth. Furthermore, in a retrospective
study by Cvek, the risk of cervical root fractures has been found to be markedly higher in immature teeth
treated with Ca(OH)2 apexification and gutta percha, and its frequency was related to the stage of root
development (1). This is possibly attributed to the fact that long term placement of calcium hydroxide as
an intracanal medicament can induce brittleness of the tooth structure due to its hygroscopic & proteolytic
properties, thus rendering them prone to root fracture (2). This emphasizes the importance of seeking
other treatment approaches. More biologically compatible options, which offer regenerative possibilities
and continued development of tooth structure have been explored, but are largely reported only in case
reports and cases series.
Pulp tissue in immature teeth has the potential for regeneration following pulpal damage because they
have wide open apices that are rich in blood supply and potentially viable apical tissues. Given non-
infectious conditions, Regenerative Endodontic Therapy (RET) includes treatments such as
revascularization via blood clotting technique, postnatal stem cell therapy, pulp and scaffold implantation,
injectable scaffold delivery, three-dimensional cell printing, and gene delivery(3). All have the potential
to provide revolution in endodontic therapy as it offers patients an alternative method to save teeth that
have compromised structural integrity and poor long-term prognosis. Revascularization via blood clotting
aside, the other RET techniques mentioned are designed on the accepted principles of tissue engineering,
and aim to harness the potential of stem cells in the apical papilla through the provision of a sterile
environment, signaling molecules and a scaffold within the root canal of the non-vital tooth (4).
However, the use of advanced tissue engineering techniques for dental tissue regeneration, although
promising, is still only at a laboratory and animal trial stage(4).
The advantages of RET in young patients include better long term prognosis of teeth due to continued
root development and thickening of lateral dentinal walls; possible occupancy of root canal systems by
vital tissues; and shorter treatment time with potential reduction in treatment fatigue. Case reports on
revascularization via blood clotting technique (5-9) have shown that immature non-vital teeth can
demonstrate continued root development under favourable conditions, which promote healing of apical
These findings demonstrate that vital pulp rich in regenerative potential is present at the most apical
portion of the root, and that immature non-vital teeth with periradicular pathology can still undergo
apexogenesis in the presence of a generated sterile environment. Findings also indicate a paradigm shift
of endodontic treatment away from predominantly restorative philosophy with filling of available canal
spaces towards a biological and regenerative approach.
There are currently only two randomized controlled trials currently published in the literature. (12, 13)
Nagy et al compared radiographic healing of apical periodontitis following MTA apexification versus
RET procedures, in which the triple antibiotic paste was used as the intra-appointment medicament. They
found that RET procedure allowed the continued root development in necrotic teeth with evidence of
healing in some but not all cases, suggesting that healing outcomes using RET method has yet to be
consistent or predictable.(13) Nagata et al found that the although the outcomes of patients with
traumatized teeth treated with triple antibiotic pastes vs combination of calcium hydroxide and 2%
chlorhexidine gel had similar clinical and radiographic outcomes, only 5 teeth (41.7%) and 3 teeth
(27.3%) respectively demonstrated an increase in root length.(12) On the whole, the sample sizes in both
these studies were very small at 12 patients per group, and the clinical outcomes and success rates shown
were not convincing of the benefit of this treatment protocol. There is without doubt a paucity in well
documented long term prospective clinical studies to show evidence on the success and survival rates of
Various intra-canal medicaments have been reported for use as root canal disinfectants with successful
clinical outcomes. The feasibility is supported by controlled animal studies and case reports, in which the
combination of ciprofloxacin-metronidazole-minocycline (14), or “3–Mix” paste as it is commonly
known, at present is most well documented to be effective in disinfecting immature teeth with apical
periodontitis and inducing apical closure in these infected teeth. However, a known drawback is
discolouration of the tooth likely to be due to the minocycline component of the antibiotic mixture (15).
To circumvent this problem, other combinations of intracanal medicaments for root canal disinfection
have been proposed and reported in the literature. These include Ca(OH)2 (16, 17) and different
combinations of antibiotics preparations (18, 19), all which show comparable clinical success rates to the
3-Mix preparations. Having said that, the quest for an intracanal medicament with the most reliable
clinical outcome is still underway.
