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IMMIGRATION – It is the movement away from an area to reduce the negative effect of

crowding and benefits both the one that left to immigrate into new settlement.
DEMOGRAPHY - ________ is the study of human population.
BIOTIC POTENTIAL – This is the state of highest reproductive power which varies different
organism due to genetic and life history differences.
POPULATION DYNAMICS – It is the study of how when and why populations change
PATTERN – Which of the following is a type of common pattern of Population Dispersion
ENDANGERED SPECIES – It is one having so few individuals survivor that the species could
soon become instinct over all or most of its natural range.
POPULATION ECOLOGY – Which of the following is means to understand the influence of
population to the environment.
LAW OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE – This law states that the total amount of energy in
all its forms remain constant. Thus, energy is neither created nor destroyed; it can only be
DEFORESTATION – It is the massive clearing of the planets forest cover _____.
GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT - In the Philippines agriculture holds a sizable share of an
average of 20% of the Agricultural output. What do you call this gross?
SOIL SALINIZATION – It is the result of excess contamination of soil from salts flowing from
irrigation canals to croplands ______.
MOSSY FOREST – it is generally found in highly elevated lands and mountainous area with
steep ridges and have trees covered with moss, fern or orchids ______
LAND DEGRADATION – as a forest ranger an environmentalist Joliver is aware that ______
is the pertinent issue in forest resources.
BIODIVERSITY LOSS – Jolina and Hanz are environmental researchers during their research
regarding deforestation it caught to their attention that ______ is alarming concern brought about
by deforestation is?
HALF-LIFE – On what amount of time it takes for the radioactivity of material to decrease to
DIPTEROCARP FOREST – it is a kind of Forest and a major source of wood for the lumber
industries ___.
URANIUM-235 – it is the only element that creates nuclear reaction
NUCLEAR REACTOR – it is the assembly of fuel rods, moderator-coolant, and control rods.
PHILIPPINE ENERGY PLAN FOR 2012-2030 – what is the guiding documents that outline
the energy development and milestone to be achieved in 2030?
RADIUM – what is the low-level radioactive element found in Uranium?
NATURAL GAS - it is found in the geologic layers of the earth’s crust which is also a
nonrenewable form of energy.
COAL – it is the most abundant fossil fuel found on Earth.
BIOENERGY – it is defined as renewable energy that is derived from biological resources.
HYDROPOWER - what type of energy source is the most mature source of renewable power
LIITING FACTOR – it determines the population density of the organism that is classified as
density dependent or density independent.
SOLAR – what renewable energy resources utilize the light energy coming from the sun
GEOTHERMAL – what renewable energy resources utilize the heat beneath the earth by
harvesting the hot steam to power the generators to generate electricity.
GLOBAL WARMING – it is the increase in Earth’s average surface temperature.
RAIN SHADOW EFFECT – it is the process that releases moisture on the mountainside facing
the wind
ENERGY LAW – what is the guiding documents that outline the energy development and
milestone to be achieved in 2023?

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