Course Syllabus: Nutritional Biochemistry1 (CHS 264)

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King Saud University

College of Applied Medical Sciences

Department of Community Health
Course Syllabus
Nutritional Biochemistry1 (CHS 264)
Thirdsemester 2021-2022

Vision, mission and goals of Clinical Nutrition program

Excellence, leadership and innovation in the field of health education and promotion
To promote the health of individuals and communities and improve the quality of life through
qualifying competitive cadres specialized in health education and promotion; who are
characterized by creative thinking, innovation, problem solving and decision making skills,
armed with values and ethics needed to practice the profession within a multidisciplinary team,
and competent in planning, implementation and evaluation of health education programs and
campaigns, in addition to mobilizing community participation, and conducting distinguished
scientific research.
Goal 1
To provide students with knowledge, skills and competencies needed to become life-long
learners in health education and promotion.
Goal 2
To conduct scientific research using evidence based methods through teaching staff and
students’ participation.
Goal 3
To actively engage in community service activities and initiatives that promote health
awareness and lifestyles for the community members.
Course Syllabus
Program in which the course is offered: Clinical Nutrition program, Bachelor degree

Credit hours 3 hours (2 theoretical + 1 practical)

total contact hours per semester 45 hours
Level at which this course is offered: Level 4/ year 2

Course prerequisites: None

Time: Sunday 08:00 AM - 10:20 AM
Location: 0155 36 1 A 028, College of Applied Medical Sciences
College member responsible for the course Dr. CHANDRAMOHAN GOVINDASAMY,
Associate Professor
Contact information:
Office Number: 2292; 2nd Floor, College of Applied Medical Sciences
Phone : Office: 97434
Office hours: Tuesday: 11 A M to 1:00 PM
Thursday: 1 PM to 2:00 PM
Course Description
At the end of this course, the student will be able to understand the structure, chemical
properties, and functions of water, carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, lipids and enzymes

Course Objectives
The students will be able to:
 To understood the about nutritional biochemistry
 To know the carbohydrates: classification, occurrence, structures, functions and common
 Gain knowledge about the proteins and amino acids: classification, properties and
 To understood the lipids: classification, structure, functions and common diseases
 Also get knowledge in enzyme: definition, properties, classification and mechanism of
 Water: structure, functions and their properties.

Teaching strategies
The course will be conducted in a form of lectures, class discussions, seminars and student presentations.

Learning Resources
Required Text (s)
- Tom Body. (1999). Nutritional Biochemistry, Second Edition. USA: Academic Press.
- • Whitney, Cataldo, Rolfes. (2001). Understanding normal and clinical nutrition. Brooks Cole
- • Palmela C Champe and Richard A Harvey. (2009).Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews of
- Lippincotts company
- Biochemistry by 4th Edition (2013) written by Satyanarayana & Chakrapani
- Essentials of Biochemistry for Medical Students 2nd edition by Nayak, Shivananda (2013)
Nutrition & Diet Therapy, 10th Edition Ruth A. Roth, MS, RD
Essential References
- Sucheta P Dandekar.(2003). Medical Biochemistry, Prep Manual for undergraduates, Hipl
Recommended Journals
• Journal of nutritional biochemistry
• Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition (

Electronic Materials and Web Sites

Various websites related to the course

Topics to be Covered
List of Topics No of Weeks Contact hours
-Introduction about nutritional biochemistry 1 4
- Carbohydrates: classification, occurrence, 3 12
structures, functions and common diseases
- Proteins and amino acids: classification, properties 3 12
and functions
- Lipids: classification, structure, functions and 4 16
common diseases
-Enzyme: definition, properties, classification and 3 12
mechanism of action
-Water: structure, functions and properties. 1 4

Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students During the Semester

Assessment task (e.g. essay, test, group
Proportion of Total
# project, examination, speech, oral Week Due Assessment
presentation, etc.)
a. Mid term I 5- 7 th week 30 %
b. Class discussion, Assignment Continuous 10 %
c Presentation 9th to 10th week 10 %
c. Practical th th
9 to 10 week 10 %
d. End Semester Exam 11th -12thwk 40 %

* Ten marks assigned to Class discussion, assignment & Presentation will be 10 Marks (please find details on the
course assignments in the following section)
Class discussion: during each lecture, the course instructor will ask questions and who is able to give the correct
answer will be given one or two points. The given points for each student will be summed up at the end of the
course, divided by the highest points the student got and multiplied in 5 to give the student marks out of the 5 marks
assigned for class discussion
** Course presentations: during the course, the students will be divided into groups with a leader for each group. Each
group will be given a topic related to the course. The topics, guidelines to prepare the topics and the assessment will
be distributed to the students groups within the 3 rd week. ALL presentations will be submitted through the KSU
Learning Management System (LMS); Black Board for checking for plagiarism.