This also begs the question if antibiotics are truly a necessary and beneficial component in the preparation
for a sterile root canal. Prior laboratory in-vitro studies have determined that disinfection protocols have a
profound effect on stem cells of the apical papilla (SCAP) as well as dentine microhardness. Yassen et al
demonstrated that dentine microhardness was significantly reduced when triple or double antibiotic
mixtures were used for treatment of dentine compared to Ca(OH)2 (20). Antibiotic paste formulations
used in RET procedures were found to be directly toxic to stem cells even at concentrations as low as 1%
of doses currently used in treating patients, while conversely dentin conditioning with Ca(OH)2 was
found to promote SCAP survival and proliferation (21, 22). This may well have clinical implications
impacting fracture resistance and SCAP survival in immature permanent teeth with already compromised
root thickness.
Given that this procedure (Regenerative Endodontic Therapy using revascularization via blood clotting
method) has been carried out in children in Singapore since 2007, and a retrospective study is in progress,
it is considered timely to conduct a prospective randomized controlled study to evaluate the need for
antibiotic pastes and the outcome and success of RET.
Research questions:
1. Are there differences between treatment outcomes of a 2-Mix antibiotic paste (Ciprofloxacin and
Metronidazole) vs disinfection with the currently accepted multiple-visit protocol in non-surgical
root canal treatment (i.e. disinfection with NaOCl solution followed by Ca(OH)2 as inter-
appointment dressing) with respect to:
i. Resolution of apical periodontitis.
ii. Thickening of dentinal walls and/or continued root development with or without apical
2. Which are the baseline characteristics which could predispose a case to successful outcome?
3. Will discolouration of teeth occur and to what extent?
Primary aim
1. To assess frequency of periapical healing in the two sets of experimental protocols.
2. To study the differences in qualitative and quantitative increase in root dimensions of different
protocols, by evaluating continued root development and thickening of dentinal walls.
Secondary aims
1. To evaluate if tooth discolouration occurs by evaluating the changes in tooth colour following
treatment using the different protocols.
2. To evaluate patient reported outcomes, including oral health-related quality of life (OHRQL),
inter-appointment symptoms, and satisfaction ratings.
This will be a multi-center, parallel-group allocation (1:1), randomized controlled trial of treatment
carried out on non-vital immature permanent teeth in children using revascularization via blood clotting
technique. Both the patient and the assessors will be blinded to the intervention. The clinical study will be
carried out at the School Dental Service, Health Promotion Board and NUH Dental Centre over a period
of 3 years.
Regenerative Endodontic Therapy (using revascularization via blood clotting method) will be defined as
any permanent tooth which has undergone at least a two-stage procedure involving:
Following canal debridement procedures, patients will be randomly assigned to receive different
combinations of inter-appointment dressing, which will be one of the following:
Group 1 - 2-Mix Antibiotic Paste: This will be prepared at a 1:1 ratio of Ciprofloxacin 500mg (Tablet)
and Metronidazole (Tablet) 400mg. To be crushed in a pill crusher immediately prior to administration.
The antibiotic powder will be mixed with 3-4 drops of sterile water, to consistency of MTA/wet pumice.
Group 2 - Ca(OH)2: This will be Ca(OH)2 paste placed into the root canal according to currently
employed procedures.
The study will evaluate the following clinical outcomes following this procedure:
3.4. Participants
About 3% of children in Singapore present with dens evaginations on their erupted premolars. The School
Dental Service screens children aged 9-10 years (i.e Primary 3 and 4 pupils) for non-vital teeth as a result
of fractured dens evaginatus tubercles as part of their annual screening protocols. The majority of
potential subjects requiring treatment for non-vital immature permanent teeth will be identified through
this screening.
Publicity will be carried out to heighten the awareness of the trial among dentists, and to increase the
number of children recruited for the clinical trial. Advertisement emails through the Singapore Dental
Association, dental specialist societies, and Oral and Maxillofacial staff at NUH will be distributed.
