Experiment No.1 Digital Logic Gates Familirization: I. Objectives

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Experiment No.


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 To get familiar with the usage of the available lab equipments.
 To get familiar with Prototyping board (breadboard)
 To describe and verify the operation for the AND, OR, NOT, NAND,
XOR gates.
 To study the representation of these functions by truth tables, logic
and Boolean algebra
 To Introduce a basic knowledge in integrated circuit devices
 To practice how to build a simple digital circuit using ICs and other
components .
 Learn how to Wire a circuit


A Digital Logic Gate is an electronic device that makes logical decisions

based on the different combinations of digital signals present on its inputs.Logic
gates are the building blocks of digital circuits. Combinations of logic gates form
circuits designed with specific tasks in mind. They are fundamental to the design
of computers. Digital logic using transistors is often referred as Transistor-
Transistor Logic or TTLgates. These gates are the AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR,
EXOR and EXNOR gates

1. AND Gate: A multi-input circuit in which the output is 1 only if all inputs are
1.The symbolic representation of the AND gate is:
The AND gate is an electronic circuit that gives a high output (1) only if all its
inputs are high. A dot (.) is used to show the AND operation i.e. A.B .

2. OR gate A multi-input circuit in which the output is 1 when any input is 1.

The symbolic representation of the OR gate is shown:

The OR gate is an electronic circuit that gives a high output (1) if one or more of
its inputs are high. A plus (+) is used to show the OR operation.

3. NOT gate: The output is 0 when the input is 1, and the output is 1 when
input is 0. The symbolic representation of an inverter is :

The NOT gate is an electronic circuit that produces an inverted version of the
input at its output. It is also known as an inverter. If the input variable is A, the
inverted output is known as NOT A. This is also shown as A', or A with a bar over
the top, as shown at the outputs.

4. NAND gate: AND followed by INVERT. It is also known as universal

gate.The symbolic representation of the NAND gate is:
This is a NOT-AND gate which is equal to an AND gate followed by a NOT gate.
The outputs of all NAND gates are high if any of the inputs are low. The symbol is
an AND gate with a small circle on the output. The small circle represents

5. NOR gate: OR followed by inverter. It is also known as universal gate.The

symbolic representation is:

This is a NOT-OR gate which is equal to an OR gate followed by a NOT gate.

The outputs of all NOR gates are low if any of the inputs are high. The symbol is
an OR gate with a small circle on the output. The small circle represents

 Prototyping board (breadboard)
 DC Power Supply 5V Batt
 Light Emitting Diode (LED)
 Digital ICs: 7404 :Hex Inverter
7408 :Quad 2 input AND
7432 :Quad 2 input OR
7400: Quad 2 input NAND
7402: Quad 2 inpu
 Connecting Wires

Integrated Circuits Pin Diagram:

Not Gate: IC 7404(HEX
14 Pin
Supply voltage

AND Gate: IC 7408

14 Pin
Quad 2 input
AND Gate
Supply voltage

OR Gate: IC 7432
14 Pin
Quad 2 input
OR Gate
Supply voltage

NAND Gate: IC 7400

14 Pin
Quad 2 input
Supply voltage
NOR Gate: IC 7402
14 Pin
Quad 2 input
NOR Gate
Supply voltage


1. For the Boolean Function Z = BC’+ AC, perform the circuits as shown in
Logic Circuit Diagram ( see Circuit 1, Circuit 2 and Circuit 3).
2. Connect the supply voltage and ground lines to the chips. PIN7 = Ground
and PIN14 = +5V.
3. Once all connections have been done, turn on the power switch of the
4. . Operate the switches and fill in the truth table ( Write "1" if LED is ON and
"0" if LED is OFF Apply the various combination of inputs according to the
truth table and observe the condition of Output LEDs.
5. Answer the truth table.


Circuit 1. Implementation of NOT, OR and AND Gates.

Circuit 2. Implementation of NAND Gate

Circuit 3. Implementation of NOR Gate


Truth Table

Inputs N10 Output (Z)

A B C Circuit 1 Circuit 2 Circuit 3
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
1 1 1 7


Discus your findings on the following:

1. NOT Gate

2. OR Gate

3. AND Gate

4. NAND Gate

5. NOR Gate


(1) M. Morris Mano - Digital Design - PHI (3rd Edition)
(2) R.P. Jain - Modern Digital Electronics – TMH
(3) Tocci - Digital Systems - (PHI)
 http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/video.php?courseId=1005
 http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/logic/logic_1.html
 http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-
 http://www.scribd.com/doc/16066166/Logic-Gates-Experiment-1
 http://richardbowles.tripod.com/dig_elec/chapter1/chapter1.htm
 http://www.gyte.edu.tr/dosya/102/dersler/elm321/Lab1.pdf

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