6a1135503 Dev
6a1135503 Dev
6a1135503 Dev
Investor Presentation
February 2023
Important Information
Forward Looking Statements
This Presentation contains forward-looking statements which are identified by words such as ‘may’, ‘could’, ‘believes’, ‘estimates’, ‘targets’, ‘expects’, or ‘intends’ and other similar words that involve risks and uncertainties.
These statements are based on an assessment of present economic and operating conditions, and on a number of assumptions regarding future events and actions that, as at the date of this Presentation, are considered
reasonable. Such forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are beyond the control of
the Company, the Directors and the management. The Directors cannot and do not give any assurance that the results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained in this
Presentation will actually occur and investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. The Directors have no intention to update or revise forward-looking statements, or to publish
prospective financial information in the future, regardless of whether new information, future events or any other factors affect the information contained in this Presentation, except where required by law or the ASX listing rules.
No offer to sell or invitation to buy
This Presentation is not, and should not be considered to, constitute any offer to sell, or solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities in DevEx Resources Limited, and no part of this Presentation forms the basis of any contract
or commitment whatsoever with any person. DevEx Resources Limited does not accept any liability to any person in relation to the distribution or possession of this Presentation from or in any jurisdiction.
Whilst care has been exercised in preparing and presenting this Presentation, to the maximum extent permitted by law, DevEx Resources Limited and its representatives:
make no representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, as to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of this Presentation;
accept no responsibility or liability as to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of this Presentation; and
accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions from this Presentation.
Competent Person Statement
The information in this Presentation that relates to Exploration Results for the Nabarlek, Sovereign and Junee Projects are extracted from the ASX announcements titled:
• “More High-Grade Uranium Across Multiple Prospects Confirms Outstanding Growth Potential at Nabarlek” released on 24 January 2023;
• “High-Grade Uranium Confirmed at Nabarlek” released on 29 November 2022;
• “More Significant Uranium Intersected at Nabarlek” released on 19 October 2022;
• “High-Grade Uranium Intersected at Nabarlek” released on 9 August 2022;
• “Shallow intercepts continue to define gold zone at Junee” released on 5 August 2022;
• “Initial Assay Results Indicate Potential for Porphyry Copper-Gold System at Junee” released on 26 April 2022;
• “Further diamond drilling and initial assays confirm extensive, thick, and prospective intrusive sequence at Sovereign” released on 23 December 2021;
• “Initial diamond drilling at Sovereign intersects thick intrusive sequence with disseminated nickel-copper sulphides” released on 10 November 2021;
• “DevEx ramps-up exploration at Nabarlek Uranium Project, NT after identifying new high-grade targets” released on 29 September 2021;
• “Large-scale, 12km long mafic-ultramafic intrusion at Sovereign Project, paving way for ground EM and initial diamond drilling” released on 17 August 2021;
• “Technical review recognises strong similarities between U40 prospect and the Coronation Hill U-Au-PGE deposit” released on the 9 May 2019;
• “Large drill target defined below Nabarlek Uranium Mine, West Arnhem Project, NT” released on 9 October 2018;
• “UEQ Identifies High Grade Copper-Gold and Base Metal Potential at NT Uranium Prospects” released on the 4 October 2017; and
• “Higher Uranium Grades Returned from U40 Prospect – Nabarlek” released on the 16 December 2010;
all of which are available on www.devexresources.com.au.
The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the relevant original market announcement and that all material assumptions and technical parameters
underpinning the estimates in the relevant market announcement continue to apply and have not materially changed.
Exploration by Other Explorers
This Presentation contains information sourced from the reports of Other Explorers. References to the original reports are provided as footnotes where the information is cited in this Presentation. The Company does not vouch
for the accuracy of these reports. The Company has taken the decision to include this information as it is in the public domain and has assessed it to be of relevance to shareholders and investors.