Clinicians rendering the revascularization procedures will be operators at NUH and School Dental
Service, who are trained and already currently treating these cases under similar protocols. Prior to
commencement of the study, all operators will be calibrated to the study protocol. All postgraduate
student operators will receive standardized instructions and training for the treatment procedures (based
on this protocol) at the beginning of their postgraduate course. Their training will be documented in the
training and responsibility logs. Should postgraduates be rendering the revascularization procedures as
part of their clinical training, they will be supervised at all times by experienced clinical instructors
familiar with the treatment protocol.
Students will not be obtaining consent for treatment. Consent for treatment will be obtained by PI or co-
investigators only.
If a patient is deemed suitable for inclusion in this study, parents and patients will be informed of the
study by the primary attending dentist, and an Letter of Invitation (Appendix A) and information about
the study (Appendix B – Participant Information Sheet with Main ICF) will be given to potential
Potential subjects will be recruited by a face-to-face contact when they come for their next regular clinic
visit. Only the PI and co-investigators will be involved in the consent taking. During the consent taking
and consultation appointment, the investigator will counsel the parents/legal guardian and the child on the
available treatment options for their condition. He/she will then explain the study to the parents and child.
The consultation session will be conducted in a private consultation room to ensure and protect the
privacy of the subject from others’ intrusion. The private consultation room will be a safe, closed
environment in which the treatment options can be discussed with the parents/legal guardians and the
child patient in confidence. The patient will not be recruited if the child declines to participate in the
research despite parental consent.
When obtaining consent, the condition of the patient will already be stable and the patient should not be
in pain. All emergency procedures would have been conducted in the previous visit, with pain addressed
The attending dentist of the subject will not be involved in obtaining the consent of their own patient for
research, so as to prevent the subject from feeling obliged to join the research, or have a heightened sense
of faith and trust in their own physician, and may be more likely to participate. Another dentist who is
part of the study team will be tasked to obtain informed consent instead. Possible languages that will be
understood by prospective participants are English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil. In the situation that the
investigator is unable to speak the language understood by the potential participant, a translator will be
involved in helping to translate the information to the potential participant. The translator will be
documented in the informed consent form. In this case, the participant will then be required to sign the
DSRB short Consent Form (Translated).
Should the parent/legal guardian and child agree to participate in the study, they will be required to sign
an Informed Consent form (parents/legal guardians) and assent form (child patient). Once informed
consent is obtained, the operator will initiate the treatment.
Informed consent from the parents and child assent will be obtained. Appendix B (Participant
Information Sheet with Main ICF) and Appendix C1-4 (Chinese, Malay, and Tamil Short Consent
Form and Child Assent form).
Participation in this study is purely voluntary. If either parents or patients are unwilling to participate in
this study, they will not be recruited. Patients who wish to withdraw from the study may do so at any
stage of the study. If the patient declines taking part in this study, the tooth will be accessed and dressed
with Ca(OH)2 according to currently accepted treatment protocol for management of patients with non-
vital immature permanent teeth followed by application of MTA and obturation with gutta percha.
The data required will be collected prospectively. All data will be collected and analyzed in a de-
identified format, with each individual assigned a unique identification number. IRB approval will be
obtained prior to commencement of the study.
Dental therapists and officers (who are the first line of clinicians managing emergency cases) will be
instructed on the inclusion/exclusion criteria for the study. If a patient is deemed suitable for inclusion in
For patients who are in pain, dental officers will proceed to carry out emergency treatment for the patient,
i.e. pulp extirpation/pulpectomy procedures, irrigate only with sodium hypochlorite solution, and seal
temporarily with cotton pledget and IRM restorative materials. All procedures will be carried out under
local anaesthesia and rubber dam isolation. This procedure is adequate to temporarily relief the patient
from pain. Dental officers will also record the initial pulpal and periapical diagnosis of the tooth involved.
Potential subjects will be recruited by a face-to-face contact when they come for their next regular clinic
visit. During the consent taking and consultation appointment, the operators (investigators/study team)
will counsel the parents/legal guardian and the child on the available treatment options for their condition.
He/she will then explain the study to the parents and child.
