Essay Fakhri

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Name: Mochamad Fakhri Andian

Student Number: 2040201074

Home University: Sepuluh November Institute of Technology

IISMAeVO 2022 Essay Application

Academic and non-academic achievements

My name is Mochamad Fakhri Andian and I wish to submit myself as a potential

awardee for Indonesia International Student Mobility Awards Vocational (IISMAeVO). The
first segment of this essay requires me to provide my academic and non-academic achievements
in which I have prepared a few things to deliver. For starters, I have maintained my GPA at 3.35
throughout my study at ITS. My GPA throughout my tenure has been like a roller coaster, it has
gone up and down because I, like everyone else, had a culture shock changing from offline
classes to online classes due to the global pandemic. But, I did not fail to participate in some
national competitions like the time when I was a judge in RRO (RoboKidz Robot Olympiad) in
2022, I was also a speaker in SCADA training in several vocational schools from 2021-2022, I
ranked the third place in Kejurprov Taekwondo Senior U-78+, I got in the 2nd runner up position
in Business Plan Maba CUP, and lastly I ranked the first place in Proposal Penelitian E-learning
ITS (Project Name: Smart Remote Laboratory SCADA). Being a president director of a project
company and a leader in some teams I worked with took a massive skill of leadership that we can
agree is important in so many fields. I am well aware that I am capable of managing people and
solving major problems under heavy pressure and those are the skills that I think not everyone

Plans to engage with local and international communities

The second segment of this essay requires me to answer the question of how my plans
will be to engage with local and international communities in which I happened to have made a
list of activities to do in the host university. The first thing that I am going to do is to learn about
the culture and the environment of my campus ground so that I can get a better understanding of
my surroundings. Next, as a minority in the host country regardless of which university I am
accepted in, I am going to join Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) that hopefully by virtue of
joining the community, I not only can navigate life in the host country, I can also make a good
relation with the other Indonesian students because I personally believe that those kinds of
relation might definitely be useful for the sake of my future. Last but not least, I am committed to
follow all the rules and the procedures given by the host university, especially ones that involve
socializing and technology.
A time when you faced difficulties and hurdles while studying

There is one time that I remember correctly facing a difficult situation. My Department
(ITS Electrical Automation Engineering Department) turned out to apply Project Based Learning
in which students are required to do projects that are linearly related to our subjects of study in
order to convert it to a final semester grade. In our lab, a company that houses the project done in
the lab was established and I happened to be the president director of the company. And the
difficulties we were talking about are when I have housed seven projects in only one semester
but often faced problems like when some of the teams get rushed due to deadlines while in fact
they have not finished their work. My initial move as a president director was to have a
discussion with the clients that was mainly about the deadlines they gave and what problems we
faced, and then to discuss the solution to the problems. After the discussion ended up with a
solution, I worked together with the team to achieve what my clients and I had negotiated earlier
so that the result could meet their expectations. If the projects are done properly, the whole team
gets the converted grade for our final semester grade.

How will this program help you to achieve your immediate goals and how can you
contribute back to the program

As I was saying, my number one activity to do in the host country is to learn about the
culture and the environment in the host country. Learning about the culture is crucial for my time
there because culture speaks about people too. I can navigate my way to behave and to react in a
correct way without making a cultural difference problem. By then, I can also make a wider
network with people outside of my campus who undoubtedly will benefit me in a way or
another. I am also more willing to help Indonesia realize the international standards in terms of
study and hopefully by then we can have a better educational environment especially in
technology advancement and ones that are related to my study. I believe that if more people are
aware of the gap between the international education system and ours, people will start to raise
their quality as a contribution to make Indonesia better and better. Not to mention the
opportunity given to me to get first hand experience of living and studying abroad that comes
with a responsibility to do my best during my time there. I will wholeheartedly share what I will
have learned and experienced in the host country.

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