Exploring Australia’s discovery hot-spots
• Unique - One of very few ASX companies with high-grade uranium in Australia
• Multiple, shallow, near-mine, targets defined along strike from historic uranium intercepts. New
uranium intercepts incl. 10.1m @ 1.1% U3O8 and 2.0m @ 0.6% U3O8
Julimar Complex, WA
North Cobar Project • Exciting exploration opportunity in the emerging West Yilgarn Province
‒ Drilling commenced
• North Cobar Project – Exploring the northern extension to the fault corridor hosting the Cobar
Mining Centre (host to CSA Mine)
Corporate Overview
Board of Directors
Capital Structure
Tim Goyder
Shares 366.1M Chairman
Mining executive with strong track record of successful investment and value creation for
Options 14.5M shareholders.
Market Cap $111.7M (at 30.5c2) Chairman of Liontown Resources, NED of Minerals 260 and EntX, former Chairman of
Chalice Mining.
Cash1 $16.8M
Brendan Bradley
Assets entX Limited (4.6%) Patented Managing Director
technology to recover uranium from Geologist for 25+ years with extensive experience in exploration and development of
phosphate fertilizer 3 epithermal gold deposits.
Highly experienced in intrusive related nickel-copper-PGE deposits.
Senior management at Perilya Ltd, Dominion Mining Ltd and Kingsgate Consolidated Ltd.
Major Shareholders Stacey Apostolou
Executive Director
Tim Goyder (Chairman) 16.99% 30+ years experience in the mining and exploration industry.
Paradice Investment Management Pty Ltd 6.10% Finance executive for a number of publicly listed companies.
Most recently CFO for (formerly) EMR Capital owned Golden Grove and Capricorn Copper.
Top 20 44.60%
Bryn Jones
Non-Executive Director
Industrial chemist with over 20 years of experience in the uranium industry, including the
development and operation of ISR uranium mines.
MD of EntX Limited and NED of Boss Energy and Australian Rare Earths.
Richard Hacker
1 At 31 December 2022 Non-Executive Director
2 Closing price on 31 January 2023
Finance executive with 25+ years corporate and commercial experience in the energy and
3 Formerly PhosEnergy Limited: https://www.entx.com.au/
resources sector.
CFO for Chalice Mining and formerly CFO of Liontown Resources.
Major uranium asset in Australia’s highest-grade uranium province
Exploration Camp
• Well established infrastructure
Acquired Nabarlek
75 and support network
Fukushima Event March 2022: US$59/lb
10 year high • Positive working relationships
with traditional owners
• Exploration activities were
building momentum prior to
uranium’s downturn post 2011
• ….time to power up!
New high-grade U3O8 intercept seen in broad
spaced reconnaissance RC drilling:
2.0m @ 0.59% U3O8 from 188m
Incl 1.0m @ 1.03% U3O8
Nabarlek Project: Near surface uranium at Nabarlek South
Nabarlek Project: Nabarlek South Regional Targets
U42 Prospect
• Large scale uranium target identified, similar in
style to nearby world class Ranger Uranium
• Broad spaced reconnaissance RC drilling has
intersected new high-grade uranium
mineralisation beneath the flat dolerite:
2.0m @ 0.59% U3O8 from 188.0m
incl 1.0m @ 1.03% U3O8
Nabarlek Project: Uranium trend to the north of U42 Prospect, untested
U42 Prospect
• Airborne radiometric data has highlighted a
prominent uranium trend that closely matches
the recent bedrock uranium intercepts
• Wide open drilling opportunity
• Priority target for follow-up drilling in 2023
Julimar Complex: New ground in a new nickel-copper-PGE region
See ASX : DEV Announcement 16 August 2021. See Slide 16 for References. Tenement outlines held by Chalice and Caspin are combined for context. 12
Central Lachlan Fold Belt Region: Sizeable portfolio amongst majors
• Planning underway for recommencement of drilling in second quarter
• Drilling to expand upon the 2022 high-grade uranium intercepts, incl.:
o U42
o Nabarlek South
• Ground EM surveys over the mafic-ultramafic intrusion are underway
• EM conductors will be fast tracked to drilling
• Follow-up drilling has commenced
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