MACE 10004 Structures-1

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MACE 10004


Group-36 Project Report

Group Members:
 Dion Serrao (10197320)
 Jesu Jeyasam Anandan (10369016)
 Tunku Latif Izzuddin Tunku Nasiruddin (10327808)
 Mohamed Abu Dakka (10223584)
Photos/Sketches of the Structure

Traffic Signal Box

Cantilever Beam


Description of the Structure and its Functions
Traffic signals are signalling tools which are positioned at intersections along the
roads, pedestrian crossings, junctions and many locations where controlling the flow
of traffic is necessary. The coloured lights: red, amber and green indicate to the road
user when to stop, slow down and proceed to drive.

In this specific example, a cantilever beam is used to allow the traffic signal to be
visible by all vehicle users. They are particularly applied on wider roads, where
vehicles may obstruct the view of a conventional traffic signal structure.

Analysis of an element of the structure

We now analyse an element of the above structure:
In the calculations below, the mass of the rod has been assumed to be negligible.
We only consider the weight of the external load attached to the cantilever beam.

Density of aluminium (ρ)=

0.5m 2710 kgm-3
Volume of Traffic signal
L=4m box (Vol)= 0.5 *1*0.2
= = 0.1
m 3

ρ= m/Vol
1.0m m= 2710*0.1
m =271 kg
W= 271*9.81


W = RyA = 2658.5 N
L = 4m
MA= WL = 10,634 Nm


RyA Using method of sections

for AB:
V ∑Fy=0
V(x)= W= 2658.5 N

W -M(x)-W(L-x) =0
M(x) = -W(L-x)
| Mmax(x) |= 10634 Nm

A B x

Calculation of Sectional Property of the
Element based on the Estimated Dimensions

The dimension of the mast arm of the traffic signal was estimated to have a
diameter, d = 0.2 m

The cross sectional area of the beam consists of a single circle, the centroid of the
beam is assumed to lie at the origin where the x and y axis intersect (0, 0). We can
also assume that the second moment of area about the vertical axis Iy is the same
as the second moment of area about the horizontal axis, Ix, due to the assumption
that the cross-section is completely symmetrical.

Area of cross section:

π ( D) 2 2
A= =π ×(0.1) =0.0314 m

Second Moment of Area about Horizontal Axis of Cross

Section, Ix:

4 4
π (D) π ( 0.2)
I x= = =7.85× 10−5 kgm 2
64 64

Assuming that Ix = Iy,

Polar Second Moment of Area, Jz = Ix + Iy

4 4
π ( D) π ( 0.2) −4 4
J z= = =1.57 × 10 kgm
32 32
Calculation for the Maximum Bending stress
throughout the Element
The maximum Bending stress can be calculated through the use of the flexure
M max C
formula: σ max=

σ max Is maximum bending stress in N/m2

M max Is the resultant internal moment about the neutral axis of the cross- section
(Maximum Value of bending moment diagram)

C Is the perpendicular distance from the axis to the furthest point from the axis

I Is the second moment of area of cross sectional area about the neutral axis

M max =10634 Nm

C=100 mm=0.1m I =7.85 ×10−5m


10634 × 0.1 7 −2
σ max= −5
=1.35× 10 N m
7.85 ×10

From the above analysis, we conclude that the maximum beam deflection occurs at the free end of

the rod where the external traffic signal box is attached (at x=4m).

In conclusion, following our extensive analysis of the structure and considering the
different forces acting upon it, we were able to understand the ways in which the
forces affected the beam. We have now learnt to appreciate the complexity of the
internal forces within everyday structures.

Peer Group Comments

Lecturer: Dr Lei Ren Number of students in group: 4

Name of group
What did he contribute? Mark [%]

Dion Serrao Structural Analysis, Maximum Bending

Stress calculation, Sectional property 100

Jesu Jeyasam
Structural Analysis, Report Writing
Anandan 100

Tunku Latif Izzuddin Report Writing, Shear Force

Tunku Nasiruddin 100
and Bending Moment diagram, Data

Mohamed Abu Structural Analysis, Maximum Bending

Dakka Stress calculation, Sectional property 100

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