EC Experiment No 4

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Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Graphic Era (Deemed tobeUniversity), Dehradun, UK

Aim: To design and verify the truth table for logic gates using NOR gate.

i. Use of universal gate.
ii. Realization of various gates using NOR gate

Apparatus Bequircd: 1C 7402 (NOR Gate), Bread Board, Power Supply, Connecting Wires,

Logic Gates: A logic gate is an elementary building block of a digital circuit. most logic gates
have two inputs and one output. at any given moment, every terminal is in one of the two binary
conditions: LOW () or HlGH (1), represented by different voltage levels. In most logic gates,
the low state is approximately zero volts (0 V), while the high state is approximately five volts
positive (+5 V).
AND. OR and NOT are basic gates. XOR and XNOR are derived gates. NAND and NOR gate
are universal gatesas any logic can be implemented using only NAND or only NOR.

Figure 4.1: NOT Gate using NOR Gate

Figure 4.2: AND Gate using NOR Gate

Lab Manual: Basic Electronics Lab

Page 37
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun, UK

Figure 4.3: OR Gate using NOR Gate


Figure 4.4: XOR Gate using NOR Gate

Q=I (A (A B) (8 (A +B)'

Figure 4.5: XNOR Gate using NOR Gate

Experimental Procedure:
7. Tum the power (Trainer Kit) off during circuit implementation.
8. Connect the +5V and ground (GND) leads of the power supply to the power and ground
bus strips on your breadboard.
9. Point all the chips in the same direction with pin 1 at the upper-left comer on
breadboard. (Pin 1 is often identified by a dot or a notch next to it on the chip package).
10. Sclect a connection and place a piece of hook-up wire between corresponding pins of
the chips on breadboard. It is better to make the short connections before the longer
ones. Mark each connection of schematic in steps, so as not to try to make the samne
connection again at a larger stage.
11. If an error is made and not spotted before you tu the power on, turn the power off
immediately before reconstructing the circuit.
12. Verify the truth table of given circuit.

Lab Manual: Basic Electronics Lab Page 38

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineeringg
Graphic Era (Deemed to beUniversity), Dehradun, UK
Result: The truth tables of all gates AND, OR, NOT, XOR, XNOR, NAND and NOR gates have
been verified. all gates have been realized
by universal gates (NAND and NOR).
Result Analysis & Discussion: This section should be written individually by each student.
Inferences &Conclusion: This section should be written individually by each student.
Learning Outcomes:
3. Depth knowledge of basic gates 1Cs.
4. Learning the pin description of ICs.

4. NOT gates are used in oscillators to generate clock signals.
5. AND gate is used in the measurement of frequency of a pulsed waveform.

6. EX-OR gates are used in parity generation, checking units and comparators.
3. Turn the power off before making any connection.

4. Make connections carefully.

Lab Manual: Basic Electronics Lab

Page 39

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