The consultation session will be conducted in a private consultation room to ensure and protect the
privacy of the subject from others’ intrusion. The patient will not be recruited if the child declines to
participate in the research despite parental consent.
When obtaining consent, the condition of the patient will already be stable and the patient should not be
in pain. All emergency procedures would have been conducted in the previous visit, with pain addressed
in the previous session (prior to the recruitment session). Patients would have been given an information
sheet about the study, and would hence have some time to read through and consider their options. The
attending dentist of the subject will not be involved in obtaining the consent of their own patient for
research, so as to prevent the subject from feeling obliged to join the research, or have a heightened sense
of faith and trust in their own physician, and may be more likely to participate.
Should the parent/legal guardian and child agree to participate in the study, they will be required to sign
an Informed Consent form (parents/legal guardians) and assent form (child patient). Once informed
consent is obtained, the operator will initiate the treatment. The treatment will be carried out over 2 visits,
each lasting about 1 hour per session.
The tooth will be examined and evaluated for clinical signs of an abscess, increased mobility and
presence of the existing coronal seal restoration prior to commencement of local anaesthesia and
rubber dam procedures.
Pre-operative photographs will be taken by the operator. The photographic settings are as follows:
o Camera: Canon EOS 600D
o Shutter speed: 1/200
o F stop: 32
o ISO: Auto
o White balance: Auto
Treatment will be carried out under local anaesthesia and rubber dam isolation. Local anaesthesia
with a vasoconstrictor may be used during this step.
The tooth will be accessed and pulp necrosis will be confirmed. The root canal system will then
be irrigated with 1.5% sodium hypochlorite.
The canal will then be negotiated with minimal or no filing to prevent further weakening of the
existing dentinal walls.
17% EDTA 10ml will be used to irrigate the canals.
The canal will then be dried using paper points.
Control or test procedure will be decided (Appendix E - Patient ID, Intervention Allocation
and Documentation Workflow)
The allocated antibiotics will be mixed with sterile water into a grainy mixture.
The antibiotics will be placed into the root canal with a carrier and pluggers to completely fill the
root canal system; Controls will be filled with Ca(OH)2, placed in according to currently
employed procedures.
The root canal will then be hermetically sealed with a sterile cotton pledget, IRM and a glass
ionomer cement to prevent any coronal leakage or contamination of the root canal with oral
The patient will then be discharged, and given an appointment to return for the next step of
treatment in 4 weeks ± 7 days.
Presence/absence of tooth
Periodontal probing (6 point evaluation for pocket depth)
Tenderness to percussion and palpation
Percussion note
Free from pain or discomfort
No evidence of labial swelling or abscess, signifying continued presence of infection
Presence of discolouration
Standardised periapical radiographs will be taken before the start of treatment, at the end of the treatment
and then again at each recall visit post treatment. Final outcome measures will be recorded at the 18th
month review. This protocol is a standard clinical protocol and no additional radiographs will be taken for
the purposes of this study.
A standardized beam aligning holder for both direct and indirect sensors will be utilized during taking of
radiographs. All radiographs will be evaluated for periapical status and qualitative and quantitative status
of root dimensions.
At each recall, pulp sensibility responses will be evaluated using thermal test (EndoIce) and Electric Pulp
Test (EPT). Evaluation of tooth mobility, tenderness to percussion and palpation will also be carried out.
This procedure will be done at the baseline, and during each subsequent review visit following
completion of treatment.
Standardized intra-oral photographs will be taken before the start of the treatment and each recall visit.
Post treatment crown colour in comparison to the pre-operative photographs and to that of the
contralateral tooth will be assessed using the MathWorks software as described in the study by Day et al
For each session, the patients will be requested to evaluate their pain scores both pre-operatively (which
will be related to the condition) and also post-operatively (related to treatment procedures). They will also
be requested to fill in a patient satisfaction report which will evaluate the following outcomes: (1)
Perceived improvement in oral health-related quality of life (OHRQL), (2) history of inter-appointment
symptoms, and (3) overall patient satisfaction ratings. The questionnaires evaluating patient report
outcomes will be piloted prior to use. (Appendix G)
Measurements of digital radiographs will be carried out using the measurement tool available in the
VixWin digital radiography viewing software. Calibration of the measurements (based on the known
width of the digital film) will be done prior to carrying out of quantitative measurements. Digital
radiographs will be read in a darkened room, on a standardized monitor (DELL E2213H 1920 x 1080
Pixel Resolution 22" LCD Display) screen and computer with Windows Operating System (OS).
