D. J. Sindh Govt. Science College, Karachi Mathematics Paper-II 01-04-23
D. J. Sindh Govt. Science College, Karachi Mathematics Paper-II 01-04-23
D. J. Sindh Govt. Science College, Karachi Mathematics Paper-II 01-04-23
Q. 1. Choose the correct answer for each of the given options.
Note: Attempt any TEN parts from this section. All questions carry equation marks. (10 × 4 = 40 marks)
Note: Attempt any FIVE parts from this section. All questions carry equation marks. (5 × 8 = 40 marks)
Q. 3. Prove that the line segments joining the midpoints of the opposite sides of a quadrilateral bisect each other at a
point. Also show that the line segment joining the midpoints of the diagonals of the quadrilateral is bisected at
the same point.
Q. 4. Find the measures of the angles of the triangle, the equations of whose sides are
𝑥 + 𝑦 − 5 = 0, 𝑥 − 𝑦 + 1 = 0 and 𝑦 = 1. Also find the area.
𝑥2 𝑦2
Q. 5. Find the rectangle of maximum area inscribed inside the curve 𝑎2 + 𝑏2 = 1.
1 𝑥2
Q. 6. Evaluate the definite integral. ∫0 3 𝑑𝑥
(4−𝑥 2)2
𝜋 𝜋
Q. 7. Find the area under the curve 𝑦 = tan2 𝑥 between the ordinate 𝑎 = 6 and 𝑏 = 4
Q. 8. Prove analytically, radial segment through the midpoint of a chord is at right angles to it.
Q. 9. Find the equation of the tangent and normal to the curve49𝑥 2 + 64𝑦 2 = 49 × 64 at the point
(8 cos 𝛼 , 7 sin 𝛼 ).
Good Luck