Daily Lesson Log
Daily Lesson Log
Daily Lesson Log
III. LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used in different days. Varied resources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson an in learning. Ensure that there is a mix
of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References Mathematics 7 Learner’s Mathematics 7 Learner’s Mathematics 7 Learner’s Worktext in Mathematics Worktext in Mathematics
Materials Materials Materials GEOMETRY (BEC based) by GEOMETRY (BEC based) by
Ferdinand C. Pascual Ferdinand C. Pascual
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 186-190 Pages 192-198 Pages 199-202 Pages 8-10 Pages 11-12
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book Pages 1. Geometry, textbook 1. Geometry, textbook 1. Geometry, textbook Worktext in Mathematics Worktext in Mathematics
for Third Year by for Third Year by for Third Year by GEOMETRY (BEC based) by GEOMETRY (BEC based) by
Soledad Jose-Dilao Soledad Jose-Dilao Soledad Jose-Dilao Ferdinand C.Pascual Ferdinand C.Pascual
and Julieta Bernabe and Julieta Bernabe and Julieta Bernabe Pages 8-10 Pages 11-12
pages 12-25 pages 20-22 pages 54-59
2. Geometry , Prentice 2. Geometry , Prentice 2. Geometry , Prentice
Hall Mathematics Hall Mathematics Hall Mathematics
pages 10-11 page 17 page 28
4. Additional Materials Concrete and pictorial Concrete and pictorial pictorial models such protractor worksheet
from Learning models such as pineapple models as tower
resources(LR)Portal plant
B. Other Learning Geometry, Mathematics for Geometry, Mathematics for Geometry, Mathematics for
Resources Third Year High School, Third Year High School, Third Year High School,
Dolores F. Hernandez Dolores F. Hernandez Dolores F. Hernandez
MECS(Ministry of Education , MECS(Ministry of Education , MECS(Ministry of Education ,
Culture and Sports Culture and Sports Culture and Sports
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that the students will learn will learn well. Always be guided by
IV PROCEDURES demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing the
students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes and draw conclusion about what they learned in
relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing Previous Refer to page 186 first Refer to page 192 on subsets Review basic terms and set Review Parts of an angle and Review classification of
Lesson or Presenting paragraph on the of lines operation on rays angle Measure angles
New Lesson introduction to the
undefined terms in geometry
B. Establishing a Purpose 1. To function Refer to previous lesson Refer to previous purpose for For mastery of parts of an For mastery of classification
for the Lesson effectively in the about the undefined terms. the lesson angle ,its measure and of angles
three-dimensional (line segment and ray are classification
world, one should subsets of line)
have a knowledge of
geometric concepts
of points, line, and
planes, their
relationships, and
their basic
properties. Knowing
these would lead to a
better understanding
of plane surfaces and
their areas, solids,
and their volumes.
Our environment is rich with
patterns of different shapes
and sizes. These motivate
and facilitate the learning of
geometry because of their
appeal to our perception of
beauty and order.
Recognition and analysis of
their properties and
measures not only develop
one’s knowledge in
geometry, but also open the
path for logical thinking
IDEAS. However , we can use
concrete objects around us
to represent these ideas.
Thus, these undefined terms
can only be described.
C. Presenting Present activity 1 on page Present activity 3 on page Look at the hands of the Present exercises page 8 Present illustration of
Examples/Instances of the 188 193 clock. Do you see the different angles page 11
Lesson representation of an angle?
The bent arm of the man also
represents an angle. The legs
of the chair represent an
angle; so do the edged of the
table. Look around you and
describe objects in the
classroom which represent
D. Discussing New Discuss questions to ponder Discuss activity 4 on page Define angle based on Present something more Present exercises A page 11
Concepts and Practicing on page 188 194, Teacher’s Guide previous activity. page 9
New Skills#1 and Definition of terms. Discuss angle, sides and
Refer to page 187, Teacher’s vertex. Refer to page 200.
Guide Teacher’s Guide
E. Discussing New Present exercises #1 and 2 Discuss activity 5 on pages Discuss and answer activity 8 Present sharpen your skill on Present B something more
Concepts and Practicing page 189, Teacher’s Guide 195 -196, Teacher’s Guide page 201. page 9 page 12
New Skills#2 Discuss the different types
of angles. Refer to page 202.
Teacher’s Guide
F. Developing Mastery Present exercise # 3 pages Worksheet that define Without using protractor let Present challenge on page 10 Present C. Challenge page 12
(Leads To Formative 189-190, Teacher’s Guide segments and rays the students state if the
Assessment 3) And present activity 6 pages measures are correct and
197-198, Teacher’s Guide which are wrong in exercise
9. Refer to pages 201- 202,
Teacher’s Guide
G. Finding Practical Let some students name Let some students name Best angle the television set Name parts of a house that Name body parts that would
Application of Concepts practical application practical application be installed on the wall. used angle represent angle and classify
and Skills in Daily Living it according to estimated
H. Making Generalization Let some students generalize Let some students generalize Let some students generalize Essay writing of what they Essay writing of what they
and Abstractions about of what they learned about of what they learned about of what they learned about learned about parts of an learned about classification
the lesson the lesson the lesson. the lesson angle ,its measure and of Angles
Or Or Or classifications
Make a summary what the You may say, in this two days Make a summary what the
students should learned you learned about the basic students should learned
terms in geometry which are
point, line, segment and ray.
Also you learned how to
perform set operations on
segments and rays.
I. Evaluating Learning Call some students to give Call some students to define Call some students to Call some students to share Call some students to share
examples of objects that segments and ray 1. define angle and its their write-ups their write-ups
maybe used to represent the parts
point, line and plane 2. classify angles
according to their
J. Additional Activities for Name objects at home that Name objects at home that Measure the angle you Research other application Research some application of
Application or represent: represent: usually seat and the of the angle aside from what the classification of angles
Remediation 1. Point 1. Segment television set you have at already mentioned
2. Line 2. ray home if any or a portrait on
3. Plane the wall and your eyes when