For length measurements, the point of reference will be the cement-enamel junction (CEJ) and
Measurement ideals are referenced from the article by Bose et al(10), Chugal et al 2001(25) and Yu et al
2012(26). Below are the set definitions and proposed criteria which will be used for measuring the
abovementioned parameters for radiographic analysis:
3. Root length
5. Width of apex;
Measured in millimeters (mm) as the distance between the inner sides of the open apex
Binary outcomes: Comparison of decrease in width of apex (Yes/No)
7. Closure of apex;
Measured by means of visual identification; defined as approximation of the inner sides
of the root tips.
Since this study involves primarily young subjects (i.e. children), to account for possible clinical
variations, both binary and quantitative outcomes will be collected. This is to account for clinical
variations which may occur during the treatment process. The following parameters will be evaluated:
All radiographs will be randomly shown to the examiners who will be asked to score the test parameters.
All available radiographs will be evaluated at the same time, and using the same computer under
standardized monitor display configuration and lighting conditions. All measurements will be repeated
after 1 week, and the mean of the 2 replicates will be considered as the final value. In cases where there is
doubt or a large discrepancy between readings, both investigators will discuss and come to an agreement.
All patient identifiers will be removed from the radiographs prior to radiographic analysis to prevent
potential measurement bias.
This sample size is likely to be achievable given the expected number of cases that will be available in the
clinics employed in this proposal. Retrospective data available from the School Dental Service, Health
Promotion Board showed that RET treatment was provided to 78 patients (with 85 teeth) over a period of
3 years 6 months (Mar 2009 to Dec 2012). 77.2% of these teeth were mandibular premolars, 13.9% were
maxillary incisors, and 8.9 % were maxillary premolars. Of these, 69.4% (n=59) had successful outcomes
with closed apices following RET treatment, 7.1% (n= 6) showed signs of increased root length and
dentine wall thickening but were still undergoing review, 5.9% (n=5) did not show signs of root growth
but demonstrated resolution of periapical pathology, 8.2% (n =7) had unfavourable outcomes with apices
remaining open and signs of periapical pathology, and 9.4% (n=8) were loss to follow up.
The proposal will be for a sample size of 30 teeth per group, i.e. total estimated recruitment is 60 teeth.
The sample size proposed is calculated based on data obtained from a published paper by Bose et al
(2009). The sample size is estimated based on changes in root length as the primary outcome measure.
Using a 2-sided sample test, assuming a mean difference between the groups of 1.5 and SD of 2, (at a
significance level of 0.05 and 80% power), the sample size required is 30 subjects per group, i.e. 60
subjects in total. It is our hope that a multi-centre approach will help increase the caption group and thus
increase patient numbers.
This is in agreement with sample size proposed in existing on-going randomized control trials which are
registered on the Clinical Trial database website: www.clinicaltrials.gov. The clinical trials have similar
age-range of potential patients as the proposed study.
Randomization codes will be held by the delegated study team member, who will convey the
randomization allocation to the operator. The delegated study team member (randomization code holder)
will be responsible for maintaining the allocation log, and will inform the investigator of the assigned
randomization ID as well as the intervention group assigned to the patient. (Appendix E - Patient ID
and Intervention Allocation and Log Documentation Workflow). The study team member who will
perform the randomization will be trained and will be delegated in the responsibility log.
Materials to be used in both groups will be made available at each recruitment site. Potential participants
must firstly be assessed for eligibility, be recruited and consented, after which only can the randomization
codes be accessed.
The participants and the assessors (blinded team) for treatment outcomes will be blinded to the
intervention used.
Unblinding will be done under the circumstances that any Serious Adverse Events (SAE) occurs during
the course of the study, e.g. allergic reaction following administration of Investigational Product (i.e.
antibiotics or Ca(OH)2). All SAE or Unanticipated Problem Involving Risks to Subjects or Others
(UPIRTSO) events will be logged and reported accordingly.
