Med Term Syllabus (Liepe) 1.23
Med Term Syllabus (Liepe) 1.23
Med Term Syllabus (Liepe) 1.23
30 0
MT 101 Medical Terminology Hours Hours Prerequisite:
Lecture Lab None
Medical Terminology
COURSE OVERVIEW: Medical terminology is the study of the principles of medical word
building to help the student develop the extensive medical vocabulary used in health care
occupations. Students receive a thorough grounding in basic medical terminology through a study of
root words, prefixes and suffixes. The study focuses on correct pronunciation, spelling and use of
medical terms.
Anatomy, physiology, and pathology of disease are discussed yet no previous knowledge of these
topics is necessary. This course provides a systems approach to gross anatomy and physiology with
emphasis on the integration of body systems and functions as they apply to health and disease. (90
hours lecture)
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:
1. Describe the component parts of medical terms
2. Analyze the component parts of a medical term
3. Use basic prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms to build medical terms
4. Explain the common rules for proper medical term formation, pronunciation, and spelling
5. Relate the terminology to the names, locations, and functions of the major organs of the body
Created 6/2015. Revised 09/15, 03/16, 4/17, 8/17, 4/19, 9/19, 1/2020, 4/20, 10/20, 1/22, 4/22, 7/22.
6. Describe the terms utilized for the major disease processes including symptoms, diagnosis,
diagnostic testing, surgeries, and therapies
7. Define basic terms and abbreviations used in documenting on health records
8. Use common terms and abbreviations in documenting on health records related to the major
systems of the body
9. Identify the various Medical Specialists and Case Reports
10. Utilize appropriate sources of information, including the internet, in learning about medical
● Basic Word Structure
● Organization of the Body
● Suffixes
● Prefixes
● Utilization of Terminology
COURSE EVALUATION TOOLS: These may include but are not limited to: Online exams and
quizzes, written learning assignments, group work, demonstration, and proctored ATI assessments.
Created 6/2015. Revised 09/15, 03/16, 4/17, 8/17, 4/19, 9/19, 1/2020, 4/20, 10/20, 1/22, 4/22, 7/22.
Teamwork, listening, empathy, enthusiasm, emotional maturity and consideration of others are
essential to success. Please bring these qualities and values with you to class. Students will be
evaluated on their professional demeanor in class (see rubric below):
1. At the beginning of each course, the instructor will provide a course syllabus to each student in
the class.
2. The instructor will evaluate each student’s participation, assignments, assessments, and projects
based on the grading criteria published in the syllabus.
3. Accurate records of each student’s attendance and grades will be maintained by the instructor
and retained at the campus. Attendance will be reported at the conclusion of each class meeting.
4. Unannounced quizzes and special projects may be given at the instructor’s discretion.
5. Didactic: Grades will be posted in 72 hours (excluding weekends).
6. Clinical: Grades will be posted in a timely manner but not more than 7 days.
For further information on the attendance policy, consult the current edition of the Prism Career
Institute catalog.
Created 6/2015. Revised 09/15, 03/16, 4/17, 8/17, 4/19, 9/19, 1/2020, 4/20, 10/20, 1/22, 4/22, 7/22.
It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about make-up work for both classroom and laboratory
sessions. The instructor will not re-teach material. Therefore there is no additional tuition incurred
for make-up work. For information regarding make-up work, please consult the current edition of
the Prism Career Institute Catalog.
QUIZZES AND EXAMS: Students must be in the classroom at the start of the quiz or exam to take
the exam. Once the exam has begun, students will not be allowed in the classroom to take the exam
without permission of the instructor. Any student absent at the start of the exam will not be allowed
to take the exam if greater than one-fourth of the quiz/exam time has passed. No take-home test or
open book test.
MISSED EXAMS: Students are expected to complete exams during the time frame provided.
Students are permitted to make-up one test/exam per course. If an exam is missed, the test/exam
must be made-up during the next classroom day either before or after the class. The late exam is
subject to an immediate 10 points off with a maximum of 90% awarded. Failure to make-up the
exam the next day on campus will result in a zero. The Director of Nursing or designee reserves the
right to make exceptions to this requirement.
Quizzes cannot be made up.
WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: Students will be expected to upload all written assignments by the due
date posted in Canvas. Assignments are considered late if they are turned in after the designated due
date and time. Workbook assignments are only accepted if they are completely done; partial
completions will not be accepted.
LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Late assignments will receive a deduction of 10 points per day late, for up
to the third day (10 points each day – for three days is a 30-point deduction). For example: if an
assignment is due at 4:00pm and is uploaded at 4:10pm, it is considered late and subject to 10-point
deduction. Assignments received greater than three days past due will receive a 0 (zero) for the
ANY PROBLEMS OR CONCERNS: If you are having difficulty achieving learning plan
competencies and learning objectives see your instructor in their office as soon as possible to discuss
the problem. Take initiative to contact your instructor. Do not assume your instructor knows you
desire assistance. If at any point, your issue is unresolved, you may contact the Director of Nursing.
Student difficulty in achieving the learning plan, competencies, and objectives, INFORM the
instructor immediately. Schedule an appointment to discuss the problem. Take initiative to contact
your instructor. Do not assume your instructor knows you desire assistance. Any problems or issues
with the course must be first discussed with your course instructor.
If at any point, your issue is unresolved, you may contact the Director of Nursing for an
Created 6/2015. Revised 09/15, 03/16, 4/17, 8/17, 4/19, 9/19, 1/2020, 4/20, 10/20, 1/22, 4/22, 7/22.
The adult learner is expected to attend and participate in class. If the student is absent it is their
responsibility to obtain notes and class information from their respective instructor. The adult learner
is expected to come prepared to class. It is expected that the learner has read the assigned reading,
done the assigned work, reviewed associated material, and completed recommended learning
activities and assignments prior to attending class.
● Operating system - Windows 10
● Hard Drive – 64 GB or greater
● Processor – Intel i3 or AMD equivalent or greater
● Memory (RAM) – 4 GB or greater
● Browser - Google Chrome
● Camera, microphone, and speaker
● Active anti-virus software
Chromebooks, tablets, and cell phones are not are not compatible with Canvas’ testing
Created 6/2015. Revised 09/15, 03/16, 4/17, 8/17, 4/19, 9/19, 1/2020, 4/20, 10/20, 1/22, 4/22, 7/22.