Course rules
 Attendance:
- All students are required to attend all scheduled lectures/ practical/ clinical sessions on time.
According to the KSU law, if the student exceeds a 25% unexcused absence, he/she will not be
allowed to take the final exam. Please refer to:
- All students are expected to come to the lectures/ practical/ clinical sessions prepared, on time,
and remain for the full session period.
 Students who arrive to class 15 minutes late for two times will be considered
absent for one session. It is the student responsibility to inform the instructor at the
end of the session that he/she arrived after the attendance was taken, otherwise
the student will be considered absent for that session.
 Leaving before the end of the session is not permitted except after instructor’s
approval otherwise early leaving without permission for two times, the student will
be considered absent for one session.
 In case of late arrival to the session combined with leaving before the end of the
session without instructor’s permission, the student will be considered absent for
one session.
 Exams:
- The midterm exams may cover certain topics within the course but the final exam will be
comprehensive and cover all course’ topics
- NO makeup/alternative exams without a valid excuse accompanied with the necessary official
documentation, moreover, for the absence to be regarded as authorized, you must inform your
course instructor, preferably by email, before the exam due date. The course instructor can
accept the student's excuse or refer the student to his academic counselor after filling a form
“shown at the end of this file”, sign from the course instructor and given to his academic
counselor who will send the signed form accompanied with the excuse to the coordinator of the
department academic counselling committee to make the decision. If the academic counselling
committee accepts the excuse, the student's academic counselor will e-mail the student with
the decision. The student has to arrange with his course instructor the appropriate time to take
the makeup/alternative exam that should not be more than two weeks from the initial scheduled
examination time except in certain circumstances based on a recommendation of the academic
counselling committee, the exam can be postponed but not more than one week before the
final exams' dates.
- Any student can look at his midterm exams' answer papers after arranging the proper time with
the course instructor, but if he/she wants to look at the final exam' answer paper, he/she should
write a formal letter asking a permission from the head/vice head of the department.
 Course textbooks/ handouts: Students are recommended to bring their textbooks/ handouts/
manuals and/or notebooks during lectures/ practical/ clinical sessions.

 Assignments:
- Assignments should be submitted on their due dates.
- If you are unable to come to submit the assignment on its due date “students can discuss
an alternative way with their instructor”.
- Certain points/marks will be deducted for each day of late submission; moreover,
assignments will not be accepted after one week of their due dates unless there is a valid
excuse accompanied with the necessary official documentation.
- Assignments and presentations will be assessed using checklists or rubrics, so ask your
instructor for the assessment criteria and points/marks assigned for each criterion.
- It is expected that the assignment is your own work. Cheating, plagiarism and any other
form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.
- Contact your course instructor once you face problems in the assignment.
- Submission assignments and presentations can be electronically through the blackboard,
so you have to be trained well on how to use the blackboard.
 Participations:
- Positive participation with the instructor is recommended moreover, about two marks can
be assigned for class participation, but side talks are prohibited. If you have any question,
ask the instructor not your mates.
- Your attendance to conferences, training sessions, workshops and/or community services
related to the course is highly appreciated and you can get the full mark assigned to class
participation after showing the attendance certificates. Also, these activities can be added
to your skills record. More details on the skills record is available at
 Cheating and plagiarism are prohibited and will be taken seriously and can lead to a course
- There is no tolerance to all forms of cheating. It is expected that all students put their
efforts forward when performing in tests, assignments and any other course requirements.
- It is expected that students produce original assignments and presentations, and when
referring to other sources (where they use as support to their original thoughts/theories)
that they appropriately cite and provide a bibliography/reference for all information and
citing from other sources.
- If the instructor sees any form of cheating and/or plagiarism, he/she has the right to take
any required action according to the Dean of Student Affairs Rules of Student Discipline.
Please refer to the online documents NO. 1. Students rights and obligations and 2.
Student disciplinary regulations shown at the end of this file
 Using mobiles for calling, chatting and/or messaging is strictly prohibited during the lecture except
in case of urgent issues or emergency calls where you can step out of the room after taking
permission from the instructor but without disturbing the class. At the first time, two marks will be
deducted from the marks assigned to class participation if the student uses the mobile during
lectures/ practical/ clinical sessions. This deduction will be increased to reach five marks if the
same student uses the mobile again during the same session or during other sessions.
 Laptops: are not allowed during lectures/ practical/ clinical sessions except after getting the
instructor permission for taking notes without distracting other students, otherwise two marks will
be deducted from the marks assigned to class discussion and participation for the first time and the
deduction will increase to five marks if the same student does it again
 Wearing the university uniform is highly encouraged.
 No food or drinks are allowed during lectures/ practical/ clinical sessions except for bottled water
and only in classrooms. Under certain circumstances “light snacks are allowed but after taking the
permission of the course instructor”
 Communications with the course instructor.
- During the office hours of the instructor
- All e-mails should be through the university email.
- All e-mails must be properly signed with the full name of the student and include in their
subjects the title and/or code and number of the course.
- No private e-mails can be used except in certain cases where communications via the
university e-mail or the university’s electronic system is unavailable for extended periods.
This can be done after getting the instructor's permission.
- Don’t expect an answer immediately or after the working hours.