Unblinding Protocol: Unblinding envelopes containing the codes will be kept at the individual sites. In
the event that unblinding will need to be carried out, the PI will access the codes to verify the
investigational product used in the treatment.
A serious adverse event (experience) or reaction is any untoward medical occurrence that at any dose:
- results in death,
- is life-threatening,
- requires inpatient hospitalisation or prolongation of existing hospitalisation,
- results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity, or
Time frame and procedures for reporting of SAE to HSA will be in accordance to that specified by the
Health Sciences Authority Health Products Regulation Group (Version June 2011).
For reporting of Unanticipated Problem Involving Risks to Subjects of Others (UPIRTSO), the following
2 criteria have to be met:
(A) Unexpected – Where in terms of nature, severity of frequency is not consistent with:
a. Research procedures described in the protocol related documents
b. Characteristic of subject population studied
(B) Related – where there is reasonable possibility that the incident, experience or outcome may have
been caused by the procedures involved in the research
1. Urgent Reporting: All problems involving local deaths, whether related or not, will be reported
within 24 hours after first knowledge by the PI
2. Expedited Reporting: All other problems will be reported as soon as possible, but not later than 7
calendar days after first knowledge by the PI
3. HSA reporting requirements: The PI will inform HSA no later than 15 calendar days after first
knowledge that the case qualifies for expedited reporting. The PI will be responsible for
providing HSA with follow-up information and to submit it as soon as it becomes available.
All analysis will be carried at a tooth level, where each tooth will be accounted for as an individual case.
Descriptive statistics (both discrete and non-discrete variables), which will include means, standard
deviations, frequencies and percentages will be determined. Data will be checked for homogeneity of
variance prior to application of statistical tests. Appropriate correlation and regression analysis will be
Any data collected on paper will be stored in a designated locked cabinet at the research site. Data will be
entered into an OMR sheet for accuracy. All electronic data collected will be kept in a password secured
portable computer and backed up to dedicated password protected local back-up drive every week.
Some measures may include password protection, security under lock and key, access controlled office,
etc. To protect patient confidentiality, records and logs will be stored in locked file cabinets, in locked
offices, and on computers protected by a password. A patient identification log will also be put in place -
each patient's data will be coded with an identifier, and the key to the code will located in another
physical location or on a separate computer. All patient identification logs will be kept for 6 years, after
which it will be securely disposed of. The data will only be accessible to the study team members
involved in and approved for the study. Identifiers of participants (i.e. birth certificate numbers, date of
birth, email addresses, mailing addresses) will be extracted and each patient will be allocated an
individual number to secure patient’s identity. All data will be kept for 6 years upon completion of study.
Data safety monitoring will be performed by the investigator and a team of co-investigators. Data at each
site will be reviewed on a weekly basis by the PI. Data on adverse events/ serious adverse events will be
monitored for safety of participants and reported accordingly.
Any data and safety information will be communicated to research members by the PI both verbally and
by email circulation, and will be documented accordingly. The PIs will be responsible for doing Monthly
or Adhoc meeting to discuss and update data and safety information with study team.
The PI or Co-Is will be responsible for verifying that the information entered into the data collection sheet
is in accordance to what is in the clinical notes. Periodic monitoring of the study data collected will be
monitored by a designated personnel who will be assigned to audit the study. This person will be trained
by NUHS Research Office to conduct monitoring of clinical trial data recorded, and also compliance to
SGGCP, SOPs and trial protocols and other regulations.
Recruitment of sufficient participants to reach adequate power for the study may be a challenge. We hope
that a multi-centre approach will help increase the caption group and thus increase patient numbers.
Furthermore, publicity will be carried out to heighten the awareness of the trial among dentists, and to
increase the number of children recruited for the clinical trial. Advertisement emails through the
Singapore Dental Association, dental specialist societies, and Oral and Maxillofacial staff at NUH will be
distributed. A poster for recruitment of participants will be put up in designated rooms and waiting areas
for each of the research sites. A copy of the Poster and Letter to the Singapore Dental Association for
recruitment of participants are as in Appendix H1 & H2.
