Bcomhr - BM101 - Mo

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Module Overview Information

Module Module name: Business Management 101

Information Module code: BCOMHR_BM101
Programme: Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management
NQF level: 5
Credit value: 20
Duration Semester

Module After studying this module, students should be able to:

Outcomes ● Describe the fundamental concepts of business management in an organisational
● Provide an elementary understanding of the evolution of management theory in
relation to current business practice.
● Effectively determine the relationships between the organisation and external
environmental factors.
● Describe the different internal and external factors that may affect a business
● Constructively apply factors of the business environment to a variety of business
● Demonstrate a sound understanding of the four basic management functions.
● Display a basic knowledge of management adapting from traditional management
methods to the digital age.

Module This module introduces the students to the fundamental concepts and functions of
Overview management. It describes the functional areas of management and their related activities.
The guide assists students with a concise understanding of the general management
functions and the business environment.

Prescribed & Refer to the module guide for the prescribed textbooks; latest editions are recommended

Module Refer to the ‘Assessment’ section on the module LMS page for a description of the
Assessment assessment regime.

Chapter Chapter/Learning Outcomes

Chapter 1: • Clearly discuss the importance of studying of business management

Introduction to Business • Identify and discuss the functional areas of business management
Management • Effectively describe an organisation’s value chain model
• Successfully identify and discuss the factors of production required to start a business
• Describe the fundamental concepts of business management in an organisational environment
• Clearly understand and apply the roles, skills, and levels of management within an organisational context

Chapter 2: • Highlight the significance of learning management theory

Development of Management • Display a basic understanding of the factors that have contributed to management theory
Theory • Provide an elementary knowledge and understanding of the theorist contributions and findings of the Classical Management
Approach, Behavioural and Human relations Approach, Quantitative Approach and Contemporary theories

Chapter 3: • Identify and discuss the salient characteristics of the management environment
Environmental Analysis • Distinctly discuss the composition of management environment in its entirety
• Comprehensively discuss and apply fundamental knowledge of the macro, market and micro-environment to a business context
• Clearly explain the importance of conducting an environmental analysis and scenario development in business
• Effectively acknowledge and understand the approaches management can adopt when relating to scenario development
• Have a perspicuous understanding of the elements of a SWOT analysis matrix

Chapter 4: • Demonstrate a well-rounded understanding of the general management functions

General Management • Identify and discuss the levels and fundamentals of the planning process
• Demonstrate an understanding of the essential aspects of the organising function
• Successfully apply the elements and critical aspects of leadership within a business
• Display knowledge and understanding of the rudimentary aspects of the control process to maintain efficiency within a business
• Provide a clear understanding of the evolution of traditional management to digital management

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