Emergency Response Procedure: Activity: Working in Confined Space

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Emergency Response Procedure

Activity : Working in Confined Space.


This document has been produced to explain the Emergency Response Plan for working
in Confined space. Its purpose is to ensure that the emergency response is appropriate is
to the very best practice.


 To establish the strategy for employees working in Confined space in the event of

 To establish an Emergency Response Team for each site together with strategies
to deal with the emergency


An Emergency Response Team has been set up to manage an incident. This team is led
by the Project Manager
The make of this team is as follows.
1. Project Manger/Site Agent
2. Site secretary/Office Boy
3. HSE Officer
4. General Foreman/ Foreman

Emergency response procedure:

1. If a person is INJURED in a confined space, which has been certified safe to

enter without respiratory protection, an entry can be made to rescue and
remove him straight away.

2. When a person COLLAPSES in a confined space and the cause is not known,
irrespective of whether or not the confine space was certified for entry
without respiratory protection, no one must enter unless they are wearing
breathing apparatus. The collapse may have been due to deterioration in the
atmosphere within the confined space or the inrush of a toxic or suffocating
gas from outside.

3. The first duty of any rescuer is to ensure that he does not himself become a
Duties of Foreman

1. Stay calm. It can influence other and thereby aid the emergency response.

2. Communicate the emergency to Project Manger and HSE officer.

3. Determine what happened, what has happened to whom and what will continue to
happen if no action is taken?

4. Give information of missing injured and missing person to Project Manger.

5. Taking head count.

Duties of the Emergency Management Team Leader (Project Manger )

1. Take charge of emergency and ensure that the requirements of the plan are

2. To determine whether the local Civil Defence needs to be called for assistance.

3. To liaise with the local Civil Defence

4. To arrange an emergency drill at least every six months.

Duties of HSE Officer.

1. Asses the situation and execute the emergency procedure.

2. Eliminate further loss and safeguard the area, control the energy source causing
the emergency.

3. Protect victims, equipment , materials, environment and the accident scene from
continuing damage or further hazards.

4. Provide first aid with the help of first aider.

Duties of Secretary

1. Follow instruction given by Project Manager.

2. Informing the police and other services as instructed by Project Manager.

3. Intimate the Store In-charge to keep the store open and issue all emergency
equipment and materials as per the requirement to the Emergency team

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