As this is a randomized controlled clinical study, it is possible that patients may not return for recalls
following completion of procedures, resulting in drop outs. As such, a 10% margin for drop outs has been
assumed in the power calculation. Intention to treat analysis will also be carried out.
Patients enrolled in the study will be followed up closely, and appointments at appropriate intervals as
specified in the protocol will be made. Patients will be reminded to attend the review visits 2 days in
advance via telephone or SMS. Treatment rendered and review visits will not be charged.
With respect to radiographic analysis, there is a possibility of radiographic distortion and differences in
angulations between pre and post-operative radiographs. We sought to minimize these errors by using a
cone aligning holder. All available radiographs will be evaluated at the same time, and using the same
computer under standardized lighting conditions. Calibration of radiographs using the computerized
program VixWin and Image J (used to evaluate radiographic measurements) will be done prior to data
analysis. The scale will be set for the digital films on the basis of the pixel size used in the VixWin digital
7.0 Timeline
Traditional endodontic treatment in immature teeth do not have a good outcome as it has been shown that
the failure rate of teeth treated using such approaches is very high (1). The use of RET has the potential to
revolutionize the management of non-vital teeth with incomplete root development. Continued root
development and thickening of the dentine walls of the root canals through regeneration method would
mean that such teeth may survive for the lifetime of the patients.
An important aspect is that we will test the significance of the use of antibiotics. So far no study of this
design has been conceived. Should the results of this study demonstrate that antibiotics are not required
for achieving success in RET procedures, the need for antibiotics and hence risk of adverse drug reactions
and emergence of resistance strains will be reduced. The streamlining of disinfection protocols for RET
procedures will also make it easier for dental practitioners to perform this treatment for their patients.
Alongside the study on long-term outcomes and success rates of the two different protocols, this project
will also study the patient reported outcomes (PRO), which is necessary to evaluate the young patient’s
perspective on treatment rendered, and has yet to be studied and reported in current literature. Results of
the study will be presented at international conferences and published in relevant scientific journals.
Given that only a few groups worldwide are working on this subject, such data generated from our study
will contribute to knowledge on this subject globally and secure NUS/HPB an international impact in this
field of clinical research.
1. Cvek M. Prognosis of luxated non-vital maxillary incisors treated with calcium hydroxide and
filled with gutta-percha. A retrospective clinical study. Endod Dent Traumatol 1992;8(2):45-55.
2. Andreasen J, Farik B, Munksgaard E. Long-term calcium hydroxide as a root canal dressing may
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3. Murray P, Garcia-Godoy F, Hargreaves K. Regenerative Endodontics: A Review of Current Status
Apexification / Apexogenesis in Infected, Nonvital, Immature Teeth: A Pilot Clinical Study. Journal of
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8. Jung I, Lee S, Hargreaves K. Biologically based treatment of immature permanent teeth with
pulpal necrosis: a case series. J Endod 2008;34(7):876-87.
9. Chueh L, Ho Y, Kuo T, Lai W, Chen Y, Chiang C. Regenerative endodontic treatment for necrotic
immature permanent teeth. J Endod 2009;35(2):160-4.
10. Bose R, Nummikoski P, Hargreaves K. A Retrospective Evaluation of Radiographic Outcomes in
Immature Teeth With Necrotic Root Canal Systems Treated With Regenerative Endodontic Procedures. J
Endod 2009;35(10):1343-49.
11. American Association of Endodontics. Considerations for Regenerative Procedures 2013 [cited;
Available from:
12. Nagata JY, Gomes BP, Rocha Lima TF, Murakami LS, de Faria DE, Campos GR, et al. Traumatized
immature teeth treated with 2 protocols of pulp revascularization. Journal of Endodontics
13. Nagy MM, Tawfik HE, Hashem AA, Abu-Seida AM. Regenerative potential of immature
permanent teeth with necrotic pulps after different regenerative protocols. Journal of Endodontics
14. Hoshino E, Kurihara-Ando N, Sato I, Uematsu H, Sato M, Kota K, et al. In-vitro antibacterial
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