 Problems associated with the course and/or instructor
- When a problem with the course and/or instructor occurs, the students should follow the following
order for resolving the problem:- .
 The course instructor.
 The academic advisor
 The head/vice head of the department. If the course instructor is the head/vice
head of the department you can go to the vice dean for academic affairs.
 Vice dean for academic affairs in the male section or the female Vice dean for
female section
 Dean of Academic Affairs or Students’ Rights protection unit within the deanship.
More details on this unit and students’ appeal and grievances procedures can be
found in the online document NO. 3. Students’ rights protection unit shown at
the end of this file

 Recommendation letters:
Recommendations letters, when required, will be given only to students who are able to get grade
B or higher in this course

 Disability and Handicap

- In the case you are disabled or handicapped; you should notify the course instructor. The
university supports students with disability and encouraged them to utilize services to
maximize learning ability and experiences. There is a center offering support for
handicapped students within the deanship of students' affairs. More details on the center
can be found at and for female students please visit the
following website
- A student with disability is treated with mutual respect and confidentiality. In addition,
consideration to his status is offered in teaching, assessment and evaluation.
Evaluation of the program and courses
For continuous improvement of the program and its courses the following electronic questionnaires
available on the Edugate at should be filled:-
- Instructors evaluation )‫ (ين لمحاضري تقييي‬: All students should fill this evaluation for each one of
their courses every semester
- Evaluate experience ) ‫(لملضمي ا بري تقييي‬: students of the final level should fill this evaluation
only for one time
- Program evaluation ) ‫(ايضح لمر تقييي‬: students of the final level should fill this evaluation only for
one time
Really your evaluation to the program and the courses is highly appreciated and taken into our
consideration and you can find the reports on your evaluation and the suggested action plan to improve
the program and its courses for several years through the following links:
- Reports on course evaluation: https://ksusa-
- Reports on program evaluation: https://ksusa-
- Reports on Students experience evaluation: https://ksusa-
Important online documents
The following documents are to go through to be familiar with your program as well as the university
rules and regulations:-
1. Students rights and obligations available at
2. Student disciplinary regulations; available at

3. Students’ rights protection unit available at
4. KSU study and exams regulations: available at
5. Electronic basket in both Arabic and English language available at include the followings:
- new students’ guide for systems and regulations, activities and services that is also
distributed to all KSU students when they join the university at the preparatory year.
- regulations for student rights and duties
- student financial rights
- student disciplining regulation
 Please kindly note if any of the above links are not working, take a copy of the link and paste it to
your browser

Class and group Leaders:

To develop students’ capabilities for leadership and to improve their team work skills, there will be a
class leader for the course in addition to a group leader for group assignments and presentations (if
Class Leaders
A class leader is a student in the class who will be chosen by the majority of the students in the class
during the first two weeks of the semester. The prospective class leader should fulfill the following
 GPA: not less than 3.5 /5.00 (the academic record should be shown to the instructor)
 Good relationship with all students in the class
 High moral standards and effective communication skills.
Duties of the Class leader:
 Acquiring contact information from all students in the class
 Maintaining continuous contact with the course instructor
 Delivering information and answering questions to the students promptly
 Delivering students concerns, information and questions to the instructor promptly
Advantages for the class leader:
 If the class leader performed well in the above mentioned duties, he would get extra 2 marks
added to his marks assigned to Class discussion but without exceeding the maximum marks
assigned to Class discussion; otherwise the course instructor has the right to ask the whole
students to choose another Class leader.
Group Leaders
A group leader is a student within a group who will lead the students in group assignments and
presentations (if any). The group leader will be chosen by the majority of the group once the
students are divided into groups by the course instructor.
The prospective group leader should fulfill the same selection criteria of the class leader as mentioned
above except for the GPA which can be ignored if no student in the group has achieved this GPA.
The duties of the group leader are as previously mentioned for the class leader but restricted to the
students in his group. The group leader will be responsible for distributing the work among the
group members.
Choosing your group leader is of utmost importance, because the authority will be delegated to him for
distributing the work among the members and he will be responsible for submitting the
achievement percentage of each student to the course instructor. Based upon these achievement
percentages the student mark will be calculated.
If the group leader performed well in his duties, he would get extra 2 marks added to his marks
assigned to presentations but without exceeding the maximum marks assigned to presentations;
otherwise the group members can ask the course instructor to choose another group leader.

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